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2017-05-20 03:14:17 +02:00
// The language of our virtual machine and the executable
// file format.
#ifndef _ML_
#define _ML_
#include "ll.h"
// A memory location in the machine is 8-bytes long and contains
// an ML_Data. There is main memory where globals are held and a
// stack where computations are peformed and local variables are stored.
// There is also a string table (CBYTE[]) where string constants are
// stored. When an ML_Data must store a variable that is more than an
// SLONG it just malloc()s the required memory and then stores a pointer
// to it.
// Each instruction...
#define ML_DO_PUSH_CONSTANT 0 // Followed by an 8-byte constant.
#define ML_DO_ADD 1 // Adds the last two items on the stack and replaces them with the answer.
#define ML_DO_PRINT 2 // Pops the last item of the stack and prints it.
#define ML_DO_EXIT 3 // Exits.
#define ML_DO_GOTO 4 // Followed by the instruction to go to. In SLONGs from the beginning of the program.
#define ML_DO_UMINUS 5 // 'Minuses' the last item on the stack.
#define ML_DO_PUSH_GLOBAL_VALUE 6 // Followed by the number of the global to push.
#define ML_DO_MINUS 7 // Does stack[-2] = stack[-2] - stack[-1]; stack -= 1...
#define ML_DO_TIMES 8 // Does stack[-2] = stack[-2] * stack[-1]; stack -= 1...
#define ML_DO_DIVIDE 9 // Does stack[-2] = stack[-2] / stack[-1]; stack -= 1...
#define ML_DO_MOD 10 // Does stack[-2] = stack[-2] % stack[-1]; stack -= 1...
#define ML_DO_IF_FALSE_GOTO 11 // Pops the stack. If it is FALSE then it does a GOTO (next instruction holds address)
#define ML_DO_AND 12 // etc...!
#define ML_DO_OR 13
#define ML_DO_EQUALS 14
#define ML_DO_GT 15
#define ML_DO_LT 16
#define ML_DO_GTEQ 17
#define ML_DO_LTEQ 18
#define ML_DO_NOT 19
#define ML_DO_SQRT 20
#define ML_DO_NEWLINE 21 // A PRINT without anything produces a NEWLINE instruction...
#define ML_DO_ABS 22
#define ML_DO_PUSH_GLOBAL_ADDRESS 23 // Pushes an 'ML_TYPE_POINTER' onto the stack containing the address of the given global.
#define ML_DO_ASSIGN 24 // stack[-2] is a value, stack[-1] is a pointer. Assigns the value to the ML_Data pointed to by stack[-1]
#define ML_DO_PUSH_FIELD_ADDRESS 25 // The next instruction contains the field_id. This function pops off a pointer to a data and pushes on the address of the given field of that bit of data.
#define ML_DO_PUSH_ARRAY_ADDRESS 27 // The next instruction contains the dimensions of the array and the indices will already be on the stack
#define ML_DO_PUSH_INPUT 29 // Gets user input as a string and pushes it onto the stack
#define ML_DO_GOSUB 30
#define ML_DO_RETURN 31
#define ML_DO_XOR 32
#define ML_DO_PUSH_FIELD_QUICK 34 // Pushes the actual field onto the stack- not a copy of it.
#define ML_DO_PUSH_ARRAY_QUICK 35 // Pushes the actual array onto the stack- not a copy of it.
#define ML_DO_NOTEQUAL 36
#define ML_DO_IF_TRUE_GOTO 37
#define ML_DO_PUSH_RANDOM_SLUMBER 38 // Pushes a random SLUMBER onto the stack.
#define ML_DO_SWAP 39 // Swaps the contents of the last two ML_TYPE_POINTERs on the stack.
#define ML_DO_ENTERFUNC 40 // Followed by the number of arguments passed to the function.
#define ML_DO_ENDFUNC 41 // Followed by the number of arguments passed to the function.
#define ML_DO_POP 42 // Throws away the value at the top of the stack.
#define ML_DO_JNEQ_POP_1 46 // For switch statements. Compares two values on the stack. If not equal it pops one value and jumps otherwise it pops both values. The next SLONG hold where to jump to.
