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<title>Basic Meditation Program</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Satan, Satanism, Spirituality, Spiritual, Meditation, Chakras, Magic, Magick, Soul, Human Soul, Aliens, Ascention, Kundalini, Yoga, Yogic, Breath, Meditating, Postures, Chakra System, Energy, Energy work, Ascention, Demonolatry, Demonology, Demonic, Ancient Gods, Paganism, Pagan, Alchemy, Learn Alchemy, Alchemical Work, Magnum Opus, Occult, Occultism, Who is Satan, Sell, Buy, Reality, Lies, False, True, Theistic Satanism, Colors, Meditations, Hypnosis">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Basic Meditation Program</center></font>
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When one is new to power meditation,
it is important to start out with a program. There are many different
meditations on this site for different effects. A basic meditation program
should consist of <A
Meditation</A> as this helps us in controlling unwanted thoughts and with
directing our minds.
<P><A href="Breathing666.html">Breathing exercises are
essential to any meditation program [for more information, please click here].</A> <P>The <A href="Foundation_Meditation.html">Foundation
Meditation</A> is a very important meditation as it helps us to learn to feel
and absorb energy, which is essential to using the powers of your mind and soul. If you are new, it
is best to start out with basic white light. White light is easy to use because
it contains all of the colors of the spectrum. <A HREF="The_Chakras.html">The soul is made of light.</a> With experience, you can advance
to working with colors for specific things. Color energy is very powerful.
<P>Chakra work should be included in each meditation session as this is
necessary to empower your aura and soul. I have found directed orgasm to be very
effective in opening the chakras. Orgasm is a good way to open a meditation, as
it is naturally relaxing. If your chakras are blocked, simply direct the energy
during your climax, up your spine to the specific chakra. Visualize it as a
stream of bright light in the same color as the chakra you are trying to open,
and simultaneously visualize the blocked chakra opening and the energy flowing
through it. This can take months, but in time, a permanent circuit will be
<P>The <A href="EZ_Chakra_Spin.html">EZ Chakra
Spin</A> is fine to start out with before advancing to meditations that are more
powerful. Remember, we are all individuals and where one person may experience
pleasure and positive results for a specific meditation, another may not. Always
go by the way you feel. If a certain meditation doesn<73>t feel right, then stop and try
a different meditation.
<P>Meditation sessions should ideally last for 15 <20> 30 minutes a day. If you are
short on time, doing just 5 - 10 minutes is better than doing nothing. Skipping
days will throw you behind and when you are new, inconsistency can cause
depression as your body tries to adjust to the increased bioelectricity.
<P><A href="Aura_Cleaning.html">Aura Cleaning</A>
should also be done daily. This only takes a couple of minutes and in the long
run, it prevents any negative energy from attaching itself to your aura.
Negative energy causes accidents, sickness, and depression.
<P>Meditation programs can be changed every so often. An indication your
program needs changing is when you no longer feel that you are raising any energy or making any progress. As long as you
are comfortable with a certain program and are making advances, there is no need to
change unless you get bored.
<P>The objective of meditation is both to empower yourself and to learn to
handle energy. Power meditation opens the energy centers [chakras] of the soul.
Each chakra has specific energies
that open different areas of the mind [Satanism is using more than just 5 - 10 percent of your brain]. The chakras also give us "supernatural"
abilities when open and fully empowered, like levitation, telekinesis [moving
objects with your mind], and pyrokinesis [the ability to heat objects and set
them on fire]. Many more abilities come with having a fully empowered soul.
<P>When all of your chakras are fully open, this creates a free passage for the
Serpent of Satan, which lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the
serpent ascends, we become as the Gods. This is the objective of power
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<P><EFBFBD> Copyright 2005, 2013, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number:
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