apiKey = config('app.TMDB_API_KEY'); $this->client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://api.themoviedb.org/']); } /** * Search TMDB for an movie by 'title'. * * @param $title * @return array */ public function search($title) { $response = $this->client->get('/3/search/movie', ['query' => ['api_key' => $this->apiKey, 'query' => $title]]); $items = $this->createItems($response); return $items; } /** * Make a new request to TMDB to get the 'alternative language' movie title. * * @param $tmdb_id * @return null|string */ public function alternativeMovieTitle($tmdb_id) { $alternativeLanguage = config('app.ALTERNATIVE_LANGUAGE'); $response = $this->client->get('/3/movie/' . $tmdb_id . '/alternative_titles', ['query' => ['api_key' => $this->apiKey]]); $titles = collect(json_decode($response->getBody())->titles); $title = $titles->where('iso_3166_1', $alternativeLanguage); if($title->isEmpty()) { return null; } // '3D' is often used in the title. We don't need them. return trim(str_replace('3D', '', $title->first()->title)); } public function trending() { return $this->searchTrendingOrUpcoming('popular'); } public function upcoming() { return $this->searchTrendingOrUpcoming('upcoming'); } /** * Search TMDB for recommendations and similar movies. * * @param $tmdbID * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function suggestions($tmdbID) { $recommendations = $this->searchSuggestions($tmdbID, 'recommendations'); $similar = $this->searchSuggestions($tmdbID, 'similar'); $items = $recommendations->merge($similar); $inDB = Item::all('tmdb_id')->toArray(); // Remove movies which already are in database. return $items->filter(function($item) use ($inDB) { return ! in_array($item['tmdb_id'], array_column($inDB, 'tmdb_id')); }); } /** * @param $tmdbID * @param $type * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ private function searchSuggestions($tmdbID, $type) { $response = $this->client->get('/3/movie/' . $tmdbID . '/' . $type, ['query' => ['api_key' => $this->apiKey]]); return collect($this->createItems($response)); } /** * Search TMDB for current popular or upcoming movies. * * @param $type * @return array */ private function searchTrendingOrUpcoming($type) { $response = $this->client->get('/3/movie/' . $type, ['query' => ['api_key' => $this->apiKey]]); $items = collect($this->createItems($response)); $allID = $items->pluck('tmdb_id'); // Get all movies from trendig which already in database. $inDB = Item::whereIn('tmdb_id', $allID)->get()->toArray(); // Remove all inDB movies from trending. $filtered = $items->filter(function($item) use ($inDB) { return ! in_array($item['tmdb_id'], array_column($inDB, 'tmdb_id')); }); $merged = $filtered->merge($inDB); // Reset array keys to display inDB items first. return array_values($merged->reverse()->toArray()); } /** * @param $response * @return array */ private function createItems($response) { $items = []; $response = json_decode($response->getBody()); foreach($response->results as $result) { $dtime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', ($result->release_date ?: '1970-12-1')); $items[] = [ 'tmdb_id' => $result->id, 'title' => $result->title, 'poster' => $result->poster_path, 'released' => $dtime->getTimestamp(), 'genre' => $this->parseGenre($result->genre_ids), ]; } return $items; } /** * Create genre string from genre_ids. * * @param $ids * @return string */ private function parseGenre($ids) { $genre = []; foreach($ids as $id) { $genre[] = $this->genreList()[$id]; } return implode($genre, ', '); } /** * Current genre list from TMDb. * * @return array */ private function genreList() { return [ 28 => 'Action', 12=> 'Adventure', 16=> 'Animation', 35=> 'Comedy', 80 => 'Crime', 99=> 'Documentary', 18=> 'Drama', 10751 => 'Family', 14=> 'Fantasy', 36 => 'History', 27 => 'Horror', 10402 => 'Music', 9648 => 'Mystery', 10749 => 'Romance', 878=> 'Sci-Fi', 10770=> 'TV Movie', 53 => 'Thriller', 10752 => 'War', 37 => 'Western', ]; } }