- re-implement lineClear

This commit is contained in:
Ilya Shurumov 2020-08-24 16:02:00 +06:00
parent de57712e5f
commit 3d0b463ffb

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@ -481,30 +481,20 @@ int testRadius = 222;
// [D]
char lineClear(VECTOR *v1, VECTOR *v2)
int iVar1;
int iVar3;
CELL_OBJECT* pCellObject;
int iVar4;
int cellz;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int cellx;
int iVar7;
int uVar8;
int iVar9;
MATRIX2* mat;
int pos_z;
int cell_z;
int cell_x;
int local_a0_592;
MODEL* pModel;
int iVar10;
int* piVar11;
int iVar12;
int uVar13;
int iVar14;
int iVar15;
int iVar16;
int iVar17;
int iVar18;
int iVar19;
int* piVar2;
int local_a3_704;
int iVar3;
int cs;
int sn;
int iVar4;
@ -513,180 +503,181 @@ char lineClear(VECTOR *v1, VECTOR *v2)
tRay ray;
tAABB box;
int we;
int ocz;
int ocx;
int box_loop; // $s5
int num_cb; // $s6
int sphere_sq; // $v0
int xd; // $a0
int zd; // $v1
iVar6 = v1->vx;
iVar9 = v1->vy;
iVar10 = v1->vz;
iVar14 = v2->vx;
va.vx = v1->vx;
va.vy = v1->vy;
va.vz = v1->vz;
vb.vx = v2->vx;
vb.vy = v2->vy;
vb.vz = v2->vz;
pos.vx = vb.vx - va.vx;
pos.vz = vb.vz - va.vz;
ocx = -1;
ocz = -1;
we = 0;
iVar1 = iVar14 - iVar6;
iVar12 = v2->vy;
iVar16 = v2->vz;
iVar4 = iVar16 - iVar10;
iVar3 = -1;
iVar5 = -1;
do {
if (we == 0)
cellx = v2->vx + units_across_halved;
pVVar2 = v2;
cell_x = (v2->vx + units_across_halved) / 2048;
cell_z = (v2->vz + units_down_halved) / 2048;
cellx = v1->vx + units_across_halved;
pVVar2 = v1;
cell_x = (v1->vx + units_across_halved) / 2048;
cell_z = (v1->vz + units_down_halved) / 2048;
cellz = pVVar2->vz + units_down_halved;
cellx = cellx >> 0xb;
cellz = cellz >> 0xb;
if ((iVar3 != cellx) || (iVar5 != cellz))
if ((ocx != cell_x) || (ocz != cell_z))
ppco = GetFirstPackedCop(cellx, cellz, &ci, 0);
while (pCellObject = UnpackCellObject(ppco, &ci.nearCell))
ppco = GetFirstPackedCop(cell_x, cell_z, &ci, 0);
while (pCellObject = UnpackCellObject(ppco, &ci.nearCell), pCellObject != NULL)
pModel = modelpointers[pCellObject->type];
piVar2 = (int*)pModel->collision_block;
piVar11 = (int*)pModel->collision_block;
xd = ((pCellObject->pos.vx - ((va.vx + vb.vx) / 2 & 0xffffU)) * 0x10000) >> 0x10;
zd = ((pCellObject->pos.vz - ((va.vz + vb.vz) / 2 & 0xffffU)) * 0x10000) >> 0x10;
if (piVar11 != NULL && (pModel->flags2 & 0xa00) == 0)
sphere_sq = pModel->bounding_sphere + 800;
if (piVar2 != NULL && (pModel->flags2 & 0xA00) == 0 && (xd*xd + zd*zd < sphere_sq*sphere_sq))
iVar7 = pCellObject->pos.vx - ((iVar6 + iVar14) / 2 & 0xffffU);
iVar5 = pCellObject->pos.vz - ((iVar10 + iVar16) / 2 & 0xffffU);
iVar3 = pModel->bounding_sphere + 800;
collide = (COLLISION_PACKET*)(piVar2 + 1);
if (iVar7 * iVar7 + iVar5 * iVar5 < iVar3 * iVar3)
num_cb = *piVar2;
box_loop = 0;
while (box_loop < num_cb)
collide = (COLLISION_PACKET*)(piVar11 + 1);
local_a0_592 = -pCellObject->yang & 0x3f;
local_a3_704 = (pCellObject->yang + collide->yang) * 0x100 & 0x3f00;
iVar5 = *piVar11;
iVar3 = 0;
if (0 < iVar5)
do {
mat = &matrixtable[local_a0_592];
uVar8 = -pCellObject->yang & 0x3f;
uVar13 = (pCellObject->yang + collide->yang) * 0x100 & 0x3f00;
cs = rcossin_tbl[local_a3_704 * 2 + 1];
sn = rcossin_tbl[local_a3_704 * 2];
iVar17 = (int)*(short*)((int)rcossin_tbl + uVar13 + 2);
iVar18 = (int)*(short*)((int)rcossin_tbl + uVar13);
iVar4 = va.vx - (pCellObject->pos.vx + FIXED(collide->xpos * mat->m[0][0] + collide->zpos * mat->m[2][0]));
iVar3 = va.vz - (pCellObject->pos.vz + FIXED(collide->xpos * mat->m[0][2] + collide->zpos * mat->m[2][2]));
box.slab[0].upper = collide->xsize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[0].lower = -box.slab[0].upper;
box.slab[1].upper = collide->ysize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[1].lower = -box.slab[1].upper;
iVar19 = iVar6 - (pCellObject->pos.vx + FIXED(collide->xpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[0][0] + collide->zpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[2][0]));
iVar15 = iVar10 - (pCellObject->pos.vz + FIXED(collide->xpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[0][2] + collide->zpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[2][2]));
ray.org[1] = (va.vy - (((-collide->ypos - pCellObject->pos.vy) * 0x10000) >> 0x10)) + 80;
box.slab[2].upper = collide->zsize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[2].lower = -box.slab[2].upper;
box.slab[0].upper = collide->xsize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[0].lower = -box.slab[0].upper;
box.slab[1].upper = collide->ysize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[1].lower = -box.slab[1].upper;
ray.org[1] = (iVar9 - (-collide->ypos - pCellObject->pos.vy)) + 80;
box.slab[2].upper = collide->zsize / 2 + testRadius;
box.slab[2].lower = -box.slab[2].upper;
ray.org[0] = FIXED(iVar17 * iVar19 - iVar18 * iVar15);
