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<p><i class="fas fa-list fa-1x"></i> This is the initial implementation of this project. A few different things that are planned:</p>
<ul class="mt-2 list-disc list-inside">
<li>Different filtering options: Type of action (timeout, raid etc.), moderator (whodunit), user/viewer (next point).</li>
<li>Searching by text.</li>
<li>Ability to see a viewer's chat messages at the time of action, alongside messages before/after to see context.</li>
<li>... and probably more I'll figure out as I go along.</li>
<p class="mt-6"><i class="fas fa-check fa-1x"></i> List of things that were planned and has been implemented in some form:</p>
<ul class="mt-2 list-disc list-inside">
<li><s>Username history of a user</s> - For any user that has been timed out, raided, etc. you can now click on their name (highlighted in orange/amber) and access their basic "viewer profile".</li>
<li><s>See related moderation actions, for example if a specific viewer has been timed out or banned multiple times.</s> - Implemented on the viewer profile. Will display moderation actions for any channels you have access to.</li>
<li><s>Automatic conversion to local time. Currently time & date is displayed in UTC.</s> - Original UTC timestamp is still available if you hover over the converted timestamp in the table.</li>
<li><s>Linking any affected viewer's to their Twitch viewer card.</s> - Viewer card will be linked for any channel you have access to.</li>
<li><s>Channels that are tracked where you have moderator access will be <a href="https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310213-developers/suggestions/38203849-add-endpoint-to-return-channels-where-the-user-is" class="underline text-amber-400">automatically retrieved from Twitch's API upon login</a>.</s> - Access is given by a <a href="https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference/#get-moderated-channels" class="underline text-amber-400">new Twitch permission and Twitch API endpoint</a></li>
<p class="mt-6"><i class="fas fa-bug fa-1x"></i> Known bugs:</p>
<ul class="mt-2 list-disc list-inside">
<li>Attempting to access a viewer page of someone who has no tracked chat messages will give you a 404. Trying to decide how I want to tackle those scenarios.</li>
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<p>TraceDash — v0.0.5 [Pre-Alpha Early Access™]</p>
<p>Powered by an unhealthy amount of caffeine</p>
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<p>Please send any feedback or bug reports to @Decicus on Discord</p>