3348 lines
90 KiB

#include "THISDUST.H"
#include "MOTION_C.H"
TEXTURE_DETAILS jeans_texture;
TEXTURE_DETAILS arm1_texture;
TEXTURE_DETAILS forearm1_texture;
TEXTURE_DETAILS chest1_texture;
TEXTURE_DETAILS head1_texture;
MODEL* gPed1HeadModelPtr;
MODEL* gPed2HeadModelPtr;
MODEL* gPed3HeadModelPtr;
MODEL* gPed4HeadModelPtr;
LIMBS lRoutes[5][8] = {
PED_DATA MainPed[23] =
{ 0, 68u, &chest1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 1, 68u, &chest1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 17, 36u, &chest1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 6, 68u, &forearm1_texture, ARM_PAL },
{ 8, 68u, &head1_texture, NO_PAL },
{ 6, 68u, &arm1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 8, 36u, &arm1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 7, 68u, &forearm1_texture, ARM_PAL },
{ 3, 244u, &forearm1_texture, ARM_PAL },
{ 6, 68u, &arm1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 8, 36u, &arm1_texture, CHEST_PAL },
{ 7, 68u, &forearm1_texture, ARM_PAL },
{ 3, 244u, &forearm1_texture, ARM_PAL },
{ 1, 68u, &jeans_texture, NO_PAL },
{ 6, 68u, &jeans_texture, NO_PAL },
{ 13, 100u, &jeans_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 11, 244u, &jeans_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 6, 63u, &chest1_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 6, 68u, &arm1_texture, NO_PAL },
{ 13, 100u, &jeans_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 11, 244u, &jeans_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 6, 63u, &chest1_texture, JEANS_PAL },
{ 2, 68u, &jeans_texture, JEANS_PAL }
// FIXME: could be incorrect
BONE Skel[23] =
{ &Skel[LOWERBACK], &Skel[HIPS], NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[JOINT_1], &Skel[LHIP], &Skel[RHIP] },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[NECK], &Skel[LSHOULDER], &Skel[RSHOULDER] },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[HEAD], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[LELBOW], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[LHAND], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RELBOW], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RHAND], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RHIP], &Skel[LHIP], NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[LKNEE], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[LFOOT], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[LTOE], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RKNEE], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RFOOT], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ &Skel[RFOOT], NULL, NULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
int boneIdvals[15] = { 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xF, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15 };
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ ProcessMotionLump(char *lump_ptr /*$a0*/, int lump_size /*$s0*/)
// line 853, offset 0x00069a38
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 5200
/* end block 1 */
// End Line: 5201
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 1706
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 1707
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 5202
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 5203
void ProcessMotionLump(char *lump_ptr, int lump_size)
if (ThisMotion < 0x18) {
memcpy(mallocptr, lump_ptr, lump_size);
*(char **)(MotionCaptureData + ThisMotion) = mallocptr;
mallocptr = mallocptr + (lump_size + 3U & 0xfffffffc);
ThisMotion = ThisMotion + 1;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ SetupPedMotionData(struct PEDESTRIAN *pPed /*$a0*/)
// line 944, offset 0x00069ab8
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 5388
/* end block 1 */
// End Line: 5389
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 5389
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 5390
void SetupPedMotionData(PEDESTRIAN *pPed)
pPed->motion = (char *)MotionCaptureData[pPed->type];
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ SetupPedestrian(struct PEDESTRIAN *pedptr /*$a0*/)
// line 955, offset 0x00069b6c
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2236
/* end block 1 */
// End Line: 2237
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 1910
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 1911
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 6507
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 6508
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 6512
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 6513
void SetupPedestrian(PEDESTRIAN *pedptr)
(pedptr->velocity).vy = 10;
pedptr->speed = '\n';
PVar1 = pedptr->type;
(pedptr->dir).vx = 0;
(pedptr->dir).vz = 0;
pedptr->frame1 = '\0';
pedptr->motion = (char *)MotionCaptureData[PVar1];
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ DrawBodySprite(int boneId /*$s1*/, long v1 /*$a1*/, long v2 /*$a2*/, int sz /*$s7*/, int sy /*stack 16*/)
// line 978, offset 0x0006520c
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 979
// Start offset: 0x0006520C
// Variables:
// struct TEXTURE_DETAILS *body_texture; // $s2
// int x0; // $s5
// int x1; // $s6
// int y0; // $fp
// int y1; // stack offset -48
// int dx1; // $s4
// int dy1; // $s3
// int z; // $a3
// int z2; // $a3
// int dx2; // $t5
// int dy2; // $t3
// int width; // $t0
// int sort_fix; // $a3
// int angle; // $t3
// int c; // $t0
// int s; // $a2
// int clut; // $a2
// int tpage; // $t0
// struct POLY_FT4 *prims; // $t2
// int z1; // stack offset -44
// int pal; // $v1
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 1103
// Start offset: 0x000655B0
// Variables:
// int tp; // $v1
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x0006564C
// End Line: 1133
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x0006594C
// End Line: 1209
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 1956
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 1957
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 1974
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 1975
void DrawBodySprite(int boneId, long v1, long v2, int sz, int sy)
DB *pDVar1;
uint uVar2;
int iVar3;
byte bVar4;
uint uVar5;
ulong *puVar6;
int iVar7;
uint uVar8;
uint *puVar9;
int iVar10;
int iVar11;
uint uVar12;
int iVar14;
int iVar15;
int iVar16;
uint uVar17;
int iVar18;
uVar17 = v1 & 0xffff0000;
iVar16 = v1 * 0x10000;
uVar2 = v2 & 0xffff0000;
iVar15 = iVar16 + v2 * -0x10000;
iVar14 = uVar17 - uVar2;
uVar12 = boneId & 0x7f;
pTVar13 = MainPed[uVar12].ptd;
iVar3 = ratan2(iVar15, iVar14);
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
iVar7 = gCurrentZ + (scr_z >> 2);
else {
iVar7 = sz + (scr_z >> 2);
iVar18 = (scr_z << 0xc) / iVar7;
if (iVar7 == 0) {
if (uVar12 == 2) {
iVar18 = iVar18 + ((int)((uint)*(ushort *)
((int)rcossin_tbl +
(((int)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy + (int)camera_angle.vy) * 8 &
0x3ff8U) + 2) << 0x10) >> 0x16);
puVar9 = (uint *)current->primptr;
if (pDrawingPed->type == PED_ACTION_JUMP) {
uVar8 = (uint)(byte)MainPed[uVar12].cWidth + 4;
else {
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
if ((pDrawingPed->flags & 0x8000U) == 0) {
if ((pDrawingPed->flags & 0x4000U) == 0) {
uVar8 = (uint)(byte)MainPed[uVar12].cWidth + 3;
else {
uVar8 = (uint)(byte)MainPed[uVar12].cWidth + 8;
else {
uVar8 = (uint)(byte)MainPed[uVar12].cWidth - 3;
else {
uVar8 = (uint)(byte)MainPed[uVar12].cWidth;
iVar7 = (int)(iVar18 * (int)rcossin_tbl[(-iVar3 & 0xfffU) * 2 + 1] * 3 * (uVar8 & 0x3f)) >> 9;
bVar4 = MainPed[uVar12].cAdj & 0xf;
iVar11 = iVar15 >> bVar4;
iVar10 = iVar14 >> bVar4;
iVar3 = (int)(iVar18 * rcossin_tbl[(-iVar3 & 0xfffU) * 2] * (uVar8 & 0x3f)) >> 8;
if ((((uVar12 == 0x13) || (uVar12 == 0xf)) && (pDrawingPed->type != PED_ACTION_JUMP)) &&
(bDoingShadow == 0)) {
iVar15 = -iVar15 >> 3;
iVar14 = -iVar14 >> 3;
else {
uVar5 = (uint)(MainPed[uVar12].cAdj >> 4);
iVar15 = iVar15 >> uVar5;
iVar14 = iVar14 >> uVar5;
puVar9[2] = (uVar17 + iVar3 + iVar10 & 0xffff0000) + (iVar16 + iVar7 + iVar11 >> 0x10);
puVar9[4] = ((uVar17 - iVar3) + iVar10 & 0xffff0000) + ((iVar16 - iVar7) + iVar11 >> 0x10);
puVar9[6] = ((uVar2 + iVar3) - iVar14 & 0xffff0000) + ((v2 * 0x10000 + iVar7) - iVar15 >> 0x10);
puVar9[8] = ((uVar2 - iVar3) - iVar14 & 0xffff0000) + ((v2 * 0x10000 - iVar7) - iVar15 >> 0x10);
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
uVar17 = (uint)pTVar13->tpageid << 0x10;
if (MainPed[uVar12].texPal != NO_PAL) {
if (MainPed[uVar12].texPal == JEANS_PAL) {
bVar4 = pDrawingPed->pallet >> 4;
uVar2 = (uint)bVar4;
else {
bVar4 = pDrawingPed->pallet & 0xf;
uVar2 = (uint)pDrawingPed->pallet & 0xf;
if (bVar4 != 0) {
uVar2 = (uint)civ_clut[(uint)(byte)pTVar13->texture_number * 6 + uVar2] << 0x10;
goto LAB_00065688;
uVar2 = (uint)pTVar13->clutid << 0x10;
else {
uVar17 = gShadowTexturePage << 0x10;
uVar2 = (uint)(ushort)(&texture_cluts)[gShadowTexturePage * 0x20 + gShadowTextureNum] << 0x10;
if (uVar12 == 4) {
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
iVar3 = (int)((int)camera_angle.vy + (int)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfffU) >> 7;
puVar9[3] = (*(ushort *)&pTVar13->coords | uVar2) + iVar3;
puVar9[5] = (*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u1 | uVar17) + iVar3;
puVar9[7] = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u2 + iVar3;
puVar9[9] = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u3 + iVar3;
goto LAB_000657dc;
else {
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
if (uVar12 == 2) {
puVar9[3] = *(ushort *)&pTVar13->coords | uVar2;
puVar9[5] = *(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u1 | uVar17;
puVar9[7] = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u2;
puVar9[9] = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u3;
else {
puVar9[3] = *(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u2 | uVar2;
puVar9[5] = *(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u3 | uVar17;
puVar9[7] = (uint)*(ushort *)&pTVar13->coords;
puVar9[9] = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pTVar13->coords).u1;
goto LAB_000657dc;
puVar9[3] = shadowuv._0_2_ | uVar2;
puVar9[5] = shadowuv._0_2_ | uVar17;
puVar9[7] = (uint)shadowuv._0_2_;
puVar9[9] = (uint)shadowuv._0_2_;
*(char *)((int)puVar9 + 3) = '\t';
*(char *)((int)puVar9 + 7) = ',';
combointensity._0_1_ = '@';
if (gNight == 1) {
*(char *)(puVar9 + 1) = '@';
*(char *)((int)puVar9 + 5) = '@';
else {
*(char *)(puVar9 + 1) = (char)((uint)combointensity >> 0x10);
*(char *)((int)puVar9 + 5) = (char)((uint)combointensity >> 8);
*(char *)((int)puVar9 + 6) = (char)combointensity;
pDVar1 = current;
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
iVar3 = sz + sy >> 4;
*puVar9 = *puVar9 & 0xff000000 | current->ot[iVar3 + ((int)uVar8 >> 5)] & 0xffffff;
puVar6 = pDVar1->ot + iVar3 + ((int)uVar8 >> 5);
*puVar6 = *puVar6 & 0xff000000 | (uint)puVar9 & 0xffffff;
else {
*puVar9 = *puVar9 & 0xff000000 | current->ot[0x107f] & 0xffffff;
puVar6 = pDVar1->ot;
puVar6[0x107f] = puVar6[0x107f] & 0xff000000 | (uint)puVar9 & 0xffffff;
current->primptr = current->primptr + 0x28;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ StoreVertexLists()
// line 1289, offset 0x0006594c
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 1291
// Start offset: 0x0006594C
// Variables:
// int i; // $t1
// int j; // $a3
// int numVerts; // $t3
// struct MODEL *pModel; // $t0
// struct SVECTOR *pVerts; // $a2
// int counter; // $t4
// struct BONE *pBone; // $a0
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00065AD8
// End Line: 1346
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 2632
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 2633
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 2713
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 2714
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 2714
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 2715
