diff --git a/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/stack.lua b/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/stack.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92b47ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/stack.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+-- Stack Table
+-- Uses a table as stack, use
:push(value) and :pop()
+-- Lua 5.1 compatible
+unpack = table.unpack or unpack
+Stack = {}
+-- Create a Table with stack functions
+function Stack:Create()
+ -- stack table
+ local t = {}
+ -- entry table
+ t._et = {}
+ -- push a value on to the stack
+ function t:push(...)
+ if ... then
+ local targs = {...}
+ -- add values
+ for _,v in ipairs(targs) do
+ table.insert(self._et, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- pop a value from the stack
+ function t:pop(num)
+ -- get num values from stack
+ local num = num or 1
+ -- return table
+ local entries = {}
+ -- get values into entries
+ for i = 1, num do
+ -- get last entry
+ if #self._et ~= 0 then
+ table.insert(entries, self._et[#self._et])
+ -- remove last value
+ table.remove(self._et)
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- return unpacked entries
+ return unpack(entries)
+ end
+ -- get entries
+ function t:getn()
+ return #self._et
+ end
+ -- get entry form index
+ function t:get(index)
+ return self._et[index]
+ end
+ -- list values
+ function t:list()
+ for i,v in pairs(self._et) do
+ print(i, v)
+ end
+ end
+ -- list values
+ function t:find_value(value)
+ for i,v in pairs(self._et) do
+ if v == value then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ return t
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/usage.lua b/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/usage.lua
index 56ad594e..d3ecc327 100644
--- a/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/usage.lua
+++ b/src_rebuild/premake_modules/usage/usage.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-- project "app"
-- kind "ConsoleApp"
--- uses "core_lib"
+-- uses "core"
-- "core" will link vendor and openssh and define 'USING_VENDOR'
-- "app" will link 'core' and define 'USING_VENDOR'
@@ -44,49 +44,33 @@
-- Using a project will link the project and resolves nested uses,
-- in addition to any declared usage.
--- TO CONSIDER: not sure this is needed anymore.
--- 'uses' can filter down to 'linkoptions' or 'buildoptions'
--- uses "linkoptions:opengl"
--- uses "buildoptions:opengl"
--- link options are defined as: links, linkoptions, libdirs.
--- buildoptions are defined as anything that isn't a link option.
--- TO CONSIDER: separate api, uses_linkoptions/uses_buildoptions?
--- The context of a 'usage' is the ultimate target context it is being
--- used in.
--- usage "external_lib"
--- links "external_lib-%{cfg.buildcfg}"
--- Filters work as you'd expect:
--- usage "debug_stuff"
--- defines "DEBUG_STUFF"
--- project "shared"
--- kind "SharedLib"
--- filter "configurations:debug"
--- uses "debug_stuff"
--- project "app"
--- kind "ConsoleApp"
--- uses "shared" -- DEBUG_STUFF will be defined in the debug configuration.
--- Todo
--- ----
--- Cyclic reference detection. We are allowed to use a project more than
--- once, (eg. from different configurations) but not along the same call path.
--- Decide what to do with diamond shaped uses graphs, include twice, or
--- first use?
--- Handle block insertion ordering and 'removes' correctly
+-- "uses" do not respect configurations/filters due to havy optimizations
+-- "usage" can contain configuration filters
+ require 'stack'
local p = premake
local oven = p.oven
local context = p.context
+ local keyLinks = "links"
+ local field = p.field
+ local fieldLinks = field.get(keyLinks)
+ newoption {
+ trigger = "usage-optimization-off",
+ description = "Turn off optimization for usage module. Useful for debuging dependencies (50% slower generation)."
+ }
+ local optimization = (_OPTIONS["usage-optimization-off"] == nil)
+-- Two stacks which stores actual order of projects and usages
+-- Projects stack and uses stack are aligned
+ local usesStack = Stack:Create()
+ local sourcesStack = Stack:Create()
-- 'uses' api
@@ -122,383 +106,469 @@ p.api.register {
return nil
--- Given the current usage filter, does the new filter fit into it?
