2017-05-20 11:14:17 +10:00

665 lines
17 KiB

// Interface to all the OS functions.
#ifndef _OS_
#define _OS_
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// The command line passed to the program.
extern CBYTE *OS_command_line;
// Outputs a debug string.
// Returns the number of milliseconds since MAIN_main was called. It is very accurate.
// Resets OS_ticks()
// Returns the Mhz of the current processor.
void OS_string (CBYTE *fmt, ...);
void OS_reset_ticks (void);
SLONG OS_ticks (void);
void OS_ticks_reset (void);
SLONG OS_processor_mhz(void);
// In windowed mode it puts up an error message. In release build or
// fullscreen mode, it return and does nothing.
void OS_error(CBYTE *fmt, ...);
// Returns TRUE if the given file has its archive bit set. Returns
// FALSE if the file is not found.
SLONG OS_is_archive_bit_set(CBYTE *fname);
void OS_clear_archive_bit (CBYTE *fname);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
typedef struct os_texture OS_Texture;
// You can create a texture either from a TGA file or just by
// specifying a size and format. If the file could not be loaded
// then a blank texture is used instead. If you try and create
// a texture from the same TGA file twice, the same pointer will
// be returned both times.
// It looks for the file in the "Textures\" directory and then
// in any directory its find in it's texture path. It loads
// additional texture paths from the "data\texurepaths.txt" file
#define OS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_1555 1 // ARGB
#define OS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_4444 2 // ARGB
#define OS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_8 3 // Grayscale
#define OS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_SCREEN 4 // The same format that the back buffer is in.
OS_Texture *OS_texture_create(CBYTE *fname, SLONG invert = FALSE);
OS_Texture *OS_texture_create(SLONG width, SLONG height, SLONG format);
// Call this function once you have loaded all textures. It ensures that
// as many of the textures as possible start off on the card instead of
// only in the texture cache in system memory.
void OS_texture_finished_creating(void);
// Returns the size of the texture.
SLONG OS_texture_width (OS_Texture *ot);
SLONG OS_texture_height(OS_Texture *ot);
// To updating a texture yourself, lock the texture and write
// into the bitmap. When you unlock it, the new texture will
// be blitted to the hardware.
// You're not allowed to READ from the texture! Only write.
// On success one of OS_bitmap_uword_screen or OS_bitmap_ubyte_screen will
// point to the screen memory.
void OS_texture_lock (OS_Texture *ot); // OS_bitmap_screen == NULL => lock failed.
void OS_texture_unlock(OS_Texture *ot);
// The bitmap returned by OS_texture_lock. To create a pixel, use the masks and
// shifts like this:
// pixel = (r >> mask_r) << shift_r;
// pixel |= (g >> mask_g) << shift_g;
// pixel |= (b >> mask_b) << shift_b;
// Include alpha only if the original texture had alpha.
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_format; // OS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_*
extern UWORD *OS_bitmap_uword_screen; // For 16-bit formats.
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_uword_pitch; // Pitch in UWORDS
extern UBYTE *OS_bitmap_ubyte_screen; // For the grayscale format.
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_ubyte_pitch; // Pitch in UBYTES
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_width;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_height;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_mask_r;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_mask_g;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_mask_b;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_mask_a;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_shift_r;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_shift_g;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_shift_b;
extern SLONG OS_bitmap_shift_a;
// Writes a pixel to a 16-bit bitmap.
#define OS_BITMAP_UWORD_PIXEL(x,y) (OS_bitmap_uword_screen + (x) + (y) * OS_bitmap_uword_pitch)
#define OS_BITMAP_UWORD_COLOUR(r,g,b) ((((r) >> OS_bitmap_mask_r) << OS_bitmap_shift_r) | (((g) >> OS_bitmap_mask_g) << OS_bitmap_shift_g) | (((b) >> OS_bitmap_mask_b) << OS_bitmap_shift_b))
// Write a pixel to an 8-bit bitmap
#define OS_BITMAP_UBYTE_PIXEL(x,y) (OS_bitmap_ubyte_screen + (x) + (y) * OS_bitmap_ubyte_pitch)
#define OS_BITMAP_UBYTE_PLOT(x,y,c) {*OS_BITMAP_UBYTE_PIXEL(x,y) = (c);}
// Blitting a portion of the backbuffer onto the texture.
