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<title>Church Lawsuit</title>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Church Lawsuit</center></font>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"> <P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
<P> - Church sued for $2 million over Dramatic Youth
Church sued for $2 million over dramatic youth service
by Anna C. Irwin
of The Daily Times Staff
A $2 million lawsuit has been filed in Blount County Circuit Court
against a
Blount County church, the pastor, the youth director, two deacons and
several other church members.
The suit was filed by Knoxville attorney Herbert Moncier for John and
Doe, plaintiffs who chose not to reveal their names in the suit. </P><P>They
suing individually and on behalf of their teenage daughter Janie Doe.
The suit claims the girl suffered personal injuries as the result of
dangerous, cult-like event that was unlawfully and deceptively
sponsored, promoted and supervised by Forest Hill Baptist Church, its
pastor, its deacons, its youth director and several of its members.</P><P>
Forest Hill Pastor Harry Sherrer said the event referred to in the
suit was
designed to help young people in the church learn more about and
understand the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world.
Everyone else involved was impressed by the whole activity. It was
a very
positive event, Sherrer said. We are saddened that members of this
family feel wronged by our church.
In addition to Sherrer, other individuals named in the suit are Youth
Director Joe White, Deacons Dwight Broome and Kenneth Baker, Sharon
Dani and Paul Janson, Dennis and Sue Magargle, Donnie and Janet Beal,
Tommy Tallent.
Sherrer said the church's youth director read about the program called
"Underground Church" and worked with other church members to plan
event held March 23, 2002. He said the process involved was discussed
at a
youth group meeting prior to the event and there was correspondence
an overview of the event sent to the homes of youth group members.
The suit claims both Janie Doe and her father were notified of the
event on
the day it was to occur and questioned the advisability of her
since she was recovering from recent surgery for a pre-existing knee
According to the suit, both were misled by church members about the
"worship service" planned for the youth group. The suit says the
girl was
told there would be "only a little walking" and she "should be
The father was told it was just a "car wash" and that his
daughter's knee
"would be okay."
The suit alleges the nature of the event was intentionally
misrepresented to
induce the girl to participate and the father to allow her to do so.
At the event,
according to the suit, the girl arrived at the home of one of the
church members and the youth director told her that "she and the
children would be placed in small groups, each with a leader; that a
would be drawn on each child's hand; that members of each group would
approach people at different `stations' to ask about a code which
would be
used to determine who would drive that group to the next 'station;'
and that
after being transported to one or more 'stations,' each group would
at the "worship service."
</P><P>The suit goes on to say the small groups were required to walk to one
station and hike downhill to another. According to the suit, the girl
"became concerned" when she saw law enforcement vehicles with their
and sirens on, the person driving the group let them out and they
were told
to "sneak the back way" to the church fellowship hall.
The suit says the group was accosted by "men dressed in dark
clothes" but
reached the fellowship hall where the lights were out and the adult
greeted them appeared to be crying. They began reading Bible passages
flashlight, heard "gunshots" outside, hid between some cupboards,
"several men dressed as soldiers with gas masks on" came in.
</P><P>Placed in a truck.
the suit alleges that group members were blindfolded and handcuffed
Velcro, "dragged out" to the parking lot and told to climb in the
back of
a truck. According to the suit, Janie Doe fought back and pleaded to
be let
go but was laughed and yelled at by one of her alleged captors.
The suit claims she managed to escape but was grabbed again,
blindfolded and
handcuffed with metal cuffs which caused her to cry out in pain. She
allegedly lifted and put in the truck, then driven to another
location where
she was led by her arm down a hill and lined up with the other youth
The suit alleges the group was told there would be "one chance to
Christ, or you will be killed." When Janie Doe refused to deny
Christ, the
suit says there was the sound of a gunshot and she was soaked with
then she began "screaming and crying" before being told to go
inside the
residence of another church member.
There, the suit claims, she pleaded to have her handcuffs removed but
several people acted as if they could not find the key. Once the
cuffs were
finally taken off, the girl's wrists were "cut and bleeding,
throbbing and
swollen to nearly twice their normal size," according to the suit.
The girl allegedly told one of the adult supervisors for the event she
wanted to go home but was told "in a little bit." The suit says the
was "finally" taken to another residence and "permitted" to call
mother to arrange a ride home.
The suit claims the girl suffered "serious, painful and permanent
injuries" including injuries to her wrists which are "permanently
scarred'" and aggravation of her pre-existing knee injuries. She also
allegedly sustained "serious, severe and permanent mental and
injuries" causing her to continue to suffer "mental pain and
sleeplessness and recurring nightmares.
The suit claims the girl's grades have fallen and "her future earning
capacity has been diminished" by her experience.
According to the suit, the family has not only had medical expenses
alleged physical injuries but have and will continue to have expenses
psychiatric and psychological diagnosis and treatment.
Damages sought
The suit seeks $1 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in
damages as a result of several causes of action listed as:
and fraud, kidnapping and false imprisonment, assault, battery,
conduct and intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil
negligence and reckless conduct.
The church pastor said an attorney will respond to all the
allegations in
the suit. He said the only complaint he has heard about the event has
from the "Doe family" while other participants described it as
powerful and very positive" for the young people as well as for the
who supervised the activity.
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