21984 lines
1.1 MiB

#ifndef THISDUST_H
#define THISDUST_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "KERNEL.H"
#include "LIBCD.H"
#include "LIBGPU.H"
#include "LIBSPU.H"
#include "LIBGTE.H"
#define GAME_VERSION_N "0.4"
#ifdef PSX
// TODO: Include PSX STUFF
#define trap(code) printf("ERROR OCCURED!\n")
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#define trap(ode) {printf("EXCEPTION code: %x\n", ode); __debugbreak();}
#define trap(ode) {_asm int 0x03}
#define WITH_TIMESTEP(n) (n/2)
#define _CopReg0 gteRegs.CP0
#define _CopReg2 gteRegs.CP2D
#define copReg(n, reg) _CopReg##n.p[reg]
#define getCopReg(n, reg) copReg(n, reg).d
#define setCopReg(n, reg, value) (copReg(n, reg).d = value)
#define _CopControlWord2 gteRegs.CP2C
#define copControlWord(n, reg) _CopControlWord##n.p[reg]
#define getCopControlWord(n, reg) copControlWord(n, reg).d
#define setCopControlWord(n, reg, value) (copControlWord(n, reg).d = value)
#define _CopFunc2 docop2
#define copFunction(n, op) _CopFunc##n(op)
// Emulator
#include <EMULATOR.H>
#define LoadImage LoadImagePSX // this is ALSO temporary shit
#define LoadImage2 LoadImagePSX
//#define ClearImage2 ClearImage
#endif // PSX
#ifdef USE_32_BIT_ADDR
typedef uint64_t OTTYPE;
typedef unsigned long OTTYPE;
#endif // USE_32_BIT_ADDR
#if !defined( __TYPEINFOGEN__ ) && !defined( _lint ) && defined(_WIN32) // pcLint has problems with assert_offsetof()
template<bool> struct compile_time_assert_failed;
template<> struct compile_time_assert_failed<true> {};
template<int x> struct compile_time_assert_test {};
#define compile_time_assert_join2( a, b ) a##b
#define compile_time_assert_join( a, b ) compile_time_assert_join2(a,b)
#define compile_time_assert( x ) typedef compile_time_assert_test<sizeof(compile_time_assert_failed<(bool)(x)>)> compile_time_assert_join(compile_time_assert_typedef_, __LINE__)
#define assert_sizeof( type, size ) compile_time_assert( sizeof( type ) == size )
#define assert_sizeof_8_byte_multiple( type ) compile_time_assert( ( sizeof( type ) & 7 ) == 0 )
#define assert_sizeof_16_byte_multiple( type ) compile_time_assert( ( sizeof( type ) & 15 ) == 0 )
#define assert_offsetof( type, field, offset ) compile_time_assert( offsetof( type, field ) == offset )
#define assert_offsetof_8_byte_multiple( type, field ) compile_time_assert( ( offsetof( type, field ) & 7 ) == 0 )
#define assert_offsetof_16_byte_multiple( type, field ) compile_time_assert( ( offsetof( type, field ) & 15 ) == 0 )
#define compile_time_assert( x )
#define assert_sizeof( type, size )
#define assert_sizeof_8_byte_multiple( type )
#define assert_sizeof_16_byte_multiple( type )
#define assert_offsetof( type, field, offset )
#define assert_offsetof_8_byte_multiple( type, field )
#define assert_offsetof_16_byte_multiple( type, field )
#undef eprintf
#define eprintf(fmt, ...) printf("[GAME] " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define UNIMPLEMENTED_PRINTONCE() { static bool _stop = false; if(!_stop) eprinterr("Unimplemented!\n"); _stop = true; }
#define UNIMPLEMENTED() UNIMPLEMENTED_PRINTONCE() //eprinterr("Unimplemented!\n");
// math constant
const int ONE = 4096;
struct VECTOR2 // hashcode: 0x7572A047 (dec: 1970446407)
int vx; // size=0, offset=0
int vz; // size=0, offset=4
struct USVECTOR_NOPAD // hashcode: 0xA2EACE82 (dec: -1561670014)
unsigned short vx; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short vy; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned short vz; // size=0, offset=4
struct VECTOR_NOPAD // hashcode: 0x32909951 (dec: 848337233)
long vx; // size=0, offset=0
long vy; // size=0, offset=4
long vz; // size=0, offset=8
struct SVECTOR_NOPAD // hashcode: 0xBEBBA7F1 (dec: -1094998031)
short vx; // size=0, offset=0
short vy; // size=0, offset=2
short vz; // size=0, offset=4
// external declaration '__envsound_ARRAY_000cdf50' @0x000CDF50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// __envsound[31] @0x000CDF50, len = 0x000005D0
extern __envsound[31] __envsound_ARRAY_000cdf50;
// external declaration '__othercarsound_000ce69c' @0x000CE69C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// __othercarsound @0x000CE69C, len = 0x0000000C
extern struct __othercarsound __othercarsound_000ce69c;
// external declaration '__othercarsound_ARRAY_000ce66c' @0x000CE66C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// __othercarsound[3] @0x000CE66C, len = 0x00000024
extern __othercarsound[3] __othercarsound_ARRAY_000ce66c;
// external declaration '_mips_gp0_value' @0x00000000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined @0x00000000, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined _mips_gp0_value;
// external declaration '_padCalledIntPad' @0x000A9F10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padCalledIntPad;
// external declaration '_padChanStart' @0x000A9EF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padChanStart;
// external declaration '_padChanStop' @0x000A9EF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padChanStop;
// external declaration '_padFuncChkEng' @0x000A9EBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncChkEng;
// external declaration '_padFuncClrCmdNo' @0x000A9EC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncClrCmdNo;
// external declaration '_padFuncClrInfo' @0x000A9EA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EA4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncClrInfo;
// external declaration '_padFuncCurrLimit' @0x000A9EAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EAC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncCurrLimit;
// external declaration '_padFuncGetGunPos' @0x000A9ED0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9ED0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncGetGunPos;
// external declaration '_padFuncGetTxd' @0x000A9EA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncGetTxd;
// external declaration '_padFuncIntGun' @0x000A9EC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncIntGun;
// external declaration '_padFuncNextPort' @0x000A9EA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncNextPort;
// external declaration '_padFuncPort2Info' @0x000A9EB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncPort2Info;
// external declaration '_padFuncRecvAuto' @0x000A9EC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncRecvAuto;
// external declaration '_padFuncSendAuto' @0x000A9EB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncSendAuto;
// external declaration '_padFuncSetGunPort' @0x000A9ECC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9ECC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padFuncSetGunPort;
// external declaration '_padGunExec' @0x000A9EDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EDC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padGunExec;
// external declaration '_padInfoDir' @0x000A9ED4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9ED4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padInfoDir;
// external declaration '_padIntExec' @0x000A9ED8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9ED8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padIntExec;
// external declaration '_padModeMtap' @0x000A9EEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padModeMtap;
// external declaration '_padRestPeriod' @0x000E62B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padRestPeriod;
// external declaration '_padSioChan' @0x000A9EE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EE0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padSioChan;
// external declaration '_padSioState' @0x000A9EE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padSioState;
// external declaration '_padTotalCurr' @0x000A9EE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9EE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _padTotalCurr;
// external declaration '_PLAYER_ARRAY_000d979c' @0x000D979C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// _PLAYER[7] @0x000D979C, len = 0x0000032C
extern _PLAYER[7] _PLAYER_ARRAY_000d979c;
// external declaration '_qin' @0x000A8198 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8198, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _qin;
// external declaration '_qout' @0x000A819C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A819C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _qout;
// external declaration '_ramsize' @0x000A9584 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9584, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _ramsize;
// external declaration '_spu_addrMode' @0x000A9628 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9628, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_addrMode;
// external declaration '_spu_AllocBlockNum' @0x000A9668 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9668, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_AllocBlockNum;
// external declaration '_spu_AllocLastNum' @0x000A966C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A966C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_AllocLastNum;
// external declaration '_spu_env' @0x000A95F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_env;
// external declaration '_spu_EVdma' @0x000A9590 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9590, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_EVdma;
// external declaration '_spu_inTransfer' @0x000A963C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A963C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_inTransfer;
// external declaration '_spu_IRQCallback' @0x000A9644 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9644, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_IRQCallback;
// external declaration '_spu_isCalled' @0x000A95F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_isCalled;
// external declaration '_spu_keystat' @0x000A9594 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9594, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_keystat;
// external declaration '_spu_mem_mode' @0x000A962C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A962C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_mem_mode;
// external declaration '_spu_mem_mode_plus' @0x000A9630 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9630, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_mem_mode_plus;
// external declaration '_spu_mem_mode_unit' @0x000A9634 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9634, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_mem_mode_unit;
// external declaration '_spu_mem_mode_unitM' @0x000A9638 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9638, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_mem_mode_unitM;
// external declaration '_spu_memList' @0x000A9670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9670, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_memList;
// external declaration '_spu_rev_flag' @0x000A959C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A959C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_rev_flag;
// external declaration '_spu_rev_offsetaddr' @0x000A95A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_rev_offsetaddr;
// external declaration '_spu_rev_reserve_wa' @0x000A95A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_rev_reserve_wa;
// external declaration '_spu_rev_startaddr' @0x000A9B98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x000A9B98, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] _spu_rev_startaddr;
// external declaration '_spu_RQ' @0x000E6018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6018, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 _spu_RQ;
// external declaration '_spu_RQmask' @0x000A95C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_RQmask;
// external declaration '_spu_RQvoice' @0x000A95BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_RQvoice;
// external declaration '_spu_RXX' @0x000A9608 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9608, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer _spu_RXX;
// external declaration '_spu_trans_mode' @0x000A9598 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9598, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_trans_mode;
// external declaration '_spu_transferCallback' @0x000A9640 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9640, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_transferCallback;
// external declaration '_spu_transMode' @0x000A9624 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9624, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 _spu_transMode;
// external declaration '_spu_tsa' @0x000A9620 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A9620, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 _spu_tsa;
// external declaration '_spu_voice_centerNote' @0x000A95C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A95C4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 _spu_voice_centerNote;
// external declaration '_stacksize' @0x000A9580 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9580, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer _stacksize;
// external declaration 'angle_23' @0x000ECC18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC18, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] angle_23;
// external declaration 'angle_59' @0x000ECC88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC88, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] angle_59;
// external declaration 'angle_62' @0x000ECC94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC94, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] angle_62;
// external declaration 'angle_75' @0x000ECCC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCC8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] angle_75;
// external declaration 'basePosition_56' @0x000ECC70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[8] @0x000ECC70, len = 0x00000010
extern ushort[8] basePosition_56;
// external declaration 'basex_78' @0x000ECCD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCD4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] basex_78;
// external declaration 'basez_79' @0x000ECCD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCD8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] basez_79;
// external declaration 'BIOS_ROM' @0x1F801010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801010, len = 0x00000004
extern dword BIOS_ROM;
// external declaration 'BOMB_000aca44' @0x000ACA44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BOMB @0x000ACA44, len = 0x00000024
extern struct BOMB BOMB_000aca44;
// external declaration 'BOMB_000aca68' @0x000ACA68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BOMB @0x000ACA68, len = 0x00000024
extern struct BOMB BOMB_000aca68;
// external declaration 'BOMB_ARRAY_000ac9fc' @0x000AC9FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BOMB[2] @0x000AC9FC, len = 0x00000048
extern BOMB[2] BOMB_ARRAY_000ac9fc;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0900' @0x000A0900 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0900, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0900;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0944' @0x000A0944 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0944, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0944;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0988' @0x000A0988 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0988, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0988;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a09cc' @0x000A09CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A09CC, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a09cc;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0a10' @0x000A0A10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0A10, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0a10;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0a54' @0x000A0A54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0A54, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0a54;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0a98' @0x000A0A98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0A98, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0a98;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0adc' @0x000A0ADC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0ADC, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0adc;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0b20' @0x000A0B20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0B20, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0b20;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0b64' @0x000A0B64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0B64, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0b64;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0ba8' @0x000A0BA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0BA8, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0ba8;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0bec' @0x000A0BEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0BEC, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0bec;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0c30' @0x000A0C30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0C30, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0c30;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0c74' @0x000A0C74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0C74, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0c74;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0cb8' @0x000A0CB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0CB8, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0cb8;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0cfc' @0x000A0CFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0CFC, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0cfc;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0d40' @0x000A0D40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0D40, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0d40;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0d84' @0x000A0D84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0D84, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0d84;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0dc8' @0x000A0DC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0DC8, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0dc8;
// external declaration 'BONE_000a0e0c' @0x000A0E0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE @0x000A0E0C, len = 0x00000044
extern struct BONE BONE_000a0e0c;
// external declaration 'BONE_ARRAY_000a0e50' @0x000A0E50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// BONE[2] @0x000A0E50, len = 0x00000088
extern BONE[2] BONE_ARRAY_000a0e50;
// external declaration 'buffer_10' @0x000DD0C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000DD0C8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 buffer_10;
// external declaration 'c_25' @0x000ECC20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC20, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] c_25;
// external declaration 'c_61' @0x000ECC90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC90, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] c_61;
// external declaration 'CAR_COLLISION_BOX_ARRAY_000d9670' @0x000D9670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_COLLISION_BOX[7] @0x000D9670, len = 0x00000070
// external declaration 'car_distance_60' @0x000CBE28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CBE28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 car_distance_60;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000acb88' @0x000ACB88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000ACB88, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000acb88;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000acba8' @0x000ACBA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000ACBA8, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000acba8;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000acbc8' @0x000ACBC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000ACBC8, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000acbc8;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000acbe8' @0x000ACBE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000ACBE8, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000acbe8;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000b87e0' @0x000B87E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000B87E0, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000b87e0;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000b8800' @0x000B8800 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000B8800, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000b8800;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000b8820' @0x000B8820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000B8820, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000b8820;
// external declaration 'CAR_MODEL_000b8840' @0x000B8840 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_MODEL @0x000B8840, len = 0x00000020
extern struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL_000b8840;
// external declaration 'CAR_POLY_ARRAY_000acc40' @0x000ACC40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_POLY[552] @0x000ACC40, len = 0x000033C0
extern CAR_POLY[552] CAR_POLY_ARRAY_000acc40;
// external declaration 'CAR_POLY_ARRAY_000b0000' @0x000B0000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CAR_POLY[1448] @0x000B0000, len = 0x000087C0
extern CAR_POLY[1448] CAR_POLY_ARRAY_000b0000;
// external declaration 'carLength_35' @0x000ECC24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC24, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] carLength_35;
// external declaration 'carWidth_36' @0x000ECC28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC28, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] carWidth_36;
// external declaration 'cd_24' @0x000AC8E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC8E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 cd_24;
// external declaration 'CD_cbread' @0x000A2A40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_cbread;
// external declaration 'CD_cbready' @0x000A2A6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_cbready;
// external declaration 'CD_cbsync' @0x000A2A68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_cbsync;
// external declaration 'CD_com' @0x000A2A85 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2A85, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 CD_com;
// external declaration 'CD_comstr' @0x000A2A8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[32] @0x000A2A8C, len = 0x00000080
extern undefined *32[32] CD_comstr;
// external declaration 'CD_debug' @0x000A2A70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_debug;
// external declaration 'CD_intstr' @0x000A2B0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x000A2B0C, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] CD_intstr;
// external declaration 'CD_mode' @0x000A2A84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2A84, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 CD_mode;
// external declaration 'CD_nopen' @0x000A2A7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_nopen;
// external declaration 'CD_pos' @0x000A2A80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2A80, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 CD_pos;
// external declaration 'CD_read_dma_mode' @0x000A2A44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_read_dma_mode;
// external declaration 'CD_status' @0x000A2A74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2A74, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 CD_status;
// external declaration 'CD_status1' @0x000A2A78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CD_status1;
// external declaration 'CD_VOL_L' @0x1F801DB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DB0, len = 0x00000002
extern word CD_VOL_L;
// external declaration 'CD_VOL_R' @0x1F801DB2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DB2, len = 0x00000002
extern word CD_VOL_R;
// external declaration 'CDATA2D_000bd0e4' @0x000BD0E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CDATA2D @0x000BD0E4, len = 0x00000064
extern struct CDATA2D CDATA2D_000bd0e4;
// external declaration 'CDATA2D_000d920c' @0x000D920C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CDATA2D @0x000D920C, len = 0x00000064
extern struct CDATA2D CDATA2D_000d920c;
// external declaration 'CDATA2D_000d9554' @0x000D9554 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CDATA2D @0x000D9554, len = 0x00000064
extern struct CDATA2D CDATA2D_000d9554;
// external declaration 'CDROM_DELAY' @0x1F801018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801018, len = 0x00000004
extern dword CDROM_DELAY;
// external declaration 'CDROM_REG0' @0x1F801800 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// byte @0x1F801800, len = 0x00000001
extern byte CDROM_REG0;
// external declaration 'CDROM_REG1' @0x1F801801 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// byte @0x1F801801, len = 0x00000001
extern byte CDROM_REG1;
// external declaration 'CDROM_REG2' @0x1F801802 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// byte @0x1F801802, len = 0x00000001
extern byte CDROM_REG2;
// external declaration 'CDROM_REG3' @0x1F801803 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// byte @0x1F801803, len = 0x00000001
extern byte CDROM_REG3;
// external declaration 'CHANNEL_DATA_ARRAY_000de4f8' @0x000DE4F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// CHANNEL_DATA[15] @0x000DE4F8, len = 0x00000708
// external declaration 'CHAR__000aba46' @0x000ABA46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000ABA46, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000aba46;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000aba59' @0x000ABA59 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000ABA59, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000aba59;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000aba5a' @0x000ABA5A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000ABA5A, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000aba5a;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000aba5b' @0x000ABA5B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000ABA5B, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000aba5b;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe11' @0x000CBE11 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE11, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe11;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe12' @0x000CBE12 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE12, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe12;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe13' @0x000CBE13 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE13, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe13;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe16' @0x000CBE16 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE16, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe16;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe17' @0x000CBE17 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE17, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe17;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe1e' @0x000CBE1E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE1E, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe1e;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe26' @0x000CBE26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE26, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe26;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cbe27' @0x000CBE27 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CBE27, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cbe27;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cdb4e' @0x000CDB4E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CDB4E, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cdb4e;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000cdb4f' @0x000CDB4F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000CDB4F, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000cdb4f;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000d9271' @0x000D9271 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000D9271, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000d9271;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000d9386' @0x000D9386 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000D9386, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000d9386;
// external declaration 'CHAR__000d9387' @0x000D9387 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000D9387, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR__000d9387;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_0009bf4a' @0x0009BF4A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF4A, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_0009bf4a;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000a0416' @0x000A0416 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000A0416, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000a0416;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aab91' @0x000AAB91 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAB91, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aab91;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe1' @0x000AAFE1 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE1, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe1;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe2' @0x000AAFE2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE2, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe2;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe3' @0x000AAFE3 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE3, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe3;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe4' @0x000AAFE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE4, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe4;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe5' @0x000AAFE5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE5, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe5;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe6' @0x000AAFE6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE6, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe6;
// external declaration 'CHAR_00h_000aafe7' @0x000AAFE7 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000AAFE7, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_00h_000aafe7;
// external declaration 'CHAR_02h_0009bf44' @0x0009BF44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF44, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_02h_0009bf44;
// external declaration 'CHAR_02h_0009bf45' @0x0009BF45 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF45, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_02h_0009bf45;
// external declaration 'CHAR_02h_0009bf46' @0x0009BF46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF46, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_02h_0009bf46;
// external declaration 'CHAR_02h_0009bf47' @0x0009BF47 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF47, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_02h_0009bf47;
// external declaration 'CHAR_02h_0009c00e' @0x0009C00E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009C00E, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_02h_0009c00e;
// external declaration 'CHAR_04h_0009bf4b' @0x0009BF4B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF4B, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_04h_0009bf4b;
// external declaration 'CHAR_08h_0009c00d' @0x0009C00D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009C00D, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_08h_0009c00d;
// external declaration 'CHAR_8Ah_0009bf12' @0x0009BF12 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x0009BF12, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_8Ah_0009bf12;
// external declaration 'CHAR_A_000a162d' @0x000A162D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000A162D, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_A_000a162d;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000aba47' @0x000ABA47 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[9] @0x000ABA47, len = 0x00000009
extern char[9] CHAR_ARRAY_000aba47;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe14' @0x000CBE14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[2] @0x000CBE14, len = 0x00000002
extern char[2] CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe14;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe18' @0x000CBE18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[6] @0x000CBE18, len = 0x00000006
extern char[6] CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe18;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe1f' @0x000CBE1F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[5] @0x000CBE1F, len = 0x00000005
extern char[5] CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe1f;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe24' @0x000CBE24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[2] @0x000CBE24, len = 0x00000002
extern char[2] CHAR_ARRAY_000cbe24;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cdc4c' @0x000CDC4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[2] @0x000CDC4C, len = 0x00000002
extern char[2] CHAR_ARRAY_000cdc4c;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000cdc4e' @0x000CDC4E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[2] @0x000CDC4E, len = 0x00000002
extern char[2] CHAR_ARRAY_000cdc4e;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d0000' @0x000D0000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[384] @0x000D0000, len = 0x00000180
extern char[384] CHAR_ARRAY_000d0000;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9389' @0x000D9389 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9389, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9389;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f6c' @0x000D9F6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F6C, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f6c;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f70' @0x000D9F70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F70, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f70;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f74' @0x000D9F74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F74, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f74;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f78' @0x000D9F78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F78, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f78;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f7c' @0x000D9F7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F7C, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f7c;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f80' @0x000D9F80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[4] @0x000D9F80, len = 0x00000004
extern char[4] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f80;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f84' @0x000D9F84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[35] @0x000D9F84, len = 0x00000023
extern char[35] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9f84;
// external declaration 'CHAR_ARRAY_000d9fa7' @0x000D9FA7 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[193] @0x000D9FA7, len = 0x000000C1
extern char[193] CHAR_ARRAY_000d9fa7;
// external declaration 'CHAR_FEh_000a166f' @0x000A166F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000A166F, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_FEh_000a166f;
// external declaration 'CHAR_FFh_000a0415' @0x000A0415 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char @0x000A0415, len = 0x00000001
extern char CHAR_FFh_000a0415;
// external declaration 'CheckCurrentRoad' @0x000EB1FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2020] @0x000EB1FC, len = 0x00000FC8
extern ushort[2020] CheckCurrentRoad;
// external declaration 'collisionResult_124' @0x000D9490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D9490, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 collisionResult_124;
// external declaration 'collisionResult_128' @0x000D94C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 collisionResult_128;
// external declaration 'collisionResult_25' @0x000AC9B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 collisionResult_25;
// external declaration 'COMMON_DELAY' @0x1F801020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801020, len = 0x00000004
extern dword COMMON_DELAY;
// external declaration 'CosX_104' @0x000AAC0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAC0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 CosX_104;
// external declaration 'count_10' @0x000AAD30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 count_10;
// external declaration 'count_106' @0x000AAD58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 count_106;
// external declaration 'CURR_MAIN_VOL_L' @0x1F801DB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DB8, len = 0x00000002
extern word CURR_MAIN_VOL_L;
// external declaration 'CURR_MAIN_VOL_R' @0x1F801DBA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DBA, len = 0x00000002
extern word CURR_MAIN_VOL_R;
// external declaration 'd_21' @0x000ECC10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC10, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] d_21;
// external declaration 'd_57' @0x000ECC80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC80, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] d_57;
// external declaration 'DAMAGED_LAMP_000c1b40' @0x000C1B40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DAMAGED_LAMP @0x000C1B40, len = 0x00000008
extern struct DAMAGED_LAMP DAMAGED_LAMP_000c1b40;
// external declaration 'DAMAGED_LAMP_000c1b48' @0x000C1B48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DAMAGED_LAMP @0x000C1B48, len = 0x00000008
extern struct DAMAGED_LAMP DAMAGED_LAMP_000c1b48;
// external declaration 'DAMAGED_LAMP_ARRAY_000c1b50' @0x000C1B50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DAMAGED_LAMP[2] @0x000C1B50, len = 0x00000010
// external declaration 'DAT_00000004' @0x00000004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x00000004, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_00000004;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000008' @0x00000008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000008, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000008;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000000c' @0x0000000C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0000000C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0000000c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000014' @0x00000014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000014, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000014;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000018' @0x00000018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000018, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000018;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000020' @0x00000020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000020, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000020;
// external declaration 'DAT_000000fc' @0x000000FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000000FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000000fc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000100' @0x00000100 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000100, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000100;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000104' @0x00000104 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000104, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000104;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000108' @0x00000108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000108, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000108;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000010c' @0x0000010C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0000010C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0000010c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000110' @0x00000110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000110, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000110;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000114' @0x00000114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000114, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000114;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000164' @0x00000164 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000164, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000164;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000018b' @0x0000018B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0000018B, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_0000018b;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000194' @0x00000194 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00000194, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00000194;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000198' @0x00000198 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x00000198, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_00000198;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001ac' @0x000001AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001b8' @0x000001B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001bc' @0x000001BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001c0' @0x000001C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000001C0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000001c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001c2' @0x000001C2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000001C2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000001c2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001c4' @0x000001C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001c8' @0x000001C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001cc' @0x000001CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001d0' @0x000001D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000001D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000001d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001d2' @0x000001D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000001D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000001d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001d4' @0x000001D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001d8' @0x000001D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000001dc' @0x000001DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000001DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000001dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00000284' @0x00000284 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x00000284, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_00000284;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000df80' @0x0000DF80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0000DF80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0000df80;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000df84' @0x0000DF84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0000DF84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0000df84;
// external declaration 'DAT_0000dffc' @0x0000DFFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0000DFFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0000dffc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000103c0' @0x000103C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000103C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000103c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010400' @0x00010400 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010400, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010400;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010404' @0x00010404 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010404, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010404;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010408' @0x00010408 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010408, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010408;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001040c' @0x0001040C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001040C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001040c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010438' @0x00010438 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010438, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010438;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001043c' @0x0001043C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001043C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001043c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010440' @0x00010440 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010440, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010440;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010444' @0x00010444 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010444, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010444;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010534' @0x00010534 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010534, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010534;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010538' @0x00010538 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010538, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010538;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001053c' @0x0001053C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001053C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001053c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000105b0' @0x000105B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000105B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000105b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010638' @0x00010638 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010638, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010638;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010640' @0x00010640 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010640, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010640;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010648' @0x00010648 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010648, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010648;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001064c' @0x0001064C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001064C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001064c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010650' @0x00010650 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010650, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010650;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010804' @0x00010804 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010804, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010804;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109a0' @0x000109A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109a4' @0x000109A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109a8' @0x000109A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109ac' @0x000109AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109b0' @0x000109B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109b4' @0x000109B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109b8' @0x000109B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109bc' @0x000109BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109c0' @0x000109C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109c4' @0x000109C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109c8' @0x000109C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109cc' @0x000109CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109d0' @0x000109D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109d8' @0x000109D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109dc' @0x000109DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109e0' @0x000109E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109e4' @0x000109E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109e8' @0x000109E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000109ec' @0x000109EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000109EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000109ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010d58' @0x00010D58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010D58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010d58;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010d9c' @0x00010D9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010D9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010d9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010dc0' @0x00010DC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010DC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010dc0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010dd4' @0x00010DD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010DD4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010dd4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010e8c' @0x00010E8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010E8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010e8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010e90' @0x00010E90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010E90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010e90;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010e94' @0x00010E94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010E94, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010e94;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010e98' @0x00010E98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010E98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010e98;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010e9c' @0x00010E9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010E9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010e9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ea0' @0x00010EA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ea0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ea4' @0x00010EA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EA4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ea4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ea8' @0x00010EA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ea8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ebc' @0x00010EBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ebc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ec0' @0x00010EC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ec0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ec4' @0x00010EC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ec4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ec8' @0x00010EC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ec8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ecc' @0x00010ECC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010ECC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ecc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ed0' @0x00010ED0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010ED0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ed0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ed4' @0x00010ED4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010ED4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ed4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ed8' @0x00010ED8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010ED8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ed8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00010ee8' @0x00010EE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00010EE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00010ee8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ce4' @0x00011CE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011CE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ce4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ce8' @0x00011CE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011CE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ce8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011cec' @0x00011CEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011CEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011cec;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011cf0' @0x00011CF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011CF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011cf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e14' @0x00011E14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e14;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e18' @0x00011E18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e18;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e1c' @0x00011E1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e20' @0x00011E20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e20;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e24' @0x00011E24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e24;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e28' @0x00011E28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e28;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e2c' @0x00011E2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011e30' @0x00011E30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011E30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011e30;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ebc' @0x00011EBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011EBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ebc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ec0' @0x00011EC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011EC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ec0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ec4' @0x00011EC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011EC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ec4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ec8' @0x00011EC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011EC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ec8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ecc' @0x00011ECC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011ECC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ecc;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ed0' @0x00011ED0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011ED0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ed0;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ed4' @0x00011ED4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011ED4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ed4;
// external declaration 'DAT_00011ed8' @0x00011ED8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00011ED8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00011ed8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000122d0' @0x000122D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000122D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000122d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000122d4' @0x000122D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000122D4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000122d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000122d6' @0x000122D6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000122D6, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000122d6;
// external declaration 'DAT_00012c28' @0x00012C28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x00012C28, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_00012c28;
// external declaration 'DAT_00012d08' @0x00012D08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00012D08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00012d08;
// external declaration 'DAT_00012d0c' @0x00012D0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00012D0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00012d0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00012d10' @0x00012D10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00012D10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00012d10;
// external declaration 'DAT_00012d14' @0x00012D14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00012D14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00012d14;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001b430' @0x0001B430 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001B430, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001b430;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001ba82' @0x0001BA82 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0001BA82, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0001ba82;
// external declaration 'DAT_0001ba84' @0x0001BA84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0001BA84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0001ba84;
// external declaration 'DAT_0008c99c' @0x0008C99C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0008C99C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0008c99c;
// external declaration 'DAT_0008c9a0' @0x0008C9A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0008C9A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0008c9a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_0008c9b4' @0x0008C9B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0008C9B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0008c9b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_0008c9b8' @0x0008C9B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0008C9B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0008c9b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000993f4' @0x000993F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000993F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000993f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000993f8' @0x000993F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000993F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000993f8;
// external declaration 'DAT_00099464' @0x00099464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00099464, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00099464;
// external declaration 'DAT_00099468' @0x00099468 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00099468, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00099468;
// external declaration 'DAT_00099478' @0x00099478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00099478, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00099478;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009947c' @0x0009947C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0009947C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0009947c;
// external declaration 'DAT_00099640' @0x00099640 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00099640, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00099640;
// external declaration 'DAT_00099644' @0x00099644 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00099644, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_00099644;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009baec' @0x0009BAEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0009BAEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0009baec;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009baf0' @0x0009BAF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0009BAF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0009baf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bb88' @0x0009BB88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BB88, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bb88;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bb8a' @0x0009BB8A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BB8A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bb8a;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bb8c' @0x0009BB8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BB8C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bb8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bb8e' @0x0009BB8E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BB8E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bb8e;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bba2' @0x0009BBA2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BBA2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bba2;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bba4' @0x0009BBA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BBA4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bba4;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009bba6' @0x0009BBA6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009BBA6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_0009bba6;
// external declaration 'DAT_0009ee0c' @0x0009EE0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0009EE0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_0009ee0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a19f4' @0x000A19F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A19F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a19f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a1f18' @0x000A1F18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A1F18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a1f18;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a1f1c' @0x000A1F1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A1F1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a1f1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2a50' @0x000A2A50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2a50;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2a54' @0x000A2A54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2A54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2a54;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2a81' @0x000A2A81 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2A81, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a2a81;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2d10' @0x000A2D10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2D10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2d10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2d44' @0x000A2D44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2D44, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a2d44;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2d45' @0x000A2D45 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2D45, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a2d45;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2d46' @0x000A2D46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A2D46, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a2d46;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e10' @0x000A2E10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e14' @0x000A2E14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e14;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e18' @0x000A2E18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e18;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e1c' @0x000A2E1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e20' @0x000A2E20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e24' @0x000A2E24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e28' @0x000A2E28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e28;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e2c' @0x000A2E2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e30' @0x000A2E30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e30;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e34' @0x000A2E34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e34;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e38' @0x000A2E38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e38;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e3c' @0x000A2E3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e40' @0x000A2E40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e40;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a2e44' @0x000A2E44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A2E44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a2e44;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a3680' @0x000A3680 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A3680, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a3680;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8071' @0x000A8071 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A8071, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a8071;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8072' @0x000A8072 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A8072, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a8072;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8073' @0x000A8073 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A8073, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a8073;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8074' @0x000A8074 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8074, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8074;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8076' @0x000A8076 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8076, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8076;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8078' @0x000A8078 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8078, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8078;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a807c' @0x000A807C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A807C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a807c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80dc' @0x000A80DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80DC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80de' @0x000A80DE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80DE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80de;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80e0' @0x000A80E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80E0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80e2' @0x000A80E2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80E2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80e2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80e4' @0x000A80E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80E4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80e6' @0x000A80E6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80E6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80e6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80e8' @0x000A80E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80E8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80ea' @0x000A80EA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A80EA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a80ea;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a80ec' @0x000A80EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A80EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a80ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8110' @0x000A8110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8110, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8110;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8114' @0x000A8114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8114, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8114;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8118' @0x000A8118 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8118, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8118;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8130' @0x000A8130 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8130, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8130;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a816c' @0x000A816C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A816C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a816c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a816d' @0x000A816D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A816D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a816d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a816e' @0x000A816E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A816E, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a816e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a816f' @0x000A816F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A816F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a816f;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8170' @0x000A8170 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A8170, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000a8170;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81a0' @0x000A81A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A81A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a81a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81a4' @0x000A81A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A81A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a81a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81a8' @0x000A81A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A81A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a81a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ac' @0x000A81AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A81AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a81ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81b0' @0x000A81B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A81B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a81b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81c0' @0x000A81C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81C0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81c2' @0x000A81C2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81C2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81c2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81c4' @0x000A81C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81C4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81c6' @0x000A81C6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81C6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81c6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81c8' @0x000A81C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81C8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ca' @0x000A81CA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81CA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81ca;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81cc' @0x000A81CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81CC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ce' @0x000A81CE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81CE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81ce;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81d0' @0x000A81D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81d2' @0x000A81D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81d4' @0x000A81D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81D4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81d6' @0x000A81D6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81D6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81d6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81d8' @0x000A81D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81D8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81da' @0x000A81DA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81DA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81da;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81dc' @0x000A81DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81DC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81de' @0x000A81DE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81DE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81de;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81e0' @0x000A81E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81E0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81e2' @0x000A81E2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81E2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81e2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81e4' @0x000A81E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81E4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81e6' @0x000A81E6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81E6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81e6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81e8' @0x000A81E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81E8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ea' @0x000A81EA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81EA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81ea;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ec' @0x000A81EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81EC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81ee' @0x000A81EE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81EE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81ee;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81f0' @0x000A81F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81F0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81f0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81f2' @0x000A81F2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81F2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81f2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81f4' @0x000A81F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81F4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81f6' @0x000A81F6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81F6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81f6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81f8' @0x000A81F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81F8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81f8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81fa' @0x000A81FA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81FA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81fa;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81fc' @0x000A81FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81FC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81fc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a81fe' @0x000A81FE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A81FE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a81fe;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8200' @0x000A8200 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8200, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8200;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8202' @0x000A8202 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8202, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8202;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8204' @0x000A8204 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8204, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8204;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8206' @0x000A8206 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8206, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8206;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8208' @0x000A8208 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8208, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8208;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a820a' @0x000A820A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A820A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a820a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a820c' @0x000A820C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A820C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a820c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a820e' @0x000A820E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A820E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a820e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a828c' @0x000A828C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A828C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a828c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a828e' @0x000A828E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A828E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a828e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8290' @0x000A8290 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8290, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8290;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8292' @0x000A8292 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8292, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8292;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8294' @0x000A8294 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8294, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8294;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8296' @0x000A8296 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8296, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8296;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8298' @0x000A8298 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A8298, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a8298;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a829a' @0x000A829A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A829A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a829a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a829c' @0x000A829C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A829C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a829c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a829e' @0x000A829E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A829E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a829e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82a0' @0x000A82A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82A0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82a2' @0x000A82A2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82A2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82a2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82a4' @0x000A82A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82A4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82a6' @0x000A82A6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82A6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82a6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82a8' @0x000A82A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82A8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82aa' @0x000A82AA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82AA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82aa;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82ac' @0x000A82AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82AC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82ae' @0x000A82AE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82AE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82ae;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82b0' @0x000A82B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82B0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82b2' @0x000A82B2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82B2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82b2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82b4' @0x000A82B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82B4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82b6' @0x000A82B6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82B6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82b6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82b8' @0x000A82B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82B8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82ba' @0x000A82BA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82BA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82ba;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82bc' @0x000A82BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82BC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82be' @0x000A82BE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82BE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82be;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82c0' @0x000A82C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82C0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82c2' @0x000A82C2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82C2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82c2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82c4' @0x000A82C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82C4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82c6' @0x000A82C6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82C6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82c6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82c8' @0x000A82C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82C8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82ca' @0x000A82CA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82CA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82ca;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82cc' @0x000A82CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82CC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82ce' @0x000A82CE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82CE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82ce;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82d0' @0x000A82D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82d2' @0x000A82D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82d4' @0x000A82D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82D4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a82d6' @0x000A82D6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A82D6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a82d6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a8344' @0x000A8344 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8344, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a8344;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83a8' @0x000A83A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A83A8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a83a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83aa' @0x000A83AA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A83AA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a83aa;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83ac' @0x000A83AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A83AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a83ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83d8' @0x000A83D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A83D8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a83d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83da' @0x000A83DA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A83DA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a83da;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83dc' @0x000A83DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A83DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a83dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a83e4' @0x000A83E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A83E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a83e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9414' @0x000A9414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9414;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9424' @0x000A9424 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9424, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9424;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9440' @0x000A9440 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9440, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9440;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9450' @0x000A9450 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9450, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9450;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9454' @0x000A9454 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9454, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9454;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9484' @0x000A9484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9484, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9484;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94b0' @0x000A94B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94c0' @0x000A94C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94c4' @0x000A94C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94d0' @0x000A94D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94d4' @0x000A94D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a94d8' @0x000A94D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A94D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a94d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95ac' @0x000A95AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a95ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95b0' @0x000A95B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A95B0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a95b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95b2' @0x000A95B2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A95B2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a95b2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95b4' @0x000A95B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a95b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95b8' @0x000A95B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A95B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a95b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95f0' @0x000A95F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A95F0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a95f0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a95f2' @0x000A95F2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000A95F2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000a95f2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9658' @0x000A9658 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9658, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9658;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a965c' @0x000A965C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A965C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a965c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9660' @0x000A9660 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9660, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9660;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9f1c' @0x000A9F1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9f1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9f20' @0x000A9F20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9f20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9f24' @0x000A9F24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9f24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000a9f58' @0x000A9F58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000a9f58;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa0ec' @0x000AA0EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA0EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa0ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa130' @0x000AA130 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA130, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa130;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa134' @0x000AA134 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA134, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa134;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa370' @0x000AA370 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA370, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa370;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa378' @0x000AA378 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA378, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa378;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa37c' @0x000AA37C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA37C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa37c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa380' @0x000AA380 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA380, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa380;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa384' @0x000AA384 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA384, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa384;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa388' @0x000AA388 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA388, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa388;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa390' @0x000AA390 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA390, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa390;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa398' @0x000AA398 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA398, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa398;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa39c' @0x000AA39C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA39C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa39c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa414' @0x000AA414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa414;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa418' @0x000AA418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa418;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa514' @0x000AA514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000AA514, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000aa514;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa524' @0x000AA524 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA524, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa524;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa528' @0x000AA528 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA528, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa528;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa670' @0x000AA670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA670, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa670;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa808' @0x000AA808 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA808, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa808;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa8ec' @0x000AA8EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA8EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa8ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa8f0' @0x000AA8F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AA8F0, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aa8f0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa8f4' @0x000AA8F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000AA8F4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000aa8f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa928' @0x000AA928 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA928, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa928;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa92c' @0x000AA92C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA92C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa92c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa994' @0x000AA994 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA994, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa994;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa998' @0x000AA998 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA998, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa998;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aa9a8' @0x000AA9A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AA9A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aa9a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aad24' @0x000AAD24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aad24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aad2c' @0x000AAD2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aad2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aad54' @0x000AAD54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aad54;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ab04c' @0x000AB04C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB04C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ab04c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ab398' @0x000AB398 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB398, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ab398;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba5c' @0x000ABA5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA5C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba5d' @0x000ABA5D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA5D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba5d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba5e' @0x000ABA5E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA5E, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba5e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba5f' @0x000ABA5F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA5F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba5f;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba60' @0x000ABA60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA60, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba60;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba61' @0x000ABA61 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA61, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba61;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba64' @0x000ABA64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA64, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba64;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aba65' @0x000ABA65 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000ABA65, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000aba65;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac8e4' @0x000AC8E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC8E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac8e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac8e8' @0x000AC8E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC8E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac8e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac910' @0x000AC910 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC910, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac910;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac918' @0x000AC918 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC918, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac918;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac920' @0x000AC920 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC920, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac920;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac924' @0x000AC924 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC924, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac924;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac928' @0x000AC928 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC928, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac928;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac93c' @0x000AC93C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC93C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac93c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac940' @0x000AC940 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC940, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac940;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac944' @0x000AC944 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC944, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac944;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac94c' @0x000AC94C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC94C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac94c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac974' @0x000AC974 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC974, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac974;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac97c' @0x000AC97C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC97C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac97c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac984' @0x000AC984 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC984, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac984;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac988' @0x000AC988 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC988, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac988;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac98c' @0x000AC98C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC98C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac98c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9a0' @0x000AC9A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9a4' @0x000AC9A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9b4' @0x000AC9B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9b8' @0x000AC9B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9c0' @0x000AC9C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9c4' @0x000AC9C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9c8' @0x000AC9C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000ac9d0' @0x000AC9D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AC9D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000ac9d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000aca9c' @0x000ACA9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ACA9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000aca9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3950' @0x000C3950 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C3950, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c3950;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3954' @0x000C3954 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C3954, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c3954;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3958' @0x000C3958 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C3958, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c3958;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c395c' @0x000C395C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C395C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c395c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3960' @0x000C3960 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C3960, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c3960;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3964' @0x000C3964 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C3964, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c3964;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3fd8' @0x000C3FD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C3FD8, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c3fd8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c3fd9' @0x000C3FD9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C3FD9, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c3fd9;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94c0' @0x000C94C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C94C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c94c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94c4' @0x000C94C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C94C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c94c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94c8' @0x000C94C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C94C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c94c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94cc' @0x000C94CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C94CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c94cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94d0' @0x000C94D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C94D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c94d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94d4' @0x000C94D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C94D4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c94d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94d5' @0x000C94D5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C94D5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c94d5;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c94d6' @0x000C94D6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C94D6, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c94d6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c98b4' @0x000C98B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C98B4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c98b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c98b5' @0x000C98B5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C98B5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c98b5;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99c0' @0x000C99C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99c4' @0x000C99C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99c8' @0x000C99C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99cc' @0x000C99CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99d0' @0x000C99D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c99d4' @0x000C99D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000C99D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000c99d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c9e68' @0x000C9E68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C9E68, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c9e68;