// This will fail if the backbuffer and the texture are in
// different formats. Returns TRUE on success.
// The (x,y) is the upper left hand corner of the texture and
// the size of the region is given by the size of the texture.
// The texture can't be locked!
SLONG OS_texture_blit_from_backbuffer(OS_Texture *ot, SLONG x, SLONG y);
// Searches the "Textures\\" directory for the given file and returns
// the fullpath name. Returns the address from inside the same static
// array each time it is called. Returns NULL if it can't find the
// file inside the "Textures\\" directory.
CBYTE *OS_texture_full_path(CBYTE *fname);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// Sets up the camera used to transform points added to the OS_Buffers.
void OS_camera_set(
float world_x,
float world_y,
float world_z,
float view_dist,
float yaw,
float pitch,
float roll,
float lens,
float screen_x1 = 0.0F,
float screen_y1 = 0.0F,
float screen_x2 = 1.0F,
float screen_y2 = 1.0F);
void OS_camera_set(
float world_x,
float world_y,
float world_z,
float view_dist,
float matrix[9],
float lens,
float screen_x1 = 0.0F,
float screen_y1 = 0.0F,
float screen_x2 = 1.0F,
float screen_y2 = 1.0F);
extern float OS_cam_x; // For reference only! Use the function above to set the camera
extern float OS_cam_y;
extern float OS_cam_z;
extern float OS_cam_lens;
extern float OS_cam_view_matrix [9];
extern float OS_cam_view_matrix_plus_local_rot[9]; // For when using OS_transform_local()
// The clipping flags.
#define OS_CLIP_TOP (1 << 0)
#define OS_CLIP_BOTTOM (1 << 1)
#define OS_CLIP_LEFT (1 << 2)
#define OS_CLIP_RIGHT (1 << 3)
#define OS_CLIP_FAR (1 << 4)
#define OS_CLIP_NEAR (1 << 5)
#define OS_CLIP_ROTATED (1 << 6)
#define OS_CLIP_TRANSFORMED (1 << 7)
#define OS_ZCLIP_PLANE (128.0F / 65536.0F)
// Transformed points.
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
ULONG clip;
} OS_Trans;
#define OS_MAX_TRANS 16384
extern OS_Trans OS_trans[OS_MAX_TRANS];
extern SLONG OS_trans_upto;
// Transforming points.
void OS_transform(
float world_x,
float world_y,
float world_z,
OS_Trans *os);
// Sets the local position and orientation for OS_transform_local().
void OS_local_position_and_rotation(
float world_x,
float world_y,
float world_z,
float local_rotation_matrix[9]);
// Transforms a point, but first puts it through the local rotation
// and position given by OS_local_position_and_rotation().
void OS_transform_local(
float local_x,
float local_y,
float local_z,
OS_Trans *os);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
typedef struct os_buffer OS_Buffer;
typedef struct
UWORD trans; // Index into the OS_trans array for the transformed point.
UWORD index; // Before you add any OS_Verts to a buffer make sure they all have this field set to NULL
float u1;
float v1;
float u2; // For multitexturing.
float v2;
ULONG colour;
ULONG specular;
} OS_Vert;
// The number of poly's drawn last frame.
extern SLONG OS_poly_count_transformed;
extern SLONG OS_poly_count_drawn;
// Returns a new buffer to which you can add triangles.
OS_Buffer *OS_buffer_new(void);
// Adds a triangle to the buffer. The triangle is given by three vertices
// into an OS_Vert array whose tlvert field is all set to zero.
void OS_buffer_add_triangle(
OS_Buffer *ob,
OS_Vert *ov1,
OS_Vert *ov2,
OS_Vert *ov3);
// Adds a 2D sprite to the buffer.
