2017-05-20 11:14:17 +10:00

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// File: D3DUtil.cpp
// Desc: Shortcut macros and functions for using DX objects
// Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#define STRICT
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "D3DUtil.h"
// Name: D3DUtil_InitDeviceDesc()
// Desc: Helper function called to initialize a D3DDEVICEDESC structure,
VOID D3DUtil_InitDeviceDesc( D3DDEVICEDESC& ddDevDesc )
ZeroMemory( &ddDevDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC) );
ddDevDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC);
ddDevDesc.dtcTransformCaps.dwSize = sizeof(D3DTRANSFORMCAPS);
ddDevDesc.dlcLightingCaps.dwSize = sizeof(D3DLIGHTINGCAPS);
ddDevDesc.dpcLineCaps.dwSize = sizeof(D3DPRIMCAPS);
ddDevDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwSize = sizeof(D3DPRIMCAPS);
// Name: D3DUtil_InitSurfaceDesc()
// Desc: Helper function called to build a DDSURFACEDESC2 structure,
// typically before calling CreateSurface() or GetSurfaceDesc()
VOID D3DUtil_InitSurfaceDesc( DDSURFACEDESC2& ddsd, DWORD dwFlags,
DWORD dwCaps )
ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2) );
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
ddsd.dwFlags = dwFlags;
ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = dwCaps;
ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT);
// Name: D3DUtil_InitViewport()
// Desc: Helper function called to build a D3DVIEWPORT3 structure
VOID D3DUtil_InitViewport( D3DVIEWPORT2& vp, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight )
ZeroMemory( &vp, sizeof(D3DVIEWPORT2) );
vp.dwSize = sizeof(D3DVIEWPORT2);
vp.dwX = 0;
vp.dwY = 0;
vp.dwWidth = dwWidth;
vp.dwHeight = dwHeight;
vp.dvMaxZ = 1.0f;
vp.dvClipX = -1.0f;
vp.dvClipWidth = 2.0f;
vp.dvClipY = 1.0f;
vp.dvClipHeight = 2.0f;
// Name: D3DUtil_InitMaterial()
// Desc: Helper function called to build a D3DMATERIAL structure
VOID D3DUtil_InitMaterial( D3DMATERIAL& mtrl, FLOAT r, FLOAT g, FLOAT b )
ZeroMemory( &mtrl, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL) );
mtrl.dwSize = sizeof(D3DMATERIAL);
mtrl.dcvDiffuse.r = mtrl.dcvAmbient.r = r;
mtrl.dcvDiffuse.g = mtrl.dcvAmbient.g = g;
mtrl.dcvDiffuse.b = mtrl.dcvAmbient.b = b;
mtrl.dwRampSize = 16L; // A default ramp size
// Name: D3DUtil_InitLight()
// Desc: Initializes a D3DLIGHT structure
VOID D3DUtil_InitLight( D3DLIGHT& light, D3DLIGHTTYPE ltType,
ZeroMemory( &light, sizeof(D3DLIGHT) );
light.dwSize = sizeof(D3DLIGHT);
light.dltType = ltType;
light.dcvColor.r = 1.0f;
light.dcvColor.g = 1.0f;
light.dcvColor.b = 1.0f;
light.dvPosition.x = light.dvDirection.x = x;
light.dvPosition.y = light.dvDirection.y = y;
light.dvPosition.z = light.dvDirection.z = z;
// Name: D3DUtil_GetDirectDrawFromDevice()
// Desc: Get the DDraw interface from a D3DDevice.
LPDIRECTDRAW4 D3DUtil_GetDirectDrawFromDevice( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3 pd3dDevice )
if( pd3dDevice )
// Get the current render target
if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsRender ) ) )
// Get the DDraw4 interface from the render target
pddsRender->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
return pDD;
// Name: D3DUtil_GetDeviceMemoryType()
// Desc: Retreives the default memory type used for the device.
DWORD D3DUtil_GetDeviceMemoryType( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE3 pd3dDevice )
D3DDEVICEDESC ddHwDesc, ddSwDesc;
ddHwDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC);
ddSwDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC);
if( FAILED( pd3dDevice->GetCaps( &ddHwDesc, &ddSwDesc ) ) )
return 0L;
if( ddHwDesc.dwFlags )
// Name: D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix()
// Desc: Given an eye point, a lookat point, and an up vector, this
// function builds a 4x4 view matrix.
HRESULT D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, D3DVECTOR& vFrom,
// Get the z basis vector, which points straight ahead. This is the
// difference from the eyepoint to the lookat point.
D3DVECTOR vView = vAt - vFrom;
FLOAT fLength = Magnitude( vView );
if( fLength < 1e-6f )
// Normalize the z basis vector
vView /= fLength;
// Get the dot product, and calculate the projection of the z basis
// vector onto the up vector. The projection is the y basis vector.
