
642 lines
12 KiB

#include "driver2.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "mission.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "cars.h"
#include "objanim.h"
#include "ASM/compres.h"
SXYPAIR tpagepos[20] =
{ 640, 0 },
{ 704, 0 },
{ 768, 0 },
{ 832, 0 },
{ 896, 0 },
{ 960, 0 },
{ 512, 256 },
{ 576, 256 },
{ 640, 256 },
{ 704, 256 },
{ 768, 256 },
{ 832, 256 },
{ 896, 256 },
{ 448, 0 },
{ 512, 0 },
{ 576, 0 },
{ 320, 256 },
{ 384, 256 },
{ 448, 256 },
{ -1, -1 }
char specTpages[4][12] = {
{ 54, 55, 66, 67, 56, 57, 68, 69, 61, 64, 61, 64 },
{ 38, 39, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 48, 49 },
{ 18, 19, 65, 66, 67, 68, 11, 12, 63, 64, 63, 64 },
{ 66, 67, 77, 78, 73, 74, 75, 76, 69, 70, 71, 72 }
char carTpages[4][8] = {
{ 01, 65, 62, 50, 63, 58, 54, 55 },
{ 10, 35, 20, 37, 51, 36, 38, 39 },
{ 41, 54, 62, 17, 32, 59, 18, 00 },
{ 55, 57, 68, 58, 60, 59, 66, 67 }
char *palette_lump;
char* texturename_buffer = NULL;
int NoTextureMemory = 0;
u_short texture_pages[128];
u_short texture_cluts[128][32];
u_char tpageloaded[128];
int MaxSpecCluts;
int slotsused;
RECT16 clutpos;
RECT16 fontclutpos;
RECT16 mapclutpos;
DVECTOR slot_clutpos[19];
DVECTOR slot_tpagepos[19];
u_char tpageslots[19];
TP *tpage_position = NULL;
TEXINF* tpage_ids[128] = { 0 };
int texamount = 0;
int tpage_amount = 0;
int tpage_texamts[128];
int nspecpages = 0;
int nperms = 0;
XYPAIR *speclist = NULL;
XYPAIR *permlist = NULL;
RECT16 tpage; // stupid naming, absolute ass
short specialSlot;
// [D] [T]
void IncrementClutNum(RECT16 *clut)
clut->x += 16;
if (clut->x >= 1024)
clut->x = 960;
clut->y += 1;
// [D] [T]
void IncrementTPageNum(RECT16 *tpage)
int i = 0;
while (++i)
// proper tpage position?
if ((tpage->x == tpagepos[i - 1].x) &&
(tpage->y == tpagepos[i - 1].y))
if (tpagepos[i].x == -1)
// out of tpages
NoTextureMemory = 100;
// increment the tpage
tpage->x = tpagepos[i].x;
tpage->y = tpagepos[i].y;
// bust 'outta here, real fly
// last tpage?
if (tpagepos[i].x == -1)
#ifndef PSX
// [A] - loads TIM files as level textures
void LoadTPageFromTIMs(int tpage2send)
int i, j;
RECT16 tmptpage;
RECT16 tmpclut;
SXYPAIR tpage;
int tpn;
char filename[64];
TEXINF* details = tpage_ids[tpage2send];
tpn = texture_pages[tpage2send];
tpage.x = tpn << 6 & 0x3c0;
tpage.y = (tpn << 4 & 0x100) + (tpn >> 2 & 0x200);
// try loading TIMs directly
for(i = 0; i < tpage_texamts[tpage2send]; i++)
char* textureName;
char* citytypeStr;
int j;
switch (GetCityType())
citytypeStr = "N";
citytypeStr = "M";
citytypeStr = "MN";
citytypeStr = "D";
textureName = texturename_buffer + details[i].nameoffset;
sprintf(filename, "LEVELS\\%s\\%sPAGE_%d\\%s_%d.TIM", LevelNames[GameLevel], citytypeStr, tpage2send, textureName, i);
if (!FileExists(filename))
sprintf(filename, "LEVELS\\%s\\PAGE_%d\\%s_%d.TIM", LevelNames[GameLevel], tpage2send, textureName, i);
Loadfile(filename, (char*)_other_buffer);
// get TIM data
timClut = (TIMIMAGEHDR*)(_other_buffer + sizeof(TIMHDR));
timData = (TIMIMAGEHDR*)((char*)timClut + timClut->len);
// replace tpage
// upload it to ram
tmptpage.x = tpage.x + (details[i].x >> 2);
tmptpage.y = tpage.y + details[i].y;
tmptpage.w = timData->width;
tmptpage.h = timData->height;
LoadImage(&tmptpage, (u_long *)((char*)timData + sizeof(TIMIMAGEHDR)));
// get through all it's CLUTs
// and replace
for (j = 0; j < timClut->height; j++)
