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2022-03-27 20:51:43 +02:00
<title>Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Kabbalah, Kabala, Secret, Societies, Exposed, Truth, Facts, Know, Illuminati, Freemasons, Masonry, Join, Know, Kosher, Talmud, Torah, Bible, Verses, Know Satan, Truth Satan, Truth About Satan, Facts, Lucifer, Know Lucifer, Rabbis, Rabbi, Fact, Kabbalah, Exposed, Truth, Lies, Facts, Knowledge, Occult, Spiritual, Magic, See, What Is It, Judaism, False, Lies, Christians, Christ, End Days, Revelation, Pagan, Paganism, Philosophy, Story, Mystery, Power, Globalism, Globalist Jews, Zionism, Zion, World Power, Hitler">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry</center></font>
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<p>Many people hate the Illuminati and the Freemasons, Rosicrucian Order and Anthroposophists. Some people like Pike have touched on the pre-jewish-infestation meanings of these orders, but these have had well collapsed by the 1700's or so, therefore what they found is only shadows mixed in the greater jewish filth produced later on. <br /><br />It's very true, Hitler did so as well, attack these orders and destroyed almost all of them. And annihilated them from Germany. One gets a better explanation about what these occult orders do when they study their manuscripts. <br /><br />One example is Jah-Bul-On, which is used by the Masonic Lodges. JAH is YAH from the Psalms in the bible. Bul, they say it has to do with Baal, which simply means "King" in Semitic languages. As such both Gentiles and jews have brawled over the term. ON simply means living entity. The whole name means Yahweh is the king of the living. Which is stating the obvious. As it was found in the 18th century, this name relates to the YHWH directly. <br /><br />Freemasonry is just a political frontier of Judaism. That is active in Goyim lands. That's what Freemasonry is. On the basic levels it keeps some idiots to act as cannon fodder and defense to it's higher objectives. The work of the Freemason is to deliver the country in the hands of the jews. As part of the greater (((Messianic Plan))). <br /><br />By Hitler's time, all the above organizations were doing simply, rituals to honor Jehova, potentially human sacrifices, and guess what they have had in every Lodge...A Torah. From which they read curses and blessings for their Masonic order, by the eulogies of the jewish egregores, to do what they always did best, keep the countries under jewish rule. Masons actually believe in themselves as appointed leaders of the Jewish God. And openly promote it's interests in the Gentile lands. One enters Freemasonry and the Illuminati knowing full well, that they will be serving the jews, or in rare cases, learning about it a bit later.<br /><br />Forces Occultes is a film that was created in 1943 and was heavily associated with "Nazi Conspiracy Rhetoric". As it was created in France. It's truly educational for the Jewish Masonic Orders and how they operate. It also shows the corruption of a good man by Freemasonry and how he found himself trapped as a politician from the Juden. The people who made this film were all assassinated, by the way.<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href=""></a><br /><br />In the manuscripts of all the orders. You clearly have the Torah, rituals to Jesus Christ as the "Superior God", rituals to attack and subvert Demons, full blown glorifying rituals and meditations related to Jehova and to other bizarre alterations of it's name (In the bible there are tens upon tens of such, one more doesn't mean anything really). The meditators practice the jewish Qlippothic Tree, they read the Torah, and they follow passages in the same way the jews read it. <br /><br />In the case of the so called "ANTHROPOSOPHY", many people complain on why Hitler persecuted and shut their little jewish shop down. They were practicing the jewish Qlippothic tree and many other jewish meditations. Because they were jews. And praising the same egregores as the above categories did. All of these little mushrooms are part of the same cancerous network. <br /><br />Anthroposophy which was made by the Rudolf Steiner, with whom Hitler had a severe hatred for playing the wanna be occultist in the midst of Germany... Praises the following jewish egregores: Anael, Gabriel, Michael, Oriphiel, Raphael, Samael, and Zerachiel. He simply praises the jewish egregores.<br /><br />What Hitler writes in 1921 about Steiner (Founder of Ariosophy):<br /><br />"It is possible that Simons can actually value it better; the man appears to have exactly valued the capacity for work of the German people. In the course of the London affair there now rises to the surface, by degree, such mysterious accompanying circu
<p>-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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