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 2720
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 2721
/* WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked */
void StoreVertexLists(void)
undefined2 *puVar1;
short *psVar2;
BONE *pBVar3;
undefined2 *puVar4;
undefined2 *puVar6;
short *psVar7;
int iVar8;
MODEL *pMVar9;
int iVar10;
int iVar11;
int iVar12;
int iVar13;
iVar12 = 0;
iVar13 = 0;
pBVar3 = &Skel;
iVar11 = 0x15;
do {
iVar8 = 0;
if (pBVar3->pModel == (MODEL **)0x0) {
*(undefined4 *)(&cTannerVNumbers + (uint)pBVar3->id * 4) = 0xffffffff;
else {
pMVar9 = *pBVar3->pModel;
puVar6 = (undefined2 *)pMVar9->vertices;
*(int *)(&cTannerVNumbers + ((uint)pBVar3->id & 0x7f) * 4) = iVar13;
if (pMVar9->num_vertices != 0) {
puVar4 = &vTannerList + iVar12 * 4;
do {
iVar13 = iVar13 + 1;
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
*puVar4 = *puVar6;
iVar12 = iVar12 + 1;
puVar4[1] = puVar6[1];
puVar1 = puVar6 + 2;
puVar6 = puVar6 + 4;
puVar4[2] = *puVar1;
puVar4 = puVar4 + 4;
} while (iVar8 < (int)(uint)pMVar9->num_vertices);
pBVar3 = pBVar3 + 1;
iVar11 = iVar11 + -1;
} while (-1 < iVar11);
iVar8 = 0;
iVar13 = 0;
iVar12 = 0;
iVar11 = 0;
do {
iVar10 = *(int *)((int)&pmJerichoModels6 + iVar11);
iVar12 = iVar12 + 1;
if (iVar10 != 0) {
psVar7 = *(short **)(iVar10 + 0x10);
*(int *)((int)&cJerichoVNumbers + iVar11) = iVar8;
iVar11 = 0;
if (*(short *)(iVar10 + 0xc) != 0) {
pSVar5 = &vJerichoList + iVar13;
do {
iVar8 = iVar8 + 1;
iVar11 = iVar11 + 1;
pSVar5->vx = *psVar7;
iVar13 = iVar13 + 1;
pSVar5->vy = psVar7[1];
psVar2 = psVar7 + 2;
psVar7 = psVar7 + 4;
pSVar5->vz = *psVar2;
pSVar5 = pSVar5 + 1;
} while (iVar11 < (int)(uint)*(ushort *)(iVar10 + 0xc));
iVar11 = iVar12 * 4;
} while (iVar12 < 6);
vStored = 1;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ SetupTannerSkeleton()
// line 1355, offset 0x00065ad8
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 1357
// Start offset: 0x00065AD8
// Variables:
// int i; // $t1
// struct BONE *pBone; // $a3
// char *pC; // $v0
// struct SVECTOR *store; // $t4
// struct SVECTOR_NOPAD *pSVNP; // $v1
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00065CD8
// End Line: 1413
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 2892
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 2893
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 2902
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 2903
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 2903
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 2904
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 2913
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 2914
/* WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked */
void SetupTannerSkeleton(void)
short sVar1;
short sVar4;
BONE *pBVar5;
undefined4 *puVar6;
int iVar7;
Skel.pvOrigPos =
(SVECTOR_NOPAD *)(pDrawingPed->motion + (uint)(byte)pDrawingPed->frame1 * 0x90 + 0x92);
Skel.pvRotation = (SVECTOR *)(pDrawingPed->motion + (uint)(byte)pDrawingPed->frame1 * 0x90 + 0x98)
Skel.vCurrPos.vx = (long)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx;
Skel.vCurrPos.vy = -(int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vy;
iVar7 = 0x15;
Skel.vOffset.vx = 0;
Skel.vOffset.vy = 0;
Skel.vOffset.vz = 0;
Skel.vCurrPos.vz = -(int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz;
pSVar2 = (SVECTOR *)(pDrawingPed->motion + (uint)(byte)pDrawingPed->frame1 * 0x90 + 0x9e);
pSVar3 = (SVECTOR_NOPAD *)(pDrawingPed->motion + 0xe);
pBVar5 = &Skel;
do {
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
pBVar5[1].pvRotation = pSVar2;
pBVar5[1].pvOrigPos = pSVar3;
sVar1 = (short)bodyShiftValue;
pSVar2 = (SVECTOR *)&pSVar2->pad;
pSVar3 = pSVar3 + 1;
pBVar5 = pBVar5 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
DAT_1f800008._0_2_ = (BONE_000a0900.pvOrigPos)->vx;
puVar6 = &DAT_1f800010;
iVar7 = 0x14;
DAT_1f800008._2_2_ = -(BONE_000a0900.pvOrigPos)->vy;
DAT_1f80000c = -(BONE_000a0900.pvOrigPos)->vz;
pBVar5 = &BONE_000a0900;
do {
*(short *)puVar6 = (pBVar5[1].pvOrigPos)->vx - (pBVar5[1].pParent)->pvOrigPos->vx;
sVar4 = (pBVar5[1].pParent)->pvOrigPos->vy - (pBVar5[1].pvOrigPos)->vy;
*(short *)((int)puVar6 + 2) = sVar4;
*(short *)(puVar6 + 1) = (pBVar5[1].pParent)->pvOrigPos->vz - (pBVar5[1].pvOrigPos)->vz;
if (pBVar5[1].id == JOINT_1) {
*(short *)((int)puVar6 + 2) = sVar4 - sVar1;
puVar6 = puVar6 + 2;
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
pBVar5 = pBVar5 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
pBVar5 = &BONE_000a0900;
puVar6 = &DAT_1f800008;
iVar7 = 0x15;
do {
sVar1 = *(short *)puVar6;
(pBVar5->vCurrPos).vx = (int)sVar1;
(pBVar5->vOffset).vx = (int)sVar1;
sVar1 = *(short *)((int)puVar6 + 2);
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
(pBVar5->vCurrPos).vy = (int)sVar1;
(pBVar5->vOffset).vy = (int)sVar1;
sVar1 = *(short *)(puVar6 + 1);
puVar6 = puVar6 + 2;
(pBVar5->vCurrPos).vz = (int)sVar1;
(pBVar5->vOffset).vz = (int)sVar1;
pBVar5 = pBVar5 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ newShowTanner()
// line 1421, offset 0x00065cd8
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 1423
// Start offset: 0x00065CD8
// Variables:
// struct VECTOR *playerPos; // $a2
// struct VECTOR *camPos; // $a1
// struct VECTOR *vJPos; // $s1
// struct VECTOR v; // stack offset -128
// struct MODEL *pModel; // $t0
// struct SVECTOR *mVerts; // $a1
// int i; // $s2
// int j; // $a3
// int c; // $a3
// int id; // $a2
// int limbs; // $a0
// struct BONE *pBone; // $s0
// int lval; // $t1
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 1530
// Start offset: 0x000660A0
// Variables:
// struct BONE *pBone; // $s0
// struct VECTOR *v1; // $a2
// struct VECTOR *v2; // $a1
/* begin block 1.1.1 */
// Start line: 1530
// Start offset: 0x000660A0
// Variables:
// struct SVECTOR *data; // $t1
// long t1; // stack offset -92
// long t0; // stack offset -96
// int z2; // stack offset -80
// int z1; // stack offset -84
// int z; // stack offset -88
/* end block 1.1.1 */
// End offset: 0x000661C4
// End Line: 1530
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x000661C4
// End Line: 1530
/* begin block 1.2 */
// Start line: 1536
// Start offset: 0x000661F8
// Variables:
// struct BONE *pBone; // $s0
// struct VECTOR *v1; // $a0
// struct VECTOR *v2; // $a2
/* begin block 1.2.1 */
// Start line: 1536
// Start offset: 0x000661F8
// Variables:
// struct SVECTOR *data; // $t0
// long t1; // stack offset -72
// long t0; // stack offset -76
// int z2; // stack offset -60
// int z1; // stack offset -64
// int z; // stack offset -68
/* end block 1.2.1 */
// End offset: 0x000661F8
// End Line: 1536
/* end block 1.2 */
// End offset: 0x000661F8
// End Line: 1536
/* begin block 1.3 */
// Start line: 1542
// Start offset: 0x00066330
// Variables:
// struct SVECTOR v1; // stack offset -112
// struct SVECTOR v2; // stack offset -104
/* end block 1.3 */
// End offset: 0x00066330
// End Line: 1544
/* begin block 1.4 */
// Start line: 1569
// Start offset: 0x0006648C
// Variables:
// struct BONE *pBone; // $s0
// struct VECTOR *v1; // $a2
// struct VECTOR *v2; // $a1
/* begin block 1.4.1 */
// Start line: 1569
// Start offset: 0x0006648C
// Variables:
// struct SVECTOR *data; // $t1
// long t1; // stack offset -52
// long t0; // stack offset -56
// int z2; // stack offset -40
// int z1; // stack offset -44
// int z; // stack offset -48
/* end block 1.4.1 */
// End offset: 0x0006648C
// End Line: 1569
/* end block 1.4 */
// End offset: 0x0006648C
// End Line: 1569
/* begin block 1.5 */
// Start line: 1575
// Start offset: 0x000665C8
// Variables:
// int bias; // $a3
/* end block 1.5 */
// End offset: 0x000665F4
// End Line: 1588
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00066648
// End Line: 1599
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 3093
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 3094
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 3102
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 3103
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 3103
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 3104
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 3114
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 3115
/* WARNING: Globals starting with '_' overlap smaller symbols at the same address */
/* WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked */
void newShowTanner(void)
undefined4 in_zero;
int iVar3;
int zBias;
short *psVar4;
uint uVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
MODEL *pMVar8;
uint uVar9;
BONE *pBVar10;
VECTOR local_80;
SVECTOR local_70;
SVECTOR local_68;
long local_60;
long local_5c;
int local_58;
int local_54;
undefined4 local_50;
long local_4c;
long local_48;
int local_44;
int local_40;
undefined4 local_3c;
long local_38;
long local_34;
int local_30;
int local_2c;
undefined4 local_28;
DAT_1f800000 = (pDrawingPed->position).vx;
DAT_1f800004 = (pDrawingPed->position).vy;
DAT_1f800008 = (pDrawingPed->position).vz;
DAT_1f800010 = camera_position.vx;
DAT_1f800014 = camera_position.vy;
DAT_1f800018 = camera_position.vz;
DAT_1f800020 = (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx;
DAT_1f800024 = -(int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vy;
DAT_1f800028 = (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz;
local_80.vz = 0;
local_80.vy = 0;
local_80.vx = 0;
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, 0);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, 0);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, 0);
zBias = 0; = | 0x80;
iVar3 = 0;
do {
LVar1 = lRoutes[iVar3 + 1];
iVar6 = 1;
zBias = zBias + 1;
pPVar2 = pDrawingPed;
while (pDrawingPed = pPVar2, LVar1 != ROOT) {
uVar5 = (uint)LVar1;
pBVar10 = &Skel + uVar5;
if (pBVar10->id < 0x7f) {
uVar9 = (uint)*(byte *)((int)MissionName37 + iVar6 + iVar3 + 0x93);
(&DAT_1f800020)[(uint)pBVar10->id * 4] =
(&DAT_1f800020)[uVar9 * 4] + (&Skel)[uVar5].vCurrPos.vx;
(&DAT_1f800024)[(uint)pBVar10->id * 4] =
(&DAT_1f800024)[uVar9 * 4] + (&Skel)[uVar5].vCurrPos.vy;
(&DAT_1f800028)[(uint)pBVar10->id * 4] =
(&DAT_1f800028)[uVar9 * 4] + (&Skel)[uVar5].vCurrPos.vz;
if ((pPVar2->pedType == TANNER_MODEL) && (pBVar10->id == HEAD)) {
pPVar2->head_pos =
(short)((ulonglong)((longlong)((&DAT_1f800024)[uVar9 * 4] + -0x5e) * 0x55555556) >>
0x20) - (short)((&DAT_1f800024)[uVar9 * 4] + -0x5e >> 0x1f);
pMVar8 = *(&Skel)[uVar5].pModel;
if (((((&Skel)[uVar5].pModel != (MODEL **)0x0) && (bDoingShadow == 0)) &&
(pDrawingPed->pedType < OTHER_SPRITE)) && (player.cameraView != '\x02')) {
psVar4 = (short *)pMVar8->vertices;
iVar7 = 0;
if (pMVar8->num_vertices != 0) {
do {
iVar7 = iVar7 + 1;
*psVar4 = *psVar4 + ((*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar9 * 4) + (short)DAT_1f800000) -
psVar4[1] = psVar4[1] +
((*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar9 * 4) + (short)DAT_1f800004) -
psVar4[2] = psVar4[2] +
((*(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar9 * 4) + (short)DAT_1f800008) -
psVar4 = psVar4 + 4;
} while (iVar7 < (int)(uint)pMVar8->num_vertices);
pBVar10->id = pBVar10->id | 0x80;
iVar6 = iVar6 + 1;
LVar1 = lRoutes[iVar6 + iVar3];
pPVar2 = pDrawingPed;
iVar3 = zBias * 8;
} while (zBias < 5);
pBVar10 = &BONE_000a0900;
if (pPVar2->pedType < OTHER_SPRITE) {
if ((player.cameraView != '\x02') || (bDoingShadow != 0)) {
iVar3 = 0x14;
do {
uVar5 = (uint)pBVar10->id & 0x7f;
if (bDoingShadow == 0) {
if ((MODEL *)pBVar10->pModel != (MODEL *)0x0) {
zBias = (uint)(uVar5 != 4) << 1;
if (uVar5 == 2) {
zBias = 1;
RenderModel(*(MODEL **)(MODEL *)pBVar10->pModel, (MATRIX *)0x0, &local_80, zBias, 0);
else {
if (((uVar5 != 5) && (uVar5 != 9)) &&
((uVar5 != 0xd &&
((((uVar5 != 1 && ((pBVar10->id & 0x7f) != 0)) && (uVar5 != 0x16)) &&
((uVar5 != 0xe && (uVar5 != 0x12)))))))) {
uVar9 = (uint)pBVar10->pParent->id & 0x7f;
_DAT_1f800200 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
_DAT_1f800204 =
