451 lines
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451 lines
7.9 KiB
#include "always.h"
#include "matrix.h"
void MATRIX_calc(float matrix[9], float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
float cy, cp, cr;
float sy, sp, sr;
sy = sinf(yaw);
sp = sinf(pitch);
sr = sinf(roll);
cy = cosf(yaw);
cp = cosf(pitch);
cr = cosf(roll);
// Jan I trust you... but only becuase I've already seen it working!
matrix[0] = cy * cr + sy * sp * sr;
matrix[3] = cy * sr - sy * sp * cr;
matrix[6] = sy * cp;
matrix[1] = -cp * sr;
matrix[4] = cp * cr;
matrix[7] = sp;
matrix[2] = -sy * cr + cy * sp * sr;
matrix[5] = -sy * sr - cy * sp * cr;
matrix[8] = cy * cp;
void MATRIX_calc_arb(
float matrix[9],
float ux,
float uy,
float uz,
float angle)
float sa = sinf(angle);
float ca = cosf(angle);
float ux2 = ux*ux;
float uy2 = uy*uy;
float uz2 = uz*uz;
float uxuy = ux*uy;
float uxuz = ux*uz;
float uyuz = uy*uz;
matrix[0] = ux2 + ca*(1 - ux2);
matrix[1] = uxuy*(1 - ca) - uz*sa;
matrix[2] = uxuz*(1 - ca) + uy*sa;
matrix[3] = uxuy*(1 - ca) + uz*sa;
matrix[4] = uy2 + ca*(1 - uy2);
matrix[5] = uyuz*(1 - ca) - ux*sa;
matrix[6] = uxuz*(1 - ca) - uy*sa;
matrix[7] = uy*uz*(1 - ca) + ux*sa;
matrix[8] = uz2 + ca*(1 - uz2);
void MATRIX_vector(float vector[3], float yaw, float pitch)
float cy, cp;
float sy, sp;
sy = sin(yaw);
sp = sin(pitch);
cy = cos(yaw);
cp = cos(pitch);
vector[0] = sy * cp;
vector[1] = sp;
vector[2] = cy * cp;
void MATRIX_skew(float matrix[9], float skew, float zoom, float scale)
// Squish up the matrix according to the aspect ratio of the screen.
matrix[0] = matrix[0] * skew;
matrix[1] = matrix[1] * skew;
matrix[2] = matrix[2] * skew;
// Create a lens by multiplying the x and y rows by the zoom factor...
matrix[0] = zoom * matrix[0];
matrix[1] = zoom * matrix[1];
matrix[2] = zoom * matrix[2];
matrix[3] = zoom * matrix[3];
matrix[4] = zoom * matrix[4];
matrix[5] = zoom * matrix[5];
// Scale the whole matrix.
matrix[0] *= scale;
matrix[1] *= scale;
matrix[2] *= scale;
matrix[3] *= scale;
matrix[4] *= scale;
matrix[5] *= scale;
matrix[6] *= scale;
matrix[7] *= scale;
matrix[8] *= scale;
void MATRIX_3x3mul(float a[9], float m[9], float n[9])
float result[9];
result[0] = m[0] * n[0] + m[1] * n[3] + m[2] * n[6];
result[1] = m[0] * n[1] + m[1] * n[4] + m[2] * n[7];
result[2] = m[0] * n[2] + m[1] * n[5] + m[2] * n[8];
result[3] = m[3] * n[0] + m[4] * n[3] + m[5] * n[6];
result[4] = m[3] * n[1] + m[4] * n[4] + m[5] * n[7];
result[5] = m[3] * n[2] + m[4] * n[5] + m[5] * n[8];
result[6] = m[6] * n[0] + m[7] * n[3] + m[8] * n[6];
result[7] = m[6] * n[1] + m[7] * n[4] + m[8] * n[7];
result[8] = m[6] * n[2] + m[7] * n[5] + m[8] * n[8];
a[0] = result[0];
a[1] = result[1];
a[2] = result[2];
a[3] = result[3];
a[4] = result[4];
a[5] = result[5];
a[6] = result[6];
a[7] = result[7];
a[8] = result[8];
// Rotates the matrix by angle. You don't have to pass the 3rd row of the
// matrix, because it will be unchanged.