#define OS_FADE_TOP (1 << 0)
#define OS_FADE_BOTTOM (1 << 1)
#define OS_FADE_LEFT (1 << 2)
#define OS_FADE_RIGHT (1 << 3)
void OS_buffer_add_sprite(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float u1 = 0.0F, float v1 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 1.0F,
float z = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000,
ULONG fade = 0);
void OS_buffer_add_multitex_sprite(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float u11 = 0.0F, float v11 = 0.0F,
float u12 = 1.0F, float v12 = 1.0F,
float u21 = 0.0F, float v21 = 0.0F,
float u22 = 1.0F, float v22 = 1.0F,
float z = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000,
ULONG fade = 0);
// Adds a rotated 2D sprite to the buffer.
void OS_buffer_add_sprite_rot(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x_mid,
float y_mid,
float radius, // As a percentage of the width of the screen.
float angle,
float u1 = 0.0F, float v1 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 1.0F,
float z = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000,
float tu1 = 0.0F, float tv1 = 0.0F, // For the second pass...
float tu2 = 1.0F, float tv2 = 1.0F);
// Adds an arbitrary-shaped sprite to the buffer. The points are
// given in this order.
// 0-------1
// / \
// 2-----------3
void OS_buffer_add_sprite_arbitrary(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x3, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y3, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x4, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y4, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float u1 = 0.0F, float v0 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 0.0F,
float u3 = 0.0F, float v3 = 1.0F,
float u4 = 1.0F, float v4 = 1.0F,
float z = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000);
void OS_buffer_add_sprite_arbitrary(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x3, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y3, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x4, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y4, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float u1 = 0.0F, float v0 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 0.0F,
float u3 = 0.0F, float v3 = 1.0F,
float u4 = 1.0F, float v4 = 1.0F,
float z1 = 0.0F,
float z2 = 0.0F,
float z3 = 0.0F,
float z4 = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000);
// Adds a line.
void OS_buffer_add_line_2d(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float x1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y1, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float x2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float y2, // Normalised to 0.0F - 1.0F
float width = 0.01F, // As a percentage of the width of the screen.
float u1 = 0.0F, float v1 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 1.0F,
float z = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000);
void OS_buffer_add_line_3d(
OS_Buffer *ob,
float X1, // These are in REAL SCREEN COORDINATES!
float Y1, // These are in REAL SCREEN COORDINATES!
float X2, // These are in REAL SCREEN COORDINATES!
float Y2, // These are in REAL SCREEN COORDINATES!
float width = 0.01F, // As a percentage of the width of the screen.
float u1 = 0.0F, float v1 = 0.0F,
float u2 = 1.0F, float v2 = 1.0F,
float z1 = 0.0F,
float z2 = 0.0F,
ULONG colour = 0xffffffff,
ULONG specular = 0x00000000);
// Draws the buffer in the way defined by the OS_DRAW_* flags and the texture. After
// drawing a buffer it becomes invalid. You can't add triangles to it anymore.
#define OS_DRAW_NORMAL 0 // Normal zbuffered gouraud textured triangle
#define OS_DRAW_ADD (1 << 0) // Pixel = source + dest
#define OS_DRAW_MULTIPLY (1 << 1) // Pixel = source * dest * 2
#define OS_DRAW_CLAMP (1 << 2) // No texture wrapping
#define OS_DRAW_DECAL (1 << 3) // No gouraud
#define OS_DRAW_TRANSPARENT (1 << 4) // Just the zbuffer written to (Pixel = dest)
#define OS_DRAW_DOUBLESIDED (1 << 5) // Don't backface cull
#define OS_DRAW_NOZWRITE (1 << 6) // Don't write to the zbuffer
#define OS_DRAW_ALPHAREF (1 << 7) // Don't draw if alpha channel is zero
#define OS_DRAW_ZREVERSE (1 << 8) // Reverses the order or the zbuffer
#define OS_DRAW_ZALWAYS (1 << 9) // Never z-reject.
