mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 10:22:48 +01:00
- disable CarBuildingCollision smashable correction (fixes the mission 23 cutscene)
This commit is contained in:
@ -547,29 +547,19 @@ void DamageCar(CAR_DATA *cp, CDATA2D *cd, CRET2D *collisionResult, int strikeVel
// [D] [T]
int CarBuildingCollision(CAR_DATA *cp, BUILDING_BOX *building, CELL_OBJECT *cop, int flags)
int temp;
int strikeVel;
int boxDiffY;
int boxDiffY, buildingHeightY;
int collided;
short scale;
int chan;
int player_id;
MODEL *model;
VECTOR tempwhere;
VECTOR tempwhere, velocity;
SVECTOR boxDisp;
VECTOR velocity;
LONGVECTOR4 reaction;
VECTOR LeafPosition;
VECTOR lamp_velocity;
LONGVECTOR4 pointVel, reaction, lever;
int debris_colour;
int displacement;
int denom;
int buildingHeightY;
int displacement, denom;
#if 0 //def PSX
CDATA2D* cd = (CDATA2D*)(u_char*)getScratchAddr(0);
@ -583,423 +573,433 @@ int CarBuildingCollision(CAR_DATA *cp, BUILDING_BOX *building, CELL_OBJECT *cop,
model = modelpointers[cop->type];
player_id = GetPlayerId(cp);
cd[0].isCameraOrTanner = (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_TANNERCOLLIDER || cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_CAMERACOLLIDER);
cd[0].isCameraOrTanner += 2;
cd[1].isCameraOrTanner = (flags & CollisionCheckFlag_MightBeABarrier) == 0;
boxDiffY = cp->hd.oBox.location.vy + building->pos.vy;
boxDiffY = ABS(boxDiffY);
collided = 0;
car_cos = cp->ap.carCos;
// [A] Boat Jump: make player's life easier getting out
if (cop->type == 1246 && gCurrentMissionNumber == 35)
buildingHeightY = building->height / 5;
buildingHeightY = building->height >> 1;
if (boxDiffY <= buildingHeightY + (cp->hd.oBox.length[1] >> 1) && (cop->pos.vx != OBJECT_SMASHED_MARK) && (model->shape_flags & SHAPE_FLAG_NOCOLLIDE) == 0)
if (boxDiffY > buildingHeightY + (cp->hd.oBox.length[1] >> 1) ||
(cop->pos.vx == OBJECT_SMASHED_MARK) ||
(model->shape_flags & SHAPE_FLAG_NOCOLLIDE))
tempwhere.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
tempwhere.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
return 0;
debris_colour = GetDebrisColour(cp);
collided = 0;
car_cos = cp->ap.carCos;
cd[0].theta = cp->hd.direction;
player_id = GetPlayerId(cp);
cd[0].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
cd[0].x.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1];
cd[0].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
cd[0].isCameraOrTanner = (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_TANNERCOLLIDER || cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_CAMERACOLLIDER);
cd[0].isCameraOrTanner += 2;
cd[1].isCameraOrTanner = (flags & CollisionCheckFlag_MightBeABarrier) == 0;
cd[0].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
cd[0].x.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1];
cd[0].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
cd[0].vel.vx = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cd[0].vel.vz = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
cd[0].vel.vx = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cd[0].vel.vz = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
cp->hd.where.t[0] += cd[0].vel.vx;
cp->hd.where.t[2] += cd[0].vel.vz;
cd[0].length[0] = 90;
cd[0].length[1] = 90;
else if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_CAMERACOLLIDER)
cd[0].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
cd[0].x.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1];
cd[0].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
cd[0].length[0] = 90;
cd[0].length[1] = 90;
else if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_CAMERACOLLIDER)
cd[0].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
cd[0].x.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1];
cd[0].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
cd[0].vel.vx = 0;
cd[0].vel.vz = 0;
cd[0].length[1] = 5;
cd[0].length[0] = gCameraDistance / 2;
cd[0].vel.vx = 0;
cd[0].vel.vz = 0;
cd[0].length[1] = 5;
cd[0].length[0] = gCameraDistance / 2;
boxDisp.vx = -car_cos->cog.vx;
boxDisp.vy = -car_cos->cog.vy;
boxDisp.vz = -car_cos->cog.vz;
boxDisp.vx = -car_cos->cog.vx;
boxDisp.vy = -car_cos->cog.vy;
boxDisp.vz = -car_cos->cog.vz;
cd[0].vel.vx = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cd[0].vel.vz = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
cd[0].vel.vx = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cd[0].vel.vz = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
cp->hd.where.t[0] += cd[0].vel.vx;
cp->hd.where.t[2] += cd[0].vel.vz;
cd[0].length[0] = car_cos->colBox.vz + 15;
cd[0].length[1] = car_cos->colBox.vx + 15;
cd[0].length[0] = car_cos->colBox.vz + 15;
cd[0].length[1] = car_cos->colBox.vx + 15;
if (handlingType[cp->hndType].fourWheelDrive == 1 || cp->hndType == 5)
cd[0].length[1] = (cd[0].length[1] * 13) / 16;
if (handlingType[cp->hndType].fourWheelDrive == 1 || cp->hndType == 5)
cd[0].length[1] = (cd[0].length[1] * 13) / 16;
cd[0].theta = cp->hd.direction;
