- implement ProcessDentLump & LoadDenting

- implement ClearMem
This commit is contained in:
Ilya Shurumov 2020-04-09 22:41:58 +06:00
parent b4ac9d8240
commit 739c2ce5f7
2 changed files with 150 additions and 131 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "THISDUST.H"
#include "DENTING.H"
#include "SYSTEM.H"
#include "MISSION.H"
char* DentingFiles[] =
@ -670,13 +671,11 @@ void MoveHubcap(void)
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 2611
// [D]
void LoadDenting(int level)
LoadfileSeg(DentingFiles[level], &DAT_000f3000, 0, (int)&DAT_000031b7);
ProcessDentLump(&DAT_000f3000, 0);
LoadfileSeg(DentingFiles[level], _other_buffer, 0, 0x31b7);
ProcessDentLump(_other_buffer, 0);
@ -701,144 +700,158 @@ void LoadDenting(int level)
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 2048
unsigned char gCarDamageZoneVerts[5][6][50];
unsigned char gHDCarDamageZonePolys[5][6][70];
unsigned char gHDCarDamageLevels[5][255];
// [D]
void ProcessDentLump(char *lump_ptr, int lump_size)
uchar uVar1;
undefined4 *puVar2;
undefined4 *puVar3;
int iVar4;
undefined4 *puVar5;
unsigned char uVar1;
int *local_v1_316;
int *piVar2;
int iVar3;
int *piVar4;
int *piVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
undefined4 uVar8;
undefined4 uVar9;
undefined4 uVar10;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
iVar6 = 0;
do {
iVar4 = MissionHeader->residentModels[iVar6];
if (iVar4 == 0xd) {
iVar4 = 10 - (MissionHeader->residentModels[0] + MissionHeader->residentModels[1] +
if (iVar4 < 1) {
iVar4 = 1;
iVar3 = MissionHeader->residentModels[iVar6];
if (iVar3 == 0xd)
iVar3 = 10 - (MissionHeader->residentModels[0] + MissionHeader->residentModels[1] + MissionHeader->residentModels[2]);
if (iVar3 < 1) {
iVar3 = 1;
else {
if (4 < iVar4) {
iVar4 = 4;
if (4 < iVar3) {
iVar3 = 4;
iVar7 = iVar6 + 1;
if (iVar4 != -1) {
puVar2 = (undefined4 *)(gCarDamageZoneVerts + iVar6 * 300);
puVar5 = (undefined4 *)(lump_ptr + *(int *)(lump_ptr + iVar4 * 4));
puVar3 = puVar5;
if (((uint)puVar5 & 3) == 0) {
if (iVar3 != -1)
local_v1_316 = (int *)(gCarDamageZoneVerts + iVar6 * 300);
piVar4 = (int *)(lump_ptr + *(int *)(lump_ptr + iVar3 * 4));
piVar2 = piVar4;
// memcpy
if (((uint)piVar4 & 3) == 0) {
do {
uVar8 = puVar3[1];
uVar9 = puVar3[2];
uVar10 = puVar3[3];
*puVar2 = *puVar3;
puVar2[1] = uVar8;
puVar2[2] = uVar9;
puVar2[3] = uVar10;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
} while (puVar3 != puVar5 + 0x48);
iVar3 = piVar2[1];
iVar8 = piVar2[2];
iVar9 = piVar2[3];
*local_v1_316 = *piVar2;
local_v1_316[1] = iVar3;
local_v1_316[2] = iVar8;
local_v1_316[3] = iVar9;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
local_v1_316 = local_v1_316 + 4;
} while (piVar2 != piVar4 + 0x48);
else {
do {
uVar8 = puVar3[1];
uVar9 = puVar3[2];
uVar10 = puVar3[3];
*puVar2 = *puVar3;
puVar2[1] = uVar8;
puVar2[2] = uVar9;
puVar2[3] = uVar10;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
} while (puVar3 != puVar5 + 0x48);
iVar3 = piVar2[1];
iVar8 = piVar2[2];
iVar9 = piVar2[3];
*local_v1_316 = *piVar2;
local_v1_316[1] = iVar3;
local_v1_316[2] = iVar8;
local_v1_316[3] = iVar9;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
local_v1_316 = local_v1_316 + 4;
} while (piVar2 != piVar4 + 0x48);
uVar8 = puVar3[1];
uVar9 = puVar3[2];
*puVar2 = *puVar3;
puVar2[1] = uVar8;
puVar2[2] = uVar9;
puVar3 = (undefined4 *)(gHDCarDamageZonePolys + iVar6 * 0x1a4);
puVar2 = puVar5 + 0x4b;
if (((uint)puVar2 & 3) == 0) {
iVar3 = piVar2[1];
iVar8 = piVar2[2];
*local_v1_316 = *piVar2;
local_v1_316[1] = iVar3;
local_v1_316[2] = iVar8;
piVar2 = (int *)(gHDCarDamageZonePolys + iVar6 * 0x1a4);
piVar5 = piVar4 + 0x4b;
// memcpy
if (((uint)piVar5 & 3) == 0) {
do {
uVar10 = puVar2[1];
uVar8 = puVar2[2];
uVar9 = puVar2[3];
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3[1] = uVar10;
puVar3[2] = uVar8;
puVar3[3] = uVar9;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
} while (puVar2 != puVar5 + 0xb3);
iVar9 = piVar5[1];
iVar3 = piVar5[2];
iVar8 = piVar5[3];
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2[1] = iVar9;
piVar2[2] = iVar3;
piVar2[3] = iVar8;
piVar5 = piVar5 + 4;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
} while (piVar5 != piVar4 + 0xb3);
else {
do {
uVar8 = puVar2[1];
uVar9 = puVar2[2];
uVar10 = puVar2[3];
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3[1] = uVar8;
puVar3[2] = uVar9;
puVar3[3] = uVar10;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
} while (puVar2 != puVar5 + 0xb3);
iVar3 = piVar5[1];
iVar8 = piVar5[2];
iVar9 = piVar5[3];
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2[1] = iVar3;
piVar2[2] = iVar8;
piVar2[3] = iVar9;
piVar5 = piVar5 + 4;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
} while (piVar5 != piVar4 + 0xb3);
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3 = (undefined4 *)(&gHDCarDamageLevels + iVar6 * 0xff);
puVar2 = puVar5 + 0xb4;
if ((((uint)puVar2 | (uint)puVar3) & 3) == 0) {
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2 = (int *)(&gHDCarDamageLevels + iVar6 * 0xff);
piVar5 = piVar4 + 0xb4;
// memcpy
if ((((uint)piVar5 | (uint)piVar2) & 3) == 0) {
do {
uVar8 = puVar2[1];
uVar9 = puVar2[2];
uVar10 = puVar2[3];
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3[1] = uVar8;
puVar3[2] = uVar9;
puVar3[3] = uVar10;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
} while (puVar2 != puVar5 + 0xf0);
iVar6 = piVar5[1];
iVar3 = piVar5[2];
iVar8 = piVar5[3];
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2[1] = iVar6;
piVar2[2] = iVar3;
piVar2[3] = iVar8;
piVar5 = piVar5 + 4;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
} while (piVar5 != piVar4 + 0xf0);
else {
do {
uVar8 = puVar2[1];
uVar9 = puVar2[2];
uVar10 = puVar2[3];
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3[1] = uVar8;
puVar3[2] = uVar9;
puVar3[3] = uVar10;
puVar2 = puVar2 + 4;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
} while (puVar2 != puVar5 + 0xf0);
iVar6 = piVar5[1];
iVar3 = piVar5[2];
iVar8 = piVar5[3];
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2[1] = iVar6;
piVar2[2] = iVar3;
piVar2[3] = iVar8;
piVar5 = piVar5 + 4;
piVar2 = piVar2 + 4;
} while (piVar5 != piVar4 + 0xf0);
uVar8 = puVar2[1];
uVar9 = puVar2[2];
uVar1 = *(uchar *)(puVar2 + 3);
*puVar3 = *puVar2;
puVar3[1] = uVar8;
puVar3[2] = uVar9;
*(uchar *)(puVar3 + 3) = uVar1;
uVar1 = *(uchar *)((int)puVar2 + 0xe);
*(uchar *)((int)puVar3 + 0xd) = *(uchar *)((int)puVar2 + 0xd);
*(uchar *)((int)puVar3 + 0xe) = uVar1;
iVar6 = piVar5[1];
iVar3 = piVar5[2];
uVar1 = *(unsigned char *)(piVar5 + 3);
*piVar2 = *piVar5;
piVar2[1] = iVar6;
piVar2[2] = iVar3;
*(unsigned char *)(piVar2 + 3) = uVar1;
uVar1 = *(unsigned char *)((int)piVar5 + 0xe);
*(unsigned char *)((int)piVar2 + 0xd) = *(unsigned char *)((int)piVar5 + 0xd);
*(unsigned char *)((int)piVar2 + 0xe) = uVar1;
iVar6 = iVar7;
} while (iVar7 < 5);

