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2022-03-27 20:51:43 +02:00
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>God and the Devil are Backwards!!</TITLE>
<META name=AUTHOR content="Joy of Satan Ministries">
content="Proof of the systematic destruction of ancient relics, documents and artifacts to keep the lie of Christianity going. How the war in Iraq is used to destroy our ancient past where there is *proof* the one known as the "
history.? known of all in conspiracy biggest the proportions, catastrophic a is
Christianity humanity. created ?God? Christian Judeo NOT Devil?>
content="Devil, Satan, God, conspiracy, Christianity, Christian, Iraq, Ea, Enki, Creation, Creator, Catholic Church, Bible, Genesis, Iraqi Museum, Satanism">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5></center></font>
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<CENTER><FONT size=5 face=Verdana,Arial>
<CENTER><A href="Destroying_Our_Past.html"><IMG border=0 src="CONSPIRACY.gif"></A>
<P>How many more people will have to be slaughtered?
<P>How many more countries and cities will have to be destroyed?
<P>How much more of our ancient past will we lose in order to keep the LIE of
Christianity going?
<P>Throughout the ages after the manifestation of Judaism and Christianity,
every attempt has been made from <BR>mass murder to the destruction and razing
of entire cities, the burning of ancient libraries and centers of learning and
the genocide of entire peoples in attempts to force a horrendous lie and to
destroy the truth.
<P><B>The one known as The "Devil" *not* the Judeo/Christian "God" was the
Creator of Humanity! </B>
<P>Click on the image above for the proof! </P></CENTER></FONT></CENTER></BODY></HTML>