cd[0].avel = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1]) * 5 >> 5;
cd[0].avel = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1]) * 5 >> 5;
tempwhere.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0];
tempwhere.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2];
cd[1].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0] + (((building->pos.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0]) << 0x10) >> 0x10);
cd[1].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2] + (((building->pos.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2]) << 0x10) >> 0x10);
cp->hd.where.t[0] += cd[0].vel.vx;
cp->hd.where.t[2] += cd[0].vel.vz;
cd[1].theta = building->theta;
cd[1].length[0] = building->xsize;
cd[1].length[1] = building->zsize;
cd[1].vel.vx = 0;
cd[1].vel.vz = 0;
cd[1].avel = 0;
cd[1].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0] + (short)(building->pos.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0]);
cd[1].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2] + (short)(building->pos.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2]);
cd[1].theta = building->theta;
cd[1].length[0] = building->xsize;
cd[1].length[1] = building->zsize;
cd[1].vel.vx = 0;
cd[1].vel.vz = 0;
cd[1].avel = 0;
collided = bcollided2d(cd, &gCameraBoxOverlap);
collided = bcollided2d(cd);
#if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG) && !defined(PSX)
extern int gShowCollisionDebug;
if (gShowCollisionDebug == 1)
collided = bcollided2d(cd, &gCameraBoxOverlap);
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, CVECTOR & color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, VECTOR & ofs, CVECTOR & color);
CVECTOR bbcv = { 0, 0, 250 };
CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 };
CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 };
// show both box axes
VECTOR _zero = { 0 };
VECTOR b1p = cd[0].x;
VECTOR b2p = cd[1].x;
b2p.vy = b1p.vy;
// show position to position
//Debug_AddLine(b1p1, b2p1, yycv);
VECTOR b1ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b1ax[0].vx = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[0].vx * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[0].vz = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[0].vz * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[1].vx = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[1].vx * cd[0].length[1]);
b1ax[1].vz = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[1].vz * cd[0].length[1]);
// show axis of body 1
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[0], b1p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[1], b1p, yycv);
// display 2D box 1
int h = b1ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
{-b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b1p, bbcv);
VECTOR b2ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b2ax[0].vx += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[0].vx * cd[1].length[0]);
b2ax[0].vz += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[0].vz * cd[1].length[0]);
b2ax[1].vx += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[1].vx * cd[1].length[1]);
b2ax[1].vz += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[1].vz * cd[1].length[1]);
// show axis of body 2
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[0], b2p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[1], b2p, yycv);
CVECTOR& collColor = collided ? rrcv : yycv;
// display 2D box 2
int h = b2ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
{-b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b2p, collColor);
if (collided)
collided = bcollided2d(cd);
bFindCollisionTime(cd, &collisionResult);
bFindCollisionPoint(cd, &collisionResult);
#if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG) && !defined(PSX)
extern int gShowCollisionDebug;
if (gShowCollisionDebug == 1)
if(gShowCollisionDebug == 1)
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, CVECTOR & color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR & pointA, VECTOR & pointB, VECTOR & ofs, CVECTOR & color);
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, CVECTOR& color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, VECTOR& ofs, CVECTOR& color);
CVECTOR bbcv = { 0, 0, 250 };
CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 };
CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 };
// show both box axes
// show collision point and normal
VECTOR _zero = { 0 };
VECTOR b1p = cd[0].x;
VECTOR b2p = cd[1].x;
b2p.vy = b1p.vy;
// show position to position
//Debug_AddLine(b1p1, b2p1, yycv);
VECTOR pb = collisionResult.hit;
pb.vy += 16;
VECTOR b1ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b1ax[0].vx = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[0].vx * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[0].vz = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[0].vz * cd[0].length[0]);
b1ax[1].vx = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[1].vx * cd[0].length[1]);