#define MATRIX_ROTATE_ABOUT_Z(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, angle) \
{ \
float c = cos(angle); \
float s = sin(angle); \
float px; \
float py; \
float pz; \
float qx; \
float qy; \
float qz; \
if (angle) \
{ \
px = c * (ax) + s * (bx); \
py = c * (ay) + s * (by); \
pz = c * (az) + s * (bz); \
qx = -s * (ax) + c * (bx); \
qy = -s * (ay) + c * (by); \
qz = -s * (az) + c * (bz); \
(ax) = px; (ay) = py; (az) = pz; \
(bx) = qx; (by) = qy; (bz) = qz; \
} \
void MATRIX_rotate_about_its_x(float *matrix, float angle)
matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7],
matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8],
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6],
void MATRIX_rotate_about_its_y(float *matrix, float angle)
matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8],
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6],
matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7],
void MATRIX_rotate_about_its_z(float *matrix, float angle)
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6],
matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7],
matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8],
#define MATRIX_FA_ANGLE_TOO_SMALL (PI * 2.0F / 180.0F)
Direction MATRIX_find_angles_old(float matrix[9])
float x;
float y;
float z;
float xz;
Direction ans;
// Look from above at the z-vector to work out the yaw.
x = matrix[6];
y = matrix[7];
z = matrix[8];
if (fabsf(x) + fabsf(z) < MATRIX_FA_VECTOR_TOO_SMALL)
// Try using the x-vector instead.
float x1 = matrix[0];
float y1 = matrix[1];
float z1 = matrix[2];
ans.yaw = atan2f(-z1, x1);
//ans.yaw = 0.0F;
ans.yaw = atan2f(x, z);
// Look down the x vector to at the z-vector to work out the pitch.
xz = sqrtf(x*x + z*z);
if (fabsf(xz) + fabsf(y) < MATRIX_FA_VECTOR_TOO_SMALL)
if (y < 0) {ans.pitch = -PI;} else {ans.pitch = +PI;}
ans.pitch = atan2(y, xz);
// Now... matrix[4] = cos(pitch) * cos(roll)
// matrix[1] = -cos(pitch) * sin(roll)
// so... cos(roll) = matrix[4] / cos(pitch)
// sin(roll) = matrix[1] / -cos(pitch)
float cos_roll;
float sin_roll;
float cos_pitch;
cos_pitch = cosf(ans.pitch);
if (fabsf(cos_pitch) < MATRIX_FA_ANGLE_TOO_SMALL)
ans.roll = 0.0F;
cos_roll = matrix[4] / cos_pitch;
sin_roll = matrix[1] / -cos_pitch;
ans.roll = atan2f(sin_roll, cos_roll);
return ans;
Direction MATRIX_find_angles(float matrix[9])
Direction ans;
// matrix[7] is the sin(pitch)
ans.pitch = asinf(matrix[7]);
// Work out yaw differently depending on how much we are looking
// down or up.
if (fabsf(ans.pitch) > (PI / 4.0F))
if (fabsf(matrix[0]) + fabsf(matrix[2]) < 0.1F)
ans.yaw = atan2f(matrix[0], matrix[2]) - (PI / 2.0F);
ans.yaw = atan2f(matrix[6], matrix[8]);
// Now... matrix[4] = cos(pitch) * cos(roll)
// matrix[1] = -cos(pitch) * sin(roll)
// so... cos(roll) = matrix[4] / cos(pitch)
// sin(roll) = matrix[1] / -cos(pitch)
float cos_roll;
float sin_roll;
float cos_pitch;
cos_pitch = cosf(ans.pitch);
if (fabsf(cos_pitch) < 0.0001F)
ans.roll = 0.0F;
cos_roll = matrix[4] / cos_pitch;
sin_roll = matrix[1] / -cos_pitch;
ans.roll = atan2f(sin_roll, cos_roll);
return ans;
void MATRIX_scale(float matrix[9], float mulby)
matrix[0] *= mulby;
matrix[1] *= mulby;
matrix[2] *= mulby;
matrix[3] *= mulby;
matrix[4] *= mulby;
matrix[5] *= mulby;
matrix[6] *= mulby;
matrix[7] *= mulby;
matrix[8] *= mulby;
void MATRIX_construct(float matrix[9], float dx, float dy, float dz)
float cx;
float cy;
float cz;
float len;
float overlen;
len = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
overlen = 1.0F / len;
dx *= overlen;
dy *= overlen;
dz *= overlen;
// We've got the z-row of the matrix now.
matrix[6] = dx;
matrix[7] = dy;
matrix[8] = dz;
cx = 0.0F;
cy = 1.0F;
cz = 0.0F;
matrix[0] = cy*dz - cz*dy;
matrix[1] = cz*dx - cx*dz;
matrix[2] = cx*dy - cy*dx;
len =
matrix[0]*matrix[0] +
matrix[1]*matrix[1] +
if (len < 0.001F)
// Oh dear... too small!
-PI * 0.5F,
matrix[3] = -matrix[1]*matrix[8] + matrix[2]*matrix[7];
matrix[4] = -matrix[2]*matrix[6] + matrix[0]*matrix[8];
matrix[5] = -matrix[0]*matrix[7] + matrix[1]*matrix[6];