int cpal = GetCarPalIndex(tpage2send);
int clutN;
if (j > 0 && cpal > 0)
clutN = civ_clut[cpal][i][j];
clutN = texture_cluts[tpage2send][i];
#if 0
// this is a wasteful way handling multiple palettes
// we just allocate new palettes to ensure that it would not glitch
if(clutN == 0 || j > 0 && cpal > 0)
// add new CLUT
clutN = GetClut(clutpos.x, clutpos.y);
civ_clut[cpal][i][j] = clutN;
tmpclut.x = (clutN & 0x3f) << 4;
tmpclut.y = (clutN >> 6);
tmpclut.w = 16;
tmpclut.h = 1;
LoadImage(&tmpclut, (u_long *)((char*)timClut + sizeof(TIMIMAGEHDR) + j * 32));
// [D] [T]
int LoadTPageAndCluts(RECT16 *tpage, RECT16 *cluts, int tpage2send, char *tpageaddress)
int npalettes;
int i;
RECT16 temptpage;
char* tempBuf;
npalettes = *(int *)tpageaddress;
tpageaddress += 4;
for (i = 0; i < npalettes; i++)
LoadImage(cluts, (u_long *)tpageaddress);
tpageaddress += 32;
texture_cluts[tpage2send][i] = GetClut(cluts->x, cluts->y);
temptpage.x = tpage->x;
temptpage.y = tpage->y;
temptpage.w = tpage->w;
temptpage.h = 256;
decomp_asm((char*)_other_buffer, tpageaddress);
LoadImage(&temptpage, (u_long *)_other_buffer);
texture_pages[tpage2send] = GetTPage(0, 0, tpage->x, tpage->y);
return 1;
int Find_TexID(MODEL *model, int t_id)
char *polylist;
polylist = (char *)model->poly_block;
for (int i = 0; i < model->num_polys; i++)
switch (*polylist & 0x1F)
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
if (polylist[2] == t_id)
return 1;
polylist += PolySizes[*polylist];
return 0;
// [D] [T]
TEXINF* GetTEXINFName(char *name, int *tpagenum, int *texturenum)
char *nametable;
int i, j;
nametable = texturename_buffer;
for (i = 0; i < tpage_amount; i++)
int texamt = tpage_texamts[i];
TEXINF *texinf = tpage_ids[i];
for (j = 0; j < texamt; j++)
if (!strcmp(nametable + texinf->nameoffset, name))
*tpagenum = i;
*texturenum = j;
return texinf;
return NULL;
// [D] [T]
TEXINF* GetTextureInfoName(char *name, TPAN *result)
TEXINF *tex;
int tpagenum;
int texturenum;
tex = GetTEXINFName(name, &tpagenum, &texturenum);
result->texture_page = tpagenum;
result->texture_number = texturenum;
return tex;
// [D] [T]
void update_slotinfo(int tpage, int slot, RECT16 *pos)
tpageslots[slot] = tpage;
tpageloaded[tpage] = slot;
slot_tpagepos[slot].vx = pos->x;
slot_tpagepos[slot].vy = pos->y;
// [D] [T]
void ProcessTextureInfo(char *lump_ptr)
int i;
char* ptr;
tpage_amount = *(int *)lump_ptr;
texamount = *(int *)(lump_ptr + 4);
tpage_position = (TP *)(lump_ptr + 8);
ptr = (char *)&tpage_position[tpage_amount + 1];
for (i = 0; i < tpage_amount; i++)
texamount = *(int *)ptr;
ptr += 4;
#ifndef PSX
tpage_ids[i] = (TEXINF *)D_MALLOC(sizeof(TEXINF) * texamount);
memcpy(tpage_ids[i], ptr, sizeof(TEXINF) * texamount);
tpage_ids[i] = (TEXINF *)ptr;
ptr += (texamount * sizeof(TEXINF));
tpage_texamts[i] = texamount;
nperms = *(int *)ptr;
permlist = (XYPAIR *)(ptr + 4);
ptr = (char *)&permlist[16];
nspecpages = *(int *)ptr;
speclist = (XYPAIR *)(ptr + 4);
// initialize here on PSX
#ifndef PSX
extern char g_CurrentLevelFileName[64];
// [A] one-shot texture replacement
void LoadPermanentTPagesFromTIM()
int slot;
for (slot = 0; slot < 19; slot++)
if(tpageslots[slot] != 0xFF)
int tpage = tpageslots[slot];
#if 0
// initialize ALL texture palettes
// this makes damaged textures appear properly
int pal = GetCarPalIndex(tpage);
if (pal)
int carpal = GetCarPalIndex(tpage);
