'admin', self::ROLE_USER => 'user', ]; /** * Types. */ const TYPE_USER = 1; const TYPE_TEAM = 2; /** * Invite states. */ const INVITE_STATE_ACTIVATED = 1; const INVITE_STATE_SENT = 2; const INVITE_STATE_NOT_INVITED = 3; /** * Time formats. */ const TIME_FORMAT_12 = 1; const TIME_FORMAT_24 = 2; /** * Global user permissions. */ const PERM_DELETE_CONVERSATIONS = 1; const PERM_EDIT_CONVERSATIONS = 2; const PERM_EDIT_SAVED_REPLIES = 3; const PERM_EDIT_TAGS = 4; public static $user_permissions = [ self::PERM_DELETE_CONVERSATIONS, self::PERM_EDIT_CONVERSATIONS, self::PERM_EDIT_SAVED_REPLIES, self::PERM_EDIT_TAGS, ]; const WEBSITE_NOTIFICATIONS_PAGE_SIZE = 25; const WEBSITE_NOTIFICATIONS_PAGE_PARAM = 'wp_page'; /** * The attributes that are not mass assignable. * * @var array */ protected $guarded = ['role']; /** * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays, excluded from the model's JSON form. * * @var array */ protected $hidden = [ 'password', 'remember_token', ]; /** * Attributes fillable using fill() method. * * @var [type] */ protected $fillable = ['role', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password', 'role', 'timezone', 'photo_url', 'type', 'emails', 'job_title', 'phone', 'time_format', 'enable_kb_shortcuts']; /** * For array_unique function. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->id.''; } /** * Get mailboxes to which usre has access. */ public function mailboxes() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Mailbox')->as('settings')->withPivot('after_send'); } /** * Get conversations assigned to user. */ public function conversations() { return $this->hasMany('App\Conversation'); } /** * User's folders. */ public function folders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Folder'); } /** * User's subscriptions. */ public function subscriptions() { return $this->hasMany('App\Subscription'); } /** * Get user role. * * @return string */ public function getRoleName($ucfirst = false) { $role_name = self::$roles[$this->role]; if ($ucfirst) { $role_name = ucfirst($role_name); } return $role_name; } /** * Check if user is admin. * * @return bool */ public function isAdmin() { return $this->role == self::ROLE_ADMIN; } /** * Get user full name. * * @return string */ public function getFullName() { return $this->first_name.' '.$this->last_name; } /** * Get user first name. * * @return string */ public function getFirstName() { return $this->first_name; } /** * Get mailboxes to which user has access. */ public function mailboxesCanView() { if ($this->isAdmin()) { return Mailbox::all(); } else { return $this->mailboxes; } } /** * Get IDs of mailboxes to which user has access. */ public function mailboxesIdsCanView() { if ($this->isAdmin()) { return Mailbox::pluck('id')->toArray(); } else { return $this->mailboxes()->pluck('mailboxes.id')->toArray(); } } /** * Generate random password for the user. * * @param int $length * * @return string */ public static function generateRandomPassword($length = 8) { return str_random($length); } /** * Get URL for editing user. * * @return string */ public function url() { return route('users.profile', ['id'=>$this->id]); } /** * Get URL for settings up an account from invitation. * * @return string */ public function urlSetup() { return route('user_setup', ['hash' => $this->invite_hash]); } /** * Create personal folders for user mailboxes. * * @param int $mailbox_id * @param mixed $users */ public function syncPersonalFolders($mailboxes) { if ($this->isAdmin()) { // For admin we get all mailboxes $mailbox_ids = Mailbox::pluck('mailboxes.id'); } else { if (is_array($mailboxes)) { $mailbox_ids = $mailboxes; } else { $mailbox_ids = $this->mailboxes()->pluck('mailboxes.id'); } } $cur_mailboxes = Folder::select('mailbox_id') ->where('user_id', $this->id) ->whereIn('mailbox_id', $mailbox_ids) ->groupBy('mailbox_id') ->pluck('mailbox_id') ->toArray(); foreach ($mailbox_ids as $mailbox_id) { if (in_array($mailbox_id, $cur_mailboxes)) { continue; } foreach (Folder::$personal_types as $type) { $folder = new Folder(); $folder->mailbox_id = $mailbox_id; $folder->user_id = $this->id; $folder->type = $type; $folder->save(); } } } /** * Format date according to user's timezone and time format. * * @param Carbon $date * @param string $format * * @return string */ public static function dateFormat($date, $format = 'M j, Y H:i', $user = null) { if (!