#include "THISDUST.H" #include "BCOLLIDE.H" #include "COSMETIC.H" #include "PAD.H" #include "DEBRIS.H" #include "EVENT.H" #include "OBJCOLL.H" #include "MODELS.H" #include "SOUND.H" #include "GAMESND.H" #include "GLAUNCH.H" #include "MAIN.H" #include "MISSION.H" #include "FELONY.H" #include "WHEELFORCES.H" #include "HANDLING.H" #include "CAMERA.H" #include "OBJANIM.H" #include "STRINGS.H" #include "GTEREG.H" #include "INLINE_C.H" #include #define COLLISION_DEBUG // decompiled code // original method signature: // int /*$ra*/ bcollided2d(struct CDATA2D *body /*$t4*/, int needOverlap /*$fp*/) // line 120, offset 0x0001c51c /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 121 // Start offset: 0x0001C51C // Variables: // struct VECTOR delta; // stack offset -56 // int dtheta; // $v1 // int ac; // $s6 // int as; // $s5 // int i; // $t7 // int j; // $a2 // int k; // $t5 /* begin block 1.1 */ // Start line: 160 // Start offset: 0x0001C738 // Variables: // int xover; // $t0 // int zover; // $a0 // int tmp2; // $a2 // int FE; // $a3 /* end block 1.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001C890 // End Line: 183 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001C8C0 // End Line: 185 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 240 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 241 int boxOverlap = 0; // Checks of two bodies collides (basic check) // also initializes axes // [D] [A] int bcollided2d(CDATA2D *body, int needOverlap) { short ac; short as; short sVar3; short sVar4; int dtheta; int iVar6; int iVar7; int iVar8; int iVar9; int *piVar10; CDATA2D *pCVar11; VECTOR *pVVar12; int *piVar13; int *piVar14; int *piVar15; int *piVar16; int *piVar17; int iVar18; int iVar19; int uVar20; VECTOR *pVVar21; int *plVar22; int *piVar23; int iVar24; int *piVar25; VECTOR delta; iVar19 = 1; pCVar11 = body + 1; dtheta = body[1].theta - body[0].theta; ac = rcossin_tbl[(dtheta + 0x400 & 0x7ff) * 2]; as = rcossin_tbl[(dtheta & 0x7ff) * 2]; // calc axes of each box do { dtheta = body[iVar19].theta & 0xfff; sVar3 = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2]; sVar4 = rcossin_tbl[dtheta * 2 + 1]; body[iVar19].axis[0].vx = sVar3; body[iVar19].axis[0].vz = sVar4; body[iVar19].axis[1].vz = -sVar3; body[iVar19].axis[1].vx = sVar4; iVar19--; } while (iVar19 != -1); dtheta = 0; uVar20 = 1; piVar23 = body[1].limit; piVar25 = body[1].dist; iVar24 = 100; delta.vx = body[0].x.vx - body[1].x.vx; delta.vz = body[0].x.vz - body[1].x.vz; do { piVar15 = piVar23 + 1; piVar10 = piVar25 + 1; piVar17 = body[uVar20].length + 1; piVar16 = body[dtheta].length + 1; piVar14 = body[dtheta].length; pVVar12 = body[uVar20].axis + 1; iVar18 = 1; do { *piVar10 = (pVVar12->vx * delta.vx + pVVar12->vz * delta.vz) / 4096; iVar7 = *piVar17 + (*piVar16 * ac + *piVar14 * as) / 4096; *piVar15 = iVar7; if (iVar7 < *piVar10) return 0; if (*piVar10 < -iVar7) return 0; piVar15--; piVar10--; piVar17--; piVar16--; pVVar12--; iVar18--; piVar14++; } while (iVar18 != -1); dtheta = uVar20 & 1; piVar23 -= 25; piVar25 = piVar25 - 25; iVar24 -= 100; uVar20--; if (uVar20 == -1) { if (needOverlap != 0) { iVar19 = body[1].dist[0]; iVar6 = body[1].limit[0]; if (iVar19 < 0) iVar19 = -iVar19; if (iVar6 < 0) iVar6 = -iVar6; iVar8 = iVar19 - iVar6; if (iVar8 < 0) iVar8 = iVar6 - iVar19; iVar9 = body[0].axis[0].vx; iVar6 = body[0].axis[0].vz; iVar19 = (iVar9 * body[1].axis[0].vx + iVar6 * body[1].axis[0].vz) / 4096; if (iVar19 < 0) iVar19 = -iVar19; if (iVar19 < 11) iVar8 = -1; else iVar8 = (iVar8 * 4096) / iVar19; iVar19 = body[1].dist[1]; iVar24 = body[1].limit[1]; if (iVar19 < 0) iVar19 = -iVar19; if (iVar24 < 0) iVar24 = -iVar24; iVar18 = iVar19 - iVar24; if (iVar18 < 0) iVar18 = iVar24 - iVar19; iVar19 = (iVar9 * body[1].axis[1].vx + iVar6 * body[1].axis[1].vz) / 4096; if (iVar19 < 0) iVar19 = -iVar19; iVar6 = iVar8; if (10 < iVar19) iVar6 = (iVar18 * 4096) / iVar19; boxOverlap = iVar6; if (-1 < iVar8) { boxOverlap = iVar8; if (iVar6 < iVar8) boxOverlap = iVar6; } } return 1; } } while (true); return 0; } // decompiled code // original method signature: // void /*$ra*/ bFindCollisionPoint(struct CDATA2D *body /*$t6*/, struct CRET2D *collisionResult /*$s0*/) // line 195, offset 0x0001c8c0 /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 196 // Start offset: 0x0001C8C0 // Variables: // int carBarrierCollision; // $s1 // int i; // $a3 // int j; // $v1 // int k; // $t0 // int smallest; // $t4 // int besti; // $t5 // int bestk; // $t7 // int sign; // $t3 // int sign0; // $t0 // int sign1; // $a3 /* begin block 1.1 */ // Start line: 212 // Start offset: 0x0001C964 // Variables: // int upper; // $a1 // int lower; // $v1 /* end block 1.