if(carpal > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
civ_clut[carpal][i][0] = texture_cluts[tpage][i];
#endif // !PSX
void load_civ_palettes(RECT16 *cluts)
// [D] [T]
void LoadPermanentTPages(int *sector)
int nsectors;
char *tpagebuffer;
int tloop, tset, i;
int specmodel;
int page1, page2;
// init tpage and cluts
MaxSpecCluts = 0;
for (tloop = 0; tloop < 128; tloop++)
texture_pages[tloop] = GetTPage(0, 0, 960, 0);
for (tloop = 0; tloop < 128; tloop++)
for (tset = 0; tset < 32; tset++)
texture_cluts[tloop][tset] = GetClut(960, 16);
slotsused = 0;
memset(tpageloaded, 0, sizeof(tpageloaded));
clutpos.x = 960;
clutpos.y = 256;
clutpos.w = 16;
clutpos.h = 1;
mapclutpos.x = 960;
mapclutpos.y = 256;
mapclutpos.w = 16;
mapclutpos.h = 1;
tpage.x = tpagepos[0].x;
tpage.y = tpagepos[0].y;
tpage.w = 64;
tpage.h = 256;
fontclutpos = clutpos;
ProcessPalletLump(palette_lump, 0);
tpagebuffer = (char*)mallocptr;
nsectors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nperms; i++)
nsectors += (permlist[i].y + 2047) / CDSECTOR_SIZE;
loadsectors(tpagebuffer, *sector, nsectors);
*sector += nsectors;
for (i = 0; i < nperms; i++)
int tp = permlist[i].x;
update_slotinfo(tp, slotsused, &tpage);
LoadTPageAndCluts(&tpage, &clutpos, tp, tpagebuffer);
tpagebuffer += (permlist[i].y + 2047) & -CDSECTOR_SIZE;
tpagebuffer = (char*)mallocptr;
slot_clutpos[slotsused].vx = clutpos.x;
slot_clutpos[slotsused].vy = clutpos.y;
// init special slot texture
specmodel = (MissionHeader->residentModels[4] - 8) * 2;
specialSlot = (short)slotsused;
// get special slot tpage
page1 = specTpages[GameLevel][specmodel];
page2 = specTpages[GameLevel][specmodel + 1];
carTpages[GameLevel][6] = page1;
carTpages[GameLevel][7] = page2;
if (nspecpages != 0)
int temp, clutsloaded;
temp = 0;
clutsloaded = 0;
nsectors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nspecpages; i++)
nsectors += (speclist[i].y + 2047) / CDSECTOR_SIZE;
loadsectors(tpagebuffer, *sector, nsectors);
*sector += nsectors;
for (i = 0; i < nspecpages; i++)
int tp, npalettes;
npalettes = *(int *)tpagebuffer;
temp += npalettes;
if ((i & 1) != 0)
if (temp > MaxSpecCluts)
MaxSpecCluts = temp;
temp = 0;
tp = speclist[i].x;
// find a special car TPAGEs
if (page1 == tp || page2 == tp)
update_slotinfo(tp, slotsused, &tpage);
LoadTPageAndCluts(&tpage, &clutpos, tp, tpagebuffer);
clutsloaded += npalettes;
tpagebuffer += (speclist[i].y + 2047) & -CDSECTOR_SIZE;
while (clutsloaded < MaxSpecCluts)
if (clutpos.x != 960)
clutpos.x = 960;
// init all slots
for (i = slotsused; i < 19; i++)
tpageslots[i] = 0xFF;
slot_clutpos[i].vx = clutpos.x;
slot_clutpos[i].vy = clutpos.y;
slot_tpagepos[i].vx = tpage.x;
slot_tpagepos[i].vy = tpage.y;
clutpos.y += 8;
// [D] [T]
void ReloadIcons(void)
// [D] [T]
void GetTextureDetails(char *name, TEXTURE_DETAILS *info)
int i, j;
int texamt;
char *nametable;
TEXINF *texinf;
nametable = texturename_buffer;
for (i = 0; i < tpage_amount; i++)
texamt = tpage_texamts[i];
texinf = tpage_ids[i];
for (j = 0; j < texamt; j++)
if (!strcmp(nametable + texinf->nameoffset, name))
info->tpageid = texture_pages[i];
info->clutid = texture_cluts[i][j];
info->texture_number = j;
info->texture_page = i;
setUVWH(&info->coords, texinf->x, texinf->y, texinf->width - 1, texinf->height - 1);
// bust 'outta here, real fly
GetTextureDetails("SEA", info); // weird but ok, ok...