// external declaration 'DAT_000c9e69' @0x000C9E69 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000C9E69, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000c9e69;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cbe2c' @0x000CBE2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CBE2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cbe2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cbe30' @0x000CBE30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CBE30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cbe30;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cd9b8' @0x000CD9B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CD9B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cd9b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cd9bc' @0x000CD9BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CD9BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cd9bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cd9d4' @0x000CD9D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CD9D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cd9d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc52' @0x000CDC52 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC52, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc52;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc54' @0x000CDC54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC54, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc54;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc56' @0x000CDC56 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC56, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc56;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc58' @0x000CDC58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC58, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc58;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc5a' @0x000CDC5A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC5A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc5a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdc5c' @0x000CDC5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC5C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdc5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd52' @0x000CDD52 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD52, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd52;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd54' @0x000CDD54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD54, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd54;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd56' @0x000CDD56 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD56, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd56;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd58' @0x000CDD58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD58, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd58;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd5a' @0x000CDD5A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD5A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd5a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cdd5c' @0x000CDD5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD5C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000cdd5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cde70' @0x000CDE70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CDE70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cde70;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cde74' @0x000CDE74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CDE74, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cde74;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cde84' @0x000CDE84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CDE84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cde84;
// external declaration 'DAT_000cde88' @0x000CDE88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CDE88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000cde88;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05dc' @0x000D05DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05e0' @0x000D05E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05e4' @0x000D05E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05e8' @0x000D05E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05ec' @0x000D05EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05f0' @0x000D05F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05f0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05f4' @0x000D05F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05f8' @0x000D05F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05f8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d05fc' @0x000D05FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D05FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d05fc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0600' @0x000D0600 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0600, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0600;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d09fc' @0x000D09FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D09FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d09fc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0a00' @0x000D0A00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0A00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0a00;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0a04' @0x000D0A04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0A04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0a04;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0a08' @0x000D0A08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0A08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0a08;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0a0c' @0x000D0A0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0A0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0a0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0a10' @0x000D0A10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0A10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0a10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0e1c' @0x000D0E1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0E1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0e1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d0e20' @0x000D0E20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D0E20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d0e20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d10dc' @0x000D10DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D10DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d10dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54db' @0x000D54DB was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54DB, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54db;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54dc' @0x000D54DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54DC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54dc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54dd' @0x000D54DD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54DD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54dd;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54de' @0x000D54DE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54DE, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54de;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54df' @0x000D54DF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54DF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54df;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54e0' @0x000D54E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54E0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54e2' @0x000D54E2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54E2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54e2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54e4' @0x000D54E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54E4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54e6' @0x000D54E6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54E6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54e6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54e8' @0x000D54E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54E8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54ea' @0x000D54EA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54EA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54ea;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54ec' @0x000D54EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54EC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54ee' @0x000D54EE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D54EE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d54ee;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54fb' @0x000D54FB was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54FB, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54fb;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d54ff' @0x000D54FF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D54FF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d54ff;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5500' @0x000D5500 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5500, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5500;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5502' @0x000D5502 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5502, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5502;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5508' @0x000D5508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5508, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5508;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d550a' @0x000D550A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D550A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d550a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d550e' @0x000D550E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D550E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d550e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5510' @0x000D5510 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5510, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5510;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5512' @0x000D5512 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5512, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5512;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5518' @0x000D5518 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5518, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5518;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d551a' @0x000D551A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D551A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d551a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d565c' @0x000D565C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D565C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d565c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5660' @0x000D5660 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D5660, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d5660;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5664' @0x000D5664 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D5664, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d5664;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d568b' @0x000D568B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D568B, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d568b;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d568f' @0x000D568F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D568F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d568f;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5690' @0x000D5690 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5690, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5690;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5692' @0x000D5692 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5692, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5692;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d5698' @0x000D5698 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D5698, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d5698;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d569a' @0x000D569A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D569A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d569a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d569e' @0x000D569E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D569E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d569e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d56a0' @0x000D56A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D56A0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d56a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d56a2' @0x000D56A2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D56A2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d56a2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b0c' @0x000D7B0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b10' @0x000D7B10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b14' @0x000D7B14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b14;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b18' @0x000D7B18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7B18, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7b18;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b1c' @0x000D7B1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b20' @0x000D7B20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7b24' @0x000D7B24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7B24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7b24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c0c' @0x000D7C0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c10' @0x000D7C10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C10, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c12' @0x000D7C12 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C12, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c12;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c14' @0x000D7C14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C14, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c14;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c16' @0x000D7C16 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C16, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c16;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c18' @0x000D7C18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C18, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c18;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c1c' @0x000D7C1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c20' @0x000D7C20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c24' @0x000D7C24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C24, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c26' @0x000D7C26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C26, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c26;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c28' @0x000D7C28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C28, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c28;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c2c' @0x000D7C2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c30' @0x000D7C30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C30, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c30;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c32' @0x000D7C32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C32, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c32;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c34' @0x000D7C34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C34, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c34;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c38' @0x000D7C38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c38;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c3c' @0x000D7C3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c40' @0x000D7C40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c40;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c44' @0x000D7C44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c44;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c48' @0x000D7C48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c48;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c4c' @0x000D7C4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c54' @0x000D7C54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c54;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c64' @0x000D7C64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C64, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c64;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c68' @0x000D7C68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c68;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c7c' @0x000D7C7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c80' @0x000D7C80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c80;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c84' @0x000D7C84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7C84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7c84;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c8b' @0x000D7C8B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C8B, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c8b;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c8c' @0x000D7C8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C8C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c8d' @0x000D7C8D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C8D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c8d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c8e' @0x000D7C8E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C8E, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c8e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c8f' @0x000D7C8F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C8F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c8f;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c90' @0x000D7C90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C90, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c90;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c92' @0x000D7C92 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C92, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c92;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c94' @0x000D7C94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C94, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c94;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c96' @0x000D7C96 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7C96, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7c96;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c9b' @0x000D7C9B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C9B, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c9b;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c9c' @0x000D7C9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C9C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c9d' @0x000D7C9D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C9D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c9d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c9e' @0x000D7C9E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C9E, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c9e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7c9f' @0x000D7C9F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D7C9F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d7c9f;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7ca0' @0x000D7CA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7CA0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7ca0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7ca2' @0x000D7CA2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7CA2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7ca2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7ca4' @0x000D7CA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7CA4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7ca4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7ca6' @0x000D7CA6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7CA6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7ca6;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d0c' @0x000D7D0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7D0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7d0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d10' @0x000D7D10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7D10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7d10;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d14' @0x000D7D14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7D14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7d14;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d18' @0x000D7D18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7D18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7d18;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d1c' @0x000D7D1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D7D1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d7d1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d2a' @0x000D7D2A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7D2A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7d2a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d2c' @0x000D7D2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7D2C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7d2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d30' @0x000D7D30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7D30, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7d30;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d32' @0x000D7D32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7D32, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7d32;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d7d34' @0x000D7D34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D7D34, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d7d34;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8414' @0x000D8414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8414;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8418' @0x000D8418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8418;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8470' @0x000D8470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8470;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8474' @0x000D8474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8474, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8474;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8d6c' @0x000D8D6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8D6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8d6c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d8d70' @0x000D8D70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D8D70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d8d70;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d927c' @0x000D927C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000D927C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000d927c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d9292' @0x000D9292 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000D9292, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000d9292;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d9498' @0x000D9498 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D9498, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d9498;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94c4' @0x000D94C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94c8' @0x000D94C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94d0' @0x000D94D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94d4' @0x000D94D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94d8' @0x000D94D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000d94e0' @0x000D94E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D94E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000d94e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad03' @0x000DAD03 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD03, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad03;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad04' @0x000DAD04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD04, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad04;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad05' @0x000DAD05 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD05, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad05;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad06' @0x000DAD06 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD06, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad06;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad07' @0x000DAD07 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD07, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad07;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad0c' @0x000DAD0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD0C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad0d' @0x000DAD0D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD0D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad0d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad0e' @0x000DAD0E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000DAD0E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000dad0e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad14' @0x000DAD14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD14, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad14;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad15' @0x000DAD15 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD15, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad15;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad16' @0x000DAD16 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000DAD16, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000dad16;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad1c' @0x000DAD1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD1C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad1d' @0x000DAD1D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD1D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad1d;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad24' @0x000DAD24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD24, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad24;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dad25' @0x000DAD25 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000DAD25, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000dad25;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dd0ca' @0x000DD0CA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000DD0CA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000dd0ca;
// external declaration 'DAT_000dd0d2' @0x000DD0D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000DD0D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000dd0d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e09bc' @0x000E09BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E09BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e09bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2300' @0x000E2300 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E2300, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e2300;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2301' @0x000E2301 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E2301, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e2301;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2302' @0x000E2302 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E2302, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e2302;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2304' @0x000E2304 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2304, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2304;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2308' @0x000E2308 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E2308, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e2308;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e230c' @0x000E230C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E230C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e230c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2310' @0x000E2310 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2310, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2310;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2314' @0x000E2314 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2314, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2314;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2320' @0x000E2320 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E2320, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e2320;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2322' @0x000E2322 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E2322, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e2322;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2900' @0x000E2900 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2900, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2900;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2904' @0x000E2904 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2904, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2904;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2908' @0x000E2908 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2908, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2908;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e2930' @0x000E2930 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E2930, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e2930;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f00' @0x000E3F00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E3F00, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e3f00;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f02' @0x000E3F02 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E3F02, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e3f02;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f06' @0x000E3F06 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E3F06, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e3f06;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f0a' @0x000E3F0A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E3F0A, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e3f0a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f20' @0x000E3F20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E3F20, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e3f20;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e3f8c' @0x000E3F8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E3F8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e3f8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4700' @0x000E4700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4700, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4700;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4701' @0x000E4701 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4701, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4701;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4708' @0x000E4708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4708, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4708;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4709' @0x000E4709 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4709, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4709;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4710' @0x000E4710 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4710, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4710;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4711' @0x000E4711 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E4711, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e4711;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4718' @0x000E4718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4718, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4718;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e471c' @0x000E471C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E471C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e471c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4720' @0x000E4720 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4720, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4720;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e473c' @0x000E473C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E473C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e473c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4758' @0x000E4758 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4758, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4758;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4768' @0x000E4768 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4768, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4768;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e476c' @0x000E476C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E476C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e476c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4770' @0x000E4770 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4770, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4770;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4774' @0x000E4774 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4774, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4774;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4778' @0x000E4778 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4778, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4778;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e477c' @0x000E477C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E477C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e477c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4780' @0x000E4780 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4780, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4780;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4784' @0x000E4784 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4784, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4784;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4788' @0x000E4788 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4788, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4788;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4790' @0x000E4790 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4790, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4790;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4794' @0x000E4794 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4794, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4794;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e4798' @0x000E4798 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E4798, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e4798;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e479c' @0x000E479C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E479C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e479c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5fb8' @0x000E5FB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E5FB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e5fb8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5fc0' @0x000E5FC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E5FC0, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e5fc0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5fc1' @0x000E5FC1 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E5FC1, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e5fc1;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5fe8' @0x000E5FE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E5FE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e5fe8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5ff8' @0x000E5FF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E5FF8, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e5ff8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e5ff9' @0x000E5FF9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E5FF9, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000e5ff9;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e601a' @0x000E601A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E601A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e601a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e601c' @0x000E601C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E601C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e601c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e601e' @0x000E601E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E601E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e601e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6020' @0x000E6020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6020, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e6020;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6022' @0x000E6022 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6022, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e6022;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6024' @0x000E6024 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6024, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e6024;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6026' @0x000E6026 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6026, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e6026;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6028' @0x000E6028 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E6028, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e6028;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e602a' @0x000E602A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E602A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_000e602a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e606c' @0x000E606C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E606C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e606c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6070' @0x000E6070 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E6070, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e6070;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e615c' @0x000E615C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E615C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e615c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e6160' @0x000E6160 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E6160, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e6160;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62a0' @0x000E62A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62a4' @0x000E62A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62a8' @0x000E62A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62ac' @0x000E62AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62b4' @0x000E62B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62e8' @0x000E62E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000e62f8' @0x000E62F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E62F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000e62f8;
// external declaration 'DAT_000f3008' @0x000F3008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F3008, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000f3008;
// external declaration 'DAT_000f300c' @0x000F300C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F300C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000f300c;
// external declaration 'DAT_000f3010' @0x000F3010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F3010, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000f3010;
// external declaration 'DAT_000f3014' @0x000F3014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F3014, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000f3014;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb410' @0x000FB410 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000FB410, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000fb410;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb414' @0x000FB414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000FB414, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000fb414;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb415' @0x000FB415 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000FB415, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000fb415;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb416' @0x000FB416 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB416, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb416;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb41a' @0x000FB41A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB41A, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb41a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb41e' @0x000FB41E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB41E, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb41e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb422' @0x000FB422 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB422, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb422;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb426' @0x000FB426 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB426, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb426;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb42a' @0x000FB42A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB42A, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb42a;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb42e' @0x000FB42E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB42E, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb42e;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb432' @0x000FB432 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000FB432, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_000fb432;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb452' @0x000FB452 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000FB452, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000fb452;
// external declaration 'DAT_000fb453' @0x000FB453 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000FB453, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_000fb453;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800000' @0x1F800000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800000, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800000;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800004' @0x1F800004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800004, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800004;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800008' @0x1F800008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800008, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800008;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80000c' @0x1F80000C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80000C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80000c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80000e' @0x1F80000E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80000E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80000e;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800010' @0x1F800010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800010, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800010;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800014' @0x1F800014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800014, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800014;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800018' @0x1F800018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800018, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800018;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80001c' @0x1F80001C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80001C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80001c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800020' @0x1F800020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800020, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800020;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800024' @0x1F800024 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800024, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800024;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800028' @0x1F800028 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800028, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800028;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80002c' @0x1F80002C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80002C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80002c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800030' @0x1F800030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800030, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800030;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800034' @0x1F800034 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800034, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800034;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800038' @0x1F800038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800038, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800038;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80003c' @0x1F80003C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80003C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80003c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800040' @0x1F800040 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800040, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800040;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800044' @0x1F800044 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800044, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800044;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800048' @0x1F800048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800048, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800048;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80004c' @0x1F80004C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80004C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80004c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800050' @0x1F800050 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800050, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800050;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800054' @0x1F800054 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800054, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800054;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800058' @0x1F800058 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800058, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800058;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80005c' @0x1F80005C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80005C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80005c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800060' @0x1F800060 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800060, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800060;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800062' @0x1F800062 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800062, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800062;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800064' @0x1F800064 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800064, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800064;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800068' @0x1F800068 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800068, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800068;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80006a' @0x1F80006A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80006A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80006a;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80006c' @0x1F80006C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80006C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80006c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800070' @0x1F800070 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800070, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800070;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800074' @0x1F800074 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800074, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800074;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800078' @0x1F800078 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800078, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800078;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80007c' @0x1F80007C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80007C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80007c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800080' @0x1F800080 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800080, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800080;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800082' @0x1F800082 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800082, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800082;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800084' @0x1F800084 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800084, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800084;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800088' @0x1F800088 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800088, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800088;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80008c' @0x1F80008C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80008C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80008c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800090' @0x1F800090 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800090, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800090;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800092' @0x1F800092 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800092, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800092;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800094' @0x1F800094 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800094, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800094;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800098' @0x1F800098 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800098, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800098;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80009c' @0x1F80009C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80009C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80009c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000a0' @0x1F8000A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000a4' @0x1F8000A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000a8' @0x1F8000A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000a8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000ac' @0x1F8000AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000ac;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000b0' @0x1F8000B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000b4' @0x1F8000B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000b4;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000b8' @0x1F8000B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000bc' @0x1F8000BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000bc;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000c0' @0x1F8000C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000c4' @0x1F8000C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000c4;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000c8' @0x1F8000C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000cc' @0x1F8000CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000d0' @0x1F8000D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000d4' @0x1F8000D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8000d8' @0x1F8000D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8000D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8000d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800200' @0x1F800200 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800200, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800200;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800202' @0x1F800202 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800202, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800202;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800204' @0x1F800204 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800204, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800204;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800208' @0x1F800208 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800208, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800208;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80020a' @0x1F80020A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80020A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80020a;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80020c' @0x1F80020C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80020C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80020c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80020e' @0x1F80020E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80020E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80020e;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800210' @0x1F800210 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800210, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800210;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800214' @0x1F800214 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800214, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800214;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800218' @0x1F800218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800218, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800218;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80021c' @0x1F80021C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80021C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80021c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800220' @0x1F800220 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800220, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800220;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800224' @0x1F800224 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800224, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800224;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800228' @0x1F800228 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800228, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800228;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80022c' @0x1F80022C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80022C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80022c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80023a' @0x1F80023A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80023A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80023a;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80023c' @0x1F80023C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80023C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80023c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80023e' @0x1F80023E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80023E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80023e;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800240' @0x1F800240 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800240, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800240;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800242' @0x1F800242 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800242, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800242;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800244' @0x1F800244 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800244, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800244;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800246' @0x1F800246 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800246, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800246;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800248' @0x1F800248 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800248, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800248;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80024a' @0x1F80024A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F80024A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f80024a;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80024c' @0x1F80024C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80024C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80024c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800254' @0x1F800254 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F800254, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f800254;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800278' @0x1F800278 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800278, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800278;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80027c' @0x1F80027C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80027C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80027c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f800288' @0x1F800288 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F800288, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f800288;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f80028c' @0x1F80028C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F80028C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f80028c;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8002c8' @0x1F8002C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8002C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8002c8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8002cc' @0x1F8002CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8002CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8002cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8002e8' @0x1F8002E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8002E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8002e8;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f8002ec' @0x1F8002EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x1F8002EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_1f8002ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f801c0a' @0x1F801C0A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F801C0A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f801c0a;
// external declaration 'DAT_1f801c1a' @0x1F801C1A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x1F801C1A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_1f801c1a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0814' @0x001C0814 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0814, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0814;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0818' @0x001C0818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0818, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0818;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c081c' @0x001C081C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C081C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c081c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0820' @0x001C0820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0820, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0820;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0824' @0x001C0824 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0824, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0824;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0828' @0x001C0828 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0828, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0828;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c082c' @0x001C082C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C082C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c082c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0884' @0x001C0884 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0884, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0884;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0888' @0x001C0888 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0888, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0888;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c08e0' @0x001C08E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C08E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c08e0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c08e4' @0x001C08E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C08E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c08e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0954' @0x001C0954 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0954, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0954;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0958' @0x001C0958 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0958, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0958;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c095c' @0x001C095C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C095C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c095c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0960' @0x001C0960 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0960, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0960;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0964' @0x001C0964 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0964, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0964;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0968' @0x001C0968 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0968, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0968;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c096c' @0x001C096C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C096C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c096c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c0970' @0x001C0970 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C0970, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c0970;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c698e' @0x001C698E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C698E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c698e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6990' @0x001C6990 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6990, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6990;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6992' @0x001C6992 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6992, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6992;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6a79' @0x001C6A79 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6A79, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6a79;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6a7a' @0x001C6A7A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6A7A, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6a7a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6a9a' @0x001C6A9A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6A9A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6a9a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6ac0' @0x001C6AC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6AC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6ac0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b04' @0x001C6B04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b04;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b08' @0x001C6B08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b08;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b18' @0x001C6B18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b18;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b2c' @0x001C6B2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b30' @0x001C6B30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b30;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b40' @0x001C6B40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b40;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b54' @0x001C6B54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b54;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b58' @0x001C6B58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b58;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b68' @0x001C6B68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b68;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b7c' @0x001C6B7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b80' @0x001C6B80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b80;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6b90' @0x001C6B90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6B90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6b90;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6ba8' @0x001C6BA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6BA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6ba8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6bb0' @0x001C6BB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6BB0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6bb0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6bd0' @0x001C6BD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6BD0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6bd0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6cfd' @0x001C6CFD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6CFD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6cfd;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6cfe' @0x001C6CFE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6CFE, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6cfe;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d01' @0x001C6D01 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D01, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d01;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d02' @0x001C6D02 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D02, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d02;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d23' @0x001C6D23 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D23, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d23;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d24' @0x001C6D24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D24, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d24;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d25' @0x001C6D25 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D25, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d25;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d26' @0x001C6D26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D26, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d26;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d27' @0x001C6D27 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D27, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d27;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d28' @0x001C6D28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D28, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d28;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d2a' @0x001C6D2A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D2A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d2a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d2c' @0x001C6D2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D2C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d2d' @0x001C6D2D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D2D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d2d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d2e' @0x001C6D2E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D2E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d2e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d30' @0x001C6D30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D30, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d30;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d32' @0x001C6D32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D32, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d32;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d34' @0x001C6D34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D34, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d34;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d35' @0x001C6D35 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D35, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d35;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d36' @0x001C6D36 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D36, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d36;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d38' @0x001C6D38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D38, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d38;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d3a' @0x001C6D3A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D3A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d3a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d3c' @0x001C6D3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D3C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d3d' @0x001C6D3D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D3D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d3d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d40' @0x001C6D40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D40, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d40;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d42' @0x001C6D42 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001C6D42, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001c6d42;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d44' @0x001C6D44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D44, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d44;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d45' @0x001C6D45 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D45, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d45;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d51' @0x001C6D51 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D51, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d51;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d52' @0x001C6D52 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6D52, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6d52;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d54' @0x001C6D54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d54;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d58' @0x001C6D58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d58;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d5c' @0x001C6D5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d60' @0x001C6D60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D60, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d60;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d64' @0x001C6D64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D64, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d64;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d68' @0x001C6D68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d68;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d6c' @0x001C6D6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d6c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6d70' @0x001C6D70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001C6D70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001c6d70;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6f35' @0x001C6F35 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6F35, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6f35;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001c6f36' @0x001C6F36 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001C6F36, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001c6f36;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcc4' @0x001CBCC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCC4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcc4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcc5' @0x001CBCC5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCC5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcc5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcc6' @0x001CBCC6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCC6, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcc6;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcc7' @0x001CBCC7 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCC7, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcc7;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcc8' @0x001CBCC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCC8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcc8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcca' @0x001CBCCA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCCA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcca;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbccc' @0x001CBCCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCCC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbccc;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbccd' @0x001CBCCD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCCD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbccd;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcce' @0x001CBCCE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCCE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcce;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd0' @0x001CBCD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCD0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd2' @0x001CBCD2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCD2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd4' @0x001CBCD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCD4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd5' @0x001CBCD5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCD5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd6' @0x001CBCD6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCD6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd6;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcd8' @0x001CBCD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCD8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcd8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcda' @0x001CBCDA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCDA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcda;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcdc' @0x001CBCDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCDC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcdc;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcdd' @0x001CBCDD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCDD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcdd;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbce0' @0x001CBCE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCE0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbce0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbce2' @0x001CBCE2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCE2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbce2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbce4' @0x001CBCE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCE4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbce4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbce5' @0x001CBCE5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCE5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbce5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbce8' @0x001CBCE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x001CBCE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_FRNT__001cbce8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcec' @0x001CBCEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCEC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcec;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbced' @0x001CBCED was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCED, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbced;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcee' @0x001CBCEE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCEE, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcee;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcef' @0x001CBCEF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCEF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcef;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf0' @0x001CBCF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCF0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf2' @0x001CBCF2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCF2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf4' @0x001CBCF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCF4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf5' @0x001CBCF5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCF5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf6' @0x001CBCF6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCF6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf6;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcf8' @0x001CBCF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCF8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcf8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcfa' @0x001CBCFA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCFA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcfa;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcfc' @0x001CBCFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCFC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcfc;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcfd' @0x001CBCFD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBCFD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbcfd;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbcfe' @0x001CBCFE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBCFE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbcfe;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd00' @0x001CBD00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD00, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd00;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd02' @0x001CBD02 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD02, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd02;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd04' @0x001CBD04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD04, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd04;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd05' @0x001CBD05 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD05, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd05;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd08' @0x001CBD08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD08, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd08;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd0a' @0x001CBD0A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD0A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd0a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd0c' @0x001CBD0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD0C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd0d' @0x001CBD0D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD0D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd0d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd18' @0x001CBD18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD18, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd18;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd1a' @0x001CBD1A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD1A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd1a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd1c' @0x001CBD1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD1C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd1d' @0x001CBD1D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD1D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd1d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd1e' @0x001CBD1E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD1E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd1e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd20' @0x001CBD20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD20, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd20;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd22' @0x001CBD22 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD22, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd22;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd24' @0x001CBD24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD24, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd24;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd25' @0x001CBD25 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD25, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd25;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd26' @0x001CBD26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD26, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd26;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd28' @0x001CBD28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD28, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd28;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd2a' @0x001CBD2A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD2A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd2a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd2c' @0x001CBD2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD2C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd2d' @0x001CBD2D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD2D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd2d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd30' @0x001CBD30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD30, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd30;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd32' @0x001CBD32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD32, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd32;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd34' @0x001CBD34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD34, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd34;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd35' @0x001CBD35 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD35, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd35;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd40' @0x001CBD40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD40, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd40;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd42' @0x001CBD42 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD42, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd42;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd44' @0x001CBD44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD44, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd44;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd45' @0x001CBD45 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD45, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd45;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd46' @0x001CBD46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD46, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd46;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd48' @0x001CBD48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD48, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd48;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd4a' @0x001CBD4A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD4A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd4a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd4c' @0x001CBD4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD4C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd4d' @0x001CBD4D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD4D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd4d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd4e' @0x001CBD4E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD4E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd4e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd50' @0x001CBD50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD50, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd50;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd52' @0x001CBD52 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD52, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd52;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd54' @0x001CBD54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD54, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd54;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd55' @0x001CBD55 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD55, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd55;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd58' @0x001CBD58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD58, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd58;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd5a' @0x001CBD5A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD5A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd5a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd5c' @0x001CBD5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD5C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd5d' @0x001CBD5D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD5D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd5d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd68' @0x001CBD68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD68, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd68;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd6a' @0x001CBD6A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD6A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd6a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd6c' @0x001CBD6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD6C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd6c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd6d' @0x001CBD6D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD6D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd6d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd6e' @0x001CBD6E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD6E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd6e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd70' @0x001CBD70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD70, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd70;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd72' @0x001CBD72 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD72, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd72;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd74' @0x001CBD74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD74, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd74;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd75' @0x001CBD75 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD75, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd75;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd76' @0x001CBD76 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD76, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd76;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd78' @0x001CBD78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD78, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd78;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd7a' @0x001CBD7A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD7A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd7a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd7c' @0x001CBD7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD7C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd7d' @0x001CBD7D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD7D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd7d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd80' @0x001CBD80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD80, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd80;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd82' @0x001CBD82 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD82, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd82;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd84' @0x001CBD84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD84, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd84;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd85' @0x001CBD85 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD85, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd85;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd90' @0x001CBD90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD90, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd90;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd92' @0x001CBD92 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD92, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd92;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd94' @0x001CBD94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD94, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd94;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd95' @0x001CBD95 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD95, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd95;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd96' @0x001CBD96 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD96, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd96;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd98' @0x001CBD98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD98, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd98;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd9a' @0x001CBD9A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD9A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd9a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd9c' @0x001CBD9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD9C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd9d' @0x001CBD9D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBD9D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbd9d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbd9e' @0x001CBD9E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBD9E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbd9e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbda0' @0x001CBDA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDA0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbda0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbda2' @0x001CBDA2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDA2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbda2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbda4' @0x001CBDA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBDA4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbda4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbda5' @0x001CBDA5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBDA5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbda5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbda8' @0x001CBDA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDA8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbda8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdaa' @0x001CBDAA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDAA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdaa;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdac' @0x001CBDAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBDAC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbdac;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdad' @0x001CBDAD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBDAD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbdad;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdbf' @0x001CBDBF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CBDBF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cbdbf;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdc0' @0x001CBDC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDC0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdc0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdc2' @0x001CBDC2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDC2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdc2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdc8' @0x001CBDC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDC8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdc8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdca' @0x001CBDCA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDCA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdca;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdce' @0x001CBDCE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDCE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdce;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdd0' @0x001CBDD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDD0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdd0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cbdd2' @0x001CBDD2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CBDD2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cbdd2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc594' @0x001CC594 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC594, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc594;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc595' @0x001CC595 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC595, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc595;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc596' @0x001CC596 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC596, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc596;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc597' @0x001CC597 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC597, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc597;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc598' @0x001CC598 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC598, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc598;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc59a' @0x001CC59A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC59A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc59a;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc59c' @0x001CC59C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC59C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc59c;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc59d' @0x001CC59D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC59D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc59d;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc59e' @0x001CC59E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC59E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc59e;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5a0' @0x001CC5A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5A0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5a0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5a2' @0x001CC5A2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5A2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5a2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5af' @0x001CC5AF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5AF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5af;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5b0' @0x001CC5B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5B0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5b0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5b2' @0x001CC5B2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5B2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5b2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5b8' @0x001CC5B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5B8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5ba' @0x001CC5BA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5BA, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5ba;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5be' @0x001CC5BE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5BE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5be;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5c0' @0x001CC5C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5C0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5c0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5c2' @0x001CC5C2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5C2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5c2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5cc' @0x001CC5CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5CC, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5cc;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5cd' @0x001CC5CD was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5CD, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5cd;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5ce' @0x001CC5CE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5CE, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5ce;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5cf' @0x001CC5CF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5CF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5cf;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d0' @0x001CC5D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d2' @0x001CC5D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d4' @0x001CC5D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5D4, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d4;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d5' @0x001CC5D5 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x001CC5D5, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d5;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d6' @0x001CC5D6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5D6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d6;
// external declaration 'DAT_FRNT__001cc5d8' @0x001CC5D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001CC5D8, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_FRNT__001cc5d8;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecbec' @0x000ECBEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECBEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecbec;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecbf0' @0x000ECBF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECBF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecbf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecbf4' @0x000ECBF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECBF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecbf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecbf8' @0x000ECBF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECBF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecbf8;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecbfc' @0x000ECBFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECBFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecbfc;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc00' @0x000ECC00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc00;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc04' @0x000ECC04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc04;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc44' @0x000ECC44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc44;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc48' @0x000ECC48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc48;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc4c' @0x000ECC4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc50' @0x000ECC50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc50;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc54' @0x000ECC54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc54;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc58' @0x000ECC58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc58;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc5c' @0x000ECC5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc74' @0x000ECC74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC74, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc74;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecc78' @0x000ECC78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECC78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecc78;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eccf4' @0x000ECCF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECCF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eccf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eccf8' @0x000ECCF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECCF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eccf8;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eccfc' @0x000ECCFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECCFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eccfc;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd00' @0x000ECD00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd00;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd04' @0x000ECD04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd04;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd08' @0x000ECD08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd08;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd0c' @0x000ECD0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd10' @0x000ECD10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd10;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd14' @0x000ECD14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd14;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd18' @0x000ECD18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd18;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd1c' @0x000ECD1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd20' @0x000ECD20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd20;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd24' @0x000ECD24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd24;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd28' @0x000ECD28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd28;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd2c' @0x000ECD2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd30' @0x000ECD30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd30;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd44' @0x000ECD44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd44;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd88' @0x000ECD88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd88;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd8c' @0x000ECD8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd90' @0x000ECD90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd90;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd94' @0x000ECD94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD94, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd94;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd98' @0x000ECD98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd98;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecd9c' @0x000ECD9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECD9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecd9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecda0' @0x000ECDA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECDA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecda0;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecdec' @0x000ECDEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECDEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecdec;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece2c' @0x000ECE2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece30' @0x000ECE30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece30;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece34' @0x000ECE34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece34;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece38' @0x000ECE38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece38;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece3c' @0x000ECE3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece40' @0x000ECE40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece40;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece48' @0x000ECE48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece48;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece4c' @0x000ECE4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece80' @0x000ECE80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece80;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece84' @0x000ECE84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece84;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ece88' @0x000ECE88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECE88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ece88;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eceb0' @0x000ECEB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEB0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eceb0;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eceb4' @0x000ECEB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eceb4;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000eceb8' @0x000ECEB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000eceb8;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecebc' @0x000ECEBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecebc;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecec0' @0x000ECEC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecec0;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecec4' @0x000ECEC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecec4;
