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<span class="auto-style1"><strong><span class="auto-style6">Rastafarianism</span></strong></span><br />
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&nbsp;<br />
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<span class="auto-style8"><strong>
<a href="../">
<span class="auto-style9">Christianity is a LIE</span></a>!</strong></span><br />
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<strong>M</strong><span class="auto-style3"><strong>any of you in
the black community have heard&nbsp;of Rastafarianism. I wanted to touch
a bit on this subject because many blacks, in one way or the other,
follow this way of thinking. It is part of many black communities
but prevalent in Jamaica. I even had a Rastafari temple in my
neighborhood growing up. </strong></span><br />
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<span class="auto-style3"><strong>I never understood it but all in
all it is just a sub branch of Christianity. It does not seem to be
as widely adhered to like the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement but it
connects to the disgusting claim that black gentiles are the true
Jews... They believe that to be a Rastafari is to be a jew by
nature...<br />
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If one studied the Torah and that lie of a Bible, what race of Satan
would want to be a Jew? They are the ones responsible for all the
fucked up things happening to the world and humanity. You see this
if you study and read the Torah/Old Testmament- They are full of
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<strong><br />
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The star of David is a well known symbol in the Rastafari religion and way of life, as is the Lion of Judah...<br />
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<img alt="" src="images/rasta.jpg" style="width: 240px; height: 300px" /><img alt="" src="images/rasta1.png" style="width: 800px; height: 533px" /></strong></div>
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<b>Now, I am not going to go&nbsp;into how silly their claims are because it is right on par with the BHI in their use of misinterpreted bible quotes and&nbsp;in what they follow... They even use chapter 22, verse 2 in the book of revelations as an excuse for smoking weed. They say that smoking the herb is the highest form in attaining communion with god.</b></span></div>
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The Rastafarian beliefs are based on Judaism and with influence on the Old Testament since they believe that the Bible was written by blacks. Of course there is a twist.. They have come to know that the messiah is actually Haile Selassie who was&nbsp;a crowned emperor of Ethiopia. According to the Rastafaris, Haile Selassie, also&nbsp;known as " Lord of Israel",&nbsp;&nbsp;is a descendant of Solomon and&nbsp;David.</div>
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<span class="auto-style2">These adherents especially believe that their holy place is Zion and that&nbsp;Ethiopia is the home of the real ancient Israelites.<br />
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<span class="auto-style2" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: &quot;bookman old style&quot;, &quot;new york&quot;, times, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">Rastafarianism has its connections with Beta Israel (House of Israel) in Ethiopia because the Jews have located and settled in the north and north western part for centuries and has spread. When you take a look at the inhabitants residing in Beta Israel, you see the jewish&nbsp;culture being practiced. The Jews infested and infiltrated yet again through intermixing with the black population therein. The Jewish genes are now present in many black groups in Ethipia, etc.</span></div>
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