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<title>Outcast by Dima Z</title>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Joy of Satan Ministries">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Poems and Eulogies to Satan">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Satan, Satanism, Spirituality, Spiritual, Meditation, Chakras, Magic, Magick, Soul, Human Soul, Aliens, Ascention, Kundalini, Yoga, Yogic, Breath, Meditating, Postures, Chakra System, Energy, Energy work, Ascention, Demonolatry, Demonology, Demonic, Ancient Gods, Paganism, Pagan, Alchemy, Learn Alchemy, Alchemical Work, Magnum Opus, Occult, Occultism, Who is Satan, Sell, Buy, Reality, Lies, False, True, Theistic Satanism, Colors, Meditations, Hypnosis">
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<P><BR>I have choosen this riality
<BR>To be distant from society
<BR>To be closer to the one
<BR>Who is brighter then the sun
<P>I'm not lost but I'm alone,
<BR>I do know what's going on,
<BR>I'm different from them all
<BR>But in a good way after all
<P>You might know him as Satan,
<BR>Yes it IS the Shining One,
<BR>He have thought me all I know
<BR>And He didnt taken any toll
<P>I'm free but I'm alone,
<BR>That's ok, the life go's on
<BR>Road is long and I do know,
<BR>What will happen after all.
<P>HAIL SATAN, for the one,
<BR>Who is brighter then the Sun
<BR>I'm with you and thats enought,
<BR>Live an age with you like that.
</I> <p>-Dima Z.
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