// external declaration 'DAT_LEAD__000ecec8' @0x000ECEC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000ECEC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_LEAD__000ecec8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001043fc' @0x001043FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001043FC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001043fc;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001043fe' @0x001043FE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001043FE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001043fe;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001045e4' @0x001045E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001045E4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001045e4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001045e6' @0x001045E6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001045E6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001045e6;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001045ec' @0x001045EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001045EC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001045ec;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001045ee' @0x001045EE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001045EE, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001045ee;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001074d0' @0x001074D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001074D0, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001074d0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001074d2' @0x001074D2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001074D2, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001074d2;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001095f4' @0x001095F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001095F4, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001095f4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__001095f6' @0x001095F6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x001095F6, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__001095f6;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb40' @0x0010EB40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb40;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb44' @0x0010EB44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb44;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb48' @0x0010EB48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb48;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb4c' @0x0010EB4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb50' @0x0010EB50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb50;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb54' @0x0010EB54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb54;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb58' @0x0010EB58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb58;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb5c' @0x0010EB5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb5c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb60' @0x0010EB60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB60, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb60;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb6c' @0x0010EB6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb6c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb74' @0x0010EB74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB74, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb74;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb78' @0x0010EB78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb78;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb7c' @0x0010EB7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb80' @0x0010EB80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb80;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb84' @0x0010EB84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb84;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb88' @0x0010EB88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb88;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eb8c' @0x0010EB8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EB8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eb8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec70' @0x0010EC70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EC70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ec70;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec7a' @0x0010EC7A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0010EC7A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__0010ec7a;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec7c' @0x0010EC7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0010EC7C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__0010ec7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec7e' @0x0010EC7E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0010EC7E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__0010ec7e;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec9d' @0x0010EC9D was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010EC9D, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ec9d;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ec9f' @0x0010EC9F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010EC9F, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ec9f;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eca0' @0x0010ECA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eca0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eca4' @0x0010ECA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECA4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eca4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010eca8' @0x0010ECA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010eca8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecac' @0x0010ECAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0010ECAC, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_MCARD__0010ecac;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecb0' @0x0010ECB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECB0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecb0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecb4' @0x0010ECB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecb4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecb8' @0x0010ECB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecb8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecbf' @0x0010ECBF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010ECBF, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ecbf;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ece4' @0x0010ECE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ece4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ece8' @0x0010ECE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ece8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecec' @0x0010ECEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecec;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecf0' @0x0010ECF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecf4' @0x0010ECF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ecf8' @0x0010ECF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ECF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ecf8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed00' @0x0010ED00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed00;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed04' @0x0010ED04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed04;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed08' @0x0010ED08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed08;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed10' @0x0010ED10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed10;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed18' @0x0010ED18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed18;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed1c' @0x0010ED1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed20' @0x0010ED20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed20;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed24' @0x0010ED24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed24;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed2c' @0x0010ED2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed34' @0x0010ED34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed34;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed3c' @0x0010ED3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed40' @0x0010ED40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed40;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed50' @0x0010ED50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed50;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed7c' @0x0010ED7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed80' @0x0010ED80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed80;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed84' @0x0010ED84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed84;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed88' @0x0010ED88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed88;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed8c' @0x0010ED8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed8c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed90' @0x0010ED90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed90;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed98' @0x0010ED98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed98;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ed9c' @0x0010ED9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010ED9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ed9c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edac' @0x0010EDAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDAC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edac;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edb0' @0x0010EDB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDB0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edb0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edb4' @0x0010EDB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edb4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edb8' @0x0010EDB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edb8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edbc' @0x0010EDBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edbc;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edc0' @0x0010EDC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edc0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edc4' @0x0010EDC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edc4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edc8' @0x0010EDC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edc8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edcc' @0x0010EDCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDCC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edcc;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edd0' @0x0010EDD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDD0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edd0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edd8' @0x0010EDD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDD8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edd8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ede0' @0x0010EDE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDE0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ede0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ede8' @0x0010EDE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ede8;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edec' @0x0010EDEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edec;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edf0' @0x0010EDF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010edf4' @0x0010EDF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EDF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010edf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee00' @0x0010EE00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee00;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee31' @0x0010EE31 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010EE31, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ee31;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee32' @0x0010EE32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010EE32, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ee32;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee33' @0x0010EE33 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x0010EE33, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_MCARD__0010ee33;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee3c' @0x0010EE3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee40' @0x0010EE40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee40;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee44' @0x0010EE44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee44;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee48' @0x0010EE48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee48;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee4c' @0x0010EE4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee4c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee50' @0x0010EE50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee50;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010ee54' @0x0010EE54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010EE54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010ee54;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010f07c' @0x0010F07C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010F07C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010f07c;
// external declaration 'DAT_MCARD__0010f080' @0x0010F080 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x0010F080, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_MCARD__0010f080;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e910a' @0x000E910A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E910A, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e910a;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e910c' @0x000E910C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E910C, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e910c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e910e' @0x000E910E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E910E, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e910e;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9110' @0x000E9110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E9110, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e9110;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9112' @0x000E9112 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E9112, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e9112;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9114' @0x000E9114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E9114, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e9114;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9116' @0x000E9116 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E9116, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e9116;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9144' @0x000E9144 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E9144, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000e9144;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e91b8' @0x000E91B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000E91B8, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 DAT_PATH__000e91b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9abc' @0x000E9ABC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E9ABC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000e9abc;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9ac0' @0x000E9AC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000E9AC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000e9ac0;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000e9b02' @0x000E9B02 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000E9B02, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000e9b02;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b0c' @0x000F1B0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b0c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b10' @0x000F1B10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b10;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b14' @0x000F1B14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000F1B14, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000f1b14;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b18' @0x000F1B18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b18;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b1c' @0x000F1B1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b1c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b20' @0x000F1B20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b20;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b24' @0x000F1B24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b24;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b28' @0x000F1B28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b28;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b2c' @0x000F1B2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b2c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b30' @0x000F1B30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b30;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b34' @0x000F1B34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000F1B34, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000f1b34;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b38' @0x000F1B38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b38;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b3c' @0x000F1B3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b3c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b40' @0x000F1B40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b40;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b44' @0x000F1B44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000F1B44, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000f1b44;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b68' @0x000F1B68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b68;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b6c' @0x000F1B6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b6c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b70' @0x000F1B70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b70;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b74' @0x000F1B74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000F1B74, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000f1b74;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b78' @0x000F1B78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b78;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b7c' @0x000F1B7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b7c;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b80' @0x000F1B80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1B80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1b80;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1b84' @0x000F1B84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000F1B84, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 DAT_PATH__000f1b84;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bd8' @0x000F1BD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BD8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bd8;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bdc' @0x000F1BDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BDC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bdc;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1be0' @0x000F1BE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BE0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1be0;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1be4' @0x000F1BE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1be4;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1be8' @0x000F1BE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1be8;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bec' @0x000F1BEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bec;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bf0' @0x000F1BF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bf0;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bf4' @0x000F1BF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bf4;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bf8' @0x000F1BF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bf8;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1bfc' @0x000F1BFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1BFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1bfc;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1c00' @0x000F1C00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1C00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1c00;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f1c04' @0x000F1C04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F1C04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f1c04;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f27a4' @0x000F27A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F27A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f27a4;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f27b8' @0x000F27B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F27B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f27b8;
// external declaration 'DAT_PATH__000f27bc' @0x000F27BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000F27BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 DAT_PATH__000f27bc;
// external declaration 'DB_000e0938' @0x000E0938 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DB @0x000E0938, len = 0x00000080
extern struct DB DB_000e0938;
// external declaration 'DENTUVS_ARRAY_000c9fa9' @0x000C9FA9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DENTUVS[19] @0x000C9FA9, len = 0x00000013
extern DENTUVS[19] DENTUVS_ARRAY_000c9fa9;
// external declaration 'DENTUVS_ARRAY_000cb399' @0x000CB399 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DENTUVS[19] @0x000CB399, len = 0x00000013
extern DENTUVS[19] DENTUVS_ARRAY_000cb399;
// external declaration 'diff_67' @0x000ECCA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCA8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] diff_67;
// external declaration 'dist_72' @0x000ECCBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCBC, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dist_72;
// external declaration 'dist_80' @0x000ECCDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCDC, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dist_80;
// external declaration 'distanceFromNearestTrain_71' @0x000AAD4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 distanceFromNearestTrain_71;
// external declaration 'DMA_CDROM_BCR' @0x1F8010B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010B4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_CDROM_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_CDROM_CHCR' @0x1F8010B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010B8, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_CDROM_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_CDROM_MADR' @0x1F8010B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010B0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_CDROM_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_DICR' @0x1F8010F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010F4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_DICR;
// external declaration 'DMA_DPCR' @0x1F8010F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010F0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_DPCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_GPU_BCR' @0x1F8010A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010A4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_GPU_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_GPU_CHCR' @0x1F8010A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010A8, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_GPU_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_GPU_MADR' @0x1F8010A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010A0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_GPU_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_IN_BCR' @0x1F801084 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801084, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_IN_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_IN_CHCR' @0x1F801088 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801088, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_IN_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_IN_MADR' @0x1F801080 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801080, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_IN_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_OUT_BCR' @0x1F801094 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801094, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_OUT_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_OUT_CHCR' @0x1F801098 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801098, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_OUT_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_MDEC_OUT_MADR' @0x1F801090 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801090, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_MDEC_OUT_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_OTC_BCR' @0x1F8010E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010E4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_OTC_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_OTC_CHCR' @0x1F8010E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010E8, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_OTC_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_OTC_MADR' @0x1F8010E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010E0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_OTC_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_PIO_BCR' @0x1F8010D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010D4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_PIO_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_PIO_CHCR' @0x1F8010D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010D8, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_PIO_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_PIO_MADR' @0x1F8010D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010D0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_PIO_MADR;
// external declaration 'DMA_SPU_BCR' @0x1F8010C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010C4, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_SPU_BCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_SPU_CHCR' @0x1F8010C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010C8, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_SPU_CHCR;
// external declaration 'DMA_SPU_MADR' @0x1F8010C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F8010C0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword DMA_SPU_MADR;
// external declaration 'DVECTOR_000e0f5c' @0x000E0F5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DVECTOR @0x000E0F5C, len = 0x00000004
extern struct DVECTOR DVECTOR_000e0f5c;
// external declaration 'DVECTOR_000e0f60' @0x000E0F60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DVECTOR @0x000E0F60, len = 0x00000004
extern struct DVECTOR DVECTOR_000e0f60;
// external declaration 'DVECTOR_ARRAY_000e0f64' @0x000E0F64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DVECTOR[16] @0x000E0F64, len = 0x00000040
extern DVECTOR[16] DVECTOR_ARRAY_000e0f64;
// external declaration 'dx_64' @0x000ECC9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC9C, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dx_64;
// external declaration 'dx_68' @0x000ECCAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCAC, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dx_68;
// external declaration 'dx_70' @0x000ECCB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCB4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dx_70;
// external declaration 'dx_76' @0x000ECCCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCCC, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dx_76;
// external declaration 'dx_86' @0x000ECCE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCE8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dx_86;
// external declaration 'dz_65' @0x000ECCA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCA0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dz_65;
// external declaration 'dz_69' @0x000ECCB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCB0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dz_69;
// external declaration 'dz_71' @0x000ECCB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCB8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dz_71;
// external declaration 'dz_77' @0x000ECCD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCD0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dz_77;
// external declaration 'dz_87' @0x000ECCEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCEC, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] dz_87;
// external declaration 'EXP1_BASE_ADDR' @0x1F801000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801000, len = 0x00000004
extern dword EXP1_BASE_ADDR;
// external declaration 'EXP1_DELAY_SIZE' @0x1F801008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801008, len = 0x00000004
extern dword EXP1_DELAY_SIZE;
// external declaration 'EXP2_BASE_ADDR' @0x1F801004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801004, len = 0x00000004
extern dword EXP2_BASE_ADDR;
// external declaration 'EXP2_DELAY_SIZE' @0x1F80101C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F80101C, len = 0x00000004
extern dword EXP2_DELAY_SIZE;
// external declaration 'EXP3_DELAY_SIZE' @0x1F80100C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F80100C, len = 0x00000004
extern dword EXP3_DELAY_SIZE;
// external declaration 'EXT_VOL_L' @0x1F801DB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DB4, len = 0x00000002
extern word EXT_VOL_L;
// external declaration 'EXT_VOL_R' @0x1F801DB6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DB6, len = 0x00000002
extern word EXT_VOL_R;
// external declaration 'FELONY_VALUE_ARRAY_0009edcc' @0x0009EDCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FELONY_VALUE[11] @0x0009EDCC, len = 0x0000002C
// external declaration 'firstX_8' @0x000AAD20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 firstX_8;
// external declaration 'firstZ_9' @0x000AAD28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 firstZ_9;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009e938' @0x0009E938 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009E938, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009e938;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009e964' @0x0009E964 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009E964, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009e964;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009e9bc' @0x0009E9BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009E9BC, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009e9bc;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009e9e8' @0x0009E9E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009E9E8, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009e9e8;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009eac4' @0x0009EAC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EAC4, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009eac4;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009eb1c' @0x0009EB1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EB1C, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009eb1c;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009eb48' @0x0009EB48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EB48, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009eb48;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009eb74' @0x0009EB74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EB74, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009eb74;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009eba0' @0x0009EBA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EBA0, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009eba0;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_0009ebcc' @0x0009EBCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent @0x0009EBCC, len = 0x0000002C
extern struct FixedEvent FixedEvent_0009ebcc;
// external declaration 'FixedEvent_ARRAY_0009ea40' @0x0009EA40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FixedEvent[3] @0x0009EA40, len = 0x00000084
extern FixedEvent[3] FixedEvent_ARRAY_0009ea40;
// external declaration 'fixedThresh_66' @0x000ECCA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCA4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] fixedThresh_66;
// external declaration 'FlashCnt_42' @0x000AAC90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAC90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 FlashCnt_42;
// external declaration 'FONT_DIGIT_000a184e' @0x000A184E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// FONT_DIGIT @0x000A184E, len = 0x00000002
extern struct FONT_DIGIT FONT_DIGIT_000a184e;
// external declaration 'fpPedPersonalityFunctions' @0x000A1670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1670, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer fpPedPersonalityFunctions;
// external declaration 'FreeRoamer' @0x000EC99C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[198] @0x000EC99C, len = 0x0000018C
extern ushort[198] FreeRoamer;
// external declaration 'GEnv' @0x000A8070 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000A8070, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 GEnv;
// external declaration 'GPU_printf' @0x000A806C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A806C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer GPU_printf;
// external declaration 'GPU_REG0' @0x1F801810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801810, len = 0x00000004
extern dword GPU_REG0;
// external declaration 'GPU_REG1' @0x1F801814 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801814, len = 0x00000004
extern dword GPU_REG1;
// external declaration 'Hcount' @0x000A8340 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A8340, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 Hcount;
// external declaration 'hypot' @0x000ECB28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[96] @0x000ECB28, len = 0x000000C0
extern ushort[96] hypot;
// external declaration 'I_MASK' @0x1F801074 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801074, len = 0x00000002
extern word I_MASK;
// external declaration 'I_STAT' @0x1F801070 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801070, len = 0x00000002
extern word I_STAT;
// external declaration 'initial_24' @0x000AB048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB048, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 initial_24;
// external declaration 'INT_0009e70c' @0x0009E70C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009E70C, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009e70c;
// external declaration 'INT_0009e888' @0x0009E888 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009E888, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009e888;
// external declaration 'INT_0009e8a0' @0x0009E8A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009E8A0, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009e8a0;
// external declaration 'INT_0009e8b8' @0x0009E8B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009E8B8, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009e8b8;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec2c' @0x0009EC2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC2C, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec2c;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec30' @0x0009EC30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC30, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec30;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec34' @0x0009EC34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC34, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec34;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec38' @0x0009EC38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC38, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec38;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec3c' @0x0009EC3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC3C, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec3c;
// external declaration 'INT_0009ec40' @0x0009EC40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x0009EC40, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_0009ec40;
// external declaration 'INT_000a15fc' @0x000A15FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000A15FC, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000a15fc;
// external declaration 'INT_000a1600' @0x000A1600 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000A1600, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000a1600;
// external declaration 'INT_000a19e8' @0x000A19E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000A19E8, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000a19e8;
// external declaration 'INT_000a19ec' @0x000A19EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000A19EC, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000a19ec;
// external declaration 'INT_000aa714' @0x000AA714 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000AA714, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000aa714;
// external declaration 'INT_000aaadc' @0x000AAADC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000AAADC, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000aaadc;
// external declaration 'INT_000aab2c' @0x000AAB2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int @0x000AAB2C, len = 0x00000004
extern int INT_000aab2c;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009bf08' @0x0009BF08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009BF08, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009bf08;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009bf9c' @0x0009BF9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009BF9C, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009bf9c;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009bfa8' @0x0009BFA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009BFA8, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009bfa8;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e710' @0x0009E710 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009E710, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009e710;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e718' @0x0009E718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[3] @0x0009E718, len = 0x0000000C
extern int[3] INT_ARRAY_0009e718;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e724' @0x0009E724 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[76] @0x0009E724, len = 0x00000130
extern int[76] INT_ARRAY_0009e724;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e874' @0x0009E874 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009E874, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009e874;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e88c' @0x0009E88C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009E88C, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009e88c;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e894' @0x0009E894 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[3] @0x0009E894, len = 0x0000000C
extern int[3] INT_ARRAY_0009e894;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e8a4' @0x0009E8A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009E8A4, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009e8a4;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e8bc' @0x0009E8BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[2] @0x0009E8BC, len = 0x00000008
extern int[2] INT_ARRAY_0009e8bc;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009e8c8' @0x0009E8C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[3] @0x0009E8C8, len = 0x0000000C
extern int[3] INT_ARRAY_0009e8c8;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009ec44' @0x0009EC44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[48] @0x0009EC44, len = 0x000000C0
extern int[48] INT_ARRAY_0009ec44;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_0009ed64' @0x0009ED64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[4] @0x0009ED64, len = 0x00000010
extern int[4] INT_ARRAY_0009ed64;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_000c1ab4' @0x000C1AB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[20] @0x000C1AB4, len = 0x00000050
extern int[20] INT_ARRAY_000c1ab4;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_000da9d4' @0x000DA9D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[3] @0x000DA9D4, len = 0x0000000C
extern int[3] INT_ARRAY_000da9d4;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_000dcc34' @0x000DCC34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[3] @0x000DCC34, len = 0x0000000C
extern int[3] INT_ARRAY_000dcc34;
// external declaration 'INT_ARRAY_000e0d5c' @0x000E0D5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// int[127] @0x000E0D5C, len = 0x000001FC
extern int[127] INT_ARRAY_000e0d5c;
// external declaration 'j_said_78' @0x000AAE18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 j_said_78;
// external declaration 'JOY_MCD_BAUD' @0x1F80104E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F80104E, len = 0x00000002
extern word JOY_MCD_BAUD;
// external declaration 'JOY_MCD_CTRL' @0x1F80104A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F80104A, len = 0x00000002
extern word JOY_MCD_CTRL;
// external declaration 'JOY_MCD_DATA' @0x1F801040 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801040, len = 0x00000004
extern dword JOY_MCD_DATA;
// external declaration 'JOY_MCD_MODE' @0x1F801048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801048, len = 0x00000002
extern word JOY_MCD_MODE;
// external declaration 'JOY_MCD_STAT' @0x1F801044 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801044, len = 0x00000004
extern dword JOY_MCD_STAT;
// external declaration 'last_attempt_failed_9' @0x000AB128 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AB128, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 last_attempt_failed_9;
// external declaration 'ldist_41' @0x000ECC34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC34, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] ldist_41;
// external declaration 'left_39' @0x000ECC2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC2C, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] left_39;
// external declaration 'LONG_000aa940' @0x000AA940 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// long @0x000AA940, len = 0x00000004
extern long LONG_000aa940;
// external declaration 'LONG_000ab14c' @0x000AB14C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// long @0x000AB14C, len = 0x00000004
extern long LONG_000ab14c;
// external declaration 'LONG_000bd514' @0x000BD514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// long @0x000BD514, len = 0x00000004
extern long LONG_000bd514;
// external declaration 'LONG_000bd518' @0x000BD518 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// long @0x000BD518, len = 0x00000004
extern long LONG_000bd518;
// external declaration 'LONG_ARRAY_000bd51c' @0x000BD51C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// long[14] @0x000BD51C, len = 0x00000038
extern long[14] LONG_ARRAY_000bd51c;
// external declaration 'math_err_point' @0x000A9F84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 math_err_point;
// external declaration 'math_errno' @0x000A9F80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9F80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 math_errno;
// external declaration 'MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cc038' @0x000CC038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MATRIX2[15] @0x000CC038, len = 0x000001E0
extern MATRIX2[15] MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cc038;
// external declaration 'MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cc218' @0x000CC218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MATRIX2[48] @0x000CC218, len = 0x00000600
extern MATRIX2[48] MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cc218;
// external declaration 'MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cd368' @0x000CD368 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MATRIX2[48] @0x000CD368, len = 0x00000600
extern MATRIX2[48] MATRIX2_ARRAY_000cd368;
// external declaration 'MDEC_REG0' @0x1F801820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801820, len = 0x00000004
extern dword MDEC_REG0;
// external declaration 'MDEC_REG1' @0x1F801824 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801824, len = 0x00000004
extern dword MDEC_REG1;
// external declaration 'MissionTrain_0009e8f0' @0x0009E8F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MissionTrain @0x0009E8F0, len = 0x0000001C
extern struct MissionTrain MissionTrain_0009e8f0;
// external declaration 'nearestTrain_70' @0x000AAD48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 nearestTrain_70;
// external declaration 'newdata_43' @0x000ECC40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[16] @0x000ECC40, len = 0x00000020
extern ushort[16] newdata_43;
// external declaration 'nextJunction_55' @0x000ECC60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[8] @0x000ECC60, len = 0x00000010
extern ushort[8] nextJunction_55;
// external declaration 'null_27' @0x000AAE9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 null_27;
// external declaration 'offx_73' @0x000ECCC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCC0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] offx_73;
// external declaration 'offx_81' @0x000ECCE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCE0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] offx_81;
// external declaration 'offz_74' @0x000ECCC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCC4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] offz_74;
// external declaration 'offz_82' @0x000ECCE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECCE4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] offz_82;
// external declaration 'olddatacallback' @0x000AB32C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB32C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 olddatacallback;
// external declaration 'oldreadycallback' @0x000AB330 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB330, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 oldreadycallback;
// external declaration 'oldsp_12' @0x000AAE10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 oldsp_12;
// external declaration 'oldsp_21' @0x000AAE98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 oldsp_21;
// external declaration 'param_25' @0x000AB270 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AB270, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 param_25;
// external declaration 'PTR_000aa168' @0x000AA168 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// _CAR_DATA * @0x000AA168, len = 0x00000004
extern _CAR_DATA * PTR_000aa168;
// external declaration 'PTR_000aad74' @0x000AAD74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// _EVENT * @0x000AAD74, len = 0x00000004
extern _EVENT * PTR_000aad74;
// external declaration 'PTR_000ab29c' @0x000AB29C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DB * @0x000AB29C, len = 0x00000004
extern DB * PTR_000ab29c;
// external declaration 'PTR_000ab2b4' @0x000AB2B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// DB * @0x000AB2B4, len = 0x00000004
extern DB * PTR_000ab2b4;
// external declaration 'PTR_000cbecc' @0x000CBECC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// PACKED_CELL_OBJECT * @0x000CBECC, len = 0x00000004
extern PACKED_CELL_OBJECT * PTR_000cbecc;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d95bc' @0x000D95BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D95BC, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d95bc;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d95c0' @0x000D95C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D95C0, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d95c0;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d95c4' @0x000D95C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D95C4, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d95c4;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d95c8' @0x000D95C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D95C8, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d95c8;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d95cc' @0x000D95CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D95CC, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d95cc;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96e4' @0x000D96E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96E4, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96e4;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96e8' @0x000D96E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96E8, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96e8;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96ec' @0x000D96EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96EC, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96ec;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96f0' @0x000D96F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96F0, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96f0;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96f4' @0x000D96F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96F4, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96f4;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96f8' @0x000D96F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96F8, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96f8;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d96fc' @0x000D96FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D96FC, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d96fc;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9700' @0x000D9700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9700, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9700;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9704' @0x000D9704 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9704, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9704;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9708' @0x000D9708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9708, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9708;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d970c' @0x000D970C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D970C, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d970c;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9710' @0x000D9710 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9710, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9710;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9714' @0x000D9714 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9714, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9714;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9718' @0x000D9718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9718, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9718;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d971c' @0x000D971C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D971C, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d971c;
// external declaration 'PTR_000d9720' @0x000D9720 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL * @0x000D9720, len = 0x00000004
extern MODEL * PTR_000d9720;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010348' @0x00010348 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00010348, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010348; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000103e0' @0x000103E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[5] @0x000103E0, len = 0x00000014
extern pointer[5] PTR_ARRAY_000103e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000104a4' @0x000104A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x000104A4, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_000104a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000104e4' @0x000104E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[3] @0x000104E4, len = 0x0000000C
extern pointer[3] PTR_ARRAY_000104e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0001051c' @0x0001051C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x0001051C, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_0001051c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000107ec' @0x000107EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x000107EC, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_000107ec;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010948' @0x00010948 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00010948, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010948; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010a6c' @0x00010A6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010A6C, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] PTR_ARRAY_00010a6c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010a84' @0x00010A84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00010A84, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010a84; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010a90' @0x00010A90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[3] @0x00010A90, len = 0x0000000C
extern pointer[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010a90; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010a9c' @0x00010A9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00010A9C, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010a9c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010b48' @0x00010B48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x00010B48, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] PTR_ARRAY_00010b48;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010b6c' @0x00010B6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x00010B6C, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_00010b6c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010e80' @0x00010E80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[3] @0x00010E80, len = 0x0000000C
extern pointer[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010e80; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010f48' @0x00010F48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00010F48, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00010f48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00010f54' @0x00010F54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[6] @0x00010F54, len = 0x00000018
extern pointer[6] PTR_ARRAY_00010f54; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011038' @0x00011038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[12] @0x00011038, len = 0x00000030
extern pointer[12] PTR_ARRAY_00011038; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011068' @0x00011068 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x00011068, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] PTR_ARRAY_00011068; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011078' @0x00011078 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[7] @0x00011078, len = 0x0000001C
extern pointer[7] PTR_ARRAY_00011078; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011094' @0x00011094 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00011094, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] PTR_ARRAY_00011094; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000110a8' @0x000110A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[8] @0x000110A8, len = 0x00000020
extern pointer[8] PTR_ARRAY_000110a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011838' @0x00011838 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[10] @0x00011838, len = 0x00000028
extern pointer[10] PTR_ARRAY_00011838;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011860' @0x00011860 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00011860, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00011860; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000118c4' @0x000118C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x000118C4, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_000118c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000118d0' @0x000118D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[3] @0x000118D0, len = 0x0000000C
extern pointer[3] PTR_ARRAY_000118d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011af8' @0x00011AF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00011AF8, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] PTR_ARRAY_00011af8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011b14' @0x00011B14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[2] @0x00011B14, len = 0x00000008
extern undefined *32[2] PTR_ARRAY_00011b14;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011b38' @0x00011B38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[9] @0x00011B38, len = 0x00000024
extern undefined *32[9] PTR_ARRAY_00011b38;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011b5c' @0x00011B5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00011B5C, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] PTR_ARRAY_00011b5c;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011f7c' @0x00011F7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00011F7C, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00011f7c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00011f8c' @0x00011F8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[11] @0x00011F8C, len = 0x0000002C
extern undefined *32[11] PTR_ARRAY_00011f8c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012004' @0x00012004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00012004, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00012004; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012010' @0x00012010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00012010, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] PTR_ARRAY_00012010; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012018' @0x00012018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x00012018, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] PTR_ARRAY_00012018; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0001205c' @0x0001205C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x0001205C, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] PTR_ARRAY_0001205c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012a10' @0x00012A10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[54] @0x00012A10, len = 0x000000D8
extern undefined *32[54] PTR_ARRAY_00012a10; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012aec' @0x00012AEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x00012AEC, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] PTR_ARRAY_00012aec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012b00' @0x00012B00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00012B00, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] PTR_ARRAY_00012b00; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012b18' @0x00012B18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00012B18, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] PTR_ARRAY_00012b18; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012b2c' @0x00012B2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[4] @0x00012B2C, len = 0x00000010
extern pointer[4] PTR_ARRAY_00012b2c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00012ba4' @0x00012BA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[32] @0x00012BA4, len = 0x00000080
extern undefined *32[32] PTR_ARRAY_00012ba4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_00088008' @0x00088008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x00088008, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_00088008;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0009c048' @0x0009C048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x0009C048, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_0009c048; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0009c138' @0x0009C138 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x0009C138, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_0009c138; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0009c164' @0x0009C164 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x0009C164, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] PTR_ARRAY_0009c164; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0009c1b0' @0x0009C1B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x0009C1B0, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_0009c1b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_0009c1d0' @0x0009C1D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x0009C1D0, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_0009c1d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a06bc' @0x000A06BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[2] @0x000A06BC, len = 0x00000008
extern undefined *32[2] PTR_ARRAY_000a06bc;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a1854' @0x000A1854 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x000A1854, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] PTR_ARRAY_000a1854;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a2d48' @0x000A2D48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x000A2D48, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] PTR_ARRAY_000a2d48;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a783c' @0x000A783C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[14] @0x000A783C, len = 0x00000038
extern undefined *32[14] PTR_ARRAY_000a783c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a8048' @0x000A8048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x000A8048, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_000a8048;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a80f0' @0x000A80F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x000A80F0, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] PTR_ARRAY_000a80f0;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a9a90' @0x000A9A90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x000A9A90, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] PTR_ARRAY_000a9a90;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000a9f28' @0x000A9F28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x000A9F28, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] PTR_ARRAY_000a9f28;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000cbed0' @0x000CBED0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// PACKED_CELL_OBJECT *[73] @0x000CBED0, len = 0x00000124
extern PACKED_CELL_OBJECT *[73] PTR_ARRAY_000cbed0;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000d934c' @0x000D934C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MENU_HEADER *[2] @0x000D934C, len = 0x00000008
extern MENU_HEADER *[2] PTR_ARRAY_000d934c;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000d935c' @0x000D935C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MENU_ITEM *[2] @0x000D935C, len = 0x00000008
extern MENU_ITEM *[2] PTR_ARRAY_000d935c;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000e0000' @0x000E0000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL *[149] @0x000E0000, len = 0x00000254
extern MODEL *[149] PTR_ARRAY_000e0000;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000e0254' @0x000E0254 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// MODEL *[409] @0x000E0254, len = 0x00000664
extern MODEL *[409] PTR_ARRAY_000e0254;
// external declaration 'PTR_ARRAY_000e124c' @0x000E124C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar *[23] @0x000E124C, len = 0x0000005C
extern uchar *[23] PTR_ARRAY_000e124c;
// external declaration 'PTR_CarSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a24' @0x001C6A24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_CarSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a24; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_0_00012038' @0x00012038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012038, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_0_00012038; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_1_00010aa8' @0x00010AA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010AA8, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_1_00010aa8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_11_00011f88' @0x00011F88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00011F88, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_11_00011f88; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_11_00011fb8' @0x00011FB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00011FB8, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_11_00011fb8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_2d_00012a0c' @0x00012A0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012A0C, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_2d_00012a0c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_3_00010f44' @0x00010F44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010F44, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_3_00010f44;
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_4_00010944' @0x00010944 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010944, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_4_00010944; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_58_00012ba0' @0x00012BA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012BA0, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_58_00012ba0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_6_00010a14' @0x00010A14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010A14, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_6_00010a14; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_64_00012ae8' @0x00012AE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012AE8, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_64_00012ae8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_64_00012afc' @0x00012AFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012AFC, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_64_00012afc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_6f_00012b14' @0x00012B14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012B14, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_6f_00012b14; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_8_00012058' @0x00012058 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012058, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_8_00012058; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_caseD_9_00010b68' @0x00010B68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010B68, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer PTR_caseD_9_00010b68; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_DELAY_000a2dfc' @0x000A2DFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2DFC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_DELAY_000a2dfc;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_DELAY_000a2e5c' @0x000A2E5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E5C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_DELAY_000a2e5c;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2d2c' @0x000A2D2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D2C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2d2c;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2df0' @0x000A2DF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2DF0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2df0;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2e50' @0x000A2E50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E50, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG0_000a2e50;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG1_000a2d38' @0x000A2D38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D38, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG1_000a2d38;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG2_000a2d3c' @0x000A2D3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D3C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG2_000a2d3c;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2d30' @0x000A2D30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D30, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2d30;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2df4' @0x000A2DF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2DF4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2df4;
// external declaration 'PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2e54' @0x000A2E54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E54, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CDROM_REG3_000a2e54;
// external declaration 'PTR_CentreScreen_FRNT__001c6a20' @0x001C6A20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_CentreScreen_FRNT__001c6a20;
// external declaration 'PTR_CheatScreen_FRNT__001c6a58' @0x001C6A58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_CheatScreen_FRNT__001c6a58; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_CivPedJump_000a1694' @0x000A1694 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1694, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CivPedJump_000a1694;
// external declaration 'PTR_CivPedSit_000a1690' @0x000A1690 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1690, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CivPedSit_000a1690;
// external declaration 'PTR_CivPedWalk_000a168c' @0x000A168C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A168C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CivPedWalk_000a168c;
// external declaration 'PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2d34' @0x000A2D34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D34, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2d34;
// external declaration 'PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2df8' @0x000A2DF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2DF8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2df8;
// external declaration 'PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2e58' @0x000A2E58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E58, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_COMMON_DELAY_000a2e58;
// external declaration 'PTR_ControllerScreen_FRNT__001c6a50' @0x001C6A50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_ControllerScreen_FRNT__001c6a50; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_CopStand_000a16a0' @0x000A16A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A16A0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_CopStand_000a16a0;
// external declaration 'PTR_CutSceneCitySelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a38' @0x001C6A38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_CutSceneCitySelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a38; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_CutSceneSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a3c' @0x001C6A3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_CutSceneSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a3c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_00010634' @0x00010634 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010634, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_00010634;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_0001063c' @0x0001063C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x0001063C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_0001063c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_00010644' @0x00010644 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010644, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_00010644;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000109d4' @0x000109D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000109D4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000109d4;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000125e8' @0x000125E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000125E8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000125e8;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_00012708' @0x00012708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00012708, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_00012708;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_0009c004' @0x0009C004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x0009C004, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_0009c004;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa030' @0x000AA030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA030, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa030;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa07c' @0x000AA07C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA07C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa07c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa334' @0x000AA334 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA334, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa334;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa374' @0x000AA374 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA374, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa374;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa38c' @0x000AA38C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA38C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa38c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa3a0' @0x000AA3A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA3A0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa3a0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa4d0' @0x000AA4D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA4D0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa4d0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa4d4' @0x000AA4D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA4D4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa4d4;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa790' @0x000AA790 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA790, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa790;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa7ec' @0x000AA7EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA7EC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa7ec;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa7f0' @0x000AA7F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA7F0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa7f0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa80c' @0x000AA80C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA80C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa80c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa820' @0x000AA820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA820, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa820;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa834' @0x000AA834 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA834, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa834;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa8b0' @0x000AA8B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA8B0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa8b0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_000aa9c0' @0x000AA9C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA9C0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_000aa9c0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c01f8_FRNT__001c68f4' @0x001C68F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C68F4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c01f8_FRNT__001c68f4;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0388_FRNT__001c68a4' @0x001C68A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0388_FRNT__001c68a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0588_FRNT__001c6940' @0x001C6940 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6940, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0588_FRNT__001c6940; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0880' @0x001C0880 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C0880, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0880;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c08f8' @0x001C08F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C08F8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c08f8;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0918' @0x001C0918 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C0918, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_FRNT__001c0918;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f3038' @0x000F3038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000F3038, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f3038;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f30d0' @0x000F30D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000F30D0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f30d0;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f3600' @0x000F3600 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000F3600, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DAT_MCARD__000f3600;
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104404' @0x00104404 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104404, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104404; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010440c' @0x0010440C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010440C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010440c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104414' @0x00104414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104414; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010441c' @0x0010441C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010441C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010441c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104424' @0x00104424 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104424, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104424; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010442c' @0x0010442C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010442C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010442c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104434' @0x00104434 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104434, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104434; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010443c' @0x0010443C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010443C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010443c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104444' @0x00104444 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104444, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104444; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010444c' @0x0010444C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010444C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010444c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104454' @0x00104454 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104454, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104454; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010445c' @0x0010445C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010445C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010445c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104464' @0x00104464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104464, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104464; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010446c' @0x0010446C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010446C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010446c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104474' @0x00104474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104474, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104474; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010447c' @0x0010447C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010447C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010447c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104484' @0x00104484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104484, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104484; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010448c' @0x0010448C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010448C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010448c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104494' @0x00104494 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104494, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104494; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010449c' @0x0010449C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010449C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010449c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044a4' @0x001044A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044ac' @0x001044AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044b4' @0x001044B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044bc' @0x001044BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044c4' @0x001044C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044cc' @0x001044CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044d4' @0x001044D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044dc' @0x001044DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044e4' @0x001044E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044ec' @0x001044EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044f4' @0x001044F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044fc' @0x001044FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001044fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104504' @0x00104504 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104504, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104504; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010450c' @0x0010450C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010450C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010450c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104514' @0x00104514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104514, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104514; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010451c' @0x0010451C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010451C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010451c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104524' @0x00104524 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104524, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104524; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010452c' @0x0010452C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010452C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010452c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104534' @0x00104534 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104534, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104534; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010453c' @0x0010453C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010453C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010453c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104544' @0x00104544 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104544, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104544; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010454c' @0x0010454C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010454C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010454c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104554' @0x00104554 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104554, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104554; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010455c' @0x0010455C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010455C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010455c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104564' @0x00104564 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104564, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104564; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010456c' @0x0010456C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010456C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010456c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104574' @0x00104574 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104574, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104574; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010457c' @0x0010457C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010457C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010457c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104584' @0x00104584 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104584, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104584; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010458c' @0x0010458C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010458C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010458c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104594' @0x00104594 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104594, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104594; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010459c' @0x0010459C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010459C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010459c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045a4' @0x001045A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045ac' @0x001045AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045b4' @0x001045B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045bc' @0x001045BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045c4' @0x001045C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045cc' @0x001045CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045d4' @0x001045D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045dc' @0x001045DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001045dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104cf8' @0x00104CF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104CF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00104cf8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105458' @0x00105458 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105458, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105458; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010545c' @0x0010545C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010545C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010545c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105460' @0x00105460 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105460, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105460; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105464' @0x00105464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105464, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105464; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105468' @0x00105468 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105468, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00105468; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010546c' @0x0010546C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010546C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010546c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106460' @0x00106460 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106460, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106460; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106464' @0x00106464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106464, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106464; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106468' @0x00106468 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106468, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106468; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010646c' @0x0010646C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010646C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010646c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106470' @0x00106470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106470; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106474' @0x00106474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106474, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106474; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106478' @0x00106478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106478, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106478; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010647c' @0x0010647C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010647C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010647c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106480' @0x00106480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106480, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106480; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106484' @0x00106484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106484, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106484; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106488' @0x00106488 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106488, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106488; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010648c' @0x0010648C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010648C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010648c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106490' @0x00106490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106490, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106490; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a0' @0x001064A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a4' @0x001064A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a8' @0x001064A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064ac' @0x001064AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064b0' @0x001064B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064b4' @0x001064B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001064B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001064b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010685c' @0x0010685C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010685C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010685c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106860' @0x00106860 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106860, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106860; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106864' @0x00106864 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106864, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106864; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106868' @0x00106868 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106868, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106868; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010686c' @0x0010686C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010686C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010686c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106870' @0x00106870 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106870, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106870; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106874' @0x00106874 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106874, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106874; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106878' @0x00106878 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106878, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106878; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010687c' @0x0010687C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010687C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010687c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106880' @0x00106880 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00106880, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00106880; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107144' @0x00107144 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107144, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107144; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107148' @0x00107148 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107148, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107148; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010714c' @0x0010714C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010714C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010714c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107150' @0x00107150 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107150, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107150; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107154' @0x00107154 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107154, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107154; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107158' @0x00107158 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107158, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107158; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107168' @0x00107168 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107168, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107168; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010716c' @0x0010716C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010716C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010716c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107170' @0x00107170 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107170, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107170; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107174' @0x00107174 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107174, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107174; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107178' @0x00107178 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107178, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107178; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010717c' @0x0010717C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010717C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010717c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107180' @0x00107180 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107180, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107180; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107184' @0x00107184 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107184, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107184; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107188' @0x00107188 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107188, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107188; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010718c' @0x0010718C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010718C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010718c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107190' @0x00107190 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107190, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107190; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107194' @0x00107194 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107194, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107194; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107198' @0x00107198 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107198, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107198; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001071fc' @0x001071FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001071FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001071fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107200' @0x00107200 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107200, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107200; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107204' @0x00107204 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107204, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107204; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107208' @0x00107208 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107208, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107208; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010720c' @0x0010720C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010720C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010720c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107210' @0x00107210 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107210, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107210; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107214' @0x00107214 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107214, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107214; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107218' @0x00107218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107218, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107218; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010721c' @0x0010721C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010721C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010721c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107220' @0x00107220 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107220, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107220; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107224' @0x00107224 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107224, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107224; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107228' @0x00107228 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107228, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107228; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107264' @0x00107264 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107264, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107264; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107268' @0x00107268 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107268, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107268; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010726c' @0x0010726C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010726C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010726c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107270' @0x00107270 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107270, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107270; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107274' @0x00107274 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107274, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107274; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107278' @0x00107278 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107278, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107278; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010727c' @0x0010727C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010727C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010727c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107280' @0x00107280 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107280, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107280; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107284' @0x00107284 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107284, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107284; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107288' @0x00107288 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107288, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107288; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010728c' @0x0010728C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010728C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010728c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107290' @0x00107290 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107290, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107290; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107294' @0x00107294 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107294, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107294; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107298' @0x00107298 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107298, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107298; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010729c' @0x0010729C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010729C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010729c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a0' @0x001072A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a4' @0x001072A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a8' @0x001072A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072ac' @0x001072AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b0' @0x001072B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b4' @0x001072B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b8' @0x001072B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001072B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001072b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107548' @0x00107548 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107548, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107548; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107550' @0x00107550 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107550, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107550; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107998' @0x00107998 