'Unassigned', self::TYPE_MINE => 'Mine', self::TYPE_DRAFTS => 'Drafts', self::TYPE_ASSIGNED => 'Assigned', self::TYPE_CLOSED => 'Closed', self::TYPE_SPAM => 'Spam', self::TYPE_DELETED => 'Deleted', self::TYPE_STARRED => 'Starred', ]; /** * https://glyphicons.bootstrapcheatsheets.com/. */ public static $type_icons = [ self::TYPE_UNASSIGNED => 'folder-open', self::TYPE_MINE => 'hand-right', self::TYPE_DRAFTS => 'duplicate', self::TYPE_ASSIGNED => 'user', self::TYPE_CLOSED => 'lock', // lock self::TYPE_SPAM => 'ban-circle', self::TYPE_DELETED => 'trash', self::TYPE_STARRED => 'star', ]; // Public non-user specific mailbox types public static $public_types = [ self::TYPE_UNASSIGNED, self::TYPE_DRAFTS, self::TYPE_ASSIGNED, self::TYPE_CLOSED, self::TYPE_SPAM, self::TYPE_DELETED, ]; // Folder types which belong to specific user. // These folders has user_id specified. public static $personal_types = [ self::TYPE_MINE, self::TYPE_STARRED, ]; // Folder types to which conversations are added via conversation_folder table. public static $indirect_types = [ self::TYPE_DRAFTS, self::TYPE_STARRED, ]; // Counter mode. const COUNTER_ACTIVE = 1; const COUNTER_TOTAL = 2; public $timestamps = false; protected $casts = [ 'meta' => 'array', ]; /** * Get the mailbox to which folder belongs. */ public function mailbox() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Mailbox'); } /** * Get the user to which folder belongs. */ public function user() { return $this->belongsTo('App\User'); } /** * Get starred conversations. */ public function conversations() { return $this->hasMany('App\Conversation'); } public function getTypeName() { // To make name translatable. switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_UNASSIGNED: return __('Unassigned'); case self::TYPE_MINE: return __('Mine'); case self::TYPE_DRAFTS: return __('Drafts'); case self::TYPE_ASSIGNED: return __('Assigned'); case self::TYPE_CLOSED: return __('Closed'); case self::TYPE_SPAM: return __('Spam'); case self::TYPE_DELETED: return __('Deleted'); case self::TYPE_STARRED: return __('Starred'); default: return __(\Eventy::filter('folder.type_name', self::$types[$this->type] ?? '', $this)); } } public function getTypeIcon() { return \Eventy::filter('folder.type_icon', self::$type_icons[$this->type] ?? '', $this); } /** * Get order by array. * * @return array */ public function getOrderByArray() { $order_by = []; switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_UNASSIGNED: case self::TYPE_MINE: case self::TYPE_ASSIGNED: $order_by[] = ['status' => 'asc']; $order_by[] = ['last_reply_at' => 'desc']; break; case self::TYPE_STARRED: $order_by[] = ['status' => 'asc']; $order_by[] = ['last_reply_at' => 'desc']; //$order_by = [['conversation_folder.id' => 'desc']]; break; case self::TYPE_DRAFTS: $order_by = [['updated_at' => 'desc']]; break; case self::TYPE_CLOSED: $order_by = [['closed_at' => 'desc']]; case self::TYPE_SPAM: $order_by = [['last_reply_at' => 'desc']]; break; case self::TYPE_DELETED: $order_by = [['user_updated_at' => 'desc']]; break; default: $order_by = \Eventy::filter('folder.conversations_order_by', $order_by, $this->type); break; } return $order_by; } /** * Add order by to the query. */ public function queryAddOrderBy($query) { $order_bys = $this->getOrderByArray(); foreach ($order_bys as $order_by) { foreach ($order_by as $field => $sort_order) { $query->orderBy($field, $sort_order); } } return $query; } /** * Is this folder accumulates conversations via conversation_folder table. */ public function isIndirect() { return in_array($this->type, self::$indirect_types); } public function updateCounters() { if (\Eventy::filter('folder.update_counters', false, $this)) { return; } if ($this->type == self::TYPE_MINE && $this->user_id) { $this->active_count = Conversation::where('user_id', $this->user_id) ->where('mailbox_id', $this->mailbox_id) ->where('status', Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE) ->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->count(); $this->total_count = Conversation::where('user_id', $this->user_id) ->where('mailbox_id', $this->mailbox_id) ->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->count(); } elseif ($this->type == self::TYPE_STARRED) { $this->active_count = count(Conversation::getUserStarredConversationIds($this->mailbox_id, $this->user_id)); $this->total_count = $this->active_count; } elseif ($this->type == self::TYPE_DELETED) { $this->active_count = $this->conversations()->where('state', Conversation::STATE_DELETED) ->count(); $this->total_count = $this->active_count; } elseif ($this->isIndirect()) { // Conversation are connected to folder via conversation_folder table. // Drafts. $this->active_count = ConversationFolder::where('conversation_folder.folder_id', $this->id) ->join('conversations', 'conversations.id', '=', 'conversation_folder.conversation_id') //->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->count(); $this->total_count = $this->active_count; } else { $this->active_count = $this->conversations() ->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->where('status', Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE) ->count(); $this->total_count = $this->conversations() ->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->count(); } $this->save(); } /** * Get count to display in folders list. * * @param array $folders [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public function getCount($folders = []) { $counter = \Eventy::filter('folder.counter', self::COUNTER_ACTIVE, $this, $folders); $count = \Eventy::filter('folder.count', false, $this, $counter, $folders); if ($count !== false) { return $count; } if ($counter == self::COUNTER_TOTAL || $this->type == self::TYPE_STARRED || $this->type == self::TYPE_DRAFTS) { return $this->total_count; } else { return $this->getActiveCount($folders); } } /** * Get calculated number of active conversations. */ public function getActiveCount($folders = []) { $active_count = $this->active_count; if ($this->type == self::TYPE_ASSIGNED) { if ($folders) { $mine_folder = $folders->firstWhere('type', self::TYPE_MINE); } else { $mine_folder = $this->mailbox->folders()->where('type', self::TYPE_MINE)->first(); } if ($mine_folder) { $active_count = $active_count - $mine_folder->active_count; if ($active_count < 0) { $active_count = 0; } } } return $active_count; } /** * Query for waiting since. */ public function getWaitingSinceQuery() { $query = null; if ($this->type == self::TYPE_MINE) { // Assigned to user. $query = Conversation::where('user_id', $this->user_id) ->where('mailbox_id', $this->mailbox_id); } elseif ($this->isIndirect()) { // Via intermediate table. $query = Conversation::join('conversation_folder', 'conversations.id', '=', 'conversation_folder.conversation_id') ->where('conversation_folder.folder_id', $this->id); } else { // All other conversations. $query = $this->conversations(); } return \Eventy::filter('folder.waiting_since_query', $query, $this); } /** * Works for main folder only for now. * * @return [type] [description] */ public function getWaitingSince() { // Get oldest active conversation. $conversation = $this->getWaitingSinceQuery() ->where('state', Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED) ->where('status', Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE) ->orderBy($this->getWaitingSinceField(), 'asc') ->first(); if ($conversation) { return $conversation->getWaitingSince($this); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get conversation field used to detect waiting since time. * * @return [type] [description] */ public function getWaitingSinceField() { if ($this->type == \App\Folder::TYPE_CLOSED) { return 'closed_at'; } elseif ($this->type == \App\Folder::TYPE_DRAFTS) { return 'updated_at'; } elseif ($this->type == \App\Folder::TYPE_DELETED) { return 'user_updated_at'; } else { return'last_reply_at'; } } }