View File

@ -923,34 +923,39 @@ short rcossin_tbl[8192] =
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 2274
// [D]
void ClearMem(char *mem, int size)
int *puVar1;
// 16 bit aligned clear
#ifndef PSX
memset(mem, 0, size);
char *end;
end = mem + size;
puVar1 = (int *)(mem + size);
while ((((uint)mem & 3) != 0 && (mem < puVar1))) {
while ((((uint)mem & 3) != 0 && (mem < end))) {
*mem = 0;
mem = (char *)((int)mem + 1);
while (mem <= puVar1 + -4) {
*(int *)mem = 0;
((int *)mem)[1] = 0;
((int *)mem)[2] = 0;
((int *)mem)[3] = 0;
mem = (char *)((int *)mem + 4);
while (mem <= end + -0x10) {
*(uint *)mem = 0;
((uint *)mem)[1] = 0;
((uint *)mem)[2] = 0;
((uint *)mem)[3] = 0;
mem = (char *)((uint *)mem + 4);
while (mem <= puVar1 + -1) {
*(int *)mem = 0;
mem = (char *)((int *)mem + 1);
while (mem <= end + -4) {
*(uint *)mem = 0;
mem = (char *)((uint *)mem + 1);
while (mem < puVar1) {
while (mem < end) {
*mem = 0;
mem = (char *)((int)mem + 1);
#endif // !PSX
@ -979,6 +984,7 @@ void ClearMem(char *mem, int size)
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 2347
// [D]
void setMem8(unsigned char *mem, unsigned char val, int size)