2021-04-05 01:33:58 +06:00

262 lines
5.4 KiB

#include "driver2.h"
#include "d2mapasm.h"
#include "C/map.h"
#include "C/dr2roads.h"
u_int region_buffer_xor = 0;
u_int sdSelfModifyingCode = 8;
extern int sdLevel;
extern short* RoadMapDataRegions[4];
extern short* sdGetBSP(sdNode* node, XYPAIR* pos);
extern sdPlane* FindRoadInBSP(sdNode* node, sdPlane* base);
extern int sdHeightOnPlane(VECTOR* pos, sdPlane* plane);
// [D]
sdPlane* sdGetCell_asm(int param_1, short** roadMapData, int pos_x, int pos_z, int pos_y, int _sdLevel)
sdPlane* plane;
int surfHeight;
ushort* BSPSurface;
XYPAIR cell;
ushort* surface;
short* HSurface;
short* buffer;
bool nextLevel;
buffer = *(short**)((param_1 ^ sdSelfModifyingCode) + (int)roadMapData);
cell.x = pos_x & 1023;
cell.y = pos_z & 1023;
surface = (ushort*)((int)buffer + (pos_z >> 3 & 0x1f80U) + (pos_x >> 9 & 0x7eU) + 8);
if (*surface == 0xffff)
plane = NULL;
if ((*surface & 0x6000) == 0x2000)
HSurface = (short*)((int)buffer + (*surface & 0x1fff) * 2 + (int)buffer[2]);
surfHeight = (int)*HSurface;
do {
if (-256 - pos_y <= surfHeight)
surfHeight = (int)HSurface[2];
HSurface = HSurface + 2;
_sdLevel = _sdLevel + 1;
} while (surfHeight != -0x8000);
surface = (ushort*)(HSurface + 1);
nextLevel = false;
BSPSurface = surface;
if ((*surface & 0x4000) != 0)
BSPSurface = (ushort*)sdGetBSP((_sdNode*)((int)buffer + (*surface & 0x1fff) * 4 + (int)buffer[3]), &cell);
if (*BSPSurface == 0x7fff)
_sdLevel = _sdLevel + 1;
nextLevel = true;
BSPSurface = surface + 2;
surface = BSPSurface;
} while (nextLevel);
plane = (sdPlane*)((int)buffer + (short)*BSPSurface * sizeof(sdPlane) + (int)buffer[1]);
sdLevel = _sdLevel;
return plane;
// [D] [T]
sdPlane* sdGetCell_alpha16(VECTOR* pos)
sdPlane* plane;
int iVar1;
short* BSPSurface;
XYPAIR cellPos;
XYPAIR cell;
short* surface;
short* buffer;
int nextLevel;
cellPos.x = pos->vx - 512;
cellPos.y = pos->vz - 512;
cell.x = cellPos.x & 1023;
cell.y = cellPos.y & 1023;
buffer = RoadMapDataRegions[(cellPos.x >> 16 & 1) ^ (regions_across / 2 & 1) +
(cellPos.y >> 15 & 2) ^ (regions_down & 2)];
// Alpha 1.6 code, works too; not widely tested yet
//buffer = *(short**)((int)RoadMapDataRegions + (cellPos.x >> 14 & 4 ^ cellPos.y >> 13 & 8 ^ sdSelfModifyingCode));
plane = NULL;
if (*buffer == 2)
sdPlane* planeData = (sdPlane*)((char*)buffer + buffer[1]);
short* bspData = (short*)((char*)buffer + buffer[2]);
sdNode* nodeData = (sdNode*)((char*)buffer + buffer[3]);
surface = &buffer[(cellPos.x >> 10 & 63) +
(cellPos.y >> 10 & 63) * 64 + 4];
// initial surface
if (*surface == -1)
return GetSeaPlane();
// check surface has overlapping planes flag (aka multiple levels)
if (*surface & 0x8000)
surface = &bspData[*surface & 0x1fff];
do {
if (-256 - pos->vy > *surface)
surface += 2;
} while (*surface != -0x8000); // end flag
surface += 1;
// iterate surfaces if BSP
do {
nextLevel = 0;
// check if it's has BSP properties
// basically it determines surface bounds
if (*surface & 0x4000)
// get closest surface by BSP lookup
BSPSurface = sdGetBSP(&nodeData[*surface & 0x1fff], &cell); // 0x3fff in final
if (*BSPSurface == 0x7fff)
nextLevel = 1;
BSPSurface = surface + 2; // get to the next node
surface = BSPSurface;
} while (nextLevel);
plane = &planeData[*surface];
return plane;
// [D] [T]
int RoadInCell_alpha16(VECTOR *pos)
int cellPos_x;
int cellPos_z;
short* check;
sdPlane* plane;
short* buffer;
bool moreLevels;
cellPos_x = pos->vx - 512;
cellPos_z = pos->vz - 512;
buffer = RoadMapDataRegions[(cellPos_x >> 16 & 1U) ^ (regions_across / 2 & 1) +
(cellPos_z >> 15 & 2U) ^ (regions_down & 2)];
if (*buffer == 2)
sdPlane* planeData = (sdPlane*)((char*)buffer + buffer[1]);
short* bspData = (short*)((char*)buffer + buffer[2]);
sdNode* nodeData = (sdNode*)((char*)buffer + buffer[3]);
check = &buffer[(cellPos_x >> 10 & 0x3fU) +
(cellPos_z >> 10 & 0x3fU) * MAP_REGION_SIZE * 2 + 4];
if (*check == -1)
return -1;
if (*check & 0xE000)
if (*check & 0x2000)
// check surface has overlapping planes flag (aka multiple levels)
moreLevels = (*check & 0x8000) != 0;
if (moreLevels)
check = &bspData[(*check & 0x1fff) + 1];
if (moreLevels && check[-1] == -0x8000)
moreLevels = 0;
// check if it's has BSP properties
// basically it determines surface bounds
if (*check & 0x4000)
sdNode* search = &nodeData[*check & 0x1fff]; // 0x3fff in final
while (search->value < 0)
plane = FindRoadInBSP(search + 1, planeData);
if (plane != NULL)
search += search->n.offset;
if (plane != NULL)
plane = &planeData[*check];
if (plane->surface >= 32)
check += 2;
} while (true);
plane = NULL;
plane = &planeData[*check];
if (plane == NULL)
return -1;
if (plane->surface >= 32)
pos->vy = sdHeightOnPlane(pos, plane) + 256;
return plane->surface - 32;
return -1;