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<title>Gods G - M</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Names and descriptions of Goetic Demons G - M">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Names and descriptions of Goetic Demons G - M, Satanism, Demons, Goetic Demons, Goetia">
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&nbsp;<center><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=5>Gods G - M</center></font>
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"> <P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3>
<a name="GAAP"></a>GAAP aka TAP, GOAP
<LI>Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Virgo
<LI>September 2nd-7th
<LI>Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles
<LI>Planet: Saturn
<LI>Metal: Lead
<LI>Plant: Moss
<LI>Candle color: Black
<LI>Element: Earth
<LI>Rank: President/Prince
<LI>Gaap is a Day Demon and rules 66 legions of spirits. He was of the order of the Potentates.
<p>Gaap can cause love or hate. He helps with astral projection and foretells the future. He delivers familiars from the custody of other mages, discerns past and present, and teaches philosophy and the liberal sciences. He can also make men ignorant. Gaap teaches how to consecrate things.
<P>Gaap has a green aura and appears as a little man.
<BR><A HREF="../Gaap_20371.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="GAMYGEN"></a>GAMYGEN aka SAMIGINA, GAMIGIN
<LI>Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Aries
<LI>April 4th-8th
<LI>Tarot Card: 3 of Rods
<LI>Planet: Sun
<LI>Metal: Gold
<LI>Element: Fire
<LI>Candle color: Black
<LI>Plant: Juniper
<LI>Rank: Marquis
<LI> Samigina is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
<p>Samigina gives news of those who died and are in Hell and teaches the liberal sciences. She has very dark, piercing eyes and beautiful tan colored wings.
<BR><a href="../Samigina_7478.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="GLASYA-LABOLAS"></a>GLASYA-LABOLAS aka
<LI>Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Leo
<LI>July 23rd-27th
<LI>Tarot Card: 5 of Rods
<LI>Planets: Sun
<LI>Metals: Gold
<LI>Candle color: Yellow
<LI>Plant: Rosemary
<LI>Element: Fire
<LI>Rank: President/Earl
<LI> Glasya-Labolas is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits
<p>He knows all ancient wisdom and occult secrets. He teaches all of the sciences and can cause murder and death. He can make one invisible and can incite bloodshed. He predicts the future and discerns the past and present. He can cause love of friends and enemies.
<BR>Glasya-Labolas has short, very straight dark blonde hair. He appears to be very young, like a teen. He has lightly tanned skin and he flew around my room in circles. He has white wings.
<BR><EFBFBD> High Priestess Maxine
<BR><A HREF="../Glasya-Labolas_26828.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="GOMORY"></a>GOMORY aka GAMORI, GREMORY
<LI>Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Capricorn
<LI>December 27th-31st
<LI>Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
<LI>Planet: Saturn
<LI>Metal: Lead
<LI>Candle color: Orange
<LI>Plant: Fenugreek
<LI>Element: Earth
<LI>Rank: Duke
<LI> Gremory is a Night Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits
<p>Gremory appears in the form of a woman. She causes one to be loved by women and brings love to men. She discerns past, present and future and discovers hidden treasure.<BR><A HREF="../Gremory_23881.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="GUSION"></a>GUSION aka GUSAYN
<LI>Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Taurus
<LI>May 10th-14th
<LI>Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles
<LI>Planet: Saturn
<LI>Metal: Lead
<LI>Element: Earth
<LI>Candle color: Yellow
<LI>Plant: Aloe
<LI>Rank: Duke
<LI>Gusion is a Day Demon and rules 40 legions of spirits
<p>Gusion can grant position, bestow honors, and make those who are not liked, to be loved by everyone they come into contact with. He forms and reconciles friendships, foretells the past, present and future and answers all questions.
<br>Gusion has wispy hair. He has high cheek bones and tanned skin. He is well built with glowing white wings. Gusion is very calm and peaceful and brings a feeling of security and comfort.
<BR><EFBFBD>Gusion is definitely blunt, but polite. I asked him about something unrelated to the summoning, and he said simply, I should ask another Demon another time, and returned to the task at hand with magnificent deliberation.