ray.org[2] = FIXED(iVar17 * iVar15 + iVar18 * iVar19);
ray.dir[0] = FIXED(iVar17 * iVar1 - iVar18 * iVar4);
ray.dir[2] = FIXED(iVar17 * iVar4 + iVar18 * iVar1);
ray.dir[1] = iVar12 - iVar9;
ray.org[0] = FIXED(cs * iVar4 - sn * iVar3);
ray.org[2] = FIXED(cs * iVar3 + sn * iVar4);
ray.dir[0] = FIXED(cs * pos.vx - sn * pos.vz);
ray.dir[2] = FIXED(cs * pos.vz + sn * pos.vx);
ray.dir[1] = vb.vy - va.vy;
#if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG)
int rayResult = RaySlabsIntersection(&ray, &box);
int rayResult = RaySlabsIntersection(&ray, &box);
extern int gShowCollisionDebug;
if (gShowCollisionDebug == 3)
extern int gShowCollisionDebug;
if (gShowCollisionDebug == 3)
CDATA2D cd[1];
cd[0].x.vx = (pCellObject->pos.vx + FIXED(collide->xpos * mat->m[0][0] + collide->zpos * mat->m[2][0]));
cd[0].x.vz = (pCellObject->pos.vz + FIXED(collide->xpos * mat->m[0][2] + collide->zpos * mat->m[2][2]));
cd[0].x.vy = va.vy;
cd[0].theta = (pCellObject->yang + collide->yang) * 64 & 0xfff;
cd[0].length[0] = collide->zsize / 2;
cd[0].length[1] = collide->xsize / 2;
// calc axes of box
int dtheta = cd[0].theta & 0xfff;
cd[0].axis[0].vx = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2];
cd[0].axis[0].vz = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2 + 1];
cd[0].axis[1].vz = -rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2];
cd[0].axis[1].vx = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2 + 1];
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, CVECTOR & color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, VECTOR & ofs, CVECTOR & color);
CVECTOR ggcv = { 0, 250, 0 };
CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 };
CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 };
// show both box axes
VECTOR _zero = { 0 };
VECTOR b1p = cd[0].x;
// show position to position
//Debug_AddLine(b1p1, b2p1, yycv);
VECTOR b1ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b1ax[0].vx = FIXED(cd[0].axis[0].vx * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[0].vz = FIXED(cd[0].axis[0].vz * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[1].vx = FIXED(cd[0].axis[1].vx * cd[0].length[1]);
b1ax[1].vz = FIXED(cd[0].axis[1].vz * cd[0].length[1]);
// show axis of body 1
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[0], b1p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[1], b1p, yycv);
// display 2D box 1
CDATA2D cd[2];
int h = b1ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
cd[0].x.vx = (pCellObject->pos.vx + FIXED(collide->xpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[0][0] + collide->zpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[2][0]));
cd[0].x.vz = (pCellObject->pos.vz + FIXED(collide->xpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[0][2] + collide->zpos * matrixtable[uVar8].m[2][2]));
cd[0].x.vy = 0;
{-b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
cd[0].theta = (pCellObject->yang + collide->yang) * 64 & 0xfff;
cd[0].length[0] = collide->zsize / 2;
cd[0].length[1] = collide->xsize / 2;
// calc axes of box
int dtheta = cd[0].theta & 0xfff;
cd[0].axis[0].vx = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2];
cd[0].axis[0].vz = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2 + 1];
cd[0].axis[1].vz = -rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2];
cd[0].axis[1].vx = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2 + 1];
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, CVECTOR & color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, VECTOR & ofs, CVECTOR & color);
CVECTOR ggcv = { 0, 250, 0 };
CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 };
CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 };
// show both box axes
VECTOR _zero = { 0 };
VECTOR b1p = cd[0].x;
// show position to position
//Debug_AddLine(b1p1, b2p1, yycv);
VECTOR b1ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b1ax[0].vx = FIXED(cd[0].axis[0].vx * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[0].vz = FIXED(cd[0].axis[0].vz * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[1].vx = FIXED(cd[0].axis[1].vx * cd[0].length[1]);
b1ax[1].vz = FIXED(cd[0].axis[1].vz * cd[0].length[1]);
// show axis of body 1
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[0], b1p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[1], b1p, yycv);
// display 2D box 1
int h = b1ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
{-b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b1p, rayResult ? ggcv : yycv);
if (rayResult != 0)
return 0;
if (rayResult != 0)
return 0;
if (RaySlabsIntersection(&ray, &box) != 0)
return 0;
if (RaySlabsIntersection(&ray, &box) != 0)
return 0;
} while (iVar3 < iVar5);
ppco = GetNextPackedCop(&ci);
iVar3 = cellx;
iVar5 = cellz;
ocx = cell_x;
ocz = cell_z;
} while (we < 2);
return 1;