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<title>Ancient Egyptian Messages</title>
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<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#98AFC7" link="#FF0000" alink="#9e7bff" vlink="#C8B560"> <P><BR><font face="Verdana,Arial" size=3><center><img src="HeiroglyphTwo.jpg" width="550" height="540"></center>
<LI>Towards the middle is Amon. It is apparent he has reached the level of transformation. I believe the images of the animal heads represent this very transformation. <BR>Note the ball of energy above his head (eighth chakra) with the serpent (symbolic of kundalini) protruding from the front.
<LI>A Goddess (I believe is his wife) sits behind him, palms facing him with her hand chakras directing energy into the rear of his 6th chakra.
<LI>She is demonstrating a lower level of achieving the goal of spiritual transformation. A depiction of a bird perched sits above her head, indicating she has not yet reached the levity stage.
<LI>Amon is holding the ankh, indicating he is circulating the energy she is giving him. </p>
<LI>Note on the overhanging wall above, the serpents along with the feathers. The Goddess in the middle, Nephthys? holds two circles which I believe contain the serpentine energy.</UL>
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