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<title>Carcossa by James Page
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font size=6>Carcossa
<BR>James Page
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<P><BR><P>The bells have rung and the temples shine
<BR>Sweet, lucious grapes swell purple on the vine
<BR>In the place that was
<BR>The Peacock King strolls magesticly
<BR>In more colors than mere human eyes can see
<BR>In the place thats his
<BR>There are women of face and form so fine
<BR>Their Demonic glow is unreached by time
<BR>They stroll on streets of blue tile and light
<BR>Strangers to fear with eyes as bright
<BR>As a sunrise of wondrous orange and gold
<BR>That kisses a nurturing land
<BR>As a Sunsets magenta, within flames of red
<BR>Painted by Satan's unseen hand
<BR>They live in his place
<BR>Under domes of tile, perfect white and blaze red
<BR>hills of green a multi-hue
<BR>I saw orchards of dates and almonds
<BR>Far lakes of purple and blue
<BR>A place of health and growth back then
<BR>A place I dreamed I once had been
<BR>Our place was known
<P>Dante Kun
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