const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors'); const gray = { 50: 'hsl(216, 33%, 97%)', 100: 'hsl(214, 15%, 91%)', 200: 'hsl(210, 16%, 82%)', 300: 'hsl(211, 13%, 65%)', 400: 'hsl(211, 10%, 53%)', 500: 'hsl(211, 12%, 43%)', 600: 'hsl(209, 14%, 37%)', 700: 'hsl(209, 18%, 30%)', 800: 'hsl(209, 20%, 25%)', 900: 'hsl(210, 24%, 16%)', }; module.exports = { content: ['./resources/scripts/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'], theme: { extend: { fontFamily: { header: ['"IBM Plex Sans"', '"Roboto"', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'], }, colors: { black: '#131a20', // "primary" and "neutral" are deprecated, prefer the use of "blue" and "gray" // in new code. primary:, gray: gray, neutral: gray, cyan: colors.cyan, }, fontSize: { '2xs': '0.625rem', }, transitionDuration: { 250: '250ms', }, borderColor: theme => ({ default: theme('colors.neutral.400', 'currentColor'), }), }, }, plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/line-clamp'), require('@tailwindcss/forms')({ strategy: 'class', }), ], };