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107998, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107998; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010799c' @0x0010799C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010799C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010799c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a0' @0x001079A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a4' @0x001079A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a8' @0x001079A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079ac' @0x001079AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b0' @0x001079B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b4' @0x001079B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b8' @0x001079B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079bc' @0x001079BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001079BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001079bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107bfc' @0x00107BFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107BFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107bfc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c00' @0x00107C00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107C00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c00; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c04' @0x00107C04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107C04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c04; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c08' @0x00107C08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107C08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c08; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c0c' @0x00107C0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107C0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c0c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c10' @0x00107C10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107C10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107c10; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc0' @0x00107FC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc4' @0x00107FC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc8' @0x00107FC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fc8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fcc' @0x00107FCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FCC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fcc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fd0' @0x00107FD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FD0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fd0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fd4' @0x00107FD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107FD4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00107fd4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080cc' @0x001080CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d0' @0x001080D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d4' @0x001080D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d8' @0x001080D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080dc' @0x001080DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080e0' @0x001080E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001080E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001080e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108144' @0x00108144 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108144, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108144; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108148' @0x00108148 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108148, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108148; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010814c' @0x0010814C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010814C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010814c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108150' @0x00108150 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108150, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108150; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108154' @0x00108154 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108154, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108154; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108158' @0x00108158 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108158, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108158; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108390' @0x00108390 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108390, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108390; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108394' @0x00108394 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108394, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108394; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108398' @0x00108398 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108398, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108398; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010839c' @0x0010839C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010839C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010839c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a0' @0x001083A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001083A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a4' @0x001083A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001083A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a8' @0x001083A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001083A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001083a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c94' @0x00108C94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108C94, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c94; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c98' @0x00108C98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108C98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c98; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c9c' @0x00108C9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108C9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108c9c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ca0' @0x00108CA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108CA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ca0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ca4' @0x00108CA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108CA4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ca4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ed4' @0x00108ED4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108ED4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ed4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ed8' @0x00108ED8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108ED8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ed8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108edc' @0x00108EDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EDC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108edc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee0' @0x00108EE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EE0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee4' @0x00108EE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee8' @0x00108EE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ee8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108eec' @0x00108EEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108eec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef0' @0x00108EF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef4' @0x00108EF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef8' @0x00108EF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108ef8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108efc' @0x00108EFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108EFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108efc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f48' @0x00108F48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108F48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f4c' @0x00108F4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108F4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f4c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f50' @0x00108F50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108F50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f50; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f54' @0x00108F54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108F54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f54; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f58' @0x00108F58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108F58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00108f58; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001090f8' @0x001090F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001090F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001090f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001090fc' @0x001090FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001090FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001090fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109100' @0x00109100 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109100, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109100; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109104' @0x00109104 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109104, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109104; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109108' @0x00109108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109108, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109108; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010910c' @0x0010910C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010910C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010910c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109110' @0x00109110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109110, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109110; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109404' @0x00109404 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109404, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109404; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109480' @0x00109480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109480, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109480; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109484' @0x00109484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109484, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109484; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109488' @0x00109488 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109488, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109488; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010948c' @0x0010948C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010948C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010948c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109490' @0x00109490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109490, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109490; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109494' @0x00109494 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109494, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109494; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109498' @0x00109498 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109498, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109498; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010949c' @0x0010949C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010949C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010949c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094a0' @0x001094A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001094A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f0' @0x001094F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001094F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f4' @0x001094F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001094F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f8' @0x001094F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001094F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094fc' @0x001094FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001094FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001094fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109500' @0x00109500 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109500, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109500; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109504' @0x00109504 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109504, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109504; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109508' @0x00109508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109508, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109508; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010950c' @0x0010950C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010950C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010950c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109510' @0x00109510 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109510, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109510; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109514' @0x00109514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109514, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109514; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109518' @0x00109518 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109518, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109518; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109570' @0x00109570 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109570, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109570; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109574' @0x00109574 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109574, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109574; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109578' @0x00109578 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109578, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109578; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010957c' @0x0010957C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010957C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010957c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109580' @0x00109580 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109580, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109580; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109584' @0x00109584 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109584, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109584; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109588' @0x00109588 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109588, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109588; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010958c' @0x0010958C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010958C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010958c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109590' @0x00109590 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109590, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109590; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001095fc' @0x001095FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001095FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001095fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109604' @0x00109604 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109604, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109604; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010960c' @0x0010960C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010960C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010960c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109614' @0x00109614 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109614, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109614; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010961c' @0x0010961C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010961C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010961c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109624' @0x00109624 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109624, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109624; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010962c' @0x0010962C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010962C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010962c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109634' @0x00109634 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109634, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109634; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010963c' @0x0010963C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010963C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010963c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109644' @0x00109644 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109644, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109644; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010964c' @0x0010964C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010964C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010964c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109654' @0x00109654 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109654, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109654; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010965c' @0x0010965C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010965C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010965c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109664' @0x00109664 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109664, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109664; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010966c' @0x0010966C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010966C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010966c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109674' @0x00109674 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109674, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109674; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010967c' @0x0010967C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010967C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010967c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109684' @0x00109684 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109684, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109684; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010968c' @0x0010968C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010968C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010968c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109694' @0x00109694 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109694, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109694; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010969c' @0x0010969C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010969C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010969c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096a4' @0x001096A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096ac' @0x001096AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096b4' @0x001096B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096bc' @0x001096BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096c4' @0x001096C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096cc' @0x001096CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096d4' @0x001096D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096dc' @0x001096DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096e4' @0x001096E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096ec' @0x001096EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096f4' @0x001096F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096fc' @0x001096FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001096fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109704' @0x00109704 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109704, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109704; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010970c' @0x0010970C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010970C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010970c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109714' @0x00109714 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109714, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109714; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010971c' @0x0010971C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010971C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010971c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109724' @0x00109724 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109724, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109724; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010972c' @0x0010972C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010972C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010972c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109734' @0x00109734 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109734, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109734; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010973c' @0x0010973C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010973C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010973c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109744' @0x00109744 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109744, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109744; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010974c' @0x0010974C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010974C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010974c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109754' @0x00109754 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109754, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109754; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010975c' @0x0010975C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010975C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010975c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109764' @0x00109764 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109764, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109764; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010976c' @0x0010976C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010976C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010976c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109774' @0x00109774 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109774, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109774; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010977c' @0x0010977C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010977C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010977c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109784' @0x00109784 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109784, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109784; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010978c' @0x0010978C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010978C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010978c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109794' @0x00109794 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109794, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__00109794; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010979c' @0x0010979C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010979C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010979c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097a4' @0x001097A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097ac' @0x001097AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097b4' @0x001097B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097bc' @0x001097BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097c4' @0x001097C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097cc' @0x001097CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097d4' @0x001097D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__001097d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a344' @0x0010A344 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A344, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a344; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a348' @0x0010A348 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A348, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a348; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a34c' @0x0010A34C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A34C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a34c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a350' @0x0010A350 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A350, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a350; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a354' @0x0010A354 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A354, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a354; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a358' @0x0010A358 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A358, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a358; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a35c' @0x0010A35C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A35C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a35c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a360' @0x0010A360 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A360, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a360; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a688' @0x0010A688 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A688, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a688; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a68c' @0x0010A68C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A68C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a68c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a690' @0x0010A690 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A690, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a690; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a694' @0x0010A694 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A694, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a694; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a698' @0x0010A698 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A698, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a698; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a69c' @0x0010A69C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A69C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a69c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a6a0' @0x0010A6A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010A6A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010a6a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010beb4' @0x0010BEB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010beb4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010beb8' @0x0010BEB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010beb8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bebc' @0x0010BEBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bebc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec0' @0x0010BEC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec4' @0x0010BEC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec8' @0x0010BEC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BEC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010bec8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010becc' @0x0010BECC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010BECC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010becc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd70' @0x0010CD70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd70; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd74' @0x0010CD74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD74, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd74; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd78' @0x0010CD78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd78; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd7c' @0x0010CD7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd7c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd80' @0x0010CD80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd80; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd84' @0x0010CD84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd84; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd88' @0x0010CD88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd88; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd8c' @0x0010CD8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd8c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd90' @0x0010CD90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd90; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd94' @0x0010CD94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD94, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd94; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd98' @0x0010CD98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD98, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd98; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd9c' @0x0010CD9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CD9C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cd9c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda0' @0x0010CDA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDA0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda4' @0x0010CDA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDA4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda8' @0x0010CDA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cda8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdac' @0x0010CDAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDAC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb0' @0x0010CDB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDB0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb4' @0x0010CDB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDB4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb8' @0x0010CDB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdb8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdbc' @0x0010CDBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdbc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc0' @0x0010CDC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc4' @0x0010CDC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc8' @0x0010CDC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdc8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdcc' @0x0010CDCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDCC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdcc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd0' @0x0010CDD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDD0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd4' @0x0010CDD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDD4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd8' @0x0010CDD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDD8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cdd8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cddc' @0x0010CDDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CDDC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cddc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce28' @0x0010CE28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce28; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce2c' @0x0010CE2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce2c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce30' @0x0010CE30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce30; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce34' @0x0010CE34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce34; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce38' @0x0010CE38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE38, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce38; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce3c' @0x0010CE3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE3C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce3c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce40' @0x0010CE40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce40; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce44' @0x0010CE44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce44; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce48' @0x0010CE48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce4c' @0x0010CE4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce4c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce50' @0x0010CE50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce50; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce54' @0x0010CE54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce54; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce58' @0x0010CE58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce58; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce5c' @0x0010CE5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce5c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce60' @0x0010CE60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE60, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce60; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce64' @0x0010CE64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE64, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce64; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce68' @0x0010CE68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce68; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce6c' @0x0010CE6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce6c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce70' @0x0010CE70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE70, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce70; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce74' @0x0010CE74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE74, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce74; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce78' @0x0010CE78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE78, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce78; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce7c' @0x0010CE7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE7C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce7c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce80' @0x0010CE80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce80; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce84' @0x0010CE84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE84, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce84; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce88' @0x0010CE88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE88, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce88; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce8c' @0x0010CE8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE8C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce8c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce90' @0x0010CE90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce90; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce94' @0x0010CE94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CE94, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010ce94; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef0' @0x0010CEF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CEF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef4' @0x0010CEF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CEF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef8' @0x0010CEF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CEF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cef8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cefc' @0x0010CEFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CEFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cefc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf00' @0x0010CF00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf00; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf04' @0x0010CF04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf04; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf08' @0x0010CF08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf08; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf0c' @0x0010CF0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf0c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf10' @0x0010CF10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf10; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf14' @0x0010CF14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF14, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf14; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf18' @0x0010CF18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf18; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf1c' @0x0010CF1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF1C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf1c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf20' @0x0010CF20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf20; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf24' @0x0010CF24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF24, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf24; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf28' @0x0010CF28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf28; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf2c' @0x0010CF2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf2c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf30' @0x0010CF30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf30; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf48' @0x0010CF48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf4c' @0x0010CF4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf4c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf50' @0x0010CF50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf50; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf54' @0x0010CF54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf54; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf58' @0x0010CF58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF58, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf58; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf5c' @0x0010CF5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CF5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cf5c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfb8' @0x0010CFB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFB8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfb8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfbc' @0x0010CFBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFBC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfbc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc0' @0x0010CFC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFC0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc4' @0x0010CFC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFC4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc8' @0x0010CFC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFC8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfc8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfcc' @0x0010CFCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFCC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfcc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd0' @0x0010CFD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFD0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd4' @0x0010CFD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFD4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd8' @0x0010CFD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFD8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfd8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfdc' @0x0010CFDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFDC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfdc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe0' @0x0010CFE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFE0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe4' @0x0010CFE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFE4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe8' @0x0010CFE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFE8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfe8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfec' @0x0010CFEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFEC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cfec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff0' @0x0010CFF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFF0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff4' @0x0010CFF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFF4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff8' @0x0010CFF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010CFF8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010cff8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d010' @0x0010D010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D010, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d010; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d014' @0x0010D014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D014, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d014; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d018' @0x0010D018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D018, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d018; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d01c' @0x0010D01C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D01C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d01c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d020' @0x0010D020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D020, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d020; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d69c' @0x0010D69C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D69C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d69c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a0' @0x0010D6A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a4' @0x0010D6A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a8' @0x0010D6A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6ac' @0x0010D6AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b0' @0x0010D6B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b4' @0x0010D6B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b8' @0x0010D6B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6bc' @0x0010D6BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6c0' @0x0010D6C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6c4' @0x0010D6C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6d4' @0x0010D6D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6d8' @0x0010D6D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6dc' @0x0010D6DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e0' @0x0010D6E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e4' @0x0010D6E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e8' @0x0010D6E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6ec' @0x0010D6EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f0' @0x0010D6F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f4' @0x0010D6F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f8' @0x0010D6F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6fc' @0x0010D6FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D6FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d6fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d700' @0x0010D700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D700, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d700; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d704' @0x0010D704 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D704, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d704; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d708' @0x0010D708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D708, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d708; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d70c' @0x0010D70C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D70C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d70c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d710' @0x0010D710 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D710, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d710; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d714' @0x0010D714 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D714, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d714; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d718' @0x0010D718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D718, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d718; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d754' @0x0010D754 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D754, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d754; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d758' @0x0010D758 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D758, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d758; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d75c' @0x0010D75C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D75C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d75c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d760' @0x0010D760 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D760, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d760; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d764' @0x0010D764 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D764, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d764; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d768' @0x0010D768 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D768, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d768; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d76c' @0x0010D76C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010D76C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_DAT_MCARD__0010d76c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_BCR_000a2e0c' @0x000A2E0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E0C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_BCR_000a2e0c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_BCR_000a2e6c' @0x000A2E6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E6C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_BCR_000a2e6c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2d60' @0x000A2D60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D60, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2d60;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2e04' @0x000A2E04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E04, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2e04;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2e64' @0x000A2E64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E64, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_CHCR_000a2e64;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_MADR_000a2e08' @0x000A2E08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E08, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_MADR_000a2e08;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_CDROM_MADR_000a2e68' @0x000A2E68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E68, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_CDROM_MADR_000a2e68;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DICR_000a9480' @0x000A9480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9480, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DICR_000a9480;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a2e00' @0x000A2E00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E00, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a2e00;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a2e60' @0x000A2E60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2E60, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a2e60;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a8194' @0x000A8194 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8194, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a8194;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a943c' @0x000A943C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A943C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a943c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a9618' @0x000A9618 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9618, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_DPCR_000a9618;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_GPU_BCR_000a8180' @0x000A8180 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8180, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_GPU_BCR_000a8180;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_GPU_CHCR_000a8184' @0x000A8184 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8184, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_GPU_CHCR_000a8184;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_GPU_MADR_000a817c' @0x000A817C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A817C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_GPU_MADR_000a817c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_MDEC_IN_MADR_000a94a4' @0x000A94A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A94A4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_MDEC_IN_MADR_000a94a4;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_OTC_BCR_000a818c' @0x000A818C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A818C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_OTC_BCR_000a818c;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_OTC_CHCR_000a8190' @0x000A8190 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8190, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_OTC_CHCR_000a8190;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_OTC_MADR_000a8188' @0x000A8188 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8188, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_OTC_MADR_000a8188;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_SPU_BCR_000a9610' @0x000A9610 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9610, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_SPU_BCR_000a9610;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_SPU_CHCR_000a9614' @0x000A9614 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9614, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_SPU_CHCR_000a9614;
// external declaration 'PTR_DMA_SPU_MADR_000a960c' @0x000A960C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A960C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_DMA_SPU_MADR_000a960c;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8030' @0x000A8030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8030, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8030;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8034' @0x000A8034 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8034, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8034;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8038' @0x000A8038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8038, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8038;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a803c' @0x000A803C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A803C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a803c;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8040' @0x000A8040 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8040, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8040;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8044' @0x000A8044 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8044, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8044;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8054' @0x000A8054 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8054, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8054;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a805c' @0x000A805C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A805C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a805c;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a8064' @0x000A8064 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8064, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a8064;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a9418' @0x000A9418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9418, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a9418;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a941c' @0x000A941C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A941C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a941c;
// external declaration 'PTR_FUN_000a9420' @0x000A9420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9420, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_FUN_000a9420;
// external declaration 'PTR_GameNameScreen_FRNT__001c6a68' @0x001C6A68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A68, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_GameNameScreen_FRNT__001c6a68; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_GamePlayScreen_FRNT__001c6a64' @0x001C6A64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A64, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_GamePlayScreen_FRNT__001c6a64; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_GPU_REG0_000a8174' @0x000A8174 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8174, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_GPU_REG0_000a8174;
// external declaration 'PTR_GPU_REG1_000a8178' @0x000A8178 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8178, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_GPU_REG1_000a8178;
// external declaration 'PTR_GPU_REG1_000a8338' @0x000A8338 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8338, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_GPU_REG1_000a8338;
// external declaration 'PTR_I_MASK_000a9438' @0x000A9438 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9438, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_I_MASK_000a9438;
// external declaration 'PTR_I_STAT_000a9434' @0x000A9434 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9434, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_I_STAT_000a9434;
// external declaration 'PTR_I_STAT_000a9e78' @0x000A9E78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9E78, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_I_STAT_000a9e78;
// external declaration 'PTR_I_STAT_000a9f14' @0x000A9F14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9F14, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_I_STAT_000a9f14;
// external declaration 'PTR_JOY_MCD_DATA_000a9e88' @0x000A9E88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9E88, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_JOY_MCD_DATA_000a9e88;
// external declaration 'PTR_JOY_MCD_DATA_000a9f18' @0x000A9F18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9F18, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_JOY_MCD_DATA_000a9f18;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09b0_FRNT__001c07b0' @0x001C07B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09b0_FRNT__001c07b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09c8_FRNT__001c07a0' @0x001C07A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09c8_FRNT__001c07a0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09d4_FRNT__001c07a4' @0x001C07A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09d4_FRNT__001c07a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09ec_FRNT__001c07a8' @0x001C07A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09ec_FRNT__001c07a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09fc_FRNT__001c07ac' @0x001C07AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c09fc_FRNT__001c07ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0a1c_FRNT__001c07b8' @0x001C07B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0a1c_FRNT__001c07b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0aa0_FRNT__001c07b4' @0x001C07B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0aa0_FRNT__001c07b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b54_FRNT__001c07bc' @0x001C07BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b54_FRNT__001c07bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b60_FRNT__001c07c0' @0x001C07C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b60_FRNT__001c07c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b80_FRNT__001c07c8' @0x001C07C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0b80_FRNT__001c07c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0ba0_FRNT__001c07c4' @0x001C07C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0ba0_FRNT__001c07c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0bc8_FRNT__001c07cc' @0x001C07CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0bc8_FRNT__001c07cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0bf4_FRNT__001c07d0' @0x001C07D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C07D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c0bf4_FRNT__001c07d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c3a60_FRNT__001c6a2c' @0x001C6A2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A2C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c3a60_FRNT__001c6a2c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6404_FRNT__001c6a28' @0x001C6A28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A28, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6404_FRNT__001c6a28; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c64b0_FRNT__001c6a48' @0x001C6A48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A48, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c64b0_FRNT__001c6a48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c64fc_FRNT__001c6a4c' @0x001C6A4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A4C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c64fc_FRNT__001c6a4c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6654_FRNT__001c6a5c' @0x001C6A5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A5C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6654_FRNT__001c6a5c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c66a0_FRNT__001c6a60' @0x001C6A60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A60, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c66a0_FRNT__001c6a60; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6724_FRNT__001c6a6c' @0x001C6A6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A6C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_FRNT__001c6724_FRNT__001c6a6c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e75e0_LEAD__000e7014' @0x000E7014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7014, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e75e0_LEAD__000e7014; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7624_LEAD__000e7000' @0x000E7000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7000, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7624_LEAD__000e7000;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e76a0_LEAD__000e701c' @0x000E701C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E701C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e76a0_LEAD__000e701c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e76f4_LEAD__000e7004' @0x000E7004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7004, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e76f4_LEAD__000e7004; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7740_LEAD__000e7008' @0x000E7008 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7008, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7740_LEAD__000e7008; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7768_LEAD__000e700c' @0x000E700C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E700C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7768_LEAD__000e700c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7938_LEAD__000e7010' @0x000E7010 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7010, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7938_LEAD__000e7010; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7980_LEAD__000e7018' @0x000E7018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7018, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7980_LEAD__000e7018; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e79f8_LEAD__000e7040' @0x000E7040 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7040, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e79f8_LEAD__000e7040; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7a0c_LEAD__000e7038' @0x000E7038 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7038, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7a0c_LEAD__000e7038; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7a4c_LEAD__000e7034' @0x000E7034 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7034, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7a4c_LEAD__000e7034; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b20_LEAD__000e7020' @0x000E7020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7020, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b20_LEAD__000e7020;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b30_LEAD__000e703c' @0x000E703C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E703C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b30_LEAD__000e703c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b78_LEAD__000e7024' @0x000E7024 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7024, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b78_LEAD__000e7024; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b80_LEAD__000e7028' @0x000E7028 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7028, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7b80_LEAD__000e7028; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7bc8_LEAD__000e702c' @0x000E702C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E702C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7bc8_LEAD__000e702c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7d58_LEAD__000e7030' @0x000E7030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7030, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e7d58_LEAD__000e7030; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7048' @0x000E7048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7048, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7048;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7050' @0x000E7050 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7050, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7050; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7054' @0x000E7054 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7054, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e873c_LEAD__000e7054; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8ab0_LEAD__000e704c' @0x000E704C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E704C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8ab0_LEAD__000e704c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e7058' @0x000E7058 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7058, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e7058; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e705c' @0x000E705C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E705C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e705c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e7060' @0x000E7060 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7060, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e8e48_LEAD__000e7060; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9424_LEAD__000e7070' @0x000E7070 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7070, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9424_LEAD__000e7070; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9424_LEAD__000e7074' @0x000E7074 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7074, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9424_LEAD__000e7074; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9560_LEAD__000e7068' @0x000E7068 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7068, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9560_LEAD__000e7068;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9560_LEAD__000e706c' @0x000E706C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E706C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9560_LEAD__000e706c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e95a0_LEAD__000e7078' @0x000E7078 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7078, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e95a0_LEAD__000e7078; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e96ec_LEAD__000e707c' @0x000E707C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E707C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e96ec_LEAD__000e707c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e96ec_LEAD__000e7080' @0x000E7080 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7080, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e96ec_LEAD__000e7080; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7088' @0x000E7088 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7088, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7088;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7090' @0x000E7090 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7090, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7090; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7094' @0x000E7094 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7094, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9938_LEAD__000e7094; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e99f4_LEAD__000e708c' @0x000E708C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E708C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e99f4_LEAD__000e708c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9b20_LEAD__000e7098' @0x000E7098 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E7098, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9b20_LEAD__000e7098; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9b20_LEAD__000e709c' @0x000E709C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000E709C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_LEAD__000e9b20_LEAD__000e709c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa414_MCARD__000f30b4' @0x000F30B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa414_MCARD__000f30b4;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa424_MCARD__000f30b8' @0x000F30B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa424_MCARD__000f30b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa434_MCARD__000f30bc' @0x000F30BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa434_MCARD__000f30bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa444_MCARD__000f30c0' @0x000F30C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa444_MCARD__000f30c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa454_MCARD__000f30c4' @0x000F30C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa454_MCARD__000f30c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa464_MCARD__000f30c8' @0x000F30C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa464_MCARD__000f30c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa474_MCARD__000f30cc' @0x000F30CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000F30CC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fa474_MCARD__000f30cc;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f30d4' @0x000F30D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f30d4;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f31d0' @0x000F31D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f31d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f3414' @0x000F3414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd440_MCARD__000f3414; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd448_MCARD__000f310c' @0x000F310C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F310C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd448_MCARD__000f310c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd450_MCARD__000f3104' @0x000F3104 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3104, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd450_MCARD__000f3104; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd458_MCARD__000f3140' @0x000F3140 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3140, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd458_MCARD__000f3140; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd460_MCARD__000f313c' @0x000F313C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F313C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd460_MCARD__000f313c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd468_MCARD__000f30f0' @0x000F30F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd468_MCARD__000f30f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd468_MCARD__000f31d4' @0x000F31D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd468_MCARD__000f31d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd470_MCARD__000f3108' @0x000F3108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3108, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd470_MCARD__000f3108; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd478_MCARD__000f3110' @0x000F3110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3110, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd478_MCARD__000f3110; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd478_MCARD__000f31c4' @0x000F31C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd478_MCARD__000f31c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd480_MCARD__000f32f4' @0x000F32F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd480_MCARD__000f32f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd488_MCARD__000f3150' @0x000F3150 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3150, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd488_MCARD__000f3150; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd490_MCARD__000f3308' @0x000F3308 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3308, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd490_MCARD__000f3308; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd498_MCARD__000f30d8' @0x000F30D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd498_MCARD__000f30d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4a0_MCARD__000f30f4' @0x000F30F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4a0_MCARD__000f30f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4a8_MCARD__000f30f8' @0x000F30F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4a8_MCARD__000f30f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b0_MCARD__000f326c' @0x000F326C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F326C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b0_MCARD__000f326c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b0_MCARD__000f3290' @0x000F3290 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3290, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b0_MCARD__000f3290; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b8_MCARD__000f33d8' @0x000F33D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4b8_MCARD__000f33d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c0_MCARD__000f3254' @0x000F3254 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3254, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c0_MCARD__000f3254; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c0_MCARD__000f3270' @0x000F3270 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3270, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c0_MCARD__000f3270; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c8_MCARD__000f33f4' @0x000F33F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4c8_MCARD__000f33f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d0_MCARD__000f3298' @0x000F3298 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3298, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d0_MCARD__000f3298; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d0_MCARD__000f329c' @0x000F329C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F329C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d0_MCARD__000f329c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d8_MCARD__000f3404' @0x000F3404 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3404, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4d8_MCARD__000f3404; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4e0_MCARD__000f3408' @0x000F3408 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3408, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4e0_MCARD__000f3408; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4e8_MCARD__000f333c' @0x000F333C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F333C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4e8_MCARD__000f333c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4f0_MCARD__000f3340' @0x000F3340 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3340, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4f0_MCARD__000f3340; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4f8_MCARD__000f3344' @0x000F3344 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3344, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd4f8_MCARD__000f3344; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd500_MCARD__000f3348' @0x000F3348 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3348, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd500_MCARD__000f3348; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd508_MCARD__000f3318' @0x000F3318 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3318, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd508_MCARD__000f3318; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd510_MCARD__000f331c' @0x000F331C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F331C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd510_MCARD__000f331c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd518_MCARD__000f3320' @0x000F3320 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3320, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd518_MCARD__000f3320; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd520_MCARD__000f3324' @0x000F3324 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3324, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd520_MCARD__000f3324; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd528_MCARD__000f344c' @0x000F344C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F344C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd528_MCARD__000f344c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd530_MCARD__000f3450' @0x000F3450 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3450, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd530_MCARD__000f3450; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30dc' @0x000F30DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e0' @0x000F30E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e4' @0x000F30E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e8' @0x000F30E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30ec' @0x000F30EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30fc' @0x000F30FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F30FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f30fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3100' @0x000F3100 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3100, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3100; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3114' @0x000F3114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3114, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3114; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3118' @0x000F3118 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3118, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3118; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f311c' @0x000F311C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F311C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f311c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3120' @0x000F3120 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3120, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3120; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3124' @0x000F3124 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3124, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3124; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3128' @0x000F3128 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3128, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3128; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f312c' @0x000F312C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F312C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f312c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3130' @0x000F3130 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3130, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3130; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3134' @0x000F3134 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3134, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3134; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3138' @0x000F3138 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3138, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3138; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3144' @0x000F3144 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3144, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3144; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3148' @0x000F3148 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3148, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3148; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f314c' @0x000F314C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F314C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f314c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3154' @0x000F3154 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3154, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3154; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3158' @0x000F3158 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3158, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3158; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f315c' @0x000F315C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F315C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f315c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3160' @0x000F3160 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3160, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3160; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3164' @0x000F3164 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3164, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3164; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3168' @0x000F3168 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3168, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3168; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f316c' @0x000F316C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F316C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f316c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3170' @0x000F3170 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3170, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3170; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3174' @0x000F3174 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3174, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3174; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3178' @0x000F3178 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3178, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3178; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f317c' @0x000F317C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F317C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f317c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3180' @0x000F3180 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3180, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3180; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3184' @0x000F3184 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3184, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3184; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3188' @0x000F3188 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3188, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3188; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f318c' @0x000F318C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F318C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f318c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3190' @0x000F3190 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3190, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3190; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3194' @0x000F3194 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3194, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3194; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3198' @0x000F3198 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3198, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3198; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f319c' @0x000F319C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F319C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f319c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a0' @0x000F31A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a4' @0x000F31A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a8' @0x000F31A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31ac' @0x000F31AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b0' @0x000F31B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b4' @0x000F31B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b8' @0x000F31B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31bc' @0x000F31BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31c0' @0x000F31C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31c8' @0x000F31C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31cc' @0x000F31CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31d8' @0x000F31D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31dc' @0x000F31DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e0' @0x000F31E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e4' @0x000F31E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e8' @0x000F31E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31ec' @0x000F31EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f0' @0x000F31F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f4' @0x000F31F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f8' @0x000F31F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31fc' @0x000F31FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F31FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f31fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3200' @0x000F3200 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3200, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3200; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3204' @0x000F3204 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3204, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3204; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3208' @0x000F3208 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3208, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3208; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f320c' @0x000F320C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F320C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f320c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3210' @0x000F3210 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3210, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3210; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3214' @0x000F3214 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3214, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3214; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3218' @0x000F3218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3218, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3218; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f321c' @0x000F321C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F321C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f321c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3220' @0x000F3220 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3220, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3220; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3224' @0x000F3224 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3224, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3224; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3228' @0x000F3228 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3228, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3228; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f322c' @0x000F322C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F322C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f322c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3230' @0x000F3230 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3230, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3230; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3234' @0x000F3234 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3234, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3234; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3238' @0x000F3238 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3238, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3238; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f323c' @0x000F323C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F323C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f323c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3240' @0x000F3240 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3240, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3240; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3244' @0x000F3244 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3244, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3244; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3248' @0x000F3248 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3248, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3248; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f324c' @0x000F324C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F324C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f324c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3250' @0x000F3250 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3250, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3250; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3258' @0x000F3258 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3258, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3258; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f325c' @0x000F325C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F325C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f325c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3260' @0x000F3260 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3260, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3260; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3264' @0x000F3264 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3264, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3264; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3268' @0x000F3268 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3268, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3268; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3274' @0x000F3274 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3274, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3274; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3278' @0x000F3278 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3278, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3278; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f327c' @0x000F327C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F327C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f327c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3280' @0x000F3280 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3280, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3280; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3284' @0x000F3284 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3284, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3284; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3288' @0x000F3288 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3288, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3288; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f328c' @0x000F328C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F328C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f328c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3294' @0x000F3294 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3294, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3294; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a0' @0x000F32A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a4' @0x000F32A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a8' @0x000F32A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32ac' @0x000F32AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b0' @0x000F32B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b4' @0x000F32B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b8' @0x000F32B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32bc' @0x000F32BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c0' @0x000F32C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c4' @0x000F32C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c8' @0x000F32C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32cc' @0x000F32CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d0' @0x000F32D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d4' @0x000F32D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d8' @0x000F32D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32dc' @0x000F32DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e0' @0x000F32E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e4' @0x000F32E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e8' @0x000F32E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32ec' @0x000F32EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32f0' @0x000F32F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32f8' @0x000F32F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32fc' @0x000F32FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F32FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f32fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3300' @0x000F3300 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3300, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3300; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3304' @0x000F3304 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3304, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3304; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f330c' @0x000F330C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F330C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f330c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3310' @0x000F3310 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3310, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3310; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3314' @0x000F3314 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3314, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3314; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3328' @0x000F3328 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3328, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3328; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f332c' @0x000F332C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F332C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f332c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3330' @0x000F3330 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3330, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3330; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3334' @0x000F3334 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3334, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3334; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3338' @0x000F3338 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3338, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3338; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f334c' @0x000F334C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F334C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f334c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3350' @0x000F3350 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3350, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3350; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3354' @0x000F3354 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3354, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3354; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3358' @0x000F3358 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3358, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3358; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f335c' @0x000F335C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F335C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f335c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3360' @0x000F3360 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3360, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3360; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3364' @0x000F3364 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3364, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3364; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3368' @0x000F3368 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3368, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3368; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f336c' @0x000F336C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F336C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f336c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3370' @0x000F3370 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3370, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3370; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3374' @0x000F3374 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3374, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3374; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3378' @0x000F3378 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3378, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3378; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f337c' @0x000F337C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F337C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f337c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3380' @0x000F3380 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3380, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3380; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3384' @0x000F3384 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3384, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3384; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3388' @0x000F3388 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3388, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3388; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f338c' @0x000F338C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F338C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f338c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3390' @0x000F3390 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3390, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3390; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3394' @0x000F3394 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3394, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3394; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3398' @0x000F3398 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3398, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3398; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f339c' @0x000F339C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F339C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f339c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a0' @0x000F33A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a4' @0x000F33A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a8' @0x000F33A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33ac' @0x000F33AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b0' @0x000F33B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b4' @0x000F33B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b8' @0x000F33B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33bc' @0x000F33BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c0' @0x000F33C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c4' @0x000F33C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c8' @0x000F33C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33cc' @0x000F33CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33d0' @0x000F33D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33d4' @0x000F33D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33dc' @0x000F33DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e0' @0x000F33E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e4' @0x000F33E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e8' @0x000F33E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33ec' @0x000F33EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33f0' @0x000F33F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33f8' @0x000F33F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33fc' @0x000F33FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F33FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f33fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3400' @0x000F3400 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3400, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3400; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f340c' @0x000F340C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F340C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f340c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3410' @0x000F3410 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3410, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3410; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3418' @0x000F3418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3418; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f341c' @0x000F341C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F341C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f341c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3420' @0x000F3420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3420, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3420; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3424' @0x000F3424 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3424, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3424; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3428' @0x000F3428 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3428, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3428; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f342c' @0x000F342C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F342C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f342c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3430' @0x000F3430 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3430, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3430; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3434' @0x000F3434 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3434, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3434; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3438' @0x000F3438 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3438, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3438; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f343c' @0x000F343C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F343C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f343c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3440' @0x000F3440 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3440, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3440; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3444' @0x000F3444 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3444, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3444; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3448' @0x000F3448 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3448, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd538_MCARD__000f3448; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f345c' @0x000F345C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F345C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f345c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3460' @0x000F3460 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3460, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3460; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3464' @0x000F3464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3464, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3464; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3488' @0x000F3488 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3488, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f3488; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f34d0' @0x000F34D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f34d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f34f4' @0x000F34F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd574_MCARD__000f34f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3458' @0x000F3458 