Gusion is good with questions too. All of them are honest if you make it clear. I think seriously they don't want to hurt our feelings. Gusion's method is to deliver hard information.<2E>
<BR><EFBFBD> Salem Burke
<BR><a href="../Gusion_30949.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="HAGENTI"></a>HAGENTI aka HAAGENTI aka Egyptian Goddess BASTET
<LI>Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Scorpio
<LI>November 18th-22nd
<LI>Tarot Card: 7 of Cups
<LI>Planet: Moon
<LI>Metal: Silver
<LI>Element: Water
<LI>Candle color: Red
<LI>Plant: Witch Hazel
<LI>Rank: President
<LI> Haagenti is a Night Demon and rules 33 legions of spirits
<p>She is a powerful alchemist and can turn metal into gold, turn wine into water and vice versa. She gives wisdom and teaches diverse subjects.
<BR>Haagenti appears as cat-like. Cats are sacred to her. When she appears, she is accompanied by many cats. Her eyes are cat-like.
<BR><A HREF="../Haagenti_3468.gif">SIGIL</a></p>
<p><br><a name="HALPAS"></a>HALPAS
<LI>Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Libra
<LI>September 28th- October 2nd
<LI>Tarot Card: 2 of Swords
<LI>Planet: Venus
<LI>Element: Air
<LI>Candle color: Red
<LI>Plant: Marjoram
<LI>Metal: Copper
<LI>Rank: Earl
<LI> Halpas is a Night Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits
<p>Halpas can incite wars and severely punishes enemies. He builds towers, provides weaponry, and burns towns. He is a patron of soldiers, supplying them with ammunition and directing them. He speaks with a hoarse voice.
<BR><A HREF="../Halphas_3580.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="IPOS"></a>IPOS aka IPES, AYPOROS, AYPEOS
<BR>Ipos is the Egyptian God Anubis <a href="../DEMONSI.html/index.html#ANUBIS">
[See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell]</a>
<LI>Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Cancer
<LI>July 8th-12th
<LI>Tarot Card: 3 of Cups
<LI>Planets: Mars/Pluto
<LI>Element: Water
<LI>Candle color: Dark blue
<LI>Plant: Sandalwood
<LI>Metals: Iron/Plutonium
<LI>Rank: Earl/President
<LI>Ipos is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits
<p>Ipos makes one charismatic and bold. He helps one to keep friends, make new friends and can foretell the future and discern the past.<BR><A HREF="../Ipos_3807.gif">SIGIL</a>
<P><br><a name="LERAJIE"></a>LERAJIE
<LI>Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Gemini
<LI>May 26th-31st
<LI>Tarot Card: 6 of Rods
<LI>Planet: Mercury
<LI>Candle color: Red
<LI>Plant: Plantain
<LI>Metal: Mercury
<LI>Element: Air
<LI>Rank: Marquis
<LI> Lerajie is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
<P>Lerajie is the Goddess of love and pleasure. She has the ability to attract others as well as drive them away. She causes contests and battles and can cause wounds to become infected [physically and emotionally] and prevent them from healing. She can break up the love affairs or marriages of rivals.
Lerajie wears an Egyptian style headdress and make-up. She is short, slim and around 5 feet tall with an olive complexion and shoulder-length black hair with bangs. She wears gold clothing- a skirt, and top. Her wingspan is wide and shimmering red. She appears to be young in appearance, around 20 years old and is very beautiful.
<BR>She can instruct one in meteorology, and in the workings of healing and medicine, She is a bringer of peace.
Lerajie may alter the wind to her desire to benefit The Watcher, as well as cause the climate to change.
She has a soft smooth seductive voice and can be very sarcastic. Lerajie is very friendly amongst our kind, as well as completely volatile towards our enemies. She can remind one of the great ways of Ancient Sumer.
I have witnessed the beautiful artwork Lerajie has made out of the clouds in scarcely populated areas at sunset.
<BR><EFBFBD> by Tjiat
<BR><a href="../Leraje_3923.gif">SIGIL 1</a>
<BR><a href="../LerajeTwo_28532.gif">SIGIL 2</a>
<p><br><a name="MALPHAS"></a>MALPHAS
<LI>Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Libra
<LI>October 3rd-7th
<LI>Tarot Card: 3 of Swords
<LI>Planet: Saturn
<LI>Metal: Lead
<LI>Element: Air
<LI>Plant: Marigold
<LI>Candle color: Light blue
<LI>Rank: President
<LI>Malphas is a Night Demon and rules 40 legions of spirits.