b1ax[1].vz = FIXEDH(cd[0].axis[1].vz * cd[0].length[1]);
// display collision point
Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, pb, rrcv);
// show axis of body 1
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[0], b1p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[1], b1p, yycv);
VECTOR nb = collisionResult.hit;
nb.vx += collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 16;
nb.vy += collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 16;
nb.vz += collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 16;
// display 2D box 1
int h = b1ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
{-b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b1p, bbcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b1p, bbcv);
VECTOR b2ax[2] = { {0} , {0} };
b2ax[0].vx += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[0].vx * cd[1].length[0]);
b2ax[0].vz += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[0].vz * cd[1].length[0]);
b2ax[1].vx += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[1].vx * cd[1].length[1]);
b2ax[1].vz += FIXEDH(cd[1].axis[1].vz * cd[1].length[1]);
// show axis of body 2
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[0], b2p, rrcv);
Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[1], b2p, yycv);
CVECTOR& collColor = collided ? rrcv : yycv;
// display 2D box 2
int h = b2ax[0].vy;
VECTOR box_points[4] = {
{b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left
{b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right
{-b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right
{-b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0} // back left
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b2p, collColor);
Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b2p, collColor);
// show collision normal
Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, nb, bbcv);
collisionResult.surfNormal.vx = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vx;
collisionResult.surfNormal.vy = 0;
collisionResult.surfNormal.vz = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vz;
if (collided)
collisionResult.hit.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1] + 41;
// perform error correction
if ((model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_SMASHABLE) == 0)
bFindCollisionTime(cd, &collisionResult);
bFindCollisionPoint(cd, &collisionResult);
#if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG) && !defined(PSX)
extern int gShowCollisionDebug;
if(gShowCollisionDebug == 1)
extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, CVECTOR& color);
extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, VECTOR& ofs, CVECTOR& color);
CVECTOR bbcv = { 0, 0, 250 };
CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 };
CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 };
// show collision point and normal
VECTOR pb = collisionResult.hit;
pb.vy += 16;
// display collision point
Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, pb, rrcv);
VECTOR nb = collisionResult.hit;
nb.vx += collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 16;
nb.vy += collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 16;
nb.vz += collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 16;
// show collision normal
Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, nb, bbcv);
collisionResult.surfNormal.vx = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vx;
collisionResult.surfNormal.vy = 0;
collisionResult.surfNormal.vz = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vz;
collisionResult.hit.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1] + 41;
// perform error correction
cp->hd.where.t[0] += FIXEDH(collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx);
cp->hd.where.t[2] += FIXEDH(collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz);
lever[0] = collisionResult.hit.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0];
lever[1] = collisionResult.hit.vy - cp->hd.where.t[1];
lever[2] = collisionResult.hit.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2];
pointVel[0] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1] * lever[2] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[2] * lever[1]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0];
pointVel[1] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[2] * lever[0] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[0] * lever[2]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1];
pointVel[2] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[0] * lever[1] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1] * lever[0]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2];
if (flags & CollisionCheckFlag_IsVegasMovingTrain) // [A] Vegas train velocity - added here
pointVel[2] += 700000;
strikeVel = -((pointVel[0] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 16) +
(pointVel[1] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 16) +
(pointVel[2] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 16));