#define OS_DRAW_CULLREVERSE (1 << 10) // Flip the direction of backface culling
#define OS_DRAW_NODITHER (1 << 11) // Turn of gouraud-shade dithering
#define OS_DRAW_ALPHABLEND (1 << 12) // Alphablending
#define OS_DRAW_TEX_NONE (1 << 13) // No texture mapping
#define OS_DRAW_TEX_MUL (1 << 14) // Two textures multiplied together
#define OS_DRAW_NOFILTER (1 << 15) // No filtering
#define OS_DRAW_MULBYONE (1 << 16) // Pixel = source * dest * 1
void OS_buffer_draw(
OS_Buffer *ob,
OS_Texture *ot1, // NULL => No texture mapping
OS_Texture *ot2 = NULL,
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// A couple of BOOLs to tell you how the screen is setup.
extern UBYTE OS_frame_is_fullscreen;
extern UBYTE OS_frame_is_hardware;
extern float OS_screen_width;
extern float OS_screen_height;
// Clears the screen.
void OS_clear_screen(
UBYTE r = 0,
UBYTE g = 0,
UBYTE b = 0,
float z = 1.0F);
// Draws the FPS onto the screen. Call ONCE a frame!
void OS_fps_draw(void);
SLONG OS_fps_get (void);
// Flips the screen.
void OS_show(void);
// Saves out a screenshot. If the filename is NULL then
// it saves out shot<n>.tga where n is the lowest available
// number.
void OS_screenshot(CBYTE *fname = NULL);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
void OS_mouse_get(SLONG *x, SLONG *y);
void OS_mouse_set(SLONG x, SLONG y);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// A sound identifier, so you can change a sounds attributes.
typedef struct os_sound OS_Sound;
// Creates a new sound.
#define OS_SOUND_TYPE_2D 1
#define OS_SOUND_TYPE_3D 2
OS_Sound *OS_sound_create(CBYTE *fname, SLONG type);
// Assumes the sound to be mono at 22050 samples per second.
OS_Sound *OS_sound_create(UWORD *data, SLONG num_samples, SLONG type);
// Plays a sound. If OS_SOUND_FLAG_LOOP then the sound will play until
// it is stopped with OS_sound_stop().
#define OS_SOUND_FLAG_INTERRUPT (1 << 0) // If this sample is already playing- it will start again.
#define OS_SOUND_FLAG_LOOP (1 << 1) // Continue playing until OS_sound_stop() is called.
void OS_sound_play(OS_Sound *sound, SLONG flag = 0);
void OS_sound_stop(OS_Sound *sound);
// For 2D sounds.
void OS_sound_2d_set_volume(OS_Sound *sound, float volume); // volume is between 0.0F and 1.0F
// For 3D sounds. The new setting take effect from the next
// time you call OS_process_messages().
void OS_sound_3d_set_range (OS_Sound *sound, float min, float max);
void OS_sound_3d_set_position(
OS_Sound *sound,
float x,
float y,
float z,
float dx = 0.0F,
float dy = 0.0F,
float dz = 0.0F);
// Setup the listener for 3D sounds.
void OS_sound_listener_set(
float x,
float y,
float z,
float dx = 0.0F,
float dy = 0.0F,
float dz = 0.0F,
float yaw = 0.0F,
float pitch = 0.0F,
float roll = 0.0F);
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// These values are updated after each call to OS_process_messages()
extern float OS_joy_x; // -1.0F to +1.0F
extern float OS_joy_y; // -1.0F to +1.0F
extern ULONG OS_joy_button; // The buttons that are currently down
extern ULONG OS_joy_button_down; // The buttons that have just been pressed
extern ULONG OS_joy_button_up; // The buttons that have just been released