#define ML_DO_TEXTURE 47
#define ML_DO_BUFFER 48
#define ML_DO_DRAW 49
#define ML_DO_CLS 50
#define ML_DO_FLIP 51
#define ML_DO_KEY_VALUE 52
#define ML_DO_KEY_ASSIGN 53
#define ML_DO_INKEY_VALUE 54
#define ML_DO_TIMER 56
#define ML_DO_SIN 57
#define ML_DO_COS 58
#define ML_DO_TAN 59
#define ML_DO_ASIN 60
#define ML_DO_ACOS 61
#define ML_DO_ATAN 62
#define ML_DO_ATAN2 63
#define ML_DO_NOP 64
#define ML_DO_LEFT 65
#define ML_DO_MID 66
#define ML_DO_RIGHT 67
#define ML_DO_LEN 68
#define ML_DO_PUSH_IDENTITY_MATRIX 69 // Pushes an identity matrix onto the stack
#define ML_DO_PUSH_ZERO_VECTOR 70 // Pushes a zero vector onto the stack
#define ML_DO_MATRIX 71 // Constructs a matrix from three vectors on the stack
#define ML_DO_VECTOR 72 // Constructs a vector from three numbers on the stack
#define ML_DO_PUSH_UP 73 // Push vector ( 0,+1, 0)
#define ML_DO_PUSH_DOWN 74 // Push vector ( 0,-1, 0)
#define ML_DO_PUSH_LEFT 75 // Push vector (-1, 0, 0)
#define ML_DO_PUSH_RIGHT 76 // Push vector (+1, 0, 0)
#define ML_DO_PUSH_FORWARDS 77 // Push vector ( 0, 0,+1)
#define ML_DO_PUSH_BACKWARDS 78 // Push vector ( 0, 0,-1)
#define ML_DO_DOT 79 // The dot product of two vectors on the stack
#define ML_DO_CROSS 80 // The cross product of two vectors on the stack
// The basic types.
#define ML_TYPE_STRCONST 3 // A string constant located in the string data segment.
#define ML_TYPE_STRVAR 4
#define ML_TYPE_POINTER 6 // Pointer to an ML_Data in the 'data' field.
#define ML_TYPE_STRUCTURE 7 // Pointer to an ML_Structure on the heap.
#define ML_TYPE_ARRAY 8 // Pointer to an ML_Array on the heap.
#define ML_TYPE_CODE_POINTER 9 // Instruction address
#define ML_TYPE_STACK_BASE 10 // The previous stack frame base pointer.
#define ML_TYPE_TEXTURE 11
#define ML_TYPE_BUFFER 12
#define ML_TYPE_NUM_ARGS 13 // The number of argument passed in a function call.
#define ML_TYPE_MATRIX 14
#define ML_TYPE_VECTOR 15
#define ML_TYPE_FLOINTER 16 // A pointer to a float inside a vector
#define ML_TYPE_VOINTER 17 // A pointer to a vector
// A memory location.
typedef struct ml_data ML_Data;
typedef struct ml_structure ML_Structure;
typedef struct ml_array ML_Array;
typedef struct ml_vector ML_Vector;
typedef struct ml_matrix ML_Matrix;
typedef struct ml_data
SLONG type;
SLONG value;
SLONG slumber;
float flumber;
SLONG strconst; // Index into the data table.
SLONG local; // Index into the current stackframe.
CBYTE *strvar; // Pointer to some MEM_alloc()ed memory.
SLONG boolean;
ML_Data *data; // Pointer to an ML_Data.
ML_Structure *structure; // Pointer to an ML_Structure on the heap.
ML_Array *array;
SLONG *code_pointer; // Index into instruction memory.
ML_Data *stack_base;
LL_Texture *lt;
LL_Buffer *lb;
CBYTE character;
SLONG args;
ML_Vector *vector;
ML_Matrix *matrix;
float *flointer;
} ML_Data;
typedef struct
SLONG field_id;
ML_Data data;
} ML_Field;
typedef struct ml_structure
SLONG num_fields;
ML_Field field[];
} ML_Structure;
typedef struct
SLONG size;
SLONG stride; // How many ML_Datas between two array members with consecutive indices in this dimension.
} ML_Dimension;
typedef struct ml_array
SLONG length; // Total number of ML_Datas in the data[] array.
SLONG num_dimensions;
ML_Data *data; // The actual data on the heap.
ML_Dimension dimension[];
} ML_Array;
typedef struct ml_vector
float x;
float y;
float z;
} ML_Vector;
typedef struct ml_matrix
ML_Vector vector[3];
} ML_Matrix;
// This is the header for the executable file.
typedef struct
SLONG version;
SLONG instructions_memory_in_bytes;
SLONG data_table_length_in_bytes;
SLONG num_globals;
// The instructions...
// The data table...
} ML_Header;