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Traditional African Religion and Satanism</p>
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<span id="yiv4342142997yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1485362066535_19824">The
serpent has been worshiped in Africa since the beginning. In most of
the beliefs and practices of Africa, it is the highest form of
cosmic power, next to the Sun. The serpent is also analogous to
bliss, wisdom, benevolence and regeneration. &nbsp;It is a primordial
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<span id="yiv4342142997yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1485362066535_37976">Many
of the traditional beliefs in Africa are left overs of the
traditional pagan religion of our ancestors which are branches and
sects of spiritual satanism. These traditions are thousands of years
old but have watered down and have become small fragments of the the
grand satanic way which all cultures practiced. Our ancestors knew
of the importance of spiritual advancement and were well on the way
until the coming of Christianity and other enemy programs.</span></div>
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<span id="yiv4342142997yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1485362066535_23911">In
many traditional African beliefs, you have the stories of the
rainbow serpent heaven, underworld snakes and water, serpent gods
and guides and old python cults. There is also emphasis on metal
working and smithery, ancestor and spirit veneration and gaining
spiritual awareness and ascension through the gods, which are the
chakras and our old gods.<br />
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The Mande people in West Africa had knowledge of transforming the
soul through working with the "metals"(chakras) of the earth and
were skilled magicians.<br />
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In some of the traditional African beliefs, Satan and the gods are
blatantly referenced. In East Africa, the Maasai people still
worship and follow a being called "Enkai", this being was said to
have given the Maasai people the knowledge to farm and encouraged
peace,&nbsp; represented fertility and the Sun. <br />
<br />
Father Satan's name is "Enki".&nbsp; It is clear that the African
god Enkai and Enki are
the same being. "Enkai" means "One in the Sky" and "the most supreme
and unique".</span></div>
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In the Vodun/Voodoo religion, there are serpent temples and
ceremonies which use real snakes to symbolize the rebirth of the
soul and the initiation into priesthood. In Vodun, Legba is an
aspect of Father Satan. </div>
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In the Serer religion, the primary symbol of the divine and the
ancestors who have ascended are two coiled serpents. Similar to the
caduceus symbol. They are called Fan Qool/Pangool.<br clear="none" />
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The rainbow serpent, common in many parts of Africa, is another
meaning for the kundalini serpent and the chakras. As the serpent
moves towards heaven (crown chakra) he carries the thunder god on
his back. This is the life force and energy from the serpent. Snakes
and water are a common theme in many traditional African religions.
The Water is the life force and shakti energy. The feminine
principle.<br clear="none" />
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At the end of it all, this is why we are here. We need to renew our
ancestors traditions and fulfill our destiny- to finish what was
started. Satan and the Daemon gods are the way.<br />
<br />
<br />
Hail Satan!</div>
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