_DAT_1f800204 & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (short)camera_position.vz));
_DAT_1f800208 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
zBias = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (camera_position.vz & 0xffffU);
uVar5 = (uint)*(ushort *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar9 * 4) + zBias;
_DAT_1f80020c = _DAT_1f80020c & 0xffff0000 | uVar5 & 0xffff;
setCopReg(2, in_zero, _DAT_1f800200);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800000, _DAT_1f800204);
setCopReg(2, zBias, _DAT_1f800208);
setCopReg(2, uVar5, _DAT_1f80020c);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
local_38 = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
local_34 = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
gCurrentZ = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
local_2c = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
local_28 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
local_30 = gCurrentZ;
DrawBodySprite((uint)pBVar10->id, local_38, local_34, gCurrentZ, local_2c);
iVar3 = iVar3 + -1;
pBVar10 = pBVar10 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar3);
else {
iVar3 = 0x15;
do {
uVar5 = (uint)pBVar10->id & 0x7f;
if ((((uVar5 != 5) && (uVar5 != 9)) &&
((uVar5 != 4 && (((uVar5 != 0xd && (uVar5 != 1)) && ((pBVar10->id & 0x7f) != 0)))))) &&
(((uVar5 != 0x16 && (uVar5 != 0xe)) && (uVar5 != 0x12)))) {
uVar9 = (uint)pBVar10->pParent->id & 0x7f;
_DAT_1f800200 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
_DAT_1f800204 =
_DAT_1f800204 & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (short)camera_position.vz));
_DAT_1f800208 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
zBias = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (camera_position.vz & 0xffffU);
uVar5 = (uint)*(ushort *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar9 * 4) + zBias;
_DAT_1f80020c = _DAT_1f80020c & 0xffff0000 | uVar5 & 0xffff;
setCopReg(2, in_zero, _DAT_1f800200);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800000, _DAT_1f800204);
setCopReg(2, zBias, _DAT_1f800208);
setCopReg(2, uVar5, _DAT_1f80020c);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
local_60 = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
local_5c = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
gCurrentZ = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
local_54 = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
local_50 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
local_58 = gCurrentZ;
DrawBodySprite((uint)pBVar10->id, local_60, local_5c, gCurrentZ, local_54);
iVar3 = iVar3 + -1;
pBVar10 = pBVar10 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar3);
if (switch_detail_distance >> 2 < gCurrentZ) {
uVar5 = (uint) & 0x7f;
uVar9 = (uint)(BONE_000a09cc.pParent)->id & 0x7f;
_DAT_1f800200 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
_DAT_1f800204 =
_DAT_1f800204 & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar5 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (short)camera_position.vz));
_DAT_1f800208 =
CONCAT22(*(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
*(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + uVar9 * 4) +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
iVar3 = (uint)*(ushort *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (camera_position.vz & 0xffffU);
uVar5 = (uint)*(ushort *)(&DAT_1f800028 + uVar9 * 4) + iVar3;
_DAT_1f80020c = _DAT_1f80020c & 0xffff0000 | uVar5 & 0xffff;
setCopReg(2, in_zero, _DAT_1f800200);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800000, _DAT_1f800204);
setCopReg(2, iVar3, _DAT_1f800208);
setCopReg(2, uVar5, _DAT_1f80020c);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
local_4c = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
local_48 = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
gCurrentZ = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
local_40 = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
local_3c = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
local_44 = gCurrentZ;
DrawBodySprite((uint), local_4c, local_48, gCurrentZ, local_40);
else {
local_70.vx = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + ((uint) & 0x7f) * 4);
local_70.vy = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + ((uint) & 0x7f) * 4);
local_70.vz = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + ((uint) & 0x7f) * 4);
local_68.vx = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800020 + ((uint)(BONE_000a09cc.pParent)->id & 0x7f) * 4);
local_68.vy = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800024 + ((uint)(BONE_000a09cc.pParent)->id & 0x7f) * 4);
local_68.vz = *(short *)(&DAT_1f800028 + ((uint)(BONE_000a09cc.pParent)->id & 0x7f) * 4);
bAllreadyRotated = 1;
DoCivHead(&local_68, &local_70);
bAllreadyRotated = 0;
pBVar10 = &Skel;
iVar3 = 0x16;
do {
iVar3 = iVar3 + -1;
pBVar10->id = pBVar10->id & 0x7f;
pBVar10 = pBVar10 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar3);
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ newRotateBones(struct BONE *poBone /*$a0*/)
// line 1606, offset 0x00066648
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 1608
// Start offset: 0x00066648
// Variables:
// struct MATRIX mStore[32]; // stack offset -1088
// struct MATRIX *pMatrix; // $s2
// struct MATRIX *oMatrix; // $s5
// struct SVECTOR *svBone; // $s6
// struct VECTOR *vBoneRotated; // $s3
// struct BONE *pBone; // $s1
// int id; // $s0
// struct SVECTOR *pVerts; // $a3
// struct SVECTOR *pmVerts; // $s0
// int numVerts; // $t0
// struct MODEL *pModel; // $v0
// int i; // $a2
// struct SVECTOR *pD; // $a0
// int c; // $s4
// int j; // $a1
// struct VECTOR sv; // stack offset -64
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 1609
// Start offset: 0x00066648
// Variables:
// int cx; // $t2
// int sx; // $a3
// int cy; // $a0
// int sy; // $t0
// int cz; // $t3
// int sz; // $t6
// int stmp; // $v0
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x00066648
// End Line: 1609
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00066FB8
// End Line: 1766
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 3674
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 3675
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 3682
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 3683
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 3683
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 3684
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 3684
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 3685
/* begin block 6 */
// Start line: 3685
/* end block 6 */
// End Line: 3686
/* WARNING: Globals starting with '_' overlap smaller symbols at the same address */
void newRotateBones(BONE *poBone)
short *psVar1;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 uVar3;
MODEL *pMVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
short *psVar8;
undefined4 *puVar9;
ushort uVar10;
int iVar11;
int iVar12;
uint uVar13;
int iVar14;
uint uVar15;
int iVar16;
uint uVar17;
int iVar18;
uint uVar19;
undefined2 *puVar20;
uint local_440[4];
uint local_430;
uint local_42c;
uint local_428;
uint local_424;
uint auStack1056[248];
uint local_40;
uint local_3c;
uint local_38;
int local_30;
DAT_1f800034 = SEXT24((Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx);
DAT_1f800038 = SEXT24((Skel.pvOrigPos)->vy);
DAT_1f80003c = SEXT24((Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz);
local_40 = SEXT24((pDrawingPed->dir).vx);
local_3c = SEXT24((pDrawingPed->dir).vy);
local_38 = SEXT24((pDrawingPed->dir).vz);
iVar6 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_3c & 0xfff) * 2 + 1];
iVar18 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_38 & 0xfff) * 2];
iVar16 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_38 & 0xfff) * 2 + 1];
iVar14 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_40 & 0xfff) * 2 + 1];
iVar11 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_40 & 0xfff) * 2];
iVar12 = (int)rcossin_tbl[(local_3c & 0xfff) * 2];
uVar13 = (iVar14 * iVar12 + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
((iVar6 * iVar11 + 0x800 >> 0xc) * iVar18 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar17 = iVar6 * iVar16 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
iVar7 = (int)(short)uVar17;
uVar10 = -(short)(iVar16 * iVar11 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar15 = iVar14 * iVar16 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
iVar6 = (-iVar14 * (iVar6 * iVar18 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
(iVar11 * iVar12 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
DAT_1f800020 = uVar17 & 0xffff | iVar6 * 0x10000;
DAT_1f800024 = uVar13 & 0xffff | (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[(local_38 & 0xfff) * 2] << 0x10;
DAT_1f800028 = uVar15 & 0xffff | (uint)uVar10 << 0x10;
DAT_1f80002c = CONCAT22((short)(((int)(uVar13 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar18 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)(iVar7 * (short)uVar10 + 0x800 >> 0xc),
-(short)(iVar12 * iVar16 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
DAT_1f800030 = DAT_1f800030 & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)((short)(iVar7 * (short)uVar15 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)((iVar6 * 0x10000 >> 0x10) * iVar18 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
_DAT_1f800060 = CONCAT22((undefined2)Skel.vOffset.vy, (undefined2)Skel.vOffset.vx);
_DAT_1f800064 = _DAT_1f800064 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)(ushort)Skel.vOffset.vz;
local_440[3] = DAT_1f80002c;
local_30 = 0;
local_440[0] = DAT_1f800020;
local_440[1] = DAT_1f800024;
local_440[2] = DAT_1f800028;
local_430 = DAT_1f800030;
local_42c = DAT_1f800034;
local_428 = DAT_1f800038;
local_424 = DAT_1f80003c;
do {
iVar7 = local_30 * 8;
iVar6 = 1;
LVar2 = lRoutes[iVar7 + 1];
local_30 = local_30 + 1;
while (LVar2 != ROOT) {
uVar13 = (uint)LVar2;
_DAT_1f800060 =
CONCAT22(*(undefined2 *)&(&Skel)[uVar13].vOffset.vy,
*(undefined2 *)&(&Skel)[uVar13].vOffset.vx);
_DAT_1f800064 = _DAT_1f800064 & 0xffff0000 | (uint)*(ushort *)&(&Skel)[uVar13].vOffset.vz;
if ((bReverseYRotation == 0) || (((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->id != ROOT)) {
DAT_1f80006a = ((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vy;
DAT_1f800068 = -((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vx;
DAT_1f80006c = ((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vz;
else {
DAT_1f80006a = -((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vy;
DAT_1f800068 = ((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vx;
DAT_1f80006c = ((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->pvRotation->vz;
if (LVar2 == HEAD) {
DAT_1f80006a = DAT_1f80006a - pDrawingPed->head_rot;
DAT_1f800000._0_2_ = 0x1000;
DAT_1f800004._2_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f80000c = 0;
DAT_1f800000._2_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800008._0_2_ = 0x1000;
DAT_1f80000e = 0;
DAT_1f800004._0_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800008._2_2_ = 0;
DAT_1f800010._0_2_ = 0x1000;
RotMatrixZYX_gte(&DAT_1f800068, 0x1f800000);
DAT_1f800014 = (int)DAT_1f800060;
DAT_1f800018 = (int)DAT_1f800062;
DAT_1f80001c = (int)DAT_1f800064;
uVar15 = (uint)((&Skel)[uVar13].pParent)->id & 0x7f;
DAT_1f800020 = local_440[uVar15 * 8];
DAT_1f800024 = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 1];
DAT_1f800028 = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 2];
DAT_1f80002c = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 3];
DAT_1f800030 = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 4];
DAT_1f800034 = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 5];
DAT_1f800038 = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 6];
DAT_1f80003c = local_440[uVar15 * 8 + 7];