+-- Push usage and source project name on stack
+-- * if "usage" is already on stack it mean that "usage" in this configuration was in use,
- local function compatibleUsage(currentUsageFilter, newUsageFilter)
- if newUsageFilter and currentUsageFilter then
- if currentUsageFilter ~= newUsageFilter then
- return false
- end
+ local printUsesStack
+ local function pushUsage( usageName, sourceName )
+ -- search for uses
+ local usesStackIndex = usesStack:find_value(usageName)
+ if usesStackIndex == nil then
+ verbosef("{PUSH} USES_STACK [%s]: %s", sourceName, usageName)
+ -- push on stack
+ usesStack:push(usageName)
+ sourcesStack:push(sourceName)
+ else
+ verbosef("{EXIST} USES_STACK [%s]: %s", sourceName, usageName)
- return true
--- resolveUsage
+-- Pop usage and source name form stack
- local resolveAllUsesInBlock
+ local function popUsage( count )
+ local count = count or 1
+ for i = 1, count do
- local function resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock,
- usage, usageName, usageFilter,
- inheritedCriteria )
+ -- pop form stack
+ local sourceName = sourcesStack:pop()
+ local usageName = usesStack:pop()
- verbosef("\nProject %s is using usage %s %s\n",
- targetProject.name, usage.name, usageFilter or "" )
+ verbosef("{POP} USES_STACK [%s]: %s", sourceName, usageName)
+ end
+ end
- -- A map for how to copy the usage blocks into the target project.
- -- Each entry in the map creates a new block.
+-- During baking we can start new bake so we have to stash current stack
+ local stackStash = Stack:Create()
- local propagateMap = {}
+-- During "bake" process it is posible to call another "bake",
+-- to starts new bake we have to stash current uses stack and create new empty
- local commonFields = { "_criteria", "_basedir", "uses" }
- local linkFields = { "links", "linkoptions", "libdirs" }
- if usageFilter == nil then
- -- We don't have a filter.
- -- Create one block with the build options,
- -- and another with only the links options that is filtered
- -- for just link targets.
- table.insert( propagateMap, {
- usageFilter = "buildoptions",
- excludeFields = linkFields
- } )
- table.insert( propagateMap, {
- terms = {'kind:not StaticLib'},
- usageFilter = "linkoptions",
- includeFields = table.join( commonFields, linkFields )
- } )
- else
- -- Respect the filter we have, and create one block with
- -- either build or linkoptions
- if usageFilter == "buildoptions" then
- table.insert( propagateMap, {
- usageFilter = "buildoptions",
- excludeFields = linkFields
- } )
+ local function stashStack()
+ if _OPTIONS["verbose"] then
+ for i , sourceName in ipairs(sourcesStack._et) do
+ verbosef("{STASH} USES_STACK [%s]: %s", sourceName, usesStack:get(i))
+ end
+ stackStash:push( {["sourcesStack"] = sourcesStack, ["usesStack"] = usesStack} )
+ sourcesStack = Stack:Create()
+ usesStack = Stack:Create()
+ end
- if usageFilter == "linkoptions" then
- table.insert( propagateMap, {
- usageFilter = "linkoptions",
- includeFields = table.join( commonFields, linkFields )
- } )
+-- After "bake" previous uses stack have to be recreated
+ local function unstashStack()
+ local stash = stackStash:pop()
+ sourcesStack = stash.sourcesStack
+ usesStack = stash.usesStack
+ if _OPTIONS["verbose"] then
+ for i , sourceName in ipairs(sourcesStack._et) do
+ verbosef("{UNSTASH} USES_STACK [%s]: %s", sourceName, usesStack:get(i))
+ end
+ end
+-- Print stack
