//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: D3DFrame.h // // Desc: Class to manage the Direct3D environment objects such as buffers, // viewports, and 3D devices. // // The class is initialized with the Initialize() function, after which // the Get????() functions can be used to access the objects needed for // rendering. If the device or display needs to be changed, the // ChangeDevice() function can be called. If the display window is moved // the changes need to be reported with the Move() function. // // After rendering a frame, the ShowFrame() function filps or blits the // backbuffer contents to the primary. If surfaces are lost, they can be // restored with the RestoreSurfaces() function. Finally, if normal // Windows output is needed, the FlipToGDISurface() provides a GDI // surface to draw on. // // // Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef D3DFRAME_H #define D3DFRAME_H #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: CD3DFramework // Desc: The Direct3D sample framework class. Maintains the D3D surfaces, // device, and viewport used for 3D rendering. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3DFramework { // Internal variables for the framework class HWND m_hWnd; // The window object BOOL m_bIsFullscreen; // Fullscreen vs. windowed DWORD m_dwRenderWidth; // Dimensions of the render target DWORD m_dwRenderHeight; RECT m_rcScreenRect; // Screen rect for window RECT m_rcViewportRect; // Offscreen rect for VPort LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 m_pddsFrontBuffer; // The primary surface LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 m_pddsBackBuffer; // The backbuffer surface LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 m_pddsRenderTarget; // The render target surface LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 m_pddsZBuffer; // The zbuffer surface LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3 m_pd3dDevice; // The D3D device LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT3 m_pvViewport; // The D3D viewport LPDIRECTDRAW4 m_pDD; // The DirectDraw object LPDIRECT3D3 m_pD3D; // The Direct3D object D3DDEVICEDESC m_ddDeviceDesc; DWORD m_dwDeviceMemType; DDPIXELFORMAT m_ddpfZBuffer; // Enumerated zbuffer format // Internal functions for the framework class HRESULT CreateViewport(); HRESULT Create3DDevice( GUID* ); HRESULT CreateZBuffer(); HRESULT CreateBuffers( DDSURFACEDESC2*, DWORD ); HRESULT CreateDirectDraw( GUID*, DWORD ); HRESULT CreateDirect3D( GUID*, DWORD ); HRESULT CreateEnvironment( GUID*, GUID*, DDSURFACEDESC2*, DWORD ); public: // Access functions for DirectX objects LPDIRECTDRAW4 GetDirectDraw() { return m_pDD; } LPDIRECT3D3 GetDirect3D() { return m_pD3D; } LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3 GetD3DDevice() { return m_pd3dDevice; } LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT3 GetViewport() { return m_pvViewport; } LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 GetFrontBuffer() { return m_pddsFrontBuffer; } LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 GetBackBuffer() { return m_pddsBackBuffer; } LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 GetRenderSurface() { return m_pddsRenderTarget; } // Functions to aid rendering HRESULT RestoreSurfaces(); HRESULT ShowFrame(); HRESULT FlipToGDISurface( BOOL bDrawFrame ); // Functions for managing screen and viewport bounds BOOL IsFullscreen() { return m_bIsFullscreen; } RECT* GetViewportRect() { return &m_rcViewportRect; } VOID Move( INT x, INT y ); // Functions to support sprite-based rendering HRESULT ChangeRenderTarget( LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 pddsNewTarget ); // Creates the Framework HRESULT Initialize( HWND hWnd, GUID* pDriverGUID, GUID* pDeviceGUID, DDSURFACEDESC2* pddsd, DWORD dwFlags ); HRESULT DestroyObjects(); CD3DFramework(); ~CD3DFramework(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flags used for the Initialize() method of a CD3DFramework object //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3DFW_FULLSCREEN 0x00000001 // Use fullscreen mode #define D3DFW_BACKBUFFER 0x00000002 // Create and use a backbuffer #define D3DFW_ZBUFFER 0x00000004 // Create and use a zbuffer #define D3DFW_STENCILBUFFER 0x00000008 // Use a z-buffer w/stenciling #define D3DFW_NO_FPUSETUP 0x00000010 // Don't use default DDSCL_FPUSETUP flag //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Errors that the Initialize() and ChangeDriver() calls may return //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3DFWERR_INITIALIZATIONFAILED 0x82000000 #define D3DFWERR_NODIRECTDRAW 0x82000001 #define D3DFWERR_COULDNTSETCOOPLEVEL 0x82000002 #define D3DFWERR_NODIRECT3D 0x82000003 #define D3DFWERR_NO3DDEVICE 0x82000004 #define D3DFWERR_NOZBUFFER 0x82000005 #define D3DFWERR_NOVIEWPORT 0x82000006 #define D3DFWERR_NOPRIMARY 0x82000007 #define D3DFWERR_NOCLIPPER 0x82000008 #define D3DFWERR_BADDISPLAYMODE 0x82000009 #define D3DFWERR_NOBACKBUFFER 0x8200000a #define D3DFWERR_NONZEROREFCOUNT 0x8200000b #define D3DFWERR_NORENDERTARGET 0x8200000c #define D3DFWERR_INVALIDMODE 0x8200000d #define D3DFWERR_NOTINITIALIZED 0x8200000e #endif // D3DFRAME_H