uVar3 = 0x1f800000;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, DAT_1f800020);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, DAT_1f800024);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, DAT_1f800028);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, DAT_1f80002c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, DAT_1f800030);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, (uint)(ushort)DAT_1f800000);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)DAT_1f800004._2_2_);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)DAT_1f80000c);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar15 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
iVar12 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar19 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, (uint)DAT_1f800000._2_2_);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)(ushort)DAT_1f800008);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)DAT_1f80000e);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
iVar11 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
uVar17 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
iVar14 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
DAT_1f800040 = uVar15 & 0xffff | iVar11 << 0x10;
DAT_1f80004c = uVar19 & 0xffff | iVar14 << 0x10;
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, (uint)(ushort)DAT_1f800004);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)DAT_1f800008._2_2_);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)(ushort)DAT_1f800010);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar15 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
iVar11 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar19 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
DAT_1f800044 = uVar15 & 0xffff | iVar12 << 0x10;
DAT_1f800048 = uVar17 & 0xffff | iVar11 << 0x10;
DAT_1f800050 = DAT_1f800050 & 0xffff0000 | uVar19 & 0xffff;
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, DAT_1f800034);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, DAT_1f800038);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, DAT_1f80003c);
setCopReg(2, 0, _DAT_1f800060);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800000, DAT_1f80001c);
copFunction(2, 0x480012);
DAT_1f800054 = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
DAT_1f800058 = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
DAT_1f80005c = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
setCopControlWord(2, 0, DAT_1f800040);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, DAT_1f800044);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, DAT_1f800048);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, DAT_1f80004c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, DAT_1f800050);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, _DAT_1f800060);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800000, _DAT_1f800064);
copFunction(2, 0x486012);
DAT_1f800070 = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
DAT_1f800074 = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
DAT_1f800078 = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
LVar2 = (&Skel)[uVar13].id;
(&Skel)[uVar13].vCurrPos.vx = DAT_1f800070;
(&Skel)[uVar13].vCurrPos.vy = DAT_1f800074;
(&Skel)[uVar13].vCurrPos.vz = DAT_1f800078;
pSVar4 = GetModelVertPtr((uint)LVar2, 0);
LVar2 = (&Skel)[uVar13].id;
if (((((LVar2 & 0x7f) == 4) || (pDrawingPed->pedType < OTHER_SPRITE)) &&
(-1 < (int)((uint)LVar2 << 0x18))) &&
(((&Skel)[uVar13].pModel != (MODEL **)0x0 && (pSVar4 != (SVECTOR *)0x0)))) {
pMVar5 = *(&Skel)[uVar13].pModel;
uVar10 = pMVar5->num_vertices;
uVar17 = (uint)uVar10;
puVar20 = (undefined2 *)pMVar5->vertices;
psVar8 = &DAT_1f800080;
uVar15 = uVar17;
if (uVar10 != 0) {
do {
*psVar8 = pSVar4->vx + DAT_1f800060;
uVar15 = uVar15 - 1;
psVar8[1] = pSVar4->vy + DAT_1f800062;
psVar1 = &pSVar4->vz;
pSVar4 = pSVar4 + 1;
psVar8[2] = *psVar1 + DAT_1f800064;
psVar8 = psVar8 + 4;
} while (uVar15 != 0);
puVar9 = (undefined4 *)&DAT_1f800080;
if (uVar10 != 0) {
do {
setCopReg(2, in_zero, *puVar9);
setCopReg(2, uVar3, puVar9[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x486012);
DAT_1f800070 = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
DAT_1f800074 = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
DAT_1f800078 = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
*puVar20 = (undefined2)DAT_1f800070;
uVar17 = uVar17 - 1;
puVar20[1] = (undefined2)DAT_1f800074;
puVar9 = puVar9 + 2;
puVar20[2] = (undefined2)DAT_1f800078;
puVar20 = puVar20 + 4;
} while (uVar17 != 0);
iVar6 = iVar6 + 1;
LVar2 = lRoutes[iVar6 + iVar7];
local_440[uVar13 * 8] = DAT_1f800040;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 1] = DAT_1f800044;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 2] = DAT_1f800048;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 3] = DAT_1f80004c;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 4] = DAT_1f800050;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 5] = DAT_1f800054;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 6] = DAT_1f800058;
local_440[uVar13 * 8 + 7] = DAT_1f80005c;
} while (local_30 < 5);
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// struct SVECTOR * /*$ra*/ GetModelVertPtr(int boneId /*$a1*/, int modelType /*$a1*/)
// line 1774, offset 0x00066fb8
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 4462
/* end block 1 */
// End Line: 4463
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 4471
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 4472
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 4472
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 4473
SVECTOR * GetModelVertPtr(int boneId, int modelType)
return 0;
int iVar1;
if (pDrawingPed->pedType == OTHER_MODEL) {
switch (boneId) {
case 2:
iVar1 = cJerichoVNumbers;
return (SVECTOR *)(&vTannerList + *(int *)(&cTannerVNumbers + (boneId & 0x7fU) * 4) * 4);
case 4:
iVar1 = DAT_000d7d0c;
case 6:
iVar1 = DAT_000d7d10;
case 7:
iVar1 = DAT_000d7d14;
case 10:
iVar1 = DAT_000d7d18;
case 0xb:
iVar1 = DAT_000d7d1c;
return &vJerichoList + iVar1;
if (*(int *)(&cTannerVNumbers + (boneId & 0x7fU) * 4) == -1) {
return (SVECTOR *)0x0;
return (SVECTOR *)(&vTannerList + *(int *)(&cTannerVNumbers + (boneId & 0x7fU) * 4) * 4);*/
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ DrawCiv(struct PEDESTRIAN *pPed /*$fp*/)
// line 1834, offset 0x000670cc
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 1835
// Start offset: 0x000670CC
// Variables:
// int i; // $s5
// struct DVECTOR *outpoints; // $t9
// long *outlongs; // $s5
// struct SVECTOR *psrLerpData; // $t8
// long *zbuff; // $s4
// struct SVECTOR *pLerpData; // $s0
// struct SVECTOR pos; // stack offset -160
// struct VECTOR pos1; // stack offset -152
// struct SVECTOR *vert1; // $a1
// struct SVECTOR *vert2; // $a0
// struct SVECTOR temp1; // stack offset -136
// struct SVECTOR temp2; // stack offset -128
// int cnt3; // $a2
// int bHeadModel; // stack offset -56
// int shift; // $t0
// int frame; // $a2
// struct MATRIX workmatrix; // stack offset -120
// int j; // $s7
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 1908
// Start offset: 0x000672B8
// Variables:
// int cx; // $v1
// int sx; // $a0
// int cy; // $a1
// int sy; // $t0
// int cz; // $t3
// int sz; // $t6
// int stmp; // $t7
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x000672B8
// End Line: 1908
/* begin block 1.2 */
// Start line: 1964
// Start offset: 0x000677C0
// Variables:
// struct SVECTOR sV; // stack offset -88
// struct SVECTOR sV2; // stack offset -80
// struct VECTOR v; // stack offset -72
/* end block 1.2 */
// End offset: 0x000677FC
// End Line: 1976
/* begin block 1.3 */
// Start line: 1985
// Start offset: 0x000677FC
// Variables:
// struct CVECTOR cv; // stack offset -88
// struct VECTOR pos; // stack offset -80
// int phase; // $s0
/* end block 1.3 */
// End offset: 0x000678A0
// End Line: 1998
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x000678A0
// End Line: 2001
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 4582
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 4583
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 4595
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 4596
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 4601
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 4602
/* WARNING: Globals starting with '_' overlap smaller symbols at the same address */
void DrawCiv(PEDESTRIAN *pPed)
bool bVar1;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
undefined4 uVar2;
undefined4 uVar3;
undefined4 uVar4;
undefined4 uVar5;
int iVar6;
undefined4 *puVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
int iVar10;
uint v1;
short size;
uint boneId;
int iVar11;
uint uVar12;
uint uVar13;
int iVar14;
uint uVar15;
uint uVar16;
int iVar17;
uint uVar18;
int iVar19;
undefined2 *puVar20;
undefined4 *puVar21;
undefined4 *puVar22;
int *piVar23;
undefined4 *puVar24;
uint *puVar25;
int *piVar26;
int iVar27;
undefined4 local_a0;
uint local_9c;
short local_88;
short sStack134;
short local_84;
short local_80;
short sStack126;
short local_7c;
uint local_78;
uint local_74;
uint local_70;
uint local_6c;
uint local_68;
CVECTOR local_58[2];
VECTOR local_50;
undefined4 local_40;
int local_38;
CVECTOR *local_34;
VECTOR *local_30;
puVar25 = &DAT_1f800010;
piVar23 = &DAT_1f800210;
puVar20 = &DAT_1f800090;
local_38 = 0;
puVar21 = (undefined4 *)pPed->motion;
iVar27 = 0;
boneId = (uint)((byte)pPed->frame1 >> 1);
puVar7 = puVar21 + boneId * 0x3c;
uVar13 = (uint)(*(byte *)((int)&pPed->flags + 1) >> 7);
pDrawingPed = pPed;
if ((pPed->frame1 & 1U) == 0) {
iVar11 = 0x1e;
do {
*puVar20 = *(undefined2 *)puVar7;
iVar11 = iVar11 + -1;
puVar20[1] = (short)((int)*(short *)((int)puVar7 + 2) >> uVar13);
puVar21 = puVar7 + 1;
puVar7 = puVar7 + 2;
puVar20[2] = *(undefined2 *)puVar21;
puVar20 = puVar20 + 4;
} while (0 < iVar11);
else {
if ((byte)pPed->frame1 < 0x1e) {
puVar21 = puVar21 + (boneId + 1) * 0x3c;
iVar11 = 0x1e;
do {
uVar2 = *puVar21;
uVar4 = puVar21[1];
uVar3 = *puVar7;
uVar5 = puVar7[1];
local_88 = (short)uVar2;
local_80 = (short)uVar3;
iVar11 = iVar11 + -1;
*puVar20 = (short)((int)local_88 + (int)local_80 >> 1);
sStack134 = (short)((uint)uVar2 >> 0x10);
sStack126 = (short)((uint)uVar3 >> 0x10);
puVar21 = puVar21 + 2;
puVar20[1] = (short)((int)sStack134 + (int)sStack126 >> uVar13 + 1);
local_84 = (short)uVar4;
local_7c = (short)uVar5;
puVar7 = puVar7 + 2;
puVar20[2] = (short)((int)local_84 + (int)local_7c >> 1);
puVar20 = puVar20 + 4;
} while (0 < iVar11);
setCopControlWord(2, 0, inv_camera_matrix.m[0]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, inv_camera_matrix.m._4_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, inv_camera_matrix.m[1]._2_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, inv_camera_matrix.m[2]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, inv_camera_matrix._16_4_);
local_a0 = CONCAT22(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy,
*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx);
local_9c = local_9c & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (short)camera_position.vz);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, local_a0);
setCopReg(2, in_at, local_9c);
copFunction(2, 0x486012);
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
uVar3 = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
uVar4 = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, uVar2);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, uVar3);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, uVar4);
uVar12 = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff;
uVar13 = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vz & 0xfff;
iVar9 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar12 * 2 + 1];
iVar19 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar13 * 2];
iVar17 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar13 * 2 + 1];