+ printUsesStack = function()
+ -- reconstructed full stack from stashed and current stacks
+ local fullStack = {}
+ -- for formating we need max length of sourceName, it will be first column
+ local maxSourceNameLen = 1
+ -- get full stack form stashed stacks. form oldest to newest
+ for _, stacks in ipairs(stackStash._et) do
+ if stacks.sourcesStack:getn() > 0 then
+ for i, sourceName in ipairs(stacks.sourcesStack._et) do
+ local len = sourceName:len()
+ if len > maxSourceNameLen then
+ maxSourceNameLen = len
+ end
+ table.insert(fullStack, { ["sourceName"] = sourceName, ["usageName"] = stacks.usesStack:get(i) } )
+ end
+ end
+ -- get stack form currect "bake"
+ for i, sourceName in ipairs(sourcesStack._et) do
+ local len = sourceName:len()
+ if len > maxSourceNameLen then
+ maxSourceNameLen = len
+ end
+ table.insert(fullStack, { ["sourceName"] = sourceName, ["usageName"] = usesStack:get(i) } )
+ end
+ -- print full stack in three columns
+ --
+ -- Actions:
+ -- BAKES - mean that usage requred "bake" project
+ -- USES - use project or usage
+ print("\nUses stack:\n")
+ local line = string.format("%-" .. maxSourceNameLen .. "s ACRION: USAGE: \n", "SOURCE:")
+ print(line)
+ for _, entry in ipairs(fullStack) do
+ if not entry.sourceName:find('"bake"') then
+ if entry.usageName:find('"bake"') then
+ line = string.format("%-" .. maxSourceNameLen .. "s BAKES %s", entry.sourceName, entry.usageName:gsub('"bake" ', ""))
+ else
+ line = string.format("%-" .. maxSourceNameLen .. "s USES %s", entry.sourceName, entry.usageName)
+ end
+ print(line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Resolve usage of targetProject.targetBlock
+ local function resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock, usage )
+ verbosef("\nProject %s is using usage %s\n",
+ targetProject.name, usage.name)
-- Clone each block in the usage and insert it into the target project
+ for _,usageBlock in ipairs(usage.blocks) do
+ -- Merge the criteria for the usage and target
- for _,propagate in ipairs(propagateMap) do
+ -- detach fat references before deepcopy
+ usageOrigin = usageBlock._origin
+ usageBlock._origin = nil
+ local newBlock = table.deepcopy(usageBlock)
- verbosef("\nApplying %s to project %s from using usage %s\n",
- propagate.usageFilter, targetProject.name, usage.name )
+ -- attach fat references after deepcopy
+ newBlock._origin = usageOrigin
+ usageBlock._origin = usageOrigin
- for _,usageBlock in ipairs(usage.blocks) do
+ newBlock._criteria.patterns = table.join(
+ newBlock._criteria.patterns,
+ targetBlock._criteria.patterns )
- -- Merge the criteria for the usage, target, propagate
- -- with any inherited criteria
+ newBlock._criteria.data =
+ p.criteria._compile(newBlock._criteria.patterns)
- local newBlock = table.deepcopy(usageBlock)
- newBlock._criteria.patterns = table.join(
- newBlock._criteria.patterns,
- targetBlock._criteria.patterns )
- if inheritedCriteria ~= nil then
- newBlock._criteria.patterns = table.join(
- newBlock._criteria.patterns,
- inheritedCriteria.patterns )
- end
- if propagate.terms ~= nil then
- local propagateCriteria =
- p.criteria.new( propagate.terms )
- newBlock._criteria.patterns = table.join(
- newBlock._criteria.patterns,
- propagateCriteria.patterns )
- end
- newBlock._criteria.data =
- p.criteria._compile(newBlock._criteria.patterns)
- -- todo: would be nice not to do this.
- -- needs to be in sync with internal block logic.
