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2022-03-27 20:51:43 +02:00
<title>Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Who, Is, Satan, To, Jews, Know Satan, Truth Satan, Truth About Satan, Facts, Lucifer, Know Lucifer, Rabbis, Rabbi, Fact, Kabbalah, Exposed, Truth, Lies, Facts, Knowledge, Occult, Spiritual, Magic, See, What Is It, Judaism, False, Lies, Christians, Christ, End Days, Revelation, Pagan, Paganism, Solomon, Magick, Solomon's Books">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles</center></font>
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<p><br /><br /><br />The Jews openly state Satan is the Father of the Gentiles and that our cultures are from Satan and that the Gentiles are to be destroyed, totally. The soul and blood are one the soul is the etheric DNA. <br /><br />As show here Satan is the original Sanskrit [the oldest language on earths] name of God:<br /><a class="postlink-local" href="../">viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=182</a><br /><br /><br />The Sumerian's called ENKI, SATAN as well. This is why the Yezidhi's who were part of this civilization still call their God, SATAN. The Yezidhi's still practice rituals found on ancient Assyrian reliefs. The Yezidhi's also state they came out of India around three thousand years ago. And they still call the Sun, Shammash, the Sumerian, Babylonia name of the Sun God. Their calendar is seven thousand years old much older then the Jewish one. This proves again SATAN predates Judaism by thousands of years as God.<br /><br /><br /><br />When the Jews state in their writings that Amalek is to be blotted out and destroyed they are referring literally to Satan. But also to the Gentiles who came from Satan's bloodline as the Jews state in their Torah. The Goyim are from the seedline of Satan. Where the Jews are from Yahweh. The Jews wish to exterminate the Gentiles to usher in the Jewish Messianic age. In which only the Jews will inherit the earth.<br /><br />Note they call Satan "The strange God".<br /><br />From a site on jewish Kabala. Goyim means with strange Gods, meaning our Gods, the Demons. In the Zohar, Satan is called the strange God, the Serpent, Samal [Devil-Satan] who is the Father Of the Gentiles.. Its Samal the Jews place in the garden of Edin whom they say Cain is the descendent of the serpent seed line the Goyim came from. Where the Jews came from Eve via Adam who is Yahweh's creation only and thus have a special blood line the Goyim don't. We have Satanic genes and soul.<br /><br />Simple Gematria of L'Goyim = (40) +(10) +(6) + (3) +(30) = 89<br /><br />On the other hand, we can compute the "complex" Gematria of a word by summing the numeric values of the spelling of each letter of the word. For example, in the case of l'goyim, although its simple Gematria is 89, it's complex Gematria would be computed from the individual Gematriot of its five component letters as follows:<br /><br /> = (30) +(40) (4) = 74<br /> = (3) + (40) + (30) = 73<br /> = (6) + (6) = 12<br /> = (10) + (6) + (4) = 20<br /> = (40) + (40) = 80<br /><br />Complex Gematria = 259<br /><br /><br />And this complex Gematria of 259 connects the word l'goyim (the Gentiles) to the word b'zarim ("with strange gods", also with a Gematria of 259), "<br /><br /><br /><br />Our Gods are "Strange" to the Jews because the Jews are alien souls and alien to this world as Rav Laitman has stated.<br /><br />"Samael in the Zohar is associated with Amalek, the god of the physical world. The text describes Samael as Amalek's occult name.... Also equates him with Satan."<br /><br /><br /><img class="postimage" src="" alt="Image" /><br /><br /><br />Samel is a Sanskrit word and means SAM [soul] AL [God] The God of the Soul. The Jews acknowledge that Satan is the Father of our souls as well. The Sumerian's stated Satan [The Sumerians called EA, Satan] breathed the breath of life into the Gentiles as their creator. Hence why they openly call us Satanic Souls. However this also means in Kabala the Jews wish to destroy the Gentiles on the soul level as well. Which is what the Torah is created to accomplish with the god form the Rabbi's created with it. The Torah as the Jews state is their god. And its full of curses on the Gentile soul from Genesis and on. This is why the Torah tells the Jews to destroy the Gentiles and their cultures. And the symbol of the Jewish god which the Jews called Leviathan is the Yod letter which the whole Hebrew alphabet comes from. Which is 22 lette
By High Priest Mageson666
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