<p>Malphas can use magick to create anything. He destroys the desires and thoughts of enemies, and provides good familiars. He reveals the secrets of enemies. He builds high towers and houses.
<br>Malphas has tan skin and a muscular build. He has dark brown hair and wears a goatee. His face is square shaped and he has high cheek-bones and blue eyes. He can appear very dark, showing only his blue eyes. He has large grey wings and a blue aura which he projects.
<BR>"Malphas appears to me with very dark hair, a goatee, and piercing green eyes. His aura is a pure Demonic Blue, it is enormous. The first time I caught a glimpse of Malphas' Aura, I saw the room fill with his aura. It was immense, and within a split second it was all over. Malphas is incredibly powerful. The first time I successfully invoked him, I felt like I had the power to take on the whole world and then some. The energy and the physical strength he gave me was incredible, and even that was not even a fraction of Malphas<61> power and strength. He has been with me for a long time, even before I dedicated. Malphas was also with me during the awakening of my kundalini.
<BR><EFBFBD> Vovim Baghie
<p><A HREF="../Malphas_4732.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="MARBAS"></a>MARBAS aka BARBAS
<LI>Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Aries
<LI>April 9th-14th
<LI>Tarot Card: 4 of Rods
<LI>Planet: Jupiter
<LI>Metal: Tin
<LI>Element: Fire
<LI>Candle color: Yellow
<LI>Plant: Chicory
<LI>Rank: President
<LI>Marbas is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits
<p>Marbas can bring healing or cause disease. He answers questions about things that have been stolen and gives great wisdom and knowledge. He teaches mechanics and gives knowledge about things hidden or secret.
He can cause one to shape shift.
<P>Marbas has spiked black hair, brown eyes, small ears, and is of medium height.
<BR><a href="../Marbas_29465.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="MARCHOSIAS"></a>MARCHOSIAS
<LI>Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Virgo
<LI>September 13th-17th
<LI>Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles
<LI>Planet: Venus
<LI>Metal: Copper
<LI>Element: Earth
<LI>Candle color: Red
<LI>Plant: Pennyroyal
<LI>Rank: Marquis
<LI>Marchosias is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits. She was of the Order of Dominations
<p>She can assist in any fight, argument or confrontation; either verbal or physical, and she answers questions.
<BR>Marchosias appeared to me as a teenage girl. She looked young. She is very talkative and friendly. She has straight long blonde hair parted down the middle, and large black wings. She is a warrior.
<BR><EFBFBD> High Priestess Maxine
<BR><A HREF="../Marchosias_5570.gif">SIGIL</a>
<BR><A HREF="../Marchosias.jpg">IMAGE <BR>Artwork done by Marcos Macias</a>
<p><br><a name="MORAX"></a>MORAX aka FORAII, FORFAX, MARAX; Egyptian Goddess MAAT
<LI>Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Cancer
<LI>July 2nd-7th
<LI>Tarot Card: 3 of Cups
<LI>Planets: Mars/Pluto
<LI>Metals: Iron/Plutonium
<LI>Element: Water
<LI>Candle color: Red
<LI>Rank: Earl/President
<LI>Marax is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
<p>She teaches astrology and the magickal uses of stones and herbs. She also provides familiars, teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences. She is the Goddess of truth, order, and justice. She is very respected among the other Demons. She has jet-black hair with bangs, and tan skin, with an ancient Egyptian type of hair style. She has large white wings and is very tall.
<BR><EFBFBD> High Priestess Maxine
<BR><A HREF="../Maat_4631.gif">SIGIL</a>
<p><br><a name="MURMUR"></a>MURMUR
<LI>Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Sagittarius
<LI>December 17th-21st
<LI>Tarot Card: 10 of Rods
<LI>Candle color: Dark blue
<LI>Planet: Sun
<LI>Element: Fire
<LI>Plant: Parsley
<LI>Metal: Gold
<LI>Rank: Duke/Earl
<LI>Murmur is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits. He was of the Order of Thrones and partly of that of Angels.
<p>He teaches philosophy and makes the souls of the dead appear and answer questions.<BR><A HREF="../Murmur_5653.gif">SIGIL</a>
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<P>&nbsp;<P>&#169; Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, Joy of Satan Ministries; <BR>Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
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