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<strong><span class="auto-style2">The
Ancient Egyptians</span></strong></p>
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<p>It's time for us to finally visit the subject of the Egyptians. This
is a hot topic for sure as both Black people and White people are
putting forth claims- Blacks saying that Egypt was an all black
civilization and Whites saying that it wasn't, etc. I want to say that it
is normal for people to want to feel good about themselves or feel
uplifted by the accomplishments of their ancestors and blood, etc.&nbsp; This
is all normal. </p>
<p class="auto-style6">The case is, Africa has always been a
multi-racial and diverse continent. Whether home to Blacks, Black
sub-groups, Whites and Eurasians, Arabs, Asiatics and those in between.
<p class="auto-style6">&nbsp;<span class="auto-style7">Ancient Egypt is
several thousand years old and I do mean several. We're talking more
than 30,000. The pyramids have been found to be 40,000 or more years old
and they seem to predate the ancient&nbsp;Egyptian&nbsp;civilization. It is
obvious that the&nbsp;extraterrestrial gods helped to build the pyramids.
Scientists today still cannot quite figure out how it was&nbsp;built...
<p>Given that information, why is it not taken into huge consideration
that there were more than once race inhabiting Egypt
at&nbsp;different&nbsp;periods of time? Also, why&nbsp;aren't Black people looking into
the fact that the Egyptian culture is seen in other places in Africa...?
<p>Of course the Black race was in Egypt at some point thousands of
years after it was settled.&nbsp;Many of the Black race were trained and
taught the Egyptian knowledge and took it with them as they migrated.
This is seen with the Black Yorubas, the Bantu and the&nbsp;Dogon. The
Egyptian priesthood of the ancient&nbsp;Egyptians and the Dogon shows they
came from the same place. However there is no disputing that the
Pre-Dynastic mummies that were found were white.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
<p>All the races that lived in Africa, Egypt included, were given the
same knowledge and culture. It came from the same source. The Gods
interacted with the Gentile races in Egypt, which was the center of the
Egyptian culture and knowledge. </p>
<p>&nbsp;<a href="egyptian_black.html"><span class="auto-style5">The
Egyptian Gods and the Black Race </span></a></p>
<p>A quote from a clergy member that further expands on what&nbsp; was
mentioned: </p>
<p>"With Ancient Egypt its known the Egyptian records that Egypt was
settled by the Shemsu Hor, the White People who came out of the east.
The pre dynastic tombs are of White Peoples. The Dynastic period was the
last part of their history. The very ancient ethnic Egyptians the
Coptic's are mainly White like the Kurds and others.&nbsp;The pre dynastic
Egyptian tombs showed they were white.</p>
<p>&nbsp;It was an ancient tradition to show men with red skin and women
as white. The Greeks did the same. At some point a lot of race mixing
took over. Despite the Egyptians attempt to stop it. Today you can see
all kinds of people in Egypt. Native Whites from the Coptic's who are
from the ancient world as a community, mixed race people,&nbsp;Blacks&nbsp;and
on." The last Pharaoh was Nubian but that was the end point of Egyptian
civilization. He reigned for a few years then the Assyrians invaded. And
took half of Egypt, then came the Persian's not too long later, then the
Greeks, Roman's and Arabs" </p>
<p>The amount of information circulating around on the Ancient Egyptians
is vast. Im not going to go over every bit of information just to try to
prove or dismiss something as complex as this topic, even though
evidence shows that Ancient Egypt was not an all Black civilization from
the beginning. The fact is Black people are connected to Ancient Egypt,
in the form of our Egypyian Daemon gods, their culture and the sacred
knowledge they preserved and that's enough for me. </p>
<p>&nbsp;<em><a href="understanding_black_identity.html"><span class="auto-style4"><strong>Back
to Black Identity</strong></span></a></em></p>
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