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2022-03-27 20:51:43 +02:00
<title>Exposing Kabbalah</title>
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Exposed Secret Facts about Judaism, The Talmud and The Kabbalah>
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Kabbalah, Kabala, Cabala, Qabbala, Qabbalah, Satan, Lucifer, Luciferianism, Satanism, Judaism, Magic, Magick, Occult, Occultism, Hidden, Secret, Societies, Exposed, Truth, Facts, Know, Illuminati, Freemasons, Masonry, Join, Know, Kosher, Talmud, Torah, Bible, Verses, ">
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<img src="Logo.jpg" width="40%" height="55%"/><I> </I><BR><br><p>Welcome to<p> <A HREF="Updates.html"> Most Recent Topic Updates 10 July 2019</a><p>
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<BR><p><BR><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1><tr><td WIDTH=40% valign=top><font size="4">
<br><A HREF="OneGod.html">"The One God" - A Perverted and Stolen Concept, Corrupted by Jews</a>
<br><br><A HREF="Lucifer.html">Lucifer and the Philosophy Behind Satan/Lucifer</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="../">The Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="SatanShiva.html">Rabbis Admit: Satan is Shiva</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="JewWorldOrder.html">Jews Use Occult Power to Create Jew World Order</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="GreekKabbalah.html">Ancient Greek Knowledge Stolen By Jewish Kabbalah</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="ExposedSecretsOfTheKabbalah.html">Exposed: Secrets of the Kabbalah</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="Qlippoth.html">Jews Lying About Pagan Gods: "The Qlippoth" or "Husks", the Pagan Gods</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="KabbalahJHVH.html">The Kabbalah - The Truth Of "YHVH" - The Jewish God</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="KabbalahThoth.html">Kabbalah Is Stolen From Pagan God Thoth</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="UglyTruth.html">The Disgusting Truth Ritual Murder Is The Core Of Judaism And Christianity</A>
<BR><BR><A HREF="HitlerFreemasonry.html">Why Hitler Destroyed "Freemasonry"</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="AngelStolen.html">Where "Angel" Was Stolen From</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="Cube.html">On the Kabbalistic Cube:<BR> The Cube Exposed</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="ProtocolsOfZion.html">The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Are REAL</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="WhoIsSatanToJews.html">Who is Satan To The Jews</A>
<BR><BR><A HREF="BorgWorld.html">Borg World The Age Of The Jewish Messiah</A>
<br><BR><a href="Curse.html">Jews Admit:<BR>They have cursed spiritually the Non-Jews/Gentiles</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="Revelation666.html">Book of Revelation and the 666 Explained - A Jewish Subliminal</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="Decoded666.html">The Kabbalah and Stolen 666 Decoded</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Messiah.html">The End Days and the "Messiah"</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Hannukah.html">Hannukah Exposed</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Passover.html">Passover Exposed</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Purim.html">Purim Exposed</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Jews_Curse_Gentiles.html">Jews Admit They Have Cursed Gentiles</a>
<BR><BR><a href="God_Control.html">Kabbalistic God Control</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Christ_Spell.html">Christ Is A Kabbalistic Spell</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Ark_Covenant.html">Ark Of Covenant Exposed</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Shema_Prayer.html">Shema Prayer A Death Curse To Gentiles</a>
<BR><BR><a href="JHVH_Kabbalah.html">JHVH and Kabbalah Exposed</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Jesus_Kabbalah.html">Christ Is A Kabbalistic Jewish Death Curse</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Jews_Curse_Blacks.html">The Jews Have Cursed Black People</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="ScapeKarma.html">Jews Scape Goating Their Karma</a>
<BR><BR><a href="Jews_Curse_Everyone.html">The Jews Have Cursed All People To Death</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="ManaStolen.html">Mana of the Heavens - STOLEN from Pagans</A>
