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Rat Control

Control of Insects Rodents and Other Vermin 1943 PDF 8 mb
Eradicating Plague From San Francisco 1909 PDF 13 mb
European and American Methods of Rat Control 1938 PDF 510 kb
Farm Vermin-Helpful and Hurtful 1894 PDF 11 mb
Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-catcher 1898 PDF 9 mb
Our Enemy the Rat 1931 PDF 327 kb
Practical Game Preserving and Destroying Vermin 1884 PDF 29 mb
Practical Thoughts on the Vermin 1879 PDF 1 mb
Protecting Victory Gardens From Animal Pests 1943 PDF 449 kb
Rat Control 1941 PDF 3 mb
Rat Proofing Buildings and Premises 1930 PDF 1 mb
Rat Proofing Buildings and Premises 1942 PDF 4 mb
Rats and Rat Killing 1873 PDF 3 mb
Rats and Rat Riddance 1915 PDF 4 mb
Rats Control 1930 PDF 1 mb
Rodent Pests of the Farm 1918 PDF 2 mb
Spraying Equipment for Pest Control 1942 PDF 4 mb
The Brown Rat in the United States 1909 PDF 4 mb
The Compleat Vermin-Killer 1777 PDF 7 mb
The New and Complete Vermin-Killer 1825 PDF 5 mb
The Rat 1924 PDF 36 mb
The Rat and Its Relation to the Public Health 1910 PDF 19 mb
The Rat Problem 1909 PDF 17 mb
The Rat-Its History and Destructive Character 1858 PDF 11 mb
The Universal Directory for Taking Alive and Destroying Rats 1812 PDF 5 mb
The Vermin Destroyer 1821 PDF 4 mb


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