$user) { $user = auth()->user(); } if ($user) { if ($user->time_format == self::TIME_FORMAT_12) { $format = strtr($format, [ 'H' => 'h', 'G' => 'g', ':i' => ':ia', ':ia:s' => ':i:sa', ]); } else { $format = strtr($format, [ 'h' => 'H', 'g' => 'G', ':ia' => ':i', ':i:sa' => ':i:s', ]); } // todo: formatLocalized has to be used here and below, // but it returns $format value instead of formatted date return $date->setTimezone($user->timezone)->format($format); } else { return $date->format($format); } } /** * Convert date into human readable format. * * @param Carbon $date * * @return string */ public static function dateDiffForHumans($date) { if (!$date) { return ''; } $user = auth()->user(); if ($user) { $date->setTimezone($user->timezone); } if ($date->diffInSeconds(Carbon::now()) <= 60) { return __('Just now'); } elseif ($date->diffInDays(Carbon::now()) > 7) { // Exact date if (Carbon::now()->year == $date->year) { return self::dateFormat($date, 'M j'); } else { return self::dateFormat($date, 'M j, Y'); } } else { $diff_text = $date->diffForHumans(); $diff_text = preg_replace('/minutes?/', 'min', $diff_text); return $diff_text; } } public static function getUserPermissionName($user_permission) { $user_permission_names = [ self::PERM_DELETE_CONVERSATIONS => __('Users are allowed to delete notes/conversations'), self::PERM_EDIT_CONVERSATIONS => __('Users are allowed to edit notes/threads'), self::PERM_EDIT_SAVED_REPLIES => __('Users are allowed to edit/delete saved replies'), self::PERM_EDIT_TAGS => __('Users are allowed to manage tags'), ]; if (!empty($user_permission_names[$user_permission])) { return $user_permission_names[$user_permission]; } else { return \Event::fire('filter.user_permission_name', [$user_permission]); } } public function getInviteStateName() { $names = [ self::INVITE_STATE_ACTIVATED => __('Active'), self::INVITE_STATE_SENT => __('Invited'), self::INVITE_STATE_NOT_INVITED => __('Not Invited'), ]; if (!isset($names[$this->invite_state])) { return $names[self::INVITE_STATE_ACTIVATED]; } else { return $names[$this->invite_state]; } } /** * Send invitation to this user. */ public function sendInvite($throw_exceptions = false) { function saveToSendLog($user, $status) { SendLog::log(null, null, $user->email, SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_INVITE, $status, null, $user->id); } if ($this->invite_state == self::INVITE_STATE_ACTIVATED) { return false; } // We are using remember_token as a hash for invite if (!$this->invite_hash) { $this->invite_hash = Str::random(60); $this->save(); } try { \App\Misc\Mail::setSystemMailDriver(); \Mail::to([['name' => $this->getFullName(), 'email' => $this->email]]) ->send(new UserInvite($this)); } catch (\Exception $e) { // We come here in case SMTP server unavailable for example // But Mail does not through an exception if you specify incorrect SMTP details for example activity() ->causedBy($this) ->withProperties([ 'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')', ]) ->useLog(\App\ActivityLog::NAME_EMAILS_SENDING) ->log(\App\ActivityLog::DESCRIPTION_EMAILS_SENDING_ERROR_INVITE); saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR); if ($throw_exceptions) { throw $e; } else { return false; } } if (\Mail::failures()) { saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR); if ($throw_exceptions) { throw new \Exception(__("Error occured sending email to :email. Please check logs for more details.", ['email' => $this->email]), 1); } else { return false; } } if ($this->invite_state != User::INVITE_STATE_SENT) { $this->invite_state = User::INVITE_STATE_SENT; $this->save(); } saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_ACCEPTED); return true; } /** * Send password changed noitfication. */ public function sendPasswordChanged() { function saveToSendLog($user, $status) { SendLog::log(null, null, $user->email, SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_PASSWORD_CHANGED, $status, null, $user->id); } try { \App\Misc\Mail::setSystemMailDriver(); \Mail::to([['name' => $this->getFullName(), 'email' => $this->email]]) ->send(new