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<title>The Jews Owned and Operated the African Slave Trade</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>The Jews Owned and Operated the African Slave Trade </center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
Very few White people owned slaves--slavery was a rich man's
pursuit, and slavery did not exist amongst the middle and working
classes of White people.
<P>European Whites did not bring the slaves to America. On the
contrary, it was the Jews who brought them here (as Louis
Fahrakkan has also pointed out). Below is a listing of the Jewish
slave ships and the Jewish owners of them.
<P>Name of ship Owners- all are Jews:
<LI>The Abigail was owned by Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks
<BR><BR><LI>The Crown was owned by Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson
<BR><BR><LI>The Nassau and Four Sisters were both owned by Moses Levy
<BR><BR><LI>Anne &amp; Eliza owned by Justus Bosch and John Abrams
<BR><BR><LI>Prudent Betty owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
<BR><BR><LI>The Hester and the Elizabeth were both owned by Mordecai and David
<BR><BR><LI>Antigua owned by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell
<BR><BR><LI>Betsy owned by Wm. De Woolf
<BR><BR><LI>Polly owned by James De Woolf
<BR><BR><LI>White Horse owned by Jan de Sweevts
<BR><BR><LI>Expedition owned by John and Jacob Roosevelt
<BR><BR><LI>Charlotte owned by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks
<BR><BR><LI>Caracoa owned by Moses and Sam Levy
<P>Source: Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the
History of the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935
Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
<P>OF COURSE WE ARE TOTALLY AGAINST ISLAM, as this is another Jewish program and
those who unknowingly are devoted to this lie are under the psychic control of
the Jews, no different from Christians. But, the following article is well worth
reading, especially for African Americans visiting this website. The Jews are the ones who should
be paying reparations, of which they can very well afford- just click on the link directly below:
<p><A HREF="">Who Brought the Slaves to America? By Walter White Jr., 1968</a>
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