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&nbsp; <span class="auto-style12"><span class="auto-style1">
<strong class="auto-style3"><em class="auto-style17">The Significance of African Dance</em></strong></span></span></p>
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<img alt="" src="images/dancehoyes.png" style="width: 227px; height: 300px; display: block;" /></h1>
<h1 class="auto-style12">
<span class="auto-style2" style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">
Music, dance and storytelling were the means in which our ancestors
preserved their history. The blacks race's <br />
history was based in oral
traditions and the keepers of these traditions were griots and bards.</span><span class="auto-style3"><br class="auto-style4" clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" />
<h1 class="auto-style13">Traditional African dance is correspondent to
<h1 class="auto-style5">
<a data-saferedirecturl="../" href="../" target="_blank">
<span class="auto-style14">More about Yoga</span></a></h1>
<p class="auto-style5">&nbsp;</p>
<span class="auto-style12">
<h1 class="auto-style5">
<span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">All the gentile
races had their own form of this practice though it was not called Yoga.
The Asians such as the <br />
Chinese have utilized Qigong, Tai chi and related
practices, the Aryans and East Asians performed what we generally
as Yoga and the Blacks specifically identified with dance.</span></h1>
<h1 class="auto-style5">
<span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">Dancing and
body movement were performed by all the gentile races in some way or
form.&nbsp;All of these emphasized
total body awareness, union within the
mind body and soul, developing physical strength and capability as well
as <br />
achieving a spiritual state of being.</span></h1>
<p class="auto-style5">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style5"><span style="line-height: 1.22em;">Traditional
African dance is powerful and physical and depends on coordination and
synchronization within body. Its utilizes the concepts of polyrhythms in
which the shoulders, chests, pelvis, arms and legs may move with
different rhythms in the music, and total body articulation and
isolation of parts of the body.</span></p>
<p class="auto-style5"><span style="line-height: 1.22em;">The
traditional movements also include, depending on the dance, hip and
rhythmic gyrations of the back and lower spine,movement of the hips to
open up the hip centers, body shaking, movements of the cranial with
knees bent (as seen in many asian spiritual practices such as Qigong)
and foot stomping.&nbsp;<br clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" />
<p class="auto-style5"><span style="line-height: 1.22em;">
<span class="auto-style12">With further
observation of the dances, I have seen many similarities between yoga
and the traditional dances such as use of mudras, rolling of the neck,
the cobra pose, spinal twists, the warrior pose and other yogic
positions but this is performed while maintaining constant movement of
the body. The movements range from simple and regal to complex and fast.
This takes control and connection.&nbsp;</span></span><span class="auto-style12"></p>
<p class="auto-style5"><span style="line-height: 1.22em;">
<br clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" />
<p class="auto-style13"><span style="line-height: 1.22em;">One wonderful
example of this is the African dance called the Yanvalou. It originated
in West Africa and was brought over to Haiti during the Trans-Atlantic
african slave trade along with many other traditional and african pagan
religion.&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">The
Voodoo based practices today in Haiti and in some parts of the Americas
was derived from the official Vodun religion based on the wisdom of the
Serpent, in Africa.</span></p>
<p class="auto-style13">
<a href="voodoo.html">
<span class="auto-style14">Voodoo</span></a></p>
<p class="auto-style13">
<p class="auto-style13">
The Yanvalou is
a Vodun dance that invokes and calls upon the all important
serpent/snake deity called Damballah who brings upon wisdom and purity.
Damballa is another name for the kundalini serpent.<br clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" />
<p class="auto-style13">
Yanvalou dance
is said to be one of the most important of the Vodun based dances and is
usually performed before ritual. The dance consists of spinal twists and
manipulations, Contractions of the solar plexus, undulations of the back
from the base of the spine upwards while knees slightly bent and
releasing of the chest. This mimics the movements of the serpent or the<span>&nbsp;</span>
waves of the sea.&nbsp;<br clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" />
<p class="auto-style13">
The Yanvalou is
performed at a slower tempo so that trance can be obtained. Dancers
allow their body to relax while working at the same time and expand the
breath movement throughout the entire body on a vertical axis. With
Yanvalou and other derived dances such as zepol, banda gede, mayi and
parigol, I note that many of these dances in tribute to "Damballah" put
emphasis on the lower spine, hip and sacral area while also grinding,
contracting and moving the pelvic area to stimulate the sexual energy.</p>
<p class="auto-style13">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style13">In speaking of the kundalini and of spiritual
energy being invoked through movement, In Nigeria during Yoruba
ceremonies, many describe their progress of their shamanistic dancing
culminates in a surge of heat rising from the base of the spine.&nbsp;</p>
<span class="auto-style12">
<p class="auto-style5">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style5">
<span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">The Kalahari
Bushmen in Namibia, also speak of vital spiritual energy which they call
N'um. They call it the vital energy residing at the base of the spine
and bursts out of the crown of the head. They are said to enter a trance
and then 'heat' and stir the energy up through dancing and they channel
it for their shamanic healing rituals.</span></span></p>
<p class="auto-style13">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style13">
In Africa, the
drum has a spiritual significance as well. It aids in ritual and
dancing.&nbsp;Dance and music along with the rhythm of the drum are
inseparable expressions. The beating of the drums facilitate awareness
and helps to induce trance. As the vibrations of the drums permeate the
body, altered states are achieved. The music and dance work to entrain
the body and entrance the mind into a personalized and vibrationally
conscious state.</p>
<p class="auto-style13">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style11"><span class="auto-style12">R</span><span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;" class="auto-style12">esearch
has even demonstrated that energetic rhythms cause the brain to
synchronize and helps to balance the cerebral hemispheres. This makes
much sense in that the africans used this energy to also mimic
primordial energy and go along in tapping into their own divine
energies. One Vodun practitioner calls the drum playing as 'beating the
spirits into the head'.</span></p>
<p class="auto-style13">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="auto-style5">
<span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">
<span class="auto-style12">In my
experience in african dance, namely the Yanvalou, It keeps my spine
supple and flexible and my body worked out. I like to practice this
before my meditations. It is a specific dance with which I equate with a
different form of kundalini yoga. I also find that I get an energy buzz
after the dancing and so it is an enjoyable way for me to begin my other
practices. I love african dancing as it is very fun, freeing and groovy!</span><br clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em;" class="auto-style12" />
<br class="auto-style12" clear="none" style="line-height: 1.22em; font-size: large; " />
<p class="auto-style5">&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;"><span class="auto-style12" style="font-size: large; ">Movement is life.</span></span></p>
<p class="auto-style5">&nbsp;</p>
<p><span class="auto-style12"></p>
<p class="auto-style22">Sources:</p>
<span class="auto-style12">
<p class="auto-style23">Daniel,
Yvonne "Dancing Wisdom" 2005</p>
<p class="auto-style23">Bynum,
Edward "The African Unconsciousness" 2012</p>
<p></span><span style="line-height: 1.22em; word-spacing: normal;">
<span class="auto-style20">Welsh-Ashanti "African Dance" 2004</span></span></p>
<p class="auto-style20">*photo by Bernard Hoyes</p>
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