PasswordChanged($this)); } catch (\Exception $e) { // We come here in case SMTP server unavailable for example // But Mail does not through an exception if you specify incorrect SMTP details for example activity() ->causedBy($this) ->withProperties([ 'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')', ]) ->useLog(\App\ActivityLog::NAME_EMAILS_SENDING) ->log(\App\ActivityLog::DESCRIPTION_EMAILS_SENDING_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGED); saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR); return false; } if (\Mail::failures()) { saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR); return false; } saveToSendLog($this, SendLog::STATUS_ACCEPTED); return true; } /** * Send the password reset notification. * * @param string $token * @return void */ public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token) { \App\Misc\Mail::setSystemMailDriver(); $this->notify(new ResetPasswordNotification($token)); } public function getWebsiteNotifications() { return $this->notifications()->paginate(self::WEBSITE_NOTIFICATIONS_PAGE_SIZE, ['*'], self::WEBSITE_NOTIFICATIONS_PAGE_PARAM, request()->wn_page); } public function getWebsiteNotificationsInfo($cache = true) { if ($cache) { // Get from cache $user = $this; return \Cache::rememberForever('user_web_notifications_'.$user->id, function() use ($user) { $notifications = $user->getWebsiteNotifications(); $info = [ 'data' => WebsiteNotification::fetchNotificationsData($notifications), 'notifications' => $notifications, 'unread_count' => $user->unreadNotifications()->count() ]; $info['html'] = view('users/partials/web_notifications', ['web_notifications_info_data' => $info['data']])->render(); return $info; }); } else { $notifications = $this->getWebsiteNotifications(); $info = [ 'data' => WebsiteNotification::fetchNotificationsData($notifications), 'notifications' => $notifications, 'unread_count' => $this->unreadNotifications()->count() ]; return $info; } } public function clearWebsiteNotificationsCache() { \Cache::forget('user_web_notifications_'.$this->id); } public function getPhotoUrl() { if (!empty($this->photo_url)) { return Storage::url(User::PHOTO_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->photo_url); } else { return '/img/default-avatar.png'; } } /** * Resize and save user photo. */ public function savePhoto($uploaded_file) { $resized_image = \App\Misc\Helper::resizeImage($uploaded_file->getRealPath(), $uploaded_file->getMimeType(), self::PHOTO_SIZE, self::PHOTO_SIZE) ; if (!$resized_image) { return false; } $file_name = md5(Hash::make($this->id)).'.jpg'; $dest_path = Storage::path(User::PHOTO_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file_name); $dest_dir = pathinfo($dest_path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); if (!file_exists($dest_dir)) { \File::makeDirectory($dest_dir, 0755); } // Remove current photo if ($this->photo_url) { Storage::delete(User::PHOTO_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->photo_url); } imagejpeg($resized_image, $dest_path, self::PHOTO_QUALITY); // $photo_url = $request->file('photo_url')->storeAs( // User::PHOTO_DIRECTORY, !Hash::make($user->id).'.jpg' // ); return $file_name; } /** * Remove user photo. */ public function removePhoto() { if ($this->photo_url) { Storage::delete(User::PHOTO_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->photo_url); } $this->photo_url = ''; } public function hasPermission($permission) { $permissions = Option::get('user_permissions'); if (!empty($permissions) && is_array($permissions) && in_array($permission, $permissions)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Todo: implement super admin role. * For now we return just first admin. * @return [type] [description] */ public static function getSuperAdmin() { return User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->first(); } /** * Create user. */ public static function create($data) { $user = new User(); if (empty($data['email']) || empty($data['password'])) { return false; } $user->fill($data); $user->password = \Hash::make($data['password']); $user->email = Email::sanitizeEmail($data['email']); try { $user->save(); } catch(\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } }