#ifndef DRLIMITS_H #define DRLIMITS_H // DRIVER 2 game engine limits // please populate this file only with engine limits during refactoring #define MAX_MODEL_SLOTS 1536 // DO NOT CHANGE. No effect in upping it - limited by cell types #define MAX_CARS 20 #define MAX_CAR_MODELS 5 #define MAX_PEDESTRIANS 28 #define MAX_SEATED_PEDS 20 #define MAX_PLACED_PEDS 15 #define MAX_EXPLOSION_OBJECTS 5 #define MAX_THROWN_BOMBS 5 #define MAX_MOTION_CAPTURE 24 // denting #define MAX_DAMAGE_ZONE_VERTS 50 #define MAX_DAMAGE_ZONE_POLYS 70 #define MAX_DAMAGE_LEVELS 256 #ifndef PSX #define MAX_DENTING_VERTS 256 #define MAX_DENTING_UVS 256 #define MAX_DENTING_LOD_UVS 256 #else #define MAX_DENTING_VERTS 132 #define MAX_DENTING_UVS 255 #define MAX_DENTING_LOD_UVS 134 #endif // Mission limits // DO NOT EDIT, breaks compatibility! #define MAX_MISSION_THREADS 16 #define MAX_MISSION_TARGETS 16 // replay definitions. // DO NOT EDIT, breaks compatibility! #define MAX_REPLAY_CAMERAS 60 #define MAX_REPLAY_WAYPOINTS 150 #define MAX_REPLAY_PINGS 400 // debris limits #define MAX_SMOKE 80 #define MAX_LEAVES 50 #define MAX_DEBRIS 60 #define MAX_GROUND_DEBRIS 16 #define MAX_DAMAGED_LAMPS 5 #define MAX_SMASHED_OBJECTS 8 #define MAX_LAMP_STREAKS 21 #define MAX_RAIN_DROPS 180 // driving games limit #define MAX_SMASHED_CONES 6 // sound limits #define MAX_SFX_CHANNELS 16 // DON'T CHANGE unless you have more than 24 channels (no PSX code) #define MAX_LEVEL_ENVSOUNDS 32 #define MAX_SIREN_NOISES 2 #define MAX_CAR_NOISES 4 #endif // DRLIMITS_H