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By HP Mageson666</strong></p>
The Jews in their kabala and with their YomKippur&nbsp;celebration ritual of the
scape goat believe in transference of their own bad deeds onto innocent victims
who then take the blame. Allowing for the Jews to go unnoticed and unpunished so
they can continue in their criminal mission to enslave and destroy humanity.&nbsp;
The Jews practice this in everything from the Jews who plundered the Gentile
nations with their control of banks and industries then created Communism where
they blame the shop keeper down the road for people's misery and shift their
crimes onto others in general.&nbsp;
Today we note this with the Jews blaming what they did with slavery in America
onto Whites and transferring their own institutionalized Jewish racism onto
Whites and then scape goating Whites for all the crimes the Jews committed and
commit against Gentiles. The Jews still lie and claim all the rich globalist
Jews are White Men...... Who just want to destroy the White Race for Jews I
guess..... Nope! They are just Jews the entire one percent is Jewish. The Jews
started two World Wars to create their Messianic world government and then blame
Hitler for starting the second war and claim Hitler was running death camps when
in reality the Jews were running the death camps of the Gulags and exterminating
millions of Gentiles. This is what Hitler was fighting to stop and prevent. They
also claim Hitler wanted to conqueror the world. When it was Jews trying to
conqueror the world with Communism which is the political vehicle for their
Messianic one world government.
This is what the Jews have also done to Satan. They project everything they do
onto Satan so the Jews don't have to be held accountable. When in reality its
the Jews doing everything criminal to the planet and humans on this world. The
really obvious is when the Christians rant about the One World Government their
bible talks about. And blame Satan for this, when its the Jews the Christians
worship working to build this and the Bible ends with the world being run by
Jews from the new Zion. And the Christians are working to build a One World
Government, run by Jews the whole time and praise this as holy. They are really
that under the Jewish spell. The dumbest are the ones who claim Satanist's run
Hollywood. Where every film on Satan, is just taken from the Church sermon. And
Jews brag in their own Times of Israel, paper the Jews own Hollywood.&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p>
&nbsp;The Christians all hate each other and everyone else on earth. But they
all gather to love the Jews and worship before the altar of the god of Israel.
Satan is bad to Christians because Satan does not want the Jews to run the earth
in a violent dictatorship and destroy all life on it. This is why the Jews who
hate all non-Jewish human life as inferior and subhuman. Whine about
Anti-Semitism. This transfers the Jewish racism and animus onto the innocent
Gentile who criticises the Jews. The Jews believe they are allowed to hate
everyone but no one is allowed to hate them.