- if newBlock.filename then
- newBlock.filename = nil
- newBlock._basedir = newBlock.basedir
- newBlock.basedir = nil
- end
- -- Filter the field set of the new block to the ones we
- -- are propagating
- for field,v in pairs(usageBlock) do
- local reject = false
- if propagate.excludeFields ~= nil then
- reject = table.contains(
- propagate.excludeFields, field )
- end
- if propagate.includeFields ~= nil then
- reject = reject or not table.contains(
- propagate.includeFields, field )
- end
- if reject then
- verbosef("ignoring %s from %s %s",
- field, usage.name, propagate.usageFilter)
- newBlock[field] = nil
- else
- verbosef("keeping %s from %s %s",
- field, usage.name, propagate.usageFilter)
- end
- end
- -- Insert the new block into the target project.
- -- TODO: We need to insert as if at the call site,
- -- and it need to deal with with 'removes'
- -- merging between the two blocks.
- table.insert( targetProject.blocks, newBlock )
- -- Recurse into the new block and resolve any 'uses' there
- resolveAllUsesInBlock(
- targetProject,
- newBlock,
- propagate.usageFilter )
+ -- todo: would be nice not to do this.
+ -- needs to be in sync with internal block logic.
+ if newBlock.filename then
+ newBlock.filename = nil
+ newBlock._basedir = newBlock.basedir
+ newBlock.basedir = nil
+ -- Insert the new block into the target project.
+ -- TODO: We need to insert as if at the call site,
+ -- and it need to deal with with 'removes'
+ -- merging between the two blocks.
+ table.insert( targetProject.blocks, newBlock )
+ -- Recursion in usage is to fuzzy
+ if newBlock.uses then
+ error("Usage '" .. usage.name .. "'. Uses in usage is forbidden, move 'uses' to project.")
+ end
+ end
+-- Insert usageName to outTable and push usageName on stack,
+-- if srcProjectName and usageName are equal push is not performed.
+-- This is common case and it should be in separeted function
+ local function insertUsage( usesTable, usageName, sourceName )
+ local usagePushed = 0
+ -- project can use own usage and it is valid use
+ -- without this check we will get error about double push on stack
+ if usageName ~= sourceName then
+ pushUsage( usageName, sourceName )
+ usagePushed = 1
+ end
+ table.insert( usesTable, usageName )
+ return usagePushed
+-- Manually run "bake" process on source project if need,
+-- if "bake" on sourceProject is under way this mean that we have circular dependence
--- Resolve a single 'use', with a given filter and criteria,
--- into a target block of a target project
- local function resolveUse( targetProject, targetBlock,
- usageName, usageFilter, inheritedCriteria )
- local targetWorkspace = targetProject.solution
- local sourceProject = p.workspace.findproject(
- targetWorkspace, usageName )
- local usage = p.workspace.findusage( targetWorkspace, usageName)
- if sourceProject == nil and usage == nil then
+ local function bakeProject( sourceProject, targetProject )
+ -- _isUsageBaking - is flag on project which informs that premake alredy starts "bake" process
+ -- such situation occure with circular dependence
+ if sourceProject._isUsageBaking then
+ printUsesStack()
error("Use of "
- .. "'" .. usageName.. "'"
- .. ", is not defined as a usage or project in workspace "
- .. "'" .. targetWorkspace.name .. "'")
+ .. "'" .. sourceProject.name .. "' in '" .. targetProject.name .. "'"
+ .." circular dependence!!!" )
+ else
+ if not sourceProject._usageBaked then
+ verbosef("\nUsage starts baking %s\n", sourceProject.name )
+ sourceProject._isUsageBaking = true
+ pushUsage( '"bake" ' .. sourceProject.name, targetProject.name ) -- source mark "bake" process on stack
+ if optimization then
+ bakeProjectUsage( sourceProject )
+ else
+ sourceProject.ctx = p.container.bake(sourceProject) -- bake context is temporary in current version of premake5, we have to store it
+ sourceProject._isBaked = false -- premake5 thinks that object was not baked
+ end
+ popUsage()
+ sourceProject._isUsageBaking = false
+ sourceProject._usageBaked = true
+ verbosef("\nUsage ends baking %s\n", sourceProject.name )
+ end
+ end
- if sourceProject ~= nil and sourceProject.name ~= targetProject.name then
+-- Resolve a sourceProject 'uses' into a target block of a target project
- verbosef("\nProject %s is using project %s\n",
- targetProject.name, sourceProject.name )
+ local resolveUse
- -- The source project might not be baked yet, bake it now.
