2022-03-27 14:51:43 -04:00

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<title>Demonic Authority RTR</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Reverse, Torah, Rituals, RTR, RTRs, Satan, Satanism, Anti-Semitism, Jews, Torah, Reversal, Reversing, Curse, Blessing, Magick, Magick, Truth, Facts, Real, False, God, Gods, Pagan, Demons, Demonic, Demonolatry">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Demonic Authority Ritual</center></font>
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<P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
<p>2017 Summer Solstice Ritual<br />[Demonic Authority Ritual]</p>
<p><br />This ritual should be done as often as you are able to. It is extremely powerful.</p>
<p>For people extremely short on time, you can do this 3 times, but indeed every turn takes at best 2 minutes (even in the mp3 audio it was slow so to say) and therefore the whole ritual can take around 20 minutes to 15. This ritual is extremely powerful and will be extremely stimulating.</p>
<p>Vibrate the words below 3, 9 or 10 times [10 is by FAR the best]: [On pronouncing the words scroll below]</p>
<p><br />1.<br />UU-SH &bull; EE-THAM-ONO &bull; OHT &bull; EN &bull; NEE-MEE &bull; E-TEE-EES-HAT-OPY &bull; DE-MO-NIA &bull; AT &bull; EE-K &bull; E-EE-REEK &bull; SET-NO-YEL &bull; SARAKH &bull; ATEM &bull; O-EE-D &bull; ATNOK-EEM-OHT-VEE &bull; EE &bull; EE-TH &bull; NASP-ERTS-E-PEE &bull;</p>
<p>2.<br />ATN-OSH-EP &bull; OO-AN-AR-U &bull; EE-OT &bull; KEE &bull; NEE-PART-SHA &bull; S-Ooh &bull; SATANAN &bull; NOT &bull; NOO-RHO-ETH-E &bull; SEE-O-TEE-VA &bull; E-DH &bull; NE-PI-EE &bull;</p>
<p>3.<br />EE-SEE-KEE-THA &bull; EE-M &bull; EE-O &bull; SA-MEEH &bull; NETH-OO &bull; IAK &bull; UOR-TH-CH-Y (EE) &bull; YOT &bull; NEEM-AN-EED &bull; NEET &bull; NA-SHAP &bull; IPE &bull; IAK &bull; SCORPION &bull; IAK &bull; OPHEON &bull; ON-APEE &bull; NEE-TAP &bull; YOT &bull; NAEE-SEE-OKSH-E &bull; NEET &bull; NEEM-EE &bull; AK-O-THEE-TH &bull; EE-OTHEE &bull;</p>
<p>4.<br />SEE-OON- AR-UO &bull; SEE-OHT &bull; NEE &bull; EETP- AR-YEE-Y-NEE &bull; NOM-EEH &bull; ATAM-ON-OH &bull; TA &bull; EE-TOH &bull; E-TH &bull; ETER-ECH ----- E-TEE-SSH-AT-OPEE &bull; NEE-MEE &bull; ATAM-VE-NP &bull; EE-TOH &bull; TA &bull; ETER-ECH &bull; EEM &bull; OT-YOT &bull; NEE &bull; NEE-PL &bull;</p>
<p><br />After you have vibrated the above 10 times, affirm the following 10 times [Satanas-Affirmation-Satanas is one time. Aum is at the beginning and the end, only done 1 and 1 times.]:</p>
<p>x1 AUM-</p>
<p>x10 [Vibrate SATANAS:</p>
<p>The Jewish influence, control and bindings on Satan and His Demons are completely untied and are now void and nullified.</p>
<p>The Jews, their god and their angels have lost any and all spiritual authority over the Demons and Gods of Satan.</p>
<p>Satan and His Demons are restored to the heavens and in full power and authority, now and forever.</p>
<p>Vibrate SATANAS]</p>
<p>x1 AUM-</p>
<p>The above is ONE TURN and must be done 10 times for MAXIMUM effectiveness.</p>
<p>Close the Ritual with a big HAIL SATAN!</p>
<p><br />________________________________</p>
<p>On pronouncing the words:</p>
<p>Everything is to be vibrated as you see below. THESE DO NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT! Some of the syllables you may have some issues with, as they are strange sounds. NO PROBLEM AT ALL! Just keep doing the Ritual. Do not stress this, focus on the Ritual instead. Below is the Mp3 which makes everything easier.</p>
<p><br />&bull;The EE is a high EE sound (slightly prolonged).<br />&bull;The I is a cut EE sound.<br />&bull;The Y is a as in the word YOD.<br />&bull;Some double syllables like NP or PL, the sound is between the two letters. PL (as in Plato), NP is a vibrated N with a vibrated P stuck afterwards.<br />&bull;OO is the U sound.<br />&bull;The U is a tougher OO sound (more strongly pronounced).<br />&bull;TH and DH are as in Thoth, but the DH is a stronger, more powerful sound, almost at the exit of your mouth.<br />&bull;TH is softer, more on the back.<br />&bull;SH is a tough SH as in SHAKTI.</p>
<p>You will see some H in the text. You pronounce these as a minor CH sound. As in HAT basically. Stuck vowels like RTS are RRRR-TTT-SSS, each letter vibrated individually but in rapid succession.</p>
href="Demonic_Authority_Ritual.mp3">MP3 FOR THE RITUAL</A>
</font></p><p><font size="3" face="Verdana,Arial"><a href="Invocation.html">Invocation to Satan</a>
</font></p><p><font size="3" face="Verdana,Arial"><a href="Raising_Energies.html">Raising your energies</a>
</font></p><p><font size="3" face="Verdana,Arial"><a href="SATANAS.mp3">To correctly vibrate SATANAS</a>
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