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001C9BC // End Line: 228 /* begin block 1.2 */ // Start line: 235 // Start offset: 0x0001C9F0 // Variables: // int upper; // $a1 // int lower; // $a0 /* end block 1.2 */ // End offset: 0x0001CA60 // End Line: 249 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001CC30 // End Line: 273 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 416 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 417 /* begin block 3 */ // Start line: 427 /* end block 3 */ // End Line: 428 /* begin block 4 */ // Start line: 431 /* end block 4 */ // End Line: 432 // [D] void bFindCollisionPoint(CDATA2D *body, CRET2D *collisionResult) { bool bVar1; int iVar2; int iVar3; int iVar4; int iVar5; int *piVar6; CDATA2D *pCVar7; uint uVar8; int *piVar9; int iVar10; int iVar11; int local_t1_132; int *piVar12; int *piVar13; int iVar14; int iVar15; int local_t5_4; VECTOR *pVVar16; int iVar17; local_t5_4 = 0; iVar17 = 0; iVar14 = 0; bVar1 = false; iVar15 = body->limit[0] + 1; if ((body->isCameraOrTanner == 0) && (body[1].isCameraOrTanner == 0)) { if ((body[1].length[0] << 2 <= body[1].length[1]) || (body[1].length[1] << 2 <= body[1].length[0])) { bVar1 = true; } } uVar8 = 1; do { iVar11 = 1; local_t1_132 = uVar8 - 1; piVar6 = body[uVar8].dist + 1; do { iVar5 = piVar6[2] - *piVar6; iVar2 = *piVar6 + piVar6[2]; if ((iVar5 < iVar15) && (iVar14 = -1, iVar15 = iVar5, local_t5_4 = uVar8, iVar17 = iVar11, uVar8 == 1)) { iVar14 = 1; } if ((iVar2 < iVar15) && (iVar14 = 1, iVar15 = iVar2, local_t5_4 = uVar8, iVar17 = iVar11, uVar8 == 1)) { iVar14 = -1; } iVar11--; piVar6--; } while (iVar11 != -1); iVar11 = 1; uVar8 = local_t1_132; } while (local_t1_132 != -1); if (bVar1) { piVar9 = body[1].length + 1; piVar6 = body[1].length; piVar13 = body[1].dist + 1; piVar12 = body[1].limit + 1; do { iVar5 = *piVar12 - *piVar13; iVar2 = *piVar13 + *piVar12; if ((iVar5 < iVar2) && (*piVar9 < *piVar6 << 2)) { local_t5_4 = 1; iVar14 = 1; iVar17 = iVar11; } if ((iVar2 < iVar5) && (*piVar9 < *piVar6 << 2)) { local_t5_4 = 1; iVar14 = -1; iVar17 = iVar11; } piVar9--; piVar6++; piVar13--; iVar11--; piVar12--; } while (iVar11 != -1); } pCVar7 = body + (local_t5_4 ^ 1); pVVar16 = body[local_t5_4].axis + iVar17; iVar5 = pCVar7->axis[0].vx; iVar2 = pVVar16->vx; piVar6 = (int*)&body[local_t5_4].axis[iVar17].vz; iVar11 = body[local_t5_4].axis[iVar17].vz; iVar17 = iVar14; if (-1 < iVar5 * iVar2 + pCVar7->axis[0].vz * iVar11) iVar17 = -iVar14; iVar3 = pCVar7->axis[1].vx; iVar10 = iVar14; if (-1 < iVar3 * iVar2 + pCVar7->axis[1].vz * iVar11) iVar10 = -iVar14; collisionResult->hit.vx = pCVar7->x.vx + (iVar5 * pCVar7->length[0] * iVar17 + iVar3 * pCVar7->length[1] * iVar10) / 4096; iVar11 = pCVar7->axis[0].vz; iVar2 = pCVar7->length[0]; iVar4 = pCVar7->axis[1].vz; iVar5 = pCVar7->length[1]; iVar3 = pCVar7->x.vz; collisionResult->penetration = iVar15; collisionResult->hit.vz = pCVar7->x.vz + (iVar11 * iVar2 * iVar17 + iVar4 * iVar5 * iVar10) / 4096; if (local_t5_4 != 0) iVar14 = -iVar14; iVar15 = pVVar16->vx; collisionResult->surfNormal.vy = 0; collisionResult->surfNormal.vx = iVar15 * iVar14; collisionResult->surfNormal.vz = *piVar6 * iVar14; } // decompiled code // original method signature: // int /*$ra*/ bFindCollisionTime(struct CDATA2D *cd /*$s5*/, struct CRET2D *collisionResult /*stack 4*/) // line 275, offset 0x0001cc30 /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 276 // Start offset: 0x0001CC30 // Variables: // int i; // $s4 // int q; // $s0 // int hit; // $t2 // int neverfree; // $fp // int time; // $s1 // int step; // $s3 // struct CDATA2D original[2]; // stack offset -248 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001CEEC // End Line: 357 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 