{ "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "login button": "Login", "login error": "Wrong username or password", "suggestions": "Suggestions", "suggestions for": "Suggestions for", "refresh infos": "Refresh infos", "delete item": "Delete", "confirm delete": "Are you sure?", "search": "Search", "search for": "Search for", "search or add": "Search or add", "load more": "Load More", "nothing found": "Nothing found", "trending": "Trending", "upcoming": "Upcoming", "now playing": "Now Playing", "tv": "TV", "movies": "Movies", "last seen": "Last seen", "own rating": "Own Rating", "title": "Title", "release": "Release", "tmdb rating": "TMDb Rating", "imdb rating": "IMDb Rating", "change color": "Change colors", "settings": "Settings", "logout": "Logout", "tab user": "User", "tab options": "Options", "tab backup": "Backup", "tab misc": "Misc", "save button": "Save", "password message": "Leave the password field blank if you don't want to change it", "success message": "Successful changed", "export button": "Export movies", "import button": "Import movies", "or divider": "OR", "sync scout": "Sync Laravel Scout", "display genre": "Display genre", "display date": "Display date", "success import": "Successful imported", "import warn": "All movies will be replaced. Be sure you have made an backup!", "current version": "Current version:", "new update": "There is a new update for flox!", "no update": "Nothing to update", "checking update": "Checking for updates...", "spoiler": "Spoiler protection for episode names", "call file-parser": "Call file-parser", "refresh all infos": "Refresh infos for all data", "watch trailer": "Watch Trailer", "trailer for": "Trailer for", "add to watchlist": "Add to Watchlist", "remove from watchlist": "Remove from Watchlist", "no tmdb rating": "No TMDb Rating", "loading imdb rating": "Loading IMDb Rating...", "no imdb rating": "No IMDb Rating", "overview": "Overview", "watchlist": "Watchlist", "show watchlist": "Show Watchlist Items everywhere", "feedback": "If you have any feedback for us, please open an issue on" }