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<strong><span class="auto-style3">Jewish Destruction of Black America<br />
<span class="auto-style6">By HP Mageson666</span></strong></p>
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The Black Community in America was destroyed in several major waves by
the Jews, of course it is know the Jews where owners and operators of
the African Slave Trade the book " The Secret Relationship Between
Blacks and Jews."&nbsp;
The book documents this fact in depth right from the confessions and
documents of the Jews themselves. This book documents that not only did
the Jews own and operate the Slave Trade, they where also 75% to more of
the owners of the Slaves themselves in the New World.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Jews stated
they would use the Blacks of America as shock troops in their
destruction of America,
<a href="judaism.html">
<span class="auto-style5">the end purpose being to pull America down into
a Global Communist State. </span></a>
Quote from the Jew Israel Cohen:
<p class="auto-style2">
"We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial
tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that
for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the
program of the Communist Party ... In America, we will aim for subtle
victory.&nbsp; While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will
instill in the Whites a guilt complex for the exploitation of the
Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of
life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the
Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."&nbsp;
-A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century by Israel Cohen, 1913 On
June 17, 1957,</p>
&nbsp;This passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G.
The first wave came in "Civil Rights Movement" which was nothing more
then a Communist front to enact exactly what Israel Cohen stated in
During this time the real Black Nationalist groups in America who
represented their Peoples interests[they wanted racial separation and
self-determination] where destroyed from without and within by the Jews.
And the Jewish fronts using their Black agents such as Martin Luther
King were used to ensure the first wave of this agenda.
The racial mixing laws passed first destroyed the Black Community as the
Black Business classes and community now forced to compete with large
Jewish corporations where quickly devastated economically. Many of their
educated classes offered bigger money jobs, left the community and moved
outwards leaving the majority of the area's without any real leadership
left and improverished.&nbsp; With a handful of Jewish controlled "Black
Leaders" to distract the Blacks into belief they had a racial
The NAACP was started and owned by Jews at the head. Their job is to
make sure the Blacks have no real leadership and the Jewish leaders
behind the door use them as shock troops for the Communistic[Jewish] war
on America.
The next wave was drugs, the Jews wanted to destroy the Black Community
structures so they could never rise as a force against them again, as
had happened with real Black Nationalist groups in the past. The Jewish
mafia working with the Kosher controlled CIA and psychopathic elements
in the Black Community started to pour Drugs into the Black
How powerful is the Jewish Mafia branch of their control system in
&nbsp;"Friedman points out that the first of the Jewish mob's godfathers in
the United States, Evsei Agron, owed his crime career to a politically
connected Orthodox rabbi, Ronald Greenwald. Rabbi Greenwald had gotten
his political connections working for Richard Nixon's 1972 reelection
campaign. He was Nixon's ambassador to the Jewish community. In the
1980s Rabbi Greenwald became mob boss Agron's one-Jew think tank and
facilitator. Mob insiders report that most of Agron's rackets were
planned in Rabbi Greenwald's Manhattan office. A leading mob member in
Toronto, Joseph Sigalov, is also a leader in Canada's Orthodox Jewish
community and the publisher of an influential Orthodox newspaper."
You can see the Jewish mafia is nothing more then a overt section of the
Jewish racial collective.
Looking back at the rise of the Gangs in the Black Communities that have
killed thousands and turned once safe neighborhoods into literal war
zones and destroyed the family unit and community spirit. It was all
linked to the high amount of drugs flowing into their neighborhoods,
different Blacks started banding together to sell the lethal product and
starting fighting against other Blacks doing the same territory equals
profits. It was at this time and cause the major Black Gangs formed into
strong numbers and rose to power. The previous situation of what
"Desegregation" did to their Communities helped to create the ground
work for this.
A Jounalist Gary Webb exposed a major part of this in 1996: "Webb was
best known for his 1996 "Dark Alliance" series of articles written for
the San Jose Mercury News and later published as a book. In the
three-part series, Webb investigated Nicaraguans linked to the
CIA-backed Contras who had allegedly smuggled cocaine into the U.S.
