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<span class="auto-style1">Re-Examining the references and Bible quotes
of the BHI </span><span class="auto-style2">Part 2</span></p>
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We already are aware that the Bible is a book of stolen
material and lies put together by the Jewish menace as a
means to enslave and destroy the gentiles (non-Jews), but as
was said, it is important to understand exactly the material
inside of it to debunk the BHI claim. So many blacks relate
and cling on to this movement and so it is important to
understand the whole ideology.</div>
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According to the Judeo-Christian bible, Israelites were the
descendants of the sons of Jacob and whose name was changed
to Israel in the bible. So, the descendants of Jacob/Israel
were called the children of Israel. Israel is everywhere in
the bible and so any group of people claiming to be the
Israelites are seeking to feel as if they are the chosen
ones. Another example is in British Israelism. They mimic
the BHI in that they believe that europeans are the original
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A few examples they use to somehow prove that the original
Israelites were black. They take the verses from the
bible&nbsp;completely out of context.</div>
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Lamentations chapter 4, verse 8 " Their visage is blacker
than a coal; They are not known in the streets; Their skin
cleaveth to the bones: It is withered, it has become like a
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It is quite obvious that this quote is metaphorical and that
the so called god is mad at the children of Israel and if
they do something bad their face will darken...<br />
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-Lamentations chapter 5, verse 10 "Our skin was black like
an oven because of the terrible famine"</div>
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Speaks for itself...</div>
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-Book of job, Chapter 30, verse 30 "My skin is black upon me
and my bones are burned with heat"</div>
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Again, poetry and metaphor is used. The character Job was in
mourning when God took everything away from him.&nbsp;</div>
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<div id="gmail-yiv9603332822yui_3_16_0_1_1447601909606_16114" dir="ltr">
-Revelation 1:14<br />
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"His head and his hairs were as white like wool, as white as
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That verse is describing the color of his hair and not the
texture of his hair. And if they verse is describing his
skin color, then white would be it, not black.&nbsp;</div>
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-Revelation 1:15</div>
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"And his feet unto like fine brass, as if they burned in a
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Brass that has been melted and burned takes on a fine glow
and definitely not of a dark brown or &nbsp;burnt ash color.</div>
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The BHIs also believe that the character David was black but
in Samuel, chapter 17, verse 42, his was described as such
"for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair
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This clearly means that he had red hair and white skin. From
what I have observed, the BHIs still claim that this quote
describes light skinned blacks.</div>
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Followers of this movement take many quotes out of that lie
of a bible without even understanding all of the other
phrases from that book like that of the curses and damnation
of the gentiles and the rest of humanity.</div>
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Deuteronomy 28:68</div>
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"And the lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships
by the way thereof I spake unto thee, thou shall see it no
more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for
bondmen and bond women, and no man shall buy you"</div>
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This is the verse most used by the black hebrew Israelites
to justify that the original Israelites were black. The BHI
claim that the keywords ships and bondage, and being sold
clearly references the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. <br />
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According to the BHI, America is proven to be Egypt because
on the back of the one dollar bill there is an Egyptian
pyramid. If blacks of the Americas were the true Israelites
and then they would have had to be in America as slaves, and
then go to Israel, commit a sin against the so called god
and then be brought back to America and sold as slaves...
This historically has not happened whatsoever.</div>
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"And there ye shall be sold unto your enemies..."<br />
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This quote also gives way into the belief that whites
enslaved blacks and because of this, whites are the enemies
of the blacks of the Americas when in fact it was the Jewish
psyche that brought about that black holocaust.<br />
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<div id="gmail-yiv9603332822yui_3_16_0_1_1447601909606_16139" class="gmail-yiv9603332822" dir="ltr">
Many American Blacks are so lost and unaware of who they
are, they are fed lies and false pathologies that the Jews
instill unto them and so it is a healing balm to take on any
claim that would give them a sense of self importance and
worth no matter how ridiculous or illogical. Much of our
gentile history has been wiped away and corrupted along with
our deep spiritual culture because of the Jewish program of
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We are of the seed line of Satan, the creator and liberator
of Humanity!</div>
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