"; echo "Back"; die(); } if($hpi !== $hp) { echo "We have detected that you may be using automated methods to shorten links.
We offer a free API, please do not use our shorten page as an API.
If you are getting this message, but you are not a bot, please email support@polr.cf
Thanks."; die(); } $userinfo = $polrauth->islogged(); if(!is_array($userinfo)) { $il = false; } else { $il = true; } $urlr = $mysqli->real_escape_string($urlr); //Other URL Shorteners List Array $isshort = array('polr.cf','bit.ly','is.gd','tiny.cc','adf.ly','ur1.ca','goo.gl','ow.ly','j.mp','t.co'); foreach ($isshort as $url_shorteners) { if(strstr($urlr, $protocol.$url_shorteners)) { echo "You entered an already shortened URL.
"; echo "Back"; die(); } } $query1 = "SELECT rid FROM redirinfo WHERE rurl='{$urlr}' AND iscustom='no'"; $result = $mysqli->query($query1); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $existing = $row['rid']; $decodescript = ""; $ip = $mysqli->real_escape_string($ip); $customurl = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['custom']); if($customurl == "") { $iscustom = "no"; } //check custom url $not_allowed_custom = array('.'); if($customurl!="") { if(!ctype_alnum($customurl)) { echo "Symbols or spaces are not allowed in a customized URL - alphanumeric only. Try again"; die(); } if(strlen($customurl)>20) { echo "The maximum length for a custom url is 20 letters. Try again"; die(); } } if(!$existing || $customurl!="") { $query1 = "SELECT MAX(rid) AS rid FROM redirinfo;"; $result = $mysqli->query($query1); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $ridr = $row['rid']; $baseval = base_convert($ridr+1,10,36); if($customurl!="") { $baseval = $customurl; $iscustom = "yes"; $query = "SELECT rid FROM redirinfo WHERE baseval='{$customurl}'"; //check if baseval used already $result = $mysqli->query($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $custom_existing = $row['rid']; if($custom_existing) { echo "The custom shorturl ending you specified is already in use. Try again"; die(); } } $query2 = "INSERT INTO redirinfo (baseval,rurl,ip,user,iscustom,country) VALUES ('{$baseval}','{$urlr}','{$ip}','{$userinfo['username']}','{$iscustom}','{$country_code}');"; $result2r = $mysqli->query($query2) or showerror(); $basewsa = base64_encode($wsa); $basebv =base64_encode($baseval); echo ""; echo $decodescript; echo "
URL: "; } else { $query1 = "SELECT baseval FROM redirinfo WHERE rurl='{$urlr}' AND iscustom='no'"; $result = $mysqli->query($query1); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $baseval = $row['baseval']; $basebv = base64_encode($baseval); $basewsa = base64_encode($wsa); echo ""; echo $decodescript; echo "URL:"; } echo '
Shorten Another Link
'; require_once('footer.php');