- -- We need this for the configuration list.
- -- TODO: not sure if we need to do some project configuration
- -- mapping between source and target too? project.getconfig?
+ local function resolveUses( sourceProject, targetProject, targetBlock )
+ if optimization then
+ local targetProjectResolvedUses = targetProject.resolvedUses -- get table of already resolved uses for this projects
+ local sourceProjectResolvedUses = sourceProject.resolvedUses
+ local sourceProjectName = sourceProject.name
+ local targetBlockResolvedUsesLinks = targetBlock.resolvedUsesLinks
- sourceProject = p.container.bake(sourceProject)
+ -- Iterate over the source project uses
+ for usageName,usageInfo in pairs(sourceProjectResolvedUses) do
+ -- project can use own usage and it is valid use
+ -- without this check we will get error about double push on stack
+ if usageName ~= usageInfo.parent then
+ pushUsage( '"bake" ' .. usageInfo.parent, '???' )
+ pushUsage( usageName, usageInfo.parent )
+ popUsage(2)
+ end
+ if not targetProjectResolvedUses[usageName] then
- -- Iterate over the source project configurations and propagate
- -- any 'uses' in each configuration from the source project to
- -- the target project.
- -- We do this per configuration so we know the 'kind' of that
- -- configuration to influence what options are propagated
- -- through the project.
+ usage = usageInfo.block
+ -- sourceProject include own usage
+ if usage then
+ resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock, usage )
+ end
- for configName,configCtx in pairs(sourceProject.configs) do
+ if usageInfo.type == "project" then
+ -- When referring to a project, 'uses' acts like 'links' too.
+ table.insert(targetBlockResolvedUsesLinks, usageName )
+ end
- -- If this source configuration is link target, we only want to
- -- propagate buildoptions.
- -- For example, if the source project is a shared library,
- -- that linked with a static library, we don't also want the
- -- target to link the same static library since it's already
- -- linked in the source project.
+ targetProjectResolvedUses[usageName] = usageInfo
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local pushCount = 0
- local configKind = context.fetchvalue(configCtx, 'kind')
+ -- Store feched uses for future usage
+ if sourceProject.ctx.usesValues == nil then
+ sourceProject.ctx.usesValues = context.fetchvalue( sourceProject.ctx, 'uses' )
+ end
- local configUsageFilter
- if configKind ~= 'StaticLib' then
- configUsageFilter = 'buildoptions'
+ local usesToResolve = {}
+ -- push all uses on stack before resolve, it guranty that all uses on current level are before uses are resolved
+ -- this is essential for duplicated uses detection
+ for k,v in ipairs(sourceProject.ctx.usesValues ) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ for _, vName in ipairs(v) do
+ pushCount = pushCount + insertUsage( usesToResolve, vName, sourceProject.name )
+ end
+ else
+ pushCount = pushCount + insertUsage( usesToResolve, v, sourceProject.name )
+ end
+ end
+ -- Iterate over the source project uses'
+ for _,v in ipairs(usesToResolve) do
+ if v == sourceProject.name then
+ if not usage then
+ error( "Project " .. sourceProject.name .. " used itself but declares no usage")
+ end
+ else
+ resolveUse( targetProject,
+ targetBlock,
+ v )
+ end
+ end
+ if pushCount > 0 then
+ popUsage(pushCount)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Resolve a single 'use' into a target block of a target project
+ resolveUse = function( targetProject, targetBlock, usageName )
+ -- get table of already resolved uses for this projects
+ local resolvedUses = targetProject.resolvedUses
+ local usageType = "project"
+ local usageScriptPath = ""
+ -- if use already resolved SKIP it
+ if not resolvedUses[usageName] then
+ local targetWorkspace = targetProject.solution
+ local sourceProject = p.workspace.findproject( targetWorkspace, usageName )
+ local usage = p.workspace.findusage( targetWorkspace, usageName )
+ if sourceProject ~= nil and sourceProject.name ~= targetProject.name then
+ verbosef("\nProject %s is using project %s\n",
+ targetProject.name, sourceProject.name )
+ -- The source project might not be baked yet, bake it now.