if (strikeVel > 0)
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
if (strikeVel < 32)
scale = ((strikeVel << 23) >> 16);
scale = 4096;
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_SMASHABLE)
NoteFelony(&felonyData, 7, scale);
NoteFelony(&felonyData, 6, scale);
collisionResult.hit.vy = -collisionResult.hit.vy;
velocity.vx = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / ONE;
velocity.vy = -17;
velocity.vz = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / ONE;
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_SMASHABLE)
// smash object
damage_object(cop, &velocity);
// smash object
if ((model->shape_flags & SHAPE_FLAG_TRANS) == 0)
sip = smashable;
match = sip;
while (sip->name != NULL)
if (sip->modelIdx == cop->type)
match = sip;
chan = GetFreeChannel();
if (NumPlayers > 1 && NoPlayerControl == 0)
SetPlayerOwnsChannel(chan, player_id);
Start3DSoundVolPitch(chan, SOUND_BANK_SFX, match->sound,
collisionResult.hit.vx, -collisionResult.hit.vy, collisionResult.hit.vz,
match->volume, match->pitch + (((velocity.vx ^ velocity.vz) * (collisionResult.hit.vx ^ collisionResult.hit.vz) & 1023) - 512));
cp->hd.where.t[0] = tempwhere.vx;
cp->hd.where.t[2] = tempwhere.vz;
collisionResult.hit.vy += 30;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 10, 0);
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, 0);
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, debris_colour << 0x10);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
SetPadVibration(*cp->ai.padid, 3);
return 0;
// add leaves
if (strikeVel > 0x3600 && cp->hd.wheel_speed + 16000U > 32000)
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_TREE)
LeafPosition.vx = collisionResult.hit.vx;
LeafPosition.vy = -((rand() & 0xfe) + 600) - collisionResult.hit.vy;
LeafPosition.vz = collisionResult.hit.vz;
AddLeaf(&LeafPosition, 3, 1);
if (gNight && (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_LAMP))
if (damage_lamp(cop))
ClearMem((char*)&lamp_velocity, sizeof(lamp_velocity));
collisionResult.hit.vy -= 730;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &lamp_velocity, 0x14, 0);
collisionResult.hit.vy += 730;
velocity.vy -= 20;
collisionResult.hit.vy += 30;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 4, 0);
collisionResult.hit.vy -= 30;
velocity.vy += 20;
if (strikeVel > 0x1b000)
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 6, debris_colour << 0x10);
if(cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
SetPadVibration(*cp->ai.padid, 1);
DamageCar(cp, cd, &collisionResult, strikeVel);
displacement = FIXEDH(lever[0] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx + lever[1] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vy + lever[2] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz);
displacement = FIXEDH(((lever[0] * lever[0] + lever[2] * lever[2]) - displacement * displacement) * car_cos->twistRateY) + 4096;
if (strikeVel < 0x7f001)
denom = (strikeVel * 4096) / displacement;
denom = (strikeVel / displacement) * 4096;
denom /= 64;
reaction[0] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 64);
reaction[1] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 64);
reaction[2] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 64);
cp->hd.aacc[1] += FIXEDH(lever[2] * reaction[0]) - FIXEDH(lever[0] * reaction[2]);
// angular impulse calculation and modifiers
if (cp->controlType != CONTROL_TYPE_LEAD_AI)
temp = FIXEDH(lever[1] * reaction[2]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[0] += temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[2] * reaction[1]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[0] -= temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[0] * reaction[1]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[2] += temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[1] * reaction[0]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[2] -= temp;
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1] += reaction[1];
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] += reaction[0];
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] += reaction[2];
cp->hd.where.t[0] -= FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cp->hd.where.t[2] -= FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
lever[0] = collisionResult.hit.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0];
lever[1] = collisionResult.hit.vy - cp->hd.where.t[1];
lever[2] = collisionResult.hit.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2];
pointVel[0] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1] * lever[2] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[2] * lever[1]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0];
pointVel[1] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[2] * lever[0] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[0] * lever[2]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1];