boneId = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vx & 0xfff;
iVar11 = (int)rcossin_tbl[boneId * 2 + 1];
iVar14 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar12 * 2];
iVar8 = (int)rcossin_tbl[boneId * 2];
uVar16 = (iVar11 * iVar14 + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
((iVar9 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc) * iVar19 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar18 = iVar9 * iVar17 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
iVar10 = (int)(short)uVar18;
boneId = -(iVar17 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar12 = iVar11 * iVar17 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
iVar6 = (int)(short)uVar12;
uVar15 = (-iVar11 * (iVar9 * iVar19 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
(iVar8 * iVar14 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
v1 = (iVar10 * iVar6 + 0x800 >> 0xc) - (((int)(uVar15 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar19 + 0x800 >> 0xc)
setCopControlWord(2, 0, inv_camera_matrix.m[0]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, inv_camera_matrix.m._4_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, inv_camera_matrix.m[1]._2_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, inv_camera_matrix.m[2]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, inv_camera_matrix._16_4_);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar18 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[uVar13 * 2]);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)(ushort)-(short)(iVar14 * iVar17 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar13 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
iVar8 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar18 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar15 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, uVar12 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)(ushort)((short)(((int)(uVar16 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar19 + 0x800 >>
0xc) - (short)(iVar10 * (short)boneId + 0x800 >> 0xc)));
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
iVar11 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
uVar12 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
iVar9 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
local_78 = uVar13 & 0xffff | iVar11 << 0x10;
local_6c = uVar18 & 0xffff | iVar9 << 0x10;
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar16 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, boneId & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, v1 & 0xffff);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar13 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
iVar11 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar15 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
local_74 = iVar8 << 0x10 | uVar13 & 0xffff;
local_70 = uVar12 & 0xffff | iVar11 << 0x10;
local_68 = local_68 & 0xffff0000 | uVar15 & 0xffff;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_78);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_74);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_70);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_6c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_68);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, _DAT_1f800090);
setCopReg(2, in_at, _DAT_1f800094);
setCopReg(2, 0x1f800090, DAT_1f800098);
setCopReg(2, iVar6, DAT_1f80009c);
setCopReg(2, boneId, DAT_1f8000a0);
setCopReg(2, v1, DAT_1f8000a4);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
gCurrentZ = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
local_30 = &local_50;
DAT_1f800210 = gCurrentZ;
if (gCurrentZ <= switch_detail_distance) {
local_34 = local_58;
piVar26 = boneIdvals;
iVar11 = 0;
puVar22 = &DAT_1f800210;
puVar21 = &DAT_1f800010;
iVar6 = 0xe;
puVar7 = (undefined4 *)&DAT_1f800090;
do {
if (iVar27 < 0x1e) {
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
*puVar21 = uVar2;
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
puVar21[1] = uVar2;
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
puVar21[2] = uVar2;
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
*puVar22 = uVar2;
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
puVar22[1] = uVar2;
uVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
puVar22[2] = uVar2;
bVar1 = iVar27 < 0x1b;
puVar24 = puVar7;
if (bVar1) {
puVar24 = puVar7 + 6;
puVar22 = puVar22 + 3;
puVar21 = puVar21 + 3;
iVar27 = iVar27 + 3;
setCopReg(2, in_zero, *puVar24);
setCopReg(2, in_at, puVar7[7]);
setCopReg(2, (uint)bVar1, puVar7[8]);
setCopReg(2, iVar11, puVar7[9]);
setCopReg(2, boneId, puVar7[10]);
setCopReg(2, v1, puVar7[0xb]);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
boneId = *piVar26;
if ((boneId == 4) &&
(v1 = 1, iVar11 = DAT_1f800210, DAT_1f800210 <= switch_detail_distance >> 1)) {
local_38 = 1;
else {
v1 = *puVar25;
DrawBodySprite(boneId, v1, puVar25[1], *piVar23, piVar23[1]);
puVar25 = puVar25 + 2;
piVar23 = piVar23 + 2;
iVar6 = iVar6 + -1;
piVar26 = (int *)((uint *)piVar26 + 1);
puVar7 = puVar24;
} while (-1 < iVar6);
if (local_38 != 0) {
bAllreadyRotated = 0;
DoCivHead((SVECTOR *)&DAT_1f8000b8, (SVECTOR *)&DAT_1f8000b0);
local_40 = 0;
local_50.pad = 0;
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, 0);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, 0);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, 0);
local_50.vx = (pPed->position).vx;
local_50.vy = (pPed->position).vy;
local_50.vz = (pPed->position).vz;
boneId = (uint)(byte)pPed->frame1 & 0xf;
uVar13 = boneId * 2;
iVar27 = MapHeight(local_30);
local_58[0].b = '(';
local_58[0].g = '(';
local_58[0].r = '(';
local_50.vx = local_50.vx - camera_position.vx;
local_50.vy = (10 - iVar27) - camera_position.vy;
local_50.vz = local_50.vz - camera_position.vz;
if (uVar13 < 8) {
size = (short)uVar13 + 0x50;
else {
size = (short)boneId * -2 + 0x70;
RoundShadow(local_30, local_34, size);
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ SetSkelModelPointers(int type /*$a0*/)
// line 2011, offset 0x00069ad8
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 7522
/* end block 1 */
// End Line: 7523
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 7524
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 7525
void SetSkelModelPointers(int type)
if (type == 1) {
BONE_000a0944.pModel = &pmJerichoModels6;
BONE_000a09cc.pModel = &PTR_000d95bc;
BONE_000a0a54.pModel = &PTR_000d95c0;
BONE_000a0a98.pModel = &PTR_000d95c4;
BONE_000a0b64.pModel = &PTR_000d95c8;
BONE_000a0ba8.pModel = &PTR_000d95cc;
BONE_000a0c74.pModel = (MODEL **)0x0;
BONE_000a0944.pModel = &pmTannerModels17;
BONE_000a09cc.pModel = &PTR_000d96e4;
BONE_000a0a54.pModel = &PTR_000d9700;
BONE_000a0a98.pModel = &PTR_000d9704;
BONE_000a0b64.pModel = &PTR_000d96e8;
BONE_000a0ba8.pModel = &PTR_000d96ec;
BONE_000a0c74.pModel = &PTR_000d971c;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ DrawTanner(struct PEDESTRIAN *pPed /*$s2*/)
// line 2041, offset 0x000678d0
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2042
// Start offset: 0x000678D0
// Variables:
// struct VECTOR v; // stack offset -112
// struct CVECTOR cV; // stack offset -96
// struct MATRIX mRotStore; // stack offset -88
// struct MATRIX iMatrix; // stack offset -56
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 2042
// Start offset: 0x000678D0
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x000679E0
// End Line: 2061
/* begin block 1.2 */
// Start line: 2067
// Start offset: 0x000679E0
// Variables:
// int cx; // $a2
// int sx; // $t0
// int cy; // $a0
// int sy; // $t2
// int cz; // $t5
// int sz; // $s0
// int stmp; // $v1
/* end block 1.2 */
// End offset: 0x000679E0
// End Line: 2067
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00067D44
// End Line: 2113
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 5129
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 5130
void DrawTanner(PEDESTRIAN *pPed)
uint uVar1;
int iVar2;
uint uVar3;
int iVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
int iVar7;
int iVar8;
int iVar9;
VECTOR local_70;
CVECTOR local_60[2];
undefined4 local_58;
undefined4 local_54;
undefined4 local_50;
undefined4 local_4c;
undefined4 local_48;
undefined4 local_44;
undefined4 local_40;
undefined4 local_3c;
short local_38;
undefined2 local_36;
undefined2 local_34;
short local_32;
short local_30;
short local_2e;
short local_2c;
short local_2a;
short local_28;
int local_24;
int local_20;
int local_1c;
bDoingShadow = 0;
local_58 = getCopControlWord(2, 0);
local_54 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x800);
local_50 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1000);
local_4c = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1800);
local_48 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x2000);
local_44 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x2800);
local_40 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x3000);
local_3c = getCopControlWord(2, 0x3800);
pDrawingPed = pPed;
if (pPed->pedType == OTHER_MODEL) {
BONE_000a09cc.pModel = &PTR_000d95bc;
BONE_000a0a54.pModel = &PTR_000d95c0;
BONE_000a0944.pModel = &pmJerichoModels6;
BONE_000a0a98.pModel = &PTR_000d95c4;
BONE_000a0b64.pModel = &PTR_000d95c8;
BONE_000a0ba8.pModel = &PTR_000d95cc;
BONE_000a0c74.pModel = (MODEL **)0x0;
else {
BONE_000a09cc.pModel = &PTR_000d96e4;
BONE_000a0a54.pModel = &PTR_000d9700;
BONE_000a0a98.pModel = &PTR_000d9704;
BONE_000a0944.pModel = &pmTannerModels17;
BONE_000a0b64.pModel = &PTR_000d96e8;
BONE_000a0ba8.pModel = &PTR_000d96ec;
BONE_000a0c74.pModel = &PTR_000d971c;
uVar3 = (uint)(ushort)(pPed->dir).vy & 0xfff;
uVar1 = (uint)(ushort)(pPed->dir).vz & 0xfff;
iVar2 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar3 * 2 + 1];
local_32 = rcossin_tbl[uVar1 * 2];
iVar9 = (int)local_32;
iVar8 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar1 * 2 + 1];
uVar1 = (uint)(ushort)(pPed->dir).vx & 0xfff;
iVar4 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar1 * 2 + 1];
iVar6 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar3 * 2];
iVar5 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar1 * 2];
iVar7 = (iVar4 * iVar6 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + ((iVar2 * iVar5 + 0x800 >> 0xc) * iVar9 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_38 = (short)(iVar2 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_2e = -(short)(iVar8 * iVar5 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_24 = (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx;
local_20 = (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vy;
local_1c = (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz;
local_30 = (short)(iVar4 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
iVar2 = (-iVar4 * (iVar2 * iVar9 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + 0x800 >> 0xc) + (iVar5 * iVar6 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_36 = (undefined2)iVar2;
local_34 = (undefined2)iVar7;
local_2c = -(short)(iVar6 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_2a = (short)((iVar7 * 0x10000 >> 0x10) * iVar9 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)((int)local_38 * (int)local_2e + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_28 = (short)((int)local_38 * (int)local_30 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)((iVar2 * 0x10000 >> 0x10) * iVar9 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_58);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_54);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_50);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_4c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_48);
iCurrBone = 0;
local_70.vx = ((pPed->position).vx - camera_position.vx) + (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx;
local_70.vz = ((pPed->position).vz - camera_position.vz) + (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz;
local_70.vy = MapHeight((VECTOR *)&pPed->position);