Their smuggled cocaine was distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles,
with the profits funneled back to the Contras.&nbsp; Webb also alleged that
this influx of Nicaraguan-supplied cocaine sparked, and significantly
fueled, the widespread crack cocaine epidemic that swept through many
U.S. cities during the 1980s.
According to Webb, the CIA was aware of the cocaine transactions and the
large shipments of drugs into the U.S. by Contra personnel. Webb charged
that the Reagan administration shielded inner-city drug dealers from
prosecution in order to raise money for the Contras, especially after
Congress passed the Boland Amendment, which prohibited direct Contra
funding.... Webb supported his story with documents obtained through the
Freedom of Information Act, subsequently including a 450-page
declassified version of an October 1988 report by CIA Inspector General
Frederick Hitz.
According to Webb and his supporters, the evidence demonstrates that
White House officials, including Oliver North, knew about and supported
using money from drug trafficking to fund the contras, and these
officials neglected to pass any information along to the DEA.&nbsp; The 1988
report from the Senate Subcommittee on Narcotics, Terrorism and
International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations led by
Sen. John Kerry commented that there were "serious questions as to
whether or not US officials involved in Central America failed to
address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war effort against
Webb's reporting generated fierce controversy, and the San Jose Mercury
News backed away from the story, effectively ending Webb's career as a
mainstream media journalist. In 2004, Webb was found dead from two
gunshot wounds to the head, which the coroner's office judged a suicide.
Though he was criticized and outcast from the mainstream journalism
community, his reportage was eventually vindicated as many of his
findings have since been validated: since Webb's death, both the Los
Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune have defended his "Dark Alliance"
Journalist George Sanchez states that "the CIA's internal investigation
by Inspector General Frederick Hitz vindicated much of Gary's reporting"
and observes that despite the campaign against Webb, "the government
eventually admitted to more than Gary had initially reported" over the
years.[1]" Interview piece on Webb:</p>
<span class="auto-style5">&nbsp;</span><a href=""><span class="auto-style5"></span></a>
Webb was murdered with two bullets to the head, he was writing a new
book on the subject and it has been strongly rumored in this work he was
writing on the connection to the Jewish role behind the drug trade into
the Black Community. The next major wave from here is the Jewish created
"Ghetto Culture" that makes the behaviour of a psychopath glamorous.
Many young Blacks growing up in now broken homes without healthy family
structure or community structure now look to gangs and the "gang
lifestyle" as away to obtain the basic social/human needs in negative
path. That they would otherwise have had in a positive way in a healthy
society and family.
Jewish control of the Media:
<a href="../">
<span class="auto-style5">Link</span></a></p>
&nbsp;Racial mixing is another major psychological weapon the Jews promote to
the Blacks.&nbsp; The other part of this is the Jew by it's control of the
Media and education system and social engineering have instilled in the
Black Race in America a deep Self-hatred and resentment complex over
being Black. And on the other foot a hatred towards Whites by blaming
all their crimes on the White populace. While holding Whites up
subconsciously to them in the Media as the standard of beauty and
successful living[fueling this self-hatred and resentment].
Racial mixing is another major psychological weapon the Jews promote to
the Blacks[and Gentiles together]. The biggest part of this is the deep
suggestion in the Jewish Media to Black Males to take a White Women to
get back at Whitey and that it's a sign of status to have one. The Jew
then works to emasculate the White Males, as no women on the instinctive
level is attracted to a such a creature. Helping to push this along. The
Jew is a master of psychology and uses this ability to control the
Gentiles on many levels.
Sooner or later this frustation is going to erupt to a high degree and
start a possible race war which is what the Jews want. We must not allow
the Jew to ever hide amongst our Peoples again pitting us against each
other. In the end Black, White or other we all get the same Gulag in the
Global Zionist State.
<p class="auto-style2">
All Gentiles must realize our common enemy. The ancient enemy of all
humanity, the Jew.
Sources :<br />
Gary Webb Wiki <br />
The Jewish Mob in America by Dr. William Pierce
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