FLOAT fDotProduct = DotProduct( vWorldUp, vView );
D3DVECTOR vUp = vWorldUp - fDotProduct * vView;
// If this vector has near-zero length because the input specified a
// bogus up vector, let's try a default up vector
if( 1e-6f > ( fLength = Magnitude( vUp ) ) )
vUp = D3DVECTOR( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) - vView.y * vView;
// If we still have near-zero length, resort to a different axis.
if( 1e-6f > ( fLength = Magnitude( vUp ) ) )
vUp = D3DVECTOR( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) - vView.z * vView;
if( 1e-6f > ( fLength = Magnitude( vUp ) ) )
// Normalize the y basis vector
vUp /= fLength;
// The x basis vector is found simply with the cross product of the y
// and z basis vectors
D3DVECTOR vRight = CrossProduct( vUp, vView );
// Start building the matrix. The first three rows contains the basis
// vectors used to rotate the view to point at the lookat point
D3DUtil_SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
mat._11 = vRight.x; mat._12 = vUp.x; mat._13 = vView.x;
mat._21 = vRight.y; mat._22 = vUp.y; mat._23 = vView.y;
mat._31 = vRight.z; mat._32 = vUp.z; mat._33 = vView.z;
// Do the translation values (rotations are still about the eyepoint)
mat._41 = - DotProduct( vFrom, vRight );
mat._42 = - DotProduct( vFrom, vUp );
mat._43 = - DotProduct( vFrom, vView );
return S_OK;
// Name: D3DUtil_SetProjectionMatrix()
// Desc: Sets the passed in 4x4 matrix to a perpsective projection matrix built
// from the field-of-view (fov, in y), aspect ratio, near plane (D),
// and far plane (F). Note that the projection matrix is normalized for
// element [3][4] to be 1.0. This is performed so that W-based range fog
// will work correctly.
HRESULT D3DUtil_SetProjectionMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fFOV, FLOAT fAspect,
FLOAT fNearPlane, FLOAT fFarPlane )
if( fabs(fFarPlane-fNearPlane) < 0.01f )
if( fabs(sin(fFOV/2)) < 0.01f )
FLOAT w = fAspect * (FLOAT)( cos(fFOV/2)/sin(fFOV/2) );
FLOAT h = 1.0f * (FLOAT)( cos(fFOV/2)/sin(fFOV/2) );
FLOAT Q = fFarPlane / ( fFarPlane - fNearPlane );
ZeroMemory( &mat, sizeof(D3DMATRIX) );
mat._11 = w;
mat._22 = h;
mat._33 = Q;
mat._34 = 1.0f;
mat._43 = -Q*fNearPlane;
return S_OK;
// Name: D3DUtil_SetRotateXMatrix()
// Desc: Create Rotation matrix about X axis
VOID D3DUtil_SetRotateXMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads )
D3DUtil_SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
mat._22 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
mat._23 = (FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._32 = -(FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._33 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
// Name: D3DUtil_SetRotateYMatrix()
// Desc: Create Rotation matrix about Y axis
VOID D3DUtil_SetRotateYMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads )
D3DUtil_SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
mat._11 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
mat._13 = -(FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._31 = (FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._33 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
// Name: D3DUtil_SetRotateZMatrix()
// Desc: Create Rotation matrix about Z axis
VOID D3DUtil_SetRotateZMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads )
D3DUtil_SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
mat._11 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
mat._12 = (FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._21 = -(FLOAT)sin( fRads );
mat._22 = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
// Name: D3DUtil_SetRotationMatrix
// Desc: Create a Rotation matrix about vector direction
VOID D3DUtil_SetRotationMatrix( D3DMATRIX& mat, D3DVECTOR& vDir, FLOAT fRads )
FLOAT fCos = (FLOAT)cos( fRads );
FLOAT fSin = (FLOAT)sin( fRads );
D3DVECTOR v = Normalize( vDir );
mat._11 = ( v.x * v.x ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + fCos;
mat._12 = ( v.x * v.y ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) - (v.z * fSin);
mat._13 = ( v.x * v.z ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + (v.y * fSin);
mat._21 = ( v.y * v.x ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + (v.z * fSin);
mat._22 = ( v.y * v.y ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + fCos ;
mat._23 = ( v.y * v.z ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) - (v.x * fSin);
mat._31 = ( v.z * v.x ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) - (v.y * fSin);
mat._32 = ( v.z * v.y ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + (v.x * fSin);
mat._33 = ( v.z * v.z ) * ( 1.0f - fCos ) + fCos;
mat._14 = mat._24 = mat._34 = 0.0f;
mat._41 = mat._42 = mat._43 = 0.0f;
mat._44 = 1.0f;
// Name: D3DUtil_GetDisplayDepth()
// Desc: Returns the depth of the current display mode.
DWORD D3DUtil_GetDisplayDepth( LPDIRECTDRAW4 pDD4 )
// If the caller did not supply a DDraw object, just create a temp one.
if( NULL == pDD4 )
if( FAILED( DirectDrawCreate( NULL, &pDD1, NULL ) ) )
return 0L;
HRESULT hr = pDD1->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectDraw4, (VOID**)&pDD4 );
if( FAILED(hr) )
return 0L;
// Get the display mode description
ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2) );
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
pDD4->GetDisplayMode( &ddsd );
// Return the display mode's depth
return ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
// Name: _DbgOut()
// Desc: Outputs a message to the debug stream
HRESULT _DbgOut( TCHAR* strFile, DWORD dwLine, HRESULT hr, TCHAR* strMsg )
TCHAR buffer[256];
sprintf( buffer, "%s(%ld): ", strFile, dwLine );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
OutputDebugString( strMsg );
if( hr )
sprintf( buffer, "(hr=%08lx)\n", hr );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
OutputDebugString( "\n" );
return hr;