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3458, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3458; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3470' @0x000F3470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3470; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3474' @0x000F3474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3474, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3474; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3478' @0x000F3478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3478, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3478; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3490' @0x000F3490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3490, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd57c_MCARD__000f3490; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f347c' @0x000F347C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F347C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f347c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f3480' @0x000F3480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3480, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f3480; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f3484' @0x000F3484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3484, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f3484; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f34d4' @0x000F34D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd584_MCARD__000f34d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f349c' @0x000F349C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F349C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f349c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34a0' @0x000F34A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34a4' @0x000F34A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34b4' @0x000F34B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34d8' @0x000F34D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34f8' @0x000F34F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd58c_MCARD__000f34f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f3454' @0x000F3454 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3454, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f3454;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34a8' @0x000F34A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34ac' @0x000F34AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34b8' @0x000F34B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34dc' @0x000F34DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd594_MCARD__000f34dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd59c_MCARD__000f34b0' @0x000F34B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd59c_MCARD__000f34b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5a4_MCARD__000f34e0' @0x000F34E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5a4_MCARD__000f34e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5a4_MCARD__000f34e4' @0x000F34E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5a4_MCARD__000f34e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3468' @0x000F3468 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3468, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3468; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f346c' @0x000F346C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F346C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f346c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f348c' @0x000F348C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F348C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f348c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3494' @0x000F3494 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3494, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3494; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3498' @0x000F3498 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3498, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f3498; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34bc' @0x000F34BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c0' @0x000F34C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c4' @0x000F34C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c8' @0x000F34C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34cc' @0x000F34CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34e8' @0x000F34E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34ec' @0x000F34EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34f0' @0x000F34F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ac_MCARD__000f34f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f350c' @0x000F350C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F350C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f350c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f3520' @0x000F3520 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3520, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f3520; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f352c' @0x000F352C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F352C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f352c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f354c' @0x000F354C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F354C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f354c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f3554' @0x000F3554 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3554, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5e4_MCARD__000f3554; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3500' @0x000F3500 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3500, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3500; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3538' @0x000F3538 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3538, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3538; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3578' @0x000F3578 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3578, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3578; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f357c' @0x000F357C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F357C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f357c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3580' @0x000F3580 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3580, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3580; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3584' @0x000F3584 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3584, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5ec_MCARD__000f3584; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3504' @0x000F3504 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3504, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3504; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3518' @0x000F3518 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3518, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3518; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3528' @0x000F3528 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3528, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3528; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3544' @0x000F3544 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3544, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3544; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3550' @0x000F3550 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3550, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5f4_MCARD__000f3550; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f34fc' @0x000F34FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F34FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f34fc;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3508' @0x000F3508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3508, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3508; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f351c' @0x000F351C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F351C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f351c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3524' @0x000F3524 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3524, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3524; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3530' @0x000F3530 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3530, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3530; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3548' @0x000F3548 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3548, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3548; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3558' @0x000F3558 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3558, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3558; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f355c' @0x000F355C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F355C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f355c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3560' @0x000F3560 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3560, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd5fc_MCARD__000f3560; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f3588' @0x000F3588 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3588, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f3588; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f358c' @0x000F358C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F358C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f358c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f359c' @0x000F359C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F359C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f359c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f35a0' @0x000F35A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd604_MCARD__000f35a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3510' @0x000F3510 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3510, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3510; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3514' @0x000F3514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3514, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3514; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3534' @0x000F3534 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3534, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3534; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f353c' @0x000F353C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F353C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f353c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3540' @0x000F3540 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3540, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3540; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3564' @0x000F3564 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3564, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3564; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3568' @0x000F3568 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3568, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3568; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f356c' @0x000F356C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F356C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f356c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3570' @0x000F3570 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3570, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3570; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3574' @0x000F3574 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3574, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3574; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3590' @0x000F3590 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3590, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3590; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3594' @0x000F3594 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3594, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3594; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3598' @0x000F3598 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F3598, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fd60c_MCARD__000f3598; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0cc_MCARD__000f35a4' @0x000F35A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0cc_MCARD__000f35a4;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0dc_MCARD__000f35a8' @0x000F35A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0dc_MCARD__000f35a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0ec_MCARD__000f35ac' @0x000F35AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0ec_MCARD__000f35ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0fc_MCARD__000f35b0' @0x000F35B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe0fc_MCARD__000f35b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe10c_MCARD__000f35b4' @0x000F35B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe10c_MCARD__000f35b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe11c_MCARD__000f35b8' @0x000F35B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe11c_MCARD__000f35b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe12c_MCARD__000f35bc' @0x000F35BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fe12c_MCARD__000f35bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000feec8_MCARD__000f35dc' @0x000F35DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000feec8_MCARD__000f35dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff09c_MCARD__000f35c4' @0x000F35C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff09c_MCARD__000f35c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff150_MCARD__000f35d8' @0x000F35D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff150_MCARD__000f35d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff184_MCARD__000f35cc' @0x000F35CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff184_MCARD__000f35cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff1b8_MCARD__000f35c0' @0x000F35C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff1b8_MCARD__000f35c0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35c8' @0x000F35C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35d0' @0x000F35D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35d4' @0x000F35D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2a0_MCARD__000f35d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2f8_MCARD__000f35e0' @0x000F35E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff2f8_MCARD__000f35e0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff32c_MCARD__000f35e4' @0x000F35E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff32c_MCARD__000f35e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff33c_MCARD__000f35e8' @0x000F35E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff33c_MCARD__000f35e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff34c_MCARD__000f35ec' @0x000F35EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff34c_MCARD__000f35ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff35c_MCARD__000f35f0' @0x000F35F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff35c_MCARD__000f35f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff390_MCARD__000f35f4' @0x000F35F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff390_MCARD__000f35f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff3a0_MCARD__000f35f8' @0x000F35F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff3a0_MCARD__000f35f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff3b0_MCARD__000f35fc' @0x000F35FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x000F35FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000ff3b0_MCARD__000f35fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__00105474' @0x00105474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105474, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__00105474; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__00105478' @0x00105478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105478, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__00105478; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__0010547c' @0x0010547C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010547C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__000fff00_MCARD__0010547c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001021b0_MCARD__000f363c' @0x000F363C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000F363C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001021b0_MCARD__000f363c;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00102d70_MCARD__00102d68' @0x00102D68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00102D68, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00102d70_MCARD__00102d68;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103070_MCARD__00102d6c' @0x00102D6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00102D6C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103070_MCARD__00102d6c;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103390_MCARD__00103370' @0x00103370 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103370, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103390_MCARD__00103370;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103510_MCARD__00103374' @0x00103374 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103374, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103510_MCARD__00103374;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103690_MCARD__00103378' @0x00103378 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103378, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103690_MCARD__00103378;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103810_MCARD__0010337c' @0x0010337C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x0010337C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103810_MCARD__0010337c;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103990_MCARD__00103380' @0x00103380 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103380, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103990_MCARD__00103380;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103b28_MCARD__00103384' @0x00103384 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103384, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103b28_MCARD__00103384;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103cc0_MCARD__00103388' @0x00103388 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103388, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103cc0_MCARD__00103388;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103e58_MCARD__0010338c' @0x0010338C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x0010338C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00103e58_MCARD__0010338c;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104000_MCARD__00103ff0' @0x00103FF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103FF0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104000_MCARD__00103ff0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104108_MCARD__00103ff4' @0x00103FF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00103FF4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104108_MCARD__00103ff4;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001045f4_MCARD__001043f8' @0x001043F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001043F8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001045f4_MCARD__001043f8;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001046ac_MCARD__00104400' @0x00104400 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104400, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001046ac_MCARD__00104400;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010478c_MCARD__00104408' @0x00104408 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104408, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010478c_MCARD__00104408; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104844_MCARD__00104410' @0x00104410 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104410, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104844_MCARD__00104410; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104924_MCARD__00104418' @0x00104418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104924_MCARD__00104418; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001049dc_MCARD__00104420' @0x00104420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104420, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001049dc_MCARD__00104420; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104a94_MCARD__00104428' @0x00104428 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104428, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104a94_MCARD__00104428; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104b9c_MCARD__00104430' @0x00104430 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104430, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104b9c_MCARD__00104430; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104c54_MCARD__00104438' @0x00104438 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104438, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104c54_MCARD__00104438; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104cbc_MCARD__00104440' @0x00104440 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104440, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104cbc_MCARD__00104440; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104d60_MCARD__00104448' @0x00104448 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104448, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104d60_MCARD__00104448; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104e18_MCARD__00104450' @0x00104450 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104450, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104e18_MCARD__00104450; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104e80_MCARD__00104458' @0x00104458 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104458, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104e80_MCARD__00104458; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104f88_MCARD__00104460' @0x00104460 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104460, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00104f88_MCARD__00104460; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105040_MCARD__00104468' @0x00104468 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104468, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105040_MCARD__00104468; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105100_MCARD__00104470' @0x00104470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105100_MCARD__00104470; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001051d8_MCARD__00104478' @0x00104478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104478, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001051d8_MCARD__00104478; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001052b0_MCARD__00104480' @0x00104480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104480, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001052b0_MCARD__00104480; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105368_MCARD__00104488' @0x00104488 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104488, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105368_MCARD__00104488; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105420_MCARD__00104490' @0x00104490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104490, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105420_MCARD__00104490; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105470' @0x00105470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00105470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105470; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001054b0_MCARD__00104498' @0x00104498 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104498, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001054b0_MCARD__00104498; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105568_MCARD__001044a0' @0x001044A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105568_MCARD__001044a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105648_MCARD__001044a8' @0x001044A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105648_MCARD__001044a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105750_MCARD__001044b0' @0x001044B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105750_MCARD__001044b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105830_MCARD__001044b8' @0x001044B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105830_MCARD__001044b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105908_MCARD__001044c0' @0x001044C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105908_MCARD__001044c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001059c0_MCARD__001044c8' @0x001044C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001059c0_MCARD__001044c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105ab0_MCARD__001044d0' @0x001044D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105ab0_MCARD__001044d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105b18_MCARD__001044d8' @0x001044D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105b18_MCARD__001044d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105bf8_MCARD__001044e0' @0x001044E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105bf8_MCARD__001044e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105cd8_MCARD__001044e8' @0x001044E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105cd8_MCARD__001044e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105db8_MCARD__001044f0' @0x001044F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105db8_MCARD__001044f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105e98_MCARD__001044f8' @0x001044F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001044F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105e98_MCARD__001044f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105f78_MCARD__00104500' @0x00104500 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104500, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00105f78_MCARD__00104500; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106058_MCARD__00104508' @0x00104508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104508, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106058_MCARD__00104508; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106138_MCARD__00104510' @0x00104510 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104510, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106138_MCARD__00104510; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106218_MCARD__00104518' @0x00104518 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104518, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106218_MCARD__00104518; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106280_MCARD__00104520' @0x00104520 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104520, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106280_MCARD__00104520; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001062ec_MCARD__00104528' @0x00104528 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104528, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001062ec_MCARD__00104528; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106358_MCARD__00104530' @0x00104530 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104530, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106358_MCARD__00104530; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001063c0_MCARD__00104538' @0x00104538 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104538, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001063c0_MCARD__00104538; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106428_MCARD__00104540' @0x00104540 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104540, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106428_MCARD__00104540; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001064b8_MCARD__00104548' @0x00104548 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104548, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001064b8_MCARD__00104548; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106570_MCARD__00104550' @0x00104550 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104550, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106570_MCARD__00104550; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106650_MCARD__00104558' @0x00104558 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104558, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106650_MCARD__00104558; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106730_MCARD__00104560' @0x00104560 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104560, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106730_MCARD__00104560; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106798_MCARD__00104568' @0x00104568 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104568, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106798_MCARD__00104568; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106800_MCARD__00104570' @0x00104570 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104570, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106800_MCARD__00104570; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106898_MCARD__00104578' @0x00104578 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104578, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106898_MCARD__00104578; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106930_MCARD__00104580' @0x00104580 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104580, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106930_MCARD__00104580; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001069e8_MCARD__00104588' @0x00104588 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104588, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__001069e8_MCARD__00104588; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106ad8_MCARD__00104590' @0x00104590 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104590, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106ad8_MCARD__00104590; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106bb0_MCARD__00104598' @0x00104598 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104598, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106bb0_MCARD__00104598; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106cb8_MCARD__001045a0' @0x001045A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106cb8_MCARD__001045a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106d98_MCARD__001045a8' @0x001045A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106d98_MCARD__001045a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106eac_MCARD__001045b0' @0x001045B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106eac_MCARD__001045b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106f9c_MCARD__001045b8' @0x001045B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00106f9c_MCARD__001045b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107054_MCARD__001045c0' @0x001045C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107054_MCARD__001045c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010710c_MCARD__001045c8' @0x001045C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010710c_MCARD__001045c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010719c_MCARD__001045d0' @0x001045D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010719c_MCARD__001045d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010722c_MCARD__001045d8' @0x001045D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001045D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010722c_MCARD__001045d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001072bc_MCARD__001045e0' @0x001045E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001045E0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001072bc_MCARD__001045e0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001073c4_MCARD__001045e8' @0x001045E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001045E8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001073c4_MCARD__001045e8;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001076b8_MCARD__001074cc' @0x001074CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001074CC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001076b8_MCARD__001074cc;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107730_MCARD__001074d4' @0x001074D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001074D4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107730_MCARD__001074d4;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107e30_MCARD__00107544' @0x00107544 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107544, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107e30_MCARD__00107544; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107ed8_MCARD__0010754c' @0x0010754C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010754C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107ed8_MCARD__0010754c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107f80_MCARD__00107554' @0x00107554 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107554, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00107f80_MCARD__00107554; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__001097dc_MCARD__001095f0' @0x001095F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001095F0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_LAB_MCARD__001097dc_MCARD__001095f0;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109948_MCARD__001095f8' @0x001095F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001095F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109948_MCARD__001095f8;
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109ab4_MCARD__00109600' @0x00109600 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109600, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109ab4_MCARD__00109600; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109c20_MCARD__00109608' @0x00109608 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109608, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109c20_MCARD__00109608; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109d8c_MCARD__00109610' @0x00109610 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109610, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109d8c_MCARD__00109610; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109ebc_MCARD__00109618' @0x00109618 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109618, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109ebc_MCARD__00109618; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109fec_MCARD__00109620' @0x00109620 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109620, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__00109fec_MCARD__00109620; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a1a0_MCARD__00109628' @0x00109628 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109628, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a1a0_MCARD__00109628; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a30c_MCARD__00109630' @0x00109630 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109630, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a30c_MCARD__00109630; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a3c4_MCARD__00109638' @0x00109638 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109638, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a3c4_MCARD__00109638; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a4e4_MCARD__00109640' @0x00109640 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109640, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a4e4_MCARD__00109640; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a650_MCARD__00109648' @0x00109648 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109648, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a650_MCARD__00109648; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a708_MCARD__00109650' @0x00109650 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109650, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a708_MCARD__00109650; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a8ec_MCARD__00109658' @0x00109658 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109658, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010a8ec_MCARD__00109658; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010aa58_MCARD__00109660' @0x00109660 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109660, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010aa58_MCARD__00109660; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010abd0_MCARD__00109668' @0x00109668 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109668, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010abd0_MCARD__00109668; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ad84_MCARD__00109670' @0x00109670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109670, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ad84_MCARD__00109670; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010af38_MCARD__00109678' @0x00109678 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109678, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010af38_MCARD__00109678; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b068_MCARD__00109680' @0x00109680 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109680, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b068_MCARD__00109680; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b1d4_MCARD__00109688' @0x00109688 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109688, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b1d4_MCARD__00109688; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b304_MCARD__00109690' @0x00109690 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109690, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b304_MCARD__00109690; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b470_MCARD__00109698' @0x00109698 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109698, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b470_MCARD__00109698; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b5dc_MCARD__001096a0' @0x001096A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b5dc_MCARD__001096a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b7fc_MCARD__001096a8' @0x001096A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b7fc_MCARD__001096a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b968_MCARD__001096b0' @0x001096B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010b968_MCARD__001096b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bb1c_MCARD__001096b8' @0x001096B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bb1c_MCARD__001096b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bc88_MCARD__001096c0' @0x001096C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bc88_MCARD__001096c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010be7c_MCARD__001096c8' @0x001096C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010be7c_MCARD__001096c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bf34_MCARD__001096d0' @0x001096D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010bf34_MCARD__001096d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c0dc_MCARD__001096d8' @0x001096D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c0dc_MCARD__001096d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c284_MCARD__001096e0' @0x001096E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c284_MCARD__001096e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c468_MCARD__001096e8' @0x001096E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c468_MCARD__001096e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c610_MCARD__001096f0' @0x001096F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c610_MCARD__001096f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c804_MCARD__001096f8' @0x001096F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001096F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c804_MCARD__001096f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c9ac_MCARD__00109700' @0x00109700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109700, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010c9ac_MCARD__00109700; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cb90_MCARD__00109708' @0x00109708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109708, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cb90_MCARD__00109708; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cd38_MCARD__00109710' @0x00109710 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109710, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cd38_MCARD__00109710; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cdf0_MCARD__00109718' @0x00109718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109718, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cdf0_MCARD__00109718; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ceb8_MCARD__00109720' @0x00109720 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109720, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ceb8_MCARD__00109720; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cf80_MCARD__00109728' @0x00109728 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109728, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010cf80_MCARD__00109728; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d038_MCARD__00109730' @0x00109730 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109730, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d038_MCARD__00109730; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d0f0_MCARD__00109738' @0x00109738 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109738, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d0f0_MCARD__00109738; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d1e4_MCARD__00109740' @0x00109740 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109740, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d1e4_MCARD__00109740; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d314_MCARD__00109748' @0x00109748 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109748, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d314_MCARD__00109748; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d4bc_MCARD__00109750' @0x00109750 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109750, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d4bc_MCARD__00109750; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d664_MCARD__00109758' @0x00109758 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109758, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d664_MCARD__00109758; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d71c_MCARD__00109760' @0x00109760 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109760, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d71c_MCARD__00109760; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d7d4_MCARD__00109768' @0x00109768 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109768, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d7d4_MCARD__00109768; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d8e0_MCARD__00109770' @0x00109770 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109770, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d8e0_MCARD__00109770; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d9ec_MCARD__00109778' @0x00109778 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109778, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010d9ec_MCARD__00109778; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010db58_MCARD__00109780' @0x00109780 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109780, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010db58_MCARD__00109780; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010dd24_MCARD__00109788' @0x00109788 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109788, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010dd24_MCARD__00109788; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010dee0_MCARD__00109790' @0x00109790 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109790, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010dee0_MCARD__00109790; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e0c4_MCARD__00109798' @0x00109798 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109798, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e0c4_MCARD__00109798; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e2a8_MCARD__001097a0' @0x001097A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e2a8_MCARD__001097a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e49c_MCARD__001097a8' @0x001097A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e49c_MCARD__001097a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e65c_MCARD__001097b0' @0x001097B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e65c_MCARD__001097b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e750_MCARD__001097b8' @0x001097B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e750_MCARD__001097b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e844_MCARD__001097c0' @0x001097C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e844_MCARD__001097c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e938_MCARD__001097c8' @0x001097C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010e938_MCARD__001097c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ea2c_MCARD__001097d0' @0x001097D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001097D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_LAB_MCARD__0010ea2c_MCARD__001097d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_MainScreen_FRNT__001c6a54' @0x001C6A54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A54, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_MainScreen_FRNT__001c6a54; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_MissionCityScreen_FRNT__001c6a34' @0x001C6A34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_MissionCityScreen_FRNT__001c6a34; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_MissionSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a30' @0x001C6A30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A30, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_MissionSelectScreen_FRNT__001c6a30; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PedCarryOutAnimation_000a1684' @0x000A1684 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1684, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedCarryOutAnimation_000a1684;
// external declaration 'PTR_PedGetInCar_000a167c' @0x000A167C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A167C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedGetInCar_000a167c;
// external declaration 'PTR_PedGetOutCar_000a1680' @0x000A1680 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1680, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedGetOutCar_000a1680;
// external declaration 'PTR_PedPressButton_000a1698' @0x000A1698 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1698, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedPressButton_000a1698;
// external declaration 'PTR_PedUserRunner_000a1678' @0x000A1678 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1678, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedUserRunner_000a1678;
// external declaration 'PTR_PedUserWalker_000a1674' @0x000A1674 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A1674, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PedUserWalker_000a1674;
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104cfc' @0x00104CFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104CFC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104cfc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d00' @0x00104D00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104D00, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d00; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d04' @0x00104D04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104D04, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d04; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d08' @0x00104D08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104D08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d08; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d0c' @0x00104D0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00104D0C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00104d0c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__001076f8' @0x001076F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001076F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__001076f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__001076fc' @0x001076FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001076FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__001076fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107700' @0x00107700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107700, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107700; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107704' @0x00107704 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107704, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107704; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107708' @0x00107708 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107708, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107708; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010770c' @0x0010770C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010770C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010770c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107804' @0x00107804 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107804, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107804; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107808' @0x00107808 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107808, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107808; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010780c' @0x0010780C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010780C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010780c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107810' @0x00107810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107810, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107810; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107814' @0x00107814 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107814, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107814; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107818' @0x00107818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107818, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107818; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107910' @0x00107910 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107910, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107910; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107914' @0x00107914 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107914, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107914; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107918' @0x00107918 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107918, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107918; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010791c' @0x0010791C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010791C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010791c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107920' @0x00107920 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107920, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107920; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107924' @0x00107924 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00107924, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00107924; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108418' @0x00108418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108418; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010841c' @0x0010841C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010841C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010841c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108420' @0x00108420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108420, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108420; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108424' @0x00108424 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108424, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108424; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108428' @0x00108428 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00108428, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00108428; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010842c' @0x0010842C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010842C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010842c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109408' @0x00109408 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109408, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109408; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010940c' @0x0010940C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010940C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010940c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109410' @0x00109410 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109410, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109410; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109414' @0x00109414 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109414, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109414; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109418' @0x00109418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109418, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109418; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010941c' @0x0010941C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x0010941C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__0010941c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109420' @0x00109420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109420, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109420; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109424' @0x00109424 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109424, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109424; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109428' @0x00109428 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00109428, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_PTR_ARRAY_MCARD__00109428; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_s_Id_intr_cv_1_75_19970207_09_000a9430' @0x000A9430 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9430, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PTR_s_Id_intr_cv_1_75_19970207_09_000a9430;
// external declaration 'PTR_PTR_s_Id_sys_cv_1_140_19980112_07_000a8068' @0x000A8068 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8068, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_PTR_s_Id_sys_cv_1_140_19980112_07_000a8068;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Alle_banchine_FRNT__001c05e0_FRNT__001c692c' @0x001C692C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C692C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Alle_banchine_FRNT__001c05e0_FRNT__001c692c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Avviso_a_Jones_FRNT__001c0264_FRNT__001c68dc' @0x001C68DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Avviso_a_Jones_FRNT__001c0264_FRNT__001c68dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0564_FRNT__001c6948' @0x001C6948 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6948, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0564_FRNT__001c6948; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6814' @0x001C6814 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6814, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6814; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6838' @0x001C6838 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6838, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6838; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6858' @0x001C6858 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6858, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064_FRNT__001c6858; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Caccia_al_treno_FRNT__001c06bc_FRNT__001c6900' @0x001C6900 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6900, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Caccia_al_treno_FRNT__001c06bc_FRNT__001c6900;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Caine_a_Rio_FRNT__001c0274_FRNT__001c68d8' @0x001C68D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Caine_a_Rio_FRNT__001c0274_FRNT__001c68d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Capitolio_FRNT__001c016c_FRNT__001c6780' @0x001C6780 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6780, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Capitolio_FRNT__001c016c_FRNT__001c6780; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c678c' @0x001C678C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C678C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c678c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c6810' @0x001C6810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6810, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c6810; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c6830' @0x001C6830 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6830, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c6830; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c684c' @0x001C684C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C684C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c684c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c686c' @0x001C686C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C686C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158_FRNT__001c686c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c6790' @0x001C6790 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6790, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c6790; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c67ac' @0x001C67AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c67ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c680c' @0x001C680C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C680C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c_FRNT__001c680c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Dai_la_caccia_allintruso_FRNT__001c0670_FRNT__001c690c' @0x001C690C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C690C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Dai_la_caccia_allintruso_FRNT__001c0670_FRNT__001c690c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_DATACARSHCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0778_FRNT__001c6a14' @0x001C6A14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C6A14, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_DATACARSHCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0778_FRNT__001c6a14;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_DATACUTSHCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0728_FRNT__001c69ac' @0x001C69AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C69AC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_DATACUTSHCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0728_FRNT__001c69ac;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_DATATANCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c092c_FRNT__001c6d08' @0x001C6D08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C6D08, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_DATATANCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c092c_FRNT__001c6d08;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_000a06b8' @0x000A06B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char * @0x000A06B8, len = 0x00000004
extern char * PTR_s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_000a06b8;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_FRNT__001c0218_FRNT__001c68ec' @0x001C68EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_FRNT__001c0218_FRNT__001c68ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Distruggi_il_cantiere_FRNT__001c04dc_FRNT__001c6964' @0x001C6964 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6964, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Distruggi_il_cantiere_FRNT__001c04dc_FRNT__001c6964; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Distruzione_dellautobus_FRNT__001c04c0_FRNT__001c6968' @0x001C6968 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6968, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Distruzione_dellautobus_FRNT__001c04c0_FRNT__001c6968; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6784' @0x001C6784 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6784, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6784; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67b4' @0x001C67B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67d8' @0x001C67D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67D8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67d8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67e4' @0x001C67E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67f8' @0x001C67F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67F8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c67f8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6808' @0x001C6808 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6808, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6808; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6844' @0x001C6844 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6844, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c_FRNT__001c6844; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ferma_il_camion_FRNT__001c0614_FRNT__001c6920' @0x001C6920 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6920, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ferma_il_camion_FRNT__001c0614_FRNT__001c6920; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Flamengo_000a063c' @0x000A063C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char * @0x000A063C, len = 0x00000004
extern char * PTR_s_Flamengo_000a063c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c682c' @0x001C682C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C682C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c682c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c6850' @0x001C6850 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6850, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c6850; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c6870' @0x001C6870 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6870, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030_FRNT__001c6870; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Fuga_al_traghetto_FRNT__001c05f0_FRNT__001c6928' @0x001C6928 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6928, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Fuga_al_traghetto_FRNT__001c05f0_FRNT__001c6928; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Fuga_dalla_bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0548_FRNT__001c694c' @0x001C694C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C694C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Fuga_dalla_bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0548_FRNT__001c694c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXOPM1_TIM_00010d4c' @0x00010D4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D4C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXOPM1_TIM_00010d4c;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXOPM2_TIM_00010d50' @0x00010D50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D50, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXOPM2_TIM_00010d50;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXOPM3_TIM_00010d54' @0x00010D54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D54, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXOPM3_TIM_00010d54;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH1N_TIM_00010d98' @0x00010D98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D98, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH1N_TIM_00010d98;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH1P_TIM_00010dbc' @0x00010DBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010DBC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH1P_TIM_00010dbc;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010d90' @0x00010D90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D90, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010d90;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010db4' @0x00010DB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010DB4, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010db4;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010d94' @0x00010D94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010D94, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010d94;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010db8' @0x00010DB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010DB8, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010db8;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c_FRNT__001c6828' @0x001C6828 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6828, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c_FRNT__001c6828; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c_FRNT__001c6864' @0x001C6864 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6864, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c_FRNT__001c6864; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Giocatore_2_FRNT__001c0000_FRNT__001c6770' @0x001C6770 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C6770, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_Giocatore_2_FRNT__001c0000_FRNT__001c6770;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134_FRNT__001c6798' @0x001C6798 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6798, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134_FRNT__001c6798; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134_FRNT__001c67d4' @0x001C67D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134_FRNT__001c67d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Greektown_FRNT__001c0140_FRNT__001c6794' @0x001C6794 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6794, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Greektown_FRNT__001c0140_FRNT__001c6794; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_I_soldi_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0490_FRNT__001c6970' @0x001C6970 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6970, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_I_soldi_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0490_FRNT__001c6970; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Id_intr_cv_1_75_19970207_09_000a9410' @0x000A9410 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9410, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_Id_intr_cv_1_75_19970207_09_000a9410;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Id_sys_cv_1_140_19980112_07_000a8028' @0x000A8028 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A8028, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_Id_sys_cv_1_140_19980112_07_000a8028;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Il_cantiere_navale_FRNT__001c031c_FRNT__001c68b8' @0x001C68B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Il_cantiere_navale_FRNT__001c031c_FRNT__001c68b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Il_colpo_FRNT__001c0310_FRNT__001c68bc' @0x001C68BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Il_colpo_FRNT__001c0310_FRNT__001c68bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Il_magazzino_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0658_FRNT__001c6910' @0x001C6910 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6910, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Il_magazzino_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0658_FRNT__001c6910; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Il_sentiero_di_guerra_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0280_FRNT__001c68d4' @0x001C68D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68D4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Il_sentiero_di_guerra_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0280_FRNT__001c68d4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Il_testimone_FRNT__001c03ec_FRNT__001c6890' @0x001C6890 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6890, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Il_testimone_FRNT__001c03ec_FRNT__001c6890; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_In_cerca_di_indizi_FRNT__001c0374_FRNT__001c68a8' @0x001C68A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_In_cerca_di_indizi_FRNT__001c0374_FRNT__001c68a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Insegui_il_testimone_FRNT__001c06cc_FRNT__001c68fc' @0x001C68FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C68FC, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_Insegui_il_testimone_FRNT__001c06cc_FRNT__001c68fc;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Insegui_Jericho_FRNT__001c05b0_FRNT__001c6938' @0x001C6938 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6938, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Insegui_Jericho_FRNT__001c05b0_FRNT__001c6938; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Jones_nei_guai_FRNT__001c045c_FRNT__001c697c' @0x001C697C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C697C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Jones_nei_guai_FRNT__001c045c_FRNT__001c697c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_La_fuga_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c0240_FRNT__001c68e4' @0x001C68E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68E4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_La_fuga_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c0240_FRNT__001c68e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_La_sala_da_biliardo_FRNT__001c02a0_FRNT__001c68d0' @0x001C68D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_La_sala_da_biliardo_FRNT__001c02a0_FRNT__001c68d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_La_setta_cubana_FRNT__001c03c4_FRNT__001c6898' @0x001C6898 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6898, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_La_setta_cubana_FRNT__001c03c4_FRNT__001c6898; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_La_sparatoria_FRNT__001c0254_FRNT__001c68e0' @0x001C68E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_La_sparatoria_FRNT__001c0254_FRNT__001c68e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Laffare_del_C4_FRNT__001c04f4_FRNT__001c6960' @0x001C6960 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6960, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Laffare_del_C4_FRNT__001c04f4_FRNT__001c6960; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lagoa_Rodrigo_de_Freitas_FRNT__001c00ac_FRNT__001c67cc' @0x001C67CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lagoa_Rodrigo_de_Freitas_FRNT__001c00ac_FRNT__001c67cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048_FRNT__001c6824' @0x001C6824 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6824, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048_FRNT__001c6824; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048_FRNT__001c6848' @0x001C6848 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6848, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048_FRNT__001c6848; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108_FRNT__001c67a4' @0x001C67A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67A4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108_FRNT__001c67a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108_FRNT__001c67c8' @0x001C67C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108_FRNT__001c67c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lappartamento_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c03d4_FRNT__001c6894' @0x001C6894 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6894, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lappartamento_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c03d4_FRNT__001c6894; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Larresto_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02f8_FRNT__001c68c0' @0x001C68C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Larresto_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02f8_FRNT__001c68c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Leblon_FRNT__001c0088_FRNT__001c67ec' @0x001C67EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67EC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Leblon_FRNT__001c0088_FRNT__001c67ec; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lenny_sta_scappando_FRNT__001c0430_FRNT__001c6984' @0x001C6984 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6984, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lenny_sta_scappando_FRNT__001c0430_FRNT__001c6984; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lenny_viene_acchiappato_FRNT__001c0418_FRNT__001c6988' @0x001C6988 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6988, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lenny_viene_acchiappato_FRNT__001c0418_FRNT__001c6988; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lenny_viene_punito_FRNT__001c022c_FRNT__001c68e8' @0x001C68E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lenny_viene_punito_FRNT__001c022c_FRNT__001c68e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lincontro_con_Caine_FRNT__001c03a0_FRNT__001c68a0' @0x001C68A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lincontro_con_Caine_FRNT__001c03a0_FRNT__001c68a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lindizio_nella_Rosanna_Soto_FRNT__001c0330_FRNT__001c68b4' @0x001C68B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68B4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lindizio_nella_Rosanna_Soto_FRNT__001c0330_FRNT__001c68b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lintruso_FRNT__001c03b8_FRNT__001c689c' @0x001C689C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C689C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lintruso_FRNT__001c03b8_FRNT__001c689c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lo_scambio_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02c8_FRNT__001c68c8' @0x001C68C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68C8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lo_scambio_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02c8_FRNT__001c68c8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Lobitorio_FRNT__001c03fc_FRNT__001c688c' @0x001C688C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C688C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Lobitorio_FRNT__001c03fc_FRNT__001c688c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Meigs_Field_FRNT__001c00e0_FRNT__001c67b8' @0x001C67B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67B8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Meigs_Field_FRNT__001c00e0_FRNT__001c67b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc_FRNT__001c67a8' @0x001C67A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67A8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc_FRNT__001c67a8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc_FRNT__001c6804' @0x001C6804 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6804, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc_FRNT__001c6804; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120_FRNT__001c679c' @0x001C679C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C679C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120_FRNT__001c679c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120_FRNT__001c6800' @0x001C6800 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6800, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120_FRNT__001c6800; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Necropolis_De_Colon_FRNT__001c0178_FRNT__001c677c' @0x001C677C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C677C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Necropolis_De_Colon_FRNT__001c0178_FRNT__001c677c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8_FRNT__001c67c4' @0x001C67C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8_FRNT__001c67c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8_FRNT__001c6868' @0x001C6868 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6868, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8_FRNT__001c6868; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67a0' @0x001C67A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67A0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67a0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67c0' @0x001C67C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67C0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67c0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67dc' @0x001C67DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67DC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c67dc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c681c' @0x001C681C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C681C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c681c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c6840' @0x001C6840 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6840, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c6840; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c685c' @0x001C685C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C685C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114_FRNT__001c685c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Osservando_lautocarro_FRNT__001c0350_FRNT__001c68b0' @0x001C68B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Osservando_lautocarro_FRNT__001c0350_FRNT__001c68b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Partenza_da_Chicago_FRNT__001c0644_FRNT__001c6914' @0x001C6914 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6914, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Partenza_da_Chicago_FRNT__001c0644_FRNT__001c6914; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Partenza_FRNT__001c0368_FRNT__001c68ac' @0x001C68AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68AC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Partenza_FRNT__001c0368_FRNT__001c68ac; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Passo_di_montagna_FRNT__001c01d0_FRNT__001c6878' @0x001C6878 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x001C6878, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_s_Passo_di_montagna_FRNT__001c01d0_FRNT__001c6878;
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Pedina_Jericho_FRNT__001c05c0_FRNT__001c6934' @0x001C6934 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6934, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Pedina_Jericho_FRNT__001c05c0_FRNT__001c6934; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Pedinamento_della_spia_FRNT__001c06a4_FRNT__001c6904' @0x001C6904 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6904, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Pedinamento_della_spia_FRNT__001c06a4_FRNT__001c6904; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Plaza_de_la_Revolucion_FRNT__001c0018_FRNT__001c6860' @0x001C6860 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6860, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Plaza_de_la_Revolucion_FRNT__001c0018_FRNT__001c6860; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050_FRNT__001c6820' @0x001C6820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6820, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050_FRNT__001c6820; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050_FRNT__001c683c' @0x001C683C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C683C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050_FRNT__001c683c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098_FRNT__001c67d0' @0x001C67D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67D0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098_FRNT__001c67d0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098_FRNT__001c67f0' @0x001C67F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098_FRNT__001c67f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Rapina_in_banca_FRNT__001c0538_FRNT__001c6950' @0x001C6950 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6950, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Rapina_in_banca_FRNT__001c0538_FRNT__001c6950; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Rapina_nella_banca_FRNT__001c02b4_FRNT__001c68cc' @0x001C68CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68CC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Rapina_nella_banca_FRNT__001c02b4_FRNT__001c68cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Rincorri_luomo_armato_FRNT__001c0444_FRNT__001c6980' @0x001C6980 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6980, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Rincorri_luomo_armato_FRNT__001c0444_FRNT__001c6980; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ritorna_a_Jones_FRNT__001c05d0_FRNT__001c6930' @0x001C6930 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6930, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ritorna_a_Jones_FRNT__001c05d0_FRNT__001c6930; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6818' @0x001C6818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6818, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6818; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6834' @0x001C6834 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6834, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6834; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6854' @0x001C6854 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6854, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058_FRNT__001c6854; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ruba_il_camion_FRNT__001c0624_FRNT__001c691c' @0x001C691C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C691C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ruba_il_camion_FRNT__001c0624_FRNT__001c691c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ruba_lambulanza_FRNT__001c0524_FRNT__001c6954' @0x001C6954 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6954, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ruba_lambulanza_FRNT__001c0524_FRNT__001c6954; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ruba_lauto_del_poliziotto_FRNT__001c04a4_FRNT__001c696c' @0x001C696C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C696C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ruba_lauto_del_poliziotto_FRNT__001c04a4_FRNT__001c696c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ruba_le_chiavi_FRNT__001c0504_FRNT__001c695c' @0x001C695C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C695C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ruba_le_chiavi_FRNT__001c0504_FRNT__001c695c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Salto_nellimbarcazione_FRNT__001c046c_FRNT__001c6978' @0x001C6978 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6978, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Salto_nellimbarcazione_FRNT__001c046c_FRNT__001c6978; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Salva_Jones_FRNT__001c0484_FRNT__001c6974' @0x001C6974 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6974, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Salva_Jones_FRNT__001c0484_FRNT__001c6974; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Santa_Tereza_FRNT__001c00ec_FRNT__001c67b0' @0x001C67B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67B0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Santa_Tereza_FRNT__001c00ec_FRNT__001c67b0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Scappa_e_vai_al_rifugio_FRNT__001c068c_FRNT__001c6908' @0x001C6908 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6908, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Scappa_e_vai_al_rifugio_FRNT__001c068c_FRNT__001c6908; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Segui_lindizio_FRNT__001c0634_FRNT__001c6918' @0x001C6918 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6918, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Segui_lindizio_FRNT__001c0634_FRNT__001c6918; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Sfuggi_ai_brasiliani_FRNT__001c0598_FRNT__001c693c' @0x001C693C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C693C, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Sfuggi_ai_brasiliani_FRNT__001c0598_FRNT__001c693c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Sorpassa_il_treno_FRNT__001c0574_FRNT__001c6944' @0x001C6944 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6944, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Sorpassa_il_treno_FRNT__001c0574_FRNT__001c6944; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Sorveglianza_FRNT__001c0514_FRNT__001c6958' @0x001C6958 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6958, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Sorveglianza_FRNT__001c0514_FRNT__001c6958; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_The_Docks_FRNT__001c00d4_FRNT__001c67bc' @0x001C67BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67BC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_The_Docks_FRNT__001c00d4_FRNT__001c67bc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Trova_lindizio_FRNT__001c0604_FRNT__001c6924' @0x001C6924 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6924, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Trova_lindizio_FRNT__001c0604_FRNT__001c6924; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Ukrainian_Village_FRNT__001c0074_FRNT__001c67f4' @0x001C67F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67F4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Ukrainian_Village_FRNT__001c0074_FRNT__001c67f4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160_FRNT__001c6788' @0x001C6788 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6788, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160_FRNT__001c6788; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160_FRNT__001c67e8' @0x001C67E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67E8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160_FRNT__001c67e8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Vasquez_in_Las_Vegas_FRNT__001c02e0_FRNT__001c68c4' @0x001C68C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68C4, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Vasquez_in_Las_Vegas_FRNT__001c02e0_FRNT__001c68c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_FRNT__001c0200_FRNT__001c68f0' @0x001C68F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C68F0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_FRNT__001c0200_FRNT__001c68f0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090_FRNT__001c67e0' @0x001C67E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67E0, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090_FRNT__001c67e0; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090_FRNT__001c67fc' @0x001C67FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C67FC, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090_FRNT__001c67fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_s_Wrigleyville_FRNT__001c018c_FRNT__001c6778' @0x001C6778 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6778, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_s_Wrigleyville_FRNT__001c018c_FRNT__001c6778; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_ScoreScreen_FRNT__001c6a44' @0x001C6A44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_ScoreScreen_FRNT__001c6a44; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_SetVolumeScreen_FRNT__001c6a40' @0x001C6A40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x001C6A40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 PTR_SetVolumeScreen_FRNT__001c6a40; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 'PTR_SPU_DELAY_000a961c' @0x000A961C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A961C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_SPU_DELAY_000a961c;
// external declaration 'PTR_TannerSitDown_000a169c' @0x000A169C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A169C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_TannerSitDown_000a169c;
// external declaration 'PTR_TMR_HRETRACE_MODE_000a9474' @0x000A9474 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A9474, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_TMR_HRETRACE_MODE_000a9474;
// external declaration 'PTR_TMR_HRETRACE_VAL_000a833c' @0x000A833C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A833C, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_TMR_HRETRACE_VAL_000a833c;
// external declaration 'PTR_VOICE_00_LEFT_RIGHT_000a2d40' @0x000A2D40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A2D40, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_VOICE_00_LEFT_RIGHT_000a2d40;
// external declaration 'PTR_xList_6_000aa4c0' @0x000AA4C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000AA4C0, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer PTR_xList_6_000aa4c0;
// external declaration 'radius_63' @0x000ECC98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC98, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] radius_63;
// external declaration 'RAM_SIZE' @0x1F801060 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801060, len = 0x00000004
extern dword RAM_SIZE;
// external declaration 'rand_142' @0x000AAC10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAC10, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 rand_142;
// external declaration 'ratan_tbl' @0x000A7810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000A7810, len = 0x00000004
extern pointer ratan_tbl;
// external declaration 'rcossin_tbl' @0x000A3810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[8192] @0x000A3810, len = 0x00004000
extern short[8192] rcossin_tbl;
// external declaration 'rdist_42' @0x000ECC38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[4] @0x000ECC38, len = 0x00000008
extern ushort[4] rdist_42;
// external declaration 'rememberCamera_97' @0x000CDE80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000CDE80, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 rememberCamera_97;
// external declaration 'rememberCameraAngle_105' @0x000AAD50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD50, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 rememberCameraAngle_105;
// external declaration 'ret_30' @0x000AB378 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AB378, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 ret_30;
// external declaration 'right_40' @0x000ECC30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC30, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] right_40;
// external declaration 'rnd_139' @0x000AAE20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE20, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 rnd_139;
// external declaration 'rotating_57' @0x000AAD44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD44, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 rotating_57;
// external declaration 's______01_000a0417' @0x000A0417 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[39] @0x000A0417, len = 0x00000027
extern char[39] s______01_000a0417;
// external declaration 's_---_--_000aa04c' @0x000AA04C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA04C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_---_--_000aa04c;
// external declaration 's_---_--_000aa810' @0x000AA810 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA810, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_---_--_000aa810;
// external declaration 's__0009bf48' @0x0009BF48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[2] @0x0009BF48, len = 0x00000002
extern char[2] s__0009bf48;
// external declaration 's__0009c00f' @0x0009C00F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[13] @0x0009C00F, len = 0x0000000D
extern char[13] s__0009c00f;
// external declaration 's__000aa109' @0x000AA109 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[3] @0x000AA109, len = 0x00000003
extern char[3] s__000aa109;
// external declaration 's__000aafd1' @0x000AAFD1 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[7] @0x000AAFD1, len = 0x00000007
extern char[7] s__000aafd1;
// external declaration 's__02d_000aa698' @0x000AA698 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA698, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s__02d_000aa698;
// external declaration 's__02x02x02x_8d_s_000122d8' @0x000122D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000122D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s__02x02x02x_8d_s_000122d8;
// external declaration 's__08x04x04xs_0001225c' @0x0001225C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001225C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s__08x04x04xs_0001225c;
// external declaration 's__bss__shstrtab__0000002f' @0x0000002F was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x0000002F, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__bss__shstrtab__0000002f; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__data__shstrtab__00000029' @0x00000029 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x00000029, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__data__shstrtab__00000029; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__rodata__shstrtab__00000021' @0x00000021 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x00000021, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__rodata__shstrtab__00000021; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__sd_MCARD__000f3030' @0x000F3030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F3030, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s__sd_MCARD__000f3030;
// external declaration 's__shstrtab__shstrtab__00000011' @0x00000011 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x00000011, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__shstrtab__shstrtab__00000011; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__Sposta_00010420' @0x00010420 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010420, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s__Sposta_00010420; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__strtab__shstrtab__00000009' @0x00000009 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x00000009, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__strtab__shstrtab__00000009; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__symtab__shstrtab__00000001' @0x00000001 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x00000001, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__symtab__shstrtab__00000001; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's__text__shstrtab__0000001b' @0x0000001B was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TerminatedCString @0x0000001B, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern TerminatedCString s__text__shstrtab__0000001b; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_0123456789_MCARD__000f308c' @0x000F308C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F308C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_0123456789_MCARD__000f308c;
// external declaration 's_0123456789abcdef_00012928' @0x00012928 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012928, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_0123456789abcdef_00012928;
// external declaration 's_0123456789ABCDEF_00012944' @0x00012944 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012944, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_0123456789ABCDEF_00012944;
// external declaration 's_0123456789ABCDEF_00012b48' @0x00012B48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012B48, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_0123456789ABCDEF_00012b48; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_0123456789abcdef_00012b5c' @0x00012B5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012B5C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_0123456789abcdef_00012b5c;
// external declaration 's_02d02d_000110d8' @0x000110D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000110D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_02d02d_000110d8;
// external declaration 's_-1_secondo_00010864' @0x00010864 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010864, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_-1_secondo_00010864;
// external declaration 's_123127_00011eb0' @0x00011EB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011EB0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_123127_00011eb0;
// external declaration 's_24' @0x000ECC1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC1C, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] s_24;
// external declaration 's_60' @0x000ECC8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC8C, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] s_60;
// external declaration 's_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_MCARD__000f304c' @0x000F304C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F304C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
// external declaration 's_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_MCARD__000f306c' @0x000F306C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F306C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_MCARD__000f306c;
// external declaration 's_ADDCAM_000aa2d4' @0x000AA2D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ADDCAM_000aa2d4;
// external declaration 's_addr08x_00012554' @0x00012554 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012554, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_addr08x_00012554;
// external declaration 's_Alle_banchine_FRNT__001c05e0' @0x001C05E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C05E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Alle_banchine_FRNT__001c05e0;
// external declaration 's_Alti_punteggi_00011a5c' @0x00011A5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A5C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Alti_punteggi_00011a5c;
// external declaration 's_Aspetta____00010870' @0x00010870 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010870, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Aspetta____00010870;
// external declaration 's_Avanti_rapido_00010d0c' @0x00010D0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D0C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Avanti_rapido_00010d0c;
// external declaration 's_Avviso_a_Jones_FRNT__001c0264' @0x001C0264 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0264, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Avviso_a_Jones_FRNT__001c0264;
// external declaration 's_bad_hankaku_code_0xx_00012858' @0x00012858 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012858, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_bad_hankaku_code_0xx_00012858;
// external declaration 's_bad_sjis_code_0xx_00012818' @0x00012818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012818, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_bad_sjis_code_0xx_00012818;
// external declaration 's_Bandiere_000103ac' @0x000103AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000103AC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Bandiere_000103ac;
// external declaration 's_Barriere_000103a0' @0x000103A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000103A0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Barriere_000103a0;
// external declaration 's_Barriere_00011ac8' @0x00011AC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011AC8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Barriere_00011ac8;
// external declaration 's_BASEDOOR_00010960' @0x00010960 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010960, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_BASEDOOR_00010960;
// external declaration 's_BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefg_000a162e' @0x000A162E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// char[65] @0x000A162E, len = 0x00000041
extern char[65] s_BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefg_000a162e;
// external declaration 's_Ben_fatto_00011818' @0x00011818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011818, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ben_fatto_00011818;
// external declaration 's_BOAT01_000aa500' @0x000AA500 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA500, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_BOAT01_000aa500;
// external declaration 's_Bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0564' @0x001C0564 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0564, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0564;
// external declaration 's_BOX_TASTIC_000102fc' @0x000102FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000102FC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_BOX_TASTIC_000102fc;
// external declaration 's_BTNCIRCL_00011ca8' @0x00011CA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011CA8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_BTNCIRCL_00011ca8;
// external declaration 's_BTNTRIAN_00011cb4' @0x00011CB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011CB4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_BTNTRIAN_00011cb4;
// external declaration 's_budd_MCARD__000f3000' @0x000F3000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F3000, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_budd_MCARD__000f3000;
// external declaration 's_C_0009c2ea' @0x0009C2EA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar[2] @0x0009C2EA, len = 0x00000002
extern uchar[2] s_C_0009c2ea;
// external declaration 's_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064' @0x001C0064 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0064, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Cabrini_Green_FRNT__001c0064;
// external declaration 's_Caccia_al_treno_FRNT__001c06bc' @0x001C06BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C06BC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Caccia_al_treno_FRNT__001c06bc;
// external declaration 's_Caine_a_Rio_FRNT__001c0274' @0x001C0274 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0274, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Caine_a_Rio_FRNT__001c0274;
// external declaration 's_CALF_LEFT_00011bf4' @0x00011BF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BF4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CALF_LEFT_00011bf4;
// external declaration 's_CALF_RIGHT_00011bac' @0x00011BAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BAC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CALF_RIGHT_00011bac;
// external declaration 's_Capitolio_FRNT__001c016c' @0x001C016C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C016C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Capitolio_FRNT__001c016c;
// external declaration 's_CARSHAD_000aa8f8' @0x000AA8F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA8F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CARSHAD_000aa8f8;
// external declaration 's_CD_cachefile_d_files_found_000122f4' @0x000122F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000122F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_cachefile_d_files_found_000122f4;
// external declaration 's_CD_cachefile_dir_not_found_00012294' @0x00012294 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012294, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_cachefile_dir_not_found_00012294;
// external declaration 's_CD_cachefile_searching____000122b4' @0x000122B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000122B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_cachefile_searching____000122b4;
// external declaration 's_CD_cw_00012508' @0x00012508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012508, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_cw_00012508;
// external declaration 's_CD_datasync_00012560' @0x00012560 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012560, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_datasync_00012560;
// external declaration 's_CD_init_00012548' @0x00012548 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012548, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_init_00012548;
// external declaration 's_CD_newmedia_d_dir_entries_foun_00012270' @0x00012270 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012270, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_newmedia_d_dir_entries_foun_00012270;
// external declaration 's_CD_newmedia_Disc_format_error_i_000121e8' @0x000121E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000121E8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_newmedia_Disc_format_error_i_000121e8;
