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&nbsp;<span class="auto-style2">Are White People Evil?&nbsp;</span></p>
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<div style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;">
<span class="auto-style1">It is easy to understand that the
entire world, especially the Black race, would think that the
White race are the ones responsible for all of Humanity's
problems such as the condition Africa is in today, slavery,
colonialism, poverty, environmental problems, racism, etc. Of
course one would think this correct since the average person will not
see the differences between the White race and the Jewish race.
<br />
<br />
</span><span class="auto-style10"><span class="auto-style11">The
Jewish people are responsible for all the mentioned problems and
they have blamed it on the White race, that is how the Jews get
away with it. Even most white people don't know the difference
because Jews look similar to them.</span></div>
</span><span class="auto-style1">
<br class="auto-style8" />
<a href="one_true_enemy.html">
<span class="auto-style3">Link to The Jewish race and their
crimes against Humanity</span></a></div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
</span><span class="auto-style9">
<div class="auto-style8">
<br />
In understanding these differences we can see that the White
race, like all the other races that come from Satan, is innocent
and only victims to the parasite called Jews.</div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
<div class="auto-style8">
In observing the White race you will find that they are a fair
and altruistic people, and they are NOT evil like the fucking
Jew tries to trick us all into believing through propaganda and
lies in the media.</div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
<div class="auto-style8">
White people are the ones that are the most heavily involved in
humanitarian issues like the Peace Corp and donating to and
helping out those starving in third world and under-developed
countries (Malcom X noticed this and changed his mind about them
when he witnessed it.)</div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
<div class="auto-style8">
The White race has ended slavery in all their nations (while
slavery still goes on today in non-White nations), they commit
less crime than Blacks and Hispanics (FBI statistics show this),
the White race is the race that donates the most blood to Blood
banks, they are virtually the only race that adopts children of
other races... and of course, they are the ones who are at the
foreground of the liberal progressive movements that call for
equality and freedom for all minorities, and non-Whites, even if
that means foolishly falling into the Jewish plan of Marxism and
bringing about their own replacement and extinction.</div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
<div class="auto-style8">
We know that the Jews are masters of psychology, they have a
psychological profile on all the races. They use our strengths
and weaknesses against us. In the White race's case, their
humanitarianism and altruism is getting them replaced and or
killed off in their own countries. Look at Europe, the White
race is foolishly taking in violent and degenerate Immigrants
just so that they can help these people and stand up against
racism. But now, they are paying for this since these immigrants
are causing crimes, rape and murder...</div>
<br class="auto-style8" />
<div class="auto-style8">
In knowing all that we know about the differences between the
Jewish race and the White race, is it fair for us to label White
people as evil?</div>
<br />
</span><span class="auto-style1">
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<a href="white_race.html">
<span class="auto-style5">Back to The White Race</span></a></div>
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