bDoingShadow = 1;
local_70.vy = -camera_position.vy - local_70.vy;
if (pPed->padId == '\0') {
if (gTimeOfDay == 3) {
local_60[0].b = '\f';
local_60[0].g = '\f';
local_60[0].r = '\f';
TannerShadow(&local_70, moon_position + GameLevel, local_60, (pPed->dir).vy);
else {
local_60[0].b = ' ';
local_60[0].g = ' ';
local_60[0].r = ' ';
TannerShadow(&local_70, sun_position + GameLevel, local_60, (pPed->dir).vy);
bDoingShadow = 0;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// int /*$ra*/ DrawCharacter(struct PEDESTRIAN *pPed /*$s1*/)
// line 2120, offset 0x00067d44
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2121
// Start offset: 0x00067D44
// Variables:
// struct MATRIX mRotStore; // stack offset -128
// struct MATRIX iMatrix; // stack offset -96
// struct CVECTOR cV; // stack offset -64
// struct VECTOR v; // stack offset -56
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 2121
// Start offset: 0x00067D44
// Variables:
// int cx; // $t0
// int sx; // $a3
// int cy; // $a0
// int sy; // $t2
// int cz; // $a2
// int sz; // $t7
// int stmp; // $v1
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x00067D44
// End Line: 2121
/* begin block 1.2 */
// Start line: 2175
// Start offset: 0x00068134
// Variables:
// struct CVECTOR cv; // stack offset -40
// struct VECTOR pos; // stack offset -32
// int phase; // $s0
/* end block 1.2 */
// End offset: 0x000681D0
// End Line: 2189
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x000681EC
// End Line: 2193
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 5336
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 5337
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 5344
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 5345
int DrawCharacter(PEDESTRIAN *pPed)
return 0;
uint uVar1;
int iVar2;
ushort size;
undefined4 uVar3;
undefined4 uVar4;
undefined4 uVar5;
undefined4 uVar6;
undefined4 uVar7;
uint uVar8;
CVECTOR local_40[2];
VECTOR local_38;
CVECTOR local_28[2];
VECTOR local_20;
uVar3 = getCopControlWord(2, 0);
uVar5 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x800);
uVar4 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1000);
uVar6 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1800);
uVar7 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x2000);
getCopControlWord(2, 0x2800);
getCopControlWord(2, 0x3000);
getCopControlWord(2, 0x3800);
pDrawingPed = pPed;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, uVar3);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, uVar5);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, uVar4);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, uVar6);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, uVar7);
iCurrBone = 0;
if ((pUsedPeds->pNext == (PEDESTRIAN *)0x0) && (pPed->pedType == TANNER_MODEL)) {
local_38.vx = ((pPed->position).vx - camera_position.vx) + (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vx;
local_38.vz = ((pPed->position).vz - camera_position.vz) + (int)(Skel.pvOrigPos)->vz;
local_38.vy = MapHeight((VECTOR *)&pPed->position);
bDoingShadow = 1;
local_38.vy = -camera_position.vy - local_38.vy;
if (gTimeOfDay == 3) {
local_40[0].b = '\f';
local_40[0].g = '\f';
local_40[0].r = '\f';
TannerShadow(&local_38, moon_position + GameLevel, local_40, (pPed->dir).vy);
else {
local_40[0].b = ' ';
local_40[0].g = ' ';
local_40[0].r = ' ';
TannerShadow(&local_38, sun_position + GameLevel, local_40, (pPed->dir).vy);
bDoingShadow = 0;
else {
if (pPed->pedType == CIVILIAN) {
local_20.vx = (pPed->position).vx;
local_20.vy = (pPed->position).vy;
local_20.vz = (pPed->position).vz;
uVar1 = (uint)(byte)pPed->frame1 & 7;
uVar8 = uVar1 * 2;
iVar2 = MapHeight(&local_20);
local_28[0].b = '(';
local_28[0].g = '(';
local_28[0].r = '(';
local_20.vx = local_20.vx - camera_position.vx;
local_20.vy = (0x1e - iVar2) - camera_position.vy;
local_20.vz = local_20.vz - camera_position.vz;
if (uVar8 < 8) {
size = (ushort)uVar8 | 0x50;
else {
size = (short)uVar1 * -2 + 0x60;
RoundShadow(&local_20, local_28, size);
return 1;*/
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ InitTannerShadow()
// line 2201, offset 0x000681ec
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2203
// Start offset: 0x000681EC
// Variables:
// struct CVECTOR cV; // stack offset -8
// int i; // $a3
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00068358
// End Line: 2247
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 5576
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 5577
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 5585
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 5586
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 5586
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 5587
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 5589
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 5590
/* WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked */
void InitTannerShadow(void)
ushort uVar1;
ushort uVar2;
uchar uVar3;
uchar uVar4;
undefined *puVar5;
POLY_FT4 *pPVar6;
int iVar7;
uint uVar8;
uchar uVar9;
uchar uVar10;
uchar uVar11;
uVar3 = tannerShadow_texture.coords.u0;
if (gTimeOfDay == 3) {
uVar4 = '\f';
else {
uVar4 = ' ';
pPVar6 = ft4TannerShadow;
iVar7 = 1;
uVar11 = tannerShadow_texture.coords.u0 + '?';
uVar10 = tannerShadow_texture.coords.v0 + '\x7f';
uVar9 = tannerShadow_texture.coords.v0 + ' ';
uVar1 = (&tpagepos)[nperms + 1].x;
uVar8 = (uint)(ushort)(&tpagepos)[nperms + 1].y + 0x80;
uVar2 = (ushort)uVar8;
do {
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
rectTannerWindow.w = 0x40;
rectTannerWindow.h = 0x80;
rectTannerWindow.x = uVar1;
rectTannerWindow.y = uVar2;
pPVar6->u0 = uVar11;
pPVar6->v0 = uVar9;
pPVar6->u1 = uVar3;
pPVar6->v1 = uVar9;
pPVar6->u2 = uVar11;
pPVar6->v2 = uVar10;
pPVar6->u3 = uVar3;
pPVar6->v3 = uVar10;
pPVar6->tpage =
(short)(uVar2 & 0x100) >> 4 | (ushort)(((uint)uVar1 & 0x3ff) >> 6) | 0x100 |
(ushort)((uVar8 & 0x200) << 2);
*(undefined *)((int)&pPVar6->tag + 3) = 9;
pPVar6->code = '.';
pPVar6->r0 = uVar4;
pPVar6->g0 = uVar4;
pPVar6->b0 = uVar4;
pPVar6 = pPVar6 + 1;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
puVar5 = &tileTannerClear;
iVar7 = 1;
do {
puVar5[3] = 3;
puVar5[7] = 0x60;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar5 + 8) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar5 + 10) = 0;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar5 + 0xc) = 0x40;
*(undefined2 *)(puVar5 + 0xe) = 0x80;
puVar5[4] = 0;
puVar5[5] = 0;
puVar5[6] = 0;
iVar7 = iVar7 + -1;
puVar5 = puVar5 + 0x10;
} while (-1 < iVar7);
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ TannerShadow(struct VECTOR *pPedPos /*$s6*/, struct SVECTOR *pLightPos /*$s7*/, struct CVECTOR *col /*$a2*/, short angle /*$a3*/)
// line 2258, offset 0x00068358
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2259
// Start offset: 0x00068358
// Variables:
// int z; // $a1
// int z0; // stack offset -72
// int z1; // stack offset -68
// int z2; // stack offset -64
// int z3; // stack offset -60
// struct SVECTOR vert[4]; // stack offset -272
// struct VECTOR d; // stack offset -240
// struct DR_ENV *pDE; // $s3
// struct DRAWENV drEnv; // stack offset -224
// struct VECTOR cp; // stack offset -128
// struct SVECTOR ca; // stack offset -112
// struct VECTOR v1; // stack offset -104
// int i; // $s4
// struct VECTOR myVector; // stack offset -88
// int avalue2; // $v0
// int w; // $v1
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 2375
// Start offset: 0x00068818
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x00068818
// End Line: 2375
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00068B2C
// End Line: 2434
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 5725
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 5726
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 5737
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 5738
/* WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps */
void TannerShadow(VECTOR *pPedPos, SVECTOR *pLightPos, CVECTOR *col, short angle)
short sVar1;
short sVar2;
short sVar3;
short sVar4;
ushort uVar5;
ushort uVar6;
undefined4 uVar7;
char cVar8;
DB *pDVar9;
long *plVar10;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
int iVar11;
int iVar12;
int iVar13;
int iVar14;
long z0;
long z1;
long z2;
long z3;
uint uVar15;
ulong *puVar16;
undefined4 *puVar17;
uint *puVar18;
undefined4 *puVar19;
int iVar20;
undefined4 local_110;
undefined4 local_10c;
undefined4 local_108;
undefined4 local_104;
undefined4 local_100;
undefined4 local_fc;
short local_f8;
short local_f6;
short local_f4;
undefined4 local_f0;
undefined4 local_ec;
undefined4 local_e8;
undefined auStack224[96];
long local_80;
long local_7c;
long local_78;
long local_74;
undefined4 local_70;
undefined4 local_6c;
int local_68;
int local_64;
int local_60;
VECTOR local_58;
long local_48;
long local_44;
int local_40;
long local_3c;
long *local_38;
long *local_34;
long *local_30;
undefined4 *local_2c;
memset(&local_f0, 0, 0x10);
memset(&local_58, 0, 0x10);
SetDefDrawEnv(auStack224, 0, (int)(current->draw).clip.y, 0x140, 0x100);
puVar18 = (uint *)current->primptr;
SetDrawEnv(puVar18, auStack224);
pDVar9 = current;
*puVar18 = *puVar18 & 0xff000000 | current->ot[0x107f] & 0xffffff;
pDVar9->ot[0x107f] = pDVar9->ot[0x107f] & 0xff000000 | (uint)puVar18 & 0xffffff;
iVar20 = 3;
pDVar9->primptr = pDVar9->primptr + 0x40;
Tangle = ratan2(-(int)pLightPos->vx, (int)pLightPos->vz);
local_38 = &local_48;
local_34 = &local_44;
local_2c = (undefined4 *)&local_f8;
local_30 = &local_3c;
puVar19 = &local_10c;
puVar17 = &local_110;
local_fc._0_2_ = 0x12;
local_f4 = 0x12;
local_100 = 0xff80;
local_f8 = 0x80;
local_f6 = 0;
local_110 = 0xff80;
local_10c._0_2_ = -0x140;
local_108 = 0x80;
local_104 = CONCAT22(local_104._2_2_, 0xfec0);
do {
iVar20 = iVar20 + -1;
iVar11 = rcos(Tangle);
iVar12 = rsin(Tangle);
sVar1 = *(short *)puVar17;
sVar2 = *(short *)puVar19;
iVar13 = rsin(Tangle);
iVar14 = rcos(Tangle);
sVar3 = *(short *)puVar17;
sVar4 = *(short *)puVar19;
*(short *)puVar17 =
(short)((uint)(((sVar1 * iVar11 >> 0xc) - (sVar2 * iVar12 >> 0xc)) * 0x10000) >> 0x10);
puVar17 = puVar17 + 2;
*(short *)puVar19 = (short)(sVar3 * iVar13 >> 0xc) + (short)(sVar4 * iVar14 >> 0xc);
plVar10 = local_34;
puVar19 = puVar19 + 2;
} while (-1 < iVar20);
uVar5 = *(ushort *)&pPedPos->vx;
sVar1 = *(short *)&pPedPos->vy;
local_100 = CONCAT22(local_100._2_2_ + sVar1, (short)local_100 + uVar5);
uVar6 = *(ushort *)&pPedPos->vz;
local_fc = CONCAT22(local_fc._2_2_, (short)local_fc + uVar6);
local_f8 = local_f8 + uVar5;
local_f6 = local_f6 + sVar1;
local_f4 = local_f4 + uVar6;
local_110 = CONCAT22(local_110._2_2_ + sVar1, (short)local_110 + uVar5);
local_10c = CONCAT22(local_10c._2_2_, (short)local_10c + uVar6);
uVar15 = (local_104 & 0xffff) + (uint)uVar6;
local_108 = CONCAT22(local_108._2_2_ + sVar1, (short)local_108 + uVar5);
local_104 = local_104 & 0xffff0000 | uVar15 & 0xffff;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, inv_camera_matrix.m[0]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, inv_camera_matrix.m._4_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, inv_camera_matrix.m[1]._2_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, inv_camera_matrix.m[2]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, inv_camera_matrix._16_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, local_f0);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, local_ec);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, local_e8);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, local_110);
setCopReg(2, in_at, local_10c);
setCopReg(2, &local_f0, local_108);
setCopReg(2, uVar15, local_104);
setCopReg(2, (uint)uVar6, local_100);
setCopReg(2, (uint)uVar5, local_fc);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
iVar20 = current->id;
uVar7 = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