// external declaration 's_CD_newmedia_Read_error_in_cd_re_000121b4' @0x000121B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000121B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_newmedia_Read_error_in_cd_re_000121b4;
// external declaration 's_CD_newmedia_Read_error_PT08x_00012218' @0x00012218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012218, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_newmedia_Read_error_PT08x_00012218;
// external declaration 's_CD_newmedia_sarching_dir___0001223c' @0x0001223C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001223C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_newmedia_sarching_dir___0001223c;
// external declaration 's_CD_ready_000124e4' @0x000124E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_ready_000124e4;
// external declaration 's_CD_sync_000124dc' @0x000124DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124DC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_sync_000124dc;
// external declaration 's_CD_timeout_00012454' @0x00012454 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012454, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD_timeout_00012454;
// external declaration 's_CD001_000121e0' @0x000121E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000121E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD001_000121e0;
// external declaration 's_CD001_000125d8' @0x000125D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000125D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CD001_000125d8;
// external declaration 's_CdInit_Init_failed_00012108' @0x00012108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012108, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdInit_Init_failed_00012108;
// external declaration 's_CdRead_retry____000125a8' @0x000125A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000125A8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdRead_retry____000125a8;
// external declaration 's_CdRead_sector_error_00012578' @0x00012578 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012578, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdRead_sector_error_00012578;
// external declaration 's_CdRead_Shell_open____00012590' @0x00012590 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012590, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdRead_Shell_open____00012590;
// external declaration 's_CDROM_unknown_intr_000124a8' @0x000124A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124A8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CDROM_unknown_intr_000124a8;
// external declaration 's_CdSearchFile_disc_error_0001215c' @0x0001215C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001215C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdSearchFile_disc_error_0001215c;
// external declaration 's_CdSearchFile_searching_s____00012178' @0x00012178 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012178, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CdSearchFile_searching_s____00012178;
// external declaration 's_Ce_lhai_fatta_00011808' @0x00011808 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011808, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ce_lhai_fatta_00011808;
// external declaration 's_Centro_FRNT__001c0158' @0x001C0158 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0158, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Centro_FRNT__001c0158;
// external declaration 's_CHASEC_000aa2e4' @0x000AA2E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CHASEC_000aa2e4;
// external declaration 's_CHEST1_000aa2c4' @0x000AA2C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CHEST1_000aa2c4;
// external declaration 's_Chicago_FRNT__001c0910' @0x001C0910 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0910, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Chicago_FRNT__001c0910;
// external declaration 's_CHOOSECA_0001061c' @0x0001061C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001061C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CHOOSECA_0001061c;
// external declaration 's_CHOPPERCLEAN_00010984' @0x00010984 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010984, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CHOPPERCLEAN_00010984;
// external declaration 's_CHOPPERDAM_00010994' @0x00010994 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010994, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CHOPPERDAM_00010994;
// external declaration 's_Circuito_FRNT__001c01c4' @0x001C01C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C01C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Circuito_FRNT__001c01c4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_CLEANWHEEL_00010cd0' @0x00010CD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010CD0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CLEANWHEEL_00010cd0;
// external declaration 's_ClearImage_0001270c' @0x0001270C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001270C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ClearImage_0001270c;
// external declaration 's_ClearImage2_00012718' @0x00012718 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012718, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ClearImage2_00012718;
// external declaration 's_ClearOTag08xd____00012748' @0x00012748 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012748, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ClearOTag08xd____00012748;
// external declaration 's_ClearOTagR08xd____00012760' @0x00012760 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012760, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ClearOTagR08xd____00012760;
// external declaration 's_CLOCK_000aa2ec' @0x000AA2EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2EC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CLOCK_000aa2ec;
// external declaration 's_COLLON_000aa2ac' @0x000AA2AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2AC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_COLLON_000aa2ac;
// external declaration 's_Command_Error_000125c8' @0x000125C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000125C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Command_Error_000125c8;
// external declaration 's_comscode02x02x_0001248c' @0x0001248C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001248C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_comscode02x02x_0001248c;
// external declaration 's_CONE_TASTIC_00010308' @0x00010308 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010308, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CONE_TASTIC_00010308;
// external declaration 's_Coni_000aa034' @0x000AA034 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA034, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Coni_000aa034;
// external declaration 's_Coni_barriera_00011ab8' @0x00011AB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011AB8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Coni_barriera_00011ab8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c' @0x001C014C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C014C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Copacabana_FRNT__001c014c;
// external declaration 's_COPLIGHT_000105f8' @0x000105F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000105F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_COPLIGHT_000105f8;
// external declaration 's_CRATE_000aa658' @0x000AA658 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA658, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_CRATE_000aa658;
// external declaration 's_Crimine_000aa00c' @0x000AA00C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA00C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Crimine_000aa00c;
// external declaration 's_d_000124bc' @0x000124BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124BC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_d_000124bc;
// external declaration 's_d_s_000aa818' @0x000AA818 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA818, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_d_s_000aa818;
// external declaration 's_d_s_d_s_MCARD__000f309c' @0x000F309C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F309C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_d_s_d_s_MCARD__000f309c;
// external declaration 's_d02d_02d_00011ad4' @0x00011AD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011AD4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_d02d_02d_00011ad4;
// external declaration 's_d02d_02d_FRNT__001c091c' @0x001C091C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C091C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_d02d_02d_FRNT__001c091c;
// external declaration 's_Dai_la_caccia_allintruso_FRNT__001c0670' @0x001C0670 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0670, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Dai_la_caccia_allintruso_FRNT__001c0670;
// external declaration 's_DAMWHEEL_00010ce8' @0x00010CE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010CE8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DAMWHEEL_00010ce8;
// external declaration 's_Danni_000aa004' @0x000AA004 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA004, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Danni_000aa004;
// external declaration 's_DATACARCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c0940' @0x001C0940 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0940, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c0940;
// external declaration 's_DATACARSCARBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c089c' @0x001C089C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C089C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARSCARBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c089c;
// external declaration 's_DATACARSCCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c078c' @0x001C078C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C078C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARSCCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c078c;
// external declaration 's_DATACARSHCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0778' @0x001C0778 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0778, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARSHCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0778;
// external declaration 's_DATACARSRCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0750' @0x001C0750 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0750, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARSRCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0750; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DATACARSVCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0764' @0x001C0764 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0764, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACARSVCARS_RAW_FRNT__001c0764; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DATACITY_RAW_FRNT__001c088c' @0x001C088C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C088C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACITY_RAW_FRNT__001c088c;
// external declaration 's_DATACITYBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c08b4' @0x001C08B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C08B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACITYBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c08b4;
// external declaration 's_DATACUTSCCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c073c' @0x001C073C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C073C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACUTSCCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c073c;
// external declaration 's_DATACUTSCUTBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c08c8' @0x001C08C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C08C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACUTSCUTBACK_RAW_FRNT__001c08c8;
// external declaration 's_DATACUTSHCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0728' @0x001C0728 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0728, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACUTSHCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0728;
// external declaration 's_DATACUTSRCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0700' @0x001C0700 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0700, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACUTSRCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0700; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DATACUTSVCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0714' @0x001C0714 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0714, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATACUTSVCUTS_RAW_FRNT__001c0714; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DATAFEFONT_BNK_FRNT__001c0804' @0x001C0804 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0804, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATAFEFONT_BNK_FRNT__001c0804;
// external declaration 's_DATAGFX_RAW_FRNT__001c07f4' @0x001C07F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C07F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATAGFX_RAW_FRNT__001c07f4;
// external declaration 's_DATAMCTEXTCHECKING_TIM_000120b8' @0x000120B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000120B8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATAMCTEXTCHECKING_TIM_000120b8; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DATAMCTEXTcTEXT_LNG_000120e0' @0x000120E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000120E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATAMCTEXTcTEXT_LNG_000120e0;
// external declaration 's_DATASCRS_BIN_FRNT__001c07e4' @0x001C07E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C07E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATASCRS_BIN_FRNT__001c07e4;
// external declaration 's_DATASKYd_RAW_00011cf4' @0x00011CF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011CF4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATASKYd_RAW_00011cf4;
// external declaration 's_DATATANCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c092c' @0x001C092C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C092C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATATANCONT_RAW_FRNT__001c092c;
// external declaration 's_DATAVOL_RAW_FRNT__001c08e8' @0x001C08E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C08E8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DATAVOL_RAW_FRNT__001c08e8;
// external declaration 's_dd_000aa024' @0x000AA024 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA024, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_dd_000aa024;
// external declaration 's_dd-dd_000126f4' @0x000126F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000126F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_dd-dd_000126f4;
// external declaration 's_DEBRIS_000aa244' @0x000AA244 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA244, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DEBRIS_000aa244;
// external declaration 's_DELCAM_000aa2f4' @0x000AA2F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DELCAM_000aa2f4;
// external declaration 's_DETONATOR_00010978' @0x00010978 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010978, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DETONATOR_00010978;
// external declaration 's_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_000112dc' @0x000112DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000112DC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_000112dc;
// external declaration 's_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_FRNT__001c0218' @0x001C0218 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0218, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Di_nuovo_a_Chicago_FRNT__001c0218;
// external declaration 's_DIGIT_000aa2a4' @0x000AA2A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DIGIT_000aa2a4;
// external declaration 's_DiskError_00012480' @0x00012480 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012480, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DiskError_00012480;
// external declaration 's_Distruggi_il_cantiere_FRNT__001c04dc' @0x001C04DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C04DC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Distruggi_il_cantiere_FRNT__001c04dc;
// external declaration 's_Distruzione_dellautobus_FRNT__001c04c0' @0x001C04C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C04C0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Distruzione_dellautobus_FRNT__001c04c0;
// external declaration 's_DMA_bus_error_code08x_000128f8' @0x000128F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000128F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DMA_bus_error_code08x_000128f8;
// external declaration 's_DOOR01_000aa478' @0x000AA478 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA478, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DOOR01_000aa478;
// external declaration 's_DOOR1_000aa4b0' @0x000AA4B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4B0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DOOR1_000aa4b0;
// external declaration 's_DOOR2_000aa4a8' @0x000AA4A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4A8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DOOR2_000aa4a8;
// external declaration 's_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c' @0x001C019C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C019C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Downtown_FRNT__001c019c;
// external declaration 's_DrawOTag08x____00012778' @0x00012778 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012778, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DrawOTag08x____00012778;
// external declaration 's_DrawOTagEnv08x08x____000127a4' @0x000127A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000127A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DrawOTagEnv08x08x____000127a4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_DrawSyncCallback08x____000126a4' @0x000126A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000126A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DrawSyncCallback08x____000126a4;
// external declaration 's_DrawSyncd____000126d4' @0x000126D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000126D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DrawSyncd____000126d4;
// external declaration 's_Driver_2_00012078' @0x00012078 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012078, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Driver_2_00012078;
// external declaration 's_DRIVER2MNs1_00011e04' @0x00011E04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011E04, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DRIVER2MNs1_00011e04;
// external declaration 's_DRIVER2Ms1_00011df4' @0x00011DF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011DF4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DRIVER2Ms1_00011df4;
// external declaration 's_DRIVER2Ns1_00011de4' @0x00011DE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011DE4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DRIVER2Ns1_00011de4;
// external declaration 's_DRIVER2s1_00011dd4' @0x00011DD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011DD4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_DRIVER2s1_00011dd4;
// external declaration 's_EDITCAM_000aa2fc' @0x000AA2FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2FC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_EDITCAM_000aa2fc;
// external declaration 's_ELTRAIN_000aa4c8' @0x000AA4C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ELTRAIN_000aa4c8;
// external declaration 's_Erm____CallMemoryCard_passed_wit_00012084' @0x00012084 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012084, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Erm____CallMemoryCard_passed_wit_00012084;
// external declaration 's_ERROR_SelectCameraCar_00010790' @0x00010790 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010790, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ERROR_SelectCameraCar_00010790;
// external declaration 's_Errore_nellingresso_controller_1_000119f0' @0x000119F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000119F0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Errore_nellingresso_controller_1_000119f0;
// external declaration 's_Errore_nellingresso_controller_1_FRNT__001c085c' @0x001C085C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C085C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Errore_nellingresso_controller_1_FRNT__001c085c;
// external declaration 's_Errore_nellingresso_controller_2_00011a6c' @0x00011A6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A6C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Errore_nellingresso_controller_2_00011a6c;
// external declaration 's_FASTWHEEL_00010cdc' @0x00010CDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010CDC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FASTWHEEL_00010cdc;
// external declaration 's_Ferma_il_camion_FRNT__001c0614' @0x001C0614 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0614, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ferma_il_camion_FRNT__001c0614;
// external declaration 's_FERRY_000aa4e0' @0x000AA4E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FERRY_000aa4e0;
// external declaration 's_FIXEDCA_000aa304' @0x000AA304 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA304, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FIXEDCA_000aa304;
// external declaration 's_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030' @0x001C0030 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0030, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Flamengo_FRNT__001c0030;
// external declaration 's_FLARE_000aa264' @0x000AA264 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA264, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FLARE_000aa264;
// external declaration 's_FMVFMV_EXE_00010aac' @0x00010AAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010AAC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FMVFMV_EXE_00010aac;
// external declaration 's_FONT2_FNT_00011cc4' @0x00011CC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011CC4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FONT2_FNT_00011cc4;
// external declaration 's_FOOT_LEFT_00011bb8' @0x00011BB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BB8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FOOT_LEFT_00011bb8;
// external declaration 's_FOOT_RIGHT_00011c00' @0x00011C00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C00, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FOOT_RIGHT_00011c00;
// external declaration 's_FOREARM1_00010604' @0x00010604 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010604, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FOREARM1_00010604;
// external declaration 's_FRAME_000aa470' @0x000AA470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA470, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FRAME_000aa470;
// external declaration 's_FRAMEADV_00010610' @0x00010610 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010610, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FRAMEADV_00010610;
// external declaration 's_FRONTEND_BIN_00010b34' @0x00010B34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010B34, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FRONTEND_BIN_00010b34;
// external declaration 's_FRONTEND_BIN_00010dc4' @0x00010DC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010DC4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_FRONTEND_BIN_00010dc4;
// external declaration 's_Fuga_al_traghetto_FRNT__001c05f0' @0x001C05F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C05F0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Fuga_al_traghetto_FRNT__001c05f0;
// external declaration 's_Fuga_dalla_bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0548' @0x001C0548 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0548, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Fuga_dalla_bomba_nellauto_FRNT__001c0548;
// external declaration 's_GFXFELOAD_TIM_FRNT__001c07d4' @0x001C07D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C07D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXFELOAD_TIM_FRNT__001c07d4;
// external declaration 's_GFXMCBACK_RAW_000120f8' @0x000120F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000120F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXMCBACK_RAW_000120f8;
// external declaration 's_GFXOPM1_TIM_00010d1c' @0x00010D1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D1C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXOPM1_TIM_00010d1c;
// external declaration 's_GFXOPM2_TIM_00010d2c' @0x00010D2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D2C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXOPM2_TIM_00010d2c;
// external declaration 's_GFXOPM3_TIM_00010d3c' @0x00010D3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D3C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXOPM3_TIM_00010d3c;
// external declaration 's_GFXSPLASH1N_TIM_00010d7c' @0x00010D7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D7C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXSPLASH1N_TIM_00010d7c;
// external declaration 's_GFXSPLASH1P_TIM_00010da0' @0x00010DA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010DA0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXSPLASH1P_TIM_00010da0;
// external declaration 's_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010d5c' @0x00010D5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D5C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXSPLASH2_TIM_00010d5c;
// external declaration 's_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010d6c' @0x00010D6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D6C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GFXSPLASH3_TIM_00010d6c;
// external declaration 's_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c' @0x001C003C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C003C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ghost_Town_FRNT__001c003c;
// external declaration 's_Giocatore_1_FRNT__001c000c' @0x001C000C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C000C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Giocatore_1_FRNT__001c000c; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Giocatore_2_FRNT__001c0000' @0x001C0000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0000, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Giocatore_2_FRNT__001c0000;
// external declaration 's_GPU_timeoutquedstat08xchc_000127d8' @0x000127D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000127D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GPU_timeoutquedstat08xchc_000127d8;
// external declaration 's_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134' @0x001C0134 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0134, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Grant_Park_FRNT__001c0134;
// external declaration 's_Greektown_FRNT__001c0140' @0x001C0140 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0140, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Greektown_FRNT__001c0140;
// external declaration 's_GREENCONE_00010d00' @0x00010D00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010D00, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_GREENCONE_00010d00;
// external declaration 's_Hai_inserito_il_DISCO_errato_000108fc' @0x000108FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000108FC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Hai_inserito_il_DISCO_errato_000108fc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_HAND_LEFT_00011bdc' @0x00011BDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BDC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_HAND_LEFT_00011bdc;
// external declaration 's_HAND_RIGHT_00011b94' @0x00011B94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011B94, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_HAND_RIGHT_00011b94;
// external declaration 's_Havana_FRNT__001c0908' @0x001C0908 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0908, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Havana_FRNT__001c0908; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_HEAD1_000aa360' @0x000AA360 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA360, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_HEAD1_000aa360;
// external declaration 's_HUBCAP1_000aa648' @0x000AA648 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA648, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_HUBCAP1_000aa648;
// external declaration 's_I_soldi_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0490' @0x001C0490 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0490, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_I_soldi_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0490;
// external declaration 's_Il_cantiere_navale_FRNT__001c031c' @0x001C031C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C031C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_cantiere_navale_FRNT__001c031c;
// external declaration 's_Il_colpo_FRNT__001c0310' @0x001C0310 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0310, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_colpo_FRNT__001c0310;
// external declaration 's_Il_fiume_rosso_FRNT__001c0408' @0x001C0408 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0408, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_fiume_rosso_FRNT__001c0408;
// external declaration 's_Il_magazzino_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0658' @0x001C0658 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0658, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_magazzino_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0658;
// external declaration 's_Il_migliore_00010390' @0x00010390 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010390, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_migliore_00010390;
// external declaration 's_Il_sentiero_di_guerra_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0280' @0x001C0280 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0280, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_sentiero_di_guerra_di_Caine_FRNT__001c0280;
// external declaration 's_Il_testimone_FRNT__001c03ec' @0x001C03EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03EC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Il_testimone_FRNT__001c03ec;
// external declaration 's_Immetti_il_nome_00011a38' @0x00011A38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A38, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Immetti_il_nome_00011a38;
// external declaration 's_Immetti_il_punteggio_00011a20' @0x00011A20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A20, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Immetti_il_punteggio_00011a20;
// external declaration 's_In_cerca_di_indizi_FRNT__001c0374' @0x001C0374 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0374, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_In_cerca_di_indizi_FRNT__001c0374;
// external declaration 's_INCAR_000aa30c' @0x000AA30C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA30C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_INCAR_000aa30c;
// external declaration 's_Informazioni_sorveglianza_FRNT__001c06e4' @0x001C06E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C06E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Informazioni_sorveglianza_FRNT__001c06e4;
// external declaration 's_Insegui_il_testimone_FRNT__001c06cc' @0x001C06CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C06CC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Insegui_il_testimone_FRNT__001c06cc;
// external declaration 's_Insegui_Jericho_FRNT__001c05b0' @0x001C05B0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C05B0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Insegui_Jericho_FRNT__001c05b0;
// external declaration 's_Inserisci_il_DISCO_1_0001089c' @0x0001089C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001089C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Inserisci_il_DISCO_1_0001089c;
// external declaration 's_Inserisci_il_DISCO_2_000108b4' @0x000108B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000108B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Inserisci_il_DISCO_2_000108b4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_000119c8' @0x000119C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000119C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_000119c8;
// external declaration 's_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_00011a90' @0x00011A90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A90, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_00011a90;
// external declaration 's_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_FRNT__001c0834' @0x001C0834 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0834, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Inserisci_un_controller_nelling_FRNT__001c0834;
// external declaration 's_intr_timeout04x04x_000128d8' @0x000128D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000128D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_intr_timeout04x04x_000128d8;
// external declaration 's_JEANS1_000aa2b4' @0x000AA2B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JEANS1_000aa2b4;
// external declaration 's_JERI_HEAD_00011c18' @0x00011C18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C18, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_HEAD_00011c18;
// external declaration 's_JERI_L_ARM_LEFT_00011c34' @0x00011C34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C34, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_L_ARM_LEFT_00011c34;
// external declaration 's_JERI_L_ARM_RIGHT_00011c58' @0x00011C58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C58, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_L_ARM_RIGHT_00011c58;
// external declaration 's_JERI_TORSO_00011c0c' @0x00011C0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C0C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_TORSO_00011c0c;
// external declaration 's_JERI_U_ARM_LEFT_00011c24' @0x00011C24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C24, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_U_ARM_LEFT_00011c24;
// external declaration 's_JERI_U_ARM_RIGHT_00011c44' @0x00011C44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011C44, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_JERI_U_ARM_RIGHT_00011c44;
// external declaration 's_Jones_nei_guai_FRNT__001c045c' @0x001C045C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C045C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Jones_nei_guai_FRNT__001c045c;
// external declaration 's_jsqrt_choked_on_a_negative_nu_00010acc' @0x00010ACC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010ACC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_jsqrt_choked_on_a_negative_nu_00010acc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_L_ARM_LEFT_00011bd0' @0x00011BD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BD0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_L_ARM_LEFT_00011bd0;
// external declaration 's_L_ARM_RIGHT_00011b88' @0x00011B88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011B88, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_L_ARM_RIGHT_00011b88;
// external declaration 's_La_fuga_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c0240' @0x001C0240 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0240, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_La_fuga_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c0240;
// external declaration 's_La_sala_da_biliardo_FRNT__001c02a0' @0x001C02A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C02A0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_La_sala_da_biliardo_FRNT__001c02a0;
// external declaration 's_La_setta_cubana_FRNT__001c03c4' @0x001C03C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_La_setta_cubana_FRNT__001c03c4;
// external declaration 's_La_sparatoria_FRNT__001c0254' @0x001C0254 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0254, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_La_sparatoria_FRNT__001c0254;
// external declaration 's_Laffare_del_C4_FRNT__001c04f4' @0x001C04F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C04F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Laffare_del_C4_FRNT__001c04f4;
// external declaration 's_Lagoa_Rodrigo_de_Freitas_FRNT__001c00ac' @0x001C00AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00AC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lagoa_Rodrigo_de_Freitas_FRNT__001c00ac;
// external declaration 's_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048' @0x001C0048 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0048, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lakes_FRNT__001c0048;
// external declaration 's_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108' @0x001C0108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0108, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lakeside_FRNT__001c0108;
// external declaration 's_Lappartamento_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c03d4' @0x001C03D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lappartamento_di_Lenny_FRNT__001c03d4;
// external declaration 's_Larresto_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02f8' @0x001C02F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C02F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Larresto_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02f8;
// external declaration 's_LEAD_BIN_000117dc' @0x000117DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000117DC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LEAD_BIN_000117dc;
// external declaration 's_Leblon_FRNT__001c0088' @0x001C0088 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0088, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Leblon_FRNT__001c0088;
// external declaration 's_Lenny_sta_scappando_FRNT__001c0430' @0x001C0430 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0430, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lenny_sta_scappando_FRNT__001c0430;
// external declaration 's_Lenny_viene_acchiappato_FRNT__001c0418' @0x001C0418 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0418, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lenny_viene_acchiappato_FRNT__001c0418;
// external declaration 's_Lenny_viene_punito_FRNT__001c022c' @0x001C022C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C022C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lenny_viene_punito_FRNT__001c022c;
// external declaration 's_LENSCHA_000aa314' @0x000AA314 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA314, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LENSCHA_000aa314;
// external declaration 's_LENSFLR_000aa284' @0x000AA284 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA284, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LENSFLR_000aa284;
// external declaration 's_Library_Programs_c_1993-1997_S_000a8350' @0x000A8350 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000A8350, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Library_Programs_c_1993-1997_S_000a8350; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_LIFT_SHAFT_0001096c' @0x0001096C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001096C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LIFT_SHAFT_0001096c;
// external declaration 's_LIGHT_000aa254' @0x000AA254 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA254, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LIGHT_000aa254;
// external declaration 's_LIGHTREF_00010628' @0x00010628 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010628, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LIGHTREF_00010628;
// external declaration 's_Lincontro_con_Caine_FRNT__001c03a0' @0x001C03A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03A0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lincontro_con_Caine_FRNT__001c03a0;
// external declaration 's_Lindizio_nella_Rosanna_Soto_FRNT__001c0330' @0x001C0330 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0330, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lindizio_nella_Rosanna_Soto_FRNT__001c0330;
// external declaration 's_Lintruso_FRNT__001c03b8' @0x001C03B8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03B8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lintruso_FRNT__001c03b8;
// external declaration 's_LITTER_000aa24c' @0x000AA24C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA24C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LITTER_000aa24c;
// external declaration 's_Lo_scambio_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02c8' @0x001C02C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C02C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lo_scambio_di_Jericho_FRNT__001c02c8;
// external declaration 's_LoadImage_00012724' @0x00012724 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012724, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LoadImage_00012724;
// external declaration 's_LoadImage2_0001280c' @0x0001280C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001280C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LoadImage2_0001280c;
// external declaration 's_Lobitorio_FRNT__001c03fc' @0x001C03FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C03FC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Lobitorio_FRNT__001c03fc;
// external declaration 's_LOOKCAR_000aa31c' @0x000AA31C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA31C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LOOKCAR_000aa31c;
// external declaration 's_LORRY_000aa4d8' @0x000AA4D8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4D8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LORRY_000aa4d8;
// external declaration 's_LOWHEAD_000aa2cc' @0x000AA2CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA2CC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_LOWHEAD_000aa2cc;
// external declaration 's_MADRd08x_00012914' @0x00012914 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012914, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MADRd08x_00012914;
// external declaration 's_MAPSREGd_d_00010428' @0x00010428 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010428, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MAPSREGd_d_00010428;
// external declaration 's_MCARD_BIN_000120d4' @0x000120D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000120D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MCARD_BIN_000120d4;
// external declaration 's_Meigs_Field_FRNT__001c00e0' @0x001C00E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Meigs_Field_FRNT__001c00e0;
// external declaration 's_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc' @0x001C00FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00FC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Mid_Strip_FRNT__001c00fc;
// external declaration 's_MISSIONSMISSIONS_BLK_000117c4' @0x000117C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000117C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MISSIONSMISSIONS_BLK_000117c4;
// external declaration 's_MISSIONSPATHd_d_000117f4' @0x000117F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000117F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MISSIONSPATHd_d_000117f4;
// external declaration 's_MOVECAM_000aa32c' @0x000AA32C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA32C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MOVECAM_000aa32c;
// external declaration 's_MOVECMP_000aa324' @0x000AA324 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA324, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MOVECMP_000aa324;
// external declaration 's_MoveImage_0001273c' @0x0001273C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001273C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_MoveImage_0001273c;
// external declaration 's_Nastro_esaurito_000110c8' @0x000110C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000110C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Nastro_esaurito_000110c8;
// external declaration 's_NAVPIR34_00010000' @0x00010000 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010000, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_NAVPIR34_00010000;
// external declaration 's_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120' @0x001C0120 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0120, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Necropolis_de_Colon_FRNT__001c0120;
// external declaration 's_Necropolis_De_Colon_FRNT__001c0178' @0x001C0178 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0178, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Necropolis_De_Colon_FRNT__001c0178;
// external declaration 's_Nessun_DISCO_inserito_000108cc' @0x000108CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000108CC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Nessun_DISCO_inserito_000108cc; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_NewLevel_in_InitMusic_00010b04' @0x00010B04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010B04, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_NewLevel_in_InitMusic_00010b04;
// external declaration 's_NoIntr_0001244c' @0x0001244C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001244C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_NoIntr_0001244c;
// external declaration 's_Non_ci_sono_segreti_FRNT__001c01e4' @0x001C01E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C01E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Non_ci_sono_segreti_FRNT__001c01e4;
// external declaration 's_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8' @0x001C00C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00C8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_North_Vegas_FRNT__001c00c8;
// external declaration 's_null_0001293c' @0x0001293C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001293C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_null_0001293c;
// external declaration 's_NULL_00012c29' @0x00012C29 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012C29, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_NULL_00012c29;
// external declaration 's_o_telecamera_000106ef' @0x000106EF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000106EF, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_o_telecamera_000106ef; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Oct_16_2000_00011ea4' @0x00011EA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011EA4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Oct_16_2000_00011ea4;
// external declaration 's_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114' @0x001C0114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0114, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Old_Havana_FRNT__001c0114;
// external declaration 's_Orario_000aa82c' @0x000AA82C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA82C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Orario_000aa82c;
// external declaration 's_Osservando_lautocarro_FRNT__001c0350' @0x001C0350 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0350, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Osservando_lautocarro_FRNT__001c0350;
// external declaration 's_OVERHEAD_000103f4' @0x000103F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000103F4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_OVERHEAD_000103f4;
// external declaration 's_Pareggio_00011824' @0x00011824 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011824, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Pareggio_00011824;
// external declaration 's_Partenza_da_Chicago_FRNT__001c0644' @0x001C0644 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0644, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Partenza_da_Chicago_FRNT__001c0644;
// external declaration 's_Partenza_FRNT__001c0368' @0x001C0368 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0368, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Partenza_FRNT__001c0368;
// external declaration 's_Passo_di_montagna_FRNT__001c01d0' @0x001C01D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C01D0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Passo_di_montagna_FRNT__001c01d0;
// external declaration 's_PATH_BIN_000117e8' @0x000117E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000117E8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PATH_BIN_000117e8;
// external declaration 's_PAUSE_000aa338' @0x000AA338 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA338, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PAUSE_000aa338;
// external declaration 's_PEDHEAD1_00010cf4' @0x00010CF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010CF4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PEDHEAD1_00010cf4;
// external declaration 's_Pedina_Jericho_FRNT__001c05c0' @0x001C05C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C05C0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Pedina_Jericho_FRNT__001c05c0;
// external declaration 's_Pedinamento_della_spia_FRNT__001c06a4' @0x001C06A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C06A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Pedinamento_della_spia_FRNT__001c06a4;
// external declaration 's_PLAYCAM_000aa340' @0x000AA340 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA340, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PLAYCAM_000aa340;
// external declaration 's_PLAYPAU_000aa348' @0x000AA348 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA348, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PLAYPAU_000aa348;
// external declaration 's_Plaza_de_la_Revolucion_FRNT__001c0018' @0x001C0018 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0018, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Plaza_de_la_Revolucion_FRNT__001c0018;
// external declaration 's_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050' @0x001C0050 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0050, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Plaza_FRNT__001c0050;
// external declaration 's_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098' @0x001C0098 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0098, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Praca_da_Bandeira_FRNT__001c0098;
// external declaration 's_PutDispEnv08x____000127c0' @0x000127C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000127C0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PutDispEnv08x____000127c0;
// external declaration 's_PutDrawEnv08x____0001278c' @0x0001278C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001278C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_PutDrawEnv08x____0001278c;
// external declaration 's_Rapina_in_banca_FRNT__001c0538' @0x001C0538 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0538, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Rapina_in_banca_FRNT__001c0538;
// external declaration 's_Rapina_nella_banca_FRNT__001c02b4' @0x001C02B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C02B4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Rapina_nella_banca_FRNT__001c02b4;
// external declaration 's_ready_cb_misc_00011d70' @0x00011D70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011D70, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ready_cb_misc_00011d70;
// external declaration 's_ready_cb_regions_00011d48' @0x00011D48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011D48, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ready_cb_regions_00011d48;
// external declaration 's_ready_cb_soundbank_00011d5c' @0x00011D5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011D5C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ready_cb_soundbank_00011d5c;
// external declaration 's_ready_cb_textures_00011d34' @0x00011D34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011D34, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ready_cb_textures_00011d34;
// external declaration 's_Regia_automatica_0001077c' @0x0001077C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001077C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Regia_automatica_0001077c;
// external declaration 's_REPLAYSACUTd_R_0001059c' @0x0001059C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001059C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_REPLAYSACUTd_R_0001059c;
// external declaration 's_REPLAYSATTRACT_d_00010448' @0x00010448 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010448, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_REPLAYSATTRACT_d_00010448;
// external declaration 's_REPLAYSCUTd_R_0001058c' @0x0001058C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001058C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_REPLAYSCUTd_R_0001058c;
// external declaration 's_ResetGraphd____00012650' @0x00012650 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012650, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ResetGraphd____00012650;
// external declaration 's_ResetGraphjtb08xenv08x_00012630' @0x00012630 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012630, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ResetGraphjtb08xenv08x_00012630;
// external declaration 's_RESTREP_000aa358' @0x000AA358 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA358, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_RESTREP_000aa358;
// external declaration 's_Rincorri_luomo_armato_FRNT__001c0444' @0x001C0444 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0444, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Rincorri_luomo_armato_FRNT__001c0444;
// external declaration 's_Ritorna_a_Jones_FRNT__001c05d0' @0x001C05D0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C05D0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ritorna_a_Jones_FRNT__001c05d0;
// external declaration 's_River_North_FRNT__001c0058' @0x001C0058 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0058, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_River_North_FRNT__001c0058;
// external declaration 's_ROTOR_000aa508' @0x000AA508 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA508, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ROTOR_000aa508;
// external declaration 's_ROTOR_000aa660' @0x000AA660 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA660, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ROTOR_000aa660;
// external declaration 's_Ruba_il_camion_FRNT__001c0624' @0x001C0624 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0624, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ruba_il_camion_FRNT__001c0624;
// external declaration 's_Ruba_lambulanza_FRNT__001c0524' @0x001C0524 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0524, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ruba_lambulanza_FRNT__001c0524;
// external declaration 's_Ruba_lauto_del_poliziotto_FRNT__001c04a4' @0x001C04A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C04A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ruba_lauto_del_poliziotto_FRNT__001c04a4;
// external declaration 's_Ruba_le_chiavi_FRNT__001c0504' @0x001C0504 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0504, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ruba_le_chiavi_FRNT__001c0504;
// external declaration 's_s____000124f0' @0x000124F0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124F0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s____000124f0;
// external declaration 's_s_d_000aa03c' @0x000AA03C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA03C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_d_000aa03c;
// external declaration 's_s_dir_was_not_found_00012144' @0x00012144 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012144, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_dir_was_not_found_00012144;
// external declaration 's_s_found_00012198' @0x00012198 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012198, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_found_00012198;
// external declaration 's_s_no_param_000124f8' @0x000124F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000124F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_no_param_000124f8;
// external declaration 's_s_not_found_000121a4' @0x000121A4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000121A4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_not_found_000121a4;
// external declaration 's_s_path_level_d_error_00012128' @0x00012128 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012128, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_path_level_d_error_00012128;
// external declaration 's_s_s_000aa9c4' @0x000AA9C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA9C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_s_000aa9c4;
// external declaration 's_s_s_MCARD__000f30ac' @0x000F30AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F30AC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_s_s_MCARD__000f30ac;
// external declaration 's_Salto_nellimbarcazione_FRNT__001c046c' @0x001C046C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C046C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Salto_nellimbarcazione_FRNT__001c046c;
// external declaration 's_Salva_Jones_FRNT__001c0484' @0x001C0484 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0484, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Salva_Jones_FRNT__001c0484;
// external declaration 's_Santa_Tereza_FRNT__001c00ec' @0x001C00EC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00EC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Santa_Tereza_FRNT__001c00ec;
// external declaration 's_SAVE2CA_000aa350' @0x000AA350 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA350, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SAVE2CA_000aa350;
// external declaration 's_sbad_RECT_000126e8' @0x000126E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000126E8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_sbad_RECT_000126e8;
// external declaration 's_Scappa_e_vai_al_rifugio_FRNT__001c068c' @0x001C068C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C068C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Scappa_e_vai_al_rifugio_FRNT__001c068c;
// external declaration 's_Segui_lindizio_FRNT__001c0634' @0x001C0634 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0634, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Segui_lindizio_FRNT__001c0634;
// external declaration 's_SetDispMaskd____000126c0' @0x000126C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000126C0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SetDispMaskd____000126c0;
// external declaration 's_SetGraphDebugleveldtyped_r_00012664' @0x00012664 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012664, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SetGraphDebugleveldtyped_r_00012664;
// external declaration 's_SetGrapQued____00012690' @0x00012690 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012690, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SetGrapQued____00012690; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Sfuggi_ai_brasiliani_FRNT__001c0598' @0x001C0598 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0598, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Sfuggi_ai_brasiliani_FRNT__001c0598;
// external declaration 's_sGREMc00_MCARD__000f303c' @0x000F303C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F303C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_sGREMc00_MCARD__000f303c;
// external declaration 's_SKYMOON_000aa294' @0x000AA294 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA294, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SKYMOON_000aa294;
// external declaration 's_SKYSUN_000aa28c' @0x000AA28C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA28C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SKYSUN_000aa28c;
// external declaration 's_SLES_029_961_0001087c' @0x0001087C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001087C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SLES_029_961_0001087c;
// external declaration 's_SLES_129_961_0001088c' @0x0001088C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x0001088C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SLES_129_961_0001088c;
// external declaration 's_SMOKE_000aa23c' @0x000AA23C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA23C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SMOKE_000aa23c;
// external declaration 's_Sorpassa_il_treno_FRNT__001c0574' @0x001C0574 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0574, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Sorpassa_il_treno_FRNT__001c0574;
// external declaration 's_Sorveglianza_FRNT__001c0514' @0x001C0514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0514, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Sorveglianza_FRNT__001c0514;
// external declaration 's_SOUNDMUSIC_BIN_00010af4' @0x00010AF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010AF4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SOUNDMUSIC_BIN_00010af4;
// external declaration 's_SOUNDVOICES2_BLK_00010ab8' @0x00010AB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010AB8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SOUNDVOICES2_BLK_00010ab8;
// external declaration 's_SPLASH_000aa26c' @0x000AA26C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA26C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SPLASH_000aa26c;
// external declaration 's_SPUTO_s_00012c38' @0x00012C38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012C38, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SPUTO_s_00012c38;
// external declaration 's_ss_Syncs_Readys_00012464' @0x00012464 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012464, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ss_Syncs_Readys_00012464;
// external declaration 's_ssGREMc00_MCARD__000f3020' @0x000F3020 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000F3020, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_ssGREMc00_MCARD__000f3020;
// external declaration 's_StoreImage_00012730' @0x00012730 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012730, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_StoreImage_00012730;
// external declaration 's_SWBIRD1_000aa274' @0x000AA274 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA274, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SWBIRD1_000aa274;
// external declaration 's_SWBIRD2_000aa27c' @0x000AA27C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA27C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_SWBIRD2_000aa27c;
// external declaration 's_Tappe_000aa014' @0x000AA014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA014, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Tappe_000aa014;
// external declaration 's_The_Docks_FRNT__001c00d4' @0x001C00D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C00D4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_The_Docks_FRNT__001c00d4;
// external declaration 's_THIGH_LEFT_00011be8' @0x00011BE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BE8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_THIGH_LEFT_00011be8;
// external declaration 's_THIGH_RIGHT_00011ba0' @0x00011BA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BA0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_THIGH_RIGHT_00011ba0;
// external declaration 's_TORSO_000aa890' @0x000AA890 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA890, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_TORSO_000aa890;
// external declaration 's_TRAILSTRAIL_d_00010854' @0x00010854 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010854, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_TRAILSTRAIL_d_00010854;
// external declaration 's_TRAIN_000aa4f8' @0x000AA4F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA4F8, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_TRAIN_000aa4f8;
// external declaration 's_Trova_lindizio_FRNT__001c0604' @0x001C0604 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0604, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Trova_lindizio_FRNT__001c0604;
// external declaration 's_TSHADOW_000aa368' @0x000AA368 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000AA368, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_TSHADOW_000aa368;
// external declaration 's_U_ARM_LEFT_00011bc4' @0x00011BC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011BC4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_U_ARM_LEFT_00011bc4;
// external declaration 's_U_ARM_RIGHT_00011b7c' @0x00011B7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011B7C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_U_ARM_RIGHT_00011b7c;
// external declaration 's_Ukrainian_Village_FRNT__001c0074' @0x001C0074 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0074, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Ukrainian_Village_FRNT__001c0074;
// external declaration 's_unexpected_interrupt04x_000128bc' @0x000128BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000128BC, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_unexpected_interrupt04x_000128bc;
// external declaration 's_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160' @0x001C0160 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0160, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Upper_Strip_FRNT__001c0160;
// external declaration 's_Vasquez_in_Las_Vegas_FRNT__001c02e0' @0x001C02E0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C02E0, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vasquez_in_Las_Vegas_FRNT__001c02e0;
// external declaration 's_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_000112c4' @0x000112C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000112C4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_000112c4;
// external declaration 's_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_FRNT__001c0200' @0x001C0200 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0200, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vasquez_incontra_Caine_FRNT__001c0200;
// external declaration 's_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090' @0x001C0090 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0090, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vedado_FRNT__001c0090;
// external declaration 's_Vedi_tabella_00011a4c' @0x00011A4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00011A4C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vedi_tabella_00011a4c;
// external declaration 's_Vegas_FRNT__001c0900' @0x001C0900 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C0900, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Vegas_FRNT__001c0900; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_Verifica_in_corso____000108e4' @0x000108E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000108E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Verifica_in_corso____000108e4; // WARNING: no name explicitly defined
// external declaration 's_VSync_timeout_00012878' @0x00012878 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012878, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_VSync_timeout_00012878;
// external declaration 's_wait_dmaf_clearW_00012c6c' @0x00012C6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012C6C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_wait_dmaf_clearW_00012c6c;
// external declaration 's_wait_reset_00012c48' @0x00012C48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012C48, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_wait_reset_00012c48;
// external declaration 's_wait_wrdy_H_-_L_00012c58' @0x00012C58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00012C58, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_wait_wrdy_H_-_L_00012c58;
// external declaration 's_WRGFLDDOOR_00010954' @0x00010954 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x00010954, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_WRGFLDDOOR_00010954;
// external declaration 's_Wrigleyville_FRNT__001c018c' @0x001C018C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x001C018C, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_Wrigleyville_FRNT__001c018c;
// external declaration 's_X_d_Z_d_000110e4' @0x000110E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// string @0x000110E4, len = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
extern string s_X_d_Z_d_000110e4;
// external declaration 'savedSP_21' @0x000AAAA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAAA8, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 savedSP_21;
// external declaration 'sdSelfModifyingCode' @0x00012D18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x00012D18, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 sdSelfModifyingCode;
// external declaration 'SelectExit' @0x000EC5E4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[476] @0x000EC5E4, len = 0x000003B8
extern ushort[476] SelectExit;
// external declaration 'SetTarget' @0x000EC1C4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[528] @0x000EC1C4, len = 0x00000420
extern ushort[528] SetTarget;
// external declaration 'SHORT_000aa9bc' @0x000AA9BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short @0x000AA9BC, len = 0x00000002
extern short SHORT_000aa9bc;
// external declaration 'SHORT_000aab3a' @0x000AAB3A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short @0x000AAB3A, len = 0x00000002
extern short SHORT_000aab3a;
// external declaration 'SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f32' @0x000A1F32 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[7] @0x000A1F32, len = 0x0000000E
extern short[7] SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f32;
// external declaration 'SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f42' @0x000A1F42 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[23] @0x000A1F42, len = 0x0000002E
extern short[23] SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f42;
// external declaration 'SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f72' @0x000A1F72 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[23] @0x000A1F72, len = 0x0000002E
extern short[23] SHORT_ARRAY_000a1f72;
// external declaration 'SHORT_ARRAY_000aab3c' @0x000AAB3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[2] @0x000AAB3C, len = 0x00000004
extern short[2] SHORT_ARRAY_000aab3c;
// external declaration 'SHORT_ARRAY_000c1bb2' @0x000C1BB2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// short[59] @0x000C1BB2, len = 0x00000076
extern short[59] SHORT_ARRAY_000c1bb2;
// external declaration 'SinX_103' @0x000AAC08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAC08, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 SinX_103;
// external declaration 'SIO_BAUD' @0x1F80105E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F80105E, len = 0x00000002
extern word SIO_BAUD;
// external declaration 'SIO_CTRL' @0x1F80105A was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F80105A, len = 0x00000002
extern word SIO_CTRL;
// external declaration 'SIO_DATA' @0x1F801050 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801050, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SIO_DATA;
// external declaration 'SIO_MISC' @0x1F80105C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F80105C, len = 0x00000002
extern word SIO_MISC;
// external declaration 'SIO_MODE' @0x1F801058 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801058, len = 0x00000002
extern word SIO_MODE;
// external declaration 'SIO_STAT' @0x1F801054 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801054, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SIO_STAT;
// external declaration 'SMASHABLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_0009b650' @0x0009B650 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SMASHABLE_OBJECT[37] @0x0009B650, len = 0x000002E4
// external declaration 'SOUND_RAM_DATA_TRANSFER_ADDR' @0x1F801DA6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DA6, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'SOUND_RAM_DATA_TRANSFER_FIFO' @0x1F801DA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DA8, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'SOUND_RAM_DATA_TRANSTER_CTRL' @0x1F801DAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DAC, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'SOUND_RAM_IRQ_ADDR' @0x1F801DA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DA4, len = 0x00000002
extern word SOUND_RAM_IRQ_ADDR;
// external declaration 'SOUND_RAM_REVERB_WORK_ADDR' @0x1F801DA2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DA2, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'speed_49' @0x000AAD40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAD40, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 speed_49;
// external declaration 'SPU_CTRL_REG_CPUCNT' @0x1F801DAA was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DAA, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_CTRL_REG_CPUCNT;
// external declaration 'SPU_DELAY' @0x1F801014 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801014, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SPU_DELAY;
// external declaration 'SPU_MAIN_VOL_L' @0x1F801D80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D80, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_MAIN_VOL_L;
// external declaration 'SPU_MAIN_VOL_R' @0x1F801D82 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D82, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_MAIN_VOL_R;
// external declaration 'SPU_REVERB_OUT_L' @0x1F801D84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D84, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_REVERB_OUT_L;
// external declaration 'SPU_REVERB_OUT_R' @0x1F801D86 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D86, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_REVERB_OUT_R;
// external declaration 'SPU_STATUS_REG_SPUSTAT' @0x1F801DAE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DAE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'SPU_UNKN_1DA0' @0x1F801DA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801DA0, len = 0x00000002
extern word SPU_UNKN_1DA0;
// external declaration 'SPU_UNKN_1DBC' @0x1F801DBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801DBC, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SPU_UNKN_1DBC;
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_CHN_FM_MODE' @0x1F801D90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D90, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SPU_VOICE_CHN_FM_MODE;
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_CHN_NOISE_MODE' @0x1F801D94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D94, len = 0x00000004
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_CHN_ON_OFF_STATUS' @0x1F801D9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D9C, len = 0x00000004
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_CHN_REVERB_MODE' @0x1F801D98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D98, len = 0x00000004
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_KEY_OFF' @0x1F801D8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D8C, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SPU_VOICE_KEY_OFF;
// external declaration 'SPU_VOICE_KEY_ON' @0x1F801D88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D88, len = 0x00000004
extern dword SPU_VOICE_KEY_ON;
// external declaration 'stupid_logic_22' @0x000D5658 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000D5658, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 stupid_logic_22;
// external declaration 'SVECTOR_000da938' @0x000DA938 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SVECTOR @0x000DA938, len = 0x00000008
extern struct SVECTOR SVECTOR_000da938;
// external declaration 'SVECTOR_ARRAY_000c4188' @0x000C4188 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SVECTOR[19] @0x000C4188, len = 0x00000098
extern SVECTOR[19] SVECTOR_ARRAY_000c4188;
// external declaration 'SVECTOR_ARRAY_000d8e30' @0x000D8E30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SVECTOR[101] @0x000D8E30, len = 0x00000328
extern SVECTOR[101] SVECTOR_ARRAY_000d8e30;
// external declaration 'SVECTOR_ARRAY_000da940' @0x000DA940 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SVECTOR[10] @0x000DA940, len = 0x00000050
extern SVECTOR[10] SVECTOR_ARRAY_000da940;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010318' @0x00010318 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[9] @0x00010318, len = 0x00000024
extern undefined *32[9] switchdataD_00010318;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010340' @0x00010340 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00010340, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] switchdataD_00010340;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010358' @0x00010358 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010358, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010358;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010370' @0x00010370 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010370, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010370;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000103cc' @0x000103CC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x000103CC, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_000103cc;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_0001045c' @0x0001045C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[18] @0x0001045C, len = 0x00000048
extern pointer[18] switchdataD_0001045c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000104d4' @0x000104D4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x000104D4, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] switchdataD_000104d4;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000104f4' @0x000104F4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x000104F4, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_000104f4;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010514' @0x00010514 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00010514, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] switchdataD_00010514;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000105b4' @0x000105B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[17] @0x000105B4, len = 0x00000044
extern undefined *32[17] switchdataD_000105b4;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000107a8' @0x000107A8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x000107A8, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_000107a8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000107c0' @0x000107C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[9] @0x000107C0, len = 0x00000024
extern undefined *32[9] switchdataD_000107c0;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000107e8' @0x000107E8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000107E8, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer switchdataD_000107e8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010808' @0x00010808 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010808, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010808;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010820' @0x00010820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x00010820, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] switchdataD_00010820;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010840' @0x00010840 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[5] @0x00010840, len = 0x00000014
extern pointer[5] switchdataD_00010840;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010920' @0x00010920 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010920, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010920;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010934' @0x00010934 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x00010934, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] switchdataD_00010934;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000109fc' @0x000109FC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x000109FC, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] switchdataD_000109fc;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010a1c' @0x00010A1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010A1C, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010a1c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010a34' @0x00010A34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[10] @0x00010A34, len = 0x00000028
extern pointer[10] switchdataD_00010a34;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010a5c' @0x00010A5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[4] @0x00010A5C, len = 0x00000010
extern pointer[4] switchdataD_00010a5c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010a80' @0x00010A80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010A80, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer switchdataD_00010a80;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010b20' @0x00010B20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00010B20, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00010b20;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010b44' @0x00010B44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00010B44, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer switchdataD_00010b44;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010b84' @0x00010B84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x00010B84, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_00010b84;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010dd8' @0x00010DD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[37] @0x00010DD8, len = 0x00000094
extern pointer[37] switchdataD_00010dd8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010e70' @0x00010E70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x00010E70, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] switchdataD_00010e70;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010eec' @0x00010EEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[22] @0x00010EEC, len = 0x00000058
extern pointer[22] switchdataD_00010eec;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00010f6c' @0x00010F6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[47] @0x00010F6C, len = 0x000000BC
extern pointer[47] switchdataD_00010f6c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_0001102c' @0x0001102C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[3] @0x0001102C, len = 0x0000000C
extern undefined *32[3] switchdataD_0001102c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011834' @0x00011834 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x00011834, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer switchdataD_00011834;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_0001186c' @0x0001186C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x0001186C, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_0001186c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011898' @0x00011898 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x00011898, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] switchdataD_00011898;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000118c0' @0x000118C0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer @0x000118C0, len = 0x00000004
extern const pointer switchdataD_000118c0;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011ae4' @0x00011AE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00011AE4, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00011ae4;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011b04' @0x00011B04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x00011B04, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] switchdataD_00011b04;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011b1c' @0x00011B1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x00011B1C, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] switchdataD_00011b1c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011b34' @0x00011B34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32 @0x00011B34, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined *32 switchdataD_00011b34;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011b64' @0x00011B64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[6] @0x00011B64, len = 0x00000018
extern undefined *32[6] switchdataD_00011b64;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011cd0' @0x00011CD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00011CD0, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00011cd0;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011d04' @0x00011D04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x00011D04, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_00011d04;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011d20' @0x00011D20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x00011D20, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_00011d20;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011d84' @0x00011D84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x00011D84, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] switchdataD_00011d84;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011dac' @0x00011DAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x00011DAC, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] switchdataD_00011dac;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011e54' @0x00011E54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[20] @0x00011E54, len = 0x00000050
extern undefined *32[20] switchdataD_00011e54;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011f4c' @0x00011F4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[10] @0x00011F4C, len = 0x00000028
extern undefined *32[10] switchdataD_00011f4c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011f74' @0x00011F74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00011F74, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] switchdataD_00011f74;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011fbc' @0x00011FBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[16] @0x00011FBC, len = 0x00000040
extern undefined *32[16] switchdataD_00011fbc;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00011ffc' @0x00011FFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// pointer[2] @0x00011FFC, len = 0x00000008
extern pointer[2] switchdataD_00011ffc;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_0001203c' @0x0001203C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x0001203C, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_0001203c;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_000124c8' @0x000124C8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[5] @0x000124C8, len = 0x00000014
extern undefined *32[5] switchdataD_000124c8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012838' @0x00012838 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x00012838, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_00012838;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012958' @0x00012958 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[45] @0x00012958, len = 0x000000B4
extern undefined *32[45] switchdataD_00012958;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012b70' @0x00012B70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[12] @0x00012B70, len = 0x00000030
extern undefined *32[12] switchdataD_00012b70;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012c88' @0x00012C88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x00012C88, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_00012c88;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012ca8' @0x00012CA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[7] @0x00012CA8, len = 0x0000001C
extern undefined *32[7] switchdataD_00012ca8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012cc8' @0x00012CC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x00012CC8, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] switchdataD_00012cc8;
// external declaration 'switchdataD_00012ce8' @0x00012CE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[8] @0x00012CE8, len = 0x00000020
extern undefined *32[8] switchdataD_00012ce8;
// external declaration 'SXYPAIR_ARRAY_0009b9f8' @0x0009B9F8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SXYPAIR[15] @0x0009B9F8, len = 0x0000003C
extern SXYPAIR[15] SXYPAIR_ARRAY_0009b9f8;
// external declaration 'SXYPAIR_ARRAY_000a1e3c' @0x000A1E3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SXYPAIR[13] @0x000A1E3C, len = 0x00000034
extern SXYPAIR[13] SXYPAIR_ARRAY_000a1e3c;
// external declaration 'SXYPAIR_ARRAY_000a1e70' @0x000A1E70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// SXYPAIR[6] @0x000A1E70, len = 0x00000018
extern SXYPAIR[6] SXYPAIR_ARRAY_000a1e70;
// external declaration 't0_18' @0x000AAE90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000AAE90, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 t0_18;
// external declaration 't1_19' @0x000AAE94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AAE94, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 t1_19;
// external declaration 't2_20' @0x000AAE95 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AAE95, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 t2_20;
// external declaration 'tabs_93' @0x000DD368 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4[20] @0x000DD368, len = 0x00000050
extern undefined4[20] tabs_93;
// external declaration 'TARGET_ARROW_MODEL_000a1e14' @0x000A1E14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TARGET_ARROW_MODEL @0x000A1E14, len = 0x0000000C
// external declaration 'TARGET_ARROW_MODEL_000a1e20' @0x000A1E20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TARGET_ARROW_MODEL @0x000A1E20, len = 0x0000000C
// external declaration 'TARGET_ARROW_MODEL_000a1e2c' @0x000A1E2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TARGET_ARROW_MODEL @0x000A1E2C, len = 0x0000000C
// external declaration 'texture_cluts' @0x0009C674 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009C674, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 texture_cluts;
// external declaration 'TEXTURE_DETAILS_ARRAY_000ab70e' @0x000AB70E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TEXTURE_DETAILS[11] @0x000AB70E, len = 0x0000009A
// external declaration 'TEXTURE_DETAILS_ARRAY_000d9ad6' @0x000D9AD6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TEXTURE_DETAILS[4] @0x000D9AD6, len = 0x00000038
// external declaration 'TEXTURE_DETAILS_ARRAY_000d9b0e' @0x000D9B0E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// TEXTURE_DETAILS[6] @0x000D9B0E, len = 0x00000054
// external declaration 'texture_pages' @0x0009C574 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x0009C574, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 texture_pages;
// external declaration 'TMR_DOTCLOCK_MAX' @0x1F801108 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801108, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_DOTCLOCK_MAX;
// external declaration 'TMR_DOTCLOCK_MODE' @0x1F801104 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801104, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_DOTCLOCK_MODE;
// external declaration 'TMR_DOTCLOCK_VAL' @0x1F801100 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801100, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_DOTCLOCK_VAL;
// external declaration 'TMR_HRETRACE_MAX' @0x1F801118 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801118, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_HRETRACE_MAX;
// external declaration 'TMR_HRETRACE_MODE' @0x1F801114 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801114, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_HRETRACE_MODE;
// external declaration 'TMR_HRETRACE_VAL' @0x1F801110 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801110, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_HRETRACE_VAL;
// external declaration 'TMR_SYSCLOCK_MAX' @0x1F801128 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801128, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_SYSCLOCK_MAX;
// external declaration 'TMR_SYSCLOCK_MODE' @0x1F801124 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801124, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_SYSCLOCK_MODE;
// external declaration 'TMR_SYSCLOCK_VAL' @0x1F801120 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801120, len = 0x00000004
extern dword TMR_SYSCLOCK_VAL;
// external declaration 'toGo_22' @0x000ECC14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC14, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] toGo_22;
// external declaration 'toGo_58' @0x000ECC84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECC84, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] toGo_58;
// external declaration 'UCHAR__000c394c' @0x000C394C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000C394C, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR__000c394c;
// external declaration 'UCHAR__000c94bc' @0x000C94BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000C94BC, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR__000c94bc;
// external declaration 'UCHAR__000c99bc' @0x000C99BC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000C99BC, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR__000c99bc;
// external declaration 'UCHAR__000e0bf1' @0x000E0BF1 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000E0BF1, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR__000e0bf1;
// external declaration 'UCHAR__000e0bf2' @0x000E0BF2 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000E0BF2, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR__000e0bf2;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_00h_000a18ed' @0x000A18ED was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000A18ED, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_00h_000a18ed;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_00h_000aa161' @0x000AA161 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000AA161, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_00h_000aa161;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_00h_000aa605' @0x000AA605 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000AA605, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_00h_000aa605;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_00h_000aafe9' @0x000AAFE9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000AAFE9, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_00h_000aafe9;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_14h_000a18ee' @0x000A18EE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000A18EE, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_14h_000a18ee;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_14h_000a18ef' @0x000A18EF was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x000A18EF, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_14h_000a18ef;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_ARRAY_000c94b9' @0x000C94B9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar[3] @0x000C94B9, len = 0x00000003
extern uchar[3] UCHAR_ARRAY_000c94b9;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_ARRAY_000d56d1' @0x000D56D1 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar[19] @0x000D56D1, len = 0x00000013
extern uchar[19] UCHAR_ARRAY_000d56d1;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_ARRAY_000e0bf3' @0x000E0BF3 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar[16] @0x000E0BF3, len = 0x00000010
extern uchar[16] UCHAR_ARRAY_000e0bf3;
// external declaration 'UCHAR_s_0009c2e9' @0x0009C2E9 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// uchar @0x0009C2E9, len = 0x00000001
extern uchar UCHAR_s_0009c2e9;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc81c' @0x000CC81C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC81C, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc81c;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc820' @0x000CC820 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC820, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc820;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc824' @0x000CC824 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC824, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc824;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc828' @0x000CC828 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC828, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc828;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc82c' @0x000CC82C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC82C, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc82c;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc830' @0x000CC830 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC830, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc830;
// external declaration 'ULONG_000cc834' @0x000CC834 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong @0x000CC834, len = 0x00000004
extern ulong ULONG_000cc834;
// external declaration 'ULONG_ARRAY_000cbe7c' @0x000CBE7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong[19] @0x000CBE7C, len = 0x0000004C
extern ulong[19] ULONG_ARRAY_000cbe7c;
// external declaration 'ULONG_ARRAY_000dd3dc' @0x000DD3DC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong[15] @0x000DD3DC, len = 0x0000003C
extern ulong[15] ULONG_ARRAY_000dd3dc;
// external declaration 'ULONG_ARRAY_000e11b4' @0x000E11B4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong[5] @0x000E11B4, len = 0x00000014
extern ulong[5] ULONG_ARRAY_000e11b4;
// external declaration 'ULONG_ARRAY_000e12ac' @0x000E12AC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ulong[7] @0x000E12AC, len = 0x0000001C
extern ulong[7] ULONG_ARRAY_000e12ac;
// external declaration 'UpdateEnvSounds' @0x0009EDF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined *32[4] @0x0009EDF8, len = 0x00000010
extern undefined *32[4] UpdateEnvSounds;
// external declaration 'UpdateRoadPosition' @0x000E9BB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2850] @0x000E9BB8, len = 0x00001644
extern ushort[2850] UpdateRoadPosition;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ece94' @0x000ECE94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECE94, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ece94;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ece98' @0x000ECE98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECE98, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ece98;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ece9c' @0x000ECE9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECE9C, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ece9c;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea0' @0x000ECEA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECEA0, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea0;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea4' @0x000ECEA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECEA4, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea4;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea8' @0x000ECEA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2] @0x000ECEA8, len = 0x00000004
extern ushort[2] USHORT_ARRAY_000ecea8;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000eceac' @0x000ECEAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2554] @0x000ECEAC, len = 0x000013F4
extern ushort[2554] USHORT_ARRAY_000eceac;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000ee2a0' @0x000EE2A0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[3767] @0x000EE2A0, len = 0x00001D6E
extern ushort[3767] USHORT_ARRAY_000ee2a0;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000f000e' @0x000F000E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[1348] @0x000F000E, len = 0x00000A88
extern ushort[1348] USHORT_ARRAY_000f000e;
// external declaration 'USHORT_ARRAY_000f0a96' @0x000F0A96 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// ushort[2101] @0x000F0A96, len = 0x0000106A
extern ushort[2101] USHORT_ARRAY_000f0a96;
// external declaration 'Vcount' @0x000A9470 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined4 @0x000A9470, len = 0x00000004
extern undefined4 Vcount;
// external declaration 'VECTOR_ARRAY_000a1a0c' @0x000A1A0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// VECTOR[2] @0x000A1A0C, len = 0x00000020
extern VECTOR[2] VECTOR_ARRAY_000a1a0c;
