Pull requests which drastically alter the structure or architecture of the code will not be accepted.
This is to maintain "sanity" whilst going back through code, comparing to the original MIPS disassembled output.
Best pull requests are which resolve bugs, finish existing decompiled methods, improve readability, introduce new decompiled methods and improve code documentation.
Place `premake5.exe` in your `src_rebuild` folder in order to generate project files.
Make sure you have downloaded all other dependencies first before running premake.
Next you need to run `premake5 <target IDE>`, see premake documentation;
Or just run `gen_vc2019.bat` (Windows only)
# Compiling
Project **must** be targeted for **32-bit** platforms only. This is due to the size of pointers and other types (such as *long* in GCC) being different on 64-bit platforms.
You can also download pre-compiled [nightly builds](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/SoapyMan/redriver2-10jm8/branch/master) or the latest [release builds](https://github.com/OpenDriver2/REDRIVER2/releases) as well.