635 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 636 /* begin block 3 */ // Start line: 638 /* end block 3 */ // End Line: 639 // [D] int bFindCollisionTime(CDATA2D *cd, CRET2D *collisionResult) { int *piVar1; VECTOR *pVVar2; int iVar3; long lVar4; CDATA2D *pCVar5; int *local_a1_184; int iVar6; int *piVar7; int *piVar8; int iVar9; int iVar10; int iVar11; int iVar12; int iVar13; CDATA2D *pCVar14; long *plVar15; int iVar16; int iVar17; int iVar18; CDATA2D original[2]; iVar11 = 1; iVar18 = 1; iVar13 = 0x1000; iVar16 = 0x800; iVar17 = 1; pCVar5 = cd + 1; iVar10 = 100; do { original[iVar17].x.vx = cd[iVar17].x.vx; original[iVar17].x.vz = cd[iVar17].x.vz; original[iVar17].theta = cd[iVar17].theta; original[iVar17].dist[0] = cd[iVar17].dist[0]; original[iVar17].limit[0] = cd[iVar17].limit[0]; original[iVar17].dist[1] = cd[iVar17].dist[1]; original[iVar17].limit[1] = cd[iVar17].limit[1]; iVar17--; } while (iVar17 != -1); iVar10 = 7; do { iVar12 = 1; iVar17 = iVar10 + -1; pCVar5 = cd + 1; do { iVar6 = pCVar5->vel.vx / 2; iVar3 = pCVar5->vel.vz; iVar9 = pCVar5->avel / 2; pCVar5->vel.vx = iVar6; pCVar5->avel = iVar9; iVar3 = iVar3 >> 1; pCVar5->vel.vz = iVar3; if (iVar11 == 0) { pCVar5->x.vx += iVar6; pCVar5->x.vz += iVar3; iVar6 = pCVar5->theta + iVar9; } else { pCVar5->x.vx -= iVar6; pCVar5->x.vz -= iVar3; iVar6 = pCVar5->theta - iVar9; } pCVar5->theta = iVar6; iVar12--; pCVar5--; } while (iVar12 != -1); if (iVar11 == 0) { iVar18 = 0; iVar11 = iVar16; } else { iVar11 = -iVar16; } iVar13 = iVar13 + iVar11; iVar11 = bcollided2d(cd, 0); if (iVar10 != 0) iVar16 = iVar16 >> 1; iVar12 = 1; iVar10 = iVar17; } while (iVar17 != -1); if (iVar11 == 0) { pCVar5 = cd + 1; do { pCVar5->x.vx += pCVar5->vel.vx; pCVar5->x.vz += pCVar5->vel.vz; pCVar5->theta += pCVar5->avel; iVar12--; pCVar5--; } while (iVar12 != -1); bcollided2d(cd, 0); iVar13 = iVar13 + iVar16; } else { iVar11 = 1; if (iVar18 != 0) { pCVar5 = cd + 1; pCVar14 = original + 1; do { pCVar5->x.vx = pCVar14->x.vx; pCVar5->x.vz = pCVar14->x.vz; pCVar5->theta = pCVar14->theta; bcollided2d(cd, 0); pCVar14--; pCVar5--; iVar11--; } while (iVar11 != -1); iVar13 = 0x1000; } } collisionResult->neverfree = iVar18; return iVar13; } // decompiled code // original method signature: // void /*$ra*/ ApplyDamage(struct _CAR_DATA *cp /*$a0*/, char region /*$a1*/, int value /*$a2*/, char fakeDamage /*$a3*/) // line 384, offset 0x0001ceec /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 385 // Start offset: 0x0001CEEC // Variables: // short *pRegion; // $t0 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D0B0 // End Line: 465 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 965 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 966 /* begin block 3 */ // Start line: 993 /* end block 3 */ // End Line: 994 int wibblewibblewoo = 0; // [D] void ApplyDamage(_CAR_DATA *cp, char region, int value, char fakeDamage) { ushort uVar1; int iVar2; int iVar3; ushort *puVar4; short *psVar5; iVar3 = region; puVar4 = (ushort *)(cp->ap.damage + region); if (cp->controlType == 1 || cp->controlType == 4) value = value * gPlayerDamageFactor / 4096; else value = value << 1; if (cp->controlType == 3) { if (gCopDifficultyLevel == 1) { iVar2 = value * 0xc; } else { if (gCopDifficultyLevel != 2) goto LAB_0001cf9c; iVar2 = value * 7; } value = iVar2 >> 4; } LAB_0001cf9c: wibblewibblewoo = region; if (fakeDamage == 0) { if (cp->totalDamage < 0xffff - value) { cp->totalDamage = cp->totalDamage + value; } else { cp->totalDamage = 0xffff; } } uVar1 = *puVar4; *puVar4 = (uVar1 + value); if (0xfff < ((uVar1 + value) * 0x10000) >> 0x10) *puVar4 = 0xfff; if (iVar3 == 1) iVar3 = 0; else if (iVar3 == 0) iVar3 = 1; else if (iVar3 == 3) iVar3 = 4; else if (iVar3 == 4) iVar3 = 3; else iVar3 = -1; if (iVar3 != -1) { psVar5 = cp->ap.damage + iVar3; value = value >> 1; if (*psVar5 < value) { if (fakeDamage == 0) { if (cp->totalDamage < 0xffff - (value - *psVar5)) cp->totalDamage = cp->totalDamage + (value - *psVar5); else cp->totalDamage = 0xffff; } *psVar5 = value; } } } // decompiled code // original method signature: // int /*$ra*/ DamageCar3D(struct _CAR_DATA *cp /*$s1*/, long (*delta)[4] /*$t4*/, int strikeVel /*$t6*/, struct _CAR_DATA *pOtherCar /*$s2*/) // line 470, offset 0x0001d0b0 /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 471 // Start offset: 0x0001D0B0 // Variables: // int l; // $v1 // int w; // $v0 // int region; // $a1 // long nose[4]; // stack offset -56 // long door[4]; // stack offset -40 // int impact; // $s3 // int QQQ; // $t7 /* begin block 1.1 */ // Start line: 549 // Start offset: 0x0001D388 // Variables: // char fakeDamage; // $a3 // char player_id; // $s0 // char kludge; // $a3 /* end block 1.