2017-05-20 11:14:17 +10:00

367 lines
8.8 KiB

// env2.cpp
// ENV stuff #2
#include "game.h"
#include <MFStdLib.h>
#include "env.h"
#include "Interfac.h"
#include "menufont.h"
#ifdef TARGET_DC
#include "platutil.h"
CBYTE inifile[_MAX_PATH];
CBYTE strbuf[_MAX_PATH];
#ifndef TARGET_DC
void ENV_load(CBYTE *fname)
GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, inifile);
if (inifile[strlen(inifile) - 1] != '\\') strcat(inifile, "\\");
strcat(inifile, fname);
TRACE("Full INI file pathname = %s\n", inifile);
SLONG local = GetPrivateProfileInt("MuckyFoot", "local", 0, inifile);
if (local)
strcpy(inifile, "c:\\fallen.ini");
TRACE("Using local INI file %s\n", inifile);
CBYTE* ENV_get_value_string(CBYTE* name, CBYTE* section)
GetPrivateProfileString(section, name, "", strbuf, _MAX_PATH, inifile);
TRACE("[%s] %s = \"%s\"\n", section, name, strbuf);
return strbuf[0] ? strbuf : NULL;
SLONG ENV_get_value_number(CBYTE* name, SLONG def, CBYTE* section)
SLONG val = GetPrivateProfileInt(section, name, def, inifile);
TRACE("[%s] %s = %d\n", section, name, val);
if (stricmp(section, "Secret")) ENV_set_value_number(name, val, section); // don't write out "psx" key
return val;
void ENV_set_value_string(CBYTE* name, CBYTE* value, CBYTE* section)
WritePrivateProfileString(section, name, value, inifile);
void ENV_set_value_number(CBYTE* name, SLONG value, CBYTE* section)
sprintf(strbuf, "%d", value);
WritePrivateProfileString(section, name, strbuf, inifile);
#else //#ifndef TARGET_DC
// OK, have a list of pre-made registry names, and enum them.
// Then store the values in memory, and we can save that chunk out.
// We ignore the "section" bit.
//#define NUM_ENV_NAMES 10
char *pchNameList[] =
// Is vibration on or off, and a sub-enable for engines.
// Only ever add to the end of this list - order is important.
// If you do add to this, also add to ENV_init below.
BYTE bEnvValue[ sizeof(pchNameList) / sizeof(pchNameList[0]) ];
// Feed it the start of the env save/load block, and
// it loads the block and returns a pointer to the end of the block.
char *ENV_load ( char *pcData )
int iNumStrings = (int)*pcData++;
for ( int iStringNum = 0; iStringNum < iNumStrings; iStringNum++ )
bEnvValue[iStringNum] = *pcData++;
return ( pcData );
// Call once with pcData = NULL, and it returns the number of
// bytes it needs to save the data. Call it again with a pointer
// to the start of this data, and it will actually fill in the data
// (and return the number of bytes again).
int ENV_save ( char *pcData )
// First see how many env variables there are.
int iNumStrings = 0;
while ( TRUE )
if ( pchNameList[iNumStrings ][0] == '\0' )
if ( pcData != NULL )
// Now write it out.
*pcData++ = (BYTE)iNumStrings;
for ( int iStringNum = 0; iStringNum < iNumStrings; iStringNum++ )
*pcData++ = bEnvValue[iStringNum];
// Remember the extra byte for the number of strings!
return ( iNumStrings + 1 );
// Unique to DC.
void ENV_init ( void )
// Set up standard environment stuff, i.e. before a game has been loaded.
// Set up Standard dreamcast mapping.
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_mode", 1, "Joypad");
// And set up the default custom mode.
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_kick", DI_DC_BUTTON_LTRIGGER, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_punch", DI_DC_BUTTON_RTRIGGER, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_jump", DI_DC_BUTTON_Y, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_action", DI_DC_BUTTON_A, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_move", DI_DC_BUTTON_UP, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_start", DI_DC_BUTTON_START, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_select", DI_DC_BUTTON_B, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_camera", DI_DC_BUTTON_DOWN, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_cam_left", DI_DC_BUTTON_LEFT, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_cam_right", DI_DC_BUTTON_RIGHT, "Joypad");
ENV_set_value_number("joypad_1stperson", DI_DC_BUTTON_X, "Joypad");
// Other stuff.
