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// File: D3DEnum.h
// Desc: Functions which enumerate through the DirectDraw drivers, Direct3D
// devices, and the display modes available to each device.
// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#ifndef D3DENUM_H
#define D3DENUM_H
#include <ddraw.h>
#include <d3d.h>
// Name: D3DEnum_ModeInfo
// Desc: Linked-list structure to hold information about a display mode. This
// info is stored as a width, height, bpp, and pixelformat within a
struct D3DEnum_ModeInfo
CHAR strDesc[40];
D3DEnum_ModeInfo* pNext;
// Name: D3DEnum_DeviceInfo
// Desc: Linked-list structure to hold information about a Direct3D device. The
// primary information recorded here is the D3DDEVICEDESC and a ptr to a
// linked-list of valid display modes.
struct D3DEnum_DeviceInfo
GUID guid;
CHAR strName[40];
BOOL bIsHardware;
BOOL bCompatbileWithDesktop;
BOOL bWindowed;
D3DEnum_ModeInfo* pCurrentMode;
D3DEnum_ModeInfo* pFirstMode;
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pNext;
// Name: D3DEnum_DriverInfo
// Desc: Linked-list structure to hold information about a DirectX driver. The
// info stored is the capability bits for the driver plus a linked-list
// of valid Direct3D devices for the driver. Note: most systems will only
// have one driver. The exception are multi-monitor systems, and systems
// with non-GDI 3D video cards.
struct D3DEnum_DriverInfo
GUID guid;
CHAR strDesc[40];
CHAR strName[40];
DDCAPS ddDriverCaps;
HANDLE hMonitor;
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pCurrentDevice;
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pFirstDevice;
D3DEnum_DriverInfo* pNext;
// Name: D3DEnum_EnumerateDevices()
// Desc: Enumerates all drivers, devices, and modes. The optional app-supplied
// callback is called for each enumerated device, to confirm that the
// device supports the feature set required by the app.
HRESULT D3DEnum_EnumerateDevices(
// Name: D3DEnum_FreeResources()
// Desc: Frees all resources used for driver enumeration
VOID D3DEnum_FreeResources();
// Name: D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDriver()
// Desc: Picks a driver based on a set of passed in criteria.
HRESULT D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDriver( DWORD dwFlags );
#define D3DENUM_SOFTWAREONLY 0x00000001
#define D3DENUM_FULLSCREENONLY 0x00000002
#define D3DENUM_RGBEMULATION 0x00000004
#define D3DENUM_REFERENCERAST 0x00000008
#define D3DENUM_PRIMARYHAL 0x00000010
#define D3DENUM_SECONDARYHAL 0x00000020
// Name: D3DEnum_UserDlgSelectDriver()
// Desc: Prompts the user with a dialog box, from which to choose a DD driver,
// D3D device, and compatible display mode. The function will return
// IDOK if a new driver/device/mode was selected, or IDCANCEL if not.
// Any error will result in a -1 for a return code.
INT D3DEnum_UserDlgSelectDriver( HWND hwndParent, BOOL bCurrentlyWindowed );
// Name: D3DEnum_GetSelectedDriver()
// Desc: Returns the currently selected driver, device, and display mode.
HRESULT D3DEnum_GetSelectedDriver( LPGUID* ppDriverGUID, LPGUID* ppDeviceGuid,
LPDDSURFACEDESC2* pddsdDisplayMode = NULL,
BOOL* pbWindowed = NULL,
BOOL* pbIsHardware = NULL );
// Name: D3DEnum_GetSelectedDriver()
// Desc: Returns the currently selected driver, device, and display mode.
HRESULT D3DEnum_GetSelectedDriver( D3DEnum_DriverInfo** ppDriverInfo,
D3DEnum_DeviceInfo** ppDeviceInfo );
// Name: D3DEnum_GetFirstDriver()
// Desc: Returns a ptr to the first DriverInfo structure in the tree holding
// the device/driver/mode enumeration information.
D3DEnum_DriverInfo* D3DEnum_GetFirstDriver();
// Error codes
#define D3DENUMERR_ENUMERATIONFAILED 0x81000001 // Enumeration failed
#define D3DENUMERR_SUGGESTREFRAST 0x81000002 // Suggest using the RefRast
#define D3DENUMERR_NOCOMPATIBLEDEVICES 0x81000003 // No devices were found that
// meet the app's desired
// capabilities
#define D3DENUMERR_NODIRECTDRAW 0x81000004 // DDraw couldn't initialize
#define D3DENUMERR_NOTFOUND 0x81000005 // Requested device not found
#endif // D3DENUM_H