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C0E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C0E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C04, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C06 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C06, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_00_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C08, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_00_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C0C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_00_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_00_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C00, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_00_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C1E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C1E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C14, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C16 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C16, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_01_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C18, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_01_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C1C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_01_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_01_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C10, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_01_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C2E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C2E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C24, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C26, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_02_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C28, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_02_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C2C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_02_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_02_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C20, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_02_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C3E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C3E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C34, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C36 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C36, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_03_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C38, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_03_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C3C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_03_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_03_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C30, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_03_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C4E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C4E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C44, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C46, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_04_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C48, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_04_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C4C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_04_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_04_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C40, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_04_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C5E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C5E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C54, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C56 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C56, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_05_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C58, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_05_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C5C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_05_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_05_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C50, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_05_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C6E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C6E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C64, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C66 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C66, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_06_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C68, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_06_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C6C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_06_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_06_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C60, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_06_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C7E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C7E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C74, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C76 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C76, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_07_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C78, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_07_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C7C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_07_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_07_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C70, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_07_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C8E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C8E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C84 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C84, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C86 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C86, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_08_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C88 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C88, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_08_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C8C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C8C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_08_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_08_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C80 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C80, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_08_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801C9E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C9E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801C94 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C94, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801C96 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C96, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_09_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801C98 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C98, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_09_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801C9C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801C9C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_09_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_09_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801C90 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801C90, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_09_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CAE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CAE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CA4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CA4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CA6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CA6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0a_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CA8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CA8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0a_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CAC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CAC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0a_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0a_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CA0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CA0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0a_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CBE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CBE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CB4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CB4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CB6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CB6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0b_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CB8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CB8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0b_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CBC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CBC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0b_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0b_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CB0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CB0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0b_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CCE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CCE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CC4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CC4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CC6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CC6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0c_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CC8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CC8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0c_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CCC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CCC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0c_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0c_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CC0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CC0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0c_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CDE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CDE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CD4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CD4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CD6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CD6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0d_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CD8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CD8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0d_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CDC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CDC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0d_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0d_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CD0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CD0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0d_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CEE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CEE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CE4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CE4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CE6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CE6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0e_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CE8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CE8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0e_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CEC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CEC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0e_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0e_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CE0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CE0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0e_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801CFE was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CFE, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801CF4 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CF4, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801CF6 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CF6, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0f_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801CF8 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CF8, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0f_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801CFC was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801CFC, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_0f_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_0f_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801CF0 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801CF0, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_0f_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D0E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D0E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D04 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D04, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D06 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D06, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_10_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D08 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D08, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_10_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D0C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D0C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_10_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_10_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D00 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D00, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_10_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D1E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D1E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D14 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D14, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D16 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D16, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_11_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D18 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D18, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_11_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D1C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_11_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_11_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D10 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D10, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_11_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D2E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D2E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D24 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D24, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D26 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D26, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_12_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D28 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D28, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_12_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D2C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D2C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_12_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_12_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D20 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D20, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_12_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D3E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D3E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D34 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D34, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D36 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D36, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_13_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D38 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D38, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_13_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D3C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_13_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_13_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D30 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D30, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_13_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D4E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D4E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D44, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D46 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D46, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_14_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D48 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D48, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_14_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D4C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D4C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_14_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_14_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D40 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D40, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_14_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D5E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D5E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D54 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D54, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D56 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D56, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_15_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D58 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D58, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_15_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D5C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D5C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_15_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_15_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D50, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_15_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D6E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D6E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D64 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D64, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D66 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D66, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_16_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D68 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D68, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_16_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D6C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D6C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_16_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_16_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D60 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D60, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_16_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_ADPCM_REPEAT_ADDR' @0x1F801D7E was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D7E, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_ADPCM_SAMPLE_RATE' @0x1F801D74 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D74, len = 0x00000002
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_ADPCM_START_ADDR' @0x1F801D76 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D76, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_17_ADPCM_START_ADDR;
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL' @0x1F801D78 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D78, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_17_ADSR_ATT_DEC_SUS_REL;
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME' @0x1F801D7C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// word @0x1F801D7C, len = 0x00000002
extern word VOICE_17_ADSR_CURR_VOLUME;
// external declaration 'VOICE_17_LEFT_RIGHT' @0x1F801D70 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// dword @0x1F801D70, len = 0x00000004
extern dword VOICE_17_LEFT_RIGHT;
// external declaration 'xList_6' @0x000CDC50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDC50, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 xList_6;
// external declaration 'xm_samples_90' @0x000AAE1C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined1 @0x000AAE1C, len = 0x00000001
extern undefined1 xm_samples_90;
// external declaration 'XYPAIR_0009ba3c' @0x0009BA3C was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// XYPAIR @0x0009BA3C, len = 0x00000008
extern struct XYPAIR XYPAIR_0009ba3c;
// external declaration 'XYPAIR_ARRAY_0009ba44' @0x0009BA44 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// XYPAIR[2] @0x0009BA44, len = 0x00000010
extern XYPAIR[2] XYPAIR_ARRAY_0009ba44;
// external declaration 'zList_7' @0x000CDD50 was found in the data exported from Ghidra, but not the original debug symbol data.
// undefined2 @0x000CDD50, len = 0x00000002
extern undefined2 zList_7;
extern void FUN_000000b0(void);; // 0x000000B0
extern void FUN_0001be9c(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0001BE9C
extern void FUN_0001beb8(void);; // 0x0001BEB8
extern void __main(void);; // 0x00087F50
extern void entry(void);; // 0x00087F58
extern undefined4 CdInit(void);; // 0x00088014
extern uint FUN_000880a4(void);; // 0x000880A4
extern void FUN_000880e0(void);; // 0x000880E0
extern void FUN_00088108(void);; // 0x00088108
extern int CdPosToInt(CdlLOC *p);; // 0x00088164
extern CdlFILE * CdSearchFile(CdlFILE *fp,char *name);; // 0x000881E4
extern uint FUN_000884bc(char *param_1,char *param_2);; // 0x000884BC
extern undefined4 FUN_000884dc(void);; // 0x000884DC
extern int FUN_000887a0(int param_1,char *param_2);; // 0x000887A0
extern undefined4 FUN_00088844(int param_1);; // 0x00088844
extern uint FUN_00088ae0(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x00088AE0
extern undefined4 FUN_00088b54(void);; // 0x00088B54
extern uint CD_sync(int param_1,undefined *param_2);; // 0x000890B8
extern uint CD_ready(int param_1,undefined *param_2);; // 0x00089338
extern undefined4 CD_cw(byte param_1,undefined *param_2,undefined *param_3,int param_4);; // 0x00089600
extern void CD_flush(void);; // 0x00089A0C
extern undefined4 CD_initvol(void);; // 0x00089AE0
extern undefined4 CD_init(void);; // 0x00089BD0
extern undefined4 CD_datasync(int param_1);; // 0x00089DB0
extern void FUN_00089f24(void);; // 0x00089F24
extern void CdIntToPos(int param_1,char *param_2);; // 0x0008A000
extern undefined4 CdReadyCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008A110
extern undefined4 CdControl(uint param_1,int param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x0008A130
extern undefined4 CdControlF(uint param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008A26C
extern uint CdControlB(uint param_1,int param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x0008A3A0
extern uint CdGetSector(void);; // 0x0008A4F0
extern undefined4 CD_getsector(undefined4 param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008A510
extern void CdDataCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008A610
extern void FUN_0008a640(void);; // 0x0008A640
extern void FUN_0008a674(char param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0008A674
extern undefined4 FUN_0008a9b8(int param_1);; // 0x0008A9B8
extern uint CdRead(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x0008ABA0
extern int CdReadSync(int mode,uchar *result);; // 0x0008AD3C
extern uint CdStatus(void);; // 0x0008AE40
extern uint CdMode(void);; // 0x0008AE50
extern undefined1 * CdLastPos(void);; // 0x0008AE60
extern void CdFlush(void);; // 0x0008AE70
extern void CdReady(void);; // 0x0008AE90
extern undefined4 CdSyncCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008AEB0
extern uint CdGetSector2(void);; // 0x0008AED0
extern undefined4 CD_getsector2(undefined4 param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008AEF0
extern void CdDataSync(void);; // 0x0008AFE0
extern undefined4 CdDiskReady(int param_1);; // 0x0008B000
extern uint CdGetDiskType(void);; // 0x0008B140
extern uint CdReadFile(char *param_1,undefined4 param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x0008B2B0
extern int rsin(uint param_1);; // 0x0008B430
extern int sin_1(int param_1);; // 0x0008B46C
extern int rcos(uint param_1);; // 0x0008B500
extern uint InitGeom(void);; // 0x0008B5A8
extern uint SquareRoot0(int param_1);; // 0x0008B630
extern uint * MulMatrix0(undefined4 *param_1,ushort *param_2,uint *param_3);; // 0x0008B6C0
extern uint * MulRotMatrix(uint *param_1);; // 0x0008B7D0
extern int * ApplyRotMatrixLV(uint *param_1,int *param_2);; // 0x0008B8C0
extern undefined2 * ApplyMatrixSV(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 *param_2,undefined2 *param_3);; // 0x0008BA00
extern int TransMatrix(int param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x0008BA60
extern void SetRotMatrix(undefined4 *param_1);; // 0x0008BA90
extern void SetTransMatrix(int param_1);; // 0x0008BAC0
extern void SetGeomOffset(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008BAE0
extern void SetGeomScreen(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008BB00
extern int RotTransPers(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 *param_2,undefined4 *param_3,undefined4 *param_4);; // 0x0008BB10
extern void RotTrans(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 *param_2,undefined4 *param_3);; // 0x0008BB40
extern undefined2 * RotMatrix(short *param_1,undefined2 *param_2);; // 0x0008BB70
extern short * RotMatrixYXZ(short *param_1,short *param_2);; // 0x0008BE00
extern int RotMatrixX(uint param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008C090
extern short * RotMatrixY(uint param_1,short *param_2);; // 0x0008C230
extern short * RotMatrixZ(uint param_1,short *param_2);; // 0x0008C3D0
extern void RotMatrixZYX_gte(int *param_1,uint *param_2);; // 0x0008C570
extern int ratan2(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008C770
extern void _patch_gte(void);; // 0x0008C8F0
extern uint ResetGraph(uint param_1);; // 0x0008C9D0
extern uint SetGraphDebug(byte param_1);; // 0x0008CB44
extern undefined4 DrawSyncCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008CBA0
extern void SetDispMask(int param_1);; // 0x0008CC00
extern void DrawSync(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008CC98
extern void FUN_0008cd00(undefined4 param_1,short *param_2);; // 0x0008CD00
extern void ClearImage(undefined4 param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0008CE1C
extern int ClearImage2(RECT *rect,u_char r,u_char g,u_char b);; // 0x0008CEAC
extern void LoadImage(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0008CF44
extern void StoreImage(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0008CFA4
extern undefined4 MoveImage(undefined4 *param_1,uint param_2,int param_3);; // 0x0008D004
extern void ClearOTag(uint *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008D0BC
extern ulong * ClearOTagR(ulong *ot,int n);; // 0x0008D184
extern void DrawPrim(int param_1);; // 0x0008D230
extern void DrawOTag(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008D28C
extern DRAWENV * PutDrawEnv(DRAWENV *param_1);; // 0x0008D2FC
extern void * GetDrawEnv(void *param_1);; // 0x0008D3BC
extern DISPENV * PutDispEnv(DISPENV *param_1);; // 0x0008D3F0
extern void * GetDispEnv(void *param_1);; // 0x0008D8E8
extern void SetDrawArea(int param_1,ushort *param_2);; // 0x0008D91C
extern void SetDrawEnv(int param_1,ushort *param_2);; // 0x0008D99C
extern void FUN_0008db94(int param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x0008DB94
extern uint FUN_0008de04(int param_1,int param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x0008DE04
extern uint FUN_0008de24(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008DE24
extern uint FUN_0008debc(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008DEBC
extern uint FUN_0008df54(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008DF54
extern uint FUN_0008df70(byte *param_1);; // 0x0008DF70
extern int FUN_0008e008(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008E008
extern undefined4 FUN_0008e0e8(undefined4 *param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0008E0E8
extern undefined4 FUN_0008e318(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x0008E318
extern undefined4 FUN_0008e554(undefined4 *param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x0008E554
extern void FUN_0008e7d4(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008E7D4
extern undefined4 FUN_0008e7f0(undefined4 *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008E7F0
extern void FUN_0008e830(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0008E830
extern uint FUN_0008e878(uint param_1);; // 0x0008E878
extern void FUN_0008e8a8(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x0008E8A8
extern uint FUN_0008e8cc(code *param_1,undefined4 *param_2,int param_3,undefined4 param_4);; // 0x0008E8CC
extern uint FUN_0008eb7c(void);; // 0x0008EB7C
extern undefined4 FUN_0008eddc(uint param_1);; // 0x0008EDDC
extern uint FUN_0008ef18(int param_1);; // 0x0008EF18
extern void FUN_0008f054(void);; // 0x0008F054
extern undefined4 FUN_0008f088(void);; // 0x0008F088
extern undefined8 FUN_0008f1cc(uint param_1);; // 0x0008F1CC
extern undefined4 LoadImage2(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0008F26C
extern undefined4 StoreImage2(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0008F358
extern void _GPU_ResetCallback(void);; // 0x0008F444
extern void FUN_0008f46c(undefined *param_1,undefined param_2,int param_3);; // 0x0008F46C
extern uint LoadClut(undefined4 param_1,int param_2,int param_3);; // 0x0008F494
extern uint LoadClut2(undefined4 param_1,int param_2,int param_3);; // 0x0008F504
extern void SetDefDrawEnv(undefined2 *param_1,undefined2 param_2,undefined2 param_3,undefined2 param_4,int param_5);; // 0x0008F574
extern void SetDefDispEnv(undefined2 *param_1,undefined2 param_2,undefined2 param_3,undefined2 param_4,undefined2 param_5);; // 0x0008F634
extern u_short GetTPage(int tp,int abr,int x,int y);; // 0x0008F674
extern u_short GetClut(int x,int y);; // 0x0008F6B4
extern void SetSemiTrans(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0008F6D4
extern void SetPolyG3(int param_1);; // 0x0008F704
extern void SetPolyFT4(int param_1);; // 0x0008F724
extern void SetPolyG4(int param_1);; // 0x0008F744
extern void SetTile(int param_1);; // 0x0008F764
extern void SetLineF2(int param_1);; // 0x0008F784
extern void SetLineF4(int param_1);; // 0x0008F7A4
extern void SetDrawTPage(int param_1,int param_2,int param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0008F7C4
extern void SetDrawMove(int param_1,undefined4 *param_2,uint param_3,int param_4);; // 0x0008F7F4
extern void SetDrawLoad(int param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x0008F854
extern undefined4 Krom2Tim(byte *param_1,undefined4 *param_2,uint param_3,int param_4,uint param_5,int param_6,int param_7,uint param_8);; // 0x0008F8C4
extern int kanjitrans(ushort param_1);; // 0x0008FDC4
extern uint hankanjitrans(byte param_1,undefined4 param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x000902F4
extern void InitHeap(void);; // 0x00090434
extern void Exec(void);; // 0x00090444
extern void FlushCache(void);; // 0x00090454
extern void GPU_cw(void);; // 0x00090464
extern void _bu_init(void);; // 0x00090474
extern void DeliverEvent(void);; // 0x00090484
extern void OpenEvent(void);; // 0x00090494
extern void CloseEvent(void);; // 0x000904A4
extern void TestEvent(void);; // 0x000904B4
extern void EnableEvent(void);; // 0x000904C4
extern void DisableEvent(void);; // 0x000904D4
extern void EnterCriticalSection(void);; // 0x000904E4
extern void ExitCriticalSection(void);; // 0x000904F4
extern void SetSp(void);; // 0x00090504
extern int open(char *__file,int __oflag,...);; // 0x00090514
extern __off_t lseek(int __fd,__off_t __offset,int __whence);; // 0x00090524
extern ssize_t read(int __fd,void *__buf,size_t __nbytes);; // 0x00090534
extern ssize_t write(int __fd,void *__buf,size_t __n);; // 0x00090544
extern int close(int __fd);; // 0x00090554
extern void format(void);; // 0x00090564
extern void nextfile(void);; // 0x00090574
extern void erase(void);; // 0x00090584
extern void Krom2RawAdd(void);; // 0x00090594
extern void GetSp(void);; // 0x000905A4
extern undefined4 firstfile(char *param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x000905B4
extern void FUN_00090750(int *param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x00090750
extern void firstfile2(void);; // 0x00090854
extern uint VSync(int param_1);; // 0x00090864
extern void FUN_000909dc(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x000909DC
extern void ChangeClearPAD(void);; // 0x00090A74
extern void ChangeClearRCnt(void);; // 0x00090A84
extern void ResetCallback(void);; // 0x00090A94
extern void InterruptCallback(void);; // 0x00090AC4
extern void DMACallback(void);; // 0x00090AF4
extern void VSyncCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x00090B24
extern void StopCallback(void);; // 0x00090B58
extern uint CheckCallback(void);; // 0x00090B88
extern uint SetIntrMask(undefined2 param_1);; // 0x00090B98
extern undefined2 * FUN_00090bb0(void);; // 0x00090BB0
extern void FUN_00090c88(void);; // 0x00090C88
extern int FUN_00090e58(uint param_1,int param_2);; // 0x00090E58
extern undefined2 * FUN_00090fa0(void);; // 0x00090FA0
extern undefined2 * FUN_00091040(void);; // 0x00091040
extern void FUN_000910b8(undefined4 *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x000910B8
extern void _96_remove(void);; // 0x000910E4
extern void ReturnFromException(void);; // 0x000910FC
extern void ResetEntryInt(void);; // 0x0009110C
extern void HookEntryInt(void);; // 0x0009111C
extern undefined * startIntrVSync(void);; // 0x0009112C
extern void FUN_00091184(void);; // 0x00091184
extern void FUN_0009121c(undefined4 *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0009121C
extern undefined * startIntrDMA(void);; // 0x0009124C
extern void FUN_00091298(void);; // 0x00091298
extern void FUN_000914c4(undefined4 *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x000914C4
extern undefined4 SetVideoMode(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x000914EC
extern undefined4 GetVideoMode(void);; // 0x00091500
extern void bcopy(void *__src,void *__dest,size_t __n);; // 0x0009151C
extern void bzero(void *__s,size_t __n);; // 0x0009155C
extern int memcmp(void *__s1,void *__s2,size_t __n);; // 0x0009158C
extern void * memcpy(void *__dest,void *__src,size_t __n);; // 0x000915CC
extern void * memmove(void *__dest,void *__src,size_t __n);; // 0x0009160C
extern void * memset(void *__s,int __c,size_t __n);; // 0x0009167C
extern int rand(void);; // 0x000916AC
extern void srand(uint __seed);; // 0x000916DC
extern char * strcat(char *__dest,char *__src);; // 0x000916EC
extern int strcmp(char *__s1,char *__s2);; // 0x0009179C
extern char * strcpy(char *__dest,char *__src);; // 0x0009180C
extern size_t strlen(char *__s);; // 0x0009185C
extern int strncmp(char *__s1,char *__s2,size_t __n);; // 0x0009189C
extern int printf(char *__format,...);; // 0x0009191C
extern int prnt(undefined4 param_1,byte *param_2,int **param_3);; // 0x0009195C
extern void * memchr(void *__s,int __c,size_t __n);; // 0x00091FFC
extern int _putchar(int __c);; // 0x0009204C
extern void _putchar_flash(void);; // 0x00092148
extern int sprintf(char *__s,char *__format,...);; // 0x00092184
extern int puts(char *__s);; // 0x00092A04
extern int setjmp(__jmp_buf_tag *__env);; // 0x00092A64
extern void exit(int __status);; // 0x00092AA0
extern int __fixunssfsi(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x00092AB0
extern void __builtin_delete(void *param_1);; // 0x00092B0C
extern void free(void *__ptr);; // 0x00092B30
extern void SsSetSerialVol(char param_1,short param_2,short param_3);; // 0x00092B3C
extern void SpuInit(void);; // 0x00092C4C
extern void _SpuInit(int param_1);; // 0x00092C6C
extern void SpuStart(void);; // 0x00092D54
extern undefined4 _spu_init(int param_1);; // 0x00092DCC
extern void FUN_0009304c(undefined2 *param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009304C
extern void _spu_FiDMA(void);; // 0x0009320C
extern undefined4 _spu_t(int param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x000932C8
extern uint _spu_Fw(undefined4 param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x00093548
extern void _spu_FsetRXX(int param_1,uint param_2,int param_3);; // 0x000935CC
extern uint _spu_FsetRXXa(int param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x00093610
extern void FUN_0009370c(void);; // 0x0009370C
extern void FUN_00093734(void);; // 0x00093734
extern void _spu_Fw1ts(void);; // 0x0009375C
extern void _SpuDataCallback(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x000937C4
extern void SpuQuit(void);; // 0x000937F4
extern int SpuSetMute(int param_1);; // 0x00093874
extern int SpuInitMalloc(int param_1,undefined4 *param_2);; // 0x000938D4
extern uint SpuMalloc(uint param_1);; // 0x00093934
extern void _spu_gcSPU(void);; // 0x00093C04
extern void SpuFree(uint param_1);; // 0x00093F04
extern uint SpuFlush(uint param_1);; // 0x00093F84
extern int SpuSetReverb(int param_1);; // 0x00094184
extern undefined4 _SpuIsInAllocateArea_(int param_1);; // 0x00094274
extern undefined4 SpuSetReverbModeParam(uint *param_1);; // 0x00094304
extern void _spu_setReverbAttr(uint *param_1);; // 0x000947E4
extern undefined4 SpuReserveReverbWorkArea(int param_1);; // 0x00094CB4
extern undefined4 SpuSetReverbDepth(uint *param_1);; // 0x00094D04
extern void SpuSetReverbVoice(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x00094D84
extern uint _SpuSetAnyVoice(int param_1,uint param_2,int param_3,int param_4);; // 0x00094DB4
extern void SpuGetReverbVoice(void);; // 0x00095074
extern uint _SpuGetAnyVoice(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x000950A4
extern undefined4 SpuClearReverbWorkArea(uint param_1);; // 0x000950D4
extern void WaitEvent(void);; // 0x00095274
extern void SpuSetKey(int param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x00095284
extern int SpuGetKeyStatus(uint param_1);; // 0x00095444
extern uint SpuWrite(undefined4 param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x000954D4
extern int SpuSetTransferStartAddr(int param_1);; // 0x00095534
extern void SpuSetTransferMode(int param_1);; // 0x00095594
extern int SpuIsTransferCompleted(int param_1);; // 0x000955C4
extern void SpuGetAllKeysStatus(undefined *param_1);; // 0x00095674
extern void SpuSetVoiceVolume(int param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3);; // 0x00095700
extern void SpuSetVoicePitch(int param_1,undefined2 param_2);; // 0x00095780
extern void SpuSetVoiceAR(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x000957F0
extern void SpuSetVoiceRR(int param_1,ushort param_2);; // 0x00095870
extern void SpuSetVoiceAttr(uint *param_1);; // 0x000958F0
extern uint _spu_note2pitch(int param_1,int param_2,int param_3,int param_4);; // 0x00095EF0
extern void SpuGetVoiceVolume(int param_1,ushort *param_2,ushort *param_3);; // 0x00095FC0
extern void SpuGetVoicePitch(int param_1,undefined2 *param_2);; // 0x00096020
extern void SpuSetCommonAttr(uint *param_1);; // 0x00096040
extern void PadSetAct(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined param_3);; // 0x000963C0
extern uint PadSetActAlign(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x00096400
extern void FUN_0009647c(int param_1);; // 0x0009647C
extern uint PadGetState(void);; // 0x00096570
extern uint PadInfoMode(undefined4 param_1,int param_2,int param_3);; // 0x00096640
extern void PadStartCom(void);; // 0x00096740
extern void PadStopCom(void);; // 0x0009680C
extern void SysEnqIntRP(void);; // 0x00096850
extern void SysDeqIntRP(void);; // 0x00096860
extern void PadInitDirect(undefined4 param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x00096870
extern void _padInitDirPort(void);; // 0x00096920
extern void FUN_00096b6c(int param_1);; // 0x00096B6C
extern void _dirFailAuto(int param_1);; // 0x00097250
extern undefined4 _padIsVsync(void);; // 0x00097360
extern undefined4 _padIntPad(void);; // 0x000973C8
extern undefined4 _padInitSioMode(int param_1);; // 0x00097558
extern void FUN_0009788c(int param_1);; // 0x0009788C
extern uint _padSioRW(int param_1,int param_2);; // 0x0009797C
extern uint _padSioRW2(int param_1,undefined param_2);; // 0x00097BA0
extern undefined4 _padClrIntSio0(void);; // 0x00097E1C
extern void _padWaitRXready(void);; // 0x00097EAC
extern void _padSetCmd(int param_1,undefined param_2,undefined4 param_3,undefined param_4);; // 0x00097ED4
extern void _padSendAtLoadInfo(int param_1);; // 0x00097EE4
extern undefined4 _padRecvAtLoadInfo(int param_1);; // 0x00097F68
extern int _padGetActSize(int param_1);; // 0x000981D8
extern undefined4 _padLoadActInfo(int *param_1,int param_2);; // 0x00098210
extern void FUN_000982e4(int param_1);; // 0x000982E4
extern void _padCmdParaMode(int param_1,undefined param_2);; // 0x00098784
extern void FUN_000987a4(int param_1);; // 0x000987A4
extern void FUN_000987b8(int param_1,undefined param_2);; // 0x000987B8
extern void FUN_000987d8(int param_1,undefined param_2);; // 0x000987D8
extern void FUN_000987f8(int param_1,undefined param_2);; // 0x000987F8
extern void FUN_00098818(int param_1);; // 0x00098818
extern void _padSetRC2wait(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x0009882C
extern uint _padChkRC2wait(void);; // 0x0009884C
extern void FUN_000988ec(int param_1);; // 0x000988EC
extern uint FUN_00098a0c(int param_1);; // 0x00098A0C
extern uint FUN_00098ab8(int param_1);; // 0x00098AB8
extern uint FUN_00098bd4(int param_1);; // 0x00098BD4
extern void _card_read(void);; // 0x000991F0
extern void _new_card(void);; // 0x00099200
extern void _card_wait(void);; // 0x00099210
extern void _card_clear(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x00099220
extern void _card_write(void);; // 0x00099260
extern void InitCARD(undefined4 param_1);; // 0x00099270
extern undefined4 StartCARD(void);; // 0x00099300
extern undefined4 StopCARD(void);; // 0x00099348
extern undefined4 ReadInitPadFlag(void);; // 0x00099370
extern void InitCARD2(void);; // 0x00099380
extern void StartCARD2(void);; // 0x00099390
extern void StopCARD2(void);; // 0x000993A0
extern void _patch_card_info(void);; // 0x000993B0
extern void _patch_card(void);; // 0x0009948C
extern void _patch_card2(void);; // 0x00099520
extern void _copy_memcard_patch(void);; // 0x00099590
extern void _ExitCard(void);; // 0x000995D0
extern void MemCardInit(void);; // 0x00099650
extern undefined8 __adddf3(uint param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x00099680
extern uint * _add_mant_d(uint *param_1,uint param_2,int param_3,uint param_4,int param_5);; // 0x00099A00
extern uint __addsf3(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x00099AB0
extern uint * _dbl_shift(uint *param_1,int param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4,int param_5);; // 0x00099C60
extern undefined8 __divdf3(int param_1,uint param_2,int param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x00099D20
extern undefined4 _comp_mant(uint param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0009A000
extern uint * _dbl_shift_us(uint *param_1,int param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4,int param_5);; // 0x0009A050
extern uint __divsf3(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009A110
extern undefined8 __extendsfdf2(uint param_1);; // 0x0009A260
extern int __fixsfsi(uint param_1);; // 0x0009A3C0
extern undefined8 __floatsidf(uint param_1);; // 0x0009A470
extern uint __floatsisf(int param_1);; // 0x0009A590
extern undefined4 __gesf2(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009A660
extern uint __gtsf2(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009A700
extern undefined4 __ltsf2(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009A7A0
extern uint * _mainasu(uint *param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x0009A850
extern uint __mulsf3(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009A8C0
extern uint __negsf2(uint param_1);; // 0x0009AA00
extern uint __subsf3(uint param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009AA20
extern uint __truncdfsf2(int param_1,uint param_2);; // 0x0009AA80
extern undefined4 _err_math(int param_1,undefined4 param_2);; // 0x0009ABB0
extern double sqrt(double __x);; // 0x0009AC20
extern uint __gtdf2(uint param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0009AD60
extern undefined4 __ltdf2(uint param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0009AE40
extern undefined8 __muldf3(uint param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3,uint param_4);; // 0x0009AF20
extern uint * _mul_mant_d(uint *param_1,uint param_2,uint param_3);; // 0x0009B234
extern struct BLOCKINFO _6MCSLOT.s_copyBlockInfo; // offset 0x10EE38
extern int aa; // offset 0xAA9F8
extern struct _CAR_DATA (*active_car_list[20]); // offset 0xD1200
extern struct ACTIVE_CHEATS ActiveCheats; // offset 0xAAE80
static struct MENU_ITEM (*ActiveItem[3]); // offset 0xD9358
static struct MENU_HEADER *ActiveMenu; // offset 0xAB064
static int ActiveMenuItem; // offset 0xAB068
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS addcam; // offset 0xC09D8
static unsigned char align[6]; // offset 0xAA7BC
static int alleycount; // offset 0xAA430
static int allownameentry; // offset 0xAA7F4
extern int allowSpecSpooling; // offset 0xAB1E4
extern int allowVibration; // offset 0x1C6AB4
extern int allreadydone; // offset 0xAA8BC
static char AnalogueUnpack[16]; // offset 0x9BB5C
extern int angle; // offset 0xAAAE0
extern unsigned long anim_obj_buffer[20]; // offset 0xCBE78
extern struct AreaDataStr *AreaData; // offset 0xAB1D4
extern unsigned char *AreaTPages; // offset 0xAB23C
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS arm1_texture; // offset 0xC1B80
extern char AsciiTable[256]; // offset 0xD9F68
extern int asf; // offset 0xE9158
extern struct MATRIX aspect; // offset 0x9BF4C
extern int attract_number; // offset 0xAA408
extern int AttractMode; // offset 0xAA5E8
extern int autobrakeon; // offset 0xAA560
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS autocam; // offset 0xC1C28
extern int AutoDirect; // offset 0xAACCC
extern struct ACTIVE_CHEATS AvailableCheats; // offset 0xAAE84
extern struct POLY_FT4 BackgroundPolys[6]; // offset 0x1CBCC0
extern int bAllreadyRotated; // offset 0xAA750
extern struct VECTOR bangPos; // offset 0xD5260
extern long bankaddr[2]; // offset 0xAB148
static char banks[24]; // offset 0xDD3B8
static long banksize[2]; // offset 0xAA93C
static long baseDir; // offset 0xAAA98
extern struct VECTOR baseLoc; // offset 0xBD4A8
static long basePos[3]; // offset 0xACA90
extern int baseSpecCP; // offset 0xAAAB8
extern int basic_car_interest; // offset 0xAB0AC
extern int bAvoidBomb; // offset 0xAA868
extern int bAvoidTanner; // offset 0xAA864
extern struct BOUND_BOX bbox[20]; // offset 0xD5070
extern int bCdIconSetup; // offset 0x1C6AC8
extern int bDisplayBones; // offset 0xAA7A4
extern int bDoingCarSelect; // offset 0x1C6A88
extern int bDoingCutSelect; // offset 0x1C69A4
extern int bDoingScores; // offset 0x1C699C
extern int bDoingShadow; // offset 0xAA754
extern int bDoneAllready; // offset 0x1C6AAC
extern int bDrawExtra; // offset 0x1C6A90
extern int bFreezeAnimation; // offset 0xAA850
static short big_north[4]; // offset 0x9BA74
extern int bInCutSelect; // offset 0x1C6A80
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS bird_texture1; // offset 0xC1D18
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS bird_texture2; // offset 0xC1D28
extern int bKilled; // offset 0xAA870
extern int bKillTanner; // offset 0xAA85C
static int BlackBorderHeight; // offset 0xAA1F0
extern int bLoadedAllMC; // offset 0xAA7A0
extern int bMissionSelect; // offset 0x1C6AB0
extern int bMissionTitleFade; // offset 0xAA59C
static struct SVECTOR boatOffset; // offset 0xAAD80
static int bodgevar; // offset 0xAAFC0
extern int bodySelect; // offset 0xAA0BC
extern int bodyShiftValue; // offset 0xAA7AC
extern int boneIdvals[15]; // offset 0xA0ED8
extern struct BOTCH botch[38]; // offset 0x1C6BB8
extern int boxOverlap; // offset 0xAAA88
extern int BPMLimit; // offset 0xAB354
extern int bPower; // offset 0xAA888
extern unsigned int brakeLength[20]; // offset 0xBD458
extern int bRedrawFrontend; // offset 0x1C6AA0
extern int bRequestedKey; // offset 0x1C6AA8
extern int bReturnToMain; // offset 0xAA544
extern int bReverseAnimation; // offset 0xAA854
extern int bReverseYRotation; // offset 0xAA860
extern int bScreenSetup; // offset 0x1C6A94
extern int bStopTanner; // offset 0xAA874
extern int bTannerSitting; // offset 0xAA840
extern char *buffer; // offset 0xAB1BC
static unsigned long buffer[8]; // offset 0xE11A8
extern int buildingsFound; // offset 0xAACE4
static char (*button_names[11]); // offset 0xA1850
static struct TEXTURE_DETAILS button_textures[11]; // offset 0xD9AC8
extern int bWantCDReset; // offset 0x1C6AA4
static int bWantFade; // offset 0xAA5A0
extern int cak; // offset 0xAA9AC
static struct SVECTOR camAngle; // offset 0xAB088
extern struct SVECTOR camera_angle; // offset 0xAA0F0
extern int camera_cell_x; // offset 0xAAF78
extern int camera_cell_z; // offset 0xAAF7C
extern char camera_change; // offset 0xAB140
extern struct MATRIX camera_matrix; // offset 0xACAF0
extern struct VECTOR camera_position; // offset 0x9BDC4
extern int CameraCar; // offset 0xAA5FC
extern char CameraChanged; // offset 0xAACB5
extern int CameraCnt; // offset 0xAAF18
static struct CameraDelay cameraDelay; // offset 0xAADA8
static int cameraEventsActive; // offset 0xAAD6C
extern struct VECTOR CameraPos; // offset 0x9BDB4
extern char CamerasSaved; // offset 0xAA5BD
extern char cameraview; // offset 0xAA5BF
static int cammapht2; // offset 0xAAC94
extern struct SVECTOR camverts[128]; // offset 0xDCC78
extern struct CAR_COSMETICS car_cosmetics[5]; // offset 0xD4BD0
extern struct _CAR_DATA car_data[22]; // offset 0xD1268
static struct __othercarsound car_noise[4]; // offset 0xCE660
extern int CAR_PAUSE_START; // offset 0xAA178
extern char Car0_ShinyTable[256]; // offset 0xCDB50
extern int carAngle; // offset 0xAA194
extern int CarAvailability[4][10]; // offset 0x1C6AF4
extern struct SVECTOR carDisplayOffset; // offset 0xAA138
static struct _TARGET (*carEvent[8]); // offset 0xCDE90
extern int CarLightFadeBack; // offset 0xAAC80
extern int CarLightFadeFront; // offset 0xAAC38
extern int carnum; // offset 0xAAB10
extern char carNumLookup[4][10]; // offset 0x1C6ACC
extern struct EventCarriage carriageData[10]; // offset 0xCDEF8
extern int carSelection; // offset 0x1C6A0C
static char (*carSelectPlayerText[2]); // offset 0xAA6A4
static char (*carSelectPlayerText[2]); // offset 0x1C676C
static int carsOnBoat; // offset 0xAAD78
extern struct VECTOR CarTail; // offset 0xBD600
extern struct _CAR_DATA *carToGetIn; // offset 0xAB0C4
extern char carTpages[4][8]; // offset 0x9BE24
static struct CDATA2D cd[2]; // offset 0xBD080
static struct CDATA2D cd[2]; // offset 0xD94F0
static struct CDATA2D cd[2]; // offset 0xD91A8
extern unsigned short cd_palette[32]; // offset 0xDEC58
static struct POLY_FT4 cd_sprite; // offset 0xDEC00
static struct POLY_FT4 cd_sprite; // offset 0x1C6D20
extern struct OUT_CELL_FILE_HEADER *cell_header; // offset 0xAAED8
extern struct CELL_OBJECT cell_object_buffer[1024]; // offset 0xB9080
extern unsigned char cell_object_computed_values[2048]; // offset 0xB8880
extern int cell_object_index; // offset 0xAA140
extern struct PACKED_CELL_OBJECT *cell_objects; // offset 0xAAEF4
extern int cell_objects_add[5]; // offset 0xD6F28
extern unsigned short *cell_ptrs; // offset 0xAAF44
extern int cell_slots_add[5]; // offset 0xD7350
extern struct CELL_DATA *cells; // offset 0xAAEA8
extern unsigned int cellsPerFrame; // offset 0xE9138
extern unsigned int cellsThisFrame; // offset 0xF2798
static unsigned long channel_lookup[16]; // offset 0xDD3D8
extern struct CHANNEL_DATA channels[16]; // offset 0xDE480
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS chasecar; // offset 0xC1CE8
static struct MENU_HEADER ChaseGameFinishedHeader; // offset 0xA1594
static struct MENU_ITEM ChaseGameFinishedItems[6]; // offset 0xA138C
extern struct CHEATS cheats; // offset 0xD1250
static char (*cheatText[5]); // offset 0xA0640
static char (*cheatText[5]); // offset 0x1C6874
extern int checkFrames; // offset 0xAA14C
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS chest1_texture; // offset 0xC29A0
static int ChicagoCameraHack[3]; // offset 0x9ED04
static struct FixedEvent chicagoDoor[3]; // offset 0x9E90C
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS choosecar; // offset 0xC2990
extern int chunk_complete; // offset 0xAB268
extern struct XYPAIR citylumps[8][4]; // offset 0xE0AF0
extern char (*CityNames[4]); // offset 0x1C6CEC
extern int citystart[8]; // offset 0xE0AD0
extern unsigned short civ_clut[8][32][6]; // offset 0xABA88
extern int civ_smoke_enabled; // offset 0xAA120
extern struct CIV_AI_234fake civPingTest; // offset 0x9BF14
static long civrseed[17]; // offset 0xBD150
extern int cJerichoVNumbers[7]; // offset 0xD7D08
extern int ClearCameras; // offset 0xAA404
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS clock; // offset 0xBF8C8
extern int closeEncounter; // offset 0xAA184
extern struct RECT clutpos; // offset 0xAB2F0
extern unsigned int collDat; // offset 0xAAB24
extern struct CAR_COLLISION_BOX collision_box[8]; // offset 0xD9660
extern int collision_boxes_set; // offset 0xAB098
extern struct _CAR_DATA (*collision_car_ptr[8]); // offset 0xD9640
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS collon_texture; // offset 0xBF850
extern struct MATRIX colour_matrix; // offset 0x9BEE4
extern int combointensity; // offset 0xAB0D8
extern struct MATRIX2 CompoundMatrix[64]; // offset 0xCD168
extern char continuous_track; // offset 0xAAE58
extern char (*contNames[2]); // offset 0x1C6D04
extern unsigned short controller_bits; // offset 0xAAED0
extern char cookieCount; // offset 0xAA15C
static int cop_adjust; // offset 0xAA6E0
static char cop_bank; // offset 0xAAE29
static char cop_model; // offset 0xAAE28
extern int cop_respawn_timer; // offset 0xAABD8
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS cop_texture; // offset 0xC1B08
extern struct CELL_OBJECT **coplist; // offset 0xAB050
static int copmusic; // offset 0xAA520
extern int CopsAllowed; // offset 0xAABC0
extern int copsAreInPursuit; // offset 0xAABC4
extern int CopsCanSeePlayer; // offset 0xAABB8
extern struct COP_SIGHT_DATA copSightData; // offset 0xAABC8
extern int coptrackpos[8]; // offset 0x9EFFC
extern char CopWorkMem[444]; // offset 0xBD620
extern int corner; // offset 0xAA18C
extern char (*CosmeticFiles[4]); // offset 0x9BFF4
extern int crateoffset; // offset 0xAA580
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS cross_texture; // offset 0xC2800
extern int cTannerVNumbers[24]; // offset 0xD7CA8
extern int currCity; // offset 0x1C6A70
extern struct DB *current; // offset 0xAB2A0
static char *current_address; // offset 0xAB288
extern int current_barrel_region_xcell; // offset 0xAAF80
extern int current_barrel_region_zcell; // offset 0xAAF84
extern int current_camera_angle; // offset 0xAA0F8
extern struct VECTOR current_camera_position; // offset 0xCD158
extern int current_cell_x; // offset 0xAAFA4
extern int current_cell_z; // offset 0xAAFA8
extern struct MATRIX *current_inv_matrix; // offset 0xAACE0
extern struct MATRIX *current_matrix; // offset 0xAACD4
extern int current_music_id; // offset 0xAB1CC
extern int current_object_computed_value; // offset 0xAAEB0
extern struct VECTOR *current_offset; // offset 0xAACEC
extern int current_region; // offset 0xAAFB0
static int current_sector; // offset 0xAB27C
static int current_sector; // offset 0xAB16C
static int current_smashed_cone; // offset 0xAA450
extern int currentAngle; // offset 0xAAB54
static int CurrentBomb; // offset 0xAA0C8
extern struct _CAR_DATA currentCar; // offset 0xBD198
extern int CurrentCh; // offset 0xAB374
static unsigned short CurrentChannel; // offset 0xAB320
extern enum GAMEMODE CurrentGameMode; // offset 0xAA548
extern struct GARAGE_DOOR CurrentGarage; // offset 0xAB6D0
extern short CurrentJunction; // offset 0xAA5C4
extern int CurrentPlayerView; // offset 0xAA5D8
extern struct VECTOR currentPos; // offset 0xBD438
extern char CurrentPVS[444]; // offset 0xD7368
extern short CurrentRoad; // offset 0xAA5C2
extern int currentRoadId; // offset 0xAAB70
extern int currMission; // offset 0x1CC54C
extern int currPlayer; // offset 0x1C6A84
extern int currSelIndex; // offset 0x1C6A8C
extern int CursorX; // offset 0xAACAC
extern int CursorY; // offset 0xAACB0
extern int CutAmounts[5]; // offset 0x1C69B8
extern int CutAmountsTotal[5]; // offset 0x1C69CC
extern char (*cutGfxNames[4]); // offset 0x1C69A8
static struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *CutLastChange; // offset 0xAA1DC
static struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *CutNextChange; // offset 0xAA1D8
static int cutscene_timer; // offset 0xAAFB8
extern struct CUTSCENE_BUFFER CutsceneBuffer; // offset 0xBD820
extern struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *CutsceneCamera; // offset 0xAA1F8
static int CutsceneCameraOffset; // offset 0xAA1D4
extern int CutsceneEventTrigger; // offset 0xAA208
extern int CutsceneFrameCnt; // offset 0xAA204
static int CutsceneInReplayBuffer; // offset 0xAA1F4
static int CutsceneLength; // offset 0xAA1EC
static char (*CutSceneNames[28]); // offset 0xA0654
static char (*CutSceneNames[28]); // offset 0x1C6888
static struct MENU_ITEM CutscenePauseItems[6]; // offset 0xA1094
static struct MENU_HEADER CutscenePauseMenuHeader; // offset 0xA151C
static char *CutsceneReplayStart; // offset 0xAA1C8
static int CutsceneStreamIndex; // offset 0xAA1CC
extern int cutSelection; // offset 0x1C69A0
extern char cutUnlock[41]; // offset 0x1C69E0
static struct SVECTOR cv[12]; // offset 0xDA930
extern int cycle_phase; // offset 0xAAA30
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS cycle_tex[12]; // offset 0xAB700
extern short cycle_timer; // offset 0xAAA34
extern struct DR_LOAD cyclecluts[12]; // offset 0xAB3A0
extern struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR DamageBar; // offset 0xAB7E8
static struct COLOUR_BAND damageColour[2]; // offset 0x9B97C
extern struct DAMAGED_LAMP damaged_lamp[5]; // offset 0xC1B38
extern struct DAMAGED_OBJECT damaged_object[9]; // offset 0xC2810
extern int damOffset; // offset 0xAB228
extern int DawnCount; // offset 0xAAF30
extern struct SVECTOR day_colours[4]; // offset 0x9BE84
extern struct SVECTOR day_vectors[4]; // offset 0x9BE44
extern struct tNode dbb[3]; // offset 0xE9AD0
extern struct _sdPlane *dbSurfacePtr; // offset 0xAA9CC
extern int dd; // offset 0xAA9FC
extern int de; // offset 0xAAA00
extern struct DEBRIS debris[60]; // offset 0xC1080
extern short debris_alloc[60]; // offset 0xC1BB0
extern struct CVECTOR debris_colour[4][31]; // offset 0x9C030
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG (*debris_data[5]); // offset 0x9C2D4
extern struct MATRIX debris_mat; // offset 0xC0808
extern struct TRI_POINT (*debris_rot_table[5]); // offset 0x9C01C
extern struct TRI_POINT debris_rot1[32]; // offset 0xC09E8
extern struct TRI_POINT debris_rot2[32]; // offset 0xC0B68
extern struct TRI_POINT debris_rot3[32]; // offset 0xC0CE8
extern struct SVECTOR debris_rotvec; // offset 0xAAC60
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS debris_texture; // offset 0xC3938
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG debris1_vert; // offset 0x9C220
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG debris2_vert; // offset 0x9C244
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG debris3_vert; // offset 0x9C2B0
extern char DebrisTimer; // offset 0xAA568
extern int *debugCount; // offset 0xAADBC
extern int debugNode[2]; // offset 0xAADD0
extern int debugOffset; // offset 0xAADC4
extern int debugRotation; // offset 0xAA510
extern int debugSpeed; // offset 0xAADB8
extern unsigned char defaultPlayerModel[2]; // offset 0xAA604
extern unsigned char defaultPlayerPalette; // offset 0xAA606
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS delcam; // offset 0xC0E68
extern struct SVECTOR delta; // offset 0xAAE48
extern char (*DentingFiles[4]); // offset 0x9C2F4
static struct Detonator detonator; // offset 0xAAD98
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS digit_texture; // offset 0xC1EE8
extern struct VECTOR direction; // offset 0xDD0B8
extern struct PATHFIND_238fake dirs[6]; // offset 0xE9140
extern struct S_XYZ *distance; // offset 0xAA908
extern unsigned short distanceCache[16384]; // offset 0xE9B00
extern int distanceReturnedLog[8]; // offset 0xF27A0
extern int DistanceTriggerCarMoves; // offset 0xAA4B8
extern int distFromCentre; // offset 0xAAB80
extern int distFurthestCivCarSq; // offset 0xAAAE4
extern int distLogIndex; // offset 0xE9AB0
extern int distObstacle; // offset 0xAAB50
extern int DM_CIRCLE[16][2][2]; // offset 0x10EB70
extern int DoExtraWorkForNFrames; // offset 0xE99AC
extern int done; // offset 0xAB22C
static int doneFirstHavanaCameraHack; // offset 0xAADA0
extern int DoNotSwap; // offset 0xAA9A0
extern int doSpooling; // offset 0xAA980
extern int doWheels; // offset 0xAA570
extern struct DRAW_MODE draw_mode_ntsc; // offset 0xA1BC8
extern struct DRAW_MODE draw_mode_pal; // offset 0xA1BB8
static struct VECTOR Drift; // offset 0xA03A4
extern struct DRIVER2_CURVE *Driver2CurvesPtr; // offset 0xAAA14
extern struct DRIVER2_JUNCTION *Driver2JunctionsPtr; // offset 0xAAA2C
extern struct DRIVER2_STRAIGHT *Driver2StraightsPtr; // offset 0xAAA28
extern unsigned long *Driver2TempJunctionsPtr; // offset 0xAAFF8
static struct MENU_HEADER DrivingDebugHeader; // offset 0xD9458
static struct MENU_HEADER DrivingGameFinishedHeader; // offset 0xA156C
static struct MENU_ITEM DrivingGameFinishedItems[7]; // offset 0xA129C
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS drop_texture; // offset 0xC1C78
extern struct VECTOR dummy; // offset 0xA187C
extern long dummylong[3]; // offset 0xA1A5C
static struct MODEL dummyModel; // offset 0xDEC30
static unsigned char dummymotors[2]; // offset 0xAA7C4
extern long dunyet[32][2]; // offset 0xE99B0
extern int DVL; // offset 0xAB358
extern int DVR; // offset 0xAB364
extern int dx; // offset 0xAAB40
extern int dy; // offset 0xAAB44
extern int dz; // offset 0xAAB48
extern unsigned short edgecount; // offset 0xAB120
extern unsigned short edgelist[16]; // offset 0xDCC40
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS editcam; // offset 0xC1B70
extern int editing_existing_camera; // offset 0xAA3FC
extern int EditMode; // offset 0xAA3E8
extern int ElTrainData[83]; // offset 0x9E708
static int endchunk; // offset 0xAB194
extern struct VECTOR endPos; // offset 0xBD448
static unsigned char endread; // offset 0xAB279
extern struct PATHFIND_237fake ends[6][2]; // offset 0xE9108
static char EnterNameText[32]; // offset 0xD9368
extern char EnterScoreText[32]; // offset 0xD9470
extern int environmenttpage; // offset 0xAB2E4
static struct __envsound envsnd[32]; // offset 0xCDF20
extern int error_bounds; // offset 0xAA984
extern char es_mobile[1]; // offset 0xAA684
static struct __envsoundinfo ESdata[2]; // offset 0xCE520
static struct __envsoundtags EStags; // offset 0xCE650
static struct _EVENT *event; // offset 0xAAD68
extern int EVENT_CAR_SPEED; // offset 0xAA198
extern int event_models_active; // offset 0xAADD8
static struct EventCamera eventCamera; // offset 0xCDEB0
extern struct CELL_OBJECT *EventCop; // offset 0xAADC8
static int eventHaze; // offset 0xAA4BC
extern struct EventGlobal events; // offset 0xCDEE8
extern int ExBombTimer; // offset 0xAAE64
extern int ExBoxDamage; // offset 0xAAE60
extern int ExLastCarX; // offset 0xAAE74
extern int ExLastCarXVel; // offset 0xAAE6C
extern int ExLastCarZ; // offset 0xAAE78
extern int ExLastCarZVel; // offset 0xAAE70
extern struct _ExOBJECT explosion[5]; // offset 0xD5420
extern struct CAR_COLLISION_BOX extra_collision_boxes[5]; // offset 0xD95F0
extern struct POLY_FT3 extraDummy; // offset 0x1CBDB8
extern struct SPRT extraSprt; // offset 0x1CC5C8
extern struct MATRIX face_camera; // offset 0xACAA0
extern struct MATRIX face_camera_work; // offset 0x9BDD4
static struct POLY_G4 fade_g4[2]; // offset 0xD5598
static struct POLY_GT4 fade_gt4[2]; // offset 0xD5528
static int fadeVal; // offset 0xAA5A4
extern int FadingScreen; // offset 0xAA598
extern int fakeOtherPlayer; // offset 0xAA54C
extern unsigned int farClip2Player; // offset 0xAA41C
extern int fasterToggle; // offset 0xAACFC
extern int FastForward; // offset 0xAA400
extern int FastForwardCameraCnt; // offset 0xAA40C
extern struct FE_FONT feFont; // offset 0x1CBDD8
extern struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR FelonyBar; // offset 0xAB808
static struct COLOUR_BAND felonyColour[3]; // offset 0x9B934
extern struct FELONY_DATA felonyData; // offset 0xBD558
extern int FelonyDecreaseTime; // offset 0xAADE4
extern int FelonyDecreaseTimer; // offset 0xAADEC
extern int FelonyIncreaseTime; // offset 0xAADE8
extern int FelonyIncreaseTimer; // offset 0xAADF0
extern short fePad; // offset 0x1CC5DC
extern int feVariableSave[4]; // offset 0x9F0CC
static struct FILEFORMAT fileFormat; // offset 0xA2690
extern char final_replays; // offset 0xAA5BE
static unsigned long finished_count; // offset 0xAA9D0
extern char first_offence; // offset 0xAAE31
extern int first_paletised_page; // offset 0xAAA5C
extern int firstDamBlock; // offset 0xAB1F4
extern struct _EVENT *firstEvent; // offset 0xAADC0
extern int firstLowBlock; // offset 0xAB204
static struct _EVENT *firstMissionEvent; // offset 0xAAD94
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS fixedcam; // offset 0xC1CF8
static struct FixedEvent *fixedEvent; // offset 0xAAD90
static struct FLAREREC flare_info[8]; // offset 0xA1984
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS flare_texture; // offset 0xC1ED8
static int flashtimer; // offset 0xAA078
static int flashval; // offset 0xAA0D8
static struct Foam foam; // offset 0xAAD60
extern short fontclutid; // offset 0xAB0E4
extern struct RECT fontclutpos; // offset 0xAB0E8
static struct FONT_DIGIT fontDigit[12]; // offset 0xA1838
extern struct OUT_FONTINFO fontinfo[128]; // offset 0xD9B68
extern short fonttpage; // offset 0xAB0F0
extern long force[4]; // offset 0xA16B8
extern char force_idle[8]; // offset 0xAAFD0
extern char force_siren[8]; // offset 0xAAFE0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS forearm1_texture; // offset 0xC1A80
extern int frame_advance_count; // offset 0xAACC8
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS frameadv; // offset 0xC1D08
extern int FrameCnt; // offset 0xAB2A8
extern int frames; // offset 0xAB02C
extern int frameStart; // offset 0xAAAEC
extern int FrAng; // offset 0xAACE8
extern struct VECTOR frustpos; // offset 0xA188C
extern struct MATRIX frustrum_matrix; // offset 0xCBFF8
extern struct POLY_FT4 ft4TannerShadow[2]; // offset 0xD9158
static int fullStrike; // offset 0xAA0CC
extern char furthestCivID; // offset 0xAAB64
extern struct ControllerPacket g_controllerData[2]; // offset 0x10EC9C
extern char (*g_msg[73]); // offset 0x10ECE0
extern unsigned int g_nCManOptions; // offset 0x10EE08
extern unsigned short g_PAD_FLB; // offset 0x10EC82
extern unsigned short g_PAD_FLT; // offset 0x10EC86
extern unsigned short g_PAD_FRB; // offset 0x10EC80
extern unsigned short g_PAD_FRT; // offset 0x10EC84
extern unsigned short g_PAD_LD; // offset 0x10EC92
extern unsigned short g_PAD_LL; // offset 0x10EC94
extern unsigned short g_PAD_LR; // offset 0x10EC96
extern unsigned short g_PAD_LU; // offset 0x10EC90
extern unsigned short g_PAD_RD; // offset 0x10EC8A
extern unsigned short g_PAD_RL; // offset 0x10EC8C
extern unsigned short g_PAD_RR; // offset 0x10EC8E
extern unsigned short g_PAD_RU; // offset 0x10EC88
extern unsigned short g_PAD_SEL; // offset 0x10EC98
extern unsigned short g_PAD_START; // offset 0x10EC9A
extern struct RECT g_strActiveMouseArea; // offset 0x10EC78
extern char *g_textBuffer; // offset 0x10EE04
extern int g321GoDelay; // offset 0xAA738
extern int gAllowMusic; // offset 0xAA964
extern int gAllowSfx; // offset 0xAA968
extern int game_over; // offset 0xAAF40
extern int gameinit; // offset 0xAA608
extern int GameLevel; // offset 0xAA5E0
static char (*gameNames[64]); // offset 0xA0540
static char (*gameNames[64]); // offset 0x1C6774
extern int GameNum; // offset 0x1C6CE8
extern enum GAMETYPE GameType; // offset 0xAA5CC
extern int gBatterPlayer; // offset 0xAA1B0
extern int gBobIndex; // offset 0xAAF20
extern struct MODEL *gBombModel; // offset 0xAA0DC
extern struct _CAR_DATA *gBombTargetVehicle; // offset 0xAA0E0
extern struct MODEL *gBoxModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEE8
extern int gCameraAngle; // offset 0xAA104
extern int gCameraDistance; // offset 0xAA0FC
extern int gCameraMaxDistance; // offset 0xAA100
extern int gCantDrive; // offset 0xAA70C
extern int gcar_num; // offset 0xAAC5C
extern struct MODEL (*gCarCleanModelPtr[5]); // offset 0xD56B8
extern unsigned char gCarDamageZoneVerts[5][6][50]; // offset 0xC99B8
extern struct MODEL (*gCarDamModelPtr[5]); // offset 0xD6EE8
extern struct MODEL (*gCarLowModelPtr[5]); // offset 0xD6F00
extern int gCarPoolsToDraw; // offset 0xAAC78
extern int gCarWithABerm; // offset 0xAA708
extern unsigned short gChannel; // offset 0xAA9D8
extern int gChaseNumber; // offset 0xAA538
extern struct MODEL *gCleanWheelModelPtr; // offset 0xAAF1C
extern int gCopCarTheftAttempted; // offset 0xAA740
extern struct COP_DATA gCopData; // offset 0x9BF6C
extern int gCopDesiredSpeedScale; // offset 0xAA1B4
extern int gCopDifficultyLevel; // offset 0xAA5EC
extern int gCopMaxPowerScale; // offset 0xAA1B8
extern int gCopRespawnTime; // offset 0xAA1C0
static int gCSDestroyPlayer; // offset 0xAA1E8
extern int gCurrentChaseNumber; // offset 0xAA5D4
extern int gCurrentMissionNumber; // offset 0xAA5D0
extern int gCurrentResidentSlot; // offset 0xAA124
extern int gCurrentZ; // offset 0xAB044
extern int gCutsceneAtEnd; // offset 0xAA21C
extern struct MODEL *gDamWheelModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEE0
static int gDieWithFade; // offset 0xAA5AC
extern int gDisplayPosition; // offset 0xAA688
extern int gDoBonnets; // offset 0xAA11C
extern int gDoCrates; // offset 0xAAF28
extern int gDoLeaves; // offset 0xAA238
extern char gDoneQuickReplay; // offset 0xAA5B9
extern int gDontPingInCops; // offset 0xAA734
extern int gDontResetCarDamage; // offset 0xAA748
extern int gDoShinyCars; // offset 0xAA394
extern int gDoSmoke; // offset 0xAA234
extern int gDraw3DArrowBlue; // offset 0xAA9B0
extern int gDrawLowerSky; // offset 0xAA924
extern int gDrawPauseMenus; // offset 0xAA7F8
extern int gDualShockMax; // offset 0xAA7D4
extern struct GEAR_DESC geard[2][4]; // offset 0x9EF5C
extern int gEffectsTimer; // offset 0xAAC54
static int gEnteringScore; // offset 0xAA7D8
extern struct MODEL *gFastWheelModelPtr; // offset 0xAAF00
extern int gFlareScale; // offset 0xAA22C
static struct CVECTOR gFontColour; // offset 0xAB0E0
extern int gForceLowDetailCars; // offset 0xAAAB4
extern int gFurthestMission; // offset 0xAA554
extern char (*gfxNames[4]); // offset 0x1C6A10
extern int gGotInStolenCar; // offset 0xAA73C
static int gHaveInGameCutscene; // offset 0xAA1E4
extern int gHaveStoredData; // offset 0xAA6A0
extern unsigned char gHDCarDamageLevels[5][255]; // offset 0xC94B8
extern unsigned char gHDCarDamageZonePolys[5][6][70]; // offset 0xC3948
extern char ghost_mode; // offset 0xAA5BB
extern struct HUBCAP gHubcap; // offset 0xC9400
extern struct MODEL *gHubcapModelPtr; // offset 0xAAF4C
extern long gHubcapTime; // offset 0xAAC88
extern int gIdleReplay; // offset 0xAA55C
extern int gInFrontend; // offset 0xAA60C
extern int gInGameChaseActive; // offset 0xAA1FC
extern int gInGameCutsceneActive; // offset 0xAA200
extern int gInGameCutsceneDelay; // offset 0xAA210
extern int gInGameCutsceneID; // offset 0xAA214
extern int gInvincibleCar; // offset 0xAA61C
extern int gLapTimes[2][5]; // offset 0xD7C50
static int gLastChase; // offset 0xAA534
extern unsigned short gLastModelCollisionCheck; // offset 0xAB058
extern char gLeadCarModel; // offset 0xAA5B7
extern int gLightsOn; // offset 0xAAF2C
extern int gLoadedMotionCapture; // offset 0xAAEA4
extern int gLoadedOverlay; // offset 0xAAF34
extern int gLoadedReplay; // offset 0xAA610
extern struct SVECTOR globemesh[54]; // offset 0xD5270
extern int gLockPickingAttempted; // offset 0xAA744
extern int gMasterVolume; // offset 0xAA960
extern unsigned short gMemCardMode; // offset 0xAB394
extern int gMinimumCops; // offset 0xAA1A8
extern enum PAUSEMODE gMissionCompletionState; // offset 0xAA730
extern struct VECTOR gMissionDoorPosition; // offset 0x9B62C
extern int gMissionLadderPos; // offset 0xAA550
extern char *gMissionTitle; // offset 0xAA72C
extern int gMultiplayerLevels; // offset 0xAA9A4
extern int gMusicType; // offset 0xAAFEC
extern int gMusicVolume; // offset 0xAA95C
extern int gNextRainDrop; // offset 0xAAC4C
extern int gNight; // offset 0xAA624
extern char gNoReplaySaveAllowed; // offset 0xAA7FC
extern char gNoSaveAllowed; // offset 0xAA5B8
extern int gNumCitiesOpen; // offset 0xAA5C8
extern int gNumRaceTrackLaps; // offset 0xAA728
extern int goFaster; // offset 0xAA44C
extern int gOutOfTape; // offset 0xAA0B0
extern struct MODEL *gPed1HeadModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEBC
extern struct MODEL *gPed2HeadModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEC0
extern struct MODEL *gPed3HeadModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEC4
extern struct MODEL *gPed4HeadModelPtr; // offset 0xAAEC8
extern short gPlayerCar0ShinyFaces[38]; // offset 0x9E6BC
extern int gPlayerCarDamage; // offset 0xAA564
extern int gPlayerCarLights; // offset 0xAA220
extern int gPlayerDamageFactor; // offset 0xAB000
extern int gPlayerImmune; // offset 0xAA620
extern struct PLAYER_SCORE gPlayerScore; // offset 0xDA908
extern int gPlayerWithTheFlag; // offset 0xAA704
static int gPlaying; // offset 0xAA9D4
extern struct POLYFT4 gPoolPoly; // offset 0xC2968
extern int gPuppyDogCop; // offset 0xAA1AC
extern struct RAIN_TYPE gRain[180]; // offset 0xC2B28
extern short gRainAlloc[180]; // offset 0xC29C0
extern char gRainCount; // offset 0xAAC21
extern char (*gRamSlotPosition[128]); // offset 0xD6F40
extern int gRandomChase; // offset 0xAA53C
extern unsigned char grassColour[4][3]; // offset 0x9C2E8
static char GreyIcons[24]; // offset 0xCBE10
extern char gRightWayUp; // offset 0xAA5BA
extern struct MODEL *gRotorPtr; // offset 0xAAF3C
extern struct CELL_OBJECT ground_debris[16]; // offset 0xCD058
extern int groundDebrisIndex; // offset 0xAA428
static int gScoreEntered; // offset 0xAA7E0
static int gScorePosition; // offset 0xAA7DC
extern int gShadowTextureNum; // offset 0xAB10C
extern int gShadowTexturePage; // offset 0xAB110
extern int gShowMap; // offset 0xAA614
extern int gShowPlayerDamage; // offset 0xAAEEC
extern int gSinkingTimer; // offset 0xAAF08
extern int gSoundMode; // offset 0xAA934
extern struct SPEECH_QUEUE gSpeechQueue; // offset 0xD0180
extern int gStartOnFoot; // offset 0xAA6F4
extern struct STOPCOPS gStopCops; // offset 0xD7C78
extern int gStopPadReads; // offset 0xAA628
extern int gSubGameNumber; // offset 0xAA540
extern int gSubtitles; // offset 0xAA640
extern int gSurround; // offset 0xAA938
extern int gTannerActionNeeded; // offset 0xAA700
extern struct DENTUVS *gTempCarUVPtr; // offset 0xAB0DC
extern struct SVECTOR gTempCarVertDump[20][132]; // offset 0xC4180
extern struct DENTUVS gTempHDCarUVDump[20][255]; // offset 0xC9FA8
extern struct DENTUVS gTempLDCarUVDump[20][134]; // offset 0xCB398
extern int gThePlayerCar; // offset 0xAA20C
extern int gTimeInWater; // offset 0xAAE54
extern int gTimeOfDay; // offset 0xAA6F8
extern int gTrailblazerConeCount; // offset 0xAA45C
extern int gTrailblazerConeIndex; // offset 0xAA460
extern struct MODEL *gTrailblazerConeModel; // offset 0xAAD10
extern struct TRAILBLAZER_DATA *gTrailblazerData; // offset 0xAA458
static int gTrailblazerPrevConeDelay; // offset 0xAA454
extern int gTunnelNum; // offset 0xAA930
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS gTyreTexture; // offset 0xC1C48
extern struct VECTOR GuitarPos; // offset 0xAB6F0
extern int GuitarType; // offset 0xAA000
extern unsigned long gUnderIntensity; // offset 0xAAAAC
extern int gUseCopModel; // offset 0xAA464
static int gUseRotatedMap; // offset 0xAA054
extern int gVibration; // offset 0xAA618
static int gWantFlash; // offset 0xAA0D4
extern int gWantNight; // offset 0xAA558
extern int gWeather; // offset 0xAA6FC
static int halfStrike; // offset 0xAA0D0
extern int handle; // offset 0xAAED4
extern struct _HANDLING_TYPE handlingType[7]; // offset 0x9F0DC
static int HavanaCameraHack[9]; // offset 0x9ED10
extern int HavanaFerryData[12]; // offset 0x9E87C
static struct FixedEvent havanaFixed[3]; // offset 0x9E990
extern int HavanaMiniData[4]; // offset 0x9E8C4
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS head1_texture; // offset 0xC1CB8
static char header_pt[3868]; // offset 0xCE6B0
extern int headposition; // offset 0xAA114
extern int headtarget; // offset 0xAA110
extern struct tNode heap[201]; // offset 0xF1B08
static struct Helicopter HelicopterData; // offset 0x9EBF8
static unsigned char High_shake_data[21]; // offset 0xA0F14
extern struct POLY_FT3 HighlightDummy; // offset 0x1CC5A8
extern struct SPRT HighlightSprt; // offset 0x1CC590
extern int HitLeadCar; // offset 0xAAF38
static int holdall; // offset 0xAAFBC
extern int horizonadd; // offset 0xAA19C
static unsigned char HorizonLookup[4][4]; // offset 0xA18EC
static unsigned char HorizonTextures[40]; // offset 0xA18FC
static unsigned int horn_time; // offset 0xAAE2C
static struct _CAR_DATA (*horncarflag[2]); // offset 0xAA164
static unsigned char hornchanflag[2]; // offset 0xAA160
static int hSubShad; // offset 0xAAE40
extern int iAllowWatch; // offset 0xAA848
extern char IconsLoaded; // offset 0xAA5B6
extern int iCurrBone; // offset 0xAB040
static unsigned short ID; // offset 0xAB322
static struct __io id_map[49]; // offset 0xA0440
extern int idle_timer; // offset 0x1CBDB0
extern int *idx; // offset 0xAA900
extern int iFreezeTimer; // offset 0xAA84C
extern int iIdleTimer; // offset 0xAA86C
extern int impulse; // offset 0xAB318
extern struct DR_MOVE In; // offset 0x1CC550
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS incar; // offset 0xBF8D8
extern char inGameCamera[4]; // offset 0xAA108
extern int initarea; // offset 0xAAF88
extern struct FELONY_VALUE initialFelonyValue[12]; // offset 0x9EDC8
extern short initialOccurrenceDelay[12]; // offset 0x9ED98
extern short initialReccurrenceDelay[12]; // offset 0x9EDB0
extern struct MATRIX inv_camera_matrix; // offset 0xACAD0
static struct MENU_HEADER InvalidMultiPadHeader; // offset 0xA15E4
static struct MENU_ITEM InvalidMultiPadItems[2]; // offset 0xA14CC
static struct MENU_HEADER InvalidPadHeader; // offset 0xA15D0
static struct MENU_ITEM InvalidPadItems[1]; // offset 0xA14B8
extern char InWater; // offset 0xAAEE4
extern short iVABID[8]; // offset 0xA1F30
extern struct _CAR_DATA *jcam; // offset 0xAAAA0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS jeans_texture; // offset 0xC1EF8
extern int jericho_in_back; // offset 0xAAFD8
extern int joints; // offset 0xAB034
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS joypad_texture; // offset 0xBF840
extern int JP_Do_Nothing; // offset 0xAB368
extern int JPError; // offset 0xAA9E4
extern int JPPer; // offset 0xAAA04
extern int jtest53; // offset 0xAA10C
extern char JunctionLightsNS; // offset 0xAB0F9
extern char junctionLightsPhase[2]; // offset 0xAAB90
extern char JunctionLightsWE; // offset 0xAB0F8
extern int JustReturnedFromCutscene; // offset 0xAA218
extern struct LAMP_STREAK Known_Lamps[21]; // offset 0xC0E88
extern int l1; // offset 0xAA1A0
extern int l2; // offset 0xAA1A4
extern int laneFit[2]; // offset 0xAAB28
extern struct DB *last; // offset 0xAB2B8
extern char last_cop_phrase; // offset 0xAADE0
static int last_flag; // offset 0xAA6EC
extern int last_size; // offset 0xAB25C
extern int last_track_state; // offset 0xAA56C
extern int lastCarCameraView; // offset 0xAA8C0
extern struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *LastChange; // offset 0xAA3F8
static enum CITYTYPE lastcity; // offset 0xAA99D
extern char lastCity; // offset 0x1C6A7B
extern int lastCleanBlock; // offset 0xAB224
extern char lastCutCity; // offset 0x1C6A7C
static int lastcv; // offset 0xAB104
extern int lastDistanceFound; // offset 0xE9AC8
extern int LastHeading; // offset 0xAABBC
extern struct VECTOR lastKnownPosition; // offset 0xBD610
static int lastrequesteddisc; // offset 0xAA468
static int lastsay; // offset 0xAA6F0
static enum CITYTYPE lasttype; // offset 0xAA99C
extern unsigned char lead_analogue; // offset 0xAAF0C
extern int lead_car; // offset 0xAA5F4
extern unsigned long lead_pad; // offset 0xAAF04
extern int leadAILoaded; // offset 0xAA630
extern int leadAIRequired; // offset 0xAA62C
extern struct VECTOR leadcar_pos; // offset 0xD56A8
extern int leadCarId; // offset 0xAAF10
extern struct LEAD_PARAMETERS LeadValues; // offset 0xECE90
extern struct LEAF leaf[50]; // offset 0xC1F48
extern short leaf_alloc[50]; // offset 0xBF860
extern struct MATRIX leaf_mat; // offset 0xC1CC8
extern struct TRI_POINT leaf_rot[32]; // offset 0xC1D48
extern struct SVECTOR leaf_rotvec; // offset 0xAAC30
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG leaf_vert; // offset 0x9C268
extern char LeftLight; // offset 0xAAC6C
extern int lengthDamBlock; // offset 0xAB220
extern int lengthLowBlock; // offset 0xAB230
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS lenschan; // offset 0xC1D38
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS lensflare_texture; // offset 0xC1CA8
extern struct CYCLE_OBJECT (*Lev_CycleObjPtrs[4]); // offset 0x9B46C
extern struct CYCLE_OBJECT Lev0[2]; // offset 0x9B32C
extern struct ANIMATED_OBJECT Lev0AnimObjects[9]; // offset 0x9B48C
extern struct CYCLE_OBJECT Lev1[1]; // offset 0x9B354
extern struct ANIMATED_OBJECT Lev1AnimObjects[5]; // offset 0x9B51C
extern struct CYCLE_OBJECT Lev2[12]; // offset 0x9B368
extern struct ANIMATED_OBJECT Lev2AnimObjects[5]; // offset 0x9B56C
extern struct CYCLE_OBJECT Lev3[1]; // offset 0x9B458
extern struct ANIMATED_OBJECT Lev3AnimObjects[4]; // offset 0x9B5BC
extern struct ANIMATED_OBJECT (*Level_AnimatingObjectPtrs[4]); // offset 0x9B5FC
extern int Level_NumAnimatedObjects[8]; // offset 0x9B60C
extern char (*LevelFiles[4]); // offset 0xA03D4
extern char (*LevelPalettes[8]); // offset 0xA03E4
extern long levelstartpos[8][4]; // offset 0xA16D8
extern int LevelTab[32]; // offset 0xA1E88
extern int LiftingBridges[55]; // offset 0x9EC28
extern short light_col; // offset 0xAAC6E
extern struct MATRIX light_matrix; // offset 0x9BEC4
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS light_pool_texture; // offset 0xC2980
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS light_texture; // offset 0xC1F18
extern int LightIndex; // offset 0xAAC7C
extern int lightning; // offset 0xAA42C
extern int LightningTimer; // offset 0xAA224
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS lightref_texture; // offset 0xC1B28
extern unsigned char lightsOnDelay[20]; // offset 0xD56D0
extern int LightSortCorrect; // offset 0xAAC28
extern char limoId; // offset 0xAAAF8
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS line_texture; // offset 0xC1C68
extern unsigned short lintab[768]; // offset 0xA1FA0
extern struct VECTOR lis_pos; // offset 0xDE470
extern struct TRI_POINT litter_rot[32]; // offset 0xC0858
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS litter_texture; // offset 0xBF8E8
extern struct TRI_POINT_LONG litter_vert; // offset 0x9C28C
extern int littleBangTime; // offset 0xAA584
extern int littleBoxRange; // offset 0xAA0E4
static unsigned char load_complete; // offset 0xAB278
extern struct DISPENV load_disp; // offset 0xD5640
extern struct DRAWENV load_draw; // offset 0xD55E0
static int load_steps; // offset 0xAAE8C
extern int loadbank_read; // offset 0xAB200
extern int loadbank_write; // offset 0xAB254
extern char loaded[3]; // offset 0x1C6A78
extern int LoadedArea; // offset 0xAB240
extern unsigned char LoadedLevel; // offset 0xAA5B4
static int loading_bar_pos; // offset 0xAAE88
extern short loading_region[4]; // offset 0xAB248
extern int LoadingArea; // offset 0xAA96C
extern char (*LoadingScreenNames[4]); // offset 0xA0404
extern int localMap[41]; // offset 0xECD40
extern char lockAllTheDoors; // offset 0xAAF50
extern unsigned short logtab[104]; // offset 0xA25A0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS lookcar; // offset 0xC1C38
static char loseTailTargetArrowTris[24]; // offset 0xA1DBC
static int loudhail_time; // offset 0xAAE24
static unsigned char Low_shake_data[10]; // offset 0xA0F3C
extern unsigned short *Low2HighDetailTable; // offset 0xAAD04
extern unsigned short *Low2LowerDetailTable; // offset 0xAAD08
extern int lowOffset; // offset 0xAB238
extern enum LIMBS lRoutes[5][8]; // offset 0xA0758
extern int main_cop_light_pos; // offset 0xAAC68
static struct MENU_ITEM MainPauseItems[9]; // offset 0xA0F54
extern struct PED_DATA MainPed[23]; // offset 0xA07A8
extern int mainScreenLoaded; // offset 0x1C6AC4
extern char makeLimoPullOver; // offset 0xAAB00
extern int makeNextNodeCtrlNode; // offset 0xAA180
extern char *mallocptr; // offset 0xAAF48
static struct MATRIX map_matrix; // offset 0xABA68
static int map_x_offset; // offset 0xAA058
extern int map_x_shift; // offset 0xAA098
static int map_z_offset; // offset 0xAA05C
extern int map_z_shift; // offset 0xAA09C
static char *MapBitMaps; // offset 0xAAA48
static char MapBuffer[520]; // offset 0xAB848
static unsigned short MapClut; // offset 0xAAA5A
extern struct RECT mapclutpos; // offset 0xAB2D0
static struct RECT MapRect; // offset 0xAAA50
static struct SXYPAIR MapSegmentPos[16]; // offset 0x9B9F4
static int mapstuff; // offset 0xAAC98
static char maptile[4][4]; // offset 0xABA58
static unsigned short MapTPage; // offset 0xAAA58
static int master_volume; // offset 0xAA94C
extern struct MATRIX2 matrixtable[64]; // offset 0xCC018
extern int max_pedestrians; // offset 0xAA858
extern int maxCameraDist; // offset 0xAAA9C
extern int maxCivCars; // offset 0xAAB98
extern int maxCopCars; // offset 0xAAB94
extern int maxParkedCars; // offset 0xAAB68
extern int maxPlayerCars; // offset 0xAAB74
extern int MaxPlayerDamage[2]; // offset 0xAA710
extern int maxrevdrop; // offset 0xAA518
extern int maxrevrise; // offset 0xAA51C
extern int maxSeated; // offset 0xAB0B8
extern int MaxSpecCluts; // offset 0xAB2E0
static char maxSpeedTargetArrowTris[18]; // offset 0xA1DF4
extern int maxSteer; // offset 0xAA150
static char *MCbuffer128K; // offset 0xAB37C
static char *MCfilename; // offset 0xAB388
extern unsigned long mcgn; // offset 0xAABA8
static char *MClanguageBuffer; // offset 0xAB380
static int MCoptions; // offset 0xAB38C
static char *MCsaveBuffer; // offset 0xAB384
static unsigned long MCsp; // offset 0xAB390
static unsigned char Med_shake_data[13]; // offset 0xA0F2C
static char menu0[2]; // offset 0x9C474
static char menu1[10]; // offset 0x9C478
static char menu2[5]; // offset 0x9C484
static char menu3[2]; // offset 0x9C48C
static char menu4[2]; // offset 0x9C490
static char menu5[5]; // offset 0x9C494
static char menu6[7]; // offset 0x9C49C
extern int menuactive; // offset 0xAACA4
extern int MenuOffset; // offset 0xAAC9C
extern struct XMHEADER *mh; // offset 0xAB348
extern struct XMHEADER *mhu; // offset 0xAB370
extern int MIN_TRIPOD_CAMERA_HEIGHT; // offset 0xAA3E4
extern int minBoxSize; // offset 0xAA0E8
extern int minmaxSelections[4][2]; // offset 0x1C6B98
extern struct MR_MISSION Mission; // offset 0xD7C08
static struct MENU_HEADER MissionCompleteHeader; // offset 0xA1530
static struct MENU_ITEM MissionCompleteItems[8]; // offset 0xA110C
extern struct MISSION_DATA MissionEndData; // offset 0xD7620
static struct MENU_HEADER MissionFailedHeader; // offset 0xA1544
static struct MENU_ITEM MissionFailedItems[6]; // offset 0xA11AC
extern struct _MISSION *MissionHeader; // offset 0xAAFF4
static struct MISSION_STEP MissionLadder[68]; // offset 0x9F01C
static char *MissionLoadAddress; // offset 0xAA6DC
static char (*MissionName[37]); // offset 0xA06C4
static char (*MissionName[37]); // offset 0x1C68F8
extern unsigned long *MissionScript; // offset 0xAAFFC
extern int missionSetup; // offset 0x1C6A74
static unsigned long MissionStack[16][16]; // offset 0xD7708
extern struct MISSION_DATA MissionStartData; // offset 0xD7538
static char missionstarts[42]; // offset 0xA0414
extern char *MissionStrings; // offset 0xAB008
extern struct _TARGET *MissionTargets; // offset 0xAB004
static struct MR_THREAD MissionThreads[16]; // offset 0xD7B08
static struct MissionTrain missionTrain[2]; // offset 0x9E8D4
extern unsigned long model_object_ptrs[512]; // offset 0xCC858
extern char *model_spool_buffer; // offset 0xAB21C
extern int *modelMemory; // offset 0xAB1C0
extern char *modelname_buffer; // offset 0xAB010
extern struct MODEL (*modelpointers[1536]); // offset 0xD56E8
extern char modelRandomList[16]; // offset 0x9BF3C
extern int models_ready; // offset 0xAB1DC
extern char MonoMode; // offset 0xAA9E8
extern struct SVECTOR moon_position[4]; // offset 0xA1944
static struct SVECTOR moon_shadow_position[4]; // offset 0xA1964
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS moon_texture; // offset 0xC1C88
extern char *motion_dir; // offset 0xAA79C
extern char (*motion_files[8]); // offset 0xA0780
extern int MotionCaptureData[24]; // offset 0xD8DC8
extern char MotionSpeed[7]; // offset 0xA07A0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS movecam; // offset 0xC1BA0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS movecampos; // offset 0xC0848
extern struct DB MPBuff[2][2]; // offset 0xE08B8
extern struct DB (*MPcurrent[2]); // offset 0xAB2B0
extern struct DB (*MPlast[2]); // offset 0xAB298
extern struct XMSONG *ms; // offset 0xAB34C
extern int mScale; // offset 0xAA0C0
extern int mTheta; // offset 0xAAA90
extern struct XMSONG *mu; // offset 0xAB350
static struct MultiCar multiCar; // offset 0xAAD88
static struct MENU_HEADER MultiplayerFinishedHeader; // offset 0xA1580
static struct MENU_ITEM MultiplayerFinishedItems[5]; // offset 0xA1328
static struct MENU_HEADER MultiplayerPauseHeader; // offset 0xA1508
static struct MENU_ITEM MultiplayerPauseItems[7]; // offset 0xA1008
extern int multiplayerregions[4]; // offset 0xDEDA8
extern char *music_address; // offset 0xAB150
extern struct SXYPAIR *Music_And_AmbientOffsets; // offset 0xAB214
extern int music_is_loading; // offset 0xAA97C
extern int music_paused; // offset 0xAA948
static char MusicVolumeText[8]; // offset 0xAB078
static struct __pauseinfo musps; // offset 0xDD4B8
extern int my_sly_var; // offset 0xAB0D0
extern int myPalette; // offset 0xAA12C
extern int myVal; // offset 0xAA7A8
extern int n_sample_chunks; // offset 0xAB1AC
extern int na; // offset 0xE915C
extern int new_area_location; // offset 0xAB1E8
extern int newAccel; // offset 0xAA154
extern struct CAR_MODEL NewCarModel[5]; // offset 0xACB68
extern int newExit; // offset 0xAAB4C
extern int NewLamp[21]; // offset 0xC1AB0
static char NewLeadDelay; // offset 0xAA6E4
extern char NewLevel; // offset 0xAA5B5
extern struct CAR_MODEL NewLowCarModel[5]; // offset 0xB87C0
extern unsigned short *newmodels; // offset 0xAB260
extern int next_debris; // offset 0xAAC3C
extern int next_leaf; // offset 0xAAC70
extern int next_smoke; // offset 0xAAC24
extern struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *NextChange; // offset 0xAA3F0
extern int NextDamagedLamp; // offset 0xAAC74
extern int NextDamagedPmeter; // offset 0xAAC44
extern unsigned short nextindex; // offset 0xAB122
extern struct SVECTOR night_colours[4]; // offset 0x9BEA4
extern struct SVECTOR night_vectors[4]; // offset 0x9BE64
extern int NightAmbient; // offset 0xAAEF0
static struct MENU_HEADER NoMultiPadHeader; // offset 0xA15BC
static struct MENU_ITEM NoMultiPadItems[2]; // offset 0xA1490
static struct MENU_HEADER NoPadHeader; // offset 0xA15A8
static struct MENU_ITEM NoPadItems[1]; // offset 0xA147C
extern char NoPlayerControl; // offset 0xAA5C1
extern int NoRainIndoors; // offset 0xAAC50
static char normalTargetArrowTris[9]; // offset 0xA1DB0
extern struct MATRIX norot; // offset 0xC0828
static struct XYPAIR north[4]; // offset 0x9BA54
extern int NoTextureMemory; // offset 0xAB2CC
extern int nperms; // offset 0xAB2DC
extern int nsectors; // offset 0xAB210
extern int nspecpages; // offset 0xAB2C8
static int ntpages; // offset 0xAB190
static int nTPchunks; // offset 0xAB17C
static int nTPchunks_reading; // offset 0xAB180
static int nTPchunks_writing; // offset 0xAB184
extern int num_active_cars; // offset 0xAAE50
extern int num_anim_objects; // offset 0xAAA38
extern int num_cars_drawn; // offset 0xAAABC
extern int num_cycle_obj; // offset 0xAAA3C
extern int num_extra_boxes_set; // offset 0xAB09C
extern int Num_LevCycleObjs[4]; // offset 0x9B47C
extern int num_models_in_pack; // offset 0xAAF94
static int num_pedestrians; // offset 0xAA838
extern int num_regions; // offset 0xAAF6C
extern int num_samples; // offset 0xAB1C4
extern int num_straddlers; // offset 0xAAFB4
extern int num_tyre_tracks[4]; // offset 0xDA9D0
extern int numActiveCops; // offset 0xAABDC
extern int NumAreas; // offset 0xAB1F0
extern int numCivCars; // offset 0xAAAD4
extern int numCopCars; // offset 0xAAAD0
static int numCopPeds; // offset 0xAA878
static int NumCutsceneStreams; // offset 0xAA1D0
static int numcv; // offset 0xAB100
extern int NumDriver2Curves; // offset 0xAAA10
extern int NumDriver2Junctions; // offset 0xAAA24
extern int NumDriver2Straights; // offset 0xAAA20
extern unsigned int numHeapEntries; // offset 0xF279C
extern int numInactiveCars; // offset 0xAAAE8
extern int numPadsConnected; // offset 0x1C6AB8
extern int numParkedCars; // offset 0xAAB6C
extern int numPlayerCars; // offset 0xAAB78
extern char NumPlayers; // offset 0xAA99E
extern int numPlayersToCreate; // offset 0xAA8C4
extern int NumReplayStreams; // offset 0xAA0A4
extern int numRoadblockCars; // offset 0xAAB04
extern int numSpritesFound; // offset 0xAACD8
static int numTannerPeds; // offset 0xAA83C
extern int NumTempJunctions; // offset 0xAAFF0
static struct XYPAIR NVertex[4]; // offset 0x9BA34
extern char nybblearray[512]; // offset 0xD7140
extern int ObjectDrawnCounter; // offset 0xAA644
extern unsigned int ObjectDrawnValue; // offset 0xAAECC
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS ok; // offset 0xC1B60
extern char old_camera_change; // offset 0xAB138
extern int old_region; // offset 0xAAF60
static int old_x_mod; // offset 0xAA068
static int old_y_mod; // offset 0xAA06C
extern int oldActionSet; // offset 0x1C6B94
extern int oldActionVal; // offset 0x1CC568
static int oldCamView; // offset 0xAB084
static int oldDir; // offset 0xAB090
extern int oldMusicLevel; // offset 0x1CC588
extern int oldSfxLevel; // offset 0x1CC260
extern int oldWeather; // offset 0xAB0A0
static char omap[128][16]; // offset 0xE91A8
extern unsigned long *ot_slot; // offset 0xAAD00
extern unsigned long *oTablePtr; // offset 0x10EC74
extern struct CVECTOR otherCol; // offset 0x1C6D00
extern struct DR_MOVE Out; // offset 0x1CC570
extern unsigned long *outcoords; // offset 0xAA914
extern int OutOfSightCount; // offset 0xAABB4
extern struct DVECTOR *outvertices; // offset 0xAA910
static struct OVERMAP overlaidmaps[4]; // offset 0x9B994
extern char OverlayFlashValue; // offset 0xAAA40
extern int OverlayOccupancyGrid; // offset 0xE91A0
extern char *packed_cell_pointers; // offset 0xAB1B0
extern int pad_connected; // offset 0xAA7D0
extern int pad_recorded; // offset 0xAA0AC
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS pad_texture; // offset 0xC1A90
static char padbuffer[2][34]; // offset 0xD9270
extern short padd; // offset 0xAB2AC
extern unsigned short paddCamera; // offset 0xAAAA4
extern short paddp; // offset 0xAB28C
extern struct PAD Pads[2]; // offset 0xD92B8
extern int padsConnected[2]; // offset 0x1C6ABC
static char (*palletedir[8]); // offset 0x9BA8C
extern int palnumber; // offset 0xAA7B0
extern int PALType; // offset 0xAB344
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS paper_texture; // offset 0xC1F28
static unsigned char param[8]; // offset 0xAB158
extern int pathAILoaded; // offset 0xAA634
extern int pathFrame; // offset 0xF1B00
extern int pathFrames; // offset 0xE99A8
extern int pathIterations; // offset 0xF27C0
static int pathParams[5]; // offset 0xECBE8
extern int pathStraight; // offset 0xAABD0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS pause; // offset 0xBF8F8
static struct __pauseinfo pause; // offset 0xDD448
static struct CdlLOC pause_loc; // offset 0xAB328
extern char paused; // offset 0xAA5BC
extern int pauseflag; // offset 0xAA5F0
static struct MENU_HEADER PauseMenuHeader; // offset 0xA14F4
static enum PAUSEMODE PauseMode; // offset 0xAAEA0
static int PauseReturnValue; // offset 0xAB06C
extern struct CAR_POLY pbf[2001]; // offset 0xACC28
extern struct PSXBUTTON (*pButtonStack[10]); // offset 0xD05A8
extern struct _CAR_DATA *pcdTanner; // offset 0xAB0C0
extern struct _CAR_DATA *pCivCarToGetIn; // offset 0xAA8B4
extern struct PACKED_CELL_OBJECT **pcoplist; // offset 0xAB054
extern struct PSXBUTTON *pCurrButton; // offset 0x1CC548
extern struct PSXSCREEN *pCurrScreen; // offset 0x1CC264
extern struct PEDESTRIAN *pDrawingPed; // offset 0xAB024
extern struct PEDESTRIAN_ROADS pedestrian_roads; // offset 0xD95E0
extern short pedestrianFelony; // offset 0xAA1BC
extern struct PEDESTRIAN pedestrians[28]; // offset 0xD83B8
extern struct XYPAIR *permlist; // offset 0xAB2FC
extern int persuit_mode; // offset 0xAA5DC
extern struct PEDESTRIAN *pFreePeds; // offset 0xAB0B0
extern struct PEDESTRIAN *pHold; // offset 0xAB0CC
extern char phrase_top; // offset 0xAAE30
extern char ping_in_pedestrians; // offset 0xAB0C8
extern struct _PING_PACKET *PingBuffer; // offset 0xAAA80
extern unsigned long PingBufferPos; // offset 0xAAA6C
extern int pinginPedAngle; // offset 0xAA844
extern char PingOutCivsOnly; // offset 0xAA174
extern unsigned long planeColours[8]; // offset 0xCC818
extern struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *PlaybackCamera; // offset 0xAACC0
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS playcam; // offset 0xC1B90
extern struct _PLAYER player[8]; // offset 0xD9728
static struct VECTOR player_position; // offset 0x9BA7C
extern int player_position_known; // offset 0xAABD4
extern struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR Player2DamageBar; // offset 0xAB7A8
extern int PlayerCar; // offset 0xAA5F8
extern int PlayerCarModel; // offset 0xAA5E4
static unsigned char playercollected[2]; // offset 0xAAFE8
extern struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR PlayerDamageBar; // offset 0xAB828
static struct COLOUR_BAND playerDamageColour[3]; // offset 0x9B958
extern int playerDying; // offset 0xAAEDC
extern int playerghost; // offset 0xAA574
extern int playerhitcopsanyway; // offset 0xAA578
extern short playerLastRoad; // offset 0xAADF4
extern char playerNum; // offset 0xAAB88
extern struct STREAM_SOURCE (*PlayerStartInfo[8]); // offset 0xBD800
extern int playerTargetDistanceSq; // offset 0xE9ACC
extern short PlayerWaypoints; // offset 0xAACA8
extern struct SXYPAIR *PlayerWayRecordPtr; // offset 0xAAA70
static int playerwithcontrol[3]; // offset 0xA15F8
extern int PlayMode; // offset 0xAACBC
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS playpause; // offset 0xC29B0
extern struct MODEL (*pLodModels[1536]); // offset 0xDF0B8
static int plotted; // offset 0xAAC1C
extern struct MODEL (*pmJerichoModels[6]); // offset 0xD95B8
extern struct MODEL (*pmTannerModels[17]); // offset 0xD96E0
extern struct PSXBUTTON *pNewButton; // offset 0x1CBCB8
extern struct PSXSCREEN *pNewScreen; // offset 0x1C6D48
extern long point[4]; // offset 0xA16C8
static struct POLYCOORD polycoords[6]; // offset 0x9E674
extern int PolySizes[56]; // offset 0xA1758
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS pool_texture; // offset 0xC1C98
extern char PoolPrimData[16]; // offset 0x9C00C
static long pos[4]; // offset 0xD7528
extern struct VECTOR *pos; // offset 0xAA90C
extern int powerCounter; // offset 0xAA88C
extern struct PEDESTRIAN *pPlayerPed; // offset 0xAB094
static int PreLoadedCutscene; // offset 0xAA1E0
static int prevCopsInPursuit; // offset 0xAA6E8
extern char *primptr; // offset 0xAB2A4
extern struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR ProxyBar; // offset 0xAB7C8
extern struct PSXSCREEN (*pScreenStack[10]); // offset 0xD0580
extern struct PSXSCREEN PsxScreens[42]; // offset 0x1C6D50
extern struct PEDESTRIAN *pUsedPeds; // offset 0xAB0B4
extern char (*PVS_Buffers[4]); // offset 0xD6F18
extern int pvs_cells_rejected; // offset 0xAAF98
extern int pvs_objects_rejected; // offset 0xAAF68
extern int pvs_square; // offset 0xAAF64
extern int pvs_square_sq; // offset 0xAAF9C
static unsigned char *PVSEncodeTable; // offset 0xAAF58
static int pvsSize[4]; // offset 0xA1A68
extern int quick_replay; // offset 0xAACB8
extern int quickSpool; // offset 0xAB1A4
extern int radius; // offset 0xAAB14
static int randIndex; // offset 0xECD34
static int randomcounter; // offset 0xAABA0
static int randomindex; // offset 0xAABA4
extern struct VECTOR randomLoc; // offset 0xBD500
static int randState[17]; // offset 0xECCF0
extern char rear_only; // offset 0xAAE59
static unsigned short RecapFrameLength[19]; // offset 0x9F0A4
extern char RecordingPads; // offset 0xAA0A8
extern struct RECT rectTannerWindow; // offset 0xAB038
extern int region_buffer_xor; // offset 0xAAA1C
extern int region_x; // offset 0xAAF8C
extern int region_z; // offset 0xAAF90
extern int regions_across; // offset 0xAAFAC
extern int regions_down; // offset 0xAAF70
extern int regions_unpacked[4]; // offset 0xD7340
extern char *RegionSpoolInfo; // offset 0xAB198
static struct REPLAY_ICON replay_icons[23]; // offset 0x9C304
extern int ReplayContinue; // offset 0xAACC4
extern char ReplayMode; // offset 0xAA5C0
extern struct REPLAY_PARAMETER_BLOCK *ReplayParameterPtr; // offset 0xAAA74
extern char *replayptr; // offset 0xAAA7C
extern int ReplaySize; // offset 0xAA0A0
extern char *ReplayStart; // offset 0xAAA64
extern struct REPLAY_STREAM ReplayStreams[8]; // offset 0xAC688
extern int requestCopCar; // offset 0xAABE0
extern int requestRoadblock; // offset 0xAAB20
extern int requestStationaryCivCar; // offset 0xAAB7C
extern unsigned char reservedSlots[20]; // offset 0xBD4E8
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS restart; // offset 0xC1C58
static unsigned char result[8]; // offset 0xAB160
extern char RightLight; // offset 0xAAC20
static int rio_alarm; // offset 0xAAFC4
static int RioCameraHack[6]; // offset 0x9ED74
static struct FixedEvent rioDoor[6]; // offset 0x9EAF0
extern int RioFerryData[6]; // offset 0x9E8AC
extern int road_c; // offset 0xECD38
extern int road_s; // offset 0xECD3C
extern int roadAhead[41]; // offset 0xECDE8
extern struct ROADBLOCK Roadblock; // offset 0xAC8A8
extern int roadblockCount; // offset 0xAAB8C
extern int roadblockDelay; // offset 0xAA158
extern int roadblockDelayDiff[3]; // offset 0x9BF04
extern struct VECTOR roadblockLoc; // offset 0xBD4B8
extern short (*RoadMapDataRegions[4]); // offset 0xDA068
extern struct ROAD_MAP_LUMP_DATA roadMapLumpData; // offset 0xDA088
extern int RoadMapRegions[4]; // offset 0xDA078
extern int roadSeg; // offset 0xAAB30
extern struct SVECTOR *rotated; // offset 0xAA904
static long rseed[17]; // offset 0xBD510
static int said_picked_up; // offset 0xAABB0
extern int sample_chunk; // offset 0xAB1E0
extern struct SAMPLE_DATA samples[7][35]; // offset 0xDD520
extern struct MATRIX save_colour_matrix; // offset 0xB8860
extern struct MATRIX save_light_matrix; // offset 0xACC08
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS save2card; // offset 0xC1EC8
extern int saved_counter; // offset 0xAAF24
extern int saved_leadcar_pos; // offset 0xAAEF8
static int SavedCameraAngle; // offset 0xAABF8
static int SavedCameraCarId; // offset 0xAABF0
static int SavedCameraView; // offset 0xAABF4
static struct VECTOR *SavedSpoolXZ; // offset 0xAAC00
static int SavedWorldCentreCarId; // offset 0xAABFC
extern long *savemapinfo; // offset 0xAA57C
extern struct CVECTOR scoreCol; // offset 0x1C6CFC
static char ScoreItems[5][16]; // offset 0xD93B8
static char ScoreName[5][7]; // offset 0xD9388
extern struct SCORE_TABLES ScoreTables; // offset 0xDA098
static char ScoreTime[5][16]; // offset 0xD9408
extern int scr_z; // offset 0xAAEAC
extern int screen_fade_end; // offset 0xAA590
extern int screen_fade_speed; // offset 0xAA594
extern int screen_fade_start; // offset 0xAA58C
extern int screen_fade_value; // offset 0xAA588
extern struct SCREEN_LIMITS screen_limits[2]; // offset 0x1C698C
extern int ScreenDepth; // offset 0xAAE38
extern struct POLY_FT3 ScreenDummy[8]; // offset 0x1CC268
extern char (*ScreenNames[12]); // offset 0xD0550
extern struct POLY_FT4 ScreenPolys[8]; // offset 0x1CC368
extern struct SPRT ScreenSprts[8]; // offset 0x1CC4A8
extern char ScreenTitle[128]; // offset 0x1CC1E0
extern int sdLevel; // offset 0xAAA18
extern struct _sdPlane sea; // offset 0x9B320
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS sea_texture; // offset 0xC1AA0
extern struct VECTOR searchTarget; // offset 0xE9AB8
extern int seated_count; // offset 0xAB0A4
extern struct SEATED_PEDESTRIANS *seated_pedestrian; // offset 0xAB0A8
static int sectors_left; // offset 0xAB280
static int sectors_read; // offset 0xAB284
static int sectors_this_chunk; // offset 0xAB174
static int sectors_to_read; // offset 0xAB170
extern int send_bank; // offset 0xAB234
extern int SetFastForward; // offset 0xAA3EC
extern int setupYet; // offset 0xAA438
static char SfxVolumeText[8]; // offset 0xAB070
extern struct SHADOWHDR *shadow_header; // offset 0xAB114
extern struct MATRIX shadowMatrix; // offset 0xCC838
extern struct POLYFT4 ShadowPolygon; // offset 0xDCC60
extern struct POLY_FT4 shadowPolys[2][20]; // offset 0xDA9E0
extern struct VECTOR ShadowPos; // offset 0xC9F98
extern struct UV shadowuv; // offset 0xAB118
static unsigned char (*shake_data[3]); // offset 0xA0F48
extern int ShinyTextureNum; // offset 0xAAD18
extern int ShinyTexturePage; // offset 0xAAD1C
extern int sideMul; // offset 0xAA188
extern int sideShift; // offset 0xAA190
static struct __othercarsound siren_noise[2]; // offset 0xCE690
extern int sizeof_cell_object_computed_values; // offset 0xAAAC0
extern struct BONE Skel[23]; // offset 0xA08BC
static int sky_y_offset[4]; // offset 0xA18DC
static long skyblue; // offset 0xAA920
static short skyclut[28]; // offset 0xDD248
static int skycolour; // offset 0xAB12C
extern int skyFade; // offset 0xAB130
static long skygreen; // offset 0xAA91C
static long skyred; // offset 0xAA918
static struct UV skytexuv[28]; // offset 0xDD288
static short skytpage[28]; // offset 0xDD208
static struct SLICE slice; // offset 0xA27E4
extern struct DVECTOR slot_clutpos[19]; // offset 0xE0D08
extern struct DVECTOR slot_tpagepos[19]; // offset 0xE0F58
extern int slotsused; // offset 0xAB30C
extern int slowWallTests; // offset 0xE913C
extern struct SMASHABLE_OBJECT smashable[38]; // offset 0x9B63C
extern int SmashablesHit; // offset 0xAAC58
static struct SMASHED_CONE smashed_cones[6]; // offset 0xCD9D8
extern struct SMOKE smoke[80]; // offset 0xBF908
extern short smoke_alloc[80]; // offset 0xC19E0
extern int smoke_count[4]; // offset 0xDB020
extern struct SMOKE *smoke_table; // offset 0xAAC2C
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS smoke_texture; // offset 0xC27E0
extern int SmokeCnt; // offset 0xAA230
static struct VECTOR SmokePos; // offset 0xD5250
extern char *song_address; // offset 0xAB13C
extern int Song_ID; // offset 0xAA954
static char song_pt[2992]; // offset 0xCF5D0
static int sound_paused; // offset 0xAA944
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS spark_texture; // offset 0xC27F0
extern int specBlocksToLoad; // offset 0xAA990
extern int SpecialByRegion[4][20]; // offset 0xA1A78
extern short specialSlot; // offset 0xAB2D8
extern int specialState; // offset 0xAA98C
extern struct XYPAIR *speclist; // offset 0xAB2F8
extern char *specLoadBuffer; // offset 0xAB018
extern char *specmallocptr; // offset 0xAB014
extern char specModelValid; // offset 0xAA74C
extern int specSpoolComplete; // offset 0xAB1D8
extern short specspooldata[3]; // offset 0xAA9B8
extern char specTpages[4][12]; // offset 0x9BDF4
extern int speed1[3]; // offset 0x9BF98
extern int speed2[3]; // offset 0x9BFA4
extern char speedLimits[3]; // offset 0x9BF10
extern struct POLY_F3 *spolys; // offset 0xAB108
extern int spool_regioncounter; // offset 0xAB1A0