*(undefined4 *)&ft4TannerShadow[iVar20].x0 = uVar7;
uVar7 = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
*(undefined4 *)&ft4TannerShadow[iVar20].x1 = uVar7;
uVar7 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
*(undefined4 *)&ft4TannerShadow[iVar20].x2 = uVar7;
z0 = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
*local_38 = z0;
z0 = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
*plVar10 = z0;
local_40 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, *local_2c);
setCopReg(2, in_at, local_2c[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x180001);
uVar7 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
*(undefined4 *)&ft4TannerShadow[current->id].x3 = uVar7;
z0 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
*local_30 = z0;
if (local_48 < local_44) {
local_48 = (local_48 + local_44) / 2;
else {
local_44 = (local_48 + local_44) / 2;
if (local_40 < local_3c) {
local_40 = (local_40 + local_3c) / 2;
else {
local_3c = (local_40 + local_3c) / 2;
z0 = 8;
if (0x1c < local_48) {
z0 = local_48 + -0x14;
z1 = 8;
if (0x1c < local_44) {
z1 = local_44 + -0x14;
z2 = 8;
if (0x1c < local_40) {
z2 = local_40 + -0x14;
z3 = 8;
if (0x1c < local_3c) {
z3 = local_3c + -0x14;
local_48 = z0;
local_44 = z1;
local_40 = z2;
local_3c = z3;
SubdivShadow(z0, z1, z2, z3, ft4TannerShadow + current->id);
local_68 = (int)pLightPos->vx * 0x6e >> 0xc;
local_7c = player.cameraPos.vy;
local_78 = player.cameraPos.vz;
local_74 = player.cameraPos.pad;
local_80 = player.cameraPos.vx;
local_70 = camera_angle._0_4_;
local_6c = camera_angle._4_4_;
local_64 = (int)pLightPos->vy * 0x6e >> 0xc;
local_60 = (int)pLightPos->vz * 0x6e >> 0xc;
camera_position.vx = (pDrawingPed->position).vx + local_68;
camera_position.vy = (pDrawingPed->position).vy + local_64;
camera_position.vz = (pDrawingPed->position).vz + local_60;
local_58.vx = player.pos[0];
local_58.vy = player.pos[1] + -0xac;
local_58.vz = player.pos[2];
player.cameraPos.vx = camera_position.vx;
player.cameraPos.vy = camera_position.vy;
player.cameraPos.vz = camera_position.vz;
cVar8 = tracking_car;
setCopControlWord(2, 0xc000, 0x200000);
setCopControlWord(2, 0xc800, 0x800000);
tracking_car = '\x01';
PlaceCameraAtLocation(&player, 0);
tracking_car = cVar8;
pDVar9 = current;
camera_angle._0_4_ = local_70;
camera_angle._4_4_ = local_6c;
player.cameraPos.vx = local_80;
player.cameraPos.vy = local_7c;
player.cameraPos.vz = local_78;
player.cameraPos.pad = local_74;
camera_position.vx = local_80;
camera_position.vy = local_7c;
camera_position.vz = local_78;
camera_position.pad = local_74;
*(uint *)(&tileTannerClear + current->id * 0x10) =
*(uint *)(&tileTannerClear + current->id * 0x10) & 0xff000000 |
current->ot[0x107f] & 0xffffff;
puVar16 = pDVar9->ot;
puVar16[0x107f] =
puVar16[0x107f] & 0xff000000 | (uint)(&tileTannerClear + pDVar9->id * 0x10) & 0xffffff;
setCopControlWord(2, 0xc000, 0xa00000);
setCopControlWord(2, 0xc800, 0x800000);
SetDefDrawEnv(auStack224, (int)rectTannerWindow.x, (int)rectTannerWindow.y, (int)rectTannerWindow.w,
puVar18 = (uint *)current->primptr;
SetDrawEnv(puVar18, auStack224);
pDVar9 = current;
*puVar18 = *puVar18 & 0xff000000 | current->ot[0x107f] & 0xffffff;
pDVar9->ot[0x107f] = pDVar9->ot[0x107f] & 0xff000000 | (uint)puVar18 & 0xffffff;
pDVar9->primptr = pDVar9->primptr + 0x40;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ DoCivHead(struct SVECTOR *vert1 /*$s1*/, struct SVECTOR *vert2 /*$s3*/)
// line 2442, offset 0x00068b2c
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2443
// Start offset: 0x00068B2C
// Variables:
// struct VECTOR headpos; // stack offset -184
// struct SVECTOR final_rotation; // stack offset -168
// struct SVECTOR spos1; // stack offset -160
// struct MODEL *model; // $s5
// struct MATRIX work2matrix; // stack offset -152
// struct MATRIX mRotStore; // stack offset -120
// struct VECTOR pos1; // stack offset -88
// int pal; // $v1
// int ci; // $s6
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 2495
// Start offset: 0x00068D38
// Variables:
// int cx; // $v1
// int sx; // $a0
// int cy; // $a1
// int sy; // $t0
// int cz; // $t3
// int sz; // $t6
// int stmp; // $a3
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x00068D38
// End Line: 2495
/* begin block 1.2 */
// Start line: 2507
// Start offset: 0x00068F98
// Variables:
// int cx; // $v1
// int sx; // $t3
// int cy; // $t1
// int sy; // $a3
// int stmp; // $v0
/* end block 1.2 */
// End offset: 0x00068F98
// End Line: 2507
/* begin block 1.3 */
// Start line: 2535
// Start offset: 0x00069274
// Variables:
// struct MATRIX comb; // stack offset -72
/* end block 1.3 */
// End offset: 0x00069274
// End Line: 2537
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x0006940C
// End Line: 2554
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 6379
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 6380
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 6388
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 6389
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 6400
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 6401
/* WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps */
void DoCivHead(SVECTOR *vert1, SVECTOR *vert2)
short sVar1;
short sVar2;
MODEL *model;
int iVar3;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
int local_b8;
int local_b4;
uint uVar4;
ushort uVar5;
ushort uVar6;
ushort uVar7;
int local_b0;
int iVar8;
uint uVar9;
uint uVar10;
uint uVar11;
int iVar12;
int iVar13;
uint uVar14;
int iVar15;
uint uVar16;
undefined4 local_a0;
uint local_9c;
uint local_98;
uint local_94;
uint local_90;
uint local_8c;
uint local_88;
undefined4 local_78;
undefined4 local_74;
undefined4 local_70;
undefined4 local_6c;
undefined4 local_68;
undefined4 local_64;
undefined4 local_60;
undefined4 local_5c;
VECTOR local_58;
uint local_48;
uint local_44;
uint local_40;
uint local_3c;
undefined4 local_38;
iVar3 = combointensity;
model = gPed1HeadModelPtr;
if (gPed1HeadModelPtr != (MODEL *)0x0) {
local_78 = getCopControlWord(2, 0);
local_74 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x800);
local_70 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1000);
local_6c = getCopControlWord(2, 0x1800);
local_68 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x2000);
local_64 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x2800);
local_60 = getCopControlWord(2, 0x3000);
local_5c = getCopControlWord(2, 0x3800);
if ((pDrawingPed->pallet & 0xf) == 0) {
palnumber = -1;
else {
palnumber = (uint)civ_clut[(uint)(byte)texturePedHead.texture_number * 6 +
((uint)pDrawingPed->pallet & 0xf)] << 0x10;
if (bAllreadyRotated == 0) {
if (((pDrawingPed->dir).vx == 0) && ((pDrawingPed->dir).vz == 0)) {
uVar5 = (pDrawingPed->dir).vy;
if ((uVar5 & 0x3f) == 0) {
uVar4 = ((uint)uVar5 & 0xfc0) >> 1;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, *(undefined4 *)((int)matrixtable.m + uVar4));
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, *(undefined4 *)((int)matrixtable.m + uVar4 + 4));
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, *(undefined4 *)((int)matrixtable.m + uVar4 + 8));
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, *(undefined4 *)((int)matrixtable.m + uVar4 + 0xc));
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, *(undefined4 *)((int)matrixtable.m + uVar4 + 0x10));
else {
local_90 = 0x1000;
local_88 = local_88 & 0xffff0000 |
[((uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff) * 2 + 1];
local_98 = (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl
[((uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff) * 2 + 1];
local_94 = (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[((uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff) * 2];
local_8c = (uint)(ushort)-rcossin_tbl[((uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff) * 2];
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_98);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_94);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, 0x1000);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_8c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_88);
else {
uVar9 = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vy & 0xfff;
uVar4 = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vz & 0xfff;
local_b0 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar9 * 2 + 1];
iVar15 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2];
iVar12 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2 + 1];
uVar14 = (uint)(ushort)(pDrawingPed->dir).vx & 0xfff;
local_b8 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar14 * 2 + 1];
iVar8 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar9 * 2];
local_b4 = (int)rcossin_tbl[uVar14 * 2];
uVar9 = (local_b8 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
((local_b0 * local_b4 + 0x800 >> 0xc) * iVar15 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar10 = local_b0 * iVar12 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
iVar13 = (int)(short)uVar10;
uVar5 = -(short)(iVar12 * local_b4 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar14 = local_b8 * iVar12 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
local_b8 = (-local_b8 * (local_b0 * iVar15 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + 0x800 >> 0xc) +
(local_b4 * iVar8 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_98 = uVar10 & 0xffff | local_b8 * 0x10000;
local_94 = uVar9 & 0xffff | (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2] << 0x10;
local_90 = uVar14 & 0xffff | (uint)uVar5 << 0x10;
local_8c = CONCAT22((short)(((int)(uVar9 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar15 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)(iVar13 * (short)uVar5 + 0x800 >> 0xc),
-(short)(iVar8 * iVar12 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
local_88 = local_88 & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)((short)(iVar13 * (short)uVar14 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)((local_b8 * 0x10000 >> 0x10) * iVar15 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_98);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_94);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_90);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_8c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_88);
setCopReg(2, in_zero, *(undefined4 *)vert1);
setCopReg(2, in_at, *(undefined4 *)&vert1->vz);
copFunction(2, 0x486012);
local_b8 = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
local_b4 = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
local_b0 = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
else {
local_b8 = (int)vert1->vx;
local_b4 = (int)vert1->vy;
local_b0 = (int)vert1->vz;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, inv_camera_matrix.m[0]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, inv_camera_matrix.m._4_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, inv_camera_matrix.m[1]._2_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, inv_camera_matrix.m[2]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, inv_camera_matrix._16_4_);
local_a0 = CONCAT22((short)local_b4 +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vy - (short)camera_position.vy),
(short)local_b8 +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vx - (short)camera_position.vx));
local_9c = local_9c & 0xffff0000 |
(uint)(ushort)((short)local_b0 +
(*(short *)&(pDrawingPed->position).vz - (short)camera_position.vz));
setCopReg(2, in_zero, local_a0);
setCopReg(2, in_at, local_9c);
copFunction(2, 0x486012);
local_58.vx = getCopReg(2, 0x19);
local_58.vy = getCopReg(2, 0x1a);
local_58.vz = getCopReg(2, 0x1b);
ratan2((int)vert1->vz - (int)vert2->vz, (int)vert1->vy - (int)vert2->vy);
sVar1 = (pDrawingPed->dir).vy;
sVar2 = pDrawingPed->head_rot;
ratan2((int)vert1->vx - (int)vert2->vx, (int)vert1->vy - (int)vert2->vy, pDrawingPed,
(int)vert1->vy, local_b8, local_b4, local_b0);