+ -- We need this for the context.
+ bakeProject( sourceProject, targetProject )
+ resolveUses( sourceProject, targetProject, targetBlock )
+ -- sourceProject include own usage
+ if usage then
+ resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock, usage )
- if compatibleUsage( usageFilter, configUsageFilter ) then
- verbosef("== %s %s", configName,configKind)
- -- Resolve the 'uses' in this configuration to the target.
- -- Pass on this configuration as a criteria for the resolve.
- -- todo: already exists in configCtx._criteria
- -- todo: should be merging with inheritedCriteria?
- local configCriteria =
- p.criteria.new( {'configurations:' .. configName } )
- local configUses = context.fetchvalue( configCtx, 'uses' )
- local usedSelf = false
- for k,v in ipairs(configUses) do
- if v == sourceProject.name then
- usedSelf = true
- if usage then
- resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock,
- usage, v, configUsageFilter or usageFilter,
- configCriteria )
- else
- error( "Project " .. sourceProject.name
- .. " used itself but declares no usage")
- end
- else
- resolveUse( targetProject,
- targetBlock,
- v,
- configUsageFilter or usageFilter,
- configCriteria )
- end
- end
- -- The project did not use it's own usage
- -- It is only exposing it only visible to other project.
- -- Don't apply configUsageFilter
- -- TO CONSIDER: not sure about that, but makes sense if we've not
- -- linked internally what's specified in our usage.
- if usage and not usedSelf then
- verbosef("= Project %s config %s, did not resolve own usage to %s. Resolving now\n",
- sourceProject.name, configName, targetProject.name )
- resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock,
- usage, usageName, usageFilter,
- configCriteria )
- end
+ -- When referring to a project, 'uses' acts like 'links' too.
+ table.insert(targetBlock.resolvedUsesLinks, usageName )
+ usageType = "project"
+ usageScriptPath = sourceProject.script
+ elseif usage ~= nil then
+ resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock, usage )
+ usageType = "usage"
+ usageScriptPath = usage.script
+ elseif sourceProject ~= nil then
+ error( "Project " .. sourceProject.name
+ .. " used itself but declares no usage")
+ else
+ -- throw an error on Windows and keep going on Linux
+ local isLinux = ( package.config:sub(1,1) == '/' )
+ local messageText = "Use of "
+ .. "'" .. usageName.. "'"
+ .. ", is not defined as a usage or project in workspace "
+ .. "'" .. targetWorkspace.name .. "'" .. " for " .. targetProject.name
+ if isLinux then
+ print( messageText )
+ return
+ else
+ error( messageText )
- -- When referring to a project, 'uses' acts like 'links' too.
- if usageFilter == nil or usageFilter == "linkoptions" then
- local linkBlock = targetBlock
- -- If we don't have a usageFilter, make sure this link only
- -- occurs on linkable targets.
- -- TODO: Functionally similar to block insertion for usages.
- -- same requirements/todos/bugs, should dedupe.
- if usageFilter == nil then
- linkBlock = {}
- -- todo: would be nice not to do this.
- -- needs to be in sync with internal block logic.