extern struct SPL_REGIONINFO spool_regioninfo[8]; // offset 0xDEC98
extern int spool_regionpos; // offset 0xAB1B8
extern int spoolactive; // offset 0xAB1C8
extern int spoolcounter; // offset 0xAB1F8
extern struct SPOOLQ spooldata[48]; // offset 0xDEDB8
extern int spoolerror; // offset 0xAB1B4
extern unsigned short *spoolinfo_offsets; // offset 0xAB1FC
extern int SpoolLumpOffset; // offset 0xAB19C
extern int spoolpos; // offset 0xAB218
extern int spoolpos_reading; // offset 0xAA970
extern int spoolpos_writing; // offset 0xAA974
extern int spoolseek; // offset 0xAB264
extern int sprite_shadow; // offset 0xAA420
extern struct PACKED_CELL_OBJECT (*spriteList[75]); // offset 0xCBEC8
extern int spuaddress; // offset 0xAB1A8
static char sqtbl[65]; // offset 0x9BFB0
extern struct CAR_COSMETICS src_cosmetics[20]; // offset 0x9F0F8
extern unsigned long srgn; // offset 0xAABAC
static struct MATRIX SS; // offset 0xA03B4
extern struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY *startNode; // offset 0xAAB84
extern struct VECTOR startPos; // offset 0xBD4D8
static int StartPos; // offset 0xAB324
extern int startSpecSpool; // offset 0xAB258
static int stop_sound_handler; // offset 0xAA950
static int storedCam; // offset 0xAB080
extern enum GAMETYPE StoredGameType; // offset 0xAA5CD
extern struct RECT storeRect; // offset 0x1C6A98
extern int StreakCount1; // offset 0xAAC40
extern char *SubDivisionArrays; // offset 0xAACF8
extern struct SVECTOR sun_position[4]; // offset 0xA1924
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS sun_texture; // offset 0xC1B18
extern struct SVECTOR_NOPAD *svTemp; // offset 0xAB030
extern int switch_detail_distance; // offset 0xAA128
static int switch_spooltype; // offset 0xAB178
extern int TAIL_GETTINGCLOSE; // offset 0xAA71C
extern int TAIL_GETTINGFAR; // offset 0xAA720
extern int TAIL_TOOCLOSE; // offset 0xAA718
extern int TAIL_TOOFAR; // offset 0xAA724
static struct MENU_HEADER TakeARideFinishedHeader; // offset 0xA1558
static struct MENU_ITEM TakeARideFinishedItems[6]; // offset 0xA1224
extern int Tangle; // offset 0xAB028
extern struct CAR_COLLISION_BOX tanner_collision_box; // offset 0xD95D0
extern int tannerDeathTimer; // offset 0xAA5B0
extern struct VECTOR tannerLookAngle; // offset 0xA16A8
extern unsigned long tannerPad; // offset 0xAB0BC
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS tannerShadow_texture; // offset 0xC0E78
extern int tannerTurn; // offset 0xAA884
extern int tannerTurnMax; // offset 0xAA880
extern int tannerTurnStep; // offset 0xAA87C
static char *target_address; // offset 0xAB168
static struct TARGET_ARROW_MODEL targetArrowModel[4]; // offset 0xA1E08
static struct SVECTOR targetArrowVerts[43]; // offset 0xA1C58
extern int TargetCar; // offset 0xAA600
extern struct VECTOR targetPoint; // offset 0xBD5F0
extern struct _CAR_DATA *targetVehicle; // offset 0xAABE4
extern int tcRoad; // offset 0xAA448
extern int tcRoof; // offset 0xAA440
extern int tcWall; // offset 0xAA444
extern struct MATRIX tempmatrix; // offset 0xA189C
extern int test123; // offset 0xAAAF4
extern int test23; // offset 0xAA170
extern int test3; // offset 0xAADF8
extern int test4; // offset 0xAADFC
extern int test42; // offset 0xAAAF0
extern int test5; // offset 0xAAE00
extern int test555; // offset 0xAAAFC
extern int test6; // offset 0xAAE04
extern int test7; // offset 0xAAE08
extern int test777; // offset 0xAA7B8
extern int test8; // offset 0xAAE0C
extern int testCar; // offset 0xAA17C
static int TestCnt; // offset 0xAAA60
extern struct DRIVER2_CURVE *testCrv; // offset 0xAA16C
extern int testNum; // offset 0xAAB58
extern int testNumPingedOut; // offset 0xAA148
extern int testRadius; // offset 0xAA7B4
extern struct VECTOR testVec; // offset 0xBD4C8
extern int texamount; // offset 0xAB308
extern int texture_is_icon; // offset 0xAA9B4
extern int texture_lump_start; // offset 0xAB304
extern char *texturename_buffer; // offset 0xAB300
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS texturePedHead; // offset 0xC2958
extern struct BOXINFO theBox; // offset 0xA0368
extern struct PLAYBACKCAMERA *ThisChange; // offset 0xAA3F4
extern int ThisMotion; // offset 0xAB020
static int ThrownBombDelay; // offset 0xAA0C4
static struct BOMB ThrownBombs[5]; // offset 0xAC9D8
static int ThunderDistance; // offset 0xAAC18
static int ThunderTimer; // offset 0xAAC14
extern unsigned long *tile_overflow_buffer; // offset 0xAACF0
static char tile_size; // offset 0xAA074
static int tilehnum; // offset 0xAA070
extern struct TILE tileTannerClear[2]; // offset 0xD7C88
extern int time_taken; // offset 0xAACA0
extern int times; // offset 0xAA988
extern int TimeSinceLastSpeech; // offset 0xAAE34
extern int TimeToWay; // offset 0xAAA78
extern struct DRIVER2_CURVE (*tmpCrv[2]); // offset 0xAAB08
extern int tmpNewLane[2]; // offset 0xAAAC8
extern int tmpNewRoad[2]; // offset 0xAAAD8
extern struct DRIVER2_STRAIGHT (*tmpStr[2]); // offset 0xAAB18
extern int toggleCam; // offset 0xAA1C4
extern struct RECT tpage; // offset 0xAB2C0
static struct RECT tpage; // offset 0xAB188
extern int tpage_amount; // offset 0xAB2E8
extern struct TEXINF (*tpage_ids[128]); // offset 0xE0FA8
extern struct TP *tpage_position; // offset 0xAB310
extern int tpage_texamts[128]; // offset 0xE0D58
extern unsigned char tpageloaded[128]; // offset 0xE0C08
extern struct SXYPAIR tpagepos[20]; // offset 0xA1E38
extern unsigned char tpageslots[19]; // offset 0xE0BF0
extern struct TYRE_TRACK track_buffer[4][64]; // offset 0xDB030
extern char tracking_car; // offset 0xAACB4
static struct _EVENT (*trackingEvent[2]); // offset 0xAAD70
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS trail_texture; // offset 0xC1F38
extern unsigned long *transparent_buffer; // offset 0xAACDC
extern char TransparentObject; // offset 0xAA424
extern int trayoffset; // offset 0xAA118
static int treecount; // offset 0xAA434
extern int TriggerBomb; // offset 0xAAE68
extern char tsdname[128]; // offset 0xE0C88
extern int tsetcounter; // offset 0xAB1D0
extern int tsetinfo[32]; // offset 0xDED18
extern int tsetpos; // offset 0xAB1EC
extern struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY *tstNode1; // offset 0xAAB5C
extern struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY *tstNode2; // offset 0xAAB60
extern int tt; // offset 0xAA9F4
extern struct VECTOR tunnel_dim[12]; // offset 0x9C4A4
extern int tunnelDir[3][2]; // offset 0xA19E4
extern struct VECTOR tunnelPos[3][2]; // offset 0xA19FC
extern struct __tunnelinfo tunnels; // offset 0xD01A8
extern int type; // offset 0xAA978
extern struct VECTOR tyre_new_positions[4]; // offset 0xDD078
extern struct VECTOR tyre_save_positions[4]; // offset 0xDA990
extern int tyre_track_offset[4]; // offset 0xDCC30
extern int units_across_halved; // offset 0xAAF5C
extern int units_down_halved; // offset 0xAAF74
extern int unpack_cellptr_flag; // offset 0xAB26C
extern unsigned long unpack_cellptr_tbl[3]; // offset 0xDED98
extern int unpack_roadmap_flag; // offset 0xAB250
extern unsigned long unpack_roadmap_tbl[2]; // offset 0xAB208
extern int useStoredPings; // offset 0xAA144
extern struct SpuVoiceAttr uxm_g_s_attr; // offset 0xE22A8
extern int VABID; // offset 0xAA958
static char validchars[39]; // offset 0x10EE0C
static char validchars[68]; // offset 0xA162C
extern short validExitIdx[4]; // offset 0xAAB38
extern int variable_weather; // offset 0xAA228
extern int vblcounter; // offset 0xAB290
extern int vcount; // offset 0xAACF4
static int VegasCameraHack[16]; // offset 0x9ED34
static struct FixedEvent vegasDoor[5]; // offset 0x9EA14
extern int VegasParkedTrains[3]; // offset 0x9E870
extern int VegasTrainData[7]; // offset 0x9E854
extern char VeryShinyTable[256]; // offset 0xCDA50
static unsigned char VibratoTable[32]; // offset 0xA2670
extern int view_dist; // offset 0xAAFA0
extern struct VECTOR viewer_position; // offset 0xACAC0
extern char *visiblelist; // offset 0xAA43C
static int VisibleMenu; // offset 0xAB060
static struct MENU_HEADER (*VisibleMenus[3]); // offset 0xD9348
extern struct SVECTOR vJerichoList[102]; // offset 0xD8E28
extern int vStored; // offset 0xAA758
extern struct VERTEX vtab[8]; // offset 0xCD968
extern struct SVECTOR vTannerList[210]; // offset 0xD7D28
extern int wantedCar[2]; // offset 0xAA638
extern enum GAMEMODE WantedGameMode; // offset 0xAA549
static int WantPause; // offset 0xAA5A8
extern struct TEXTURE_DETAILS watch_texture; // offset 0xC1F08
extern int way_distance; // offset 0xAAA68
extern int wetness; // offset 0xAAC48
extern int whichCP; // offset 0xAAAB0
extern int wibblewibblewoo; // offset 0xAAA8C
static char windowTargetArrowTris[30]; // offset 0xA1DD4
static int wrongside[2][6]; // offset 0xCD9A8
static int x_map; // offset 0xAA060
static struct __xa_request xa; // offset 0xAAFC8
static struct __xa_request xa_data[26]; // offset 0xA04A4
static int xa_prepared; // offset 0xAA9DC
extern int xa_timeout; // offset 0xAAEB8
extern struct XA_TRACK XAMissionMessages[4]; // offset 0xE11C8
extern char (*XANames[4]); // offset 0xA1F20
extern int XM_FrameSpeed; // offset 0xAB360
extern struct SpuVoiceAttr xm_g_s_attr; // offset 0xE1208
extern int XM_HA; // offset 0xAA9F0
extern unsigned char (*XM_HeaderAddress[8]); // offset 0xE11E8
extern unsigned long xm_l_vag_spu_addr[8][128]; // offset 0xE12A8
extern int XM_NSA; // offset 0xAA9EC
extern struct SpuReverbAttr xm_r_attr; // offset 0xE22E8
extern int XM_SCAN; // offset 0xAA9E0
extern unsigned char (*XM_SngAddress[24]); // offset 0xE1248
extern struct XMCHANNEL *XMC; // offset 0xAB35C
extern struct XMCHANNEL *XMCU; // offset 0xAB36C
extern short XMSongIDs[24]; // offset 0xA1F40
extern short XMSPU_SFX[24]; // offset 0xA1F70
extern int XMTime1; // offset 0xAB338
extern int XMTime2; // offset 0xAB33C
extern int XMTime3; // offset 0xAB340
static unsigned short *xVis; // offset 0xAADB0
static int y_map; // offset 0xAA064
extern struct MENU_HEADER YesNoQuitHeader; // offset 0xA1618
static struct MENU_ITEM YesNoQuitItems[3]; // offset 0xA1440
extern struct MENU_HEADER YesNoRestartHeader; // offset 0xA1604
static struct MENU_ITEM YesNoRestartItems[3]; // offset 0xA1404
extern int zVal; // offset 0xAA75C
static unsigned short *zVis; // offset 0xAADB4
struct RECT // hashcode: 0xDFC821CB (dec: -540532277)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
short w; // size=0, offset=4
short h; // size=0, offset=6
struct SndVolume2 // hashcode: 0xE6064619 (dec: -435796455)
short left; // size=0, offset=0
short right; // size=0, offset=2
struct BOX // hashcode: 0xC47BB3B2 (dec: -998526030)
float xmin; // size=0, offset=0
float ymin; // size=0, offset=4
float zmin; // size=0, offset=8
float xmax; // size=0, offset=12
float ymax; // size=0, offset=16
float zmax; // size=0, offset=20
struct BSPHERE // hashcode: 0x117AEF65 (dec: 293269349)
VECTOR bounding_sphere_mid; // size=16, offset=0
float bounding_sphere; // size=0, offset=16
struct RGB // hashcode: 0xDDB9C681 (dec: -575027583)
unsigned char r; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char g; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char b; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char pad; // size=0, offset=3
struct UV_INFO // hashcode: 0x23373190 (dec: 590819728)
unsigned char u; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char v; // size=0, offset=1
struct XYPAIR // hashcode: 0x26B42A1B (dec: 649341467)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int y; // size=0, offset=4
struct SXYPAIR // hashcode: 0xC24DE5F5 (dec: -1035082251)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
struct GAP_INFO // hashcode: 0x468CC560 (dec: 1183630688)
DVECTOR offset; // size=4, offset=0
char clear; // size=0, offset=4
struct PSXBUTTON // hashcode: 0x41BD456C (dec: 1102923116)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
short w; // size=0, offset=4
short h; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char l; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned char r; // size=0, offset=9
unsigned char u; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char d; // size=0, offset=11
int userDrawFunctionNum; // size=0, offset=12
short s_x; // size=0, offset=16
short s_y; // size=0, offset=18
int action; // size=0, offset=20
int var; // size=0, offset=24
char Name[32]; // size=32, offset=28
struct PADRECORD // hashcode: 0x0D20CEBD (dec: 220253885)
unsigned char pad; // size=0, offset=0
char analogue; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char run; // size=0, offset=2
struct ARC_ENTRY // hashcode: 0x4C376F3B (dec: 1278701371)
short offset; // size=0, offset=0
short length; // size=0, offset=2
struct DRIVER2_STRAIGHT // hashcode: 0xCF738039 (dec: -814514119)
int Midx; // size=0, offset=0
int Midz; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short length; // size=0, offset=8
short bing; // size=0, offset=10
short angle; // size=0, offset=12
short ConnectIdx[4]; // size=8, offset=14
char NumLanes; // size=0, offset=22
char LaneDirs; // size=0, offset=23
char AILanes; // size=0, offset=24
char packing; // size=0, offset=25
struct OLD_DRIVER2_JUNCTION // hashcode: 0x42D65B1B (dec: 1121344283)
int Midx; // size=0, offset=0
int Midz; // size=0, offset=4
short length; // size=0, offset=8
short width; // size=0, offset=10
short angle; // size=0, offset=12
short ExitIdx[4]; // size=8, offset=14
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=22
struct DRIVER2_JUNCTION // hashcode: 0x7C27C3D0 (dec: 2082980816)
short ExitIdx[4]; // size=8, offset=0
unsigned long flags; // size=0, offset=8
struct DRIVER2_CURVE // hashcode: 0xB805ADA3 (dec: -1207587421)
int Midx; // size=0, offset=0
int Midz; // size=0, offset=4
short start; // size=0, offset=8
short end; // size=0, offset=10
short ConnectIdx[4]; // size=8, offset=12
short gradient; // size=0, offset=20
short height; // size=0, offset=22
char NumLanes; // size=0, offset=24
char LaneDirs; // size=0, offset=25
char inside; // size=0, offset=26
char AILanes; // size=0, offset=27
struct _sdPlane // hashcode: 0x873C357E (dec: -2026097282)
short surface; // size=0, offset=0
short a; // size=0, offset=2
short b; // size=0, offset=4
short c; // size=0, offset=6
int d; // size=0, offset=8
struct _sdNode // hashcode: 0xD508740E (dec: -720866290)
int angle; // size=11, offset=0
int dist; // size=12, offset=11
int offset; // size=8, offset=23
int node; // size=1, offset=31
struct WHEEL // hashcode: 0x76B6CC6D (dec: 1991691373)
char susCompression; // size=0, offset=0
char locked; // size=0, offset=1
char onGrass; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char surface; // size=0, offset=3
struct OrientedBox // hashcode: 0x8D87CFA2 (dec: -1920479326)
VECTOR_NOPAD location; // size=12, offset=0
SVECTOR_NOPAD radii[3]; // size=18, offset=12
short length[3]; // size=6, offset=30
struct _HANDLING_DATA // hashcode: 0x9DD0BFD7 (dec: -1647263785)
MATRIX where; // size=32, offset=0
MATRIX drawCarMat; // size=32, offset=32
long acc[4]; // size=16, offset=64
long aacc[4]; // size=16, offset=80
int wheel_speed; // size=0, offset=96
int speed; // size=0, offset=100
int direction; // size=0, offset=104
char gear; // size=0, offset=108
char changingGear; // size=0, offset=109
char mayBeColliding; // size=0, offset=110
char autoBrake; // size=0, offset=111
WHEEL wheel[4]; // size=16, offset=112
short revs; // size=0, offset=128
VECTOR shadowPoints[4]; // size=64, offset=132
int front_vel; // size=0, offset=196
int rear_vel; // size=0, offset=200
struct OrientedBox oBox; // size=36, offset=204
union RigidBodyState // Hashcode: 0x60B16C22 (dec: 1622240290)
long v[13]; // size=52, offset=0
struct {
long fposition[3]; // size=12, offset=0
long orientation[4]; // size=16, offset=12
long linearVelocity[3]; // size=12, offset=28
long angularVelocity[3]; // size=12, offset=40
} n; // size=52, offset=0, found in object files: obj\dr2roads.obj, obj\dr2roads.obj
struct _APPEARANCE_DATA // hashcode: 0x4A050E31 (dec: 1241845297)
struct SXYPAIR light_trails[4][4]; // size=64, offset=0
struct CAR_COSMETICS *carCos; // size=236, offset=64
short old_clock[4]; // size=8, offset=68
char life; // size=0, offset=76
char coplife; // size=0, offset=77
short qy; // size=0, offset=78
short qw; // size=0, offset=80
char life2; // size=0, offset=82
char model; // size=0, offset=83
char palette; // size=0, offset=84
char needsDenting; // size=0, offset=85
short damage[6]; // size=12, offset=86
struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY // hashcode: 0x7DE1E25F (dec: 2111955551)
short dir; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short pathType; // size=0, offset=2
int distAlongSegment; // size=0, offset=4
int x; // size=0, offset=8
int z; // size=0, offset=12
struct CIV_STATE // hashcode: 0x1B69CC52 (dec: 459918418)
int currentRoad; // size=0, offset=0
int currentNode; // size=0, offset=4
struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY *ctrlNode; // size=16, offset=8
unsigned char ctrlState; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned char trafficLightPhaseId; // size=0, offset=13
unsigned char changeLane; // size=0, offset=14
unsigned char turnDir; // size=0, offset=15
char brakeLight; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned char oldLane; // size=0, offset=17
unsigned char changeLaneCount; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned char pad3; // size=0, offset=19
int turnNode; // size=0, offset=20
int changeLaneIndicateCount; // size=0, offset=24
int carPauseCnt; // size=0, offset=28
int velRatio; // size=0, offset=32
struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY targetRoute[13]; // size=208, offset=36
struct CIV_ROUTE_ENTRY *pnode; // size=16, offset=244
unsigned char maxSpeed; // size=0, offset=248
unsigned char thrustState; // size=0, offset=249
unsigned char carMustDie; // size=0, offset=250
unsigned char currentLane; // size=0, offset=251
struct COP // hashcode: 0x03D1B2C7 (dec: 64074439)
struct VECTOR2 targetHistory[2]; // size=16, offset=0
char routeInMemory; // size=0, offset=16
char justPinged; // size=0, offset=17
char close_pursuit; // size=0, offset=18
char dying; // size=0, offset=19
unsigned short DistanceToPlayer; // size=0, offset=20
short desiredSpeed; // size=0, offset=22
short recalcTimer; // size=0, offset=24
short stuckTimer; // size=0, offset=26
short lastRecoverStrategy; // size=0, offset=28
short recoveryTimer; // size=0, offset=30
short hiddenTimer; // size=0, offset=32
short frontLClear; // size=0, offset=34
short frontRClear; // size=0, offset=36
struct LEAD_CAR // hashcode: 0x44C76F5F (dec: 1153920863)
char dstate; // size=0, offset=0
char ctt; // size=0, offset=1
short targetDir; // size=0, offset=2
int targetX; // size=0, offset=4
int targetZ; // size=0, offset=8
int currentRoad; // size=0, offset=12
int lastRoad; // size=0, offset=16
int nextJunction; // size=0, offset=20
int nextTurn; // size=0, offset=24
int nextExit; // size=0, offset=28
int stuckCount; // size=0, offset=32
int panicCount; // size=0, offset=36
int recoverTime; // size=0, offset=40
int roadPosition; // size=0, offset=44
int roadForward; // size=0, offset=48
int boringness; // size=0, offset=52
int avoid; // size=0, offset=56
int lastTarget; // size=0, offset=60
int offRoad; // size=0, offset=64
int width; // size=0, offset=68
int d; // size=0, offset=72
int base_Normal; // size=0, offset=76
int base_Angle; // size=0, offset=80
int base_Dir; // size=0, offset=84
int outsideSpoolRegion; // size=0, offset=88
int direction; // size=0, offset=92
int lastDirection; // size=0, offset=96
char takeDamage; // size=0, offset=100
typedef struct _CAR_DATA // hashcode: 0x8D78CB99 (dec: -1921463399)
struct _HANDLING_DATA hd; // size=240, offset=0
union RigidBodyState st; // size=52, offset=240
struct _APPEARANCE_DATA ap; // size=100, offset=292
unsigned char hndType; // size=0, offset=392
unsigned char controlType; // size=0, offset=393
unsigned char controlFlags; // size=0, offset=394
char id; // size=0, offset=395
union {
char *padid; // size=0, offset=0
struct CIV_STATE c; // size=252, offset=0
struct COP p; // size=40, offset=0
struct LEAD_CAR l; // size=104, offset=0
} ai; // size=252, offset=396, found in object files: obj\dr2roads.obj, obj\dr2roads.obj
int *inform; // size=0, offset=648
short thrust; // size=0, offset=652
short felonyRating; // size=0, offset=654
char handbrake; // size=0, offset=656
char wheelspin; // size=0, offset=657
char wasOnGround; // size=0, offset=658
char lowDetail; // size=0, offset=659
short wheel_angle; // size=0, offset=660
unsigned short totalDamage; // size=0, offset=662
long lastPad; // size=0, offset=664
struct CAR_COSMETICS // hashcode: 0x48DDA5C0 (dec: 1222485440)
struct SVECTOR headLight; // size=8, offset=0
struct SVECTOR frontInd; // size=8, offset=8
struct SVECTOR backInd; // size=8, offset=16
struct SVECTOR brakeLight; // size=8, offset=24
struct SVECTOR revLight; // size=8, offset=32
struct SVECTOR policeLight; // size=8, offset=40
struct SVECTOR exhaust; // size=8, offset=48
struct SVECTOR smoke; // size=8, offset=56
struct SVECTOR fire; // size=8, offset=64
struct SVECTOR wheelDisp[4]; // size=32, offset=72
short extraInfo; // size=0, offset=104
short powerRatio; // size=0, offset=106
short cbYoffset; // size=0, offset=108
short susCoeff; // size=0, offset=110
short traction; // size=0, offset=112
short wheelSize; // size=0, offset=114
struct SVECTOR cPoints[12]; // size=96, offset=116
struct SVECTOR colBox; // size=8, offset=212
struct SVECTOR cog; // size=8, offset=220
short twistRateX; // size=0, offset=228
short twistRateY; // size=0, offset=230
short twistRateZ; // size=0, offset=232
short mass; // size=0, offset=234
struct _COP_DATA // hashcode: 0xDE3D2698 (dec: -566417768)
int speed; // size=0, offset=0
int power; // size=0, offset=4
int min; // size=0, offset=8
int max; // size=0, offset=12
struct LEAD_PARAMETERS // hashcode: 0x5849B382 (dec: 1481225090)
int tEnd; // size=0, offset=0
int tAvelLimit; // size=0, offset=4
int tDist; // size=0, offset=8
int tDistMul; // size=0, offset=12
int tWidth; // size=0, offset=16
int tWidthMul; // size=0, offset=20
int tWidth80; // size=0, offset=24
int tWidth80Mul; // size=0, offset=28
int hEnd; // size=0, offset=32
int dEnd; // size=0, offset=36
int hDist; // size=0, offset=40
int hDistMul; // size=0, offset=44
int hWidth; // size=0, offset=48
int hWidthMul; // size=0, offset=52
int hWidth80; // size=0, offset=56
int hWidth80Mul; // size=0, offset=60
struct _EVENT // hashcode: 0xDD197EB3 (dec: -585531725)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
short rotation; // size=0, offset=16
short timer; // size=0, offset=18
int *data; // size=0, offset=20
int *node; // size=0, offset=24
short flags; // size=0, offset=28
short radius; // size=0, offset=30
int model; // size=0, offset=32
struct _EVENT *next; // size=40, offset=36
struct MAPPING // hashcode: 0x46E5EAED (dec: 1189473005)
unsigned short button_lookup[16]; // size=32, offset=0
unsigned short swap_analog; // size=0, offset=32
unsigned short reserved1; // size=0, offset=34
struct SAVED_PLAYER_POS // hashcode: 0x3269504F (dec: 845762639)
unsigned short type; // size=0, offset=0
short direction; // size=0, offset=2
long vx; // size=0, offset=4
long vy; // size=0, offset=8
long vz; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned long felony; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned short totaldamage; // size=0, offset=20
short damage[6]; // size=12, offset=22
struct SAVED_CAR_POS // hashcode: 0x02E940CC (dec: 48840908)
char active; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char model; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char palette; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned short totaldamage; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short damage[6]; // size=12, offset=6
short direction; // size=0, offset=18
long vx; // size=0, offset=20
long vy; // size=0, offset=24
long vz; // size=0, offset=28
struct MISSION_DATA // hashcode: 0x2CE3A08C (dec: 753115276)
struct SAVED_PLAYER_POS PlayerPos; // size=36, offset=0
struct SAVED_CAR_POS CarPos[6]; // size=192, offset=36
struct SCORE_ENTRY // hashcode: 0xD0B3A6C6 (dec: -793532730)
int time; // size=0, offset=0
short items; // size=0, offset=4
char name[6]; // size=6, offset=6
struct SCORE_TABLES // hashcode: 0xDB95702F (dec: -610963409)
struct SCORE_ENTRY GetawayTable[4][2][5]; // size=480, offset=0
struct SCORE_ENTRY GateRaceTable[4][2][5]; // size=480, offset=480
struct SCORE_ENTRY CheckpointTable[4][2][5]; // size=480, offset=960
struct SCORE_ENTRY TrailblazerTable[4][2][5]; // size=480, offset=1440
struct SCORE_ENTRY SurvivalTable[4][1][5]; // size=240, offset=1920
struct ACTIVE_CHEATS // hashcode: 0x2127EFE8 (dec: 556265448)
unsigned char cheat1 : 1; // size=1, offset=0
unsigned char cheat2 : 1; // size=1, offset=1
unsigned char cheat3 : 1; // size=1, offset=2
unsigned char cheat4 : 1; // size=1, offset=3
unsigned char cheat5 : 1; // size=1, offset=4
unsigned char cheat6 : 1; // size=1, offset=5
unsigned char cheat7 : 1; // size=1, offset=6
unsigned char cheat8 : 1; // size=1, offset=7
unsigned char cheat9 : 1; // size=1, offset=8
unsigned char cheat10 : 1; // size=1, offset=9
unsigned char cheat11 : 1; // size=1, offset=10
unsigned char reserved1 : 5; // size=5, offset=11
unsigned char reserved2; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char reserved3; // size=0, offset=3
struct STREAM_SOURCE // hashcode: 0x81E93B6E (dec: -2115421330)
unsigned char type; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char model; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char palette; // size=0, offset=2
char controlType; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short rotation; // size=0, offset=6
struct VECTOR_NOPAD position; // size=12, offset=8
int totaldamage; // size=0, offset=20
int damage[6]; // size=24, offset=24
typedef struct RVECTOR RVECTOR;
typedef struct CRVECTOR3 CRVECTOR3;
typedef struct CRVECTOR4 CRVECTOR4;
typedef struct RECT RECT;
typedef struct SndVolume2 SndVolume2;
typedef struct BOX BOX;
typedef struct BSPHERE BSPHERE;
typedef struct RGB RGB;
typedef struct UV_INFO UV_INFO;
typedef struct XYPAIR XYPAIR;
typedef struct SXYPAIR SXYPAIR;
typedef struct GAP_INFO GAP_INFO;
typedef struct ARC_ENTRY ARC_ENTRY;
typedef struct _sdPlane sdPlane;
typedef struct _sdNode sdNode;
typedef struct CIV_STATE CIV_STATE;
typedef struct VECTOR2 VECTOR2;
typedef struct COP COP;
typedef struct LEAD_CAR LEAD_CAR;
typedef union RigidBodyState RigidBodyState;
typedef struct WHEEL WHEEL;
typedef struct OrientedBox OrientedBox;
typedef struct _COP_DATA MS_COP_DATA;
typedef struct _EVENT EVENT;
typedef struct MAPPING MAPPING;
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef struct _physadr *physadr;
typedef long daddr_t;
typedef char *caddr_t;
typedef long *qaddr_t;
typedef unsigned long ino_t;
typedef long swblk_t;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
typedef short dev_t;
typedef long off_t;
typedef unsigned short uid_t;
typedef unsigned short gid_t;
typedef void (*SsMarkCallbackProc)();
typedef long LONGVECTOR[4];
typedef short SHORTVECTOR[4];
typedef long LONGQUATERNION[4];
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef struct PADRAW *LPPADRAW;
typedef struct MAPPING *LPMAPPING;
typedef struct PAD *LPPAD;
struct MODEL // hashcode: 0x3A42A4FE (dec: 977446142)
unsigned short shape_flags; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short flags2; // size=0, offset=2
short instance_number; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char tri_verts; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char zBias; // size=0, offset=7
short bounding_sphere; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short num_point_normals; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned short num_vertices; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short num_polys; // size=0, offset=14
int vertices; // size=0, offset=16 SVECTOR list
int poly_block; // size=0, offset=20 POLY* list
int normals; // size=0, offset=24 SVECTOR list
int point_normals; // size=0, offset=28 SVECTOR list
int collision_block; // size=0, offset=32 COLLISION_PACKET list
typedef enum PAUSEMODE // Hashcode: 0x086AB147 (dec: 141209927)
struct UV // hashcode: 0xB11A813B (dec: -1323663045)
unsigned char u0; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char v0; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char u1; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char v1; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char u2; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char v2; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char u3; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char v3; // size=0, offset=7
struct TEXTURE_DETAILS // hashcode: 0xBFBD097F (dec: -1078130305)
struct UV coords; // size=8, offset=0
unsigned short tpageid; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short clutid; // size=0, offset=10
char texture_number; // size=0, offset=12
char texture_page; // size=0, offset=13
struct CELL_OBJECT // hashcode: 0xD26720D4 (dec: -764993324)
struct VECTOR_NOPAD pos; // size=12, offset=0
unsigned char pad; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned char yang; // size=0, offset=13
unsigned short type; // size=0, offset=14
struct ANIMATED_OBJECT // hashcode: 0xBC1CAB6E (dec: -1138971794)
int internal_id; // size=0, offset=0
int model_num; // size=0, offset=4
char *name; // size=0, offset=8
char LitPoly; // size=0, offset=12
struct SMASHABLE_OBJECT // hashcode: 0x15B5F719 (dec: 364246809)
int modelIdx; // size=0, offset=0
char *name; // size=0, offset=4
int sound; // size=0, offset=8
int volume; // size=0, offset=12
int pitch; // size=0, offset=16
struct GARAGE_DOOR // hashcode: 0x830EFAED (dec: -2096170259)
struct CELL_OBJECT *cop; // size=16, offset=0
struct VECTOR_NOPAD old_pos; // size=12, offset=4
struct VECTOR_NOPAD pos; // size=12, offset=16
short rotation; // size=0, offset=28
char yang; // size=0, offset=30
struct RGB16 // hashcode: 0xDC722146 (dec: -596500154)
short r; // size=0, offset=0
short g; // size=0, offset=2
short b; // size=0, offset=4
short pad; // size=0, offset=6
struct UnpaddedHackVector // hashcode: 0x83568E05 (dec: -2091479547)
int vx; // size=0, offset=0
int vz; // size=0, offset=4
short vy; // size=0, offset=8
struct UnpaddedCharVector // hashcode: 0xCF0188EA (dec: -821982998)
char vx; // size=0, offset=0
char vy; // size=0, offset=1
char vz; // size=0, offset=2
struct BVECTOR // hashcode: 0xD3E280B3 (dec: -740130637)
char vx; // size=0, offset=0
char vy; // size=0, offset=1
char vz; // size=0, offset=2
char pad; // size=0, offset=3
struct ADJACENT_ROAD_INFO // hashcode: 0xB24A0A42 (dec: -1303770558)
DVECTOR offset; // size=4, offset=0
GAP_INFO gap; // size=6, offset=4
struct FELONY_DELAY // hashcode: 0x62906D28 (dec: 1653632296)
short current; // size=0, offset=0
short maximum; // size=0, offset=2
struct FELONY_VALUE // hashcode: 0x8F078047 (dec: -1895333817)
short placid; // size=0, offset=0
short angry; // size=0, offset=2
struct _TARGET // hashcode: 0xB3C67F7D (dec: -1278836867)
int data[16]; // size=64, offset=0
struct MR_TIMER // hashcode: 0xEA39F36E (dec: -365300882)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char flags; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char min; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char sec; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char frac; // size=0, offset=7
long count; // size=0, offset=8
struct PEDESTRIAN // hashcode: 0xF569ED7C (dec: -177607300)
PEDESTRIAN *pNext; // size=92, offset=0
PEDESTRIAN *pPrev; // size=92, offset=4
void (*fpRestState)(); // size=0, offset=8
void (*fpAgitatedState)(); // size=0, offset=12
char padId; // size=0, offset=16
enum PED_MODEL_TYPES pedType; // size=1, offset=17
VECTOR_NOPAD position; // size=12, offset=20
SVECTOR dir; // size=8, offset=32
SVECTOR velocity; // size=8, offset=40
VECTOR target; // size=16, offset=48
int flags; // size=0, offset=64
short head_pos; // size=0, offset=68
short head_rot; // size=0, offset=70
short index; // size=0, offset=72
short last_dir; // size=0, offset=74
short interest; // size=0, offset=76
char frame1; // size=0, offset=78
char *motion; // size=0, offset=80
char speed; // size=0, offset=84
char doing_turn; // size=0, offset=85
char finished_turn; // size=0, offset=86
char seat_index; // size=0, offset=87
unsigned char pallet; // size=0, offset=88
enum PED_ACTION_TYPE type; // size=1, offset=89
enum PED_ACTION_TYPE // Hashcode: 0x3531DCAF (dec: 892460207)
enum PED_MODEL_TYPES // Hashcode: 0x2858A7E3 (dec: 676898787)
struct __skidinfo // hashcode: 0x807ED49D (dec: -2139171683)
char chan; // size=0, offset=0
char sound; // size=0, offset=1
struct __horninfo // hashcode: 0x09E3B159 (dec: 165917017)
char on; // size=0, offset=0
char time; // size=0, offset=1
char request; // size=0, offset=2
struct CYCLE_OBJECT // hashcode: 0x61BB6061 (dec: 1639669857)
char *name; // size=0, offset=0
short vx; // size=0, offset=4
short vy; // size=0, offset=6
short start1; // size=0, offset=8
short stop1; // size=0, offset=10
short speed1; // size=0, offset=12
short start2; // size=0, offset=14
short stop2; // size=0, offset=16
short speed2; // size=0, offset=18
typedef struct DRAWENV DRAWENV;
typedef struct DISPENV DISPENV;
typedef struct DR_LOAD DR_LOAD;
typedef struct MODEL MODEL;
typedef struct UV UV;
typedef struct RGB16 RGB16;
typedef struct BVECTOR BVECTOR;
typedef struct SpuVolume SpuVolume;
typedef struct SpuVoiceAttr SpuVoiceAttr;
typedef struct SpuExtAttr SpuExtAttr;
typedef struct SpuStVoiceAttr SpuStVoiceAttr;
typedef struct _TARGET MS_TARGET;
typedef struct MR_TIMER MR_TIMER;
typedef struct __skidinfo skidinfo;
typedef struct __horninfo horninfo;
typedef void (*SpuIRQCallbackProc)();
typedef void (*SpuTransferCallbackProc)();
typedef void (*SpuStCallbackProc)();
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef char schar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef void envsoundfunc();
typedef struct MVERTEX SV5x5[5][5];
struct CAR_POLY // hashcode: 0x6DD9D398 (dec: 1842992024)
int vindices; // size=0, offset=0
int nindices; // size=0, offset=4
int clut_uv0; // size=0, offset=8
int tpage_uv1; // size=0, offset=12
int uv3_uv2; // size=0, offset=16
short originalindex; // size=0, offset=20
struct COLOUR_BAND // hashcode: 0x1D8D5AB8 (dec: 495803064)
struct CVECTOR colour; // size=4, offset=0
int value; // size=0, offset=4
int flags; // size=0, offset=8
struct _PERCENTAGE_BAR // hashcode: 0x56E8855E (dec: 1458079070)
char *tag; // size=0, offset=0
short xpos; // size=0, offset=4
short ypos; // size=0, offset=6
short width; // size=0, offset=8
short height; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned short position; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short max; // size=0, offset=14
struct COLOUR_BAND *pColourBand; // size=12, offset=16
int flags; // size=0, offset=20
int active; // size=0, offset=24
typedef struct POLY_G4 POLY_G4;
typedef struct TILE TILE;
typedef struct DR_TPAGE DR_TPAGE;
typedef struct CAR_POLY CAR_POLY;
struct COP_SIGHT_DATA // hashcode: 0x4400B303 (dec: 1140896515)
short surroundViewDistance; // size=0, offset=0
short frontViewDistance; // size=0, offset=2
short frontViewAngle; // size=0, offset=4
struct MAPTEX // hashcode: 0x0693A802 (dec: 110340098)
short u; // size=0, offset=0
short w; // size=0, offset=2
short v; // size=0, offset=4
short h; // size=0, offset=6
struct OVERMAP // hashcode: 0x34D52BCC (dec: 886385612)
int x_offset; // size=0, offset=0
int y_offset; // size=0, offset=4
int width; // size=0, offset=8
int height; // size=0, offset=12
char toptile; // size=0, offset=16
char dummy; // size=0, offset=17
int scale; // size=0, offset=20
typedef struct POLY_F3 POLY_F3;
typedef struct POLY_F4 POLY_F4;
typedef struct POLY_FT3 POLY_FT3;
typedef struct POLY_FT4 POLY_FT4;
typedef struct POLY_G3 POLY_G3;
typedef struct LINE_F2 LINE_F2;
typedef struct LINE_G2 LINE_G2;
typedef struct LINE_F4 LINE_F4;
typedef struct TILE_1 TILE_1;
typedef struct DR_AREA DR_AREA;
typedef struct MAPTEX MAPTEX;
typedef struct OVERMAP OVERMAP;
struct REPLAY_PARAMETER_BLOCK // hashcode: 0xA8ABCA42 (dec: -1465136574)
int RecordingEnd; // size=0, offset=0
struct VECTOR_NOPAD lead_car_start; // size=12, offset=4
short Lead_car_dir; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned char timeofday; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned char weather; // size=0, offset=19
struct REPLAY_SAVE_HEADER // hashcode: 0x7B872BEC (dec: 2072456172)
unsigned long magic; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char GameLevel; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char GameType; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char reserved1; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char NumReplayStreams; // size=0, offset=7
unsigned char NumPlayers; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned char RandomChase; // size=0, offset=9
unsigned char CutsceneEvent; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char gCopDifficultyLevel; // size=0, offset=11
struct MISSION_DATA SavedData; // size=228, offset=12
struct ACTIVE_CHEATS ActiveCheats; // size=4, offset=240
int wantedCar[2]; // size=8, offset=244
int MissionNumber; // size=0, offset=252
int HaveStoredData; // size=0, offset=256
int reserved2[6]; // size=24, offset=260
struct REPLAY_STREAM_HEADER // hashcode: 0x7D77518E (dec: 2104971662)
struct STREAM_SOURCE SourceType; // size=48, offset=0
int Size; // size=0, offset=48
int Length; // size=0, offset=52
struct REPLAY_STREAM // hashcode: 0xC894D541 (dec: -929770175)
struct STREAM_SOURCE SourceType; // size=48, offset=0
struct PADRECORD *InitialPadRecordBuffer; // size=3, offset=48
struct PADRECORD *PadRecordBuffer; // size=3, offset=52
struct PADRECORD *PadRecordBufferEnd; // size=3, offset=56
unsigned char playbackrun; // size=0, offset=60
int length; // size=0, offset=64
struct _PING_PACKET // hashcode: 0x9E8E7C27 (dec: -1634829273)
unsigned short frame; // size=0, offset=0
char carId; // size=0, offset=2
char cookieCount; // size=0, offset=3
typedef struct _PING_PACKET PING_PACKET;
struct ROADBLOCK // hashcode: 0x006C3CDD (dec: 7093469)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
ADJACENT_ROAD_INFO adjacentRoadInfo; // size=10, offset=16
short RoadToBlock; // size=0, offset=26
short AdjacentRoad; // size=0, offset=28
short RoadblockTimer; // size=0, offset=30
int copRespawnTime; // size=0, offset=32
char NumCarsNeededForRoad; // size=0, offset=36
char NumCarsNeededForAdjacentRoad; // size=0, offset=37
char NumCarsSavedForBlock; // size=0, offset=38
char DirectionToRoadblock; // size=0, offset=39
char status; // size=0, offset=40
char AI_Slot[13]; // size=13, offset=41
//typedef struct ROADBLOCK ROADBLOCK;
struct TestResult // hashcode: 0x105A4D3D (dec: 274353469)
int depth; // size=0, offset=0
VECTOR location; // size=16, offset=4
VECTOR normal; // size=16, offset=20
//typedef struct TestResult TestResult;
struct BUILDING_BOX // hashcode: 0x6B53A728 (dec: 1800644392)
VECTOR pos; // size=16, offset=0
int xsize; // size=0, offset=16
int zsize; // size=0, offset=20
int theta; // size=0, offset=24
int height; // size=0, offset=28
struct CDATA2D // hashcode: 0x077C224E (dec: 125575758)
VECTOR x; // size=16, offset=0
VECTOR axis[2]; // size=32, offset=16
VECTOR vel; // size=16, offset=48
int theta; // size=0, offset=64
int length[2]; // size=8, offset=68
int dist[2]; // size=8, offset=76
int limit[2]; // size=8, offset=84
int avel; // size=0, offset=92
int isCameraOrTanner; // size=0, offset=96
struct CRET2D // hashcode: 0x0DF86D8D (dec: 234384781)
VECTOR hit; // size=16, offset=0
VECTOR surfNormal; // size=16, offset=16
int penetration; // size=0, offset=32
int neverfree; // size=0, offset=36
struct __tunnelcoords // hashcode: 0x7711175C (dec: 1997608796)
VECTOR p1; // size=16, offset=0
VECTOR p2; // size=16, offset=16
typedef struct CDATA2D CDATA2D;
typedef struct CRET2D CRET2D;
typedef struct __tunnelcoords tunnelcoords;
enum ExplosionType // Hashcode: 0xD0FDC1E0 (dec: -788676128)
HEY_MOMMA = 666,
BANG_USED = 999,
struct _ExOBJECT // hashcode: 0x1D4ED61D (dec: 491705885)
int time; // size=0, offset=0
int speed; // size=0, offset=4
int hscale; // size=0, offset=8
int rscale; // size=0, offset=12
ExplosionType type; // size=2, offset=16
VECTOR pos; // size=16, offset=20
struct BOMB // hashcode: 0x9EA608A2 (dec: -1633285982)
unsigned char flags; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char active; // size=0, offset=1
short rot_speed; // size=0, offset=2
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=4
VECTOR velocity; // size=16, offset=20
typedef struct _ExOBJECT EXOBJECT;
typedef struct BOMB BOMB;
struct COLLISION_PACKET // hashcode: 0x404603E7 (dec: 1078330343)
short type; // size=0, offset=0
short xpos; // size=0, offset=2
short ypos; // size=0, offset=4
short zpos; // size=0, offset=6
short flags; // size=0, offset=8
short yang; // size=0, offset=10
short empty; // size=0, offset=12
short xsize; // size=0, offset=14
short ysize; // size=0, offset=16
short zsize; // size=0, offset=18
struct _PLAYER // hashcode: 0x8C0D3284 (dec: -1945292156)
long pos[4]; // size=16, offset=0
int dir; // size=0, offset=16
VECTOR *spoolXZ; // size=16, offset=20
VECTOR cameraPos; // size=16, offset=24
int cameraDist; // size=0, offset=40
int maxCameraDist; // size=0, offset=44
int cameraAngle; // size=0, offset=48
int headPos; // size=0, offset=52
int headTarget; // size=0, offset=56
int viewChange; // size=0, offset=60
char dying; // size=0, offset=64
char upsideDown; // size=0, offset=65
char onGrass; // size=0, offset=66
char targetCarId; // size=0, offset=67
char cameraView; // size=0, offset=68
char headTimer; // size=0, offset=69
char playerType; // size=0, offset=70
char worldCentreCarId; // size=0, offset=71
char playerCarId; // size=0, offset=72
char cameraCarId; // size=0, offset=73
char padid; // size=0, offset=74
char car_is_sounding; // size=0, offset=75
long camera_vel[3]; // size=12, offset=76
int snd_cam_ang; // size=0, offset=88
__skidinfo skidding; // size=2, offset=92
__skidinfo wheelnoise; // size=2, offset=94
__horninfo horn; // size=3, offset=96
int car_sound_timer; // size=0, offset=100
short revsvol; // size=0, offset=104
short idlevol; // size=0, offset=106
PEDESTRIAN *pPed; // size=92, offset=108
int crash_timer; // size=0, offset=112
struct XZPAIR // hashcode: 0x0F1AD091 (dec: 253415569)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int z; // size=0, offset=4
struct CELL_DATA // hashcode: 0x016E4A08 (dec: 24005128)
unsigned short num; // size=0, offset=0
struct PACKED_CELL_OBJECT // hashcode: 0x4109E18D (dec: 1091166605)
struct USVECTOR_NOPAD pos; // size=6, offset=0
unsigned short value; // size=0, offset=6
struct PAD // hashcode: 0x3E7349EB (dec: 1047742955)
unsigned char active; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char type; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char dualshock; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char reserved1; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned short direct; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short dirnew; // size=0, offset=6
char diranalog[4]; // size=4, offset=8
unsigned short mapped; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short mapnew; // size=0, offset=14
char mapanalog[4]; // size=4, offset=16
struct MAPPING mappings; // size=36, offset=20
unsigned char alarmShakeCounter; // size=0, offset=56
unsigned char asd; // size=0, offset=57
unsigned char sdf; // size=0, offset=58
unsigned char dfg; // size=0, offset=59
unsigned char delay; // size=0, offset=60
unsigned char port; // size=0, offset=61
unsigned char state; // size=0, offset=62
unsigned char dsactive; // size=0, offset=63
unsigned char *shakeptr; // size=0, offset=64
unsigned char motors[2]; // size=2, offset=68
unsigned char shake_type; // size=0, offset=70
unsigned char vibrate; // size=0, offset=71
struct CELL_ITERATOR // hashcode: 0x4C2A91BE (dec: 1277858238)
struct CELL_DATA *pcd; // size=2, offset=0
struct PACKED_CELL_OBJECT *ppco; // size=8, offset=4
struct XZPAIR near; // size=8, offset=8
int use_computed; // size=0, offset=16
typedef struct _PLAYER PLAYER;
typedef struct XZPAIR XZPAIR;
typedef struct CELL_DATA CELL_DATA;
typedef struct PAD PAD;
struct TEX_INFO // hashcode: 0x7C1A76C5 (dec: 2082109125)
char name[8]; // size=8, offset=0
char tset; // size=0, offset=8
char u; // size=0, offset=9
char v; // size=0, offset=10
char w; // size=0, offset=11
char h; // size=0, offset=12
struct TEXTURE_LOOKUP // hashcode: 0x531E7A41 (dec: 1394506305)
struct TEX_INFO (*Damage[6]); // size=24, offset=0
struct CAR_MODEL // hashcode: 0xE3A253F1 (dec: -475900943)
int numFT3; // size=0, offset=0
struct CAR_POLY *pFT3; // size=24, offset=4
int numGT3; // size=0, offset=8
struct CAR_POLY *pGT3; // size=24, offset=12
int numB3; // size=0, offset=16
struct CAR_POLY *pB3; // size=24, offset=20
struct SVECTOR *vlist; // size=8, offset=24
struct SVECTOR *nlist; // size=8, offset=28
struct plotCarGlobals // hashcode: 0xED466FF8 (dec: -314150920)
unsigned char *primptr; // size=0, offset=0
OTTYPE *ot; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned long intensity; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short *pciv_clut; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned long ShineyTPageASL16; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned long ShineyClutASL16; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned char *damageLevel; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned char *shineyTable; // size=0, offset=28
int ghost; // size=0, offset=32
typedef struct POLY_GT3 POLY_GT3;
typedef struct POLYFT4LIT POLYFT4LIT;
typedef struct TEX_INFO TEX_INFO;
typedef struct CAR_MODEL CAR_MODEL;
typedef struct plotCarGlobals plotCarGlobals;
typedef unsigned char DAMAGEZONEVERTS[5][6][50];
typedef unsigned char HDDAMAGEZONEPOLYS[5][6][70];
typedef char HDDAMAGELEVELS[5][255];
struct _EXTRA_CIV_DATA // hashcode: 0x98F5BF74 (dec: -1728725132)
int surfInd; // size=0, offset=0
int distAlongSegment; // size=0, offset=4
short angle; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short ctrlState; // size=0, offset=10
int thrustState; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned char palette; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned char controlFlags; // size=0, offset=17
struct CIV_AI_234fake // hashcode: 0xF56A6FC4 (dec: -177573948)
int NumPingedIn; // size=0, offset=0
int OffRoad; // size=0, offset=4
int NotDrivable; // size=0, offset=8
int TooShortStr; // size=0, offset=12
int NearEndStr; // size=0, offset=16
int TooShortCrv; // size=0, offset=20
int NearEndCrv; // size=0, offset=24
int TooCloseNuddaCar; // size=0, offset=28
int TooClosePlayer; // size=0, offset=32
int InvalidRegion; // size=0, offset=36
struct COP_DATA // hashcode: 0x2EAA754B (dec: 782923083)
int autoMaxPowerScaleLimit; // size=0, offset=0
int autoDesiredSpeedScaleLimit; // size=0, offset=4
int autoRespawnScaleLimit; // size=0, offset=8
int autoBatterPlayerTrigger; // size=0, offset=12
int immortal; // size=0, offset=16
int roadblockTrigger; // size=0, offset=20
int cutOffPowerScale; // size=0, offset=24
int cutOffDistance; // size=0, offset=28
short trigger[5]; // size=10, offset=32
struct FELONY_DATA // hashcode: 0x2264AF24 (dec: 577023780)
struct FELONY_DELAY occurrenceDelay[12]; // size=48, offset=0
struct FELONY_DELAY reoccurrenceDelay[12]; // size=48, offset=48
struct FELONY_VALUE value[12]; // size=48, offset=96
int pursuitFelonyScale; // size=0, offset=144
enum AIZone // Hashcode: 0x51DDC1C4 (dec: 1373487556)
zoneFrnt = 0,
zoneBack = 1,
zoneLeft = 2,
zoneRght = 3,
struct iVectNT // hashcode: 0x3D8D0417 (dec: 1032651799)
int n; // size=0, offset=0
int t; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct COP_DATA COP_DATA;
typedef enum AIZone AIZone;
typedef struct iVectNT iVectNT;
struct PLAYBACKCAMERA // hashcode: 0xF83C80A8 (dec: -130252632)
struct VECTOR_NOPAD position; // size=12, offset=0
struct SVECTOR angle; // size=8, offset=12
int FrameCnt; // size=0, offset=20
short CameraPosvy; // size=0, offset=24
short gCameraDistance; // size=0, offset=26
short gCameraMaxDistance; // size=0, offset=28
short gCameraAngle; // size=0, offset=30
char cameraview; // size=0, offset=32
char next; // size=0, offset=33
char prev; // size=0, offset=34
char idx; // size=0, offset=35
struct CUTSCENE_BUFFER // hashcode: 0x4B940558 (dec: 1267991896)
int numResident; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char residentCutscenes[4]; // size=4, offset=4
char (*residentPointers[4]); // size=16, offset=8
char *currentPointer; // size=0, offset=24
int bytesFree; // size=0, offset=28
char buffer[8192]; // size=8192, offset=32
struct CUTSCENE_INFO // hashcode: 0x57BD570A (dec: 1472026378)
unsigned short offset; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short size; // size=0, offset=2
struct CUTSCENE_HEADER // hashcode: 0xAC6560B4 (dec: -1402642252)
int maxsize; // size=0, offset=0
struct CUTSCENE_INFO data[15]; // size=60, offset=4
struct TPAN // hashcode: 0x984DCD6C (dec: -1739731604)
unsigned char texture_page; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char texture_number; // size=0, offset=1
struct POLYFT4 // hashcode: 0x0B933067 (dec: 194195559)
unsigned char id; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char texture_set; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char texture_id; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char spare; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char v0; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char v1; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char v2; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char v3; // size=0, offset=7
struct UV_INFO uv0; // size=2, offset=8
struct UV_INFO uv1; // size=2, offset=10
struct UV_INFO uv2; // size=2, offset=12
struct UV_INFO uv3; // size=2, offset=14
struct RGB color; // size=4, offset=16
struct POLYFT4LIT // hashcode: 0x9BF00654 (dec: -1678768556)
unsigned char id; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char texture_set; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char texture_id; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char spare; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char v0; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char v1; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char v2; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char v3; // size=0, offset=7
struct UV_INFO uv0; // size=2, offset=8
struct UV_INFO uv1; // size=2, offset=10
struct UV_INFO uv2; // size=2, offset=12
struct UV_INFO uv3; // size=2, offset=14
struct RGB color; // size=4, offset=16
struct SMOKE // hashcode: 0x9F745C35 (dec: -1619764171)
UnpaddedHackVector position; // size=12, offset=0
UnpaddedCharVector drift; // size=3, offset=12
UnpaddedCharVector drift_change; // size=3, offset=15
UnpaddedHackVector final_tail_pos; // size=12, offset=20
unsigned char step; // size=0, offset=32
unsigned char pos; // size=0, offset=33
short start_w; // size=0, offset=34
short final_w; // size=0, offset=36
char life; // size=0, offset=38
char halflife; // size=0, offset=39
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=40
unsigned char num; // size=0, offset=42
unsigned char t_step; // size=0, offset=43
short transparency; // size=0, offset=44
struct DEBRIS // hashcode: 0x7F875F65 (dec: 2139578213)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
SVECTOR direction; // size=8, offset=16
unsigned short life; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=26
unsigned short num; // size=0, offset=28
unsigned short pos; // size=0, offset=30
struct RGB rgb; // size=4, offset=32
char step; // size=0, offset=36
char type; // size=0, offset=37
struct LEAF // hashcode: 0x8E232930 (dec: -1910298320)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
SVECTOR direction; // size=8, offset=16
unsigned short life; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=26
unsigned short num; // size=0, offset=28
unsigned short pos; // size=0, offset=30
struct RGB rgb; // size=4, offset=32
char step; // size=0, offset=36
char type; // size=0, offset=37
short sin_index1; // size=0, offset=38
short sin_index2; // size=0, offset=40
char sin_addition1; // size=0, offset=42
char sin_addition2; // size=0, offset=43
struct DAMAGED_LAMP // hashcode: 0x1240B5B5 (dec: 306230709)
struct CELL_OBJECT *cop; // size=16, offset=0
char damage; // size=0, offset=4
struct DAMAGED_OBJECT // hashcode: 0xC8C77ECE (dec: -926449970)
struct CELL_OBJECT cop; // size=16, offset=0
char active; // size=0, offset=16
char damage; // size=0, offset=17
int rot_speed; // size=0, offset=20
struct SVECTOR velocity; // size=8, offset=24
int vx; // size=0, offset=32
struct TRI_POINT // hashcode: 0x50D0CFA0 (dec: 1355861920)
struct BVECTOR v0; // size=4, offset=0
struct BVECTOR v1; // size=4, offset=4
struct BVECTOR v2; // size=4, offset=8
struct TRI_POINT_LONG // hashcode: 0xAFB61D06 (dec: -1347019514)
struct VECTOR_NOPAD v0; // size=12, offset=0
struct VECTOR_NOPAD v1; // size=12, offset=12
struct VECTOR_NOPAD v2; // size=12, offset=24
struct RAIN_TYPE // hashcode: 0x4B9D35B0 (dec: 1268594096)
struct VECTOR_NOPAD position; // size=12, offset=0
struct SVECTOR oldposition; // size=8, offset=12
struct LAMP_STREAK // hashcode: 0xB0E3FA15 (dec: -1327236587)
struct SXYPAIR light_trails[4]; // size=16, offset=0
int id; // size=0, offset=16
short clock; // size=0, offset=20
char set; // size=0, offset=22
struct ROUTE_DATA // hashcode: 0xBBEEB7AD (dec: -1141983315)
short type; // size=0, offset=0
short height; // size=0, offset=2
short objectAngle; // size=0, offset=4
//typedef struct POLYFT4 POLYFT4;
typedef struct TPAN TPAN;
typedef struct SMOKE SMOKE;
typedef struct DEBRIS DEBRIS;
typedef struct LEAF LEAF;
typedef struct TRI_POINT TRI_POINT;
typedef struct RAIN_TYPE RAIN_TYPE;
typedef struct ROUTE_DATA ROUTE_DATA;
struct DENTUVS // hashcode: 0x7F7AFC21 (dec: 2138766369)
char u3; // size=0, offset=0
struct HUBCAP // hashcode: 0x8B4D12CD (dec: -1957883187)
int Present[4]; // size=16, offset=0
VECTOR Offset[4]; // size=64, offset=16
MATRIX Orientation; // size=32, offset=80
MATRIX LocalOrientation; // size=32, offset=112
VECTOR Position; // size=16, offset=144
VECTOR Direction; // size=16, offset=160
float Height; // size=0, offset=176
int Duration; // size=0, offset=180
typedef struct DENTUVS DENTUVS;
typedef struct HUBCAP HUBCAP;
struct REPLAY_ICON // hashcode: 0x6B6009DA (dec: 1801456090)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
struct TEXTURE_DETAILS *texture; // size=14, offset=4
char *TextPtr; // size=0, offset=8
short tx; // size=0, offset=12
short ty; // size=0, offset=14
struct _pct // hashcode: 0x3CC33EEE (dec: 1019428590)
struct DB *current; // size=128, offset=0
unsigned short (*ptexture_pages)[128]; // size=4, offset=4
unsigned short (*ptexture_cluts)[128][32]; // size=4, offset=8
long f4colourTable[32]; // size=128, offset=12
int *polySizes; // size=0, offset=140
char *primptr; // size=0, offset=144
OTTYPE *ot; // size=0, offset=148
unsigned long clut; // size=0, offset=152
unsigned long tpage; // size=0, offset=156
unsigned long colour; // size=0, offset=160
int flags; // size=0, offset=164
struct SVECTOR *verts; // size=8, offset=168
unsigned long lastTexInfo; // size=0, offset=172
int scribble[8]; // size=32, offset=176
int model; // size=0, offset=208
//typedef struct _pct plotContext;
struct MATRIX2 // hashcode: 0x7326ABFE (dec: 1931914238)
short m[3][3]; // size=18, offset=0
short computed; // size=0, offset=18
char null[12]; // size=12, offset=20
struct Spool // hashcode: 0x25ACC86C (dec: 632080492)
unsigned short offset; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char connected_areas[2]; // size=2, offset=2
unsigned char pvs_size; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char cell_data_size[3]; // size=3, offset=5
unsigned char super_region; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned char num_connected_areas; // size=0, offset=9
unsigned char roadm_size; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char roadh_size; // size=0, offset=11
struct PL_POLYFT4 // hashcode: 0x851A459F (dec: -2061875809)
unsigned char id; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char texture_set; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char texture_id; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char th; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char v0; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char v1; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char v2; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char v3; // size=0, offset=7
struct UV_INFO uv0; // size=2, offset=8
struct UV_INFO uv1; // size=2, offset=10
struct UV_INFO uv2; // size=2, offset=12
struct UV_INFO uv3; // size=2, offset=14
//typedef struct _pct plotContext;
typedef struct MATRIX2 MATRIX2;
typedef struct Spool Spool;
typedef struct PL_POLYFT4 PL_POLYFT4;
typedef unsigned int u32;
struct MVERTEX // hashcode: 0xCC5E5250 (dec: -866233776)
short vx; // size=0, offset=0
short vy; // size=0, offset=2
short vz; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short uv; // size=0, offset=6
struct VERTEX // hashcode: 0x01A9F7DD (dec: 27916253)
DVECTOR coord; // size=4, offset=0
UV_INFO uv_coord; // size=2, offset=4
unsigned char pad[2]; // size=2, offset=6
typedef struct MVERTEX MVERTEX;
typedef struct VERTEX VERTEX;
struct TRAILBLAZER_DATA // hashcode: 0x99CBFE9E (dec: -1714684258)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int z; // size=0, offset=4
short y; // size=0, offset=8
short rot; // size=0, offset=10
struct SMASHED_CONE // hashcode: 0xC79161AF (dec: -946773585)
char cone; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char active; // size=7, offset=8
unsigned char side; // size=1, offset=15
short rot_speed; // size=0, offset=2
VECTOR velocity; // size=16, offset=4
struct POLYCOORD // hashcode: 0x567DCFE0 (dec: 1451085792)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
short u; // size=0, offset=4
short v; // size=0, offset=6
short w; // size=0, offset=8
short h; // size=0, offset=10
struct FixedEvent // hashcode: 0xF758406C (dec: -145211284)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
short rotation; // size=0, offset=16
short active; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned short initialRotation; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned short finalRotation; // size=0, offset=22
unsigned short minSpeed; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned short maxSpeed; // size=0, offset=26
short flags; // size=0, offset=28
short radius; // size=0, offset=30
int model; // size=0, offset=32
_EVENT *next; // size=40, offset=36
char *modelName; // size=0, offset=40
struct EventGlobal // hashcode: 0xF4852999 (dec: -192599655)
int camera; // size=0, offset=0
int draw; // size=0, offset=4
struct _EVENT **track; // size=40, offset=8
struct _EVENT *cameraEvent; // size=40, offset=12
enum SpecialCamera // Hashcode: 0xB5557F2F (dec: -1252688081)
struct MissionTrain // hashcode: 0x1C680836 (dec: 476579894)
struct _EVENT *engine; // size=40, offset=0
int *node; // size=0, offset=4
int cornerSpeed; // size=0, offset=8
int initialStraightSpeed; // size=0, offset=12
int finalStraightSpeed; // size=0, offset=16
int start; // size=0, offset=20
int startDir; // size=0, offset=24
struct Foam // hashcode: 0xFD0C756C (dec: -49515156)
struct MODEL *model; // size=36, offset=0
int rotate; // size=0, offset=4
struct EventCarriage // hashcode: 0xA136BEAC (dec: -1590247764)
short rotation; // size=0, offset=0
short vel; // size=0, offset=2
struct MultiCar // hashcode: 0x862F8E20 (dec: -2043703776)
struct _EVENT *event; // size=40, offset=0
int count; // size=0, offset=4
struct Helicopter // hashcode: 0xE626A675 (dec: -433674635)
int speed; // size=0, offset=0
short pitch; // size=0, offset=4
short dp; // size=0, offset=6
short roll; // size=0, offset=8
short dr; // size=0, offset=10
int lastX; // size=0, offset=12
int lastZ; // size=0, offset=16
struct TEXTURE_DETAILS rotorTexture; // size=14, offset=20
short rotorrot; // size=0, offset=34
short rotorvel; // size=0, offset=36
int cleanModel; // size=0, offset=40
int deadModel; // size=0, offset=44
struct Detonator // hashcode: 0xB22424C8 (dec: -1306254136)
int timer; // size=0, offset=0
int count; // size=0, offset=4
struct CameraDelay // hashcode: 0xE75FD106 (dec: -413150970)
int delay; // size=0, offset=0
int type; // size=0, offset=4
enum VisType // Hashcode: 0x2316487E (dec: 588662910)
VIS_ADD = 2,
struct EventCamera // hashcode: 0x13E042AF (dec: 333464239)
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=0
short yAng; // size=0, offset=16
MATRIX matrix; // size=32, offset=20
int rotate; // size=0, offset=52
enum Station // Hashcode: 0xABF98660 (dec: -1409710496)
struct MULTICAR_DATA // hashcode: 0xFB584F7B (dec: -78098565)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int z; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char palette; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned char model; // size=0, offset=9
short rot; // size=0, offset=10
struct RENDER_ARG // hashcode: 0x5BAC7E8D (dec: 1538031245)
unsigned char render; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char credits; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned short recap; // size=0, offset=2
struct RENDER_ARGS // hashcode: 0x9CEEC3A3 (dec: -1662073949)
unsigned char nRenders; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char subtitle; // size=0, offset=1
char screenx; // size=0, offset=2
char screeny; // size=0, offset=3
struct RENDER_ARG Args[4]; // size=16, offset=4
typedef struct RENDER_ARG RENDER_ARG;
typedef struct __envsound // hashcode: 0x7218E697 (dec: 1914234519)
unsigned char type; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char flags; // size=0, offset=1
VECTOR pos; // size=16, offset=4
VECTOR pos2; // size=16, offset=20
int bank; // size=0, offset=36
int sample; // size=0, offset=40
int vol; // size=0, offset=44
} __envsound;
struct __envsoundtags // hashcode: 0x8645A61D (dec: -2042255843)
int frame_cnt; // size=0, offset=0
int func_cnt; // size=0, offset=4
int num_envsnds; // size=0, offset=8
int envsnd_cnt; // size=0, offset=12
typedef struct __envsoundinfo // hashcode: 0x45AC9536 (dec: 1168938294)
VECTOR eff_pos[4]; // size=64, offset=0
VECTOR cam_pos; // size=16, offset=64
float g[4]; // size=16, offset=80
int thisS[4]; // size=16, offset=96
int playing_sound[4]; // size=16, offset=112
int chan[4]; // size=16, offset=128
unsigned long flags; // size=0, offset=144
} __envsoundinfo;
struct SPEECH_QUEUE // hashcode: 0xF7AB07B1 (dec: -139786319)
char allowed; // size=0, offset=0
char chan; // size=0, offset=1
char is_playing; // size=0, offset=2
int count; // size=0, offset=4
char reverb; // size=0, offset=8
int slot[7]; // size=28, offset=12
struct __othercarsound // hashcode: 0x88F0C520 (dec: -1997486816)
int car; // size=0, offset=0
int chan; // size=0, offset=4
char in_use; // size=0, offset=8
char stopped; // size=0, offset=9
char idle; // size=0, offset=10
typedef struct __tunnelinfo // hashcode: 0xC172C5A2 (dec: -1049442910)
char num_tunnels; // size=0, offset=0
char tunnel_cnt; // size=0, offset=1
struct __tunnelcoords coords[29]; // size=928, offset=4
} __tunnelinfo;
struct __bitfield64 // hashcode: 0x2A3F54F0 (dec: 708793584)
long h; // size=0, offset=0
long l; // size=0, offset=4
struct XMCHANNEL // hashcode: 0xE51AB9FB (dec: -451233285)
unsigned short Octave; // size=0, offset=0
short LVol; // size=0, offset=2
short RVol; // size=0, offset=4
short OldLVol; // size=0, offset=6
short OldRVol; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short OldPeriod; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char OldSample; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned long OldSOff; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned long SOffset; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned char nothing; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned char ChDead; // size=0, offset=25
unsigned char panenvflg; // size=0, offset=26
unsigned char panenvpts; // size=0, offset=27
unsigned char panenvsus; // size=0, offset=28
unsigned char panenvbeg; // size=0, offset=29
unsigned char panenvend; // size=0, offset=30
short panenvp; // size=0, offset=32
unsigned short panenva; // size=0, offset=34
unsigned short panenvb; // size=0, offset=36
unsigned short keyoffspd; // size=0, offset=38
unsigned char envflg; // size=0, offset=40
unsigned char envpts; // size=0, offset=41
unsigned char envsus; // size=0, offset=42
unsigned char envbeg; // size=0, offset=43
unsigned char envend; // size=0, offset=44
short envp; // size=0, offset=46
unsigned short enva; // size=0, offset=48
unsigned short envb; // size=0, offset=50
unsigned char ins; // size=0, offset=52
unsigned char vol; // size=0, offset=53
unsigned char dat; // size=0, offset=54
unsigned char datold; // size=0, offset=55
unsigned char eff; // size=0, offset=56
unsigned char nott; // size=0, offset=57
unsigned char oldvslide; // size=0, offset=58
unsigned char oldfvslide; // size=0, offset=59
unsigned char oldfslide; // size=0, offset=60
short fadevol; // size=0, offset=62
unsigned char keyon; // size=0, offset=64
unsigned char kick; // size=0, offset=65
unsigned char sample; // size=0, offset=66
short handle; // size=0, offset=68
unsigned long start; // size=0, offset=72
unsigned char panning; // size=0, offset=76
unsigned char pansspd; // size=0, offset=77
char volume; // size=0, offset=78
unsigned short period; // size=0, offset=80
unsigned short SPUPitch; // size=0, offset=82
char transpose; // size=0, offset=84
unsigned char note; // size=0, offset=85
short ownper; // size=0, offset=86
short ownvol; // size=0, offset=88
short UserVol; // size=0, offset=90
char retrig; // size=0, offset=92
unsigned short c2spd; // size=0, offset=94
char tmpvolume; // size=0, offset=96
unsigned short tmpperiod; // size=0, offset=98
unsigned short wantedperiod; // size=0, offset=100
unsigned short slidespeed; // size=0, offset=102
unsigned short portspeed; // size=0, offset=104
unsigned char s3mtremor; // size=0, offset=106
unsigned char s3mvolslide; // size=0, offset=107
unsigned char s3mrtgspeed; // size=0, offset=108
unsigned char s3mrtgslide; // size=0, offset=109
unsigned char glissando; // size=0, offset=110
unsigned char wavecontrol; // size=0, offset=111
char vibpos; // size=0, offset=112
unsigned char vibspd; // size=0, offset=113
unsigned char vibdepth; // size=0, offset=114
char trmpos; // size=0, offset=115
unsigned char trmspd; // size=0, offset=116
unsigned char trmdepth; // size=0, offset=117
unsigned char SPUChannel; // size=0, offset=118
unsigned char Dolby; // size=0, offset=119
struct GEAR_DESC // hashcode: 0xE4380123 (dec: -466091741)
int lowidl_ws; // size=0, offset=0
int low_ws; // size=0, offset=4
int hi_ws; // size=0, offset=8
int ratio_ac; // size=0, offset=12
int ratio_id; // size=0, offset=16
typedef struct __envsound envsound;
typedef struct __envsoundtags envsoundtags;
typedef struct __envsoundinfo envsoundinfo;
typedef struct __othercarsound othercarsound;
typedef struct __tunnelinfo tunnelinfo;
typedef struct __bitfield64 bitfield64;
typedef struct GEAR_DESC GEAR_DESC;
struct PSXSCREEN // hashcode: 0x9E392939 (dec: -1640421063)
char index; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char numButtons; // size=0, offset=1
char userFunctionNum; // size=0, offset=2
struct PSXBUTTON buttons[8]; // size=480, offset=4
enum GAMEMODE // Hashcode: 0xA71425E4 (dec: -1491851804)
struct MISSION_STEP // hashcode: 0x6445CD70 (dec: 1682296176)
unsigned char flags; // size=3, offset=0
unsigned char recap; // size=5, offset=3
unsigned char data; // size=7, offset=8
unsigned char disc; // size=1, offset=15
struct BOUND_BOX // hashcode: 0xF08E6742 (dec: -259102910)
int x0; // size=0, offset=0
int y0; // size=0, offset=4
int z0; // size=0, offset=8
int x1; // size=0, offset=12
int y1; // size=0, offset=16
int z1; // size=0, offset=20
struct _HANDLING_TYPE // hashcode: 0x61CB7B87 (dec: 1640725383)
char frictionScaleRatio; // size=0, offset=0
char aggressiveBraking; // size=0, offset=1
char fourWheelDrive; // size=0, offset=2
char autoBrakeOn; // size=0, offset=3
struct CHEATS // hashcode: 0x77AC236B (dec: 2007769963)
int RearWheelSteer; // size=0, offset=0
int MiniCars; // size=0, offset=4
int Stilts; // size=0, offset=8
int LowGravity; // size=0, offset=12
int Australia; // size=0, offset=16
int MagicMirror; // size=0, offset=20
typedef struct BOUND_BOX BOUND_BOX;
typedef struct CHEATS CHEATS;
struct BOXINFO // hashcode: 0x0A20DC94 (dec: 169925780)
VECTOR vel; // size=16, offset=0
VECTOR pos; // size=16, offset=16
int sf; // size=0, offset=32
int xs; // size=0, offset=36
int zs; // size=0, offset=40
int w; // size=0, offset=44
int h; // size=0, offset=48
int zb; // size=0, offset=52
int ypos; // size=0, offset=56
typedef struct BOXINFO BOXINFO;
struct MAP_DATA // hashcode: 0x83C30077 (dec: -2084372361)
_CAR_DATA *cp; // size=0, offset=0
VECTOR *base; // size=16, offset=4
VECTOR *pos; // size=16, offset=8
VECTOR *vel; // size=16, offset=12
VECTOR *size; // size=16, offset=16
int intention; // size=0, offset=20
int *map; // size=0, offset=24
int *local; // size=0, offset=28
typedef struct MAP_DATA MAP_DATA;
struct GAME_SAVE_HEADER // hashcode: 0xB1E0BE5E (dec: -1310671266)
unsigned long magic; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char gMissionLadderPos; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char pad1; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char pad2; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char pad3; // size=0, offset=7
struct MISSION_DATA SavedData; // size=228, offset=8
int reserved[8]; // size=32, offset=236
struct CONFIG_SAVE_HEADER // hashcode: 0x6370AFC2 (dec: 1668329410)
unsigned long magic; // size=0, offset=0
int gMasterVolume; // size=0, offset=4
int gMusicVolume; // size=0, offset=8
int gSoundMode; // size=0, offset=12
int gVibration; // size=0, offset=16
int gCopDifficultyLevel; // size=0, offset=20
int gFurthestMission; // size=0, offset=24
struct MAPPING PadMapping[2]; // size=72, offset=28
struct SCORE_TABLES ScoreTables; // size=2160, offset=100
int PALAdjustX; // size=0, offset=2260
int PALAdjustY; // size=0, offset=2264
int NTSCAdjustX; // size=0, offset=2268
int NTSCAdjustY; // size=0, offset=2272
int gSubtitles; // size=0, offset=2276
struct ACTIVE_CHEATS AvailableCheats; // size=4, offset=2280
int reserved[6]; // size=24, offset=2284
enum GAMETYPE // Hashcode: 0xD623FEBE (dec: -702284098)
struct OUT_CELL_FILE_HEADER // hashcode: 0x5665F7D5 (dec: 1449523157)
int cells_across; // size=0, offset=0
int cells_down; // size=0, offset=4
int cell_size; // size=0, offset=8
int num_regions; // size=0, offset=12
int region_size; // size=0, offset=16
int num_cell_objects; // size=0, offset=20
int num_cell_data; // size=0, offset=24
int ambient_light_level; // size=0, offset=28
struct VECTOR_NOPAD light_source; // size=12, offset=32
enum EXIT_VALUE // Hashcode: 0x3F23BCE8 (dec: 1059306728)
struct XYWH // hashcode: 0x1C1E57F6 (dec: 471750646)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
short w; // size=0, offset=4
short h; // size=0, offset=6
struct MENU_HEADER // hashcode: 0x0BDA3805 (dec: 198850565)
char *Title; // size=0, offset=0
struct XYWH Bound; // size=8, offset=4
unsigned char NumItems; // size=0, offset=12
struct MENU_ITEM *MenuItems; // size=20, offset=16
typedef void(*pauseFunc)(int dir);
struct MENU_ITEM // hashcode: 0x9519D4FB (dec: -1793469189)
char *Text; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char Type; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char Justify; // size=0, offset=5
pauseFunc func; // size=0, offset=8
enum EXIT_VALUE ExitValue; // size=1, offset=12
struct MENU_HEADER *SubMenu; // size=0, offset=16
typedef struct MENU_ITEM MENU_ITEM;
typedef struct XYWH XYWH;
struct AREA_LOAD_INFO // hashcode: 0xC55B5A7D (dec: -983868803)
int xoffset; // size=0, offset=0
int zoffset; // size=0, offset=4
struct ROAD_MAP_LUMP_DATA // hashcode: 0xE3B836E2 (dec: -474466590)
int width; // size=0, offset=0
int height; // size=0, offset=4
int unitXMid; // size=0, offset=8
int unitZMid; // size=0, offset=12
struct __io // hashcode: 0x3FBD636F (dec: 1069376367)
char in; // size=0, offset=0
char out; // size=0, offset=1
struct __xa_request // hashcode: 0xD6B93389 (dec: -692505719)
short delay; // size=0, offset=0
char bank; // size=0, offset=2
char track; // size=0, offset=3
char mission; // size=0, offset=4
char cutscene; // size=0, offset=5
typedef struct __io io;
typedef struct __xa_request xa_request;
struct _MISSION // hashcode: 0x85F0EB6C (dec: -2047808660)
int id; // size=0, offset=0
int size; // size=0, offset=4
int city; // size=0, offset=8
int time; // size=0, offset=12
int weather; // size=0, offset=16
struct XYPAIR playerStartPosition; // size=8, offset=20
int playerStartRotation; // size=0, offset=28
int type; // size=0, offset=32
short timer; // size=0, offset=36
short timerFlags; // size=0, offset=38
int strings; // size=0, offset=40
struct _COP_DATA cops; // size=16, offset=44
int msgCarWrecked; // size=0, offset=60
int msgOutOfTime; // size=0, offset=64
int msgComplete; // size=0, offset=68
int region; // size=0, offset=72
int route; // size=0, offset=76
int msgDrowned; // size=0, offset=80
int playerCarModel; // size=0, offset=84
int playerCarColour; // size=0, offset=88
int maxDamage; // size=0, offset=92
int residentModels[5]; // size=20, offset=96
int nCutscenes; // size=0, offset=116
int title; // size=0, offset=120
int msgPoliceCar; // size=0, offset=124
int msgDoorsLocked; // size=0, offset=128
struct _ROUTE_INFO // hashcode: 0x5A21DB68 (dec: 1512168296)
int nJunctions; // size=0, offset=0
char data[1000][4]; // size=4000, offset=4
struct LEAD_PARAMETERS parameters; // size=64, offset=4004
struct MR_MISSION // hashcode: 0xF240F754 (dec: -230623404)
int active; // size=0, offset=0
int gameover_delay; // size=0, offset=4
enum PAUSEMODE gameover_mode; // size=1, offset=8
short message_timer[2]; // size=4, offset=10
short message_priority[2]; // size=4, offset=14
char (*message_string[2]); // size=8, offset=20
struct MR_TIMER timer[2]; // size=24, offset=28
struct _TARGET *CarTarget; // size=64, offset=52
struct _TARGET *ChaseTarget; // size=64, offset=56
int PhantomCarId; // size=0, offset=60
int ChaseHitDelay; // size=0, offset=64
char *StealMessage; // size=0, offset=68
struct STOPCOPS // hashcode: 0x145E8976 (dec: 341739894)
struct VECTOR_NOPAD pos; // size=12, offset=0
int radius; // size=0, offset=12
enum FAIL_REASON // Hashcode: 0x6CB87873 (dec: 1824028787)
struct MR_THREAD // hashcode: 0xEFF00E62 (dec: -269480350)
unsigned char active; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char player; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned long *initial_sp; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned long *pc; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned long *sp; // size=0, offset=12
typedef struct _MISSION MS_MISSION;
typedef struct _ROUTE_INFO MS_ROUTE_INFO;
typedef struct MR_MISSION MR_MISSION;
typedef struct STOPCOPS STOPCOPS;
//typedef struct MR_THREAD MR_THREAD;
struct POLYFT3 // hashcode: 0xF42A702D (dec: -198545363)
unsigned char id; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char texture_set; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char texture_id; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char spare; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char v0; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char v1; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char v2; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char pad; // size=0, offset=7
struct UV_INFO uv0; // size=2, offset=8
struct UV_INFO uv1; // size=2, offset=10
struct UV_INFO uv2; // size=2, offset=12
struct UV_INFO pad2; // size=2, offset=14
struct RGB color; // size=4, offset=16
struct BONE // hashcode: 0xC453A1B7 (dec: -1001152073)
enum LIMBS id; // size=1, offset=0
struct BONE *pParent; // size=68, offset=4
char numChildren; // size=0, offset=8
BONE (*pChildren[3]); // size=12, offset=12
SVECTOR_NOPAD *pvOrigPos; // size=6, offset=24
SVECTOR *pvRotation; // size=8, offset=28
VECTOR vOffset; // size=16, offset=32
VECTOR vCurrPos; // size=16, offset=48
MODEL **pModel; // size=36, offset=64
enum LIMBS // Hashcode: 0x200BA5A5 (dec: 537634213)
ROOT = 0,
JOINT_1 = 2,
NECK = 3,
HEAD = 4,
LHAND = 7,
RELBOW = 10,
RHAND = 11,
HIPS = 13,
LHIP = 14,
LKNEE = 15,
LFOOT = 16,
LTOE = 17,
RHIP = 18,
RKNEE = 19,
RFOOT = 20,
RTOE = 21,
JOINT = 22,
enum TEXTURE_PALS // Hashcode: 0x7EFDB21D (dec: 2130555421)
NO_PAL = 0,
ARM_PAL = 2,
struct PED_DATA // hashcode: 0xF0838D4B (dec: -259814069)
char cWidth; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char cAdj; // size=0, offset=1
struct TEXTURE_DETAILS *ptd; // size=14, offset=4
enum TEXTURE_PALS texPal; // size=1, offset=8
typedef struct POLYFT3 POLYFT3;
typedef struct BONE BONE;
typedef enum LIMBS LIMBS;
typedef struct PED_DATA PED_DATA;
struct tRay // hashcode: 0x9D13B2B7 (dec: -1659653449)
long org[4]; // size=16, offset=0
long dir[4]; // size=16, offset=16
struct tRange // hashcode: 0x2599E03D (dec: 630841405)
int lower; // size=0, offset=0
int upper; // size=0, offset=4
struct tAABB // hashcode: 0x67B18B0E (dec: 1739688718)
struct tRange slab[3]; // size=24, offset=0
typedef struct tRay tRay;
typedef struct tRange tRange;
typedef struct tAABB tAABB;
struct PADRAW // hashcode: 0xEE7F60F7 (dec: -293641993)
unsigned char status; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char id; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char buttons[2]; // size=2, offset=2
unsigned char analog[4]; // size=4, offset=4
struct DUPLICATION // hashcode: 0x6B8217F0 (dec: 1803687920)
char *buffer; // size=0, offset=0
int size; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct PADRAW PADRAW;
struct tNode // hashcode: 0xA7EA5E4B (dec: -1477812661)
int vx; // size=0, offset=0
int vy; // size=0, offset=4
int vz; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short dist; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short ptoey; // size=0, offset=14
struct PATHFIND_237fake // hashcode: 0xA878A4A1 (dec: -1468488543)
short dx; // size=0, offset=0
short dz; // size=0, offset=2
struct PATHFIND_238fake // hashcode: 0x9B0AB30F (dec: -1693797617)
short dx; // size=0, offset=0
short dz; // size=0, offset=2
typedef struct tNode tNode;
typedef short int16;
typedef long int32;
struct PLAYER_SCORE // hashcode: 0x4C80DCD4 (dec: 1283513556)
int time; // size=0, offset=0
int P2time; // size=0, offset=4
short items; // size=0, offset=8
short P2items; // size=0, offset=10
char name[6]; // size=6, offset=12
struct SEATED_PEDESTRIANS // hashcode: 0x75CFA44E (dec: 1976542286)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int z; // size=0, offset=4
short rotation; // size=0, offset=8
char index; // size=0, offset=10
char pad; // size=0, offset=11
struct CAR_COLLISION_BOX // hashcode: 0xE148B668 (dec: -515328408)
int min_x; // size=0, offset=0
int max_x; // size=0, offset=4
int min_z; // size=0, offset=8
int max_z; // size=0, offset=12
struct PEDESTRIAN_ROADS // hashcode: 0xC3763082 (dec: -1015664510)
short pos; // size=0, offset=0
short north; // size=0, offset=2
short south; // size=0, offset=4
short east; // size=0, offset=6
short west; // size=0, offset=8
struct OUT_FONTINFO // hashcode: 0x22390EDA (dec: 574164698)
unsigned char x; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char y; // size=0, offset=1
char offx; // size=0, offset=2
char offy; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char width; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char height; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned short pad; // size=0, offset=6
struct FONT_DIGIT // hashcode: 0x2500B456 (dec: 620803158)
char xOffset; // size=0, offset=0
char width; // size=0, offset=1
typedef struct FONT_DIGIT FONT_DIGIT;
struct TEXINF // hashcode: 0xFC140D7C (dec: -65794692)
unsigned short id; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short nameoffset; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char x; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char y; // size=0, offset=5
unsigned char width; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char height; // size=0, offset=7
struct SHADOWHDR // hashcode: 0x4ED3B57A (dec: 1322497402)
unsigned long num_common_verts; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short num_verts_total; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short num_polys_total; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned short vert_offsets[4]; // size=8, offset=8
unsigned short nverts[4]; // size=8, offset=16
unsigned short npolys[4]; // size=8, offset=24
unsigned long (*poly_block[4]); // size=16, offset=32
struct SVECTOR *vertices; // size=8, offset=48
struct TYRE_TRACK // hashcode: 0xF19415A8 (dec: -241953368)
char type; // size=0, offset=0
char shade; // size=0, offset=1
char shade_type; // size=0, offset=2
char surface; // size=0, offset=3
struct SVECTOR_NOPAD p1; // size=6, offset=4
struct SVECTOR_NOPAD p2; // size=6, offset=10
struct SVECTOR_NOPAD p3; // size=6, offset=16
struct SVECTOR_NOPAD p4; // size=6, offset=22
struct S_XYZ // hashcode: 0x44EE024B (dec: 1156448843)
short x; // size=0, offset=0
short y; // size=0, offset=2
short z; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct TEXINF TEXINF;
typedef struct TYRE_TRACK TYRE_TRACK;
typedef struct S_XYZ S_XYZ;
struct FLAREREC // hashcode: 0x61D9DD50 (dec: 1641667920)
struct RGB16 transparency; // size=8, offset=0
char size; // size=0, offset=8
short gapmod; // size=0, offset=10
typedef struct FLAREREC FLAREREC;
struct __LSBDinfo // hashcode: 0x6EB8DAAC (dec: 1857608364)
int addr; // size=0, offset=0
int memtop; // size=0, offset=4
int count[7]; // size=28, offset=8
int bnktop[7]; // size=28, offset=36
int append; // size=0, offset=64
struct CHANNEL_DATA // hashcode: 0x1B8E1AD1 (dec: 462297809)
SpuVoiceAttr attr; // size=64, offset=0
unsigned char loop; // size=0, offset=64
unsigned char locked; // size=0, offset=65
unsigned short time; // size=0, offset=66
long samplerate; // size=0, offset=68
char player; // size=0, offset=72
long srcvolume; // size=0, offset=76
long volumeScale; // size=0, offset=80
unsigned short srcpitch; // size=0, offset=84
unsigned short dopplerScale; // size=0, offset=86
long cameradist; // size=0, offset=88
long lastcameradist; // size=0, offset=92
VECTOR *srcposition; // size=16, offset=96
VECTOR position; // size=16, offset=100
long *srcvelocity; // size=0, offset=116
struct SAMPLE_DATA // hashcode: 0x2179B04F (dec: 561623119)
unsigned long address; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned long length; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned long loop; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned long samplerate; // size=0, offset=12
struct __pauseinfo // hashcode: 0x31AB86B4 (dec: 833324724)
unsigned short pitch[16]; // size=32, offset=0
unsigned short voll[16]; // size=32, offset=32
unsigned short volr[16]; // size=32, offset=64
unsigned short max; // size=0, offset=96
unsigned short lev; // size=0, offset=98
typedef struct __LSBDinfo LSBDinfo;
typedef struct __pauseinfo pauseinfo;
struct SPOOLQ // hashcode: 0xF6540C3E (dec: -162264002)
unsigned char type; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char data; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned short nsectors; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned long sector; // size=0, offset=4
char *addr; // size=0, offset=8
void (*func)(); // size=0, offset=12
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char* requestby;
int requestbyline;
struct SPL_REGIONINFO // hashcode: 0xDA8E3C77 (dec: -628212617)
unsigned short region_to_unpack; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short target_barrel_region; // size=0, offset=2
int nsectors; // size=0, offset=4
char *cell_addr; // size=0, offset=8
char *roadm_addr; // size=0, offset=12
struct AreaDataStr // hashcode: 0x2EA8DA37 (dec: 782817847)
unsigned short gfx_offset; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short model_offset; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned short music_offset; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short ambient_offset; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned char model_size; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned char pad; // size=0, offset=9
unsigned char num_tpages; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char ambient_size; // size=0, offset=11
unsigned char music_size; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned char music_samples_size; // size=0, offset=13
unsigned char music_id; // size=0, offset=14
unsigned char ambient_id; // size=0, offset=15
typedef struct SPOOLQ SPOOLQ;
typedef struct AreaDataStr AreaDataStr;
struct DRAW_MODE // hashcode: 0x568DA31F (dec: 1452122911)
short x1; // size=0, offset=0
short y1; // size=0, offset=2
short x2; // size=0, offset=4
short y2; // size=0, offset=6
short width; // size=0, offset=8
short height; // size=0, offset=10
short framex; // size=0, offset=12
short framey; // size=0, offset=14
enum CDTYPE // Hashcode: 0x61FF3A77 (dec: 1644116599)
enum CITYTYPE // Hashcode: 0x89BC71DE (dec: -1984138786)
typedef struct DRAW_MODE DRAW_MODE;
typedef enum CDTYPE CDTYPE;
struct TARGET_ARROW_MODEL // hashcode: 0x49188CA9 (dec: 1226345641)
struct SVECTOR *pVerts; // size=8, offset=0
char *pTris; // size=0, offset=4
char numTris; // size=0, offset=8
struct TP // hashcode: 0x3B17636E (dec: 991388526)
unsigned long flags; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned long offset; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct TP TP;
struct CAR_LOCALS // hashcode: 0xC11EBC40 (dec: -1054950336)
long vel[4]; // size=16, offset=0
long avel[4]; // size=16, offset=16
int extraangulardamping; // size=0, offset=32
int aggressive; // size=0, offset=36
typedef struct CAR_LOCALS CAR_LOCALS;
struct XA_TRACK // hashcode: 0xB1C796C2 (dec: -1312319806)
int start; // size=0, offset=0
int end; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct XA_TRACK XA_TRACK;
struct XM_HeaderInfo // hashcode: 0x9062161D (dec: -1872620003)
unsigned short BPM; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short Speed; // size=0, offset=2
struct XM_VABInfo // hashcode: 0xC48161AF (dec: -998153809)
unsigned char *Address; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned long Size; // size=0, offset=4
struct XM_Feedback // hashcode: 0x33E30C2B (dec: 870517803)
unsigned char Volume; // size=0, offset=0
short Panning; // size=0, offset=2
int CurrentStart; // size=0, offset=4
short PlayNext; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short SongLength; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned char Status; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short PatternPos; // size=0, offset=14
short SongPos; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned short CurrentPattern; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned short SongSpeed; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned short SongBPM; // size=0, offset=22
int SongLoop; // size=0, offset=24
int ActiveVoices; // size=0, offset=28
struct XMHEADER // hashcode: 0x33619ACC (dec: 862034636)
unsigned short version; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short songlength; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned short restart; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short numchn; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned short numpat; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short numins; // size=0, offset=10
unsigned short flags; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short tempo; // size=0, offset=14
unsigned short bpm; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned short XMChannels; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned short XMPSXChannels; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned long (*JAP_PAT_ADDR[256]); // size=1024, offset=24
unsigned long (*JAP_PAT_ADDR2[256]); // size=1024, offset=1048
unsigned long (*JAP_InstrumentOffset[128]); // size=512, offset=2072
unsigned long (*JAP_SampAddr[128]); // size=512, offset=2584
unsigned long (*JAP_SampHdrAddr[128]); // size=512, offset=3096
unsigned char jorders[256]; // size=256, offset=3608
int S3MPanning; // size=0, offset=3864
struct XMSONG // hashcode: 0x1E1B078A (dec: 505087882)
unsigned char Status; // size=0, offset=0
int HeaderNum; // size=0, offset=4
int CurPos; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short reppos; // size=0, offset=12
unsigned short repcnt; // size=0, offset=14
unsigned short vbtick; // size=0, offset=16
unsigned short patbrk; // size=0, offset=18
unsigned char patdly; // size=0, offset=20
unsigned char patdly2; // size=0, offset=21
unsigned short numrow; // size=0, offset=22
short posjmp; // size=0, offset=24
unsigned short PatternPos; // size=0, offset=26
short SongPos; // size=0, offset=28
unsigned short CurrentPattern; // size=0, offset=30
unsigned short SongSpeed; // size=0, offset=32
unsigned short SongBPM; // size=0, offset=34
int SongLoop; // size=0, offset=36
unsigned char SongVolume; // size=0, offset=40
unsigned char MasterVolume; // size=0, offset=41
int XMActiveVoices; // size=0, offset=44
int NotAmiga; // size=0, offset=48
unsigned char XMPlay; // size=0, offset=52
int FirstCh; // size=0, offset=56
int JBPM; // size=0, offset=60
int PCounter; // size=0, offset=64
unsigned short PatSize; // size=0, offset=68
unsigned long *PatAdr; // size=0, offset=72
unsigned long *PatAdr2; // size=0, offset=76
int PlayMask; // size=0, offset=80
int SFXNum; // size=0, offset=84
struct XMCHANNEL XM_Chnl[24]; // size=2880, offset=88
int JUp; // size=0, offset=2968
short PlayNext; // size=0, offset=2972
short BPlayNext; // size=0, offset=2974
short BPlayFlag; // size=0, offset=2976
int CurrentStart; // size=0, offset=2980
unsigned char VabID; // size=0, offset=2984
short UserPan; // size=0, offset=2986
unsigned char MaxChans; // size=0, offset=2988
typedef struct XM_HeaderInfo XM_HeaderInfo;
typedef struct XM_VABInfo XM_VABInfo;
typedef struct XM_Feedback XM_Feedback;
typedef struct XMHEADER XMHEADER;
typedef struct XMSONG XMSONG;
struct FE_CHARDATA // hashcode: 0x3BD93806 (dec: 1004091398)
unsigned char u; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char v; // size=0, offset=1
unsigned char w; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char h; // size=0, offset=3
struct FE_FONT // hashcode: 0x602743A1 (dec: 1613185953)
int NumFonts; // size=0, offset=0
struct FE_CHARDATA CharInfo[256]; // size=1024, offset=4
struct SCREEN_LIMITS // hashcode: 0x445BA46E (dec: 1146856558)
short minx; // size=0, offset=0
short miny; // size=0, offset=2
short maxx; // size=0, offset=4
short maxy; // size=0, offset=6
struct BOTCH // hashcode: 0xE1A31543 (dec: -509405885)
int missNum; // size=0, offset=0
char **name; // size=0, offset=4
typedef struct FE_FONT FE_FONT;
typedef struct BOTCH BOTCH;
struct FILEFORMAT // hashcode: 0xE884FC97 (dec: -393937769)
char blockSize; // size=0, offset=0
char asciiTitle[32]; // size=32, offset=1
short kanjiTitle[32]; // size=64, offset=34
char sonyProductCode[13]; // size=13, offset=98
char blockType; // size=0, offset=111
short blockIconClut[16]; // size=32, offset=112
int blockIconData[32]; // size=128, offset=144
int sliceByteSize; // size=0, offset=272
long (*sliceIconTimPtrs[16]); // size=64, offset=276
struct SLICE // hashcode: 0x9104B194 (dec: -1861963372)
char title[20]; // size=20, offset=0
char sliceIconRefs[3]; // size=3, offset=20
char *sliceData; // size=0, offset=24
typedef struct SLICE SLICE;
struct MouseData // hashcode: 0x0294B901 (dec: 43301121)
unsigned short buttons; // size=0, offset=0
char xOffset; // size=0, offset=2
char yOffset; // size=0, offset=3
struct NegconData // hashcode: 0x4BCE06D3 (dec: 1271793363)
unsigned short digitalButtons; // size=0, offset=0
char centralTwist; // size=0, offset=2
char buttonI; // size=0, offset=3
char buttonII; // size=0, offset=4
char topLeft; // size=0, offset=5
struct AnalogjoyData // hashcode: 0x5C7FAC0B (dec: 1551870987)
unsigned short digitalButtons; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char right_x; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned char right_y; // size=0, offset=3
unsigned char left_x; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned char left_y; // size=0, offset=5
union __122 // Hashcode: 0x61CF9C55 (dec: 1640995925)
unsigned short pad; // size=0, offset=0
struct NegconData negcon; // size=6, offset=0
struct MouseData mouse; // size=4, offset=0
struct TapCtrllerData // hashcode: 0xDECAE267 (dec: -557129113)
unsigned char transStatus; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char dataFormat; // size=0, offset=1
union __122 data; // size=6, offset=2
struct MultiTapData // hashcode: 0x3818B847 (dec: 941144135)
struct TapCtrllerData ctrllers[4]; // size=32, offset=0
union __125 // Hashcode: 0x95FAE880 (dec: -1778718592)
unsigned short pad; // size=0, offset=0
struct MouseData mouse; // size=4, offset=0
struct NegconData negcon; // size=6, offset=0
struct AnalogjoyData joystick; // size=6, offset=0
struct MultiTapData tap; // size=32, offset=0
struct _CARD // hashcode: 0xBC059B36 (dec: -1140483274)
char Magic[2]; // size=2, offset=0
char Type; // size=0, offset=2
char BlockEntry; // size=0, offset=3
char Title[64]; // size=64, offset=4
char reserve[28]; // size=28, offset=68
char Clut[32]; // size=32, offset=96
char Icon[3][128]; // size=384, offset=128
struct TIMSTRUCT // hashcode: 0x70F58786 (dec: 1895139206)
unsigned short clut; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned short tpage; // size=0, offset=2
unsigned short x; // size=0, offset=4
unsigned short y; // size=0, offset=6
unsigned short w; // size=0, offset=8
unsigned short h; // size=0, offset=10
struct FONTTABSTRUCT // hashcode: 0x21AB0DBE (dec: 564858302)
struct TIMSTRUCT timStruct; // size=12, offset=0
short width; // size=0, offset=12
short height; // size=0, offset=14
struct KANJILOOKUP // hashcode: 0xC94D3E83 (dec: -917684605)
short sjisCode; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned int used; // size=0, offset=4
struct TIMSTRUCT timStruct; // size=12, offset=8
struct SLICEHEADER // hashcode: 0x0EE7D2B0 (dec: 250073776)
int size; // size=0, offset=0
char title[20]; // size=20, offset=4
char iconRef[3]; // size=3, offset=24
char used; // size=0, offset=27
short checksum; // size=0, offset=28
short pad; // size=0, offset=30
struct BLOCKINFO // hashcode: 0x76919624 (dec: 1989252644)
unsigned int infoOK; // size=0, offset=0
int id; // size=0, offset=4
int size; // size=0, offset=8
int freeBytes; // size=0, offset=12
struct DIRENTRY dirEntry; // size=40, offset=16
struct _CARD header; // size=512, offset=56
struct TIMSTRUCT iconTim; // size=12, offset=568
unsigned int gremBlock; // size=0, offset=580
int sliceCount; // size=0, offset=584
int usedSlices; // size=0, offset=588
struct SLICEHEADER sliceHeader[16]; // size=512, offset=592
struct CARDINFO // hashcode: 0xB3442E53 (dec: -1287377325)
int usedBlocks; // size=0, offset=0
struct BLOCKINFO blockInfo[15]; // size=16560, offset=4
unsigned int dirOK; // size=0, offset=16564
unsigned int infoOK; // size=0, offset=16568
struct MCSLOT // hashcode: 0xBBA85E45 (dec: -1146593723)
struct CARDINFO m_cardInfo; // size=16572, offset=0
int m_port; // size=0, offset=16572
int m_card; // size=0, offset=16576
int m_chan; // size=0, offset=16580
char m_device[6]; // size=6, offset=16584
int m_blocksRead; // size=0, offset=16592
int m_readFilePtr; // size=0, offset=16596
int m_readBytes; // size=0, offset=16600
int m_fromReadBytes; // size=0, offset=16604
int m_toReadBytes; // size=0, offset=16608
int m_writeFilePtr; // size=0, offset=16612
int m_writeBytes; // size=0, offset=16616
int m_fromWriteBytes; // size=0, offset=16620
int m_toWriteBytes; // size=0, offset=16624
int m_iconX; // size=0, offset=16628
int m_iconY; // size=0, offset=16632
int m_clutX; // size=0, offset=16636
int m_clutY; // size=0, offset=16640
unsigned int m_doCheckSum; // size=0, offset=16644
short m_checkSumWork; // size=0, offset=16648
short m_checkSum; // size=0, offset=16650
struct MC_PAD // hashcode: 0x81DBF4DE (dec: -2116291362)
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot0; // size=16652, offset=0
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot1; // size=16652, offset=16652
int m_mouseX; // size=0, offset=33304
int m_mouseY; // size=0, offset=33308
int m_scanPort; // size=0, offset=33312
unsigned int m_cardChanged[2]; // size=8, offset=33316
unsigned int m_bControllerChanged; // size=0, offset=33324
unsigned int m_bMouseTested; // size=0, offset=33328
unsigned int m_bUsingMouse; // size=0, offset=33332
unsigned int m_bUsingNegCon; // size=0, offset=33336
unsigned int m_bControllerInserted; // size=0, offset=33340
int m_nLastControllerType; // size=0, offset=33344
char slotString[3]; // size=3, offset=33348
struct MCSLOT (*m_slotObjPtrs[2]); // size=8, offset=33352
int m_slotObjPorts[2]; // size=8, offset=33360
int m_currSlotObj; // size=0, offset=33368
int m_portStatus[8]; // size=32, offset=33372
typedef struct TCB TCB;
typedef struct EXEC EXEC;
typedef struct DIRENTRY DIRENTRY;
typedef struct MouseData MouseData;
typedef struct NegconData NegconData;
typedef struct AnalogjoyData AnalogjoyData;
typedef struct TapCtrllerData TapCtrllerData;
typedef struct MultiTapData MultiTapData;
typedef struct _CARD _CARD;
typedef struct CARDINFO CARDINFO;
typedef struct MCSLOT MCSLOT;
typedef unsigned short PadData;
struct POINT // hashcode: 0xE123415E (dec: -517783202)
int x; // size=0, offset=0
int y; // size=0, offset=4
struct PAD_alt_definition_0002 // hashcode: 0x6AFB7284 (dec: 1794863748)
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot0; // size=16652, offset=0
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot1; // size=16652, offset=16652
int m_mouseX; // size=0, offset=33304
int m_mouseY; // size=0, offset=33308
int m_scanPort; // size=0, offset=33312
unsigned int m_cardChanged[2]; // size=8, offset=33316
unsigned int m_bControllerChanged; // size=0, offset=33324
unsigned int m_bMouseTested; // size=0, offset=33328
unsigned int m_bUsingMouse; // size=0, offset=33332
unsigned int m_bUsingNegCon; // size=0, offset=33336
unsigned int m_bControllerInserted; // size=0, offset=33340
int m_nLastControllerType; // size=0, offset=33344
char slotString[3]; // size=3, offset=33348
struct MCSLOT (*m_slotObjPtrs[2]); // size=8, offset=33352
int m_slotObjPorts[2]; // size=8, offset=33360
int m_currSlotObj; // size=0, offset=33368
int m_portStatus[8]; // size=32, offset=33372
struct DISPMAN // hashcode: 0xA30E425F (dec: -1559346593)
unsigned int m_displayingMessage; // size=0, offset=0
int m_language; // size=0, offset=4
char m_textBuffer[256]; // size=256, offset=8
DR_AREA m_sliceClipArea; // size=12, offset=264
DR_AREA m_screenClipArea; // size=12, offset=276
RECT m_backRect[7]; // size=56, offset=288
RECT m_srcRect[7]; // size=56, offset=344
int s_screenMode; // size=0, offset=400
int dispWidth; // size=0, offset=404
int dispHeight; // size=0, offset=408
int dispXOffset; // size=0, offset=412
int dispYOffset; // size=0, offset=416
DRAWENV m_drawEnv; // size=92, offset=420
DISPENV m_dispEnv; // size=20, offset=512
DRAWENV m_oldDrawEnv; // size=92, offset=532
DISPENV m_oldDispEnv; // size=20, offset=624
int spriteCount; // size=0, offset=644
int polyCountFT4; // size=0, offset=648
int polyCountG3; // size=0, offset=652
int polyCountF4; // size=0, offset=656
int moveCount; // size=0, offset=660
int m_dirtyMouseX; // size=0, offset=664
int m_dirtyMouseY; // size=0, offset=668
unsigned short m_dirtyMouseBuffer[256]; // size=512, offset=672
char m_kanjiTimBuffer[350]; // size=350, offset=1184
SPRT sprites[200]; // size=4000, offset=1536
DR_TPAGE tpages[200]; // size=1600, offset=5536
POLY_FT4 polysFT4[25]; // size=1000, offset=7136
POLY_F4 polysF4[20]; // size=0, offset=8136
POLY_G3 polysG3[20]; // size=560, offset=8136
DR_MOVE moves[2]; // size=48, offset=8696
int m_dispX; // size=0, offset=8744
int m_dispY; // size=0, offset=8748
int m_flashCount; // size=0, offset=8752
int m_flash; // size=0, offset=8756
unsigned int m_flashOn; // size=0, offset=8760
unsigned int m_invalidArea[7]; // size=28, offset=8764
int m_addingBlock; // size=0, offset=8792
int m_deletingBlock; // size=0, offset=8796
FONTTABSTRUCT m_fontTable[3][76]; // size=3648, offset=8800
KANJILOOKUP m_kanjiFontTable[256]; // size=5120, offset=12448
TIMSTRUCT m_darkTimStruct; // size=12, offset=17568
TIMSTRUCT m_pointerTimStruct; // size=12, offset=17580
TIMSTRUCT m_lightTimStruct; // size=12, offset=17592
TIMSTRUCT m_cardTimStruct; // size=12, offset=17604
TIMSTRUCT m_buttonTimStructs[4]; // size=48, offset=17616
TIMSTRUCT m_arrowTimStruct[2]; // size=24, offset=17664
TIMSTRUCT m_sliceIconTimStructs[16]; // size=192, offset=17688
TIMSTRUCT m_createBlockTimStruct; // size=12, offset=17880
PAD *m_padPtr; // size=33404, offset=17892
long *m_backImagePtr; // size=0, offset=17896
int m_updateQueue[7]; // size=28, offset=17900
int m_kanjiChars; // size=0, offset=17928
int m_activeArea; // size=0, offset=17932
int m_menuSelect; // size=0, offset=17936
int m_blockSelect; // size=0, offset=17940
int m_sliceSelect; // size=0, offset=17944
int m_sliceMenuOffset; // size=0, offset=17948
int m_sliceMenuRem; // size=0, offset=17952
int m_sliceMenuInc; // size=0, offset=17956
int m_activeFunction; // size=0, offset=17960
int m_mainFunction; // size=0, offset=17964
int m_maxKanji; // size=0, offset=17968
unsigned int m_menuActive[4]; // size=16, offset=17972
char (*m_menuText[4]); // size=16, offset=17988
char (*m_infoText[3]); // size=12, offset=18004
char *m_titleText; // size=0, offset=18016
char *m_blockNameText; // size=0, offset=18020
char m_saveFilename[32]; // size=32, offset=18024
FILEFORMAT *m_fileFormatPtr; // size=340, offset=18056
typedef struct POINT POINT;
typedef struct DISPMAN DISPMAN;
struct ControllerPacket // hashcode: 0xD09486E6 (dec: -795572506)
unsigned char transStatus; // size=0, offset=0
unsigned char dataFormat; // size=0, offset=1
union __125 data; // size=32, offset=2
struct PAD_alt_definition_0003 // hashcode: 0xA7EA2913 (dec: -1477826285)
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot0; // size=16652, offset=0
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot1; // size=16652, offset=16652
int m_mouseX; // size=0, offset=33304
int m_mouseY; // size=0, offset=33308
int m_scanPort; // size=0, offset=33312
unsigned int m_cardChanged[2]; // size=8, offset=33316
unsigned int m_bControllerChanged; // size=0, offset=33324
unsigned int m_bMouseTested; // size=0, offset=33328
unsigned int m_bUsingMouse; // size=0, offset=33332
unsigned int m_bUsingNegCon; // size=0, offset=33336
unsigned int m_bControllerInserted; // size=0, offset=33340
int m_nLastControllerType; // size=0, offset=33344
char slotString[3]; // size=3, offset=33348
struct MCSLOT (*m_slotObjPtrs[2]); // size=8, offset=33352
int m_slotObjPorts[2]; // size=8, offset=33360
int m_currSlotObj; // size=0, offset=33368
int m_portStatus[8]; // size=32, offset=33372
typedef struct ControllerPacket ControllerPacket;
struct PAD_alt_definition_0004 // hashcode: 0x903153ED (dec: -1875815443)
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot0; // size=16652, offset=0
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot1; // size=16652, offset=16652
int m_mouseX; // size=0, offset=33304
int m_mouseY; // size=0, offset=33308
int m_scanPort; // size=0, offset=33312
unsigned int m_cardChanged[2]; // size=8, offset=33316
unsigned int m_bControllerChanged; // size=0, offset=33324
unsigned int m_bMouseTested; // size=0, offset=33328
unsigned int m_bUsingMouse; // size=0, offset=33332
unsigned int m_bUsingNegCon; // size=0, offset=33336
unsigned int m_bControllerInserted; // size=0, offset=33340
int m_nLastControllerType; // size=0, offset=33344
char slotString[3]; // size=3, offset=33348
struct MCSLOT (*m_slotObjPtrs[2]); // size=8, offset=33352
int m_slotObjPorts[2]; // size=8, offset=33360
int m_currSlotObj; // size=0, offset=33368
int m_portStatus[8]; // size=32, offset=33372
struct PAD_alt_definition_0005 // hashcode: 0x7E890288 (dec: 2122908296)
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot0; // size=16652, offset=0
struct MCSLOT m_mcSlot1; // size=16652, offset=16652
int m_mouseX; // size=0, offset=33304
int m_mouseY; // size=0, offset=33308
int m_scanPort; // size=0, offset=33312
unsigned int m_cardChanged[2]; // size=8, offset=33316
unsigned int m_bControllerChanged; // size=0, offset=33324
unsigned int m_bMouseTested; // size=0, offset=33328
unsigned int m_bUsingMouse; // size=0, offset=33332
unsigned int m_bUsingNegCon; // size=0, offset=33336
unsigned int m_bControllerInserted; // size=0, offset=33340
int m_nLastControllerType; // size=0, offset=33344
char slotString[3]; // size=3, offset=33348
struct MCSLOT (*m_slotObjPtrs[2]); // size=8, offset=33352
int m_slotObjPorts[2]; // size=8, offset=33360
int m_currSlotObj; // size=0, offset=33368
int m_portStatus[8]; // size=32, offset=33372