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<title>Cursed Nazarene</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Cursed Nazarene</center></font>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"> <P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
<P>&nbsp;<IMG src="runes1.jpg">
<P>&nbsp;<IMG src="runes2.jpg">
<P>&nbsp;<IMG src="nazareneZ.jpg">
<P>&nbsp;<IMG src="nazarene2.jpg">
<P>Getting ready:
<P>1. Here is a close up of the script to carve into the pole
<P>2. The letters should be in a straight line on the pole.
<P>3. Paint the <IMG src="runes3.jpg"> letters on both
ends of the inscription red. The other letters do not have to be painted.
<P>4. Make a poppit of the nazarene. Thumb tacks can be used to secure it to the
make-shift crucifix. Ice cream sticks can be used or any wood that won't easily
<P>5. The finished nazarene with the crucifix should be attached to the end of
the pole by pounding a nail through the heart and the crucifix should be
upsidedown. The pole is then placed facing the Vatican which is in Rome Italy,
in a place where it will not be disturbed.
<P>The ritual:
<P>1.Recite the invocation to Satan: <BR>INVOCATION TO SATAN: <BR><I>In Nomine
Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth,
True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own
image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Darkness to bestow their infernal
power upon me. Open the Gates of Hell to come forth to greet me as your
Brother/Sister and friend.
<P>Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with
truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I
may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and
<P>2. Take your Athame, turning counterclockwise at each of the 4 points, Invoke
the 4 Crown Princes of Hell:
<P><BR>Satan/Lucifer from the East <BR>Beelzebub from the North <BR>Astaroth
from the West <BR>Azazel from the South
<P>3. Plant the pole securely in the ground.
<P>4. Visualize energy being drawn from the earth into the pole and directed
towards the Vatican. Spend 5-15 minutes with this.
<P>5. Stand with your left hand on your hip, elbow bent, legs together and
chant: <BR>th-th-th-oo-oo-oo-ree-ree-ree-zahz &nbsp; three times, <BR>then
&nbsp; eeeeeeee-ssssaahhhh &nbsp; three times, <BR>then chant &nbsp;
fehr-DAH-muhn &nbsp; ZINE &nbsp; KREESS-toos &nbsp; three times.
<P>Recite the Nineteenth Enochian Key in Enochian:
<P>EE-luh-suh <20> DAY-mohns <20> Dahss puh-RAHFF <20> OHD <20> kuh-HEES mee-kah-OH-luhts <20>
ah-ruh-TAH-bahss DAY <20> kah-OHS-suh-goh, <20> DAHSS FEE-feess <20> bah-luh-ZEE-zuh-rahs
DAY <20> SAY-TAN! <20> NOH-nuh-kah goh-huh-vuh-LEEM: <20> mee-KAHM ah-DOH-ee-ahn <20> DAY <20>
SAY-TAN, ah-kuh-ROH-ohd-zee <20> buh-lee-OH-ruhb, ZOH-bah <20> oh-oh-AH-oh-nah <20>
kuh-HEES loo-SEEF-tee-ahs <20> ah-oh-EE-VEE-ah-ee; DAHSS <20> ah-buh-RAH-AH-sah
NOH-nuh-kuhf <20> nay-tah-AH-eeb kah-OHS-sah-jzhee, <20> OHD <20> TEE-luhb
DAH-muh-puh-lohts, <20> toh-OH-aht NOH-nuh-kuhf <20> GAH <20> mee-KAH-luhts OH-mah, <20>
luh-RAH-zuhd TOH-luh-guh-loh <20> MAH-ruhb YAH-ruh-ruh-ee <20> DAY <20> TOHKS BOH-guh-pah
<EFBFBD> ahks-EE-ah-ee-ahl LOH-nuh-doh <20> bah-BAH-jzhay <20> OHD toh-ruh-ZOO-luhp <20>
ah-kuh-ROH-ohd-zee, goh-HOH-luh: <20> kuh-OHS-suh-gah, tah-bah-OH-ruhd <20>
zah-ah-NEE-ruh. ay-luh-ZAHP <20> TEE-luhb, <20> PAH-ruhm JZHEE <20> kuh-VAH-sah-hee, <20>
OHD TAH <20> KUH-vuh-ruh-luh-suh-tuh boh-OH-ah-pees <20> SAY-TAN. LUH <20> NEE-muhb, <20>
OH-vuh-kuh-hoh ZEE-muhp; <20> OHD kuh-REE-suh-tay-ohs AH-jzh <20> LUH <20>
toh-luh-TOH-ruhn pah-RAH-kuh <20> AH <20> ZEE-muhp. kuh-ROH-ohd-zee, <20> DOH-duh-pahl
OHD <20> FEE-fah-luhz <20> LUH suh-muh-NAHD; <20> OHD <20> FAH-ruh-guht, AH <20> VAH-vuhl <20> DAY
<EFBFBD> FAH-fayn DAY <20> jah-HOH-vah <20> OHD ah-VAH-vohks, <20> TOH-nuh-vuhjzh.
OH-ruh-suh-kah DAY <20> EE-dee-goh, noh-AH-suh-mee <20> tah-buh-JZHAY-suh
LAY-vee-tuh-huh-MOH-nuhjzh; mah-duh-REED <20> tah-REE-ahn <20> OH-mahn. BAH-guh-lay? <20>
moh-OH-oh-ah <20> KAH-HAN. NOH-ray <20> OHD <20> PAHSS-uh-buhs DAY <20> SAY-TAN, <20>
TOH-ruht-soo! puh-REE-ahts <20> ah-DOH-hee <20> DAY mah-duh-REE-ahks, <20>
ah-boh-AH-puh-ree. tah-bah-OH-ree <20> puh-REE-ahts <20> AH-ruh tah-BAHSS; <20>
ah-duh-ruh-PAHN <20> KOH-ruhz TAH <20> DOH-beeks; <20> ee-OH-luh-kahm bah-LEET <20> OHD <20>
kuh-VAH-suhb kuh-TEE-nujzh. <20> REE-pee-ruh pah-AH-ohks-tuh <20> ZAH-gah KOH-ruh; <20>
vuh-MAHL <20> OHD puh-ruh-duh-ZAH-ruh, <20> KAH-kuh-rahjzh ah-oh-EE-VEE-ah-ee <20>
KOH-ruh-muhp. TOH-ruht-soo, <20> ZAH-kahr! <20> ZAH-mah-rahn AH-suh-puht <20> SAY-TAN! <20>
ZOO-ruh-jzhahs TEE-ah <20> BAH-luh-tahn; <20> OH-doh KEE-kah-lay <20> KAH-AH-AH, <20> OHD
oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah <20> puh-LAH-puh-lee voh-OH-ahn.
<P>Close with a HAIL SATAN!! Turning clockwise.
<P>About the ritual: <BR>It is advisable that one has already performed the
dedication before performing this ritual. This ritual is extremely powerful.
<BR>The ritual is based upon what is called a "niding pole." Centuries ago,
people in the Northlands raised niding poles against the invading xian clerics
and missionaries. The pole acts as a magnet for earth energies that are used to
continually deliver curses at the selected victim. <BR>Runes are of the most
ancient symbols and have incredible power. The runic symbols can be seen in
Ancient Phoenician letters which are based upon the constellations. The TH runes
destroy the spirit and the I runes bind the destruction.
<P>This ritual can also be used to vent at local churches and xians. Do *not*
place the pole on church property, though as this is illegal. It is best if the
pole is in view of the home or building of the recipient of the intended curse,
but not necessary. Just make sure it is in an isolated and secure area where it
will not be disturbed.
<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress
Number: 12-16457
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