<BR><BR><A HREF="HandOfGod.html">Hand of "God" - STOLEN from Pagans</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="BookOfLife.html">The Jewish Book Of Life</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="6Star.html">The Stolen 6 Pointed Star</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="EastScam.html">More Stolen From The East: "God" Created Scam</a>
<br><BR><a href="ShekinahKabbalah.html">Shekinah And the Kabbalah</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="SatanGodOfGentiles.html">Rabbis Admit Satan is God of the Gentiles</a>
<br><BR><A HREF="SatanVictorious.html">Satan Is Victorious!</a>
<BR><BR><A HREF="KnowingJews.html">Knowing the Jews From their OWN writings and quotes</A>
<br><BR><a href="Torah_and_the_Jews_Exposed.pdf">Torah and The Jews Exposed - FULL BOOK</a>
<td valign=top><P>The Kabbalah is the pinnacle of the jewish faith, it's innermost knowledge which is the foundation of all Judaism. As with all jewish "culture", there is nothing original in it. All the elements in the Jewish "Culture" are stolen and incorporated from pre-existing Pagan religions all over the world. Judaism is not only filled with stolen concepts and perversions of spiritual truths, but also, it is created in a way to help the jews further their objectives against this world by the use of occult means, against non-jews.
<P> As much as we would like this was not the case, this is the case, and many vocal and highly important Rabbis across the planet admit to this very fact without a shed of conscience or guilt. There are some Rabbis (top leaders of the jewish people) who also talk openly of the genocide of the non-jews being part of a jewish divine plan. Therefore this website is created to awaken people in regards to these facts, which surround us but we rarely hear about.
<P>Jews are a race, and not simply a 'religion' as it's foolishly claimed. "You can draw a picture of a Jew, but you can't draw a picture of a Catholic or a Protestant."
<P>Going one step further into the depths of jewish knowledge and thought, one also finds other truths, such as that the jews are not only non-human, but that they are the offspring of an alien race. These are not the beliefs of their 'accusers' either- these beliefs come directly from the words and innermost beliefs of the jews. A fact admitted by jews themselves, the jews are an alien race of people, as thus their alien and worldwide hateful behavior, and they have a plan to dominate this world and enslave it's inhabitants which they call by the word Goyim (Meaning Cattle in Hebrew). While these truths may be too resounding to some 'normal' people, these are the internal beliefs of Judaism, and this website, not only exposes the "Kabbalah", but will also expose this very reality in full.
<P>Contrary to the beliefs of many people, the jews use occult methods that they have stolen from prior Pagan civilizations and appropriated, later on calling it 'jewish culture'. These spiritual powers not only exist, but they help shape the fabric of this world. For this reason, those of us who fight them mentally and spiritually, did create this website for people to get enlightened and understand the importance of understanding where this centuries-old jewish plot is going.
<b style="padding-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block;">A War From Another Galaxy<br>A Documentary by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666</b>
<video width="560" height="315" src="a_war_from_another_galaxy.mp4" controls>
<a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="a_war_from_another_galaxy.mp4">Download MP4</a>
<P>The jews can be brought to justice by the being whom they call "The Accuser" "The Enemy", which are the Hebrew translations and meanings of the word "Satan". While Satan means negative things to jews, it means nothing but positive things in the ancient language of Sanskrit, predating jews, judaism, and the perception of the "Demons" being evil" by thousands of years. Demon is the ancient name of the Gods of the Pagan people (the Heathens according to the bible and the idolaters).
<p>Jewish Kabbalah is the root of all jewish lies and machinations not only against Humanity but against the creator of Humanity, Satan Himself. The Kabbalah is actually the core of the spiritual warfare of the jews against their old nemesis, Satan, and the Pagan Gods.
<p>We proudly expose the genocidal secrets of the jewish Kabbalah, in accordance to Satan's words: "ISRAEL WILL GET WHAT SHE DESERVES", on the topic of the destruction of Israel and the so called "Jewish people".
<p> -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 </p>