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<title>Blame Shifting</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="The truth about Andrea Yates blaming the Devil">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Andrea Yates, Satan, Satanism, Christianity, 666, murder, insanity, depression">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Blame Shifting</center></font>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"><P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
By now, everyone is aware of Andrea Yates and how
murdered her five children. The news stories are full
reports that this
woman claimed she was "possessed by the Devil." She
even went as far as to state she had 666 on her
(obviously from watching one or more of "The Omen"
movie series). There are also numerous news reports that the family was heavily involved with fundamentalist Christians.
<p> What most people fail to realize is, looking deeper
into this insanity, at the root, AGAIN, we find
Christianity. Christian teachings are chock full of this kind
of ludicrous garbage, "Demonic possession" and all
rest of that insanity! All this is again is LIES. LIES
keep people away from and terrified of Satan and his Demons; the
only ones who are willing to help humanity. The real reason these people get so hysterical is because of a lack of power and knowledge. Christianity has stripped humanity of psychic understanding and power. It is and always has been nothing more than a tool to remove knowledge. Mental institutions are full of Christians, many of whom believe they are possessed by Demons. Mental illness is rampant within the Fundamentalist Christian population. Children raised in Christian homes are often indoctrinated with fear and subject to extreme abuse. Doctrines of eternal damnation, evil, torture, self-blame and self-deprecation, spooks, and the like are drummed into these children at an early age, creating life-long hang-ups and this often leads to insanity.
<p> Christianity is to blame for the crimes committed from
these sick teachings. Christianity sets people up
physically, psychologically, and spiritually for this insanity.
Education and this foul religion do not go
together because Christianity<74>s entire foundation is based upon lies.
The Christian is warned never to ask any questions, as this represents <20>a lack of faith<74> and is a <20>sin.<2E> Christians are taught not to think, only to <20>have faith.<2E>
Fundamentalist Christians are indoctrinated against having any physical pleasure. They are taught to condemn themselves for any physical expression, to repress their sexuality, and to suffer for "their sins."
Psychologically, fear is an ever present factor. Low
self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence and every other
ugly thing goes along with these suicidal
teachings sets one up for insanity.
Spiritually, Christians are weak. Most have never
experienced or will ever understand true
<p> With all of the above, we have a walking time bomb.
Tell a male dog not to raise its leg when it takes a
piss or like Christians would do, punish it; tell a
not to eat meat, a duck not to paddle in the water,
boa constrictor not to squeeze and this sets the stage for psychosis. Humanity has been
living under these alien anti-life rules for centuries. One is taught to hate one's self and feel shame for being
human; for being alive.
<p> These very religions set these people up to do what
they do, then like cowards, they
blame Satan instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. Satan has nothing to do with them or
their actions. They are the products of their sick
religion. Who put these sick teachings into their
heads? Who imposed unnatural alien standards into
these peoples' lives for them to live by? Satan has
nothing to do with any of these sick teachings or
laws, but whenever someone reacts from a lifetime of being steeped in this insanity, Satan gets the blame. LOOK TO THE
<p> Blame shifting is glaringly apparent in the story of
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust sells
soul to Mephistopheles. Again, looking closely,
Mephistopheles did no wrong; he only told the truth. The Christian Church was
one punishing and condemning everyone in the story;
punishing people for being human. That Christian alien
and his religion have an intense hatred of humanity
and anything human. In the end of the story,
again, Satan is blamed. This is so typical.
<p> Father Satan is the only one who understands
and accepts us as we are. He doesn't try to make us
into something we're not. People who follow the
teachings of the alien enemy, condemning themselves
for being human are a threat to themselves
and society, as history and the tragedy above, so
blatantly illustrate.
<p> Only when these sick alien religions are completely
destroyed, will humanity ever be able to succeed.
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
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