pointVel[2] = FIXEDH(cp->st.n.angularVelocity[0] * lever[1] - cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1] * lever[0]) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2];
if (flags & CollisionCheckFlag_IsVegasMovingTrain) // [A] Vegas train velocity - added here
pointVel[2] += 700000;
strikeVel = -((pointVel[0] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 16) +
(pointVel[1] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 16) +
(pointVel[2] / 256) * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 16));
if (strikeVel > 0)
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
short scale;
if (strikeVel < 32)
scale = ((strikeVel << 23) >> 16);
scale = 4096;
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_SMASHABLE)
NoteFelony(&felonyData, 7, scale);
NoteFelony(&felonyData, 6, scale);
collisionResult.hit.vy = -collisionResult.hit.vy;
velocity.vx = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / ONE;
velocity.vy = -17;
velocity.vz = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / ONE;
debris_colour = GetDebrisColour(cp);
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_SMASHABLE)
// smash object
damage_object(cop, &velocity);
// smash object
if ((model->shape_flags & SHAPE_FLAG_TRANS) == 0)
int chan;
sip = smashable;
match = sip;
while (sip->name != NULL)
if (sip->modelIdx == cop->type)
match = sip;
chan = GetFreeChannel();
if (NumPlayers > 1 && NoPlayerControl == 0)
SetPlayerOwnsChannel(chan, player_id);
Start3DSoundVolPitch(chan, SOUND_BANK_SFX, match->sound,
collisionResult.hit.vx, -collisionResult.hit.vy, collisionResult.hit.vz,
match->volume, match->pitch + (((velocity.vx ^ velocity.vz) * (collisionResult.hit.vx ^ collisionResult.hit.vz) & 1023) - 512));
cp->hd.where.t[0] = tempwhere.vx;
cp->hd.where.t[2] = tempwhere.vz;
collisionResult.hit.vy += 30;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 10, 0);
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, 0);
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, debris_colour << 0x10);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
SetPadVibration(*cp->ai.padid, 3);
return 0;
// add leaves
if (strikeVel > 0x3600 && cp->hd.wheel_speed + 16000U > 32000)
if (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_TREE)
VECTOR LeafPosition;
LeafPosition.vx = collisionResult.hit.vx;
LeafPosition.vy = -((rand() & 0xfe) + 600) - collisionResult.hit.vy;
LeafPosition.vz = collisionResult.hit.vz;
AddLeaf(&LeafPosition, 3, 1);
if (gNight && (model->flags2 & MODEL_FLAG_LAMP))
if (damage_lamp(cop))
VECTOR lamp_velocity;
lamp_velocity.vx = 0;
lamp_velocity.vy = 16;
lamp_velocity.vz = 0;
collisionResult.hit.vy -= 730;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &lamp_velocity, 20, 0);
collisionResult.hit.vy += 730;
velocity.vy -= 20;
collisionResult.hit.vy += 30;
Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 4, 0);
collisionResult.hit.vy -= 30;
velocity.vy += 20;
if (strikeVel > 0x1b000)
Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 6, debris_colour << 0x10);
if(cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PLAYER)
SetPadVibration(*cp->ai.padid, 1);
DamageCar(cp, cd, &collisionResult, strikeVel);
displacement = FIXEDH(lever[0] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx + lever[1] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vy + lever[2] * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz);
displacement = FIXEDH(((lever[0] * lever[0] + lever[2] * lever[2]) - displacement * displacement) * car_cos->twistRateY) + 4096;
if (strikeVel < 0x7f001)
denom = (strikeVel * 4096) / displacement;
denom = (strikeVel / displacement) * 4096;
denom /= 64;
reaction[0] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 64);
reaction[1] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 64);
reaction[2] = denom * (collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 64);
cp->hd.aacc[1] += FIXEDH(lever[2] * reaction[0]) - FIXEDH(lever[0] * reaction[2]);
// angular impulse calculation and modifiers
if (cp->controlType != CONTROL_TYPE_LEAD_AI)
int temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[1] * reaction[2]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[0] += temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[2] * reaction[1]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[0] -= temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[0] * reaction[1]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[2] += temp;
temp = FIXEDH(lever[1] * reaction[0]);
if (cp->controlType == CONTROL_TYPE_PURSUER_AI)
temp >>= 1;
cp->hd.aacc[2] -= temp;
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1] += reaction[1];
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] += reaction[0];
cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] += reaction[2];
cp->hd.where.t[0] -= FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]);
cp->hd.where.t[2] -= FIXEDH(cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]);
return collided;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user