iVar13 = (int)rcossin_tbl[0];
uVar4 = (uint)(ushort)(sVar1 - sVar2) & 0xfff;
local_b4 = (int)rcossin_tbl[1];
local_b8 = rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2 + 1] * iVar13 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
local_b0 = local_b4 * rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2] + 0x800 >> 0xc;
uVar14 = local_b0 + (local_b8 * iVar13 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar10 = rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2 + 1] * local_b4 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
uVar5 = -(short)(local_b4 * iVar13 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
uVar11 = local_b4 * local_b4 + 0x800 >> 0xc;
uVar9 = (-local_b4 * local_b8 + 0x800 >> 0xc) + (iVar13 * rcossin_tbl[uVar4 * 2] + 0x800 >> 0xc)
local_98 = uVar10 & 0xffff | uVar9 * 0x10000;
uVar7 = -(short)local_b0;
uVar4 = uVar14 & 0xffff;
local_94 = uVar4 | (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[0] << 0x10;
local_90 = uVar11 & 0xffff | (uint)uVar5 << 0x10;
uVar6 = (short)(((int)(uVar14 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar13 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)((int)(short)uVar10 * (int)(short)uVar5 + 0x800 >> 0xc);
local_8c = CONCAT22(uVar6, uVar7);
uVar14 = (uint)(ushort)((short)((int)(short)uVar10 * (int)(short)uVar11 + 0x800 >> 0xc) -
(short)(((int)(uVar9 * 0x10000) >> 0x10) * iVar13 + 0x800 >> 0xc));
local_88 = local_88 & 0xffff0000 | uVar14;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_98);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_94);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_90);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_8c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_88);
if (gNight != 0) {
combointensity = (int)&DAT_00404040;
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2800, local_58.vx);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3000, local_58.vy);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x3800, local_58.vz);
setCopControlWord(2, 0, inv_camera_matrix.m[0]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, inv_camera_matrix.m._4_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, inv_camera_matrix.m[1]._2_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, inv_camera_matrix.m[2]._0_4_);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, inv_camera_matrix._16_4_);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar10 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)(ushort)rcossin_tbl[0]);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)uVar7);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar10 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
local_b4 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar16 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar9 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, uVar11 & 0xffff);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, (uint)uVar6);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
local_b8 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
uVar9 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
local_b0 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
local_48 = uVar10 & 0xffff | local_b8 << 0x10;
local_3c = uVar16 & 0xffff | local_b0 << 0x10;
setCopReg(2, 0x4800, uVar4);
setCopReg(2, 0x5000, (uint)uVar5);
setCopReg(2, 0x5800, uVar14);
copFunction(2, 0x49e012);
uVar4 = getCopReg(2, 0x4800);
local_b8 = getCopReg(2, 0x5000);
uVar14 = getCopReg(2, 0x5800);
local_44 = uVar4 & 0xffff | local_b4 << 0x10;
local_40 = uVar9 & 0xffff | local_b8 << 0x10;
local_38 = uVar14 & 0xffff | (uint)local_38._2_2_ << 0x10;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_48);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_44);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_40);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_3c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_38);
DrawObject(model, (MATRIX *)&local_98, &local_58, 1);
if (gNight != 0) {
combointensity = iVar3;
setCopControlWord(2, 0, local_78);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x800, local_74);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1000, local_70);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x1800, local_6c);
setCopControlWord(2, 0x2000, local_68);
palnumber = -1;
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ DrawObject(struct MODEL *model /*$t8*/, struct MATRIX *matrix /*$a1*/, struct VECTOR *pos /*$a2*/, int z_correct /*$a3*/)
// line 2562, offset 0x00069438
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2563
// Start offset: 0x00069438
// Variables:
// struct DVECTOR *outpoints; // $t7
// short *zbuff; // $t5
// struct SVECTOR *verts; // $t6
// char *polys; // $s0
// int cnt3; // $t1
// int i; // $s1
// int z0; // stack offset -40
// int z1; // stack offset -36
// int z2; // stack offset -32
// long *outlongs; // $s2
// int z; // stack offset -28
/* begin block 1.1 */
// Start line: 2654
// Start offset: 0x000697D4
/* end block 1.1 */
// End offset: 0x00069840
// End Line: 2663
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00069874
// End Line: 2683
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 6676
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 6677
void DrawObject(MODEL *model, MATRIX *matrix, VECTOR *pos, int z_correct)
undefined4 uVar1;
int iVar2;
short sVar3;
short sVar4;
short sVar5;
short sVar6;
undefined4 in_zero;
undefined4 in_at;
uint uVar7;
uint uVar8;
undefined2 *puVar9;
int iVar10;
undefined4 *puVar11;
undefined4 *puVar12;
undefined4 *puVar13;
uint uVar14;
undefined4 *puVar15;
undefined4 *puVar16;
undefined4 *puVar17;
undefined4 *puVar18;
uint uVar19;
int local_28;
int local_24;
uint local_20;
uVar7 = 0xaaaaaaab;
puVar18 = (undefined4 *)model->vertices;
uVar8 = (uint)model->num_vertices / 3;
uVar19 = 0;
sVar3 = (short)z_correct;
if (uVar8 != 0) {
puVar13 = &DAT_1f80004c;
puVar12 = &DAT_1f800048;
puVar11 = &DAT_1f800044;
puVar9 = &DAT_1f800240;
puVar17 = puVar18 + 4;
puVar16 = puVar18 + 2;
uVar14 = uVar8;
puVar15 = puVar18;
do {
setCopReg(2, in_zero, *puVar15);
setCopReg(2, in_at, puVar15[1]);
setCopReg(2, uVar7, *puVar16);
setCopReg(2, uVar8, puVar16[1]);
setCopReg(2, puVar9, *puVar17);
setCopReg(2, puVar11, puVar17[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x280030);
puVar9[-3] = (short)(local_28 >> 3) + sVar3;
puVar9[-2] = (short)(local_24 >> 3) + sVar3;
puVar9[-1] = (short)((int)local_20 >> 3) + sVar3;
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xc);
*puVar11 = uVar1;
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xd);
*puVar12 = uVar1;
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
*puVar13 = uVar1;
local_28 = getCopReg(2, 0x11);
local_24 = getCopReg(2, 0x12);
uVar8 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
if (zVal < local_28) {
zVal = local_28;
if (zVal < local_24) {
zVal = local_24;
uVar7 = (uint)(zVal < (int)uVar8);
if (zVal < (int)uVar8) {
zVal = uVar8;
uVar14 = uVar14 - 1;
puVar13 = puVar13 + 3;
puVar12 = puVar12 + 3;
puVar11 = puVar11 + 3;
puVar9 = puVar9 + 3;
puVar17 = puVar17 + 6;
puVar16 = puVar16 + 6;
puVar15 = puVar15 + 6;
uVar19 = uVar19 + 3;
local_20 = uVar8;
} while (0 < (int)uVar14);
iVar10 = (uint)model->num_vertices - uVar19;
sVar4 = (short)(local_28 >> 3);
sVar5 = (short)(local_24 >> 3);
sVar6 = (short)((int)local_20 >> 3);
if (iVar10 == 1) {
setCopReg(2, in_zero, puVar18[uVar19 * 2]);
setCopReg(2, in_at, (puVar18 + uVar19 * 2)[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x180001);
(&DAT_1f80023a)[uVar19] = sVar4 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023c)[uVar19] = sVar5 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023e)[uVar19] = sVar6 + sVar3;
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
(&DAT_1f800044)[uVar19] = uVar1;
iVar10 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
if (zVal < iVar10) {
zVal = iVar10;
(&DAT_1f800240)[uVar19] = (short)(iVar10 >> 3);
else {
if (iVar10 < 2) {
if ((uint)model->num_vertices == uVar19) {
(&DAT_1f80023a)[uVar19] = sVar4 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023c)[uVar19] = sVar5 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023e)[uVar19] = sVar6 + sVar3;
else {
if (iVar10 == 2) {
setCopReg(2, in_zero, puVar18[uVar19 * 2]);
setCopReg(2, in_at, (puVar18 + uVar19 * 2)[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x180001);
(&DAT_1f80023a)[uVar19] = sVar4 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023c)[uVar19] = sVar5 + sVar3;
(&DAT_1f80023e)[uVar19] = sVar6 + sVar3;
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
(&DAT_1f800044)[uVar19] = uVar1;
iVar10 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
if (zVal < iVar10) {
zVal = iVar10;
(&DAT_1f800240)[uVar19] = (short)(iVar10 >> 3) + sVar3;
setCopReg(2, in_zero, puVar18[uVar19 * 2 + 2]);
setCopReg(2, in_at, (puVar18 + uVar19 * 2 + 2)[1]);
copFunction(2, 0x180001);
uVar1 = getCopReg(2, 0xe);
(&DAT_1f800048)[uVar19] = uVar1;
iVar10 = getCopReg(2, 0x13);
if (zVal < iVar10) {
zVal = iVar10;
(&DAT_1f800242)[uVar19] = (short)(iVar10 >> 3) + sVar3;
iVar10 = model->poly_block;
DAT_1f80001c = &DAT_1f800240;
uVar8 = (uint)model->num_polys;
DAT_1f800018 = model;
while (uVar8 = uVar8 - 1, uVar8 != 0xffffffff) {
setCopReg(2, 0x6000, (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar10 + 4)]);
setCopReg(2, 0x7000, (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar10 + 6)]);
setCopReg(2, 0x6800, (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar10 + 5)]);
copFunction(2, 0x1400006);
iVar2 = getCopReg(2, 0x18);
DAT_1f80003c = iVar10;
if (0 < iVar2) {
iVar10 = iVar10 + 0x14;
TransparentObject = '\0';
// decompiled code
// original method signature:
// void /*$ra*/ wjmDraw3()
// line 2690, offset 0x00069874
/* begin block 1 */
// Start line: 2692
// Start offset: 0x00069874
// Variables:
// struct POLYFT3 *src; // $a3
// short *zbuff; // $t2
// long *outlongs; // $a2
// struct POLY_FT3 *prims; // $t1
// unsigned long clut; // $t0
// unsigned long tpage; // $a1
// int z; // $a2
/* end block 1 */
// End offset: 0x00069A38
// End Line: 2724
/* begin block 2 */
// Start line: 6971
/* end block 2 */
// End Line: 6972
/* begin block 3 */
// Start line: 6979
/* end block 3 */
// End Line: 6980
/* begin block 4 */
// Start line: 6980
/* end block 4 */
// End Line: 6981
/* begin block 5 */
// Start line: 6982
/* end block 5 */
// End Line: 6983
/* WARNING: Unknown calling convention yet parameter storage is locked */
void wjmDraw3(void)
undefined2 uVar1;
int iVar2;
DB *pDVar3;
int iVar4;
uint uVar5;
uint uVar6;
uint *puVar7;
iVar4 = DAT_1f80003c;
iVar2 = DAT_1f80001c;
puVar7 = (uint *)current->primptr;
puVar7[1] = combointensity;
*(char *)((int)puVar7 + 3) = '\a';
*(char *)((int)puVar7 + 7) = '$';
if (palnumber == -1) {
uVar5 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 1);
uVar6 = (uint)(ushort)(&texture_cluts)[uVar5 * 0x20 + (uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 2)] << 0x10;
else {
uVar5 = (uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 1);
uVar6 = palnumber;
uVar1 = (&texture_pages)[uVar5];
puVar7[2] = (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar4 + 4)];
puVar7[3] = *(ushort *)(iVar4 + 8) | uVar6;
puVar7[4] = (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar4 + 5)];
puVar7[5] = CONCAT22(uVar1, *(undefined2 *)(iVar4 + 10));
puVar7[6] = (&DAT_1f800044)[*(byte *)(iVar4 + 6)];
puVar7[7] = (uint)*(ushort *)(iVar4 + 0xc);
pDVar3 = current;
iVar2 = ((int)*(short *)((uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 4) * 2 + iVar2) +
(int)*(short *)((uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 5) * 2 + iVar2) +
(int)*(short *)((uint)*(byte *)(iVar4 + 6) * 2 + iVar2)) / 3;
*puVar7 = *puVar7 & 0xff000000 | current->ot[iVar2] & 0xffffff;
pDVar3->ot[iVar2] = pDVar3->ot[iVar2] & 0xff000000 | (uint)puVar7 & 0xffffff;
pDVar3->primptr = pDVar3->primptr + 0x20;