ENV_set_value_number ( "scanner_follows", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "draw_distance", 22, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "ambient_volume", 127, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "music_volume", 127, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "fx_volume", 127, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_stars", 0, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_shadows", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_moon_reflection", 0, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_people_reflection", 0, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_puddles", 0, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_dirt", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_mist", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_rain", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_skyline", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_filter", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_perspective", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "detail_crinkles", 0, "" );
// Is the Bronze Diriving cheat on?
ENV_set_value_number ( "cheat_driving_bronze", 0, "" );
// Analog mode. Actually not analogue/digital, but relative/absoloute mode.
ENV_set_value_number ( "analogue_pad_mode", 0, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "play_movie", 1, "" );
#ifdef DEBUG
// Where the panel is on the screen. Numbers are divided by four to fit into a byte.
// This is in the corner for debug, coz I keep forgetting to move it there when taking screenshots.
ENV_set_value_number ( "panel_x", 0 / 4, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "panel_y", (480-0) / 4, "" );
// Where the panel is on the screen. Numbers are divided by four to fit into a byte.
ENV_set_value_number ( "panel_x", 32 / 4, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "panel_y", (480-32) / 4, "" );
// Set the default, just to test.
// Language number. 0 = English. 1 = French.
ENV_set_value_number ( "lang_num", 1, "" );
// Get it from the firmware (boot rom setting).
BYTE bLang = FirmwareGetLanguageCode();
if ( bLang == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )
// Use French.
ENV_set_value_number ( "lang_num", 1, "" );
// Everyone else gets English by default.
ENV_set_value_number ( "lang_num", 0, "" );
// Now is as good a time as any to check for English/American
BYTE bCountry = FirmwareGetCountryCode();
if ( bCountry == COUNTRY_AMERICA )
// Then Yanks have VMUs.
bWriteVMInsteadOfVMU = FALSE;
// Everyone else has VMs.
bWriteVMInsteadOfVMU = TRUE;
ENV_set_value_number ( "vibration_mode", 1, "" );
ENV_set_value_number ( "vibration_engine", 1, "" );
//ENV_set_value_number ( "Mode", 0, "" );
//ENV_set_value_number ( "BitDepth", 0, "" );
// Fudged.
CBYTE* ENV_get_value_string(CBYTE* name, CBYTE* section)
// Only one string, the language. This is kludged for the XLAT system,
// most things should take language settings from "lang_num".
ASSERT ( strcmp ( name, "language" ) == 0 );
switch ( ENV_get_value_number ( "lang_num", 0, "" ) )
case 0:
// English.
return ( "text\\lang_english.txt" );
case 1:
// French.
return ( "text\\lang_french.txt" );
return ( "text\\lang_english.txt" );
SLONG ENV_get_value_number(CBYTE* name, SLONG def, CBYTE* section)
int iStringNum = 0;
while ( TRUE )
if ( pchNameList[iStringNum][0] == '\0' )
// Reached the end of the list. Oops.
return ( def );
if ( 0 == stricmp ( pchNameList[iStringNum], name ) )
return ( bEnvValue[iStringNum] );
return ( def );
// Unused.
void ENV_set_value_string(CBYTE* name, CBYTE* value, CBYTE* section)
void ENV_set_value_number(CBYTE* name, SLONG value, CBYTE* section)
int iStringNum = 0;
// MUST be a byte value.
ASSERT ( ( value >= 0 ) && ( value <= 255 ) );
while ( TRUE )
if ( pchNameList[iStringNum][0] == '\0' )
// Reached the end of the list. Oops.
if ( 0 == stricmp ( pchNameList[iStringNum], name ) )
bEnvValue[iStringNum] = value;
#endif //#else //#ifndef TARGET_DC