- if targetBlock.filename then
- linkBlock._basedir = targetBlock.basedir
- else
- linkBlock._basedir = targetBlock._basedir
- end
- local linkCriteria =
- p.criteria.new( {"kind:not StaticLib"} )
- linkBlock._criteria = {}
- linkBlock._criteria.patterns = table.join(
- targetBlock._criteria.patterns,
- linkCriteria.patterns)
- linkBlock._criteria.data =
- p.criteria._compile(linkBlock._criteria.patterns)
- table.insert( targetProject.blocks, linkBlock )
- end
- local key = "links"
- local field = p.field.get(key)
- linkBlock[key] = p.field.store( field,
- linkBlock[key],
- sourceProject.name )
- end
- elseif usage ~= nil then
- resolveUsage( targetProject, targetBlock,
- usage, usageName, usageFilter,
- inheritedCriteria )
+ resolvedUses[usageName] = { ["type"] = usageType, ["script"] = usageScriptPath, ["block"] = usage, ["parent"] = targetProject.name }
-- Resolve all uses from a target block in a target project
- function resolveAllUsesInBlock( targetProject,
- targetBlock,
- inheritedUsageFilter )
+ local function resolveAllUsesInBlock( targetProject, targetBlock )
- if targetBlock.uses then
- for _, usageKey in ipairs(targetBlock.uses) do
- local usageName = usageKey
- local usageFilter
- local separatorPos = usageKey:find(':')
- if separatorPos then
- usageName = usageKey:sub(separatorPos + 1)
- usageFilter = usageKey:sub(0, separatorPos - 1)
+ local pushCount = 0
+ usesToResolve = {}
+ for _, usageKey in ipairs(targetBlock.uses) do
+ if type(usageKey) == "table" then
+ for _, usageName in ipairs(usageKey) do
+ pushCount = pushCount + insertUsage( usesToResolve, usageName, targetProject.name )
- if compatibleUsage(inheritedUsageFilter, usageFilter) then
- resolveUse( targetProject, targetBlock, usageName,
- inheritedUsageFilter or usageFilter )
- end
- end
+ else
+ pushCount = pushCount + insertUsage( usesToResolve, usageKey, targetProject.name )
+ end
+ for _, usageName in ipairs(usesToResolve) do
+ resolveUse( targetProject, targetBlock, usageName )
+ end
+ if pushCount > 0 then
+ popUsage(pushCount)
+ end
-- Before baking a project, resolve all the 'uses'
+ function bakeProjectUsage( prj )
+ -- do not resolve "uses" twice
+ if prj.resolvedUses == nil then
+ -- create table of already resolved uses for this projects
+ prj.resolvedUses = {}
+ stashStack()
+ local blocks = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(prj.blocks) do
+ blocks[k] = v
+ end
+ pushUsage( prj.name, '"bake"' )
+ for _, block in pairs(blocks) do
+ if block.uses then
+ block.resolvedUsesLinks = {}
+ resolveAllUsesInBlock(prj, block)
+ -- When referring to a project, 'uses' acts like 'links' too.
+ block[keyLinks] = field.store( fieldLinks, block[keyLinks], fixOrder( block.resolvedUsesLinks ) )
+ end
+ end
+ popUsage()
+ unstashStack()
+ end
+ end
+-- Put the linked projects in the right order
+ function fixOrder( resolvedUsesLinks )
+ if next(resolvedUsesLinks) ~= nil then
+ local fixedResolvedUsesLinks = {}
+ for i = #resolvedUsesLinks, 1, -1 do
+ table.insert( fixedResolvedUsesLinks, resolvedUsesLinks[ i ] )
+ end
+ return fixedResolvedUsesLinks
+ end
+ return resolvedUsesLinks
+ end
+-- Register override
premake.override(p.project, "bake", function(base, self)
- -- Keep the list stable while we iterate and modify it
- local blocks = {}
- for k, v in pairs(self.blocks) do
- blocks[k] = v
- end
- for _, block in pairs(blocks) do
- resolveAllUsesInBlock(self, block)
- end
+ bakeProjectUsage(self)
return base(self)