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<span class="auto-style6">South Africa and White Genocide&nbsp;</span></p>
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All because of Jewish lies and propaganda, White people in South
Africa are experiencing violence, a steady genocide and having the
land that they farm on to feed the country, taken from them and
being seized by the government. <br />
<br />
<a href="south_africa.html">
<span class="auto-style2">South Africa, Jewish created Insanity</span></a><br />
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<br />
This goes beyond South Africa. The Jews have been waging war with
the white race since the beginning as they want them gone. The White
race is standing in the way of the Jews and their total control of
the world.<br />
<br />
The South Africa of today was built by the White Dutch people
and modernized/industrialized. Contrary to what is said, the
Blacks (Bantu) currently living in South Africa weren't on the
land before the Whites came in. The land was inhabited by the
Khoisan tribe who went extinct from that area before the South
Africa today was built.</div>
<br />
The land was not stolen from the Blacks in South Africa, it was
legally signed over to the Whites who actually own a small
percentage of the Land in South Africa. So why are the Whites in
South Africa being targeted? Because the Jews want White people
extinct and genocided, as they admit in there Torah. Stirring up
racial tension between White and Black people are what they
benefit from, its the same shit that they do in America as well.
Since White people are aiding the economy in South Africa and
supplying the food, having them killed off by the Blacks, the
Jews can then take total control of the operation and land. They
have NO intention of giving the land to the Blacks at all. </div>
<br />
The Jews do not care about Black in South Africa. They just want
the Blacks to be the slave labor on their Jewish plantation of
Communism. Once that happens, they will really be enslaved. Look
at how the Jews have control of the rest of Africa? No place
will be spared from the Jewish enslavement.</div>
<p>Unfortunately the Jewish owned media is covering this up!</p>
<p><a href="">
<span class="auto-style2">PDF link to information on the White genocide
in South Africa</span></a> <span class="auto-style7">* Warning this
contains very graphic imagery*</span></p>
<a href="">
<span class="auto-style2">More about the Genocide of White Farmers</span></a></p>
<p><a href="white_race.html">
<span class="auto-style3">Back to the White Race</span></a></p>
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Blacks for Satan; All rights reserved.</p>
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