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D424 // End Line: 568 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D454 // End Line: 572 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 1162 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 1163 /* begin block 3 */ // Start line: 1168 /* end block 3 */ // End Line: 1169 // [D] int DamageCar3D(_CAR_DATA *cp, long(*delta)[4], int strikeVel, _CAR_DATA *pOtherCar) { char region; int value; int iVar1; bool fakeDamage; int iVar2; iVar2 = strikeVel; //if (strikeVel < 0) // iVar2 = strikeVel + 0x7f; strikeVel = strikeVel * 0x177; value = (uint)(ushort)(((cp->ap).carCos)->colBox).vz << 0x10; value = (value >> 0x10) - (value >> 0x1f) >> 1; //if (strikeVel < 0) // strikeVel = strikeVel + 255; strikeVel = strikeVel >> 8; if (strikeVel < 0xa000) { if (cp->totalDamage == 0) cp->totalDamage = 1; iVar2 = 0; } else { iVar1 = (cp->hd.where.m[0][2] * (*delta)[0] + cp->hd.where.m[1][2] * (*delta)[1] + cp->hd.where.m[2][2] * (*delta)[2]) / 4096; if ((cp->hd.where.m[0][0] * (*delta)[0] + cp->hd.where.m[1][0] * (*delta)[1] + cp->hd.where.m[2][0] * (*delta)[2]) / 4096 < 1) { region = 0; if ((iVar1 <= value) && (region = 4, -value < iVar1)) { region = 5; } } else { region = 1; if ((iVar1 <= value) && (region = 3, -value < iVar1)) { region = 2; } } if (cp->controlType == 1) { value = (strikeVel / 350 + 0x200) * 3; //if (value < 0) // value = value + 7; value = value >> 3; if (0x477 < value) value = 0x477; } else if (cp->controlType == 4) { if (pOtherCar->controlType == 1) { value = (strikeVel / 350 + 0x200) * 3; //if (value < 0) // value = value + 7; value = value >> 3; if (0x477 < value) value = 0x477; cp->ai.l.takeDamage = 0x32; } else { value = strikeVel / 350 + 0x200; //if (value < 0) // value = strikeVel / 350 + 0x203; value = value >> 2; if (0x2fa < value) value = 0x2fa; if (cp->ai.l.takeDamage == 0) value = 0; } } else { iVar1 = (strikeVel / 400 + 0x400) * 7; value = iVar1 >> 3; //if (iVar1 < 0) // value = iVar1 + 7 >> 3; } fakeDamage = false; if (cp->controlType == 3) fakeDamage = pOtherCar->controlType == 3; ApplyDamage(cp, region, value, fakeDamage); value = GetPlayerId(cp); region = (char)value; if (region < 0) { value = GetPlayerId(pOtherCar); region = (char)value; } value = GetPlayerId(cp); if ((value != 0) || (value = 2, pOtherCar->controlType != 2)) { iVar1 = GetPlayerId(pOtherCar); value = 1; if ((iVar1 == 0) && (cp->controlType == 2)) value = 2; } CollisionSound(region, cp, iVar2 >> 7, value); iVar2 = 1; } return iVar2; } // decompiled code // original method signature: // void /*$ra*/ DamageCar(struct _CAR_DATA *cp /*$s2*/, struct CDATA2D *cd /*$s1*/, struct CRET2D *collisionResult /*$s3*/, int strikeVel /*$s0*/) // line 587, offset 0x0001d454 /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 588 // Start offset: 0x0001D454 // Variables: // struct VECTOR delta; // stack offset -48 // int l; // $v1 // int w; // $v0 // int region; // $a1 // int damage; // $a2 // char player_id; // $s5 // int impact; // $s4 // int QQQ; // $t0 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D668 // End Line: 633 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 1425 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 1426 /* begin block 3 */ // Start line: 1441 /* end block 3 */ // End Line: 1442 // [D] void DamageCar(_CAR_DATA *cp, CDATA2D *cd, CRET2D *collisionResult, int strikeVel) { int impact; int iVar1; int value; int iVar2; int iVar3; int iVar4; iVar1 = GetPlayerId(cp); value = cp->ap.carCos->colBox.vz << 0x10; impact = strikeVel / 600; value = (value >> 0x10) - (value >> 0x1f) >> 1; if (0x4fff < strikeVel && 9 < cp->hd.speed) { iVar4 = collisionResult->hit.vx - cd->x.vx; iVar3 = collisionResult->hit.vz - cd->x.vz; iVar2 = (cd->axis[0].vx * iVar4 + cd->axis[0].vz * iVar3) / 4096; if ((cd->axis[1].vx * iVar4 + cd->axis[1].vz * iVar3) / 4096 < 1) { iVar3 = 0; if ((iVar2 <= value) && (iVar3 = 4, -value < iVar2)) iVar3 = 5; } else { iVar3 = 1; if ((iVar2 <= value) && (iVar3 = 3, -value < iVar2)) iVar3 = 2; } if (0x1f4000 < strikeVel) strikeVel = 0x1f4000; value = ((strikeVel / 300) * 0x400) / 0x5dc; if (0x800 < value) value = 0x800; value -= (value * cp->ap.damage[iVar3] >> 0xd); if (cp->controlType == 4) { if (cp->ai.l.takeDamage == 0) value = 0; else value = value / 2; } ApplyDamage(cp, iVar3, value, 0); CollisionSound(iVar1, cp, impact, 0); } } // decompiled code // original method signature: // int /*$ra*/ CarBuildingCollision(struct _CAR_DATA *cp /*$s3*/, struct BUILDING_BOX *building /*$s2*/, struct CELL_OBJECT *cop /*$s6*/, int mightBeABarrier /*$s1*/) // line 839, offset 0x0001d68c /* begin block 1 */ // Start line: 840 // Start offset: 0x0001D68C // Variables: // static struct CDATA2D cd[2]; // offset 0x0 // static struct CRET2D collisionResult; // offset 0xd0 // int debris_colour; // stack offset -48 // struct VECTOR tempwhere; // stack offset -168 // struct MODEL *pModel; // $s5 // int player_id; // stack offset -44 /* begin block 1.1 */ // Start line: 866 // Start offset: 0x0001D794 // Variables: // struct SVECTOR boxDisp; // stack offset -152 /* begin block 1.1.1 */ // Start line: 908 // Start offset: 0x0001D8F4 // Variables: // int wbod; // $a1 /* end block 1.1.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D9A4 // End Line: 918 /* end block 1.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001D9A4 // End Line: 920 /* begin block 1.2 */ // Start line: 977 // Start offset: 0x0001DA64 /* begin block 1.2.1 */ // Start line: 977 // Start offset: 0x0001DA64 // Variables: // struct VECTOR velocity; // stack offset -144 // long pointVel[4]; // stack offset -128 // long reaction[4]; // stack offset -112 // long lever[4]; // stack offset -96 // int strikeVel; // $s1 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1014 // Start offset: 0x0001DC58 // Variables: // short scale; // $a2 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DCA4 // End Line: 1034 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1050 // Start offset: 0x0001DD04 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1058 // Start offset: 0x0001DD28 // Variables: // struct SMASHABLE_OBJECT *sip; // $a1 // struct SMASHABLE_OBJECT *match; // $s0 // int chan; // $s1 // int adjust; // $s2 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DE3C // End Line: 1079 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DEC4 // End Line: 1093 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1098 // Start offset: 0x0001DEF4 // Variables: // struct VECTOR LeafPosition; // stack offset -80 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DEF4 // End Line: 1098 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1116 // Start offset: 0x0001DF50 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1119 // Start offset: 0x0001DF90 // Variables: // struct VECTOR lamp_velocity; // stack offset -64 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DFC4 // End Line: 1123 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001DFC4 // End Line: 1124 /* begin block */ // Start line: 1143 // Start offset: 0x0001E058 // Variables: // int twistY; // $a1 // int lever_dot_n; // $a0 // int displacementsquared; // $v1 // int denom; // $v1 /* end block */ // End offset: 0x0001E170 // End Line: 1155 /* end block 1.2.1 */ // End offset: 0x0001E37C // End Line: 1184 /* end block 1.2 */ // End offset: 0x0001E384 // End Line: 1188 /* end block 1 */ // End offset: 0x0001E3E8 // End Line: 1195 /* begin block 2 */ // Start line: 1966 /* end block 2 */ // End Line: 1967 // [D] int CarBuildingCollision(_CAR_DATA *cp, BUILDING_BOX *building, CELL_OBJECT *cop, int mightBeABarrier) { static CDATA2D cd[2] = {0}; // offset 0x0 static CRET2D collisionResult = { 0 }; // offset 0xd0 unsigned char uVar1; int iVar2; int uVar3; long lVar4; long lVar5; long lVar6; long lVar7; int strikeVel; long lVar8; int iVar9; int iVar10; int uVar11; CAR_COSMETICS *pCVar12; int iVar13; int iVar14; SMASHABLE_OBJECT *pSVar15; short scale; int iVar16; int iVar17; int iVar18; SMASHABLE_OBJECT *pSVar19; MODEL *pMVar20; VECTOR tempwhere; SVECTOR boxDisp; VECTOR velocity; long pointVel[4]; long reaction[4]; long lever[4]; VECTOR LeafPosition; VECTOR lamp_velocity; int debris_colour; int player_id; pMVar20 = modelpointers[cop->type]; iVar2 = GetPlayerId(cp); cd[0].isCameraOrTanner = (cp->controlType == 5); if (cp->controlType == 6) cd[0].isCameraOrTanner = cd[0].isCameraOrTanner + 2; cd[1].isCameraOrTanner = (mightBeABarrier == 0); iVar14 = cp->hd.oBox.location.vy + building->pos.vy; if (iVar14 < 0) iVar14 = -iVar14; strikeVel = cp->hd.oBox.length[1] << 0x10; uVar3 = 0; pCVar12 = cp->ap.carCos; if (pCVar12 == NULL) // [A] potential crash fix return 0; if (iVar14 <= building->height / 2 + ((strikeVel >> 0x10) - (strikeVel >> 0x1f) >> 1) && (cop->pos.vx != 0xFD46FEC0) && (pMVar20->shape_flags & 0x10) == 0) { lVar4 = cp->hd.where.t[0]; lVar8 = cp->hd.where.t[2]; iVar14 = GetDebrisColour(cp); gte_SetRotMatrix(&cp->hd.where); gte_SetTransMatrix(&cp->hd.where); boxDisp.vx = -pCVar12->cog.vx; boxDisp.vy = -pCVar12->cog.vy; boxDisp.vz = -pCVar12->cog.vz; gte_ldv0(&boxDisp); docop2(0x480012); cd[0].x.vx = MAC1; cd[0].x.vy = MAC2; cd[0].x.vz = MAC3; cd[0].theta = cp->hd.direction; if (cp->controlType == 6) { cd[0].vel.vx = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / 4096;// + 0x800 >> 0xc; cd[0].vel.vz = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / 4096;// + 0x800 >> 0xc; cp->hd.where.t[0] += cd[0].vel.vx; cp->hd.where.t[2] += cd[0].vel.vz; cd[0].length[0] = 90; cd[0].length[1] = 90; } else if (cp->controlType == 5) { cd[0].vel.vx = 0; cd[0].vel.vz = 0; cd[0].length[1] = 5; cd[0].length[0] = gCameraDistance / 2; } else { cd[0].vel.vx = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / 4096;// +0x800 >> 0xc; cd[0].vel.vz = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / 4096;// + 0x800 >> 0xc; cp->hd.where.t[0] += cd[0].vel.vx; cp->hd.where.t[2] += cd[0].vel.vz; cd[0].length[0] = cp->ap.carCos->colBox.vz + 15; cd[0].length[1] = cp->ap.carCos->colBox.vx + 15; if (handlingType[cp->hndType].fourWheelDrive == 1 || cp->hndType == 5) { cd[0].length[1] = cd[0].length[1] * 13; cd[0].length[1] = cd[0].length[1] >> 4; } } cd[0].avel = (cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1] / 4096) * 5 >> 5; cd[1].x.vx = cp->hd.where.t[0] + (((building->pos.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0]) << 0x10) >> 0x10); cd[1].x.vz = cp->hd.where.t[2] + (((building->pos.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2]) << 0x10) >> 0x10); cd[1].theta = building->theta; cd[1].length[0] = building->xsize; cd[1].length[1] = building->zsize; cd[1].vel.vx = 0; cd[1].vel.vz = 0; cd[1].avel = 0; if (cp->controlType == 5) { iVar2 = bcollided2d(cd, 1); uVar3 = (iVar2 != 0); } else { strikeVel = bcollided2d(cd, 0); #if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG) && !defined(PSX) extern int gShowCollisionDebug; if (gShowCollisionDebug) { extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, CVECTOR& color); extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, VECTOR& ofs, CVECTOR& color); CVECTOR bbcv = { 0, 0, 250 }; CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 }; CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 }; // show both box axes { VECTOR _zero = { 0 }; VECTOR b1p = cd[0].x; VECTOR b2p = cd[1].x; b2p.vy = b1p.vy; // show position to position //Debug_AddLine(b1p1, b2p1, yycv); VECTOR b1ax[2] = { {0} , {0} }; b1ax[0].vx = (cd[0].axis[0].vx * cd[0].length[0]) / 4096; b1ax[0].vz = (cd[0].axis[0].vz * cd[0].length[0]) / 4096; b1ax[1].vx = (cd[0].axis[1].vx * cd[0].length[1]) / 4096; b1ax[1].vz = (cd[0].axis[1].vz * cd[0].length[1]) / 4096; // show axis of body 1 Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[0], b1p, rrcv); Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b1ax[1], b1p, yycv); // display 2D box 1 { int h = b1ax[0].vy; VECTOR box_points[4] = { {b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left {b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right {-b1ax[0].vx + b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz + b1ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right {-b1ax[0].vx - b1ax[1].vx, h, -b1ax[0].vz - b1ax[1].vz, 0} // back left }; Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b1p, bbcv); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b1p, bbcv); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b1p, bbcv); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b1p, bbcv); } VECTOR b2ax[2] = { {0} , {0} }; b2ax[0].vx += (cd[1].axis[0].vx * cd[1].length[0]) / 4096; b2ax[0].vz += (cd[1].axis[0].vz * cd[1].length[0]) / 4096; b2ax[1].vx += (cd[1].axis[1].vx * cd[1].length[1]) / 4096; b2ax[1].vz += (cd[1].axis[1].vz * cd[1].length[1]) / 4096; // show axis of body 2 Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[0], b2p, rrcv); Debug_AddLineOfs(_zero, b2ax[1], b2p, yycv); CVECTOR& collColor = strikeVel ? rrcv : yycv; // display 2D box 2 { int h = b2ax[0].vy; VECTOR box_points[4] = { {b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front left {b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // front right {-b2ax[0].vx + b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz + b2ax[1].vz, 0}, // back right {-b2ax[0].vx - b2ax[1].vx, h, -b2ax[0].vz - b2ax[1].vz, 0} // back left }; Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[0], box_points[1], b2p, collColor); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[1], box_points[2], b2p, collColor); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[2], box_points[3], b2p, collColor); Debug_AddLineOfs(box_points[3], box_points[0], b2p, collColor); } } } #endif if (strikeVel == 0) { uVar3 = 0; } else { bFindCollisionTime(cd, &collisionResult); bFindCollisionPoint(cd, &collisionResult); #if defined(COLLISION_DEBUG) && !defined(PSX) extern int gShowCollisionDebug; if(gShowCollisionDebug) { extern void Debug_AddLine(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, CVECTOR& color); extern void Debug_AddLineOfs(VECTOR& pointA, VECTOR& pointB, VECTOR& ofs, CVECTOR& color); CVECTOR bbcv = { 0, 0, 250 }; CVECTOR rrcv = { 250, 0, 0 }; CVECTOR yycv = { 250, 250, 0 }; // show collision point and normal { VECTOR pb = collisionResult.hit; pb.vy += 16; // display collision point Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, pb, rrcv); VECTOR nb = collisionResult.hit; nb.vx += collisionResult.surfNormal.vx / 16; nb.vy += collisionResult.surfNormal.vy / 16; nb.vz += collisionResult.surfNormal.vz / 16; // show collision normal Debug_AddLine(collisionResult.hit, nb, bbcv); } } #endif collisionResult.surfNormal.vx = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vx; collisionResult.surfNormal.vy = 0; collisionResult.surfNormal.vz = -collisionResult.surfNormal.vz; collisionResult.hit.vy = cp->hd.where.t[1] + 41; cp->hd.where.t[0] += (collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx) / 4096; cp->hd.where.t[2] += (collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz) / 4096; iVar13 = cp->st.n.angularVelocity[0]; iVar18 = cp->st.n.angularVelocity[1]; iVar10 = cp->st.n.angularVelocity[2]; iVar17 = collisionResult.hit.vx - cp->hd.where.t[0]; iVar16 = collisionResult.hit.vy - cp->hd.where.t[1]; iVar9 = collisionResult.hit.vz - cp->hd.where.t[2]; strikeVel = ((iVar18 * iVar9 - iVar10 * iVar16) / 4096) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0]; iVar10 = ((iVar10 * iVar17 - iVar13 * iVar9) / 4096) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1]; iVar13 = ((iVar13 * iVar16 - iVar18 * iVar17) / 4096) + cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2]; lVar5 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vx; lVar6 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vy; lVar7 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vz; iVar10 = (strikeVel >> 8) * (lVar5 >> 4) + (iVar10 >> 8) * (lVar6 >> 4) + (iVar13 >> 8) * (lVar7 >> 4); strikeVel = -iVar10; if (iVar10 < 0) { if (cp->controlType == 1) { if (strikeVel < 0x20) scale = ((iVar10 << 0x17) >> 0x10); else scale = 0x1000; if ((pMVar20->flags2 & 0x800) == 0) NoteFelony(&felonyData, 6, scale); else NoteFelony(&felonyData, 7, scale); } collisionResult.hit.vy = -collisionResult.hit.vy; velocity.vx = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / 4096; velocity.vy = -17; velocity.vz = cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / 4096; if ((pMVar20->flags2 & 0x800) != 0) { damage_object(cop, &velocity); if ((pMVar20->shape_flags & 8) == 0) { pSVar15 = smashable; strikeVel = pSVar15->modelIdx; pSVar19 = NULL; if (pSVar15->name != NULL) { while ((pSVar19 = pSVar15, modelpointers[strikeVel] != pMVar20 && (pSVar19 = NULL, pSVar15[1].name != NULL))) { strikeVel = pSVar15[1].modelIdx; pSVar15 = pSVar15 + 1; } } if (pSVar19 == NULL) pSVar19 = smashable; uVar3 = velocity.vx ^ velocity.vz; uVar11 = collisionResult.hit.vx ^ collisionResult.hit.vz; strikeVel = GetFreeChannel(); if ((1 < NumPlayers) && (NoPlayerControl == 0)) SetPlayerOwnsChannel(strikeVel, iVar2); Start3DSoundVolPitch(strikeVel, 1, pSVar19->sound, collisionResult.hit.vx, -collisionResult.hit.vy, collisionResult.hit.vz, pSVar19->volume, pSVar19->pitch + ((uVar3 * uVar11 & 0x3ff) - 0x200)); } cp->hd.where.t[0] = lVar4; cp->hd.where.t[2] = lVar8; collisionResult.hit.vy += 30; Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 10, 0); Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, 0); Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 5, iVar14 << 0x10); if (cp->controlType == 1) SetPadVibration((int)cp->ai.padid, 3); return 0; } if ((0x3600 < strikeVel) && (32000 < cp->hd.wheel_speed + 16000U)) { if ((pMVar20->flags2 & 0x2000) == 0) { if (gNight != 0 && (modelpointers[gLastModelCollisionCheck]->flags2 & 0x1000) != 0) { iVar2 = damage_lamp(cop); if (iVar2 != 0) { memset(&lamp_velocity, 0, sizeof(lamp_velocity)); collisionResult.hit.vy = -730; Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &lamp_velocity, 0x14, 0); collisionResult.hit.vy = 730; } } velocity.vy -= 20; collisionResult.hit.vy += 30; Setup_Sparks(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 4, 0); collisionResult.hit.vy -= 30; velocity.vy += 20; } else { uVar3 = rand(); LeafPosition.vx = collisionResult.hit.vx; LeafPosition.vy = -((uVar3 & 0xfe) + 600) - collisionResult.hit.vy; LeafPosition.vz = collisionResult.hit.vz; AddLeaf(&LeafPosition, 3, 1); } if ((0x1b000 < strikeVel) && (Setup_Debris(&collisionResult.hit, &velocity, 6, iVar14 << 0x10), cp->controlType == 1)) { SetPadVibration((int)cp->ai.padid, 1); } } DamageCar(cp, cd, &collisionResult, strikeVel); iVar2 = (iVar17 * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx + iVar16 * collisionResult.surfNormal.vy + iVar9 * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz) / 4096; iVar2 = (((iVar17 * iVar17 + iVar9 * iVar9) - iVar2 * iVar2) * car_cosmetics[cp->ap.model].twistRateY) / 4096 + 4096; if (strikeVel < 0x7f001) { iVar14 = -(iVar10 * 4096) / iVar2; if (iVar2 == 0) trap(7); } else { if (iVar2 == 0) trap(7); iVar14 = (strikeVel / iVar2) * 4096; } // [A] temporary hack cp->st.n.fposition[0] += (collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vx) / 512; cp->st.n.fposition[2] += (collisionResult.penetration * collisionResult.surfNormal.vz) / 512; iVar14 = iVar14 / 64; lVar4 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vx; iVar2 = iVar14 * (lVar4 / 64); lVar4 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vy; strikeVel = iVar14 * (lVar4 / 64); lVar4 = collisionResult.surfNormal.vz; iVar14 = iVar14 * (lVar4 / 64); if (cp->controlType != 4) { iVar13 = iVar16 * iVar14; iVar10 = iVar13 / 4096; if (cp->controlType == 3) iVar10 = iVar13 / 8192; iVar10 = cp->hd.aacc[0] + iVar10; cp->hd.aacc[0] = iVar10; iVar18 = iVar9 * strikeVel; iVar13 = iVar18 / 4096; if (cp->controlType == 3) iVar13 = iVar18 / 8192; cp->hd.aacc[0] = iVar10 - iVar13; } cp->hd.aacc[1] += (iVar9 * iVar2) / 4096 - (iVar17 * iVar14) / 4096; if (cp->controlType != 4) { iVar10 = iVar17 * strikeVel; iVar9 = iVar10 / 4096; if (cp->controlType == 3) iVar9 = iVar10 / 8192; iVar9 = cp->hd.aacc[2] + iVar9; cp->hd.aacc[2] = iVar9; iVar13 = iVar16 * iVar2; iVar10 = iVar13 / 4096; if (cp->controlType == 3) iVar10 = iVar13 / 8192; cp->hd.aacc[2] = iVar9 - iVar10; } cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] += iVar2; if (cp->controlType != 4) cp->st.n.linearVelocity[1] += strikeVel; cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] += iVar14; } uVar3 = 1; } cp->hd.where.t[0] -= cp->st.n.linearVelocity[0] / 4096; cp->hd.where.t[2] -= cp->st.n.linearVelocity[2] / 4096; } } return uVar3; }