APP_ENV=production # Set to true if debugging APP_DEBUG=false # 32-character key (e.g 3EWBLwxTfh%*f&xRBqdGEIUVvn4%$Hfi) APP_KEY=a5bd6a61b1327670bedd712a358d9c2b # Your app's name (shown on interface) APP_NAME=Polr CI # Protocol to access your app. e.g https:// APP_PROTOCOL=http:// # Your app's external address (e.g # Your app's bootstrap stylesheet # e.g APP_STYLESHEET=// # Set to today's date (e.g November 3, 2015) POLR_GENERATED_AT=Travis CI # Set to true after running setup script # e.g true POLR_SETUP_RAN=true DB_CONNECTION=mysql # Set to your DB host (e.g localhost) DB_HOST=localhost # DB port (e.g 3306) DB_PORT=3306 # Set to your DB name (e.g polr) DB_DATABASE=polrci # DB credentials # e.g root DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= # Polr Settings SETTING_PUBLIC_INTERFACE=true # Set to true to allow signups, false to disable (e.g true/false) POLR_ALLOW_ACCT_CREATION= # Set to true to require activation by email (e.g true/false) POLR_ACCT_ACTIVATION= SETTING_SHORTEN_PERMISSION=false SETTING_INDEX_REDIRECT= SETTING_PASSWORD_RECOV=false APP_LOCALE=en APP_FALLBACK_LOCALE=en CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file QUEUE_DRIVER=database # Do not touch POLR_RELDATE=February 14, 2016 POLR_VERSION=Travis CI POLR_BASE=32 POLR_SECRET_BYTES=2